Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1915, EXTRA, Page 3, Image 3

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Handi Out Some Good, Sound Advice
to Hit Brother Rotaritm at
a Banquet
Trail Attend
Sitter. nnce,
Previous oays 3 44,00
Afternoon l.MO
evening 'B0
Col -
Tt Bl
Totals a,eeo 43B,eO0
toy ana (in trail Mttwi . . .
. . .1,483
Collections for union gospel mission.
In addition to cash, above, about
M wss pledged to be paid In a wee
bTCZTDIOS tobat.
11 m. i I P. m. aatnees women
lnmo So Varnam .treet, Hla. KUl.r.
18 il8 p. m. Stanany nadressee noon
day elan. Commercial don room.
I p. m. Bandar at the Tnseruneln.
Wnm nnlT.)
rt'rCSr.byt.rtchTreh. Vo7h j was the first time In .acred history that
Side, Mias Miller. Ood could look throughout the land or
346 p. m Boys' and girls' maetlnr, Vt nil Illld on, He cou.d truat, one
Central United rreabytsrtan onuroa, He ,d admlri one He could tecom
Ittss Gamlln. , , . . . .r
McCabe Metaoalat ehureh. Kiss OamUn.
Ti30 p. m-SJunday at the Tabernacle.
(Woman only.)
p. m. Bible stuoy class. Olivet
Saptlst cboron, Miss Ssxs.
"Success is not found simply In
dollars and cents," "Billy" Sunday
told 150 members of the Rotary
club at the Henshaw hotel at noon.
'A man Is a mighty big fool If he
is striving only for commercial pros
perity. Ninety-five per cent ot all
business men fail financially, and
98 per cent of all estates bandied by
probate courts are insolvent.
"We ought to slow down a bit
from our present high geared pace,
and realize that God rules every
thing and his way is best, what
ever it is.
"Money won't pay our - fare over tne
Jordan. Gold la not legal tender in
heaven; It's only good for paving blocks
up there.
Bare Handa of Honesty.
"Better have the Dare hands of honesty
than the gloved hands of crookedness
and akull-duggery.
"Don't be chesty over a little success
In thla old world.
"Have courage and energy in the great
business struggle. Business men need
nerve nowdaya. more tha anything elan
Nerve is the biggest word in the busi
ness lexicon.
"Salaried men! Be something more
than alot machines for the proprietor to
drop money into on pay days.
"Don't neglect your homea for business.
Many a man is nothing; more than a
cashier for hla family. They think he
1a only good for a meal ticket.
"Some business men's wives might just
as well have been married to an auto
and a Vlctrola. The women would then
at least have something to take them out
riding and something to talk to them.
Play with Toor Children.
"Men, play with your children.' Soma
- business men tell their children to keep
good company, but sometimes when a
boy walks down the street with his father
the lad couldn't be in worse company."
Rev. Mr. Sunday was greeted with
cheers by the business men when he ea
tered, and won a big hand from them
by his vigorous remarks. He waa Intro
duced by President II. O. Moorhead of
the Rotary club, who explained that the)
evangelist is a Rotarlan, being a member
of the Des Moines club.
"Rody" taught the Rotarlans to sing
"Brighten the Corner." "Bob" Matthews
and George Sunday also were guests of
the club.
Prizes Awarded to
Bicycle Riders in
the Floral Parade
Cnuli prlxes aggregating tW were given
tu the motorcycle and bicycle riders in I
the floral parade Tuesday afternoon. In
former years prises have been given for
the lient automobile floats, but this vear
the award was confined entirely to the
motorcycle and bicycle.
The first prise was won by Edwin F.
Meyers with a float of a general automo-
bile effect built by laahlng two bicycles
together, building a canopy and bower,
and decorating with flowera. The boys !
were dressed in colonial style. The first;
prlxe was $15.
The second prise was won by Mike
Boord with hla rioat of tne umDreua et- i
feet. The prize was flO.
The third was won by A. O. Sorensen
with his float in pink and white, with
the square effect. This was a $5 prize
The fourth prize, of to. was won by
Victor Koos with his decoration and cos
tume to represent Uncle tiam.
The fifth prize of 5 was taken by
Otto Ralmer and Carl Pedeiaen, who
jointly constructed and rode their float.
The Arapahoe band, which is In Omaha
taking part In the Ak-Sar-Ben parades,
marched about tho streets of Omaha giv
ing short concerts at various places. The
big band stopped for several minutes in
the rotunda of The Bee building and
played three selections, which were
roundly api lauded by the occupants of
the building, who knocked off work for
a few minutes to enjoy the music.
The Falrbury band, twenty-eight
strong, marched gaily Into the rotunda
of The Bee building Wednesday morn
Ing and gathered 'round the gold fish
pund and discoursed sweet niutio to the
ielight of the staff and the folks In th
offices of tha building. The band Is under
the Kadershlp of T. t Datholey, a band
master who came from Italy with tho
Banda Rosa.
Detectives Sullivan and Fleming have
arrested eleven men in the last few days
wlK.m they assert are pickpockets snd
con men. They will be held at head
quarters until after the carnival and then
arralKned before the police Judge on
vagrancy complaints.
Job Is Held Up as the Model
Man by Sunday in a Sermon
"Billy" Surdity's icrmon In tho tnbor
nacle this afternoon u u follow:
Text: Job l 'l "There waa a man In
the land of Us whom name waa Job,
and that waa perfect, and one that
(tared Ood and hated evil."
That veree give ua the greatest possible
certificate ot character. Not niy great
est In what la aald there, but lanuag
cannot eM'rees more.
It declarea that Job waa Perfect In
other worua that noil. lug cou.d be added.
When that waa amid, all had been aald
that apeech could Bay.
I'erfect man nieana an A-U a 24-karat
proposition, and then some. That the
kind of a man Uod telle ua Job waa
He waa perfect In character nothing
more could be aald of an angel he waa
perfect when measured by the highest
standard Uod a standard of perfection.
He was white In the light ot heaven.
Thla certificate of character la the
greatest that could be made and from
me highest possible source.
When the Lord makes the statement
It nieana that Job Just aulted Ood.
Tho ali-seelng eye of the Lord did not
flmt ntlA altlillA flaw In hia maKeup. It
I would rather be perfect in the alght
of God than have all that the world
can give of wealth, ot pleasure or of
Th.nk of the hope and Inaplratlon thla
Is to us, meditating upon the declara
tion that Ood made about Job. If Job
could please God and become peneci
in His sight, why cannot you?
I hope to do it. To know that It H
possible for one man to please God Is to
know any one who lives may do the
same thing.
Can't Please All.
The Bible does not say that Job was
perfect In the sight of man he waa per
feet In the slant of God.
If I thought I had to please every
body or miss heaven, I'd simply have
to throw up the sponge; It would be
Impossible. If Job had to be perfect
In the sight of his neighbors he would
never wear a crown,
If you had to please everybody you
never would aee heaven, lou have to
lower everv standard of decency and
morality to please aome mutts.
There's not one of us wio could pleaae
all the people for even one week If our
lives depended upon It. There s hardly
. man who would be ncrfect In the
sight of his wife for three days.
The humblest can pleaae God If they are
uriwit nri do their very beat. It'
thousand times easier to please God than
our neighbors. The reason Is God knows
everything about it, while our Intimate
friends know very little.
Our friends judge us by what they
want to do or would do If they haTl
the power. Human vision stope at the
surface. God looka at the heart. Many
people meaaure God, but deny His meas
urement of them.
God doean't pay any attention to the
color of your hair or eyea or the
beauty of your complexion. You may look
fine to me and at the aame time be
rotten In the eight of God. Some peo
ple will yell "Amen!" until they raiae
the roof, and then akin you in" a horae
trade. .
There waa a man In the land ot Us.
Don't know anything about the land of
Us. Wished I did; but I'U tell you what
I think about It,
I have an Idea that it was a hard
place for a man to be perfect. I of
ten meet people who think religion la
sort of a matter of geography, that their
state of grace depends upon the state
they may live in.
There are men In Omaha who think
they could be good Christiana In Chi
cago; there are . men In Nebraska who
think they could be good Chrialtane In
I beard of a man who went to camp
meeting and shouted until ha
frightened the people. Think of people be
coming frightened at a red-hot camp
If Job could please "Ood In the land of
Us. I believe It Is possible for any enns
tlan to do ao, wherever their lot may be
providentially caat. .The man who nas
to be in a revival to be happy there's a
leak aomewhero in his faith. Doubta are
le.i,, ,nat wm sink the ship of faith.
If Voa Know God, Tell It.
"There was a man in tne lana oi ox
and his name was Job.
wave you nouceu -;
rays gooa sdoui a man u gen-
crally gives tho name, and K notning dui
I evil can be said of him the name is wun-
t l eld? ' AL t
We know tho name of the poor beggar
at the rich mans gate but we; ao noi
know the name of the rich man. There s
something here that we should think of
and ponder over In our mind, if tfou
Know anyinins gouu
ll out.
For still another reason I am glad
Jobs name has been given us in connee
tlon, with thla story of his trial. His ex
perience has been a great blessing and
help to me. I w,ant to tell Job when I get
to heaven, and I'm glad to have his name
so that I can call for him.
If a man Is good, I believe In telling tt
to him. Don't wait to wet the grave of
jour virtuous friend with tears; tell hlra
his good points now.
There la not a wife alive today who
wouldn't rather have flowers scattered
through ber life than have them piled up
ot her casket.
Too much money Is spent for flowers
to decorate funerals when It should have
been spent for a hired girl.
I want to take a walk with him and
have him till out any gaps In the story.
I want to ask him a few questions about
aome things over which I have been
I want to ask him how he felt when the
messenger arrived bringing the bad news;
I want to ask him if he didn't find it
easier to endure bolls than the taunts and
liislnuatlons of his friends.
Talk about the world growing betterl
When you can show me a man with a
character better than Job had, according
to God's showing, I'll be ready to believe
There Is hardly anyone of us who hasn't
the advantage of Job In many ways.
Think what little help he had to be a
good man compared to what we have.
Tha Book of Job 1 admitted to be the
oldest writing In existence, yet away back
In those misty days we find a man who
puts us to shame.
Job shamed by his loyalty to Old. He
had no church. He never went to hear a
wrmoD, never attended a revival, a Sun
day school, a Christian Endeavor meet
ing or a Young Men's Christian associa
tion, but out of all that darkness be
shone lil.e a star for Jesus Christ.
Why aren't you like hliu? Why, you are
spiritually lop-aldod, bow-legged, cross-
ejed. You scatter like a shotgun and,
ou're no good.
"That man was perfect and upright."
God said so. The trouble with a good
many Is that they are lop-sided, bow
legged and cross-eyed. They scatter all
over; they never get anywhere.
He feared Ood and hated evil." Thla
aeema that he truetcd Ood that ha be
haved himself. How soon we could make
this old world like heaven If we all did
Job minded his own buslneaa. How soon
thla old world would be like heaven It
everyone minded hla own business! Boms
people are really religious only on Pun
days, but they may be so crooked that
they could hide behind a coraacrew.
Trust Ood and behave yourself Is sim
ply another way of saying, "Thou ahalt
love the Lord thy Ood with all thv heart
and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor
as thyself."
dome People Work at Goodness
snort Time.
Job never stopped for holidays. He be-
haved himself 865 days In the year. On
leason why some people find It so hard
to behave is because they only work at
it a few minutes at a time.
I can't understand why soma fellowa
won't believe the Bible, hut win guip
down every word a Jockey tells them.
about an old skste, or will Mta on a
gold brick scheme.
If you did your breathing the same way
you would have been dead and forgotten j
long ago.
Job was an upright man. Thla means i
that he had an honesty that could stand
the light of heaven.
Job had a character that stood out
like a pyramid against the devil's busi
ness. If you want to find out what a
hard fight the devil can make, what a
hot fire he can wage, live close enough
to God.
Some of you church members don't
believe In fire and brimstone you wonld
If you got clear out on God's firing
line. That's what Job did, and that's
why the devil opposed .Jilm.
As soon as God declared that Job was
perfect It was up to the devil to prove
that he wasn't. It's the devil's business
to bombard everyobdy that God speaks
well of. He haa done that from Adam
down until the present time. He will
continue to do so until the Lord comes
and drives him away out of the world.
Home Hoaat Billy."
The devil Is prompting the things that
are being said about me, and soma of
the meanest, moat vllllfying, moat scur
rilous things are being said about me
by people in the church. Some of the
ministers are in it. too.
A man's character la what is left after
you have taken away everything eise
that he can loso. After you strip and
peel off everything else that a man can
loae, then you begin to catch a glimpse
of the real man.
Character never dies. It comes from
God eternal as the great white throne.
It stands four-square against everything!
evil. That's why the devil snd all his'
hosts make war upon It.
But the devil never gets any rest
where there's a good man or woman.
1 know the devil la making a lot ot
trouble for me, but I m keeping him busy,
and don't you forget that.
The devil would like to have every
married man In Omaha keep a woman
on the aide; every girl sell her virtue.
He hates perfection, and you're on his
side, you big Idiot. You're a fooL You
never thought so little of yourself be
fore, did you? Do something for God.
There are a lot of nominal Christians
who have aubacrlbed to all tha articles
of the creed, but their minds are sterile,
they never reproduce. Their minds ana
nothing but a sick ward of Impotent,
paralytic purposes.
Job's character as the head of a fam
ily was against the devil. Instead of
aneaklng through life a bachelor and
cheating some good woman and tha
atate, he married and had a family of
ten children, and every one of then
grew up to the glory of Ood.
Home is tne Teat.
There la no stronger religious test than
the home teat. The preacher whose re.
Union Can't atand the home teat haan't
much of a religion, and tt waa Job's
ability to stand out the devil when the
devil came to hU home and put him to
a test that made Job right with God.
Job's wife wasn't very glad when she
saw her husband win out. I'm sorry to
say that Job s wife waan t very re-
u,oulJ l wtmdtr why the devil didn't
woman when he was out
houe j fc haye
j tht Jf rd been th(j dey(1 rd
soaked her. I'm glad that you women
I bad he wg)(
y the tlmP Job., w1fe wa, w,tch.
I Jng hm M he moiinlnr ltn w
hm f rQm tj fgot
. .,,, , M ..i,., .,,
tain thine Integrity?
Curse God and
die; Job, give up."
Most of you want the best from God
and unless you do the right thing,
whether you are rich or poor, by Him
you won't get It. Job was the Vender
bllt, the Rockefeller and the Carnegie
of his day. Money didn't prevent him
from doing the right thing by God.
I have never met John D. Rockefeller,
Have Dark Hair
and Look Young
Don't stay gray! Nobody can
tell when you darken gray,
faded hair with Sage Tea
and Sulphur.
Grandmother kept her hair beautifully
darkened, gloaay and abundant with a
brew of Bage Tea and Sulphur. When
ever her hair fell out or took on that
dull, faded or streaked appearance, this
simple mixture was applied with won
derful effect. By asking at any drug
store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound." you will get a largo bottle
of this old-time recipe, ready to use,
for about to cents). This simple mixture
can be depended upon to restore natural
color and beauty to the hair and la
splendid for dandruff, dry, Itchy scalp
and falling hair.
A well-known down town druggist says
everybody uses Wyeth's Saga and Sul
phur, because It darkens so naturally
and evenly that nobodv can tell It has
'een applied It's o easy to use, tin).
You simply dampen a comb or soft brush
ind draw It through your hair, taking
one strand at a time. By morning the
gray hair disappears; after another ep
ilation or two. It la reatored to tta n st
rut color and looka glossy, soft and
abundant. Advertisement.
but 1 have always admired the way he
haa at ood squat-ply by Jesus, and that's a
lot more than other rlcn ducks ran say
for themaelves. John I. ha never wanted
anything from me and I don't want any
thing from him. but my hat la off to him
because, rich as he Is. he has alwavs done
the r,nt ,,,, bv lK,
trn w tri ri,hest and best and moat
rellglous man of his an, and he knew
how to keep the devil on the move, and
that's a lot more than a lot of men who
would. Ike to be km wn ss the rl host and
best and most religious men of today can
say. When wealth and piety become syn
onyinoua terms the devil will leave thla
wot Id.'
It Is as easy for Ood to give wealth as
to give Cu'orado sunshine. A nood many
men regard money aa a mean a of pam
pering, themselves snd forget that Ood
gave them thoae means.
Money Is often a through ticket to hell.
I don't know when the dovll first went
to church, but he went In Job'a time and
he hasn't missed a meeting since.
Where la the relixtoua man who, if
he has. much business on hand, makea
any attempt to pray?
Who la there who doean't bunch hla
wife and children In his praying to aave
I can almost see snw of you crawl
out of your beds late, bolt down your
breakfasts, grab the Bible, turn to the
117th Psalm, drop on your knees, fall
down the steps to catch the street car,
and you are simply going through the
motions trying to be religious God haa
10 taae me snort enci 01 everything.
Knew Job Coo I it Re Trusted.
The dcvl himsof t,aa declared the
Christian life the safest, the best and the
mol,t profitable. Listen to this:
"Hast thou not mode an hedge about
Him and His house, and about all thai lie
hath on every side? Thou has bleeaed
the work of His hands. Hla substance
has Increased In the land."
Ood didn't have to try an experiment
tmm ss k aWasJl
1 Smooth Doable
- i j ituit warn i 1 1 1.:
I'M tttwa.a, IpJ
ill " in
l-tt wrp.- Ill H
Mil 111 X
... .. ... ffr 7 . 7 ; . ,-, -r-,,.,. -
i )i nitgoaMtfcMBsi inWri MmmmmmmmmM0emm mm mi sjnwstn nit n n n i v .-.
with Job to find out whether he eould be
trusted or not. He knew him as well be
fore his trials as afterward. Ood knew
that Job would atand, no matter where
He put him. God knew all along thai
the dell was a liar.
God said. "He Is In thy hand, you may
lake away his property, do whnt you will
with hint, but don't touch him."
If the devil waa ever glad he must have
felt like shouting whin he heard that he
was to have a chance to peel, alash and
do whnt he plrssid.
He could slap the sheep, the oxen and
children. Before that time he Could not
have rol bid the smallest lamb from the
flick. If there was ever joy In hell they
must nave been hilarious.
Tho devil no doubt believed that Job
would become one of the best captains In
hla army. He started out to make short
work of the peace of the grand old ser
vant; speedily held a council of war, ran
omen was planned. They were to take
possession ot the servants and till their
mouths with Ilea.
But through all of hla affliction It waa
his faith that saved Job his absolute and
unswerving faith In God. It sus ained Mm
In the darkest hour of his trlsl just ss tt
sustains every Christian today In the
time of trial. It was based on an ex
perimental knowledge of tkd.
IJaten to Job, as he says: "I know that
my Iledeetner II vet h."
Thla man knew of something that wilt
give peace and rest, something that would
uphold him when the mountains seem'
falling Into the sea.
Ileaatan- . Were Job's Reeanso of
iHrst result of Job's tr"al waa a better
experience. Knew G"d better, understood
Hla power moro fully.
Job hHd more power In prayer. When
his three self-rlKhteoua friends saw how
patiently he endured his suffering, they
s-ot under ccnvlctlon. The prayer of Job
al prevailed for them. Job had more
attractive power than ever.
COMMON sense tells you that real health cannot be
forever dependent upon the artificial stimulation of
laxatives and cathartics.
Drugs relieve constipation temporarily '. but never cure it.
Nujol is odorless and tasteless, absolutely neutral, and ii
not digested or absorbed into the system. It acts merely as
a mechanical lubricant.
Nujol is not a drug. Its use will not give quick, temporary
relief. But Nujol is a genuine remedy in that it relieves con
stipation in the most natural way by lubricating the lining
of the intestines, softening the intestinal contents, and thus
promoting healthy and normal bowel activity.
(New Jersey)
BayoniM New Jertey
Write, for ' HThe Rational Treatment
of Constipation," an informativo
treatise on constipation. If you can
not get Nujol from your druggist,
we will send you a pint bottle pre
paid to any point in the United States
on receipt of 75c money order or
Track Eqtilpped with Automatic Electric Safety Signals All the Way
I east ndarotaad why isni fs'lown
wont believe tho Bible, bat will rn'p
down ovary word a jockey tells these
about an old skate, or wlU bi s on a
g)14 brick sonoma,
A ansa's character la wast Is left after
yon have taksn away evirythlng else
tkat ha can lose.
Too sanoh money is spent for Towers
to deeorato faaereJa when It sbonld
have been spent for a aired girl.
There's not ona of s who eowld
plsasa all the poo; Is for even ens week
If ear Utos depended npom lu There's
hardly a man who wonld be perfect :n
the sight of bis wife for throe days.
If a man la rood, I be: lev s la taring
It J him. Bont wait to wet the rra s
of yoar Tirtaona friend with tears) tall
htm his good points now.
Ws are told how great were hla posses
sions, lis wsa given great wraith, every
thing waa doubled, he had KOno aheep,
1.000 camels, 1,000 yoke of oxen, 1,000 she
asses. He had ten children, his life waa
extended 140 yvere. "With long lire will
I satisfy him."
The hest result Is that the account of
Jb'a trials made one of the books of the
BP le, so his experience became a light to
millions of others, to nathms and peoples
who had no existence then.
Vt a single tear that he shed was lost.
God caught up everyone and transmuted
them Into Imperishable Jewels. Ji b's trial
was meda the means of multitudes know
ing God better, of understanding the
meaning of affliction better.
Then trust In God through all thy days.
Fear not. for He doth hold thy hand:.
Thnuah dark thy way, still sing and
Rome time, some time wj'll understand.
(Copyright. William A. Sunday.)
1 ,
Chicago & Northwestern Ry. Ho. 22
Arriving Chicago at 7:34 a. m., in
the new Palatial Terminal.
Six other splendid fast trains leav
ing Omaha 7:30 a. m., 12:30 p. m.,
8:32 p. m.( 9:00 p. m., 10:10 p. m.
and 1:20 a. m.
Luxurious Observation Lounging Car
Unexcelled Dining Cap Service
The Best of Everything
Tickets, reservations and Information at City Offices,
1401-1403 Far nam St, Tel Douglas 2740, JOHN M ELLEN. O. A.
Don't Get Stung
Get a Guaranteed
Singer Canary
With No Regrets
A good sinter ca
nal y la not orly a
comfort and enter-
Jjf talner to Hie every-
mJlAjn rtay family, but It Is
hiso it rrf ectlon of your good Jud
mont when company comes.
AM canaries are not slngem. This
N true rsfeclally of fe nal.'S they
never sing ao when eettlnr a csnary
Dont Waste Tmr Mmee On Fs-anles
hut be sure that you are Bating n
male bird. And remember. It's hard
to tiike a straneer'a word fir that,
rspei tally when be will soon bs go.nj
to other iiartera.
We sell every canai y under a writ
tea n-aarantee on five days' a'provil
'n your own home. We auarante
every bird to be a male and slngir
that will alne to vour
retire satisfaction or money refunded
Oenitne Imported German Oaaartea,
the Marti Mountain strain, sruarai
teed alngera. offered during rsrnlvil,
regular value 14 to $5, CO Cfl
at the special price of dOswU
Max Geis'er Bird Co.
1S1T raraam Street.
IT ysars In business In Omaha.
Cream Filling
for Cakos
J rsSee mflW a
1 t Ctttft Bvp0r
Imtt HUM sxsaar.)
tpoon mSt
Scald milk In double boiler. Mix dry
Ingredients. Add eggs after alightly beat
ing them. Pour mixture alowly into
scalded milk, and cook la
doubla boiler for 15 min
utes, stirring steadily until
thickened. Allow to cool
before) adding vanilla or
lemon extract fiaroring.
There la nnthlna to t oalned hf wnr Ic
ing with doubtful materials. Especially
be sure of the milk. You will find cer
tain satisfaction with Cottage Evapor
ated Milk, recommended above. Cottage
Milk, which is simply the richest, purest,
cleanest milk with part of the water re
moved. Is always the same and always
good. The most particular house
wives prefer it In their cooking, once they
try it. You will find it at your grocers.
American Milk Company, Chicago.
You cannot accumulate
money without self
denial. Are you looking for
ward to the day when
you will have all you now
want, and deluding your
self with the idea that
you will then begin to
accumulate money? That
day will never dawn for
Start a self-denial AC
COUNT today. Watch
over It now, and In the
years to come it wUl
watch over you.
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