THE KEK; OMAHA. SATVKPAV. OfTOMKK fi. u 15. ' " '" I ll II lilll 2 iT Coats for the Larger Girls One big lot of specially priced coats that we recom mend for their eitra values. Pandy good, girlish models with belts, high, collars, pockets, etc., rood beary chin chillas, slbellnes. mixtures, plaids, checks. nr cheTloU, etc at fJeUU At $1.98 lixtra Sweater Values for Saturday A special lot will b offered In many new. stitches and weaves, the high and shawl collars, soma collarless; atl the good colors, Thera are other lots of new models Jnit received that we shall offer at 82.50. 82.08. 83.08 snd $5.00. led and Talented Designers Comes Thh id for Nebraska Women ttVn& swinging styles that are ftf -ktiown in the annais of the ten such styles! Buy them telaAeact 0 the fashionable In Tailored Suits At $25.00 el ifnl; ade: cut f A Smart Lot of Afternoon Frocks This is a popular gown for any woman's wardrobe, and spe cial attention has been laid on th le frocks at this attractive price. Every good color in charni'use, velvet chiffon combina tions, serges, etc. At $19.00 Famous Suits Having anticipated ahead, we have pre pared for the big demand of these famous Fasliionscal Suits. Time has proven them the most wonderful $25.00 suit values ever put before women of America. The fine materials used in their construc tion classes them with suits priced at $35.00 to $40.00. We are the exclusive agents for this city and guarantee every feature of these won derful garments always $25.00. gjion Is Brim Full rhoant to be "dressed right." At present w ressa.for fj,e gri8 eTer shown in Omaha. Our sceslary jj0cur wonderfully enlarged business in Dressy Coats for Girls SECURITY LEAGUE NOW ORGANIZED Object it to See United Statei Has Adequate Military Prepara tions for Defense. HAS MANY LOCAL MEMBERS Late Millinery Notes 1 1 A particular assortment of ex tremely modish and high clans (coats are shown in this lot. made yt fine zibeline cloths, cheviots, corduroys, broadcloths, chinchillas, plaids, etc. The large boxy swing wjd.the liberal cut pronounce these u "classy." . Every pretty and practical color for the girls, iges 6 to 14. spe- C I ll cial, at..v JlJ X Children's Coats at Attractive Prices One large table of the nifty and klddish little coats In good warm materials, such as chinchillas, cheviots, zibelines, corduroys, etc., In red, navy. Copenhagen, green, gray and brown. Ages 2, S, 4, 6 and 6. Specially priced iq at $3.50 and. $O.VO Chiidr n's Sweater Sets New showing of many styles of Sweater Sets for the little tots, In different styles and colors. Prices 81.08, S2.50. 2 (IQ S2.98 and Vd.yO Klosf it Petticoats $3.69 Every good color in the silk Jerseys, Jer sey tops and taffeta flounces, all taffeta, etc. Every good color for the new fall suit or dress. Remember, these are made with the elastic bands and fit the form smooth. Extra Special! A Lot of Silk Petticoats at $2.50 For Saturday selling we offer a big lot of taffeta petticoats, in new designs of flounces , with ruffles and tailoring, made witu the elastic fitted bands. Every color in demand, all sizes. 500 New Hats in our Misses and Juni ors Section. Hats, bonnets, etc., made of plush, velvet, corduroy and combination materials, some with fur trimmings. All sizes; red, black, new blue, rose, white, green and black, etc. They came in too late for our special misses' opening last week, so will be sacrificed this Saturday, while they last, at 5 l.UU Ostrich Ruffs Are Very Fashionable, Made of carefully selected stock, full 20 inches long, finished with long silk tassel on each end. Beautiful colors and combinations. A very fortunate pur chase enables us to sell these j t mm for $1.75 Oeo. Rawak, 43 WeRt 3Sth St., one of New York 's most fashionable mil liners, making only the smartest trimmed hats, in such materials as hatters' plush, Lyons velvety kidskin effects, etc., has sold us his show room samples for a fraction of their original cost. About 375 hats in the lot, valued up to $12.50, r on sale Saturday, at Pt)eUU Women's Extra Hh Tonned Lncehoes in all dull kid or patent ramps, with cloth tops, silk worked eyelets, light welt soles, Louis heels. This is one of the most graceful of the new styles and is especially adapted for the ' J f J? short skirts. Every size, pr. . -5)4Vi) Crochet slippers for women, exceed ingly pretty this year; all colors and combinations. Fair, it 98S $1.25 and 3)1 .4" Women's fine dress shoes, in patent leather or dull kid, button A y in lace; all sizes, special, pair.pO40 A local branch of the National Security league has been organised with the fol lowing officer: 1 nxMili ni, iorg ll. Harries. V ut piiwiiiini, KihihMr v.. Kropan. Trrna.irvr, ' I. tor H. t aldwell. Peorciary, Victor ltoaewater. The purpoK of the national organisa tion la summed up as follows: L Whereaa, there la no aaaiirance that the t'nltrd Mine will not again becumu Involved in war; 1 Ami alm-e a peaceful policy, even when supported by trehtusi, la not a au(ft clrnt guarantee attain! war. and the I tilted Nlalea eamiot aafely entruat the malntatiianoe of Its institutions to them; them: 3. And Sine wa are nnt Prepared to maintain nur itin,i .wi - . adequately 1- 4. And alnce rifea l.f.ti,.iU.a iim t.f me nation la due to the failure .d and attend cheap-akate shftwa. Yew cannot serve God and the devIL Jeaus Chrlat served Ood and wanted to pleaae Ood. and that's what every one of you, if you're decent er If you want to be decent, should do, and not give a picayune what the world says. Rememlnr, above everything, to llv right. The failure of profe.aed Chrls tlans to lead Uvea conalatent with their belief ha made more Infidel that th writings of Tom Peine. Bob Ingersoll or Voltaire. I saw a church n New Bug-land and carved In Gothic letter over- the door way was the legend, "The Gateway of Heaven." Immediately under It the minister had put up a sign. "Closed for the summer." He wanted a vaca tion. lon't compromise with sin. The eshea of the martyrs are the seed of the church. Die before you inault God by deliberate aln. reopl can tell by your nttltud If you are a hog that loves the malodorous mud or a sheep mho abhors It. Don't think hecauae you know the ar ticles of confession and have been bap tlied. dipped and Immersed, you are go ing to go to heaven no matter what kind of a life you lead. H as God Telia Yea If Yew Wast I'nwer, Ton aay. "Lord, fill us with Thy spirit" of congreMa not nv lo fnw (h CBrf. ;The flrat thing you have to do yourself Is m.lVtary to Htm and obey reaj.onabl moaaure for gradually putt n e,,"1mn"mf ooeoieni and you'll be bleased. ii If you haven't power, don't blame the lrd rour"e to blame. Do as God tells you and you will be powerful. We don't need more of God. He needs more of ua. We are not put Into the world to wrap thongs about people and lead them from God by them following our eiample, but w Br put into the world to set men auch tlana Into practice: therefore, be It o. neenived, that until a workable plan for a world allium nKreed lo by the prli,clal with , '. """,",lln' ' wnon raith. the r""d kletoa mn nn,i.,f.b. . - military preparations for lu dofenae. Waeta Saffletenf Prateetlnn. The league favors an army and navy with cttliena YKfrVfal ahlnK ear lit ha ..ri cient Tor the adequate protection of the I "I United mates. It does not believe In a ! Te"Umonv home by the man or the large standing army or In any form of ,w,mMX ho l,v PoalUve Chrlatlan mllltarlam. It believes In preparation L ,not by "ort-oPy. easy-going, sgalnat war and not "for war" It la ',)r-0-,uck, fhaik or vinegar sort of worKlne- Tn th. - ...... " ""wins program: 1. Irllatlon correcting preaent waae- ri'd r.burem;fn:,l,,r,, ne,nh ,l,""n definite military 1: if 3J Seasonable Hosiery and Underwear These cool days make you realize that you must be fitted with more substantial undergarments. The whole family may be economically supplied with the best th r,.Uhfrtl ft Prandeia Stores. I Women's Fancy Silk Hosiery, in all colors, including black and white ; some fancy novelties. All full fash ioned, high spliced soles, heels and toes; wide ailtl " : : Tv omen's Pure Thread Silk Boot and Fiber Hose, in all shades. Some with lisle tops, others fiber to the top ; full fashioned and Pf)r jseapiless. Pair 'Women's Pure Thread Silk and Fi ber Hose. Seamless, spliced soles, heels and .oes. Worth 50c, pair OJ Boys' and Girls' School nose, me dium ribbed, double heels 10 is and toes. Saturday, per pr. . . . Ix' ...50c Knit Underwear for Women and Children Women's Munstns Union buns, in pan wool and all cotton. High neck, long sleeves; Dutch neck, elbow sleeves; low neck, sleeveless; ankle lengths. Suit, fnV0.0:.8.1:5.?. $200 Misses' Children's and Boys' Munslng Union Suits, in part wool and all cotton; white or natural color; ages ti rn 2 to 18 years. Suit, gl.OO and.31.dU Misses', Children's and Boys' Munslng Union Suits, In fleecy lined cottons. cream and gray; open crotch and drop seat Ages 2 to 12 years. Saturday, suit 'A Women's Uulon Suits, fine cotton, lightly fleeced; Dutch neck, elbow sleeves; low neck, sleeveless, , ankle length- Special, suit 4dC Children's and Misses' Long Sleeve A'ants to match, In elastic heavy fleeced ifotton; all sizes. 85c values, garment.... Women's Union Suits, In bleached cot ton, fine ribbed or light fleece, low neck, Sleeveless or eiDow aieeves, anee sf and ankle length. 11.00 values..... OVC Vests, Ankle Misses', Children's and Boys' Union 7;- lined cotton, cream and gray. Ages to 11 ttU v Drugs and Toilet Articles DJer-Klss Talcum Powder, spe cial! box 24d Talmer's Almond Meal, 25c size box ...1G Pear's Unscented Soap, special, the cake .....0 Mennen's Talcum Powder, -can 0 El Perfecto Veda Rouge, 50c size, box 28 - Pond's Vanishing Cream, 50c 2S years. Special Saturday, suit. Suits, fleecy 50c Fletcher's Castorla, SBo size bottle 10 Johnson's Floor Wax, 1-lb. can 20V Peroxide ot Hydrogen, special, 1-lb. bottle 10t Horllck's Malted Milk, hospital i 82.G0 4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap, cake 10 Household Rubber Gloves, per pair, special 21 Special Sal of Kanlcnre Goods. Sheet Music Snecinfs for Saturdiy "Aloha Oe" Bird of Paradise 5? "Perfect Day" Bond 24 "A Little Bit of Heaven" Olcott 24 "Humoresque" Dvorak. 5 xciuicoocc, x near xuu vaiJiue iie iVl dOl- son s nit size, box Java Rice Face Powder, apeclal, box 24 I A stronger. bttr halanred navy. . An arrrilve nwHU army. ! .j T m nanoni guard organ 1 m!i r ,h" War "loartmant. . The crratlnn of nn onvilM rarve ror each branch of our military service. Alt MKT Jnla. Mamhrrahlp In the league Is open te all clllsons of the Unltd States who believe In Its pur peace. There are three elaases of membership annual, contributing and life, with annual duas of 11 and S3, re spectively, for the flrat two and a pay ment of K for a life membership. The org nliatlon is entirely nonpartisan. Steps already have been taken for the organisation of too local branches throughout the country. National headquarters are at (1 Pine street. New Tors City. Information will be fumlahed regarding national defense, etc., to all who apply. , Lore I Mem hers. The executive committee of the local branch conalsts of the officers and the following: 10? All the song hits from "Maid in America," Sat urday only 2G New Remick and Gem Dance Folios, just out, containing all the popular songs arranged for piano, regular 75c value, Saturdy, special. .35 By mail, add 5 cents extra. 6,000 Copies of Standard Classlo Songs and Instrumental numbers, including: Flower Song, Poet and Peasant. Sextette from Lucia! Spring Song, Wedding March, Palms, Love's Own Sweet Song and hundreds of others. 5c each or 6 fbr 25c Porapeian Room. emo Wonderlift Corset" yra8t 'w eek, and will be continued for another week. We feel that nselves, as many have come back' after being fitted to tell our corset- dressed. "Wdlnir to the latest hygienic as comfortably as yon are ,ur corsets are sold at the right jof figure is studied care yD to give the wearer the great- ;;;$5.oo 44. ..$7.50 Busy ire lelps the appearance of the litjfy to show at the curve of. m 'A ,J . 1 , U.r v 'm (would tolerate. Warner's new figure for fall, being fit all types of figures, ctlon Is la charm of . x Dd i e com patent to rerom is'ij have a model te fit I re I 1 that we take the neces- assieres there are models letlc, negligee and street ftf- x ii" ei ir. I Corset Health Talks What constitutes a perfect fitting CorsetT 1st The Corset must fit snugly under the abdomen. 2nd It must be comfort able at the top to avoid pres sure, to Insure free and com fortable breathing and to guard the digestive organs. 3rd There must be suf ficient room in the corset skirt so that the Corset will not ride up when the wearer is seated, as that will destroy the fashion lines which the Corset should create and will cause a great deal of discom fort Think over these facts and then decide If it Is not the sane thing to buy your Cor sets where you can have the advice and service of expert hygienic cortetleres. Delicious Toothsome Sweetmeats Special Chocolate Vanilla Cream Drops, regular 19c grade, Saturday, pound; 10c Dellekras Homemade Cream Dipped Braill Nuts, regular price 60c, Saturday, pound 3tc Our Homemade Cream Car amel Roll, vanilla and chocolate. Regular 40c grade, pound 25c Assorted Cream Dipped Co eoanut Balls, vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. Pound 15c Take home . a box of our Creamy Fruit and Nut Center Chocolate Bitter Sweets and Swiss Style Milk Chocolates, atr 29c Fresh Maple Confections every Saturday, pound 20c nr. C. O. Allison J. linker H. H. Kaldrlge K. A. Menaon Vr. W. O. Hrlrlges Ueorge Hrandi'la E. H. Bruce W. H. Iluchols E. Ruoklniiham T. C. Byrne K. W. Clarke Robert Cowell K. H. Davis Hould Diets Luthor Drake J. E. Fliagerald . V. A. Fraaer R W. Gardner R. R. Itowel! Waller Janllne T. Komitse O. O. Irfheck ,Ir. J. P. Ixml John I,. McCague C. U. MeDonald W. D. Mr Hugh A. AJltcIiiMliUn John A. MoHliane A. L. Moliler 10. M. Morama n I.oula C. Naah Chnrles R. Khrrman Arthur r. Smith Kd P. Hmlth Thomas Hwohe J. A. Sunderland Charles r. Ueorra John VV ti. Frank T. Hamilton V. I), Wead C. H. Haywnrd John I.. Webater H. A. Holdrege C. M. Wllhelm K. C. Howe Yo Are My Witnesses Even to Uttermost Parts of the Earth (Continued from Page Biz. wagonload of oorn and believed. Oot j used the wagon of corn to preach. Tou i preachers can get a good sermon from mat We can be the epistles of God, Many don't read written eplatles, but they cannot help but read living eplatles. It's a serious thing to falsify the epis tles of Ood. "Ye are my witnesses, salth the Lord." How many can stand by the Lord and aay with Paul. "Those things which you know, both live and say and do, and the Ood of peace will be with you always." I think what God wants me to live and do and say, so I can sar It. Bo I'm trying to please OodraTi- don't care a rap whether you lis It er not. . 'r If you're decent you'll like what 1 say. or If you rs wanting to be decent you will like iu if you don't like It I know right away where to class you. The best evidence that you have been hit la when you grumble and growl. Beat evidence In the world that you have been loafing on the job. Be keep It up. Oreat teatlmony Is te be had from men and women who are free from any queanonaoie things. The secret of shining; for Jeaus Is to live In the sunlight of His love and truth. There Is nothing like poaltlveneaa In preaching and In Uvlng Christianity. Power with Mea. Tou will have power with men and be a great witness for the Lord when men can see In your life (hat spirit. Live a gentle, unselfish, self-sacrificing ' life. Don't come to the Tabernacle and squat on the end ot a seat; slide over toward the middle. When the usher says, "move over." don't look at him as though he was a bank burglar asking for your pockatbook. 1 expect the ushers have more patience now than they had four weeks ago. They probably know more about some of you than tbey want to know, and they know some of you have a streak of yellow in you, too. Tou can't look at the effects on your self alone, but must look out for others. It may not hurt you to drink moder ately, but you have to look out for the effects on others and If you don't you're a fraud and a fake. Paul was a bachelor and one day he went Into a butcher shop to buy some meat. He earn out and he met a fellow who had been an Idolater, but who had been converted. He asked Paul If he didn't know that the meat he had purchased was from a heifer whose blood had been given In sac rlllce to Idols. "That doean't hurt me." Paul told him. "It hurts me," the fellow told him. "I couldn't do It" Paul said. "If eating meat makes you to offend, I'll eat no meat." Itleh and Poor. That's the kind of a fellow Paul was. No wonder ha wouldn't dip his colors to any Ignorant dupes. No wonder Ood launchod him like a thunderbolt against the world. Bo you and I are here to break the bands and not to tie thera around our brothers. You'll have power when there is noth ing questionable In your life. You'll have power when you testify in a more positive manner. I'd like to preach an Illustrated sermon, but I wouldn't want to throw the pictures on the canvas. Supposing Jesua would come to Omaha. Would He go on the lower elde. The tuwor stae un l any better than h There la no power to be shown by the "b" ,onw MxtULn tn" .an or woman who abhor. In. H.U "l"? l nd.H'd " ii- ir srvruiss ywr poopifl. I think IU would ma rlown nA IS IT A PIANO OR A PLAYER PIANO? In either case we are anxious to show you our magnificent stock of instruments and explain to you the BRANDEIS SYSTEM a applied to our Piano Department the largest west of Chicago. Two carloads of Pianos and Player Pianos are being unloaded today. You will find the instru ment choice will terms your ence. of your and we arrange to suit conveni- BRANDEIS PIANO ' DEPT Third Floor F r Hi.;- - I man sin. You hate diseases or anything that jeopardises your Ufa. Hate the devil. Those who resist sin have great power wnerever they live. Tell me why you compromise with the devil. I delight to know that the devil hates me and there are not enoagh devils In hell or In Omaha or In the world to make me compromise wun him., C'eald Preach. Different, I could preach a conglomeration of phfloeophy that any Unitarian would like. I could preach fallacies that would cauae the Christian Scientists to ssy, "Why. he's a real nice, little man." I could preach so that the saloon keep er would aay: "Well, Dill's a good old scout" I could preach sermons that would make the rum chewing-, face-painted manicurist, high-ball sizzling, gin-fls-tng, card-playing, marcel-waved society woman say: "oh. Isn't Mr. Sunday a Dice man." But after I got through on this earth what would the Lord sayT He'd say: "Bill, please step over en the left Your elevator will be going down in a few minutes." Remember, people, I'm preaching- to Omaha, but for Ood. I could preach a Gospel which would cause every saloon keeper, every brewer, and every distiller, to pat me on the back, but If I did Ood would part fror? me so quick It would make my bead swlrn. Thuse who reslat sin have Power. You never knew a trimmer to have power. That's why a lot of you women are no earthly good. You're trimmers. Bonis people pray for power and have not given up some sin In their life. You muat give yourself up first, then you'll have power. God Is looking fur people who will get rid of self, so that He can fill them with power. Jeaus Christ ha J His struggles just as you have yours and I have mine. Jesus Christ, by trimming. His Ufa. could have pleased that old bunch of Pharisees, and would have missed all of His suffering, but He couldn't have done that and pleased God. Neither can you be a trimmer and please God. You cannot please God and be a card player. You cannot please slum districts. He would try to bridge the cbasm between the rioh and the poor; He would try to bridge the chasm between the church and the people who never darken a prayer meeting door; He would try to bridge the'ehasm between your automobile and the people who have to hot-foot It , s There was a little girl who was going Into the country to visit, and her mamm i did not want her to eat pie. She re fused the first two days, telling the people her mamma did not want her to eat pie. They marveled at her goodness In minding her mamma, who was miles away. The third day she ate pie. and when asked why she did It. they thought her mamma did not want her to sat pie, iho replied: "I did not like the kind of pie you had the other day." Leave Mora Tama Toaabetena Eel. tapk. Some Christians are like that They refuse to do some things Ood asks them to do. but when It comes to something else they do It. When any one asks thera why they did so they reply, "I like te do that" Salvation pure and simple U loving what God wants ua to do and not doing the thioge He doesn't want ue to do. Every day God lets you live, try to wipe the tvare from somebody's eyes; try to make somebody a better man and not push hlin away. "Ye are my wttneeaes," said the Lord. Then go out and live so people will know It Zlnsendorf said: have but on. paaalon. Thee. O Christ" That la the way we ought to be today. Do you remember that old French man who said: "At first It was all L Then I said Mosart and L but at the end It was all Uosart." That's Chrlstlanity-that's religion. Live ao that when the final eununona comes you will leave something more behind you than an epitaph on a tomb stone or an obituary in a newspaper. "Te are my wltnesues, said the Lord God of hosts." (Copyright William A, Sunday - .As