7n 3 S "'- e -' Yt ... - r i ! I L REMAIN AN INSPIRATION 'JSKZ AND MONTHS OF TEDIOUS JS -PATIENCE, HIS RESOURCE! rCCES3 HAVE NEVER BEEN EQUALED INT. HIS DISCOVERY GAVE TO ) ELECTRICITY. it At Less Expense develop ment of Edison's first Lamps Money" -, . . .... . before, and at no additional expense or the ifford to have anything but Mazda lamps in agents: POWELL SUPPLY SARATOGA DRUG SHERMAN & M'CONNELL DRUG CO. - 16th and Dodge Sts. SHERMAN & M'CONNELL DRUG CO. . - 16th and Harney SHERMAN & M'CONNELL DRUG CO. - 207-09 North 16th SHERMAN & M'CONNELL DRUG CO. - 24th and Farnam STRAUSBAUGH UNITED STATES Harney Street VOCHAL'S PHARMACY WALNUT HILL PHARMACY : . . 3923 Cuming Street WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY-1920 Farnam Street WILLIAMS' PHARMACY WILKE & MITCHELL wJ - r 4 D50iV UL - THE WORLD COMPANY Auto Supply . 2119 Farnam COMPANY - , 24th St. and Ames Avel PHARMACY 1816 "inton Street AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY 602 ICth and Bancroft Streets - 40th and Farnam Streets COMPANY IF IT'S BETTER ELECTRIC FIXTURES OR WIRING YOU WANT CALL US! The following are just a few of the many big insti tutions for whom we arc doing work : Creighton Gymnasium Edward Hotel Victoria Apartments Mayfair Apartments Leigh' Apartments There's a reason for their selecting us to do the work. They want service, quality and workmanship. American Electric Company 520 South 16th Street Phone Doug. 1481 D) TO1 ) I A r;. r xrrr i A 1215 Pierce Street 1207 HARNEY STREET ft It t t 1 p 3 r We Sell Edison Mazda Lamps And carry a big and varied line of Electrical Goods, such as the Every-Ready Flash Lights, Motorcycle Lamps and all kinds of Electrical Household Articles. Mickel's Nebraska Cycle Co. Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. Louis Sommer 4820 Dodge St. Phone Walnut 102 Fancy Groceries and Fresh Fruits We Sell Edison Mazda Lamps Adams-Haight Drug Stores 21th am! take Streets. 210V! INirt Street, l'hono UwWr MOI. riione Webster . Oiudily First. Together With rrompt Service. We Sll' Kdison Mnsda Iami. Step by Step with Edison- It ai lust Thirty-six years ago that this company was started under the firm name of lshans & McEwan, at 15th and Farnaru Streets, whero the Barker Block now stands. The firm name has been changed twice since then. In 1890 to F. M. Kussell Fixture Co., and In 1905 to Burgesa-Qranden Co. The wonderful developments made by Mr. Edison In Electrical Appliances and Lamps have made It possible for this firm to expand rapidly and today it Is one of the largest fixture houses in the west. WE SELL EDISOX MAZPA LAMPS BURGESS - GRANDEN CO. l.TIl HOWARU Edison Prize $2,500 Some of the Big Prizes: Indian Motor Cycle Edison Phonograph Evinrude Motor Old Town Canoe Iver Johnson Bicycle Elgin Watch Kodak and over 2,000 Other Prizes Any Agent will gladly give you information regarding the contest II flk IP ia i a It at 11 II ti l 0-?. 11 ft a 13 hi STREET. Day Contest 11 n 5? m Frizes y HI H CTt I A. SI I V5 5 Hsl i:! 1:1 ji- i PART RIYERS PLAY IN WARS History is Full of Great Battle i that Are Remembered by the Name of Stream! Nearby. BLOOD TAKES PLACE OP WATER Rlvr hsv ) plnyrj a irt mid MonwtlmiN a d'l!lv role In th rt ilnmi of r, n. the coIoikiI Kupjprnn ntniKKl I no t xf-vptlon to the rule. On th runtrmry. the sratft buttle the world li rrr een, holh t'f raun of lt duration anil the number n-il. 1 not uuUkrly to so down to hletnry aa the buttle of the rlvrn. Thrae are the Alanv the Oie ami the bomme, all af whluh. (Hiring that Interminable bat tin, literally .on with blood. What role, too, liaa Out Mouiie playel In tltta war! it waa the dtl'l.i'ulty of ri.aalus It In lh ot the fire of the J l-os" torta which rau?.l tnat fortnluht J urlay In the rarrylns out ot the kaUor I lionram whit A avet France and, tr- I hapa eventually, the urlttah empire. l'uilns that lortnlght the water of the Mouae were choked with the bndlea 01 Die alaln. The Itlver Net he. a tributary of the f lilvtlt, formed one' ot the main ob. atauies to the Uermana in thvlr treat avanull upon Antwerp. Time and time aaaln the Oermana auceeetled In setting a pontoon brUlK completed and came down to the river bauk In aolld muwi to croaa It. Aa tuey camo every Bellan sun that could be turned upon the spot waa con centrated upon them, and they were blown away and the brldae destroyed, until the river HteraJiy ran wiUi blood. Hlmllar deatructlnns of pontoon brldgea burdened with their living freight of men and horaee and gun have, occurred on all the many river which Oil war hue brought Into the terrible limelight of buttle. Who will ever forget the tragedy of the TugelaT Krorn being an unknown liver, except to Poutn African. It auddenly .i.rn into universal fame. 1U eroaalng ! proved the cru of ths Boer war. The I attempt to foroa a paaaag ooat thou 1 an.U of live. Including that young hero, i the only on ot lr& Robert, who d.ed In trying to av tha guna, n UP" v. horn the Victoria Cro was betwed ufler death. i Everybody will rJl tha srt whkin ' "Father TUwr played In olda dys M the dofenae cf Rome, and epUlly Lord Macaulay aUrrlng ballad which tells how Horatlu kept tha bridge against an ' h ... Ik. army and men a warn " bridge u hewn down, weighted with hU armor. That ballad and Us herolo toplo I but an Indication of tne etaem in which rlvere hava ever been held by alrategtata ss Una ot defenie. Wntek tha Rhine. What war tha Oermana elm'j, before, the palace of their emperor Juet before tha war atartod? And what are they sing' Ing a they march to battle T The Ger man war song. "The Watch on the Rhine." They have good raon to lng that eong, for tha Rhine for generation formed their weetern boundary, and no five aver croaaad It unorpoed. From the day of Julius Caeaar, Who oroaaed It I twice with an army, to modern times It ha been making history- Napoleon croased It times without number. Hla moat tragical eroaalng waa after th groat Battle of Lepilg. .when hla broken army atrugglad back Into France. But on most occasions he crowed It victoriously, I and on on memorable occasion hi army 1 oroaaed by moonlight on the ice. A tributary of Oie Klb., Germany's mint famous river nest to the Rhine, has been made Immortal by a great but tie on Its hanks. This wss the battle ot Hohanllnden, fought In midwinter be tween the combined force ot France and Bavaria undor that great military genius, General Moreau, and the Aus trlana. The latter were defeated with a losa of 18.000 men. The victor toil 9.000, but captured seventy-nine of the enemy's gun and took 7,000 prisoner. Immediately after this battle an Kngllih bard w tote one of hla finest odes upon It. Another famous little river, s tributary of the Dunulie, which Itself he seen mors flshtlng, perhaps, than any other stream In Kurope except the Rhine, Is the Nlbel, Upon this slresm stand the Village of Ulenhelin, after wnlch the splendid palace of the Duke of Marlbor ough, a gift from the nation, la called. The river at thia point, where it falls Into the Danube, is divided Into severul brenc he. with marahy ground between, and th French made It their left flank. APPLY SAGE TEA IF HAIR IS Grandma Used Sage Tea and Sulphur to Darken Her Hair and Nobody Knew V ... . . - 'Vt Tint uae ot H&k and Kulphur lur re torltiK faded, gray hair to lis natural color date bark to grunUmothcr' time. Hhe used It to keep her hair boautlfully dark, tiluisy and abundant. VS'liont-vir her hair ft-ll out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, thU sim ple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. But brewing at homo la many and out-of-date. Nowadaya. by asking at any drug store for a frvceut bottle of "Wyeth's Hsge and Sulphur Com pound," you will get this famous old recipe which can be depended upon' to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and I splendid for dandruff, dry, feverish, Itchy acalp and falling hair. A well-known down town druggUt It darken the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It ha been applied. You simply dampen a aixinge or eofl brush with It ami draw thia through your hair, taking one strand at a llniH. Ky morning the gray hair dla appenra, und after anothor application or two it become beautifully dull., gloxy, Bfft and abundant 12 I 1 GRAY 1( . - ... sc. SUES FOR TIPS HE HIGHTMYE HAD John P. Byrne Wants Py for Whm He Would Hare Taken In if He Had Not Been Removed. GUESTS AVERAGE 13 . CENTS John r. Ryrn. former head porter ot the Kontenelle hotel, tHea.es In t stilt sealant the Intorstste Hotel company filed in district court, that during; a period of right months hr lost 9M&U.75 of his share of tip paid ny guests which he should haw received if th rnanaKement hsd de served the condition of a contrnei which ho hsd. He sued for thes tips and $500 salary from Septt-. i ber, when he ceased work until Ff rusry, when the contract expires. Byrne charge that the manSRomcut prevented hla employee from moetiiiK and serving gueats and diochargrd him. He tnformn the court he we to havf control of acrvlce to sucats. the chock room and the handling ot wrap an-l baggage In the Kontenelle. for which l-.t waa to receive tliO a mouth, with th understandlng that he was to pay hl own aeniatanta and divide th tips re ceh-ed. The fact that he was to receive a percentage or the tips, amounting In some Instances to W per -cent, waa the main Inducement which caused him to taks the Job, Byrne allege. Ttge Averaa; Fifteen Caa. The average tip paid by each of th average 1M new guests who, according to Byra, stop at the hotel each day lx 11 cents, he asserts. Thst th outgoing gueet, however, i" leas generous. Is Indicated by the head porter's saMrtlon that hla average tip l 14 cent. The following facts and figures con cerning the welt known subject of tip at a hotel of the class ot ths Footenelle. Is contained In Byrne's petition. Th check room pars an average of 1220 u month In tips. Two men wera employed there by Byrne and thry received wsgen of $M a month each and one-half their tips, Ths other half went to Byrne and amounted to an average profit of 60 s month, he says. O Davaee llahta. On banquet or dancs nlghta. which occur about four times a week at the Fontenella, tips amounted to $14 a night. Including check room gratuities. One hundred and fifty Incoming guest paying an average tip of IS cents each for service returned a revenue of 122. So a day, of which Byrne's share waa .. Ths same number of guests outgoing Paid an average of 10 cent each, or a total of $1 of whloh hla share was f a day. Byrne was employed at the hotel from February last till Beptomber 24. One week after the opening of th hotel, he al legea, the management put a man In front of tha check room, who directed gueats to check wraps In another part of ths hotel end hired men to huiullo bsggaga and wraps other than hl em ployes. Byrne Urged for Re-Election On the Federal Baijk Boartl A "campaign la on emanating from the Omaha Clearing Houso n wo. iatiou f n the rs-electlon of T. C Byrne of lunuhii to a place on the board of Uiravtor.i oi th federsl reacrve bnnk nt Kunwa" City, for the tenth regions! rcsi-rve 1 Uj -trtet. Mr. Byrne and President Jones of the United tS tales National bank (f Denver were Uie two director put on the boart to sen one year. Their year will soon be up, snd In November nominations are to be mads to headquarters at Washing ton for directors to rill their plsces. Mr. Jones Is to retire from the board, as the situation has been such that ha hss hsd to spend fully ono-Uilrd of his time at Ksnsaa City. Mr. Byrne, however. Is being urged by ths national banks of Omaha and Ne braska for re-election. Ths local bankers sre greatly pleased with the way this merchant has stepped out and mastered the banking business In a year, and the way ha has administered In his capacity as a member of ths board. Th clearing houss Is preparing to send out letters to all th national banks In the dlstlct, which Is Nebraska, Wyoming. Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma and western Missouri. Denver Is using Its Influence for the election of President Mitchell of ths Den ver National bank to succeed Jones, who will retire from the hoard. PIONEER ASKS OFFICIALS TO INVESTIGATE ASSAULT Kdward Ourske, pioneer Omahan, now residing at ths. House of Hope, has asked city officials to Investigate an assault and robbery of which he claims to have been the victim Friday morning. Ths al leged crime Is said to have occurred near the House of Hope. Mr. Ourske cam to Omaha fifty-nine years sgo. He Is 83 years of age, and during a conversation with City I 'rose -cutor McOuIre said he la a veteran of three German campaigns lsw, li and H70-7L He further Identified himself by stating that hla son, Kdward K. Ourske, l h resident of Omaha for many years. l ; now the head of the Kmplra Candy and lilucult company at Spokane, nan., and : U worth more than ll.0U0.0u0. HANSC0M PARK DANCE FLOOR READY FOR USE Who wants to be the first to dunce on the new floor al tlio Hanucom park pa vilion? Superintendent English of the recreation board wants to know. The second floor of the pavilion lis been prepared for danclug, which privi lege will be granted to organizations upon application at the recreation board office In tha city hall. Ths plan adopted contemplates allowing these dances only under the auspices ot approved organlsatlona whoe members will be held responsible for the observ ance of a set of rules which have been printed for distribution. Applications for this dance floor way ' now be mads. Boll's Plne-Tsr-Honey gos right to Uie spot. Checks the cot'.gU, eajtes throat, kills the cold gerui. Only 2fi, All drug gldl. Advertisement. Apartment, flats, houses and cotuttu can be rented quickly and ciieauly by a Bee "For Rent."