niK OMATIA STTN'DAY REE: . OCTOBER 10. . 1915. New Zealand Girl. Asks Mr. Sunday j to End the Wan nl th Knropn r nd'h written a tfttir tln him to (to rinM ovw to Kurope and do It. iroml(nir to pray earn rily for hl aurrraa. Pho la Mla U llln Jmrln Wentnn. Mil fort Road. Talmoraton. North Wrlllns ton. NfW ZaUnd. Her letter, dated ovrr two month airo, arrived at th Loyal hofrl Palurdny morning. Phe had addreMwd H to ' Mr. Wily Sunday. EvninM!l, Xir Tork. t'nltd R(ato. Anwrla." from New Tork It had hn forwarded to Philadel phia, thence to ratrraon, N. J.; thence to Winona lke, Ind., and frttrrt there br mistake to Ullllnfa. Mont From the lat ter plara It wa arnt to Omaha and de livered to "nilly." The letter rada aa followa: ftear Mr. PUly Punday, Evsnfellm.: It haa rome to my mind that you mlaht I e'op thla t'rrtMe l".iirfp,n war. bo the j InMmment In (iod handa to do en. I i hare rd what a rt preacher you are I and what crowd so to h-r yon, and 1 he tirm praylnc to (Ind that thla war mlaht ba ovr before annher anniversary; of our Oear Kavlour'a tlrth coma around i and It haa com Into mv mind (hat you' mlabt go to fJrmany and cntnlnce them' of the wrona of carrylna; on (hie war. You could rreach to tha aecmtlod ar-1 trrg of lrmana. or to thoee at the head i of affalra. If no. In (lerman, then hy ttmm of an Interpreter. Tf you will aro I mill prer curn'-ntlv for rour e'tcce. WILLKNA JKMriK WKHTON. .Tilly" hnen't taken any atepa to -fetl-ia eieamahlp paaM to Europe. WARMER WEATHER PREVAILS ALL OVER WEST PORTION Aocordlnr I" the report to the railmada, warmer weather U neneral over the weet- em part of tha ta(e and all the way throtnh to the mountain. Generally it la clear and calm. All through wce'ern ami central Ne braska Friday night tempermtnrea were close to freeaing. while out In Wyoming they were a high aa degree alsyve aero. HYMENEAL- v Pet erann-Rapo. Minnie Rapp. dughi'V of Joaerh f?p. and Karl A. ivtereon ,wcre married hr the Rer. Charlea W. ravldge Friday evening at o'clock at thrlr own real done. :j ftouth Twenty-fourth atreet. The attenrtanla were Mr. and Jlrl. Claude narhauuh. A 1(1(1 rtrl An the othr-r ld of (li rerU Nllrva thiit "Hill jr" Sunday ran Ua Tha Kee'i 'Swapper- column, furniture Into caah. We Are Advertited By Our Customer The Economy Door U Always Wide Open Here Economy la tha beet talent the) shopper baa at her disposal, and '.hi tor meets It with the talent of shrewd merchandlsln W maintain quality standard, keep tip assortmente, do everything we can to make shopping at tractive and easy, but first, last and always we keep price down to the point of real economy. A Good Crib Blanket Value Crib Blankets, soft fleeced crib or pinning blankets, size 30x40 inches. White and tan with pretty fast colored pink and blue bor ders; fancy stitched ends. Regular 19c values, each 8c Our Aniwial October Sale of Blankets 12 A- V The Brandeis Stores' idea of service and helpfulness to their customers is to give the big values when you need them most when a large volume of business will offset low prices.' Such is this Annual Blanket Sale. Vast shipments of new blankets and all sorts of bedding are on our shelves and counters, purchased under unusually advantageous conditions and priced to please you so well that we are sure of the greatest Annual October Hale of Blankets and Bedding we have ever hejd. This sale will begin at 8:30 tomorrow morning in our Great Enlarged Basement. Fine Wool and Cotton Blankets Big Values ' Bath Robe Blanket $2.39 Krtra large alio, with waiat girdle and netk cord to match. Wide range of dealrable pattern 3 and aerviceable colors that will not fade. Sixe 72x90 Inches, one will make a robe for the Urgent peraon. Well worth $3.00. Special, boxed complete, for ' . . : Fine Wool Blanket Thii la a lot of very fine wool blanket made for full alae double beds. Very good durable blanket in plalda, check and plain shades, many have wide ribbon binding. Blanket of this high quality are a) way aold at $5.00 to $8.00; i on tale price $f.JU ' Extra Quality Cotton Blanket . Superior quality cotton blanket, bought far low their regular ' value. ISxtra large aixn, full 72x84; extra aoft flnirh and twilled. Weight 3,, to 4 pounds to pair. In plaids, check and plain white and gray wli pink and blue bor- qq ders. Well worth .3. aale price, pair. . . lwlD The Well-Keewn Btacen and Weelna ' ' Strictly All-Weel and Fine Weol rilled Abaolutely Pure Woel Blankete This Blanket Mad by the Beacon and Blanket Thee bUnkets, the best Amer- ' Blanket Made f aelected - wool - both lot comprlaes aome of the beet known Nhua Mill Extra heary weight and . itZ ofaUT; miln. and flne-t quaHty wool 'blJS Urj. U many being fuU 72x84 in pUircolors such a. tan gray and '-flUlng. wKh long staple , cotton chain, eta. North Star. Springfield Woolen Mills, inches. BeauUful assortment of two and white, toother with fancy plalda and Fancy check and block plaids, also etc. Made for the largest lte beda, full three-color combinations, plain white rherks-abaolutely fset colors. These whit' Ua and tray with blue and tlnk wnt 6 pound per pair. In allover gray, and fawn all colors guaranteed blankets are beautifully napped, large J?rj!r. , V? tiagV.!! tSSo plald check" nd pUl11 hdeB-,Co"td' '!8t Th? blanket, are so well known ise. and are the ' era-rest approach to ri9n- rul1 11-4 l a0 and 70x80 rlng-the advance price of wool, these they need no other recommendation, wool. Usually aold up to Aw Inchea, for largest bed. d0 Tf blanket would be cheap . f a ggy An exceptional value well An Pf $2.60. aale price,' SI .69 8 09 Tal01'' j 5 );Jr7 00' our ",e Prtce- p470 t0 400. at. per Jj.OU rin. Strictly All-Weel ' rin rft rieacad Cotton Blanket! ( Bacn Crib Blanket Ab.olutely fat Extra Hvy Slngl. and !, Six Cotton of the very finest grade of selected Call- With hort felted nap that doe not shed. - color, in blue, pink and white. Large as- Blanket Woolnap. extra heavy weight, fornla and Oregon wool. In the most Pull 12-4 aixe, 72x80 lnche. made from ' ortment of nursery patterns rabbit, , , ainrle blanketa in tan beautiful shadow plaid and delicate "V m-'"."i, . chick, teddy bear. etc. Sixe 38x50 Inches, extra large alx tingle Dianaet in tan checks; extra large aiae, weight to pair lon wpl CT0. mny r winter crlb bUnk(t Made by tne Beacon and gray. Many are equal to four and pounds. This Is one of the finest aheet. For economy and durability these M1U. The name "Beacon" stands for M . . . MlH- .-.i blanket valuea on ther market, and we blanket wfll appeal to many. Tbelr equal the best In blankets. They are too well I1V6 yar" OI retu'r ivc owing riannet. do not expect to have any left over from cannot be found for lea than one-third known for reliability and true worth to aultable for comforter covering and this sale. Junt 200 pair In AM AO more. AJways sold at $L2S AO need further recommendation. ja children's beds, useful In any f this lot. regularly sold t $8, 3S MA and op to $1.60. Sale price, MXp Always sold up to $1.00 or HHP household. Worth to 60c, I ZIP eale.price, patr.............V'V pair.., f.vv...u more, each T- special, each Nashua Cotton Blanket Soft Reered cotton, double blankets, for ise beds:, Made from long staple cotton,' In tan, white and gray with pink and blue bord- a r era. Well worth 75c, aale price, pair t JC Three Extra Pillow Btrg&ias All New Oeaii Feather Hlld Dd PSIlowa-Dustle5s and clean - feathers. ' Size 17x24 Inches, weifhtv 2 pounds each. Fine quality. Worth , ' OC 4oc, choice, each . .... .'. . . .OC : All New Feather Filled Pillow Extra fine quality twilled ticking cov-' cred. Size 17x25. Good plump pil lows, well worth 11.50, 98c Mixed Gooe and .Dock' Feather Filled Bed Pillow Clean and sanitary joose and duck .feather .filled, size: 21x27; covered with the best quality art twilled ticklnr. Worth 14.00, spe cial, while 50 pairs last, A i pair Four Great Mattress Bargains . All Cotten Filled Mattr Filled with, all new clean cotton; weight 45 pounds, for full site bed' 6nly; ' cov ered with a heavy art denim, close cloth tuft In gs. Regular ' $8.00 values, Monday, while 60 last,'., , QIJ . Full else BO-Peund Layer Felt Mat. tre Made , with . four - row of stitching, built up layer on layer; cov ered with heavy art ticking. This is the first time mattresses of this high quality wer ever aold so cheap, regu lar $$.00 value, while 100 i last, each $6.49 Full Size Whit Layer Fait Mat. tresses Built-up layers, weight 45 pounds; for full alze bed only. Heavy art. twilled ticking covered, close dia mond tufting. Well worth dJ Pfl $7,00, special, each $ieOa7 Full jx Whit Lyr Fait Mat tresaee -One of the very best mat tresse made, built up of white layer felt; four-row imperial atltched edges, will -not ' pack or become uneven. Weight full 60 pound. Covered w'th the best quality art twilled ticking, close diamond tufted. A splendid dur able mattr that is always sold at $10.00 to $12.00; special while 76 last we will offer them at.. $7.49 Auto Lap Robes Wool Lap Robe, very heavy, fancy patterns; weight up to 4 pounds each. Size 54x66, full 80 wool filled, good heavy and durable robes that sell every where up to $3.00 and more, with, wide hemmed edges, special, nn each . ple70 Plush and All-Wool Auto Robe , With wide fringe and 3-inch hems; plain edges. Beautiful plaids and checks in green, tan, black and red. Chase plush robes, plain back and fancy figured faces. Sizes 54x60 and 54x72, with and with out rubber interlining. Always priced at 6.5o to 7.oo, sale rf j price, each. .tpf ed 98c Four Exceptional Comfort Bargains White Cotton Filled Comfort On large lot of assorted quality comfort, full size 72x84. Fine quality A 1 allkollne cov ering, filled .with guaranteed all new white carded cotton; tied or fancy stitched, medium and winter weights. Material to make would cost $1.50, special, each Full alze White Cotton Filled Comfort Pure white cotton filled, eilkoline cov ered comfort. Light, dark and medlnm , colors, many have wide sateen border and panel centers, hand tied and fancy croli atltched. Extra special. Oft $2.00 values at, each 1 J7 Extra Fine Quality Comfort Covered with very fine ateen, made, with wide aateen borders to match; corded edges, most beautiful line of pattern 1n floral and conventional designs. One sheet of pure white cotton filling. Material to make would cost not less than dn jq $3.60, sale price, each.. pta? On Larq Lot of Full Size and Size Comforte Filled with new carded cotton, good quality figured silkollne covering; tied and stitched. While about twenty bales last,' $1.00 and $1.2o values, each. :."..!"..;.'..:69c Superlative Velvets, Velours and Corduroys Offering Exceptional Price Advantages . You may .wonder at our largo showing of the varieties in view of all you have heird of curtailment -of foreign production and restricted transportation. It is, in fact,, a wonderful illustration of American resourcefulness in general and this store's resourcefulness in particular. We(have the' largest. and best Belected stock of velvets west of Chicago. Whatever is fashionably' desirable is here, 'whether it be weave, color or patternyou simply cannot 'make, a mistake. We anticipate a wonderful autumn business in these fine textiles.' Genuine Imported 23-Inch Corduroy, In new street shades. 11.75 and 2.00. yard, $1.00 and , English ell the Worth Special, 33-Inch All-Silk Chiffon Ve lour, in - a beautiful range of colorings; worth $6, yard-' $3.50 pi 2S 40-Inch All-Silk Imported Chiffon Velour, in all the new exquisite colorings. Regular price $7.5o, sale price, yard ' 22-lnch Boulevard Velve teen, 50 different colors- to se lect from.- Regular 69c kind,, ,4,J- 39c 33-lnch Etra' Heavy, Very Close Pile Boulevard SuitinV and Dress Velveteen, fast col-' or and pile, In all colors. Yard Our line of Astrakans, ' Seal Plushes, . Novelty Velours, 'Arti- -ficial Fur 'Qoths, etc," etc., for ' your winter coat,; Is the most complete in the 1 west, and ' prices were neverso. low 1 48 to 54 inches wide, yard, $1.95 t I. I. $4.95 $225 $5.95 40-Inch All-Silk- Chiffon Paeon Dress and Suiting Vel vet, black only. Regular $4.50 kinJ $2.95 Ask to see the new "Dres tex" Suiting, 48 inches wide, in Russian green, African brown and black. Yard $5.95 : 42-Inch . Chiffon Paeon, dress and suiting velvet; a splendid range of colorings to select from. Specially priced, ,ad- $3.95 24-Inch Imported Boulevard Suiting Velveteen, in all the new colorings. Yard 42-Inch Erect Pile Chiffon Velvet, in the new field mouse, African brown, Hague and midnight blues, Russian gr.-,' etc., etc. Yard V 98c $5.00 immWm- I Mil Special Selling Event in Women's Evening, Reception and Party Gowns For the many social events booked for the women of Omaha for the coming season, we have prepared extra advantages in beautiful sowns ; and frocks. . ' . . . Many are rare copies of the most y" popular of the foreign models. p iJ ' For this event many special prices have been made, and you will find values quite extraordinary, at 3$35,$49,$75,$89$169 i Fur Trimmed Suits At $35 and $49 Two very attractive - assortments of the . most popular suits for marry seasons. Furs must be repre sented on the new faft suits, and In accordance with the most wonderful demands, we have prepared these two wonderful lots. : ' Every .good wanted style shown and every good wanted cloth and co)or is included. Misses' and women's sizes. Luxurious Fashionable Furs Guaranteed for correct fashion guaran teed . for quality guaranteed for value guaranteed for Justing satisfaction. . Hudson Seal Coats, plain and skirb trimmed $125 to $239 Nearseal Ccats, plain and combina tion 88 to $139 Russian Pony Coats, extra lustrous - skin ....$ 33 to $ 69 Separate Scarfs and Muffs at popular prices, including wolf, fox, opossum, rac coon, conie, marmots, martin, brook mink, etc. Jrecttiiy priced at. each f $5, $10, $19 and up to. . . . Ueautiful Fox Sets, in all the popular colors, Including black, red, blue, cross and iiite fox. The full animal scarfs and new round muffs. Prices $35, $49, Z3, $23 and up to $169 ' New Fall Cotton Fabrics 8-lBch ' Dr ' Pwrale Best . SUM cloth; l'.fht Bhlritng and dark iadlg-o around, neat dot, ttrlpaa and fljuraa. 10c . l , value. Monday, yard OJC 17-Inch Fancy Outing Flannel Extra weight, warm.- fleecy sap. both aide alike. Pink and ' , blu check and atrtpe. C I . to value, Monday, yard. )2 C ' Best Quality Dresa .'Olnrham and Fin Fancy Zephyr, in all ' the wanted neat fall checks and tripe, absolutely fast ; f l color. 10c value, yard. . . . OC Finest Quality Fancy Kimono -Flannel, Duckling and Merri mack Plush e Fleece None bet ter made, in all the new fall , floral, figure and other choice effecte; 15c value, Mon- Q 1 day, yard OjC . BeauUful Woven Scotch Plaids and the choice black and white shepherd check, bookfold cot ton suiting, absolutely fast wov en color, ISo value, in I yard '.;IU2C Genuine - Amoakeag Fleece- . down and lrl Cloth Puro white utlng flannel ST inches wide, tra weight, warm, permanent nap. 10c value, yard 36-Inch Unbleached Muslin . Standard make, fine soft finish. Full bolt to aelect from. Q I be value. Monday, yard... 02C Thousands of Yards of Beau-' tlful -lnch Bleached Cambrlo. Mublln and Ixingcloth direct from tb Sayle Bleacher y, , length up to 15 yard, worth to 10c. choice Moo- r day, yard ...-OC -Thousands of Yards of Genu ine Irish Poplin Highly mercer ised; beautiful, silky, permanent finish; all the new American shsdas. Length to 15 yard. lc value. Monday. - Ifll . yard lUjC Para Whit Haad-Rolled Sani tary Cotton Batting Long, sta ple, carded cotton; full ! for comforter filling. Spe cial, J pound roll 6ic 53c Premiere Exhibit of Hats Worn by MRS, VERNON CASTLE t Womankind of Omaha Will u'-' jft'j, liiLcicbicu in an uuusuai cxui,uif hats worn, by Mrs. Vernon (Ireney ricf Ia sr11 lr nrmrn nn oad -vf f Ua vv dance. , The "Odette,;; which is shown in the illustra tion is one of Mrs. Cas tle's favorites. We se cured photographs of Mrs. Cas tie in each one of the hats in cluded in this exhibit add you may see them in our windows bearing her autograph. Most of Mrs. Castle's hats are inspirations of Maison Lewis, Renee, Odette, Lanvin,' etc., whose fame and authenticity for smart chapeaux are acknowledg ed by the best dressed women today. Mrs. Castle's apparel always shows a smart note of originality, and she is nothing if not an index of the latest fashions. ' You are invited to this ex hibit of hats and photographs. -tv II I ' ,.' - - - if -' "v j -t -M W Irl " t' f- M" f trp-vn Cai- z lie. tn the i "OJclU"Hat.m 1 , Ftature of Our kf Exkbit H n .k, t. ,! Jr