9 TUB TEK: OMAHA, SATliKDAI, uiriTJUKK !, IMS. SUNDAY TALKS TO BENSON STUDENTS Hijfh School Pupils Greet Evange lilt and "Ma" and "Body" with the School TelL SrEAKS AT CENTRAL SCHOOL When "IMlIy" Sunday, accom panied by Mrs. Sunday, "Rody" and George nrewster, reached tha rrowded auditorium of the Benson high school he greeted by the high school yell. rrof. John Bpeedie introduced the party and "Rody" entertained the young people with music, playing ' Old Kentucky Home" medleys. The songs were Joined in by the audience. "Hody'' detected the voice and face of one of bla beat rholr singers among - the forps of singers and pointed her out to the audience, which caused laughter and applause. Mr. Sunday began by saying he waa not going to preach a sermon, tut Juat give a talk, choosing for his topic "Kducatlon," and for forty-five minutes he gate a talk full of good adrlre to young men and women of the high school and all seventh and eighth graders of Benson. "Idleness pots the skids under mors jrounc prop) than any ohr one thing," aid the evnl1t "Id1rna causes yon to lose aptmrtiinttlee to txtter yourselves and it Invites to mlsohlaf nd puts flaws Into your character wt ch will work ajralnst jrou all the time." He a4vteed them to be ktnd and lonm mmded to every boy and girt to "try te be an aJlurator, because the allltstor never stops growing aa long as ft Uvea." la HU Rrat rm. Mr. Pander's talk waa long and in his best form. At Its close the ynuna; son ef Prof. Speedle carrlrd forward a splendid bnujurt of red and white roses, presented to Mr. and Mrs. Sunday with the com pliments of the srhool. After a brief talk by Mrs. Rundey the party left for the Central school, where both Mr. and Mra. Sunday made short talks to ths grade school pupils. "Billy" commented on the excellent condition of the Benson schools and told the children thst, aa he waa once a school Janitor, hs "knew what be waa talking about" when he aald their physical op-keep was ex cellent. "Ma" declared In her tittle talk to the grade pupils that "Billy" learned te dust so well when he was a Janitor that he Is still good at It and can dust off the furniture with his handkerchief per. fectly. Ye Arc My Witnesses Even to the Uttermost Parts of the Earth In the sermon at the Tabernacle Fri day afternoon Mr. Sunday aald: Text: "But ye shall receive power 1 after the Holy Ghost Is corns upon you, Vnd ye shall be witnesses unto Me, both li1 Jerusalem and In all Judea and Rama r la and onto the uttermost parts f the earth." Acta t, 1 That means In the, alums. In aocloty, la the store, on the railroad, wherever you are. Josue Christ staked Ilia cause upon the character and the livea and the utterances of His followers. He stsked salvation upon you and wiiat you wUI do. When He left Ha wanted you to learn Ills words and principles and tell them to others. He taught Ills disciples that they mlcht teach others and others teach you and you teach others. All right, that's Just what we are doing ' todsy. But If you believe It and don't live it then you are not doing His teach ins.. Jn Isaiah, 4U1 chapter. Clod Issues a I'hsllenae to the world, "Let them bring forth My witnesses and that they may ie Justiried. Te are My witnesses, said the Lord, and My servants whom I have thosen." Ho says. "Brtns; forth your witnesses and I'll bring forth My witnesses and then you can choose." That's what He Is doing today. He says to the thieves, thugs, prostitutes, saloon keepers, "Come, t II what you'll do for the people." Then Ho calls the Christiana and says: "Tell what I have done for you and then let 1'iem choose." ' If the saoou keeper feels happier In iH'iisIng boostf than the man who won't touch the rotten stuff, and If the i ..n.iin who Is soiling hor life geta more ji.t than the pure, vlrtuoua woman, let t:uii bring forth their witnesses; and If !.-' (.rnvo It by those witnesses, then i m reedy to Quit Ood'e work right here '. M l nt my cause. - And In court with alt ef its ahenan ifans, ail of Its corruptions and brlb- ty ef Judges and buying ef the Jury and the witnesses, the thing that Is In !UienHsble Is the witness, whether It may le man or woman; what they know, and they are aupposed to have an impor tant fsct that others do not possess. A witness is always an aid to some In. dividual or cause and alda In aetting free or convicting. Your mother or your grandmother julsht have been a Christian, but what you need la personal experience. Have you a recommendation to the world of ChrlstT Let s hear It Shecla Be God's Wltaesaea. It's a sad thing to have a man or woman testify to one thing and have . the next witness prove it waa all a lie. It doesn't only hurt the witness, but It hurts his case. It's a sad thing for a man to say he is a Christian, and then prove by his life that be is a liar. The witness who la found to have per jured himself la an Injury to the ease he representa In court and you Injure the entire body of believers when you side-' step and go wrong. You bring reproach on the cause of Clod. j The whole is Injured by , a part. If you Injurs your finger the whole body aurtara. So li one Christian goee wrong all Christiana have to bear the brunt of the blame. The moat Important thing Is the witness, and God says He wants you to be His witness. I Whan Paul was on bis way to Home. ! and he was shipwrecked on an island, ho had the natives gather up eUuka aad build a fire. By mistake for a stick Paul picked up' a serpent You know one of the means f protection of animals la to adapt them selves to the color of their surroundings. , And when the fire became warm and the serpent wes aroused. It struck him. The natives knur It waa a venomous Miaka, It might have been a rattler, us sap or a cobra, but the natives knew It was venomous, and they expected to I'aul swell up and die. When ha "Idu't they worshiped him as a god, and tie Kaa to rebuke them and aay he was nut a god. but a Christian, So you see Qod can Uae even a snake u prwach Ills gospeL He don't have to have preachers In swallowtail coats and white . neckties and gold-rimmed spec tacles. He doesn't have to have college ITufeaaurs hanging around. He can use n tha snakes and the Slicks and ths 1-ates to preach His gospeL And be cause haul didn't die the people believed and scores were swept Into ealvatlua He had the gooda on them. The I-Jrd La not comi!ed to uae U.a !Kia. The Lord is not compelled to un evangelists. He doea not have te tw Sunday school teatnera. He can takd snakes, sticks and anything and use Ujciu for the advancement of His auoe- Thuae heathens saw Paul and believed, iu the heathen nations today are g axing ois the nominal Christian nations. The yes of the ungodly are turned toward the aodly. In the airevt. In the factories. everywhere you go, not simply la the Power trwaa lard ran Ira. Vi ho feter walked by the beggar and ae auad mm for aalp Fctar said: 'bii- I have I will give unto thee. Arise, and go thy way." And the people saw and believed. Do you think he would have had the power If he had Just come from some dance, or some brldge-whlst party or some cheep skate leg show? That's the reason a lot of you haven't power today. That's the reason a lot of you church members are not worth three whoops this aide ef perdition. Qod doesn't want the milk-and-water and chalk-and-older kind of stuff you call religion. Tour religion Is not virile Tou don't know how to hit the ball for Jesus. Tou aren't np to the mark en your feet for that, and It's no wonder that ths devil has the drop on yon and Is able to make you one, two, three strikes and you're out. Tou haven't the punch that produces the sleeper. About the best you can do Is to give the devil a few lore taps and when he Jama you against the ropes It Is then that you turn to the Great Referee to save you from a knockout It'g an Insult to profeea to be Chris tiana and 'tve the way some of you do. It would be an Insult to profess to love your husband and live with some one else. When Jacob gave Joseph his coat of many colors hie brothers were Jealous. One day they saw Mm coming and took him and atrlpped the coat from off his back and dipped It in a kld'a blood and then took it te their father and aald. "We don't know whether this Is Joseph's or not." Miserable Kara. But Jacob knew and he said: "It Is my son Joseph's coat An evil beast devoured him and my gray hairs will go down la sorrow to the grave." They lied. They knew they had sold him to tha Ishmaelitee and Potlpher'a wife wanted him to surrender hta manhood. . But he stood pat for his virtue and would have nothing to do with her. By Intrigue ahe threw him Into prieon for four years. Then the king had a dream and Joseph came and Interpreted It He Said they would have a famine and they gathered all the grain and stored it In the barn a. The famine awept the lapd of Canaan, where Joeeph'a father was, and he sent his sons to Egypt to buy oorn. And they returned with wagonloada. Jacob knew that he hadn't given money enough for that much oorn, and his eons told him hia son, Joseph, was yet alive. But he would not believe It until he saw the corn, then he knew. Tea afaay Peesle Wlaejanasaer. In other words Jaoob said: "I'm from Missouri; you've got te abow me the oorn." Bo what the world wants la deeds, not words. The heathens are waiting for the Christiana to bring them religion. The eyes of the unsaved multitudes who never read the Bible are reading your lire. Words are cheap.) Too many of you are windjammers. The father saw the (Continued on Page feevea. Column Mix.) Saturday Is Children's Day- We cater to the little folks every day, but Satur day la a special day for the Little Folks at tbia big shoe store. x Drexel'a Is the only shoe store that maintains a sep arate and dtatlnct depart ment for children, fcvery thing la our Children's De partment la made for the little) folks, ths seats are lower, the turn la charge do nothing hut fit and sell chil dren's shoes. We also carry the largest line of Children's Shoes west of Chicago ana every shoe is up to the high standard of Drexel quality. They prove It la the way Ihey outwear the ordinary kind. 8 liea end prices are: Children's Stt t0 Of? to 11 Veeo foT:. ....$2.50 ir-rsSeOo PARCEL FONT PAID, D YQXG. 1419 Farnam St. The Store That is Always Attractive Not a store of one-day attractions now and then Not a store of spasmodic effort But a store of everyday attractions, a store for aay day and always, aad a store of day-la and day-out value giving. At $5.00 Skirt Special for Saturday A lot of about 100 Skirts for street and drese wear win be offered Saturday at this price. There Is every food material wanted corduroys, serges, satins, poplins, gabardines, checks, taffetas, ete. All site for misses and women and eitra sized women who take Ure;e waists aad hip measures. liliiiiiiii sgggjajggggsaaaaesBaWsasaBggggaagsaB Dainty Crepe, Lingerie and Black Jap Silk Blouses At The are new blouse, some are plain tailored, other trim med with dainty embroidery low or high neck models. jr - $1.00 Note Extra lite blouses (46 to 52) in. eluded la thia assortment. Crepe de Chine, Shadow Lace, Radiam Taffeta and Satin Blouses, at $1.95 )K gtTvlasea va sajilakaw Isatvi DavamiMa Jhtf11sa Jssafl Kjb Wftm evas a ,j aese gri s At viu, Ave v a. i ga ftv v)zasa ss vmb wsw with high or low neck. Colon Jary, flesh and white. Sizes 84 to 44. VERY SPECIAL OFFERS IN WOMHN'S KID GLOVES SATURDAY rerrin's Genuine "La Mure" Kid Olorea, real kid, two-clasp style, pair $1:50 "Women's Two Clasp Corona" Kid Glorea, in black, white, tan, brown and gray; :,:!. jus Women's T w o Claip Imported Kid Olorea, light or me dium weight, la black, white aad a few colors, at, pair.... 75c Women's Guaran teed Washable Kid Gloves, in putty, ivory, tan and ca nary. Pair, ga 7j $1.23 and...aJ Children's Kid Gloves, guaranteed to fit and wear; un lined, silk lined or fleece lined; famous Danforth make. ;ap.r.,r!,.r.r.....$i.25 NECKWEAR THAT'S UNIQUE Angora and Silk Sport Scarfs in (he pretty'bright eolor and white. As this is the most popular item in dress neckwear, we have secured many styles in a splendid assort ment. ... wga Angora Wool Scarfs to suit the school girl as well aa the best dressers, at )f 75C to $OeaVd Silk Scarfs, up s jj from iJleaVt) Collar and Cuff Sets, also Dainty Collars in Georgette Crepe, Fichu Collars for even ing wear. We are showing collars from BOo Dainty Collar and Collar and Cuff Sets, in Swiss em broidered; Puritan and many other styles, pretty for school wear. Each, 25c Ifi J and .....XVC Ostrich Boas, one yard long, in light and dark & i 7r colors, at... J4s0 Pretty Neck Ruffs, maline and chiffon, BOo 5Q From the World's Most Distinguisha Handsome Outer Appaa An Offering in Dresses About 200 of the new, nobby and smart modeled serge and silk combinations, practical for street and afternoon wear, some with pretty plaid silk combinations. The colors are navy, brown, green, plum and black At $10.00 : 3r Tailored in (h$ stum the most strikingly be intiJu Mode. Never have there. now and you will be a step parade. Three RousingSri At $19.00 Choice of three big racks of beautiful wool suits, fur and braid trimmed, made of good quality broadcloth, poplin, gabar dine, ete. Good satin linings, skirts cut full, jackets boxy or belted effects. Every good color, in women's and misses' aiaea. At $35.00 Wonderful collection of beautiful fms trimmed suits. We have assembled one lot of suits to sell at this prioe, and have gone to great pains to sea that the value are by far greater than ever, i ; Beautiful broadcloth, gabardines, pop lins, etc., every one For Trimmed, and every good desirable color. Misses' and women's sizes. : J Our Girls' Sect Three Special Lots of Coats wltn style and value far in excess of the price. These three lots have been arranged especially for Saturday and furnish unexcelled opportunity for sure bargains. Smart novelty mixtures, wool plushes, heavy cheviots, wool velours, chinchillas, etc. Every .new eut and good color. Misses' and women's sizes. In two lots, at $12.50 and $15 Seal Plush Coats We will offer for Saturday selling one big lot of the smart and most desirable of the season's plle fabrie coats, made, of the silkr, lustrous seal plush, with wide belts, large collars and cuffs, heavy satin linings. Large wide boxy cuts, At $19.00 ks ana areu as beejfiarieces i as j t of the smart new things for the girls who have the most beautiful frocks and dress new enlarged department has girls' appareL Special Lots to Attract Mother GIRLS' VELVET DRESSES This is a special lot purchased from a Philadelphia maker below their reg ular price. Values in the lot run bs high as $12.50. Every good color, all sizes, specially priced. at .$5.98 CHILDREN 'S DRESSES ' ! A very special lot, in wool serges, checks, plaids, etc., many pretty girlish . ideas, smart 'combinations, practical' colors; ages 6 to 14 years. my do Special x Visitors Will Be Interested In our easy plan for acquiring a Vlctrola. Ask us about it. Victor Victrola fs.ktr,r.x.I'..$ioo Victor Victrola XI has all f of the latest and best fea tures of the higher priced Victor Victrolas, including: Automatic Stop, Tilting Motor, Improved Tone Chamber, Horizontal Shelves for Holding Becord Albums. Easv Terms If Desired. Our Record Service Nearest Perfection. Vktrela Dept. PositeUs Kooas n i r i S ii (i l.w The Boys' Clothing Problem Solved by the Two-Pants ' Suits What mother has not been perplexed bv the extraordinary ability df a boy to wear out clothes? Seemed as if she was always buying new suitsj: r Now comes the two-pants suits, practically two suits in one' bf :x i a a. : l i 1 .rwi cause lb lams twice as xuiig ur uiuro. $5.00 Values at $3.95 SnarPT new styles, staunch woolen fabrics, pants fully lined and taped seazaa the three big features of this splendid offer. Plenty of neat patterns as well as fancy plaids, stripes and checks, C "2 O t In newer shades and models. Choice for ,Pa.Va? Ths largest assortment In the city of Boys' Two-Pair- C 1 rt X-t Pant Sulta. at S5.00, $0.50, 57.50 and .....P0 It will be a real pleasure for parents to seleot the boys' suits from this splendid range of prices. A big assortment at each price. Boys Mackinaws Boys like these warm, comfortable coats. Wi are showing the greatest assortment ever over 60 different patterns in all new shades. , A Very Special Offer Saturday New Plaid Coats. In all-wool fabrics, red, brown, gray and blue. to nt trery ags, 10 is years; worm i&.oo, special, choice for 33.V5 5w- Boys Sweaters large table, fuir of Boys' Sweaters, different styles and colors; worth 1.50 to $2.00, at , For Your Dining: Room ew plain ahapa, beautifully finished. 43 c 4 co in aet, at 4.VO Scanty and economy ro hud in band with that excep tional offerings from oar Chin Department, White and Gold Dinner Sets New pieces Fancy Chop Trays ITandsomely decorated, 10-inch size. Worth regn larly $2.25, special Saturday, each VoC Cut Otass Water Sets With French plate plateau, six tumblers and CQ He one large pitcher. Special, set... PO.VO Sternau Aluminum Percolators 8-cup size. Special priced, each 08 Home Nut Crackers Crack nuta without crushing the kernel A child ean operate it with ease. Made of the best grade of malleable Iron, finished smooth, in satin-white nickel : durable and com. pact, haring no complicated parts to . wear or break. Special mm -v Saturday, each 5UC Cklaa Devt, TTeet Arcade. Writing Paper Special sale Saturday of writing; paper one pound (100 sheets) of good quality linen finished writing paper and fifty envelopes to match, all for' 25c Posfon Ferns 500 very large Boston and Whitmii Ferns, in 6-inch pots; in perfect condition. Regular $1.00 valuea, spe cial Saturday, each 59c Delivered to Any Part of Town. Cut Flower Department. The Exposition of the "IS has been a great success in our Corset DepartSSEu women appreciate our efforta to help them to help-tb, ieres how comfortable they feel and never felt so wel Oar eersetieres are efficient! fitters and will fit yaa methods, alter corset when necessary and sea that-yon an fashionably eorseted. No charge Is made for this unexcelled service and our price. Nemo Corsets come in a variety of models, as each type fully by the designers and a corset is built to fit each typ est degree of comfort and service. No. 654 for short, full figures No. (55 for tall, full figures i No. 666 for slender to medium a Other modfls from 83.00 to SI 0.00 Nemo Corsets for extra stout figures, in sizes up to H 44 . ......... ,.,.,t. Our Brassiere Section o'da are beginning to see how much a brasalera ir.i. the corset being a little higher is more lil lor most wo' figure this me oust man nerore. which of course no well dressed, atom brassieres better than any, answering every requirement of t! boned to properly support it. snd designed in enough models Beeaase of varying figure requirement, oar bratsiev-a experienced saleswomen who are good Judires ef Une and mend the proper model for yonr figure. Warner brass'i most every woman.. - We have Warner i w raesle res to fit every type o figure sary care to see that they are properly fitted. In .Warner?, for stout and slender figures, models for dancing, evening. flls 4- CI Cla ww u M. 1 laaLa a4 have I teste, u aucfc as t