Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1915, EXTRA, Page 7, Image 7

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    rilK HKK: OMAHA. TIIUKSDAY, ( KTOKER 7, 1!15.
0no of tho Attractive Cars in the Auto Parade
IStor. Houn: 8:30 A. M. to 8 P.M. Biturdayi Till B P.M.
Wedding IMage Erthohn. Jeweler.
Uaaqojst, TeUe-4 puston HI.
ma n N toeecea Frw
Oeffee peroolator, S3. Burgftas-arandeA.
hltaa Cm Tfcreogh rrloa Cnl
cago to Norfolk. Va., via rennxyivanla
tinea to Cincinnati, thence Norfolk A
Western railway.
etaeeUtee see Uo ul uuu. i
Te ee EXCLUSIVELY, rta out Waal
vmrleaa aMTtnc picture tneatare elfe.
Safety mm fit Ufa Insurenes
ee W. H. Indus, general agent Stale
Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Worcie
Mass.. on of the oldest, "1 years,
and beat companies on eartJi.
Divorce Petitions rued The follow
Inn divorce petitions have been flied In
district court: Julia Benton against
Frank, cruelty alleged; Joseph Mangan
' against Mabel, desertion allKed; Euavng
U. Srnalta again t May C, cruelty at
tired. Xs monad Over Wlllard (Sweeney,
late of Kansas City, was arralKued be
fore J'ollce Magistrate Poster, charged
with the theft of fix from the Omaha
Rubber company. He waa bound over
to the district court with bonds fixed
at 11.000.
a ad Tlalta Court Xoase The brass
band of the State Industrial school of
Kearney visited the court bouso and re
ceived much applause when It played
several selections. This band la receiv
ing many compliment In Omaha. Several
Ulna ha lads are members ot It.
took for Kissing- Persons The police
are' looking lor tho following person,
who are wanted by relatives: Joseph H.
Muse la being eoUKht by his brother.
Jamas 8. Mmo; OUle Dexter is sought
by relatives In Hong Kong, China, and
J. 8. Komlnl Is wanted by the chief of
police of Oakland. Col.
Pickpocket Bound Over Urn Harris
of Mason City, ia, arrested for picking
the pockets of Frank M. Hutrtiison of
Kagan, Neb., of a purse containing $5,
was apprehended by Hutchison and his
friend. Boy Potter, after they followed
him about the carnival grounds and saw
him reach In other visitors' pockets.
Harris pleaded not guilty, but wan
bound over to the district court with
bonds fixed at $1,000.
Inspects Picked Vp Several well
dressed men who had been frequenting
the corner of Nineteenth and Uarney
streets and who had appeared to take
much Interest In well-to-do men of a
rural appearance were arretted by' the
police on information furnished by Harry
Monsky of the office of Harry Pearce,
register of deeds. Monsky had observed
the men spending considerablo time In the
vicinity of that corner for the last two
motile XalhaU Here L,uclle Mulhail,
champion horseback rider and woman
steer roper of tho world, well known la
the vaudeville world and all over the
west, where she haa won honor at all
the big rounaups and contests. Is visiting
in Omaha, preparatory to entering the
vaudevlllo field for the winter after hav
ing played the big outdoor shows all
summer. She Just returned from Sioux
City, where she waa the big free attrac
tion at the fair.
'. The supreme officers ot the Danish
Brotherhood of America, at their annual
meeting . In the' Paxtoa block, decided' to
Invest 161,000 in Illinois and Iowa school
bonds. They, would have taken some of
the Omaha school bonds had they been
ready for the market.
The books of the supreme lodge show
a reserve fund of $300,000 and surplus of
flOft.000. The local banks hold $30,000 of
the funds.
President T. P. Nielsen states that at
the annual convention at fit. Paul, Minn.,
next week the matter of pensions for
aged members will te considered and care
of tubercular members will bo another
Important order of business.
The supreme officers, representing 22,000
members of 303 lodges, are going over the
lxyks and preparing reports for sub
mission to the convention next week.
These officers will return to Omaha after
the St. Paul meeting. More than 6.000
are expected at the meeting In' St. Paul
nest week.
The board of directors or the Local
Drama league met at the home of the
president. Miss Kate A. McHugh, Tues
' Jay evening to arrange for the coming of
Lady Gregory, who talks on the Irish
Players, October 28. The lecture will be
given at the Boyd or at the Hotel Fob
tencHe. Lady Gregory is the first speaker to
be sent to Omaha by the national league,
with which the Omaha center is affili
ated. The Omaha, center is in. charge" of the
lecture by F. M. Fling of the I'nlverslty
of Nebraska, who will talk Saturday af
ternoon at 3.30 o'clock at the High school
auditorium, on "The Play's the Thing."
A series of lectures to smaller groups to
be given at the publio library is being
arranged as well as other dates with
speakers from elsewhere.
. One of the plane of the local Drama,
league la to arrange for talks by theatri
cal stars who come here daring season.
Jake Malashok was elected president of
the Menorab society at the annual meet
ing held Tuesday evening In the B'nal
Ami club rooms. Miss Lottie Horn was
elected vice president. Miss Rose Brodkey
secretary and treasurer, Miss Nora Pred
corresponding secretary snd Nathan Kad
ner reporter. ,
The following were elected to the ex
ecutive committee: Dave G roe n burg. Dr.
I. Dansky, Mlsa Hannah Kulakofsky and
pinion Levey.
Mlalatrr Give Tetlmay.
The Kev. C. M. Knighton, Havanna.
Fla., writes: "For three months I suf.
fered Intense pain In kidneys and back,
which at. times laid tne up entirely. I
read of Foley Kidney Pills and after
trying various remedies without result
I decided to try the Foley treatment. 'I
waa relieved almost with the first dose
and It Is a fact that I used only IVt
bottles when all of the pains disap
peared. I am 66 years of age and now
feel like a young man Main-" Sold
every w here. Ad vertisement.
Dew's Let Yetr Cold Uet Wttrsr.
Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey will cure your
cough and give you restful sleep. Good
for children. Only 36c. All drug-gists
V f- -i v
1 ---J7 y
Subjects of Ak-Sar-Ben Enjoy Frolic
to Utmost After the Big
Attendance at the carnival yes
terday was larger by almoet COO
than on the corresponding day last
And although the north wind did
blow revelers on the king's confetti
carpet were just as gay as ever last
Children bad another chance to
go to the carnival and see the shows
at jitney prices after the floral
parade, and they made the most of
It. In fact, yesterday's excessive at
tendance was due to the Increased
number of youngsters over last
year's record, the adult attendance
being somewhat leas.
"Kareless" Kennedy made his
slide for life In his usual sensational
and flaming fashion in the evening,
and Balloonist Huntley staged his
aerial bombardment Jn the after
noon. Randall Brown and Gould Diets,
governors of Ak-Sar-Ben, became
ambitious yesterday and longed to
distinguish themselves by making a
flight in their dirigible, cigar-shaped
balloon, which they rescued last
summer from the Ignominy of sacri
fice at a government sale.
Gevernore Do Mot U t'p.
"Why not circle around over the
King's Highway as an added attrac
tion for the crowds T" queried one.
"We might as well get our money's
worth out ot the airship now as
Plans for a flight were humming along
nicely, until a certain genial and popular
governor, upon whose brow the crown of
Ak-Sar-Ben XXI is apt to be placed
Friday night, pleaded with the would-be
aerial adventurers not to depart, for
fear they might not return to help the
aaid genial and popular governor get
Into his kingly robes In time for the
So the airship's fight wss called off
and the dirigible still remains on exhibi
tion at the grounds. Inflated for a sail,
but moored to the ground at Fifteenth
and Jones streets.
"There Is more system and less fric
tion at this carnival than at any other
I have ever seen." declared C. A. Wor
tbam of the Combined Wortham Shows
last night. He complimented Ak-Par-Ben
and its officers for the business-like
methods they maintain In running the
carnival, and for the high standards
they Insist upon for the attractions.
Late, last evening. Superintendent Fred
Schamel closed up a couple of booths
on the highway, which were alleged to
have been conducting a crooked game.
He declared that such practices would
not be tolerated among conceaslonlsts.
Thursday afternoon all the little or
phans of fit. James' orphanage will be
the guests of the Ak-Sar-Ben manage
ment, and will be admitted free to -the
grounds and the exhibit of "The Shadow
of the Cross," an oil pointing with both
religious and educational aspects, and a
mystery as well. Father Roach of the
orphanage will accompany the children.
Teacher at Institute for Deaf Is
Knocked Unconscious by Tough
Confetti Thrower.
Rowdyism on the King's Highway last
night was carried so far, in spite of care
ful police supervision, that Mine Hose
Hovak, JO yoars old and teacher t the
Institute for tho Deaf, suffered sertaas
Miss Novak, with a half dosen young
women friends, went to the carnival
early in the evening and were enjoying
the sights when a orowd ot boisterous
youths surrounded them and commenced
throwing confetti. The girls took the
attack In good part until one rough
threw his arms about Miss Hovak to
stuff the confetti Into her waist. She
threw htm off and turned away, and
as she did so his flt caught her
squarely in the back.
Khe was knocked unconscious and in
the excitement that followed all of the
men escaped. '
Police took hor to headquarters, where
Dra. Shook. Tamlclea and Regan spent
an hour trying to revive her. Shej
fainted several time", ana tne physi
cians fear that she received serious In
ternal Injuries from the blow.
She was taken home in the polloe
Chief Dunn, on tho openins day of
the carnival, insued explicit commands
to tho highway squad regarding dis
order and thus far this Is the first seri
ous outbreak, although last night's
crowd was the roughest of any.
DENVKR. Colo., Oct. 1 John D.
Rockefeller, jr.. started late today for
Colorado mei and iron company mining
properties. Tomorrow he will visit the
Sunrise Iron mine near the Wyoming
Nebraska line.
Child's Tongue
Becomes Coited
If Constipated
If cross, bilious, sick, feverish,
or full of cold, take
no chances.
"California Syrup of Tig"
can't harm tender stom
ach, liver, bowels.
Boy Fatally Hurt;
Autoist Speeds On
Ten-year-old Willie Beaohler. son of
W. O. Bcachler, 8709 Brown street, may
die front injuries received at Thirtieth
and Ames last night, when an unidenti
fied autoist struck him down and
speeded on.
The youngKter was crossing the street
i with his elder brother. George, when the
' auto loomed up at terrific speed, uerora
he could Jump to safety he was caught
and hurled twenty feet.
Police Surgeon Shook says he has In
ternal lnjurlea which might prove fatal.
Several persons saw the affair, but
tho car was going too fast for them to
catch the number.
A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand
furniture into cash.
Safety Pin Fails
To Hold Bank Roll
It didn't do ITomer Knapstone, farm
hand from Madison, Net)., any good (o
hide his roll Inside his vest and fasten
It there with a largo safety pin.
He got Into a churn of humanity on
the highway and some one shoved an
arm under his chin. While he was look
ing skyward, the roll of t'JO waa taken.
The pin however, waa returned..
The detectives have arrested over
twenty known pickpockets. In the last two
days, and these are being detained at
headquarters to be tried for vagrancy,
since specific crime cannot be fastened
upon them. Another score of persons
are held aa "suspicious characters"
until Investigation can be made.
auidren love this "fruit laxative."
and nothing else cleanses the tender
stomaoh, liver and bowels so nleelv.
A child simply will not stop piaylng
to empty the bowels, and the result Is,
they become tightly clogged with waste,
liver gets sluggish, stomach sours, then
your little one becomes eroaa. haif-alrlc.
feverish, don't eat, sleep or act natu
rally, breath la bad. system full of
cold, has sore throat, stomach-ache or
diarrhoea. Listen, Mother! See If tongue
is eoatea, then give a teaspoonful of
"California Syrup of Figs." and In a few
hours all the constipated waste, sour
bile and undigested food passes out of
the ay stem, and you have a well, play
ful chUd again.
Millions of mothers give "California
Pyrup of Figs" because It Is nerfertlv
harmless; children love It, and It never
rails to act on the stomach, liver and
Ask your druggist for a no-cent bottle
of '"California Syrup of Figs," which
haa full directions for bablee, children
of all ages and for grown-ups plainly
printed on the bottle. Beware of coun
terfeits sold h Get the genuine,
made by 'X:aliri,...U Fig Syrup Com
pany." Refuse any other kind with eon
tempt Advertisement
Other things being equal,
the number of buyers di
vided by the number of
Hers, equals the amount
of trad per seller. Almost
very one realises,' theoreti
cally at least, that If on
seller Increases his share
of the trade by advertialnc.
the other sellers pay the a&
rtlalng bill.
Ten eaa increase year
Apartments, flats, houses and cottageu
can be rented quickly and cheauly by a
Dee "For Rent"
Dr. Adrian K. Buricard, for Uilrty-three
Years a resident of Oman and for thir
teen var a practitioner of m-Ju trio, hu
voue I t Boqitel. Cul , where b will luaJte
t borne.
Culls From the Wire
Threo disturbances resulting from the
gsrment workers' strike at Chicago re
sulted in the arrent of alic men. three
women and two girls.
The national congress of Mothers' and
Parent Teacher's association urobatly
will seek an endowment from the great
educational foundations, according to
puuis discussed at the meeting ( the ex
ecutive commitU at New York.
An amendment to the federal con
stitution so as to give to congreus the
power to regulate Insurance companies
and projects wus proposed to the World's
Insurance congress at fcan Francisco by
Lawrence Y. Sherman. United tftatea
senator from Illinois.
A campaiKn for a definite rural credit
legislation program, with particular ref
erence to the nefds of the western
staUs. was begun at Denver when com
mittees representing the International lr
tlgHtion congress, the Investment Hank
ers' Association of America and the In
ternational Farm oongress met lu Joint
The Manitoba Grain Orowers aato-
clatlon at Winnipeg adopted nd for
warded to Premier lionlen resolutions
requesting the government to take Im
mediate steps for the opening of mar
kets In the United Htates to western
Canada wheat it was urged that the
export duty on wheat going Into the
I'nited States be removed at once.
The progressive Massachusetts state
convention at Boston deidid to main
tain the party organisation for tho
preeldentlal campaign of Ult. ratified
the nomination of Nelson B. CUrk of
Heverly for governor and adopted a
platform which contained planks favor
ing national prohibition, woman suffrage,
state ownership ot puMti' utilltum and
the social uplift.
At Once! Stops
Stomach Misery
and Indigestion
Instant relief from sourness,
g-as, heartburn, acidity,
'Tape's Diapepsin" is quick
est and surest stomach -relief
Wonder what upset your stomach
which portion of the food did the dam
agedo you? Well, don't bother. If
your stomach Is In a revolt; if sour,
gassy and upset and what you just
ate has fermented Into stubborn lumps;
head dluy and aches; belch gases and
acids and . eructate undigested food;
breath foul, tongue coated Just take a
little Pape's Diapspsio and In five min
utes yoa wonder what became of the In
digestion and distress.
Millions of men and 'women today
know that it la needless to have a bad
stomach. A little Dlapepeln occasion
ally kaops this delicate organ regulated
and they eat their favorite foods with
out fear.
If your stomaoh doesn't take car of
your liberal limit without rebellion;
If your food la a damag Instead of a
help, remember the quickest, surest,
most harmless relief Is Papa's Dta
pepnla which costs only fifty cents for
a large case at drug stores. It's truly
wondurful It digests food and aeta
things straight, so gently and easily
that It Is really aslonWIiiiig. Please,
for your sake, don't go on and on with
a weak, disordered stomach: It's so uu
Mi4,iirv Aftv'rtiemnl
Five. Cents First Pay
ment Secures Any of
These Standard Make
Sewing Machines
COME to our Department
Thursday pick the ma
chine of your choice out of
our splendid assortment
register and pay 5 cents and
the machine will bo delivered
to you immediately.
Most ot tfca
machinea am
brand saw, direct
from the factory
a taw slightly
Used machine
Included at spe
cial price.
Bargese-Hash Ce fair floor.
urgess-Nash Gompmtc
'cv brVd oo yV store'
Wednesday, th tolwr fl,
-Nlor News fur Thursday-
-I'lionr IhniRlaa J 37
A Word About Tailored Suits
at $25.00
Variety a Distinguishing Note, Worked Oat With
Thought of Quality andWorkmanship Dominating
rrAirx)UKl) SUITS it is not a minuto too early to select.
i. Styles have crystallized and the HurgvgH-Naah collection ia
receiving daily endorsement from Omaha 'h best dresners, whioh
proves we've forercad the "tylen aright and we've evolved
them at prices eminently fair.
Our Suits at $25.00
Are tho best for the least. Shop 'round you'll agree that
in value, diversity and rich leauty there 'h not a near equal.
All the newest weaves and colorings aro represented.
The New Coats Are Here
at $15.00 to $75.00
JteprcKeuting a wide selection of charming models in imported zibeline, imported
mixtures, plain broadcloth velvet, broadtail and plush.
Thursday's CORSET Special
AT $1.75 VERY Unusual
Vr r
v rr nJ-tt J
SPECIAL offerinc of
Mlisca Treco cor
sets. The moat comfort
able and hygienic corset
made for the school girl.
Washable material In
white only, finished with
two pair of strong elaMie
supporters, S1.7fi
Negligee Corsets, $1.00
An exceptionally fine negligee
corset, both In flesh and white.
All alies, $1.00.
Brassieres at 59c
Bein Jolle Rrassleres of Rood
Quality muslin, daintily trim
med with band ot filet laoe. o'oHM eor.
Long White Kid Gloves
for the Coronation Ball
FOR the woman who In looking forward to
the Coronation Ball or the Theatrical and
Social season,, this Is an opportunity.
10-rtutton Length, 3.00 a Pair.
'aVUuttoa Length, $2.73 m Talr.
The gloves are made of an excellent quality ot
tine, soft pliable skins in a full range of Bites.
O Kale froo. '
the Ball or Charity CONCERT
JUST aa a reminder have you everything i&
readiness for the two nioxt Important social
events of the season charity concert and the
Coronation Hall?
Dainty Kvenlng Slipper, 9.1.0O to S12.00.
Hair Ornaments, Fan, Hosiery, Hllk
Inderwear, Toilet separations, Kt.
BargMS-STaak Company.
mm. ... & r. - I, i I,, I,
Biiairg8gMaglh EagMinit Store
Remarkable Values in Untrimmed
Hats in the Basement Store Thurs
day at 79c, 98c and $1.25
A RECENT pickup " which brings us
a big shipment of tho season's new
est shapes for matron or maid Every
new idea is represented including the
lopular puritan and straight sailor aa
well as clever toques and trioorns.
They're made of a splendid quality of
velvet in black and colors.
$1.43 Untrimmed Hats, Thursday, 59c
A special lot of untrimmed shapes, wide selection of now styles, that were priced to
$1.49, very special Thursday at 59c.
New flowers for trimming in a variety of kinds and colorings, special at 19c, 39c, 59c.
Baryess.sTaea Qe asitiny
Saturday Is
Clean-Up Day
ALL rubbish must go Here
are some very special values
in housefurnlshlngs that will help
brighten the corners."
O'Cedar OH Mop. triangle shape,
64 Inches, polished handle, oiled
ready for use, regular 76c values,
at B;io
O'Cedar polish, ll-ounce bottle,
60c slse, at 8
Lighthouse Cleanser, 6c slse, for
only 1Wo
Lighthouse Washing Powder,
large site package, 18c values, a
packages for So
Parlor Brooms, made of beat
quality broom corn, sewed 4
times, 86c values at 0
Waste Paper Baskets, made of
straw braid, very strong, assorted
colors and shapes. Cc values. 40c
Sapolln stove pipe enamel. 16c
values, special In cleanup sale. 12c
Qalvsnlsed Iron Palls, 10-o.uart-
sise, special, at .IS
Ash Cans, made of heavy galvan
ised Iron with galvanised cover,
large else 12.26 values, In clean
up aale, at
Bapolin Aluminum Paint for rad
iators, stoves registers, etc., 16o
slse for 2o
6apoIln Gold Paint for radiators.
beds, ete., 16o slxe for ISo
TurrlngUMi or Keglna band-pewer
vauuin sweepers, easy to operate,
will sire good service, a limited
ouanttty to cleanup; regular IT.fc
values, at
Bargese-staek Oe sueMti
Sample Line of Women's Fur
Trimmed Suits That Were
Intended to Sell to $29.50
At $15.95
THE sample line of a bip
manufacturer, no two
alike, made in a wide selection
of the season's newest and most
favored weaves, styles and col--oringn,
including the latest mil
itary effect, with or without
belts. Fur trimmed suits that
were intended to sell to $29.50,
Thursday, at $15.95.
Women's and Misses' Suits
To Retail to $19.50, for $14.95
Sizes for women and misses, in
the new weaves and colors,
nicely trimmed with fur and
silk braid, intended to retail to .
$19.50, for $14.95.
Women's Corduroy Coats $6.95
Women's and misses' sites, good cor
duroy In green, navy, Belgian and
brown, also black. Usual f 10.00
valuea, special Thursday at $6.00.
Bargees stash Os. sseiasat.