nn: m-:rc. omaha. Thursday, (ktohku y.ny 13 fV y swAPPr.ns cousin 11 ftO b'ft it. K . i"l "in. lor urr toltago. Hill trade l-au to 11.00 lo.s fur a. .10. A,Mre.s . ?' 1rt SMALL runabout, in x rirl condition, to trade fur home or small team, or what Ktr yon? 8. C '.M, Mte. ls'. SAXoN HoA IETKII, wl I wap for Ford.Addres JnC. p"- SANITARY couch. kitchen table. spade, two shovels, two rakes, hoe and coai scuttle, to trade fnr reading lamp or farm product. iph a Jelly grapes, ap rle. etc. Addre. S, C. 2.. l'ee TTPEWSItKR-What hTve you for a tandarri typwr tc, worth about Hi? Artrirea 8. C. 231. Bee. TO SELL or trade your hntttn or rifla. Pee FBlF.rMAN. !?ll 1ouri T Y PE WRITER Underwood, vis.b.e: ner fect shape. Will trade thla machine for cabinet Vtctroln or small Uiadu camora. Addrea 8. C. US. Bee WILL trade moiorryo , neeunig some. liaht repalra. for repeating shotgun, or what have you? 8. C. 2X6, Bee. ron he itt A atari ! t'latta. Tha f or Kent advertlaament appeaiint in the 'or Kent column of Ttia Kee Uaily canaU be beat for varkity that will ploajie and till tha need of any Oinriu to rent. 1'hon-t Tiler lo 7-H, AH., t hatha, eieeiliift porch, laigo rooms, beautifully finUhoa, struily up-to-date; large porcii In tronu pri.umjlur rent inuw. v. lunnos aip. i. ONK 4-room ana onu trooiu apt., Tno riamijton. iom!iit tw. .U0 i en-room briik flat; line place tor boardera Htiu roomers, five minutes' walk to Union depots; on car line. AMK.R1CAM btv-LKlTY CwiMAtSY, toug. 6MI. lUh ana Douglas. fXH HbMi i', new. i ano v-ruoiu axt'l iitents, dlsappvariiig oeiia, p,.ou....ic cleatitr, ilwcti bains, first nasa lu evsry particular r lora .pv . i " tj KM, KU1 Ot ISiil AttiJ UOUUt. 1 blK. to poaioiflctt. Aci.-xi ihtt street from Fotuenelie hotel. Kent lAt. cccu p&nt will sell lurmiure now In it. AMbKlUAN Ka-CCiUTX COMPANY. Doug. Soli. 7th and Uiu(laa. FUUK-UuuH, ateam heated, close lu. . Q. P btebblna. J ROOMS $15. ' ' Fin $-room Kt. Iaiuis uatfl. In waJklng fllatauce; modern; bheioy oourt, 2-d bl. v block sxjuth of Leavtnworiu BL. $1. I'Hl'tukitt TttL'nr tUMMM. ltt2 Karnam 8t. I'oun- O ; ' . - APARTMENTS. Uui KUOJla, mo-Lea." 2th and Capitol Ave., $.-$40. "Atnlone," .tn and Dougias. $.00 up. KIVK RtJOiWd. "Georgia," 10.0 Ocorgla Ave.. $.T7.60. '' "Alsatian," 11 A H. ;w flu, $4v-$45. SIX RuOMS. ..... "Meyer." 33t Poiph ti n Ave.. $37. M) $47 .M tlOHT ROOM "Meyer." 33c8 i oppletoii; sleeplna; porch. PKTEKd TKLST COMPAN, 1633 FHrnam ttt. Liougla 8 8. o 20-RM FI-T ON KSTH AND DOLHJE. 1 blk to postofflce. Across the street from Foiuenelie hotel. Kent Via. Occu pant will aell furniture now in It. 1 AMKR1CAN BhX;LKlTK CUAIPANY. Douglas 601S. 17th and Douglas. 6-K. FLAT. 607 N. list, close, strict ly modern except furnace; nicely decorated, close In, walking- distance, eo thla today. Mice aii't' comfortable. ...... Bend for our weekly printed list. HASTINGS A H KYUEN, 114 Harney. $15 Flat, 1417 Vinton, modern except heat: 4 rooms and bath first floor; nicely decorated. Web. 6tftM. Uouglaa 79. Hoard mm alamaaa. Furnished houma that oner every mod ern lOnvenlei.ca and comfort In private famine or boarding boun of the high est clea wl" 'e found in the Furnished hooma cuIujuq of Tha b- i'uone Tyler V ItlWi Bherwood Ave, 1416-Neatly fur. rni. 7 cellent board; private family. Web. BOARD and rooma. 3 wk. faU UoUK'ta- Faraani 6t.. 21U7 Nicely furnished room ataam neateu; timw m. wub.p. BOARD and room; private family. H. &186. 8FKC1AL LOW KATaS TO PEHMANKNT UU1J6T3. ' HOTKL KANKOKU, IWh and Karnam. HOTKL 11ARLEY. auth and Karnam. Furnished llnaaea. WEST FARNAM. FL'RNlfHBU. Seven rooms, ail modern; piano-player, . etc; paved street: half block to car. , Douglas 6ul3; WajbaUr l4ua. FOk'K.'InT A small house, thoroughly furnished, Omati.'a cholceat locality, until April 1, Ul; rent rvaaonnble. Ad dress U m3. Bee. BEAUTIFUL 8-room furnished house la Field club district for rent- PA YN fci &. SLAT UK CO.. 1 Omaha Nat'l Bank bldg. 41 far a lire. Ituuia MODERN, east front room, one or two gentlemen, fcaay walking distance, Rf eiei.ccs. Harney 2.14t 270 Farnam Nicely furnished rooms. ElO W. hST AVE. Modern, furntshud room; quiet home; Just what you avie looking for. Phone Doug. 7818. t rooms uuiliig oartiival. 2152 Ht. Mary'a. PLEA8ANT"rm.. Bemla park, prlv. home. 1 blk. to car; ref. rHtijied. Wai. t-M. FARNAM, 2.i7 Modern, east and aoutn exposure room; genueman. iioairutriniiM Hiwai. 1S DAVENPORT, TWO NICELT FUR NIBH El HOU8IJKEEFINQ ROOMd. . I faralbrl Htmavkeep.ua; Uuouia. N. 1TH, 1137 Three modern housekeeping roouiK, hot water neat; walklrg distance. sioaaea oaid Cextsiwea. Nerth. 4-ROOM eottago. lil a 28th 8L. $15. Water paid. Swaiiau A VEHY DKblRABLE HOME. . I rooms and aleepln porch, strictly modern, hot water heat, flnianed attic. 9o so. 36th Ave. Kent. 45. R H. LANDER If OU, got Nevllla block. Douglas 676B. STRICTLY modern 6-room house, north west corner loth and Oak. LARGE S-r. fu.ly modern house; 1st fir., oak: 2d floor, enameled mahogany; built-in furniture; on car line. Tel. D. 371" or Wal 215. b-K. house, mod. U.U H.ckory. Tyler ... 2444J. , FOR RENT Modern, e-room cottage; furnace heat, e.ectric light, full rtmeut basemen.. tiM a. 2, in Bl. Apply at Howurd rt. FOR SALE e-r. cotUge, 3 blocka from 11 line; pilot: icsouaole. i'lion liur. 7167 t Vv alnut nt. 7-r. motl. houst . oi.t , ije-i f:iv,oitii. tt . it. FOR KtNT-All niouern 8-room cottae, half block from car, J5; 7v9 B. SAh ot Tel H 371. T-HoUal. modern. ifltuO Poppleton Ave. Vaeat. t ROOMS and sleeping porch; new double house, at Mth and Dewey; walking dis tance; paved street; near good school. Kent. $i,.bo. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. Douif as 6013. 17th and Douk'Iss. COZY colitis lu Benson, rooms, $1".; near car li.m and school. Tel. V al Xu. WALK! NO distance. i3g Dodge. H-room. ' modern house; flrst-claas condition; ready to move Into; key at Don't fail to look it through. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Webster 4875. Uiarrliaarvua. HOUSES . APARTMENTS - FLATS 1:6.00 7-r., 434S Franklin Bt., modern. I.5 0o v-r.. 1613 Jackson St. i0.00-4V-r., 640 Bo. 2ith Ave., mod. flat. $0.00 6-r., 633 Park Ave., modern flat. t,!2 6n 4-r., 117 ro. 'th St., modern. $U60-4-r. apart., "Ths Harold," 27th and Jackson fits. $.'4 00 7-r., 3X3 Bo. 37th St. modern, hot water heat, garage. $-A.0O--r.. $326 Harney tt., modern, first rlasi. r75.0O-8-r . 3321 Farnam St.. extra fine. GEORGE COMPANY. Sul City Nat. Bank Hldg. Phone Dougla 75S STRICTLY modern 6-room house, i37 a. 4th Bt Call Red 4. GlobeVan&Storage Stores, moves, parks, ships; 3-uors vaa nd 2 men. 11.26 per hr. ; storage $i par r.to. 1 Ui act ton soar IV 4?at Tv. 2. FIDELITY vuk FREE Phone Dot'glsts SH fur eomplsta list of vacant bouses and apartments; also for ararse. oiovUur. Iiata and Jackson bis. ixn RENT Heaaea and tottaan. MUflloKMIII. SWonX-R., modern. R., newly papered; Bo. Plda. HfO f-R., near rar. !ohoo): So, Ki'1. I'! 0-S-ll.. ,,,-ar rar school. So. S de. S14 vi 4-k., l,o light, cement base mem : t ik. to oar f.KOO is K.. rtfi t. modem; on rar Una; t m n. walk to In Ion depot ft.-. flo-s.R , furnished. 4 utT-)., Went KTam. tinfumlhrd $!S.( 2-R.. partly furnished for light noir rkeepln. $.5.0 o.f.ce room with skv light; heat furtlahrd. AMKHICAV PfCCCRlTY COMPANY. DouRlaa 6013. 17th and Pouitlaa. PKVFN and FIVE-room house. Modern." alklng distance. Douglas :. Gordon Van Co. -3 in. klnf. raaa tit K' 11th St Trl n 1S4 or Mar INT. OOUIt euto Mies loom on r iriinm St. er reaaonanie rent, .el Done. ot Maggard's nn Hlorasa ua for ea for mov InK. puvn. an.ppina K1J Webst-r St. lo'iBi.ta hi. T-RilM hoiiee, all modern, l.JJ Meredith avenue, two blocka from 24th and Ames aenue. Telephone el.a er .. lnum ''finh f5onsti.. Biig. a"UM 8 'n all parts or the cl b-looiu iuouviii. paitt wtAviluv 7-rouiii, downtown, $J7.i. Whililfl LA8HC KY. U. 162. V-K. new house and bh.rn, eloctrto liKlua auu fui.i.tcc, $u. 7-K. houae, alricny modern, $30. -K. apartment, airicuy modern. $4 ajid $oo. TOLAND A TKUMdULU 44 pee u.ug. t'ouglaa 7iT tb-h. the Crflr.ii KuiDiluia Biol a itio, ! KKN'I AL t.lsT. J.CKeed luov ing. t storage. am. 1). alto. a4or-a uutl uiliuri, STORK FUU HKaT, ' to KLOClv. b ttn ti'.tii tt ...w.j, ...Mnl.. .... .nrA.nr, ...iw.iji atvit'lta m.t i. ii'uin II nie noiel. lit at available "i it.ci.oii on jjin 81. b.eani licau jo .icr nioiiin. t.n.OKGT: & IIOMPANT, U t tly Nat. naiiK Hid. I'lione lougiHS iwi. islvlnii, Kti.t Kb.il'. 1611 Howard bt fcuxwl, steam heat. Q)od reuill locttt.on cioie to beat Uaiisfer point ui city. i2u per month. ubOi.UK tOMl'ANY, If? City ial. Hnnk II pnone r FA R.N A 111 SIR cf.T jtluRjC. 1210 Fariiam street, 21X.132 feet; good Laaement. steam neat, moui rii enow win uow. Call ua lor t.nna of lease. OtOllUE & cOMr-A.NY. Douglas iM. tk2 City Nu iiank Bldg. WAN'TKD TO lit V OFFICU furniture bought and sold. J. C Reed, )ji Kurnani. Doug. tl. V fc, pay t..ltu p. let tor aiuiiunum ip tlllu,. Faxioo-MltctlKil Co. ' Ya.e bua evervlhinir 2,1 hand UaIi aa ! UIl.Ul.VT . , .. , . 1 ... . . . ' (iiilvi ivr uiu uutuuiaj. 1, 1114. WANTED TO RENT WANThJJ Room, clo to Twentieth and FariiMiu; rent MM. Address F 1j.i, lite. 8, 4 'OR i-Kooiti houve or ail, f urnUhcd. Anawer quick. A WL Bee. REAJL ESTATE KARM A U.NCi X.AAUB FOR IALI Calilurala. Live oak Columu, njiie oetter. Vf. t, Mnith Co.. ia-H City Nat, is. It. Kaui aaaala. ' FOR PALK OR LLASli Any part of 4,000 acres near Ku. below n. BtLsaalcliewan. 1 ! ra.oid 1U),UU0 bushela of oata and .00D busiibis oi iiux on land this year. Price cheap and terms very easy. Frank Ciaw- lord, Omaha. Neb., or Koselown, bask. . altsiarawUi. $40 ACRES, lit muea from MlnneapoUa, one inllo frunt- town; loo acrea under culuvauon; baianoe twed for pasture; can practically all be cultivated; heavy aoll; good .wl buildings, consisting of -loom hoiuH), large buru, granary, corn cribs, wind milut, etc.; tha laud will pro duce 00 Itufclic'is o( coin per acre; tele phone in nuuae; country Imckly settled; complete set of uiuchtneiy; ii head of stock, consisting ol 11 cows, balance 1 and 2-yeai'-olus; six good tioraes. Ho hugs, etiickeus; one-halt ot tins years crop and everything on toe I arm goea at Mi per acre, hull caah, bc".val Broa., lud Kiynioutn biUH.. Minneapolis. Minn. FOR HALE-blx highly Improved south- ern Minnesota lan.ia. Alio unimproved Minneautu prairie land. Binall payment; caay terms. Jas. A. Lur-oti dtato Capi tol, Ctl. I aul, Minn. NeltraaUia. 120, Improved, 12 miles W., $18,000. loo, improved, 12 m.iea N. vv ., a.i.uwj. JOHN N. FKKNZEK., 111 S. loTH. $i,00U Eyl'lTY In property renting for $2o per month, for luud, loia, acruage or lntwi-est In btialnesa. Box 7u, Omaha. FOR SALE By owner, iM acres well im proved larni In central Nebnutka. For price and description write M. T. Kear ney, lu&t Douiuj bl.. Omaha. FOR BALE Best large body high-graule medium priced lanU ui Netirnoka; very Utile utouay iteviuired C. Biauits, Wel bacli, Neu. o A KAllM THAT VvlLX. A1.JL1' lull O&T A-AltX U illAi' slVa. ULiittUitCD AnlLliU.ti 1 11 11 .. tft ltkl acres, t.9 luiics iroiu 1 rousore, half nu.e lion 1 acuooi. liWiy tacie aiooa ticu cluy sou, uiif soosoii, 110 wustu laud; LM actus ui cuivivatiou, .4 aciva aui.a, M M-i i- pvuo auu ttutuitit i,ay. iiovuo vL luuuia, Uuii, looui lor uurafcs, tunpia ...',, luum, cuttle aau, hog House, ci.,cit en bouse, com cr.K, .a..u.iy, t-tc. liood colter auu s.oiia tarn, wui, vtuiUiniu and mn; lum well iciittd. liiipivicmcut aie all piuclictuy nw. it oiU ai unit, puce m per acit; t,voo by siaicn 1, our 11 in 011 bataiice at ji per cuuu ttnua j 00 sou Uiu, uu will want to join mo army of ptospvioua U00110 cotu.ty im,i,u uis. AatiPiooa iro., r'l iiiirox, Nttb. "tea korav. 00 EAax. LV-acre farm wnn aplendid lmprove niciitit ajid close to town oi lo.uVJ. 1 icaotutt and pioutaoie home. $00 an acio. iai.tii ivv i:oxwtui 1 COJUi'ANy, On, aim .at. latik 1'i'ig, ennaiia. V lloiiula, IPPElt Ulao.Nolo-oeat dairy and geueiai crop suite lu me unlou, settlers aiileO; lain. lor sale at low prices 04 taaj lauit. Ask itar boaikitit t4 oil V iscou Sln Central 11 od Ciraiil. cxueiieul lauUS lor l.uiit laia.ug. It mleiesied lu Hull luiios asa 101 oooklvl oil appie ortiiarua. A'luiea Luud and itiuustrnai ieparw. 00 11 iite itai.wuy. jutuucaou.i jsiub M lvr iita ttr a ta. HAVQ YOLI A FARM FOR SALE Will a good dvairiptioii of your land ana send it 10 tne bioux Cuy, la.. Journal, 'Iowa' Most Powerful Want Ad ale alum. ' 1 wnl, -live word svery Friday t teiiing, batutday 11 01 inns aud every baiunmy ctemus and Burnley utornuig lor on itioittu, aiiviitg tulwa ads on twelve diiicieni uat ior ti, or au wurus, 1., or 1. wot us, s. lgual v:itcuialio of any Iowa news paper, 4ou.ouo ituuer didly lu lour arcal i ji. KEAI, ESTATE LiOANS l.ov i o i,omo inatue piutupliy. K. D. W eaO, titad Bldg., IMh i ainaio 8ta CI I V auu lariu ioauia, C av. per oeul J. H. Dumotil at Co.. 4i4 ,-ttate ttauk. A "Hr Stale" ad will turu aet-uud-Utuid t unti.rt inic t'kin. FAKa.ri and elt loans at lowest ratas. TOLA A D T At U Mo ILL. 44 lies Bldg. tITl property. Largo loan a specially. W. H. Thomas Mir Hana tiiog. V, AN'l luD toootl Imiij and city loans at lootst full. PL'IKH- litlN'i CO. Ml Farnam. UMAllA iioinc. East Neuiasaa farms. V'KKkr'r. REAL EWTAl k. CO. 1oi4 Onisna Natio ial. Phone Docglaa 2716. MuNk'Y on hand (ul city and farm loan. H. v . Binder. Cliy National man Bldg a:r' CITY IOAND, C. O. arlberg. Jl " 12 Hranrte Theater Rldg MONtl to loan on caaiaiu NanrmKa farm. Immed.ate action. United elates Tut- Coppcnv rm.tha. Neb. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans, j H. W. Binder. City National bask Bldg W ANT" Kimball rouritv lanT Will Rive modern house West Karnam district, clear of Incumbrance, for him. W. T. Smith Co. C'lcy Nat. Ha'ik Hide, o MoVi.Ml I'lmM LlMoUS TO OMAHA. Twv Ltniolu men have Just moved to Orraha and wovKI like to exchange their cb-ar humi'i In Lincoln for property here. One $.1.610 and the other $0,ti cash valu ution. Call u up PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. final"! Nat- Hank RMt.. D. KM. FOR PAt.K OR TRAOK 41 a'-rea, Lincoln Co., Neh ; feneed, windmill. ma I bulld nRs. Want amnli propirty In Rood school town. IHJX Jul, BCliL'VLtH. NKR. I'FNVKR anhiiihan or city property for Omaha or farm. Boa MS. Omaha. o iKM. KHTATK ACKEAflE FOIl KBNT tlR SLK. Two or four acres with water; will rent or aell. for feeding : one mile and half from stock yards. Thone So. ISM. nKAL ESTATK NOKtll SIDR A Real Bungalow Home NortH of Koiimxn Place. 8 larRe rooma and bath: S rooms finished In oaa: beamed rellitiRS, btHikcasea, eto. Strictly modern and up-to-date In evry way; rh I c lot -nd lo'Tflon; Mal Pfivel treet; it will pny you to Investigate thla. Rasp Bros. 10McCague feldg. Poni.lil. .v ucAi, IIU.MI., ei.itW. At 3U1 ljtriinoie Ave., we have a aplen diil l-r..i.ni h use on a lot 4.XIJS, and It la certainly a bantam, llouae la atwolutrly modern In eery vny. havliiK an txpen aive hot wnter heatnm il.inL hpiindld loontion. cash and l.i per mouth wUI handle this. PAW I N V LST M KST COM PA N Y, Omaha Nat. I.a.ik lilrln.. It. 17sl.- DO you long for the reat and quiet of the country and still have the advantage of the city? if so, come out and seo tne best live acres adjoining the city; goo I house, fine chicken houae, barn, Karugv, bearing Iruit, etc. N. W. cor. 4Mb. a.ut tirovtn streets. o $1,850 Four rooms, cliy water, electric lights, floored attic, et front lot nicely sodded. ceme" basement and walks; located Just east of Fontenelle park; $100 cash will handle this. C. 0. CARLBERO. ! Prw"''"la Theater Rid if. C( NTIAC'P()R,S SALE See three at once, entirely different. 1&2I Sahlrr. 7 rooms; being ;li,lshed. 1711 earner, a rooma. my home; oak and i white enamel, liettor than modern. No i reetsonaile price or term refused. Web- 1 ler a SALE OR TRADK 6-r. house near Miner Park: elec. lights, fine well water, vl"w of Omaha. D. 7.,1; write 1!K Vinton St- REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE RESIDENCE FOR SALE Seven room t-atory and attic at 114 8 a7Ui Bl., one and uiie-luilf blocks from Farnam car line. ' Ti.eU vestibule. L1VINO ROOM, IBxSO. Beamed celling built-in bookcases and window seats brick fireplace, burns wood or coal. DIN I NO ROOM. Paneled walls. Downstairs finished In while quarter-sawed oaa, except kitchen pantry. K 1TCHEN. Bullb-ln dresser outside opening to re frigerator. FOUR BEDROOMS. Finished in white enamel. Two have two closets each, two hatve one closet each. BATHROOM. Tiled f.oor and walls full lenth closet Broom, coat and linen closets Front and back poich, also dining and sleeping porches. Lame attic, tt full-slxed windows heat and light. Full cemented basement. Good furnace. Call on Robert Hunter, Bee Business office. Capitol Avenue Home 1 IN DUNDEE, brand new bungalow stylo, 7-r. and bath, oak finish, atrlctlv modern and up-to-date In every wav living room across front of house, dining room has window seat, plate rail ahd panel. Dei. ' finished in oak. has 4 windows and clothes press, could be used for bed room: three large bed rooms and bath on ia Hour, complete set of screens and window shades, water meter, set high grade, 1 ghtlng fixtures, f.no 50-I't. lot, paved St. You will admit It la cheap at $.,000. Ownor must have money, so will aell (or 14.00. Let us show it to you. Terms can be ar- 1 ranged, Rasp Bros. 106 McCague Bldg. Dour. 14C. Well Built New Home on Your Terms Klx dandy, good roouia and sleeping Porch, beamed celling, ftrep.ace, built-in bookcases, oak f.oors throughout, tile vestibule, tile bath room, laundry chute; everything up to date; beautiful location; block from car and boulevard; northwest part of the city. All ready to move Into. W'hv pay rent when you can buy on the same basis? Glover & Sp.ain 1 City National. Doug. 8961 Easy Terms Modern brl.-k rtsldtncc. one block from Dundee car line, laigs lot Everything In perfect oiuer. Will make price 'right and terms very easy. Might take exchangs for part. W. T. Smith Co. City National Bank Bldg. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT New, 7 rooma. sleeping porch, oak and birch finish, oak buftel and bookca-ie. beam celling, double floors, mirror doors guaranteed furnace; Corbin hardaie; best material and workmanship through out; south Iront; close to car; best buy in Omaha. Owner, Doug as li2. WALKING distance, 2638 Dodge, S-roora modern house. first-class condition, ready to move Into; key at 2640. Don't fall to look It through. VV. W. Mitchell owner, phone Webster 4376. ' NKV 5-Room COiTAOE $1,000 takes my equity of $1.3ii0; would consider aulo part payment Wal. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Dandy House for You $300 Cash, $20 Per Month We are offering for yulca aals this tiles little home, five room, ail inouera except heat, house built about thres years and in an exceptionally f ne condition. Large lot, with fine blue grass lawn, lava than ons block from car line, three blocks from good school, good neighborhood. In fact, you could compare this plaoe with anything you have seen cosi ng $' t i.i mors money. See this at ones and you will be convinced. Call us by tele phone. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 230 Omaha Nat. Bank B-dg. Tel. D. 4H1 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cash Wheat Remaini Strong- and Ag-aia Makes an Adrance of One to Two Cents. CORN PRICE DECLINES A CENT OMAHA, tktober R. h The cash w h. at market was rvctty strong and showed an advance of I to 1 cents. The demand for this rereal was pretty rn.'d and the receipts were fairly ll..lu 1 h re Whs very title wheat so.d on a, count of the uncertain prices ano tne tiaiers were not very uix n to sell. The corn recilpta eie liht and there weie very lew cars of tins cetwl aoirt. Traders cou d not sn-e aa to prices ami the market tlei l ned a cent. Oa a were fairly acme and were quoted a hall to a cent am' a unarter hlRln r. '1 he rectlpts ot tint renal were lialu ami the demand was good. Ke sold alHiut i cent higher, while bark was quoted t to 1 nt higher. t. IUMl Utlv t . Mill Ak .!Vl llt.tll t. ,tl.tl tO l..'..tv bualieis, no coiU, and oats, l.tKxi buaht Is. Liverpool spot: Wheat and corn un ci. aimed. I runary wheat receipts were t.r.'O.iXH) busheia and ahlpnunts of 6M.tM bushela, agaliixt receipts 01 ,'.,otki buithcU ano slilpiuentA of I,o4ti,n0o huamla last year. t rlinary corn receipt a wore ln,.iu0 b.iah els and shipmeii.e of 4-t0,iioj buabe,, against rtc, Ipta of fuU.Ooo biuhe. and an.l'ini nts of 2.ts.tVo tH.anela la.tt year. Pitmnry oata receipts were 1. i,tw bush la and shlpinenta of .N.V0' lusnsa SKainat rece.its of lt.iii.00J tiut-he.a ami sliipnienta of l,,U.ii busuela last year. CAltUll KKCMtTS. Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago M .11 1!H Minneapolis 4:4 Duuith 4.U On.nhn ' M 17 Kai.sas City VI 13 11 Vt Innipcg l,t4 Kales reported today: Wheal No. S hind winter: I rar, l OS. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, tl.0iv; i cars. $1.01; S cars, Sl.uo a; 4 cars, l.t'. i car. H-.M. Saniplu; 1 car. velvet elmft, c: 1 car. a2c. No. 4 si link. 1 car, light, 7c. No. 2 velvet chaif: 1 car, $1 u4; 1 car, $l.uSt; 2 cira, $1 Oi. No. 3 velvet than: 1 tars, $1.0.; 1 car, $1.0J. Rye No. i: 1 car, t-c. itar It y .so. 4: car, o. Com No. I while: I cars, 66c. No. 1 white: 2 cars, 6.c. .No. t yellow: 6 cars. 67vrc. No. 3 yel.ow: $ tars, IiiVic. No. 2 mixed. 3 cars, .5V,c. 3 m xcd: 1 cai. near yellow. i.7c; 2 Sax. aoa No. I mixed: 1 car, Wo. Outs--l.M.i.uiM. 1 tai, vtc. .o. - tiill-c. 1 car, 3j1(c; 2 curs, Ai,.c; 4 cars, 33c. No. 4 whl.e: 3 cars, o3c. No. 4 mixed: I car, il ic HwiiH: 1 car. Sic; 1 car. 3Akc. Omaha taah li i e V heat; No. 2 turkey. $l.wwl.V7; No. I lorkey, 1.04(i lt; No. 2 hard, $lv1.04; No. S hard, ktcin1.03: No. 4 hard, Vici$l.0iv: No. 2 spriiiK. $l.t)il.02; No. 1 spring, Wciii'tl.oi; No. 2 durum, SDxyc; No. J uuruin, H.urw.tc. Corn: No. t white, (oVo; No. 2 while, (5V.ti(itic; No. 4 while, bei,iKWc; No. $ white, 66'iui..Hc; No. white, MWfciVi No. 2 yellow, 6rTJju7Sic; No. 3 yellow. bitP $7c; No. 4 yellow. 66Sm67c; No. S yel low. K'.di&MjC; No. t yellow, AiKUou'-ic; No. 1 mixed. Lo1-4i ,-tc : No. 3 mixed kt'm iiftiiVc; No. 4 mixed, 64Vir'c; No. 6 mixed. MVifrfcSo: No. mixed, 644i64i,r Oals. No. 2 white, ?4v';iH4o; standard, 4'ii.1S,c: No. i white, k(.-(Wc; No. 4 white, Sl1iMc!. Barley: Malting. 4(iifiJp; No. 1 feed, 42fc45c. Rye: No. t, lftj!o; No. X. HOWl&Wlc. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by IiRnn at Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 315 80. Sixteenth street, Omaha, Article! Open. I Hlgn. I Low. I 1 i.tse Yes'y. Wheal I Dec.. 6Tt I 1 May. louw .1 1 06V 88 1 OS 1 oovJ 1 OS 1 07741 MS fcv 1 0n4 4Ht)4 Ml iW4 ieo..Mt4'a"fc . 6M Ml May.itWVl 6i,;&C(4wW On 1 I I rec.l3H(1H(1S7X'f?i'tlS1HWl' May.lanHkHKiskiiiasiauHl Fork: 1 I I I Ieo.. 14 00 ( 14 40 I 14 CO I Jan.. I IS 82Vxll7 16-171 16 s2', S7 14 40 I 14 0 li UHI IS W S 15 ' -f2ia s s-vil s i;vt 9 20 S 13 35 I S 2i Oct.. IU I S 20 Jan.. S 20 S 40 Hmh: I I Oct.. 15 I S 22Vi t IS I Jan.. I $5 I 44 I SVx! OMAHA OKNEIIAL MARKET, FRUITS Oranges:. California Valnn clas, 17tis, 20ms, 216a, ZoOc: $6 box; Cali fornia Valencia. 15. 160. Wis. StiOa, $Ti.7o box. Lemons: Extra fancy Uol den Bowl, ms, $6 box; extra fancy Gol den Bowl. 300s, $4.6J box; extra fancy- rtunklst, 30". .mis, 34. W box; Bed Ball, U box. Peaches: Oulorado Eibertas, extra fancy, ;o crate; Colorado Ei bertas, fancy. 66c crate; Utah F.I Left a, 6jc box; California Balwsys, 600 box. Prunes' Italian, Kc crate; Italian, quan tities, SOc crate. Pears: Clargine, $2.26 crate; Kelfers, bu. Apples: Iirge rooking and baking, is bbl.; Jona thans, $aW bbl.; Belleflowera, $1.40 bos. (Jrapts. Tokays. $1.35 crste; Concords, home-grown, Z2c hnsket. Bananas: Mo dlum fri.lt, $2 002.26 bunch; Jumbo fruit, Changainale and Port Llmon, 4e lb. Cantaloupes; California, mission brand, standards, $3.76 crate; California, mission brand, ponies. $2.26 crate; Call forma, mission brand, flats, Due crate; Colorado Burwells, pink meated, Wo crate. Watermelons: lVe Ih. VEGETABLES Cabbage: lHo lb. Head lettuce: $1 dos.; leaf lettuce. 60c d ia. Tomutoes: Market price. Peppeis: 60o basket. Onions: Washlnirton, I140 lb.; Htanlah. $1.60 crate. Paraley, SOc dos. Celery: 35c do.; Jumbo, 16c dos. Wax and green beans: 60? baski t. Ruta bagas: io lb. Potatoes: Ohloa, hoc REAL ESTATE BOUTH 81DK . Field Club District Price $6,750 A full ?-story home, only H4 blecks east of Field club. A very well built 8-room bouse, finished In oak. Hot water heating plant with oil burner. Fine east front lot. paved atreeL A splen did location, fine homes all around, bee us for terms and further information. George & Company Douglts 76. 0t City Nat. Bank Bldg. BEST OFFER TAK Erf THIS. ' Six-room, fully modern, practically new; 8 rooms downsialia, $ rooms and bath upatalra Near lianacom park and within twenty minutes walk of down town district. Must be sold by Novem ber!. See Owner, Tyler 2227. FIh.LD I'UII DISTRICT. 1311 8. th Kt. 86,50U; s-rm. modern. $1,000 cash, bat. $o0 mo.: occ. by owner. HEAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Farnam Street A Growing Street We can offer on this street for a short Urns. 100 feet near 31st St., for $12 .600. 136 feet near this, some Improvements, $25,000. 61 fest east of Farnam school, $13,200. Harrison & Morton $15 Omaha Nat. D. (11 o FOR SALE or long lease; part or whole of li-ili-', N. VV. corner 16:h and Dtv enport Si.; ii. Hawer, 4i3 iUilyn Plats, Chicago. 111. REAL ESTATE AC DURBAN. UUNIttfi Dundee Snap for Cash Lot 71x136, south fronL on paved street, betwssn 60th and 611; paving paid in full; price reduced to $1,700 for quick sals. irrnstronK-Wiilsh Co. Tyler 163S. Blate Bank Bldg. Flare ae. Sea Kethaway for that farra. Florence 228. hu. Sweetpntatoea: Virginia, barrela. $2.7-r.1.iw bhl. NITH-No 1 walnuts: lc lb Fil berts: Wc lb llraxlle: I.- lb. Pecans: l-Sc lb. Almnmls' JOc lb. Peanuts: No. t raw. r lb; r-aatetl. c lb : Jumbo, raw. 7c lb ; rotated, e lb. Coooanuts: $1 f" ba; i.V dot BKKF CCTS-Rlbs: No. 1, 1V : Sn. !. 17c; No 3 K'Vjc. Ixilns: No I. 2IS-; No 2. Inc. No 3. ltv.c. Chucks: No I, 11Vc; No. 2, 10V: No. 3. pc Itonn la: No. 1, 14r; No 2, 14o; No 1. I.V. I'l.ttea. No 1. I",,-; Nn, V. r: No. t. So M'HCF.I.LANKtirs CrarkerJ.tek, $1 taw; si. 7 t (aao. Cornpups: caae; $i.k ' ce. Honey: $.1 TTt iav-; Alnlne, 2 dott-n ttimllets to a caee, $1 caw. ( lilt A;0 .H4I Ml lH4l iions I'falarrt mt the Tradlaa aad laaalws; I'f'rn n n Bunr I nt Trade. CH1CAOO. tct R.-HIk buylnR ordera, largely from Wall street hnjart, fi.rood an linuUH.I sharp advance In the wheat maikei here. The ci.naiHiiieiiee was an excited rlcso nt virtualiv the top nrlcea renchetl, tiV,iTV,c net hitiher. with le t emlier at il and May at $V0:-tt Corn aainrj i'n.i: ami oais lylc to l'ai'iv.c In provlMlona the outcome varied from c decline to a rise 01 4V. AlihoiiKh wheat showed strcniith right fnon the outset, the Junita In pil.e Were only moderate until, the last half of the day. Then the inaiket atidilcnly went wild P.irchaaing by strong litlerest 1 a.l taken a I of the atirpl in supplv out of the e;eoiilatlve pit, and had art the shorts bbltlliw against onn another in a manner that soon became frantic. It was In van that attempta were put foith to repreaent that the advance would check the export demand. The answers appeared sufficient that ocean charter bad been m:ide yesterday for as much aa 1 4..i0 bushels of grain at the highest vi s.ael r.'itm on record. So great a volume of forelan demand, with news of rains once more putting a siop to threshing In the Dakolaa and M n riesota. left the hear almost helpless Heavy profit tnkin on the Imiirw lr the wheat market resulted In one lively (telhark to prices, b it the downturn was not of a last In sort. A fresh wave of buying, especially In the fin U quarter of an hour, brought about greater advances than before, fninw at least of the great nervousness prevnl Ing at the finish was due to repni that owing to eioeaslvs in ileture the spring crop waa bediming to sprout In the shock and mlvht de velop a seriously lowered condition par alleling the widespread harm tine In the winter wheat belt. Frost damaire throughout Illinois and Iowa gave Independent strenglh to corn. The wheat bu ge. though, counted 1 decidedly against the bears. Trade In oats broadened out In consequence of rnlarced demand for other cereals. Almut the only offerln-a came from standing orders In commission house. Provisions continued their recent sweeping upturn. There were no elans of a halt In ths active export demand. SEW YOIIK bRM'.hll, MARKET 4aotatloaa nf the Day eta Varleaa 4 ommwdttle. NEW YORK, Oct 6,-FLOUn-Unset-lled. Vv HUAT-Spot. strong; No. I red anl No. hard. 31.27.W c. I. f. New York: No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.12 and No. 1 northern Manitoba $l.i c. 1. f. Buffalo. Future strong. December, $1.1!V CORN Spot, firm; No. S yellow, 73Ho prompt rhlpmont. OATS-Firrr.; No. white. SHN1o. HOl d-Kasy; lciflc coast, I'JIS, V-c HAT-Pteady: No. L $l.!S; No. X. $L15; No. 8, 1.; h loping. Sue. HIDES Stcuily ; Bogota, 3O031e; Con. tral America. 2?o. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, $2J $5c; eeonda, SlirtS'.'e. PROVISIONS Pork, firm; mess. $14 00 fiiS.RO; family, tM.VtyX.Wi short clear. $l8.'si3).ti0. Beef, firm; mesa, $I6.!Vi) K.iai; family, 1s.ikv(i ist.ou. Lard, strong; middle west. $9.4fli!).i0. TALLOW Finn; city, 6Sc; country, o.fuiic: special, 6a. BU'l 1 Elt Kuni- renelpts, S.74P tubs; creamery extias. 3uc; firsts, WHQ&W, secomls. tSWiXa. EM1S Firm; receipts, 1S.44S rases; fresh gathered extra. 34i3Kc; extra first. 3,.r34r; first. 2sr(i.tic; seconds, Vi43rir7c. CHEI-F. Hteudy; receipts. 4.6MI boxes; Mat, whole m.lk, fresh flats, white spe cial, l"ic; colored, lMiili.o; whits and colored, average fancy, 14HV144c, POULTRY Alive, unsettled; dreaed. firm; western froxen roast In r chickens, 19tfi21e: fresh fowls. Iced, ltirl&c, frosen turkeys, 17i(iijlc. Minneapolis Oralsi Market. MINNEAITtlJS, Oct. 6. WHEAT Tl.r.eiiil,nr tl MIL. Xfav 11 m. M. t I .I 11,1. . I.' .. , . . ' ei.i,,vit, i'u. i niirtiierii, i.iaKJl l.uu. i FLOT'R Advanced. Fancy patents, S.?n; first clears, $4.83; second clears. $;i.oo. I HAHLEY-47t66a BRAN-$l.O0. CORN No. S yellow, 3tf3Uc: No. J white, SSWuVte. t LAA 31.kOtll.91. t. Loals Urala Market. ST. ItOf. IS. Mo , Oct. . WHEAT No. 2 red. $1.17: No. 3 hard. 31.13: Danamhee l$1.07; May, $1.06,. IXyRN-No. 2. toHTWICc: No. I whitN X)o; December. Mc; May, 6fiU,o uAin rso. x, nominal; No. I white, nominal. Kanaaa City l.rala and Provision. KANSAS CITY, Mo., OcL . WHF.AT No. 2 haiT $l.rio .12; No. 3 red. $l.lJt 1.20; December, $1.0214. May, $1.024.. COHN-No. 2 mixed. 6fio; No. 2 white, 6Cc; December. 62c; Mav, WVofrt'y.o. OATS No. 2 wlialte, 3tiiil3o; No, t mixed, MVfcb&o, I Ivrrrtoel iirata Market. LIVERPOOL, OcL ,-WHKAT-8pot. steady; No. 1 Manitoba, 12s lOd; No 2. 'lllHd; No. J. lis lid; No. 1 northern Dululh. lis td. CORN spot, qulsti American mixed, new, 8a 8d. Coffee eiarket. NEW YORK. Oct S.-COFFKB-A mod erate Wall street demand and soma cov ering by trai e shorts caused an opening dvance of Wi points in ths market for coffee futures hers today, and prices sold about 8 points net higher during the morning. Later, however, offering In creased while ths unsettled ruling of the stock market seemed to chei k the U' p trt and March contract sold off from Stan to 8.43c. while July reacted Inun 6.74o to 66c. Ths close was nst unchanged to S points Inwer. Ha la were 67.7jO bag; Oc tober, 6.27o; November, 6,'2vj 1 wooinbr, 32c; January. S.Stic; February. .0c; March, 6 43c; April, S.4!c; Mav 8 54e; Ju ie, 61c; Ju y, 6.110c; August 4 7c; Septem ber, 6.73c. Hoot steady; Rio 7s, 7c; H tn tos 4s, sc. Cost snd. freight offers were firm, with ((Delations ranging from 8 60c to $ hoc for Santos 4s. R o exchange on Ixnd'tn wa 1-1 Id hlkher with mllrela prices unci snged In and 6)1 re s higher at Santos. Santos report a clearance of 76,000 bags for New York. Col cat Marl'. NEW YORK. Oct. 6.-..'OTTON-flpot, quiet- middling uplands, j3.4oo. Bales, l.xot bales. Futures closed steady; October, 12.44c; December, 12 76c; January, 12.!Jc; March. i 1'c; May. 13.3fic. The cotton market closed steady at n, n'-t loss of from 6 to 12 points for tha dav. 4'oton futures opened barely steady: October. 12 37c; December, 126c; January, l.'K.c, March. 13.18c; May. 13 3.c. LI VKRPO 'L. m t. 6. -COTTON 45pot. 1 raaier; good middling, 7.60d; mlddlinR. i 7.241; low middling, S.7Sd; sales, ll.ifjO'; bales. till and Host a. 8AVANNAH Oa., Oct. . TP rtrKN TINK F'rm 37c; sales. 870 hl.p.; re eel eta. bbis.: si ipmcnts, l, bbli.; stnek. IS.OK'l hbls. ROSIN Firm, siiles. 1.014 bbls.; re cellit. 47.1 bbl'.; shipments, 67'l bhl.: storks 644 bbi. Quote: K. B ? J a ao: c, i) sj.ff3.i: E, Ho: in- p Ti"i"j.; h, i 'to; i, fttrt: k . t v in U, $4.60; N, $4.80; WO. 85.W; WW. $6.00. MI W-rVat, NPW YORK October 8. METAL Lead $4 60: spelter, not q ioted; roppor, ul.a.l V al.rlri.ll.11,. till 5X- lri,n I .... I w land uncnangeo; in. strong. c iH.ih. i I At london Spot copp'r, 71: futures,' '172; elctrel tic. A. 88; soot tin, ill 7s H; futures, 162 16a; niimony, A 126; lesa, . US 7s 6d ; spelter. 0. Eva pore tei Apples sad Dried Frails NPW YOPK, Oct. S. EVAPORATED APPI KBDi'll. rRlED FltinTS-Prunes. eay. Ap. ricots, quU.L Peachnr, steady. Kalslns, firm. A Tor rals- ad will tux. ssoond-haM OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Ten Higher and Feed ers Mow and Lower Sheep Steady to Lower. FEEDERS GENERALLY TEN TTP OMAHA. October . 115. Receipts were: . rattle. Hot. Sheep. Owtciai Monday Ii..-1 '-'.-4.. 4.1.14 Olilclal 1 uihIhx .... ltt.ISi I.S74 H1.4U Katlmate W eilneilny In 3.HO 14 00 Three days this week MN ,r.lt IW.MS tme days la - t w eek 3I.77 i;i...t VI Snle . week airo.. 3.".PH 7 4 IS'.CWt Santa 3 week eiro.. 7S.7.X. I6.7i l. Same 4 weeks am., 77. li lw.'Ol F -t !' t.M tear MW CIO VHSI The following table sTto' Ih receipts of rattle, bona and sheep at the Omaha llv stock market for the year to date as compared with last year: 1S16. 1SU. Inc. tattle a-i.-ai t.i-ei lti.jfi."! "iti 117r..M7 1.H11IK; a.i:v 8v-fn I'aittatrt 2,I?13 U".3!iS The following table shows the sveraRS prl.t for hnKS at the Omaha live stock market for the last lew days with euro larisotts: Date. 1 I16. inn t M IT II I'll I Kept. Kept, fept. be PL beut. best, b. PL trpt. Bept, i-t ft. bept. bept. bept. 77SI S 42 7il S 21. S A $ 10 i 14 S IT S IS S II S M I 14 1 4 64 k 3oi oil t im $ n 4.11 1 W I III S 061 S S :H s trv S Ml S T3 2-' l v, 3 4u SH S Ui S 43 iHlniiiilM l S4, u;-l 1 Jo. 1 Obi a ill 1 Vb S 44 ft 7 Ut. a .11 1 , .. S 46 W, S I0 k lot 4r S ! S 4o 7 2:'t, 7 7 24 ki 7 1,V t 13 7 v i -t wi, ji a tii k it s Soi s Hi tail llhlb IX S tl S 2i S 41 K 1 ii, 1 1 u 1 1; S I61 S 111 S M, 7 a S 21 ! Oct. 1 7 k.t S 21 i t. 2.. Oct, $.. IKI, 4.. .'l 6.. j "t a 1 441 ' I 7 Rt 7 871 S 201 t UI 11 401 7 , o ,u. a u ... 1" -t 1 H2 7 o7t 7 Ml I til S 27, 7 Ml 7 tt.-Mi 1 7m J"M I i H 7 ! Oct. ftuiiray. Receipts and dlspoeltlon of live stock at the I ul. in stock yaids, Houth llmana, for twetiiy-fotir hours ending at $ o CiOv.k p. m. yestenlatr : KECHPTS-CARLOADS. Cattle. Hon, blmep. H'r's. C. M. A St. P.... 14 AAlKaouii I ' Hit .... 1 t nlon I'ai ttlc.... 138 C. at N. W., east.. 14 C. N. W.. weat.. 114 4'., BL P., sV O..,.. 1 C . H. A v).. east... 4 C, B. A W.. west.. 107 C, R. I. A P., enst 8 C, K. I. P.. weat 1 Illinois Central 8 Chlceeo Ot. Weat... 2 Total receipt.. 412 $ 1 'i 62 ' t 2 6 14 4 2 A 8 i 1 3 8.. a & a 48 f ttia lXaixiON it o.A i). Cat tie. Hogs. Sheep. Morris Co Bwtft & Co Cuduhy Packing Armour Ar Co... ctchwarts A Co.., 73 IW 1ntT7 .... 146 Co. l.vlu 18,11 7t4 8M 441 M2 Vol S7tii 2111 3-H4 J. VV. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.. M South Omaha Packing company K. P. CO 1$ 13$ Russell W. R. Vanaant Benton, Vanaant Co. & luan 146 Hill & son S F. tl. Lewis 276 Huston A Co A J. B Root A Co SIS J. IL Bulla. 3K L. F. Huas 43 Roettock Bros 6: KelloiTR 7r Werlhulmer A Ifgen.. ti H. F. Hamilton IK Sulllvsn Bros W Rothschild 101 Missouri A Kansas Calf Co 27 Chriatle J64 IllKglna 7 Roth Meyers Lake- Jones A Smith II Tanner lima 104 John Harvey 3oS D. A F 126 Other Buyers. 1432$ Totn'. 11448 $044 24K.S CATTLE There waa another fair run of rattle today, bringing the total for the three days up to 33,7iiS head, which la a big falling off as compared with last Week and the week before, and a decrease of over 3,000 head as compared with a year ago. There was quits a sprinkling of corn- ied oceves in tne yards wincn com manded steady prices. Receipt of west ern range beeves were liberal, but ths demand was good and ths trads active, while prices were around loo higher than yesterday. Cows and heifers wars In good active demand and they too showed an advance of about 10a over yesterday. Most of the offerings chanted hands In reasonable season. mockers and feeders wsrs In very large supply, while speculators a. so had a good many on hand that they had carried over from yesteruay. While ths yards wsrs fuil of stockmen from ths country, who were here on account of ths Ak-Mar-Ben festivities, they did not appear to be In a buying mood. As a result ths trads was vsiy much of a drag, being quoted a anywhere from slow to i0o or mors lower than yesterday. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choirs fed yearling, 4V.Ovtjij.a6; fair to good fed yearlings, 4 tatti bu; common to fair fed yearling. .6vc!S.W; good to choice heavy beeves, 39.tayirv.; fair to good curnfed beeves, $.3ti.oii: common to fair oorn fed beeves, $4.7i8.30; prims grass beeves, rl OjK)H 4't, good to olioioe giass beeves, r.awus.ou; fair to good grass beeves, $6.76 42 7 40; common to fair grass beeves, $3.8t .lii; food to choice grass hellers, $t.U0il $.60; good to cnulca grass cows. $6.7uj S.16; fair to good cows, to.Owuo. ,b; com mon to fair cows, S4.0W&3.0U; pr.uis year ling sierra, $7.76t).l0 good to choice feed eis, $7.S.4W.76; fair to good feeders, SO.oUtf 7.36; common to lair feeders. 4ti6oiu4o, good to choice atockers, S7.764s.0ii; fair to good stot ksra, $s.7uty7.76; common to fair stocksrs, $o.6oii.iti; stork heifers, $0.76451.110; stock oows, $6.6oj ; stock caives, $o.6ui.&0; veal calves, $s.u00i0.0o; bulls, stags, sic, $4,4040.00. COLORADO, 87 feeders.. 1307 7 0 2 feeders.. 1230 7 0 18 feederi.. 1U1 1 60 $8 cs. A hs..lu24 $26 NEBRASKA. 28 feeders., m it 8 feeders.. TVS S 'S 64 feeders.. Mi 76 47 feeders., kill S 76 steers.. ..1381 7 28 SV steers.. ..116 8 80 lo4 leears..lo4 t K5 WYOMING. Kd feeders., m 7 06 11 feeders.. 11M TM 37 feeders.. 1W8 TOO 31 feeders.. 116 1 80 10 feeders.. 1017 S 60 HOGS Supplies remained extremely light, although they weie me heaviest of any day so far this week. Estimates eg lied for fifty-four cars, or S.4AI htad, bntiking the total for the three day up to 6,61V bead. This is 6,iH smaller than last week, and Is only a little over half as large a lust year, but la a gain of about ma) head over two weeks ago, when the run wss, with ons exception, tns lightest for several year. The general market was a good dims higher than Tursuay. Moat of the pack ing Log sold at a spread of i .i At . with a scattering as high ss $3. 00 and a few above. Compared with last week's closs cuireut vaiuas are from listjioc higher on lights to a full 60c up on the bulk of the mixed and heavy offering. No A. Kh. r-rr At. h. Prr t 41,1 ... T 14 4 3,6 au 7 14 (4 4i l 1 44 61 14 :) 7 la aa i.a io 7 4 la an 1 16 tl ,t iiu In l 4u t u 1, I Mi 1 fiTVi "4 .- T a 71 S a) 1 Hi a i 41 alJt la T w at H4 ta lau 1 a4 ta 144 l t 1 as 1 w 7 S4 1 at, I so t IN 4 It 44 ' la 1 ' 21 ID 441 1 U tVI ill 14 lit ... 1 46 tn 40 44 1"4 ISO 7 74 1 4 W Mi 411 1 il) M 4 SHEEP uppn were cut down again today, the run of e.ghty-seven cars, or 24.uuu head, being the smallest for a Wednesday for auine time, in number of tars luuay's receipts are smaller than a week ago, but the estlmsled number of head was nearly 8,0X1 larger than on last Wedpeauay. r or the first half of the week the supply fools up a 646 head, a shortage of 6,uu0 as compared with last wtk, nearly at.OUO amaler than two weeks ago and li.ouo short of the corresponding days last year. Despite lessened supp.iea, Omaha held il place aa ths largest sheep market on the map, having 4.000 more than were reported in Chicago, the largest 0. -s.. ..,!. I.. niB'-i'. Later 3n when nothing sold over $3.6$, and the Llk went at that figure and $.u0. stveial sclera ouote I value as much ss lOnlfcc down Practically sverytlilng-had Let n auld before noon. wn sold iieiore noon Vrn" . .,,,. n lit. kl e trade annaMnttv had no r'fee.t on ths feaaler buyer, who went rttht abend patina fully steady prices O.iod close woolrd lamb which sue ths favor tea. were scans snd His few real desirable feeders here sold ; fclVsL UuTk othloffarin.; ffi , i from $ 2R down, a good manv aea rv In reported nown cIoim to SA.OO Aewd ewes sgain sold to breeder buyers as higi aa $ii.M ,'at sheep were In light supply, and ths few here took fully stead monev A faw ewes again sold as high as $4.ta t.-tib. food to rhulce. Ss.6niSnn; Ismhs, fair to rod, Xv,.s 4V,; uvinij. teeners, i.7fcs) (o, yearlinas. 4a.t- to rhou-e, ...7.W. . jtaillnga, feedeis, l.tMD: wethers, fslr to ehol o? ...4rii.V.; ewra. giod to enoice. $f..Mu6.7&; see, fair to gonit, $4.7,jrt.60' i wt s, common to .'air. ti.bV'an.QO. No. 414 Idaho feeding ewea 73 Idaho breenlng ewes 210 l lah breenlng ewe 1".7 Wyoming lambs 71 Utah lamb 14.1 Wyoming feeder lambs... 212 I tah feeder lamha. T'4 Wynm'nR feeder lambs... 76 native lambs 4.1 native lainli , ft 2 Colorado lamb 777 South Dakota lambs A, ..loO .. 34 .. M .. 7" .. OA .. ar. .. 63 .. 1 .. 46 .. 4 .. 73 .. 76 Tr. S 40 S on s w s so 8 J) 8 $ do $ 26 00 $ SO $ 7l 8 SO t 1114 4. 1.O t.tK 8TO K MARKET attle "teady Hons Kaay- http Straas. ll.min CHli'AHO, Oct . CATTI.IC-Re. celpts. It.nno head: market strong; native beef rattle, 86 1i lO.Sfl; western steers. KiU4it.8i: cowa and heifers, $3.2tvo3.60; cnlvr. SS.nrati I2.ial. HOOS ltrcrlnt ll.ta head: market easy at 10 to 16c advance: bulk. $7.7rvdi 3; light, S7.6ntiR.85; mixed. $7.2".i R. rV; hea$7.tirx.4.'; rough, $7.1My7.3G; plg, SHEEP AND LAMBS Roeelpt, an0 head; ntaiRet at ron : wethers, $.7Mi) 6.nn; ewes, $; Sow,.); lambs, $7.00fj.lo. (. I.aanla live Rtetetr Market. ST. I1UIM, Oct. 4V CATTLE Receipts, R.!X head; market higher; native beef ateer. $;.f0m!0 3fi; yeaillng steer and heifers , $H .vmio.jS; cow. $eflftf.0f; atockers snd feeder. $6.0twtt7.7R: southern steers. $6.2Ai)ft.60; cows and heifers, $4.00 4l6o; native calves, $n fAfrf 11.00. HtM is Receipt. S.4H); market steaiy, pig and light. $t;.(aSu.a6; mixed and bu'ehera. $;ajiV4f; good heavy, $7-3v4 8.42H. SHKKP AND LAMBS Receipt, $,m0; market steady: lambs, $8.00lh.0; sheep and ewes, $fiisj 7.76. Kansas 4 Ity Live Stark Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. (I.-CATTLE-TO. celpts, 12.00P head' market higher; prims fed (leers, $9.6."iiS10.20; dressed beef sierra, $7.7iVti.r0; western stwrs, $4&sJ!l); slot kers and feeder, $.SOfcS.00; bulls, $o.00r..on; cnlvea, $tfcX(?lt'.K. HOOSf-p.ecelpta. 3ono head; market higher: hulk, $7.iifi8.2o: heavy, $7.aOf8 15; packer and butcher. $7.10lVs.ti; light. $7.7ii.iV26; pips, $7.0tti.ofl. hllEEP AND HMDS-Receipts, 10.100 head: market lower; lambs, $s 25"f8.70; yearllnaa, tnAifj7.00; wethers, i"i.6-KS.60; ewes, lo.ZitL.tio. Inns Cltr Live fttoek Market. SIOUX CITY, la. Oct. S. CATTLE Recalpts, 2,0iW head; market steady; na tive steers, I6.0i.il ta)- cowa and heifer. $6.00166.36: csnners, $3.7Vii4.64i; stockers and feeder, $6 i tJi.7fi; calves, $6.6OU.U0; bulla stag, etc., $4 7IVirS.86. Hoas Receipts, 8 600 head; market, steady; heavy, 87.7TjX.tO; mixed, $7.4"fr 7.7il; light. $7.iotf;.40; bulk of salsa, $7.4ol HI1SRP AND LAMBS Tlecelpta 1.J00 head; market steady; ewes. $4.oOSo,76; Ismbs, $6.ouj.80. Live Stock la Mlgkt. Receipt of live stock at five principal Western markets. . . Cattle. IftMr, ghsep. South Omaha 10.0CO 8.4 24,0 tsloux City ,'XI 2.500 1 1 Kansas City 11, mat d.iao lo.mtt St. Ixiuls ,, h.fu l,i 2 ' Chicago ll.ouo lH.not) M.otO Total ...40, $8,300 67,000 " i aa-as Market. New York Osaeral Market. N!3W YORK, Oct. 8. HUGA R Raw, steady; centrifugal, S.6uti3.64c; molasses. 2.'72fi.67c ltfliied, stesdy. Sugar fu tures oiwned stesdy today and at noon prices were 1 to 4 lolnts higher. Dry fierode Market. NEW YORK. Oct. (.-Cotton good and yaen were strong today- with rlRlnq J.rloe. Worsted knitting yarn were bought freely for swentera nnd other llyhter weight knit fabrics. Underwear was active. Omaka Baiter Market. Twenty-six cents per pound to dealer Is the pries th's week. Pi Chicago Wondering How Far the Sunday Law Will Be Enforced CHICAGO, Oct . Ths order Issued last night by Mayor William Hale Thompson that all saloons and dispenser of liquor within the city limits must obey ths stats Sunday closing law mt a varlsd reception In Chloago today. Sheriff Traeger, asked whether he would enforce ths closing law In ths Cook county towns outside of Chicago, where thsrs rs many roadhouses, rspllsd that ha would consult hlg attornsy. Chief of Pollcs Heal.y said that ha would Unforos ths ordsrs of ths mayor. Officials of ths United Societies for local self government, ths champions of ths liquor forces, held several con ferences with their legal advisors anl sought for (rounds on which ths order could be attacked In ths courts. There also wag much discussion over whether ths other sections of ths Sunday law relativs to disturbing ths peacs of society on Sunday Could bo snforoed to prevent Sundsy bass bal aames and closs theatres, drug stores, satins bouses and other Sunday activities. Carranza Will Probe Shooting of American Soldiers by Mexicans , VERA CRUZ. Out. .-Ordera have been Issued by Carransa for a thorough In vestigation of ths alleged shooting of American soldier near Matamoros. and assurances havs been given Mr. Belt, octlng special agent of the State depart ment, that In ths event of guilt being established thoss rssponslbla would be rsvsrely punished. This ass ths substance of a reply given today to representations or ths Unltsd States made through Spsclul Agent Belt on Saturday. Carranxa'a reply was couched m friendly terms and Indicated surprise as to the I Icturs of conditions on ths' border that had been presented. The Carrunza consulats today notified Oeneral Carranxa that It had confirmed a recent report that General Rosallo Hsrnandes had revolted from Villa and hss detested ths latter on Sunday In a battle at Santa Roc I la, Villa retreating; to Chihuahua City. Villa officials con firmed the report. U. S. DESTROYER VICTIM IN MIMIC NAVAL WARFARE NEWPORT, It. I.. OcL .-A strict censorship was maintained by the Navy department tonight on tha details of an explosion and firs on ths torpedo boat destroyer Cummlngs today. The damage to tha vessel wss said to be slight but It put back Immediately to this port to land two of Its msn. who wsrs severely . . , ' burned. The Cummlngs left Newport yastarday i , t-w. it, piacs with tha Tad" or lu l, " . . " . . attacking flset. In tha most elaborate war gams ths Navy dsuaartausot has) yst