14 Tin: in:v.: omaha. s.v,tuiay. imtobku u-i:. e.- - -- aaM By MELLIFICIA. Friday, October 8, 1915. WHO is the qupen? Which fair maiden hag been chosn consort lo Klnt; Ak-Sar-nen XXI. to recr-lve honor of her subjects at the Coronation Ball tonight? Thli la the question on everyone' Hps, almost casting Into the shade queries upon the Identity of the king. I am making the proverbial three guesses. My first choice I the gllr for whom I bet lant joar, and Incidentally lost, lots of chocolates and Ire cream sodas. She wouldn't disappoint ma this year, I'm sure, if she knew tha state of the society editor's exchequer. (They pass the Un pans at the J"abexnacle too often!) This rery charming young woman Is supposed to be out of town, but X have a "hunch" she is here and will wear the royal purple tbia coming j-er with regal splendor. 8econd and third choices are attractive young women who made their debut, fine last year and one several seasons back. Both Of them would wear the purple'wlth queenly grace. One has been away for a long while and has Just returned, the other It known for her lovable personality and her interest In all good works. Now I've told you what I think. Do I win, or do I lose? Dlnnen Before the Ball. Mr. and airs, tvtlllnm T. r.urns will entertain at dinner this evening before tha ball In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heford of Mollne. tha Bursts of Mr. and Mr. Wlliard Hoeford. Coven Will b placed for nine. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy will en tertain Informally at dinner before the ball. Their guests . be Mr. and Mrs "W. H. Wheeler. Mrs. Ben Cotton and Mr. Edward Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Hum Towle will give a tflnner thla evening before the ball. The table will be decorated with pink rones Their guests will Include Messrs. and Mesdames Arthur Keellne and Barton l!llard. A party of twelve will dine together at Che Fonteoelle thla evening preceding tho talL Tha party Includes: Messrs. and Mesdamee fteom E. Ailcket, T. L. C'mbs. K. Walt, W. it. Yohe.. henry Cox. It. A. Mediar, Mr. airtl Mrs. Walter Iioberie will give a dinner thia evening berore the ball. When their guests will be: Mr.' and Mrs. T. U Davis. Mmses M uses pituneih Davis, iuuia Davis. teaai-s. Aiesars. Howard Itaker of A I KilU of New lorn, tet. Jowl. Omaha Clnb Supper-Dance. Mr. and Mr. Charles Mcta will enter ln a party of sixteen at suiiper at tha DnAha club tonight after the coronation UlL Those pre Mint will be: VIk f Si saLel Vlnaonheler, Ctertriiiie McCarthy j.nanor Mfacay, of IIihuko, Francs ii tinteller, UtuuuUe Mtu, Messrs. of c Un Innall, Fred lUMluriy, Aiixtln tiuliiy of .New kork, riillli M.U. Marion Kunn, inn Clifford, then jHQiiiih, Mosagi. lolwi Caldwell, Newman ItesiMin, ruthtert lultor, r. K. ritlllwell of New brk. ran jiuimea Mr. J. E. FlUfferald wilt give a aupper it the Omaha club In honor of Mr. and Mrs. James F. May of Chlca. the ruast- of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kraser. t Miss Daphne l'etera will entertain on f the large parties at the Omaha club Fuppcr-danoe following the Coronation sail. Sappers After the Ball. Mr. and Mia. George Kodlck will enter fln a few friends at supper after the Coronation ball tonight. Covers will be placed fur: Messrs. and Meedamea . That lea O. Meutou, John Maddoit. Sunn K. Mets, tieurge Itixiuk. Irlhur Keeiuie, . Boxes at the Coronation Ball. Mr, and Mrs. Chanea D. Beaton will bare with them Mr. and Mrs. Clmrles E. ilots and Mr. and Mra. George Itedlck. Mr. aud Mra Charles FX Black will have In their box Mr. and Mrs. II. f. (Hack and Miss Dorothy Mack. Mr. F. V Orace, arrived home yesterday from the eaat They were accompanied by Mrs. Smith's mother. Mm, Joneph II. White of Iloston. Miss Harriet Smith la visit lug friends in New lork aiid will re turn to Omaha later. II. E. 1'atterson and wife leae tonight for the raclfle coast, going through Minnesota and North Dakota, over the northern route. J. M. Ollchrlst and George E. Tllley of Omalia are at the Kims hotel in Excelsior Springs. . Mr. and Mrs. James F. May of Chicago came on with Mrs. W. A. Fraser this morning to attend the Coronation ball. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Willie of M m kogee, Okl., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Field. Mr. Willis was form erly a resident of Omaha. Mra. I.yda Pink has returned from Chicago and Union Mills, Ind., where she spent the summer. Khe Is residing with her sister, Mrs. T. Cahnt. Events of Today. Mrs. C. C. lielden entertained at lunch eon at her home today In honor of Mrs. Henry Brown and Mra. Arthur Mills of New York. Covera were placed for nine guests. jf hoilmte of Mr. Gleod and called at the phone company office to greet Mm. The two exihanrM stories of school days and marble plS)ln. The Vail rrt continued west over the I'nlnn l'a Klc In the afternoon tn Mr. Vsll'a private car. TELEPHONE HEAD Y1SITSJH OMAHA Theodore N. Vail Looks Oyer Sights of His Younger Days When He Was Located Here. WAS MAIL C1XRK OUT OF OMAHA "Money will be made cheaper than ever by the European war," declared President Theodore N. Vail of the American Telephone and Telegraph ,hl" "" ws ar kins forward to a , . . prosperous season. The entire country company, in iniaua iinidj, "Interest rates will be low enough to encourage much new Inventing, business development and 'the im provement of existing enterprises." The head of the national telephone or ganisation was In Omaha for several hours on an inspection trip to Ban Fran cisco. While here he renewed acquaint ances with several local men, who were close friends of his while Mr. Vail was a Union Pacific telegrapher and later a railway mall clerk here. Among these friends of Mr. Vail s youth are Casper B. Tost, now president of the northwestern group of phone companies; E. M. Morsman and C. W. Lyman, now Vice presidents of tha same group of comnanles: Iula Korty. now retired, and General Grenvllle M. Dodge of Council Prominent Landscape isiurrs. wno was cnier enameer 01 me i , ti i fit T aener vi xiiacoui uives iu terestlng Statement. GREAT WFSTERN mem I OOK FOR HEAVYCROP RUSINESSj J. W. ristmn, vl- president of the Great V.'estern, In charce of traffic, and his assistant. C R. Perry, are In 'the city from Chlcaro, out on a tour of the mad looking Into business conditions. Ba'd Mr. R'aborv "While business Is not crowd'ng as at traversed by our road raised a great small grain crop and the outlook la-far better than an average crop of corn. But a small proportion of the small grain i has been threshed and consequently tho ' movement to market hsa been slow. It ; will come, though, later on. "Frosts have damaged . the rery late oorn to some extent. A great portion, i however, had passed tne danger line : when the first killing frost came F. P. DAVIS TELLS INTERESTING FACTS Union Pacific when Mr. Vail was a teleg ragher. Wanted to gee htrel tar. ,oAur:; others to know displays the strong mentality that made ; p p navls of tm E 4flrM Uncoln( him great, and he still has a touch of ono of th moat prominent landscape sentiment In his nature. He proved the gaT(1rnfP, , th, wr,u and aho Is known latter when he asked the privilege of en- to hundr).a, ot lhe begt citizens as a man tertng a modern steel railway mall car. of undl.Duted honesty and integrity. Government Barges Cannot Be Bought The' government river barges lying In dork at Sioux City are not available for the use of the steamboats plying be tween Omaha and Derutur for commercial purposes. The Commercial club has re ceived a letter from the War department i Haling that the bargea may not be loaned as there Is no precedent for such loan ing. It la stated in the letter that govern ment boats may be loaned only In case of emergency to save life and to Save property only when no other boats are available. Thla will mean that the river naviga tion committee ot tha Commercial ctu and tha commercial Interests of Decatur will have to look about elsewhere for barges to be used with the Julia and the Ada Ilel'.e, the two boats that are to ply on tha river until the river f reeses. Assistant Superintendent M. 11. niack well of the Omaha-Ogden division ar ranged to show him the courtesy, and Mr. Vail marvelled at the difference between the railway mall cars now In use and the one ha worked In on the same run over forty years ago. He later became general superintendent of the entire coun try's railway malt service. "Omaha was a mighty lively town In those old days," Mr. Vail remarked, "but now I aee tltat It has become a great city." gave the following Intereatlng statement renardlng Tanlao, the "Mater Medicine," 'which Is telng Introduced here.' Mr. Davis said: "1 have suffered for some time from kidney and stomach trouble, -and waa nervoua and In 'a terrible run-down and 1 j debilitated condition. I felt tired all the 1 time, and waa absolutely lacking In am- ! J bltion, and experienced much difficulty ' . at times In conducting my business. 1 ' often suffered from shortness of breath, I ! which was. In my opinion, due to atom- I Asked as to what future he thought I ach trouble, all of which artnoyed me there will be In the teiepuune Industry, ! greatly. Seeing Tanlao. advertised, and he said: j recommended so highly by many who "Just look back twenty or thirty yeara ' had . been benefited by It, I decided to and recall what the telephone business give It a trial. Tanlao has caused a amounted to then. Today's advance over ' most remarkable change In. my condl twwity or thirty years ago Is no greater ! tlon. than the advance rtlll to coma In the next twenty or thirty years." Regarding the recent application of "To say I have been benefited, would be expressing myself in too mild a man ner, j am a completely changed man Question of Rental for Auditorium is Beiore City Dads How much should be charged for a convention, wrestling match, stylo show. coni'trt or a ballf That la ona of the ' problems resting heavily upon the shoul- ders of tha city, commissioners. . , At a meeting of the council announoe 'ment was made that next week the com- V ,7 . ' ' ... ' ,.. '... iinlsslonera will meet to consider a definite Ambler of Chicago, Miss itebecca Haven 1 .. M ., U. , ., . ..... w,. schedule of ratea for tha use of tha f Cincinnati and Miss Mary Augusta i ,,,,,.. IVIUuhm ef Creston, la. wireless telephony to aid telephone offl- I today. I sleep better and feel energetic clals to talk from New Tork to San Franclrco and Hawaii, President Vail de clared that In his opinion, the chief use of the wireless telephone will be simply to amplify and supplement, rather than to substitute wire system Tost Joins Party, President Tost of the district telephone company joined the Vail party to the coast. The othera with Mr: Vail are B. K Sunny of Chicago, president of the central district; U. N. Bethell of New York, vice president of the national com pany, and C. S.. Qleed of Torek a, presi dent of the southwest district. Thomas Pry of Omaha waa a boyhood Auditorium. It la agreed that a low rate should be -f, w-port,w made for conventions. A wrestling pro- or fills ffi.CV.aryiy. moter has asked for a rate for an even- A prettuy appouuoa luncneon was mi rjM r,. Ih. ..mmlllllm, mtranr i ftven today by Mra. A, U Reed for Mlsa fif deintniMni a p., c.nt o( th, ..pt. "rlruu" ""V" " of wrestling matches and similar events. it Mrs. Ben Oallagher. The table decorations were Cecil Rrunor tosca. Covera were placed fori Medames Mel.inie Oallagher, Jack Webster, Miseea Misses Brtruie McCarthy Elui?th Fleming of ChlnaRO. of Hurllnirt n, Mary buikiey, Marlon Kuhn, starorle MoCord. Gertrude Meta, Child Gets Sick Cross, Feverish If Constipated Look at tongue I Then give fruit laxative for stomach, liver, bowels. "California Syrup of Figs" can't harm children and they love it. Soyd Theater Party. Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Iloeford will give dinner followed by a theater party to-' nor row evening, for their guests, Mr, tnd Mrs. Richard Hoeford of Molina, fhoaa present will be: Meeare. and Mvsdanes Eltrhard Husford Vv. T. Burns, of Mollne, Wtltard Hosford. U. O. Colpetser. ' W. J. Koye, Mr. Olvnn Wharton. Omaha Kearney Club Meets. The Omaha Kearney club will meet at tha homo of Mies Dell' Morrison. Hit Pcwey avenue, thla evening to perfect plans for a banquet to be given during tho stata teachers' convention. On the Calendar. Tha La Salle club will give the first of their dancing parties at Chambers' academy Monday evening, October U. rieaiures Pait. Mra. Edward Luce of Lincoln, chap Sroned a lare party, of Coiner univer sity muaio students for the Symphony concert Thursday evening. Tby motored pvor and visited with president and Mrs. Jenkins of Omaha unlteratty. j Wedding Announcement I A pretty home weOding took piaoa at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman1 HKartn. when their daughter, Mable, be-' came the trld of Mr. Thomas Hheehan. ! Tha ceremony waa performed by their pastor, the Hv. A. T. lArlmer. Mlsa Hildur BHsrtn was maid of honor and Mr. ftlugo Enholm, tt man. l.lttle Mildred! Johnson cartkd a basket ot flowers. ' After the ceremony a wetldtnK supper j waa served to a large number of rela-i lives and friends. After November 1 Mr. and Mra. 8hee-l hj will be at home at Forty-fourth and i Bedford avenue. J Bota of the young people are active members of the '.ia Lutheran church. Tersona,! Mention. Mr. and Mrs. Ward burgeas returned Thursday from the eaav. Mra Ulenn Wharton la In Toledo. O., wliere aba waa cllol ty the death of Lcr grandmother, Mrs. tturert. Mia. Axuiur C. &ultb aud daughter. Pinched on Several , Charges and Fined i George Bowers, who boarda " at TU North Seventeenth street, created a dis turbance at tha a-bovg number Thursday night, with the result - that he waa arrested by Officers Thrasner and Arm strong and booked at the station on charges of Inebriety and disturbing the peace, malicious destruction of property, resisting an officer ana carrying con cealed weapons. When arraigned . In police Court on a charge of carrying con cealed weapons he waa fined t&O and costs. In the course of his activities Thursday night llowera broke a window u tha rooming house with a large board. A laatlve today swvea a sick child to morrow. Children simply will nut take the time from Dlav to emntv their bawela. One of the commissioners Is strong ! wh.h become clogged up with waste. lives geta sluggish; stomach sour. Look at tha tongue, mother! If coated, or your child Is listless, cross, feverish, breath bad. resUesa, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or has sore throat or any other children's ailment, give a teaspoon ful of "California Byrup ef Figs," then don't worry, because It Is perfectly harm less, and In a few hours all thla consti pation potaon, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of tha bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thorough Inside cleansing" Is ofttimee all that la necessary. It ahould be the first treatment given In any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a, to-cent bottle of "California Syrup cf Flga." which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Look carefully and aee that It U made by tha "California, Fig Syrup Company." Advertlsemaat. and full ot life. My stomach and kid ney troubles have vanished and I can not praise Tanlao too highly. Tanlac has proved beneficial " In hun dreds of rasea similar to that of Mr.. Davis, and people are testifying dally to the benefits derived from Its use.' Tanlac la sold In Omaha eacltielvely by the Sherman McConnell Drug Co., lth and Dodge streets. Can also be had in Lincoln at the Hat-ley Drug Co-, lltl O street. Advertisement. Service Service The Kamcra Shop 507 Erandeis Theatre Bid;. Fi!ms Developed Free! When accompanied by order for prints. . Print 3c to 5c Post Cards 5c All orders left before 5 P. M., ready for delivery the next day at noon. A complete line of 1916 Ansco Cameras and Sup plies. "We are Difterent from the rest, MaaaaHMMassMBHHs A d Eettar than the Best." aas eoasTto omucv m fyvvHt ruutf eutcHiv -Xnot m ovtxt stowav- SAVIS VOW THB STStKOT NO PC LIC ATI AROMA 'N THAT IS -V. , TRY A CAN AND BC CONVINCED! 'VMgN- i a UVBMA MM A84.g.CaMAT bOTMC ejUMTITYl SWtCS ISICPNOMV PEIS sgsthsaW taassasBSBstsisfeei w"mt Hi '-taasaMSsjeau ''' -iusaHaBBa p) ct NEXT MONDAY, OCT. 11 Oor Great Aimual Sale of BLANK is I X"' . .-nv Extraordinary offerings in all-wool, mixed wool and cotton blankets; fine comforters. In conjunction with tLis sale will be "offered wonderful values in bedding, sheets and sheetings, pillow cases, pillows, bed spreads, mattresses, etc Please see our window displays and oar advertisements in Sunday's newspapers CUT PRICE LIST OF Compare These Values With Those Offered Elsewhero InthtCIty and You SSBBBBBaBBBaiBBBBa SBBBBBBBBBBBaaBaBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaSBaBISHBSSBSBjaiaiaiHsaHa Will Readily Seo Why Our Four Drug Gtores are so Full of Customers Toilet Goods Prices for Saturday &e FrnetlVa for 1 tide P'mr.elnn Mneas;e Cream ..eo 60c bottle Hay Hum tsa fi rakes Ivory or Wol Snap 'to 2Rc Himltol Tooth Powder .......14o Roc Malvlna CVesm tee Ke Java Rice Powder for ...,..te POc RlfttseckeCa Cold Cream ..Me) $0c Auhry PlsterV Cld CVeani. Powrtere and Iotlona, for tte BOr Melba Cold Creams and Pewder for Me Cfceirfna Otitis, all k'nAs, R gatnraay. ykga. tor Pcrfuno Sale Sa'crday BOc Beely's Crabapple Blossom, rer ounce .Ira 80c Ie's Flower Girl, at, oa tsa BOc RlegeCa PaJo Alto Pink, at, nr mince teo 0c Hte'y'a Jockey Club, at os. .9 SOo Extract Wood Violet, at, os, t)s Pure Drugs Fresh Pnpreras or Bulphur, lb. .'.Be I'orlc Acid. lb. tee Witch Hazel, ntnt Wood Ale-hn. pint ... .ISo Hlnkle TaMeta, 100 for lo Quinine Capsules. X dozen Hi Arom r-aator Oil 'IT-'neT-OI) . ...ts ion Rland'e Iron Tm'lo TaMeta ..Mo 1 rineen Aspirin Tablets or Capsu e for flSa FREE Saturday Swastika Oold (Imitation) rocket rteo. TOTXTTlA.tr OLm OIL S0c (pint! can for Me 11.00 ouart) ran for t4o Smokers Remember Saturday in Our Cigar Department 10c Chancellor .So 10c P. Oarcta. lear Havana, 4 for ISj 10c Cubnolrla. 4 for t'e le Heynalito Orsn toeos. each ,.10o Box of ten 15c quality, foil wrappel, Manila clinri, for t3o Box of (0 Manila Regalias for..1.31 ISo Reynalrlo, 3 for lOo Rox of 60 l.lttle Chancellora . . , .fl. 60 IlK-nry Oeorre for gl.8J Box SO Uttle Toms $1.S Wonderful Offer MaCa to the Sick . stsizzr jrmov rissr soam. COME TO OUR STORE. DEPOSIT Inc.- get a jo-day treatment ' of Ir. Burklarta VliUCTABLK COM- tPOUNL. If It falls to relieve Ki I nev, llver, Stomnch Trouble or the following symptoms, such as pain in the stln, back, under shoulder blade, . rmotherln sen Rat inn, pa pliatlon of hetirt, tired, drowsy feeling weak ness, nervousness, sour alck stomec'i, dlsslness, run-d-)wn system or conatl patio.', Just bring bock the empty Box end we will refund your money ler, on deposit. If you are not satisfied. Drug Store Goods tla Allcock's Porous Plasters ...lto Bromo Seltaer to, ITa, gto. Mo BourJeoU Java Rtoo Powder, (gen nine) Mo too Charles Fleah Food Ma t&e Carter's Little Liver Pllla ..It) tie Castorla (gvnulne) tie S6e Cutloura Soajl ITa roe Caldwell'a Syrup Papain for tte toe Canthrox ........Me ROo Doan'a Kidney Pllla ........ S4o 11.00 Duffy's Pure Malt Mo Father Johno Medicine . .Me Fellows Syrup I4e 11.16 Oude'a Pegrto Mangan SSe z5o Hill's Cascara Quinine 140 Horllck'a Malted Milk tto, tta, M-74 11.00 Hyomel, complete t9J t6o Hydros Peroxide Cream ....10 Hydrogen Peroxide, pur .-..10 Hosteller's Bitters i.Me Palm Olrve or fas Mooo (tfi oap gatnraay, per eeilre. TSe Jad Ltrer Baits . Msterina lto, lto. Mo, 2tc Laxatlro Bromo Quinine ..... 60c La Blaeho Powder (4 shadea) Melltn's Food Mo, 60e valvlna Cream 1 6c Mennen's Talcum (4 shades) Mentho'atum (renutne) 60c Paoe'a ptapepstn ... t&c Packer's Tkr 8oa 11.00 Plnkham'o Compound . ... tOc. Pebeeo Tooth Pasta 11.00 Pierce's Favorite Rx 26c Pond's Vanishing Cream ... tl.00 Plnsud's LI'ao Vegetal ... 60c Possnnl Powder Itogers Oallet Rleo Powder .. Pal Heoatiea ..lto. Ma, KOo Pyrtio of Figs St. 00 S. S. 8. .. .... So Saxoltte for ., 60c Sempra Oiovlne tOc ficott's Emulsion Btuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets 15c Tlx. for tender feet I6e "Wood bury s Facial Soap.... 11.00 Wine of Cardul 490 St' 10 Me lto 14o tso 14i Mo Ml 40 lot MO Me ITa Ma ChoKco Frooh Candios Our Candy Department la a met Important one and so It should bo when tho rery high quality of th "Original Package" Candles we handle la considered. too Goodwill's Chocolates (In purie box) Saturday Mo Ugaett'a Elect Chocolates (every piece containing a nut, fruit or non rat renter), lb too Dainty Dutch Delights, H lb., 30e 1 jound ,. tM Llffrett's Butter arut Milk Bitter sweets, per lb., 40o l lb tM Llggctt's Fruit Cord.al Chocolates, '4 Ib COei 1 lb tl- We sell tho original (Barra) "Sat urday Candy,' fresh every Saturday. 1 lb , t9 IS, 000 samples Mistletoe Cream hare been put out by ua durtm; the laat few days. Breclal sale if large atsed tube Mistletoe I 1. Cream for 4Jo Me t40 Mo 140 ITa Ma Rubber Goods TVe buy our Rubber Oooda direct from factories and can sruaranteo same to b in prime condition. Good Bulb Syringe, tto Household Rubber Gloves, Mo 1-Quart Fountain "vrlnge, 4M . Nlpplee, beat kind. So Atomisers, toe to 91.M Rubber Tee Bags, 5o to $1.88 -o.t. Water Basra 4M Nearly 1,000 articles In the Rubber Goods lino. We have skilled aaleeladlee and flt , tera In our Rubber Good a. Truss and Shoulder Brace Department, Some of them have done thla work for ua for It to 10 yeara.' Razor Blades Sharpened We aharpen Rasor Blades (all klnda). Leave them with tha young ladies at the Perfume De partment at any of our atores. Sherman SSafCS 'EueOBiir.eII's Eyg Stores 4 BBSSBBSsVtaSSSSBXasHMBSSBS To the Young Man Who Has No Home of His Own Whether he be a young business or professional man here to build his future, a student going to school or college, or a me chanic away from home and friends each and every ono will be Interested in securing a nice, comfortably quiet room. A famished room like tlwt one illustrated, for example; for the yoirag profoe sional or business man so that after a nerve-racking, brain fagging day he may retire to lounge in peaco and quiet "while posting himself In the current newa of the day For the student so that he may have ample opportunity to "bone" or "cram" without fear of disturbing noises or other dis traction For the mechanic so that he may rest his weary muscles in preparation for an er "ening'a tiocial session or for the work of the morrow. Each and everyone desires such lodgings, and thev may find them by referring to the Classified columns of THE BEE. If nothing exactly suitable is found there, a complete file of desir aolo locations and f urnishad rooms is accessible in the offices of THE OMAHA BEE"