Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 11-A, Image 11

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11 A'
Along the
Automobile Row
Ths W. t Huffman Automobll. com
Pnf had srjr bvwjr wk ntertatnln
thar many rntt from rsrtout lertloni
f ths country who visited Omaha dur
ing ths tMk, Business hat bn brisk
tj tha sstsnt that tha lair supply of
earn which waa rolvxl for Ak-8r-Ben
waak hava all baan disposed of. In addi
tion to aavaral carload order placed
during tha weak.
Whs demand for the model "X"
Hupmornie has been ao grVat tnat fac
tory cxtensrnna hTe been made neces
sary," says W. i Huffmnn, local dis
tributor for the HuiuoMle.
f'Nsw buildings were stam-d 1t wr
oil Milwaukee avenue. Detroit, by tha
Ifnpp Motor Car company. The factor
la now over 1.500 ordera behind for the
Jie car. In erlte of the fact that there
hat been more than twice na many ma
rhlnea turned out slurp the rtart of the
1P1 selling season aa (or the same period
of 1915."
Different fion all the rent the Olds
mobtle. with Its brilliant red and white
trlmmlnRs, fil.ed wl.h nine happy l.ttle
sirls with their red and white capes.
wa one of tha vary pleasing- cara that
attracted the applause of the multitudes
that witnessed tha automobile floral
parade last Tuesday. When the car hes
itated In front of the reviewing stand
tha spectators extended special greetings
to tha little parader.
B. T. Jacob.
Six In this tii
weak In J a.',
and states tut
.. presenting tha Marion
..ory, spent part of last
Mich., at tha factory,
notwithstanding the
latenesa of tho season, tha factory Is
farther behind in orders than they have
been any time during' tha year. While
there Mr. Jacobs received. -an. appoint
ment aa western sales manager, con
trolling all territory west of Denver.
He Is going to tha FaclUo coast, to meet
tha western representatives of . this car.
E. A. Hart, district manager for tha
Olds Motor Works, who has spent sev
eral weeks In the territory, predicts the
largest Oldsmobila sales In proportion to
population In the Missouri valley terri
tory that his company will enjoy during
tha coming year. Sales in the Immedi
ate section hava quadrupled during the
last two. months sales of one year ago.
Agency contracts already written Indi
cate that tha middle west will be pro
ductive of mors business than any sec
tion. The Oldsmobila Bales company Is elated
ty the advice received from tha factory
that their Oldsmobila Eight demonstra
tor will be shipped on October 20, and
that the November allotment of thta
model will be filled in IU entirety. The
advance orders booked on this model In
dicate that this will be an unusually
good seller, as It offers' a high-grade
eight-cylinder car at a popular price.
Ix VT. King, formerly with the R. E.
Davis company, handling territory work
on' the Chandler Six, has entered the
employ of the Oldsmoblle Bales company
and Is already busy writing contracts
for tho coming year. 1
Oakland Car in Ak-Sar-Bcn Floral Parade '
r- 1 I . - I a I J
Tha marnltude of tbe plunt of Dodre
Pros, at Detroit Is tndlrsted by tha tiand-
mim new administration building whlrh
has Just Ten completed.
It is feet Ions. W feet wide and four
V '
r X s
Symmetrical Line Chandler Sedan
. ,'v.1.Y1V..-ui.t.
. 4 . ..
Huffman Secures
Fine New Home for
. Hupmobile. Autos
The W. I Huffman Automobile com
pany has closed a contract to take over
the building at 2036-3038 Famam street,
which will be remodcdel and reflnlshed
and ready for occupancy about Decem
ber t. '
The plans as drawn will make it one of
the finest automobile sales rooms In the
middle west, the tile floor extending back
seventy-six feet, beyond which will be
storage space for demonstrating cars and
a large, commodious stock room. Tho
arrangements are such that the stock
keeper will be accessible from the In
terior of the sales room, where business
can be transacted with either stock de
partment or accounting department, and
the whole plan of arrangement will be
carried out In such a manner as to facili
tate tha quick handling of parts.
The offices are very cleverly arranged,
and the mlllwork contracts being let call
for fixtures thst would be a credit to a
banking Institution. Leading from the
main sales room la a broad stairway to
the second floor where the front fifty
feet of the building will be devoted to
sales room purposes.
As for many years past, tha W. L.
Huffman Automobile company will hold
the Hupmobile aa its principal agency. -
been rather surprising to automobile
dealers, and what Is considered the mora
remarkable is the fact that so many are
being purchased this early In the season.
Limousine bodies are usually associated
In the mind with cold or unpleasant
weajher, but tha new styles and tha fact
that they hava been brought to a more
proportionate equation with Incomes of
automobile buyers has served to greatly
Increase their popularity.
Tha new Studebaker limousine Is at
tracting unusual attention wherever
shown from the richness of exterior and
tho luxury of Interior finish.
stories tilsh and It Is one cf tha finest
office buildings in tha Detroit manufao
lut Ing district. The entire lower floor
la taken up by tha sales and advertising
departments, reception rooms, lobby, etc.,
while tha remelnlng offices oecury the
second and third floors
The fourth floor Is giving up to dining
rooms and rest and lounslng rooms.
Messrs Dodne hare a privets dinlmx
room and thers la a handsome cafe for
tha exeoutlvea and heads of department
A cafeteria thst will nat BOD Is roam
talred for the tenefll of the office em
ployes. A big loitnsliig and smoking room
Is provided for tha men and the women
employn have a bea'itifully furnished
rest room.
Limousines Become
Popular This Fall
The favor In which the limousine is
growing with the motoring publio has
Mitchell Comes Out
With Announcement
of All-Weather Car
Ths oost of all-year driving has bean
so materially raduoad by the- Introduction
of tha new Mitchell demountable sedan
top that motor car owners are coming
to a realisation that ths automobile is
no longer a "fair weather friend."
The demountable sedan top means an
all-the-year car for any and all kinds of
weather at the expense of only one car
ana one ooay, ana tns fact that for a
very slight additional investment ths
Mitchell can be converted Into a luxuri
ous enclosed car, suitable for winter use,
win mean a material Increase In the
winter use of cars.
The owner who heretorore has garaged
or put up his car during tha winter
months will now have the use of his
car throughout tho year, and at an ex
tremely nominal outlay Doth himself and
passengers can enjoy all tho comforts
ana luxuries of the more expensive
ooupes, limousines and berllns.
thf. fiiYo WWl .... J;ifmi
WM iapjieiied toThat Bump?'
We, saw lt-were braced for the shock and nothing happened!
Oyer the obstruction we wpnt as if on wings." This surprise comes to all who
first ride in a Mitchell. . Late? you get accustomed to the fact that all roads arc
v" smoothed out under the tremendous swing of this new "Mitchell SIX of 16."
One enthusiast on Mitchell comfort says the overwhelming success
' of this new car is due to its easy riding qualities. This is the first car built in
g ; : ' Which the passengers in the rear scat ride as comfortably as the driver.
H Another ascribes it to the Mitchell action ths quick getaway,
3'v the instant stop. Other owners enthuse over Mitchell appearance: long, sym
H metrical lines suggesting power and poise. y ,
H The, Mitchell is, the greatest car value ever offered. It answers
f V the demands of all the family: style and easy riding for the "women folk' speed
.'" arid "snap" for the boys; and the long life and strenuous service which all practical needs demand.
H This all-around usefulness accounts for the fact that "every 'SIX of '16 car sells another." .
& , See the Mitchell dealer near you. He has this new "SIX of M5"
1 at your disposal for a trial spin. . Get the personal touch.
H Three-Passeniger Roadster
B Five-Passenger Touring Car
All Prtoas . b Racln
Seven-Passenger Body $35 extra .
Demountable Sedan Top, making all-year-round car. $1GE extra
Racine. Wis. U,S. A.
' W Eighty rWs s faithful Srvtv to ths American ft!?
Mitchell Motor Company
IOO miles in
S iTkln. 4G see.
ThU In the rword md by
The Eight-Cylinder Cadillac
on the new Chicago Spfdwsjr, Sept. J I, 1915.
In this remarkable performance the CadillM denionsirated Itself
to he the faM"t touring car made to America if not In the world.
Cadillac Co. of Omaha
GEO. T. MEM, President.
2060-62-64 Firmm Street.
IP 1 -M
Hudson's New Luxury Car
The Touring, Sedan- Fbr All Seasons K
This latest Hudson conception will meet
the desires of thousands. A Touring Car
when the windows are down. Fixed top,
open sides, unobstructed view. Not a sash
or a brace in the way.
With the windows raised, a luxurious Sedan.
And the change can be made in a minute.
Women will find here all the elegance of
the finest electric brougham. - All will find
in this one model a car for winter or sum
mer, for touring or for town.
Other Closed Hudsons Nothing Too Fine
With wladowt sp ths isms car ss
pictured . Prtu., ;JfcJ. L . s.
A dltttnralsh.4 modal, BMl Hwmt
Ion.. Kitr Ml ( forward e
backward, aad di.aBMar whaa aoi
waatad. Prks. UCO, I. o. . JDwWait.
For veart Hudson design
ers nave centered largely
on bodies. That Is, since
they finished the new-type
Hudson, which has won
leading place among fine
cars. We determined then
to lead in body-building,
too, particularly In luxuri-
. ous closed bodies.
We brought to our aid
coach builders of interna
tional repute. Our own
designers worked out
scores of conveniences.
their distinction. The de
tails reveal a hundred
pleasing surprises. Closed
car luxury ? hero brought
to Us zZairx. tt note
Hudson prices. They will
bring these nvied com
forts Into ten-fold wider
Hudson dealers now have
closed mode's on show.
We urge early selection
because all Hudson models
are In over-demand this
Tot sesirsrt os stnnnr day. rt
epaa aad dsKrhtral f swassarv
aata tout. lrlca. (SmO, L a. b.
For full decr1ptlon write for
Closed Car Catalog.
Now Hudsondosed bodies
stand out as artistic mas
terpieces. A glance shows .
2563-5-7 Farnaa SL "SERVICE
Cfcaas qnlrklr irvm ta scloMdCsiit
il&A L a- . OairvK.
FIRs.TM Omli,Nb.
, Photographers
All Under One Roof
1 His ill issbbb aai. mtm a
2054 Farnam Street
0nha, Nebraska
Swap Anythin.1 ia the Swapper Column