TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: (XTOHKK 10, 1D13. FLIGHT OF FORTY 1H FILMY CHIFFON Connecticut Fanner Lament Lou of Summer Beauty Show. the LEARNING! LYRO-RYTHMIC ART Forty of tit mtwt fair end irmil fig. urwonif-If there U aurh a word young women that the town vrr bclirld have Invadml one nf New Tork a moat fash ionable acrtlnaa. llettrr looking than a beauty show. more Krmcvfnl than th brat tra Inert bal lot you ever aw, and all or nearly all society glrla! No. thia la not a theatrical announce , tnent. It la tiiwfV the nri that Mra. , norence Fleming ffoyea. Instructor In pola and "lyro-rythmic eprealon." I tranaf erred to No. 1M Marilaon avenue for the winter a at hool whl h In the aummer ehe haM been conducting at South Woodatock, Conn. No. I Madiaon avenue la the oil home of Robert lniceraoll, and la di rectly arroae the atreet from the house of J. Plerpont Morgan. The forty beau tiful girl will dwell there aa well an atudy there. And they will wear tlinutrh not In the open air, aa they Old at Piiuth Woodatock filmy costumea of chiffon. There will be neither aufflclency nor wetKht of fabric to rni'titntxT them in " their Itaaome nwvementa. luba of Hi-r- and llellef. Juat how South Woixlatiak, which haa , had the young puplla of Mra. Noyoa all aummer, feeia alHiut their departure la difficult t aacertain. Hut It la proh. ably a mixed feeling, with the feminine part of the countrygidn heaving aiKlia of relief, and the muaculinn end closing lia eyea and trying to toll back the won derful vbrtona It beheld through the arm, aunlit da. At ifiai that a the vecanionai feeling of a reporter for the New Tork World who anw the dnnrpa' of the siirlte. f At the beginning of July. Mra. Nnyea rented the ?KV-cr farm of Judge Al fred Matthewaon of New Haven. beautiful place which conulna velvety lawna, rippling brook a, awlu.led wood land gladea and all the other tliliila neeaaary to call to the mind of a young woman what might be termed "thoughta! H beautiful." Mra. No yea la the dancer I who' imperaonatud "Liberty" on the rapllol atepa at the Inauguration of I'naldont llaon. She haa appeared at varloua pageanU given by auffragta. Itodln, the aculptor, aald aha had the moat perfect right arm in tha world, her frlvnda nay. ' To tha remote Connecticut farm cam her puiiiia from -Sew lorn, Horn on, i'h.la dHiila, Chicago, Cleveland and halt a ' r ' dncen other ciliea. They were to learn grace, po.ae and "lyro-rythtnlc axprea alon." Home ot them brought ten or twelve trunka of clothing with them, but aa aoon aa they arrived they learned that tha moat Imperative order of Mra. Noyea waa that the glrla were to wear loose robea of tha lighteat of chiffon; only that, nothing more. No ahoea, no cornet, abaolutely, nothing but the chiffon. ' . tpertatora Broke Rtorkad. ; i At f Irat , lb dancing loaaon were aiven on a a moot h atretch of turf not far from the road which leada to Pom fret, where the Woodatock Valley farm era go to send their prod tic to market, but It waa not long before Mra. Noyea found that farmera' wagona and auto mobile were blocking the roadway, and that every dance waa beheld by an aa ecmblaga of aitectatora. ranging from ' millionaire to hired men. 80 aha ha I her own hired limn, dim K.-ickaon, cut whit birch aapllnga and make a atuckado of them, which ahut off. the view. lint enthualaatlo apectatora priet and cut apart the blrchca. and tbrongod th roadaide In greater number a than ever. An aoala fur the gviiurai populucel ilra. Noyea changed th teen of lb terp alchorean enuavuia to a aeUuded glade away back In the wood, far from any road. Every morning and afternoon th glrla danced and aought to give rhythmlo ex preaalon to their thought. Kach waa ;J told, uion her arrival, that ah nuat for get her family and name, and aaeuni the character of aoroe mythological person. Here are tha character and thoa who liniwraonated them, aa given to the World ' reporter by Mra. Noyea: Ualatea. Mlaa Hilda Carllng. New Tork; ' . I'haeton. Mlaa Anita pay. iioaton; En- " tlymlon. Mlaa Kvbecca Jordun Chany. New Tork: Achillea, Mia Grace C.rvle, dlt Lak city, I'tah; Echo. M.aa JIaiel Itowland 8anda. ,yuatn; Krato. aiU Anna ciuge, t'ambi l.lvr: Kurvdlee Miu they anw me eiin beneath the rover of their tent, but deebled that it mut have been a ghoat. In aome fahl m tn apfarntiott waa named "Alfred th Clhoat." and It waa one of the Jokea of the aesthetic colony to aak earn morning If any one had aeen "Alfred" during tn nlaht. At the beginning of KeptemW, henj.J ceoluh. Mra. Noyea cloeed her achool and moat of th glrla went home. They had atme Amusing experlem ca. Their ahoea would not fit beenuae going barefooted had changed the eha of their feel, f Oarmcnte were too Ixme. l-aii figurei- j had grown more a'ender. Altogether they t were ipille different glrla. ? Their departure waa a great event S' for South Womlatnek aa their arrival L had been, too. It waa. aa haa been Bald, f an oceaalon of mlnxlcd regret ana reuer. f If you know anybody who live up touth ; i oolatock way. nak nun, ami lie 11 proi nbly alKh eratat cally but at the aame tlnte aorrowfully. New York World- I. i: nrm w a, wmrmtArv'r m,w m Vwwvwjrw,rAwy winrrw VXXs:yw f f l If ft M f It ffl f M f II M If f 0m at mAm m m -wir -rttwrirrTi-giiivf w rwyvfr-gijnf II M M 19 I 1 vrr vnvTN t ti 1 i ii 1 4 14 i II I I M 11 c1 .. M EDISON DA X WHY THE SKELETON GRINNED M 9 IIS 3 oUln( Tower of Veieal .Irrva Dm oaitratrd on tiaplnai (rana. A akeleton pea-efully reclining In the v Inflow of a auiglcal auiply houae had .lUinetcd a motley group of mon. Their ncea were aober, almoat ghaatly, In the ellow glaie of the wli dow light. A talV ,ellow with a red face, rimlcaa apectaclea und thin I pa tlmt ojiened and ahut with 1 click, waa holding forth excitedly and ;he other were drinking In hla worda ilh a grave eagerne-. The apeaker car 11 a Kok In h.a handa wh.rh h uaed .inprcalvely in geature. "That man," he waa auylng. awlnglng hla book toward iho whitened bonea In tho window, "thnt man never dlid a natural death. He waa killed. What killed him? Ioc lra, druga, medicine. All druga I pol- on. Mebbe they cut 'Im open with n. knife. And all he needed waa a little j nd.luatinent. little preaaure hero and a little rubbln' there. When a man get ! alr k they gend for a doctor. The doctor I give 'im a lot of medicine, all polaon, and ef that don't kill Mm he uaually I glt'a a knife and cut aomethtrig out of j 'im. All alckneaa la the remit of lack ' of r.nneonnnee III the functioning of the nmitomy. and the only thing that'll euro It, I tell you men. la adjustment, adjuet ment of the nervea, tendooma aud neur one of the body ao that all ro-operate together. Medicine won't do It, for mcdl elno la polon. Take qulnin. for In atance. If that man thrr," pointing to the akeleton, "took quinine It would ha' atayed In hla body oil the daya of hla life. Quinine enter the bone and It atay there, nrd If that man waa doaed with quinine you could lake them bonea there nnd melt Ym and get back every bit of quinine he ever took!" here the apeakcr' vol'o reached a high pilch and hla face became alarmingly red. A quiet voice Interrupted him. "Hut yon can't melt bonea, you know. It' a chemi cal tmpoaaiblllty." The young man who uttered theae word waa poaaetned of a fnco nLnoet completely lacking a chit. a condiiion wnicn gave mm a near im becile appearance, but he eiokc with auch aaaurnnee that all of the group turned In atlnetlvely to him. The orntor of the day waa not ao easily dlapunaeaced of hla poat-tlon, "Well." he aald. "mehhe you can't melt 'em, but If you could the quinine would be there. My authority for that atate- ment In Dr. Dr. Oh that great French doctor I can't remember hla nam juat now, Vut I'll tell yem what" turning to the doubter "If you come up to my plarV I'll enow you th book that It' In." Th young man with the mlaalng chin eeemed entirely aatUfled with thla explanation and. with the nthera, aa umed an air of wrapt attention. "There no need of alckneaa In the world. Adjuatment, proper adjuatment, will cur 'em all. Why, I went to call ..on a doctor the other day, and hla nurae cam down to the door, and aald the doctor waa alck In bed, and couldn't aee no one. I aald, 'Lrftdy, you Juat let m aee that doctor a minute.' And I walked right paat her and went up Into the doc tor' room and found him In hi bed not able to move. I aet him up and run my hand down hla aplne. found a nerve In the lower vertabrae out of place and puahed It back. Well, air, that doctor waa out on the atreet In half an hour, walking aa atralght aa an arrow! Inaan lty, coneumptlon, fevere, all could be cured In th aame way Juat by adjuat ment. Why, I tried to get In out here at th aaylurn to work on th patient and they wouldn't let ma In! Wanted to know what I knew about anatomy and phyalnlngy and th atmcture of the hu man body' here th face of hi audi- 1 tor took on an iprelon of sympathy I "and ! told them that I knew more ; than the whole bunch of them put to gether" here their facea manifested ap probation. I "Why, men. people might go on living forever If they only paid attention to adjuatment. Any man ought to b able 5. Id, add fifty year to hi ttf by ad i ft 1 Emily Adama. Hoaton; Narclaaua. MlaIJ ",en1, aJiyWay' '. " bualnea May hlmpeon; Itaeehu. Mia Margaiet 1 CPd"' ent',mn n(1 ' nT t you Warner King; Juno. Mlaa Eva UuUon : haV ny dl" n "eumlgla to con Iioaton: l'luto. Mlaa Valeria Idd Mm- , "JmPUon-or xl'tn 0,J hv dlaeaae fceapolla; Cupid. Mia. Louie Killlnger. ZT m dU.b,S Ur on New York; Iphlgenla, M,a. Hole,, Cam,,! 11 P" ru t0 roak yMt to W . I'hllauelph.a; Aurora, Miu M.lh Marii. ". ! ... . v I Kana City; AtalauU. Mia Wlnlired 1 fc"ch ' h nn took on ot th card. , I-awrence. Cleveland; Clytl. Mia lvr- 1 nd " th ln",r,I,,,0 thewon with ai ctl.y fgmlth. Cincinnati; Mercury. MlM "ertu 'Th only levity dlacernabl Georgia fprague. New Vork; Apollo. Ml . . -'"C' - 't!',0,, .,h ueruut Kemlck, Uoaton; and Calliope. Mlaa AH. Harney lleminiik, WaaUlng too. ""i"" at Uvddeaaea Batata;. Following th afternoon dunce, the Ctrl would go to a brook wher there waa a ilttle water fall. and. at.ll la their chlffona, would II In the atream and allow th tumbling waivr lu fJl over tham. but admirer of th claanlc and beau tiful sought them out, tl.o glna and Mr. Noy discovered, even In tb.ao rttruata o far from the beaten patha. lndlanapoli New. t5 A "Far Pal" ad wnt tura oond-hand ! fumltur Into caah. f- Edison's Favorite Invention The Diamond Disc 1 0' 0 Hear 51 , ; TCSAVS BEAUTY HELPS Nothing excite more crltlclam than woman with her fac all daubed with Behind I flir powder In her dealr to hi 1 a faulty buahea and up In tree top. wore oIucjv- or aging akin. Inatead of ualng powder. rred th face of farm Ud and (tula la which clo. and enlarge th porea. It U 1 i iVrwhl'v,'11'" tOHHKl : bs,ter " aua gray whUkerej vtaogea of yrown-up . . . . agiictiltuiiat. ; wU1 "P"w and permanently benefit the And to th horn of th fuity fair uuea ! fcm ,y dllvl four ounc of apur- cam rvporta that many an Irate tin- ( ma in a half pint of hot water you can ployer wondered why In all tarnation hi make an tnezpenalv lotion that will do p.oduc didn't get to Nw York in thu. wotlder aa a akin whltener and con- tol tuJIT fT.S" muUh ' f'"lon 'T' remove, all ahln iaion for blinaelf. And there wor alao , tale, of arnpiy-formc-a fa.m.r. wht. allone roughneaa. and toing to th old klaiibe,n p.ac and j ,v th kln mooth. velvety tone, dragging away their beauty wor.Uippina while It doe not rub off eaally like .13 pouae. Eventually th guardian of th forty l'd a high iiartMKl-wire ftoc iUctd about their dancing turf and about their bathing brook, which uioro or leaa ei;co tuaily kept away th ardent devolve of "lyrortiiyuiLhtc xpraaln" a a cetiic affair. laier Wu m tikiMl, "Tutt." Th Matthewaon faimhoue 1 a great. rambling atruutur with fully rooma. Itut ti.cM young luythologicai qurena aconied to aleep beneath a roof. Army tent wer procured for them, and thy .petit their dieuuilng hour iu the opc-u. too. Two of the glrla one niht fancied powder, nor doe It ahnw on th akin. J 15 y waahlng tit hair with a teaapoon ful of tanUiro dUaolved In a cup of hat water, afterward riming thoroughly with , clear water, on flnda that It drie quickly and evenly, la unatreaked, bright, ' oft and very flutfy, ao fluffy. In fait. I that It looka more abundant thaa It ta and ao aott that arranging It become a pleaaure. Thla almple, Inexpenniv aham- ! poo clvanaea the hair and acalp laor- ', oughly of all dandruff and dirt, and leave a clean. wholrani feeling. All . acalp Irritation will dbutppear. and the hair will b brujhler und gloaaicr tlmn ever befur Au bi lUciiK ut the Edison in Your Home 1 4wT'-' - y,.. . , l x lit r ' - . " ; I ; . ' 1 'it ! t ' f- Compare this Musical Instrument with any or all sound reproducing machines & "a 1 Investigate! "Better Be Wise Than Sorry" The "Edison Shop SHULTZ BROS. 313 South Fifteenth Street. Omaha 99 av a m I t' THOMAS ALVA EDISON lt Mil aEVER r "w r , AS- HIS WORK WILL F01 TO MANKIND. THE L0N( EXPERIMENTING, HIS DAUNTLl NESS THAT TURNED FAILURE INTO SUCC IN THE HISTORY OF HUMAN ACHIEVEMENT ONE OF ITS GREATEST BLESSINGS APPLIED E EM More Light; and Now More These have been the steps of progress through 36 years to the economical, efficient lamps of today. ofc EOES 2DA .1 i yi Three Times the Light for The Same You can enjoy three times as many rooms electric lighted as you ever had b bright comfort of three times as much light in your present rooms. Can youafi every socket in your house. Edison Mazda lamps are sold by the following : a - Main Street, Florence BEATON DRUG COMPANY 15th and Faraam Streets FLORENCE DRUG COMPANY BURGESS-GRANDEN COMPANY 1511 Howard Street ADAMS & HAIOHT DRUG STORE - 24th and Lake Streets ADAMS & HAIQIIT DRUG STORE. 24th and Fort Streets A. D. PRIBBERNOW Pharmacy - 24th and Vinton Streets A. L. HUFF Pharmacy 2324 Leavenworth Street FOREST & MEANY DRUG CO. - 401 N. 24th, South Omtii FREGGER DRUG COMPANY 16th and Grace Str 6els. GOLDEN PHARMACY 24th and Leavenworth Strets .; HANSCOM PARK PHARMACY 1501 Park Avenue HERMANSKY BROS Pharmacy - - 16th and VintOT.Ptftj af- A. SHAW Fancy Grocery 2116 Military Avenue BEMIS PARK PHARMACY 3233 Coming Street a BERNAK & SON .... Sixteenth and William Streets BLAKE DRUG COMPANY . . 16th and Locust Streets ERNEST BUFFET Fancy Grocery - - 50tn and Underwood FENTON DRUG COMPANY 33i and California Streets KNUDSEN GROCERY COMPANY . 5&G9 Main St., Benson LOUIS SOMMER Fancy Grocery .... 4820 Dodge Street LAEMMLE FILM SERVICE COMPANY 1122 Faniani MID.WEST ELECTRIC COMPANY 1207 Harney Street MUNT DRUG COMPANY . - . 24th and F Sts., South Omaha NEBRASKA- CYCLE COMPANY . 15th and Harney Streets : 0. H. WIRTH Pharmacy . 1330 North-40th Street FENTON DRUG COMPANY 3S52 Leavenworth Street PHILLIPS DRUG COMPANY 13th and Harney Streets " 1 MED-WEST SOLE DISTRIBUTORS i nil f, ti i fi ii ii . , t . .-( ii ft i i tt n t t t ft ti I I l ti ti It t t It rr; IIA VniatXljrH. SHB I rl t attM aix-at atfii a- aMat. i a ii - - r 1 m w w lianas s OfcaMlf vrv