T1IE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOP.EK 0, 1015. 'I 14 BULGARIA LINES " UP WITOEUTONS roitntl Manifesto to People Sijt it Would Ee Suicide to Side with the Alliei. ' WARM I RAISE FOR OERMAHY BERLIN. Oct. 8. (fly WlrrlMi to 8yvilJe. ) The Frankfurter Zi tang MrU that the Bulgarian government hat Issued a man ifesto to the nation announcing Its decision to enter the war on the etde of the central powers. Tbls mani festo, as quoted from the Frankfur ter Zettucg by the Overspss News agency, atates that Bulgaria would rommlt suicide If It did not allghn Itself with Germany and Its allies. The manifesto as given out by th news 1 agency follows: I Ths central powers hare promised ui parts of SerUa. Treating an Autro-llul-lirUn border Una, wMch Is absolutely nrcmnnry for Bulgaria's Independents of the Serbians. "W, do not believe In promlsr of ths quadruple entente. Italy, one of the aires, treacherous broke Its treaty of thirty-three years. Wi belleys la Ger many, which U lighting the whole world ta fulfill its trrsty wl ;h Austria. ; "Bulitaria must fiR.it at the victor's Ida. The German, and Austro Hingerl ana are vlstorious on all tronta. Russia soon will h ive cr.llp.d entirely. Then will come ti e turn of Franra, Italy and Serbia, liultfaila would commit sulclilo If It did not fianl on the side of tho cen tral powers, which offers tlia posalul.liy t,t realnlng Us desire for union ot all Bulgarian pejplea." j rriMri of All'ee. The news apeney aays torthert "The manifesto to tlia people, which Is not only an historical document, but contains valuable material In retard to Bulgarian roll I and economics, states that RushIo Is fighting for Constantinople and the Tnrrfanetlee. - Great Britain to destroy Germany's com; a I' Ion. Franco for Alsuce and Lorraine and the oilier allies to rob foreign countries. The central powers are fujhtlng to defend properly and as-, suie peaceful progrraa. , "The loyal neutrality maintained by Bulgaria has been advantageous up to the present time, the manifesto says, "and It la only now that military and eco nomic preparations have been completed. "The manifesto says ' that Serbia, ths worst enemy of Bulgaria, has oppressed the purely Bulgarian population of Mace donia In the most bsrbarous manner, the male population being compelled to die for Serbia's cause the wotnun being out raged and the rivet a running red with blood." i Serbia Breaks with Bat curia. NISH. Serbia, Oct a.-Vla London.) Tba dlp'omatle rupture between gerbla ' and Bulgaria la complete. The foreign 1 offloe has handed passpvrte to the Bul garian minister. Although there has been no formal declaration of war the cordial reception, by Bulgarian officers at Sofia of tha German aviators, who dropped bombs on Belgrade and Nlsh yesterday, la regarded here as tantamount to the Commence-1 m&nl St 111 I lua ...In.l ttAhl lu. tlnl- ' garla. KING'S CONSORT ' OF QUEENLY MEM (Continued from Page One.) gowned In billowy Callot net In the three shades best loved by their sovereign monarch. . Of com yellow, are foam green and a deep rose pink were tlieee fixquUlte creation, four ef the maidens choosing each color. kilaa Mary Mcgeath. Mlse Helen Mur phy, Mlsa Maron Towls and Hiss Dorothy Waller wore the corn yellow. Isa Louies White. Miss Isabel Vinson-; haler. Mlas Gertrude Mets and Mlaa . Helen Ingweraen were gowned In green. and Mlsa Helen Clarke, Mlaa Marjoiie MoCord. Miss Charlotte Callahan and Mlsa Katharine Davenport chose the deep roes pink coloring. Instesd of following any certain period as In the past, the gowna of ths prlo- Severe Rheumatic Pains Disappear Rheumatism depends en an acid In the Mood, which affects ths mjactea and Mnta, producing 'Inflammation, stiffness and pain This acid geta Into tha blood through soma defect in ths dlgeettvs process. Hood's SareaparlUa. the old-time blood tonic, la very suooeraful la ths treatment of rheumatism. It acts directly, with purifying effect, on ths blood, and Im prove tha digestion. Don t suffer. Oat Vood'a today. Advertisement. stwswaasssBSsaaWsaaJseaaJs As good as the best Aa pare as the purest water. No food article U produc ed under more , sanitary conditions. ' Phone Douglas 18S9 and hare a case sent home. SaV0 Coupont LUXUS r.lcrcantllo Co. EISTIIIBUTOES. Sundayisms at the On the Fly by OUR DUAL TIATUKE ST 0Jf Wf r h ir SOKE TLOPLEZ X0DltS COlttoKXLD to mm 'itPS'CtP, AID cncntriD cesses of the -court ware made In the mode ef the hour. (town" nf Taffetm. Eeaoh gown had a foundation of soft, French taffeta over whloh petals upon petals ef Cat lot net In the same shsds aa the taffeta were draped. Each gown was embroidered In sliver at the bottom of the gown, around tha low-cut neck and the banda acroaa tho shoulders. Garlands of real French flowers and fruits were a distinctive feature of sac'i costume. The bodices were all sleeveless nd rnads high, and tha skirts were all short with panniers and bouffant effect, ao me being wired at the hips, aome below tha hips and others around tha bottom. Silver trlootlne was a new trimming In troduced le; these gowns. Wblle presenting the same simple, girl ish effort, no two of these oourt gowns were made alike, each one being a work ef art totally unlike any one of Ita com panions. . Fach one was designed to suit the paitlcular type of beauty of Its fair wearer. ' The pages to the king .wore suits of whits satin trimmed In gold; while ths pages . to tha queen wore white satis trimmed In sliver. NEW TEUTONIC RAID ON SERBIA IN FULL SWING (Continued from Page One.) Oermay haa definitely undertaken a rr,0 campaign In tha Balkans U the aupiH)kUon that activity on ths southern an( 0f the eastern front will gradually slacken and that the Teutona will coiioen- irate their energies on Riga and Dvlnsk. Freaek Resort Artillery right. PARI". Oct. 1-North et Arras last nlgNt ths cannonading contlnusd with both slues taking part, according to an nounoement made by the French war ofilco this afternoon. There was also artillery activity In the region of Roya and to the north of the River Alsne. In the Champagne district there was violent bombardment on ths part of the German artillery, with veiy snergetio re plies from tha French cannon. There was also active fUhtlng In the trenches south east of Tahura. The text follows! "Ths cannonading continued last night, both slues taking part, to ths north of Arras; in the direction of Bouchea and i Its environs, as wsll as In ths sector ot La Foils and near Hill No. 144. "There alao was considerable activity on tlie part ef the artillery of the enemy, together with answering fire from our guns la the region or Roys and te the north of the River Alsne, In the direction of Tracy Le Val and at the forest of St. . Mard. "In the Champagne district the Oer ' mans vlolsntly bombardsd aur positions ' between ths roads running from tit i Hilaire to St. Bouplet and from &oualn ; to Homme-Py. Our batteries everywhere j replied te this firs with great energy. "Aotlvs fighting took place In ths con ; nee ting trenches te ths southeaat ef Ta hura In the direction of the Butte de WssnlL" Heavy riafcttsigf near U ! PCTROO RA D, Oct g-Via London.) Thais ta renewed military activity on tba I normern eno or me niiHita irviu irum Dvlnsk to Novo Orodsk. The heaviest fighting la In the neighborhood ef Uvliisk, to the south of which the Ovrmans have bad some success. On ths whole, bow ever, the R-siaiia have been able to j withstand their assaults. (i g tha Vlllya north of Hiiiorgsn. enabling them to co-ordinate their forces soita and south of this point Concentration of considerable German toroes ta the vicinity of Tanopol la Q licla, about twenty-five mllea eouth of the front. or. Is believed here to be due to sol it leal eondl lions la ths Balkans, rather than to aa Intention af msnacl.ig Kiev. Comparative quiet prevails through out tha souther, fighting eras. . Rafugeea continue te pour Into Pstrw grad at the rate of several thousand daily. A teod'.ng station established by British eharatlee In the Petrograd sta tion of the railway from Wamaw cares for hundreds tally. Lady Georgian Bu chanan, wife of the British ambassador. Is la charge of this work aTMJ M m (iwS mm (A mm. ffamm m fill Tab as Caught Our Staff Artist --Mm FIRES ARE NEEDED TO HEATJHE TAB Old Colored "Auntie" Works Her War to the Front and Call on All to Kepent. LET RELIGION BE POSITIVE The big cast Iron stoves In the tab ernacle bad a rudy glow on their sides yesterday afternoon for the first time, en were going around with a wheelbarrow full of coal and (.hoveling It In. he tabernacle doors were closed and the big shutters be tween the main auditorium and the surrounding corridor were shut. The nortU wind was blowing out side. But In the tabernacle everybody was "snug as a bug In a rug.' The 'animal heat' of a large audience does much to warm up the 'tab" and there's nothing like those old-fashioned, round, cast Iron stoves for throwing out heat. A stout colored woman dressed In a while linen suit and earing a badge marked "Missionary' and carrying a well-worn bible walked up in frout of the platform Just aa "Kodjr" concluded the opening hymn. She laoor the audience and began talk ing. "Kepent. repent, repent." site cried. Uhen "Rody" spied her. "Hello, auntie." be drawled with a broad grin. "Fralslng tha Lord, are youT lhal's right That a rUht Now, you Just take a aeat over there on the plat form." A lie" Prare Oat Lang. An usher hunled up and eouduoted "auntie" to a at on the rostrum.. Aa ether hymn was auuuunuod. VShils the audluuce was siugiug it "auntie'' de-lv-tied a sermon but could not be heard. Duilng the opening prayvr ahe foil on Iter knees and prayed lu aa aud.un. veloa but not loud euough to be beard (ar aeay. ha s quiet during Mr. 8unday a ser mon but as aoou aa alio hud couuiuui. lie trtud to uiaae her way to hts plat- .oim, Una tie to gel up uecause oi mc crowd, ahe atood ly the steps aud In a loud, shitll voice cried: Hopcul. O ai. u i., before It le too Uta. Repent, repout, reptnt" Che was met by "Kody" who asked hai who aha was and gently directed nor away from the atepa and to a ciuUr vu die rostrum. 'Tha Serpeafe Trail." "Billy" referred to hal nt Sunday afternoon tempeiauoa sermon aa "a few wore remarks on ths saloou" aud ths who bad beaid last Sunday aiuruoou a "reroaiks" appreo.aled the huiuor. "1 have a letter from the governor of prohibition bnaa tley ..Li knock Uur , aiufllugs eut of some the dirijr lies j the saloon gang have been pcadhn i round about prohablUon." ha suld. Preaching on ChrUUana being wtuiess es for Christ he ald; ."Let your re.Wi-n be poslUvs. Dis .... i,..ta the aunslilne that la in you. ton't squat on ths and oi the seat and when ths usher aks you to move over don't give him a look aa If you thought be was a bank burglar aakiug you for , jour pocaet owoa. "bhow you are Christiana by keeping away from card parties and daneca eiul aaloona. I never could understand why , hiUtlans wU leave God s eiover patche. anw go walloatng In flilh aud wauuerliu up back alleya eating Un oaus w.lh tlie t tlly goata If u V " et it wbece guven EilaaUth wore ths ruff Mvr iesn ls aik Swtrdler. SHENANDOAH, la.. Oct l-8peclal.) , j. uuncaa waa eenienced to seven veara In the pen: Unitary en a charge ot swindling the Flret National bank- lis lava tha bank a check on a Cautralia. Ma., bank, where be did not have any funda. He was captured at St Joseph, Mo., after a long search by a detective sgency. Apartments, flats. housa and cottagoa ran be rented Quickly a.id choauly by nil P0S' 1I0N Jill 1 BACKBONE II W Ue 'For Kent" TKg thompson - -Bascmcnt- Thc New Middy Apron. Saturday 79c An attractive, practical, stylish garment, made of damty blue, pink, medium blue and pure white percale. Once ruscd they are always worn. Powder Puffj 7c A WorthAVhile Special, Toilet Goods Section. Hosiery News from Omaha headquarters Fibre Silk Hoze that wear; 'regular aiie with flare tops, CCc. Out ske with ribbed tops, 5Cc. OUR FAMOUS DOLLAR SILK H03E, in fashionable shades for street and even ing1 wear; a splendid hose for ervi:e because of the lisle garter tops and lisle soles $1.00 a pa.'r. PURE THREAD SILK HOSE, perfect evening shades, $1.53 a pair. The Fur Shop Reliable since 1886 The Store for Shirtwaists When shopping Saturday a few minutes spent in this original store within a store will wove enjoyable. We in vite you. ' Bloustt, Shirtt, rettieoatt; Kimonos, Negligret. $5.00 and $6 00 SHOES $3.95 a Pair Saturday BOUGHT A VALU- .L SPRING The Elms Hotel. CxceUtor Sprint. M'e tourl. U now la poeaeaelon of one of the moat valuable medicinal prtnse In Amer ica. The flow of water fre.n tMa aprlnR li ten time greater than any other min eral aprlng ever discovered In that lo cality; Ita capacity being 10,000 gallons per day. It guinea forth from the hl Ue In a cryit&l cloar stream; the tem perature of which ths year roand la llfiy-ooe degrees Fahrenheit. The chemical analysis of this water how's It to contain valuable mineral uoneilt taenia, and especially valuable lii the treatment and cure of the fol.owlnif diaeaus: Kidney, bladder and urinary troulilei of all kinds, and an eliminator of uric acid, Crlght's disease, d.abetaa, rheumatism, gravel, stomach and Intes tinal dlaeaaea, and also many of ths dls eaeea peculiar to women. Thousands of strangrrs visit this aprlng drily and It's heal h-gWlng wat ers pines It In the front rank with tho moM famous springs of the world. Ad vert lsemenL M BE ATOM'S Omaha's Economy Drue Gtoro tie Mentholatum IV) I So Feroxlde Hydrogen bo 1 lb. JO-Mule Team Boras Te Sal HeoatKa, lc. 34c and So 1 5c l acKefe Tar Soap 14 i .fl.OO Scott e Bini lalon 7j fl.Ot Plnaud's Ullas Vagetale ..,.!. tl Mlloa's Syrup at II.OS Uterlne ..e lS Brume Keltser II 09 Hacs' tlalr Health. lOo Pebecco Tooth Pasts. Po Tu CIGAR 14o P.obert Burns, Conchas too oeoige iv Mail Or den Receive Oar Prompt Attention at Price Quo edAboce BEATON DRUG CO. FIFTEENTH AND TARN AM STREETS. HOWARD AMD SIXTEENTH STREETS The Fashion Announcing for Saturday A Sale of Women's Coats $19.75 This is an advance sale of new fall coats,sent to us direct from New York The styles are new; the cloths include Boucles, mixtures and black, blue, brown, z n i gray, novelty weaves. .The linings are attractively new. The sizes 16 to 42 Sale starts 8:30 a. m.. Saturday There are a limited number of coats. Women's Washable Gloves That Wash Without Injury Under Any and Ail Conditions This isn't a glove, which 1 if washed just so, according to directions, may turn out rairly good. It's guaranteed to be just as good as new no matter how you wash it in water of any temperature and any pure white soap. To Our Knowledge It's the Only REAL WASHABLE GLOVE Ever Marketed 1110 twit. Red Rubber roontn iM byrlnge , 1 1.00 Fountain Bottle Eyrtnsje Snd Wa r saj Whirling 8 rv ttta 13. 60 De Mars Syringe W carry a full Una of rubber sun dries. Mc Hinkle's Cascara PlTa, bottle rf 100 ?4 I1.TI liorllck's Hated MI1W ....et.T". fOc oitle o Wafers ais tc Cupid's Puffs ai d Vanity Lox. Ive lie luovkiey's pulialilng Cloth 14) SPECIALS .it belden store Center of the Leave a pair in a basin of water for a week if you wish; you can't hart them a bit. They come in light gray, putty, sand and oyster shades. Stylish and prac tical for street wear. , We have never shown such beautiful hats in all new shapes and colors Five Hundred in allSmall, Medium and Large. Dress Hats: $10 to $35 . Street Hats: $6.50 to $18 Hand-Made Tailored Hats: $4.95, $6 50, $7.50, $8.75, $10.00 Mis es Hats for, Dress and Street wear: $3.93, $4.93, $675, $8.50 AMII8KMF.1MTS. flMt!fm,.li,li,it2!r J ,......:;j..;iiiU,..,L.j.l TODAY Last Appearance, The Film Sensation, THE SOUL OF A WOMAN Sunday: "Playing Dead." BOYD -Matinee Today- M w a Tonight last Ferf crmanoe of Company of 133 iacladln rie-eaoe Mcere an 1 C le. Oaxte. Ma's, alio to bi.60. Klghta. Ih tJ 42.00. Week Cot. 10 TUIJT XX rxTVBXS. Fh-e Songlag 44. Ti Only M-ifa ctas VaaderlUe -...er. MATlAtK TOOA1 2:13 CURTAIN T0I1IGIIT 8:10 SHARP sTaalmovs U Wil SmiOBS sText Week, beats for entire week now on sale. um mm 6y r Am, rAt - - - SvwA W wmm Middle West Mm H October the Month ior Suits New Arrivals Attrac tively Priced $19.50, $25.CO, $29.50, $35.00 to $135.00 A full line of Ecru D. M. C. Cotton With the single exception of ho. 3 Art Needlework Classes, 10 to 12 M.; 3 to 5 P. M. daily. Saturday, Ch ldrsn s Class in the Morning. Adults, 3 to 5 P. M. (No morning class Saturday.) Everyone interested is cor dially invited to attend any of these classes. Art Department, Third Sloor. Saturday wi 1 be .Millinery Day Excellent Values MLSESIE!T9. RRANDEISv TODAY a,,t Last Two Times 'ATM "IHB STOCK remraepi Edward Lynch A,V!5SiS Owen SaTts' O'eatest p-ar, "WHAT HAI'FGNEir TO - MARY' Katlneea lSo-SBo. lTr afio-o-SOe lu., Hoik, Tua ("The Bins Mosus. COMINQ 4 "l,c" WED., Oct. 13 ( nwtAMCMttnmnAtmMMQKm) TEE BIGGEST HIT IN 25 YEAHS OMgmK fH 0 H4W wjsyt CNKaM I CAST ' wooocnan mm, ik. fc.it. iDC suu dc, J1. J1.5 NI6H1S 50c. 75c. $1.00. 11.50. S3 iati ow giimra Jj Where the Omaha Bee Unirerjal Animated Weekly Kay Ec FAKXAM TIIKATRH CAMF.RAPUOXB CEil LOfAt PASTIME LYRIC MAGIC nAXSCM ARDOR ivy PAUCK DIAMOND BITIT ALMO OMAHA, BEXSOJH KLOItEXCB Dll"" TTT CaWTCaV 1 11 Time. T-i rrrrv- TS ino I w i I I c, Q.ao s ,rcr"w"r ., 'Mt vswwwoT. lw Kelly eJJr ' WW XMms KatUs Wss S2 to