Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1915, EXTRA, Page 10, Image 10

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. .
BriniTirig Up -Father
Drawn lor The Bee by George McManus
. . . . - i i
SMDO-CO I v I T . f 1 1 r Q f ff Z7 !
1 -- 1 I IW I II - I . . ,
Little Advantage for Either Phil
or Red Sox in Coming Series in
Beceivin; Departments.
Carripan Gives His Hurling Won
ders Workout and Takes Two
from New York.
Champions of National League
Thrash Brooklyn in Double-Header.
NEW TORK. Oct. . Offensively NB WTORK, Oct .-Th new Boaton
defensively there appears to b llttlt ad-! champions had a fina workout today and
vantage for either the Boaton Americana ' defeated New Tork In both sections of
or the Philadelphia Natlonala, In the double-header, the acorea bring 1 to 0
tatchlng departments. In the coming and 4 to i. Manager Carrigan worked
world series. Both the Red Sox and the , out 'our of hla leading pslchers In the
Phillies hav a trio of backstops who! f 'rut game, when Khore, Leonard, Wood
are far abovo the ordinary In ability In '"'"- h'd the Yorke to three
thla particular feature of the im. The hs and atruck out twelve men. ;
American league champion In Manager' Hhore pitched only one Inning and
Carrigan. Cady and Thomaa have three atruck out three men on eleven pitched
experienced catchere who are thoroughly . Tecklnpaugh being the only player
at home behind the plate and familiar 't foul. Wood worked In the fourth,
with every detail of the po.ltlon. Kllll-j "fth nA ' Inning and allowed two
tcr U the veteran of the Thllllea catch-1 h,t O"1 alruck out three men. In the
Ing force, but Burn haa ahown. during 1 aecond game Ruth and Tipple were in
the last season, that he U not far be- j vincible for four inning, after which
hind hla chief In all-round ability, while bo,h weakened. Tipple did not permit a
Adams, the third atrtng catcher .la a hlt tot flv Inning, but allowed nine In j
youngater who. In hla fow try outa. haa) tar- Score: .
given promise of meaaurlng up to the j "TiMi o A K NEW 7b HK6 A K '
iuikuwi set by hla two aupenora in me Hooper, rf... 4 o l 0Hih, if t t o
Standing of Teams
..(til IPataliiM. M 4 0 I 4
1 Hpkr. c(.. 4 I tliouna. lb... I 1 I I
par future.
wnne experience count lor mucn in me ,it,m iB.. I ui-in- ih 4 4 11 I t
work behind the plate. It la not always 'Hrinikma . t 0 e v on.umu, 2b t 4
veteran, who .hint In the big baae ball 1..'" 1 I I 1 I I
aerlec If this was the caae the Amert- r.inr, it. 4 I wi'rt. ... 4
-,.,,1.1 . -.,.1. lrrf, lb.... 4 111' Mirlil, p. 1 0
cans would have a wide margin of re. , , , hu.ii . sees
serve strength lnc Cariigan and Cady fimr, n
both figured prominently In the famous w'..!;: 1 o I I ToU" " ' " " '
eight-came struggle between the Giants . Maj! I 1
and the Red Pox la 1913, whereas none) Tmi "i u i '
of the I'hlllle' catchers na figured In' Batted lor Uainer In eighth,
a fight for the premier pennant of the J yi'"f 0 j1 c 0 0l 0 CS
diamond gam. Thus It can be seen that Two-bane hit:' liendryx. I .owl. Double
o far a experience Is concerned the Plays: Barry to fcUoli to tiainer. Bau-
sj. o. v..,. .. . ...... .... niHn to I'ecklnpautih to Hipp. Bne on
Bed Bog have Carrlgan and Cady to the tall: Off Leonard, 1; off Mogrldge. 1;
Phillies, KllUfer, Bum and Thomas, who "If Huwll, 2. Hit: Off Shore, 0 in one
are about euuat In thla reapect while I""1": " I-eonard. 0 In two Inning: off
.. ,i ,, . , Woou two in three Inning; off Aiay, 1
Morans third eligible U aa unknown iu three Inning; off MogrMge. t in live
quantity. I innlnga; off Uuell, t iu four lnnlng.
a. .w. fi.ur.. . ...- Htnu k out: By Hhore, I; by elonard, ti;
o rar as the figures for the season a IV Wnv . h tJ urio
Umpires: Nallln and kvana.
W.UPct. W.L.Brt.
Boston ..!! 4 .67Si Pliila W 03 .693
letrolt 100 U .V3 Boiiton tl 6 M
Chicago t l .6S, Brooklyn ..W 71 JO0
Waahton M .bH Ohlcao ....78 K .4.7
New Trk 83 .4), FitUtumn 73 SI .474
Ht. Ixul M 1 St. Jxiuil ..72 M .471
Cleveland 67 (& .X7o New York. M bl .
Milta .... 43 119 Cincinnati 71 M .4., I
Kt. Ixul P. W. L. Pet.
Americana 1 1 0. l.(K
Natlonala 1 0 1 .00;
Chloago p. W. I- Pt.
Americana 1 1 0 1.000
NaUonal 1 0 1 .000
Yreterday'a Reaalte.
Brooklyn, -2: Philadelphia, S-J.
New York, 0-0; Boston, 1-1.
Philadelphia, -4;
Washinuton. 4-0.
jjonton, K-4; New York, 0-3.
Chicago Cuba, 6; Chicago White Pox, .
Bt lxuia Cardinal. S. 8U loula
Browns, S, Called twelfth, darkneaa.
(iaiare Today.
National L-agne FrocHyn at Phi'a
delohla. New York at Boaton.
American League Boston at New York.
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. . Philadelphia
got It final hard work for the world's
aerlea thla afternoon, when Brooklyn
waa defeated In both games of a
double-header by score) of to I and
S to 1 Demaree, Mayer and Alexander
worked in the order named In the flrat
Demaree was hit hard In one inning,
Mayer yielding only on hit In four tu
nings and Alexander taking a one-Inning
workout and being hit for two
Cravath mado his twenty-fourth home
run drive of the season, but did not
play In the second conteaC Hard hitting
In the third Inning of the closing event
gave the home team the victory. Both
managers made numorous rhangea In
the lineups, Moran desiring to give his
substitutes a chance in caae of an
emergency In the games with the Boa
ton Bed Box for the world' title. Score,
first game:
rfMw. M..4 111 'tork. lb.... I eii
Olann. .... 1 1 OM.nrroft. m. 4 I 4
1'iuh.rt. lb. 4 1 0t-ukrt. of.. 4 t 1 rf.,4 1 I ' rf.. I 111
C.WhMt, If . I I 0 Ot.i.d.ruK, Ih. 4 114 !
niUnw. 2b. I 1 t 4 0WhltU4. II.. 1141
Myarm, cf.,,.4 1 1 lhrf, lb., 4 111
tt. lb 4 I I IBurni. 4 9 I t
M.WhMt, ,. 4 4 (Imimiw, .. t
Mari)iMr4 .! Mrw. ....! 1 1
Mm.. 1 0 0 lAlauniUr.
'anna 1 -Lur .: league rivals for the championship of
Alexander Only Quaker Hurler Who
Is in Same Class with Leonard,
Wood, Shore or Ruth.
NEW YORK. Oct. S. As was the caae
laat season, when the same cities but league and their faith In his extraordln-
Manager Carriaran, a wise pitching coach,
while Wood, Onllln and rs - -formerly
redoubtable in American league
circles, and the two tirsi in. ..v. ..t.u. j
of a previous world aeries, will take part
In the big games of this year only as
relief pitchers. If at all.
No one, aside from Manager Moran,
knowa how the Phillies will marshal
their twirling staff. It la accepted as a
certainty that Alexander will figure In
at least three games and possibly more
It the series Is evenly contested and long
drawn out. National league adherents are
banking bravely on the latter to win the
world's championship for the senior
Chicago Americans Draw First Blood
in the Inter-City Series
CHICAGO, Oct. . The American league
club ifw first blood over their National
different clubs were Involved in the
world's series, Philadelphia and Boston
will enter the coming struggle for the
prise of the baae ball universe with the
same numerical strength in the pitching
department. Both the Phillies and the
Red Box have eight twlrlera who can be
called to the mound by Managers Moran
and Carrlgan, but it is likely that not
more than half thia force af hurlen will
be started during the series which be
gins late this week.
The Phillies' pitching staff Includes,
Alexander, Demaree, McQuillen, Rlxey,
Chalmers, Mayer, Tlncup and Baumgart
ner. The Red Sox hurling force include
iKoater. Leonard. Ruth, Shore. Wood.
Greg?, Collins and Maya. Several of
these pitchers have not figured to any
extent In the general season's play and
It is possible that their names will not
be found In the box score when the
final reckonings are made for the aeries
of 1915. Those most likely to go to the
mound aa National league representa
tives are Alexander. Demaree, Mayer,
McQuillen. Ttlxey , and - Chalmers, while
the American league pitchers will un
doubtedly be selected from Foster, Leon
ard, Ruth, Shore, Wood and Oregg.
In considering -the strength of the
work can b uaed for a basis of com
parison, however, there la nothing to In
dicate that much difference of ability tx
i'a In tha actual work of the players tin-
Alexander ...
Pitching departments of the PhlUlea and i JTZ '"'
Toui. m 4 Total i. 14 11 XT 14 j i inicago looay oy winning me first game, ! -eu box u is, mereiore, necessary toiunaimera ....
Hutted for Malls In ninth. ' ( to S. Vaughn pitched for six Innings, I analyse the all-around ability of the sex- Mcgulilen ...
n'rooklvn '"..rVo Wi" 0 0 aa I f""" "t eight of his opponents, butjt't named. An unusual difficulty ft Ralmgar'tner
Philadelphia 0 0 0 S 1 1 3 0 - ha weakened In tha seventh and lost tha "ncoumerea ateine very beginning since
Two-Iihm hit: laubert, Rtengel, Cut-: game. Ha waa found for five hits, one of
shaw, Whlttrd. Home run: Cravath, -.m-i, . uw b-jhi- oiii. . .,
Mayer. Double play: Cuuhaw to Dan- wn,ch WM trP' b' Edd Collins, and
bert. Base on ball: Off Mall. 4: iff netted the Americana four rune and the
Mayer, 1. Jilt: Off Marquard, 7 In five!
ary pitching ability Is shown by a recent
statement made by Umpire Bill Klem, In
which he said:
"There Is one player In our league who
could win the pennant for any of the
seven teams who are out of firnt place.
He is Q rover Cleveland Alexander. It
Is the first time since I have been In
the league that one player stands out In
front of all his rivals."
The- tribute Is well deserved, but a
world's series develops some strangj
angles, actions and reactions. A decisive
victory for the Red Sox over the Phillies
with Alexander in the box, in the initial
contest now so near at hand, would up
set all base ball "dope" and cause con
sternation In National league circles. Yet
It would be no more sensational than the
utter collapse of the famous Mack ma
chnle, when the Athletics lost four
straight games ' to the Boston Braves
last autumn.
For the purpose of comparison the
pitching, batting and fielding averages
of the boxmen of both the Red Sox and
Phillies are appended:
Fltcher. P. A.
IOWA CITY, la., Oct, Special.)-.
Actlva preparations for the Morntngslde
fame of next Saturday afternoon en Iowa.
flcki have been begun by the lowa
eleven. Using batch of Hew plav(l
which Haw ley gave them Monday-, the,
men fought a one-elded contest avainal ,
the light freshman team fur three quar-j
ters of an hour, but Cvaoh Jtawke.v was,
not pleam-d with his protga, Thai een-.-tcr
of tha line continued to dlp:ay
weakness, while tha baekfletd etart4
slow and tls work was something; raH
ged. t
.1 '
Bcore, e ond game:
Hoo rf . .. I 11 lHi.h If.. u.l ll
dor consideration. Kllllfer haa caught a SSTVV.': S S i 1 m ?b "4 1 I i
majority ef the game played by the J'Mn. ..! imuii, lb . I e 11 I ,
Phillies this year, with Burn, filling In SS-Tiuli.'ii i 11! 5 Jlu"?"." 4 I'll
a. emergency and relief catcher. Tha J-JJ; ' J J l-l I
i.irmer haa a fielding average of .973 and (irdur, lb.. 4 I I 1 orinvi. ... I 0 1 1
batted Ml. while Burns ha batted one ftEk",-" J J J J J J J J J
joint above Kllllfer' averaga and fielded Hmh. lis
four point below. Adams' record falls T(lU1 ToUlt II 17 11 I
:c how participation in play for the pen- :Hued'for Tlnnle In ninth Inning.
nant. j 'Ban for Nunamaker in ninth Inning.
Tor Rotnn Cdv anf Tlinm have "oaton 0 0 0 0 0 1 I 1 04
lor Boaton. lady and Thomas rav w york g 0 tf ft Q Q
flune the major part of the; Twob,M hlu, Hpeaker. Ruth. Bau
pliiK. although Manager Carrigan has mann. Hhorten. Ktolen be: Hooier.
handled the delivery of the left-handers Boon. lhmble plsys: Baumann to Mul
fiom time fa tlm. rad t the h.t of ,Pn' Bawnann to Perklnpaugh o Mullen,
riora urn to time, lady is the Pest or nKn M uh,, off nipple, 4; off Ruth, 8.
'.he trio, if Judgment can be bawd on tha Hxtrurk out: By Tipple, t; by Ruth, 4.
season'g unofficial average. In aoma-, Umpires: b;vn and Nallln.
thing over seventy games he has batted I Seaatar WU Twice.
.K77 and fielded .? Thomas In about an', WASHINGTON, Oct S.-Waahlngton'a
, . , , . , base bail season cloned today wtlh the
qual number of game, haa fielded .971 ,HBi tem lo.m hoth end of a double
and balled .239. Carrigan haa received beadnr to Philadelphia, to 4. and 4 to a
credit for playing in a little more than .h rtlil
half the number of game that Cady an-1 re ruit, allowed Waehlngton but two hlti
Thomaa have officiated In and hla aver- and atruck out ten men. teore, flrat
asm. Thla rllv w mnnvh for Viurhn
Inninga; off Malla, t In three lnnlnen; eff 1 M, Ui .
lemare, 6 In four Innings; off Mayer. n Humphries who gucceeded him waa
1 in ruiir inninaa: ore Alexander. 2 n
one Inning. Htiuck out: By Marquurd, I Rowland'
1: by Mail, t: by Mayer, 1. Umpires: 1 t-na-nc-Rlaler
and O Day. Hcore. necond aame: leuunc
BltUUKLTN. riiir-AOKlJ-HlA. I . R.H.B.
AH.H.O.A.K. - AB. H O. A B. I Nationals .....I 0 0 110 0 0 0 & 11 0
O!ao. -lh. 4 I I smock, llw. 4 111 Americans ....00OIO04S l 6
Huramci, m. 1 is OH.norort. I 1 e I e 1 Ualteriea Vaughn, Humphries and Bie.
It Is conceded that Alexander will be,,
uaed In from two to three of the first
four games, depending upon the order
of ' play, Alexander stsnfti head and
Leonard .
hmlM.n .v...- t.i. . . r oster
..w mw.v ' , huiiiiih fcCIIIIUKlT 1 Wood
o atop the attack of Manager ; nd Manager Pat Moran'a trump card Greerg
a sluggers. Tha total paid at-l ,b P'aye1 at every P'8,ble or- M'"a
waa The Scora by Innhigs: tunlty' and "oni clever base ball poll-, " '"""""','
a&ea are: Fielding. .V7; batting, .207. -
individual avcragta and averages of
I el catching departments, by units:'
B A. F.A. B.A. F.A.
Srtiut. If... I I 4. ejtm. IH,.,, I III
trumt, rf... I a Oroatvr. lb... 4 I I
(Mi-tut, d.. I 1 I 1 H Mlkt. of . I 1
t.'iiiiii. it.. 1 UHarbar. rl...4 It
arrigan. .1 .Voh Kllllfer.. '. .S7 .K'.I W.lrni. tb... 4 114 Jmi. if.. 4 I I I
duly . .777 .. Uurn W ..... 1 1 1 vntnu, lb... 4 1 I
Tmrniaa.. .n Adams... .000 .UuO I IT" K' ! -.... t
T 1 1" I 1 1 wf, m..i 1 f I
Averages .141 .74 Averages U .7.
Haskell Indians
Fear Creighton
UWEJ2JCS, Kan.. Oct . (Special.)
Though the University of Illinois
swamped the Haskell Indiana beneath
a " 3 to 0 aoor last Saturday, Coach
Bert Kennedy, of the redskin la not at
all dtftoouiaged about the prospect tor
the rest of the season. The only Indian
Injury befell Wllion, tha Haskell quar
ter, and that waa but alight He suf
fered a bruised Jaw, which will prevent
him from yelling signals fbr a week or
no. Th rest of the squad cam through
the hard game In good shape, and started
rrartloe this afternoon for the game
Uh Notre Dame next Batuiday.
Following tha Notre Dame contest will
i.m;e a game on October 3 with Crelgn
Lun university at Omaha. In between
iln.r the redakina will match up with
J!it-r university; but Coach Kennedy
tik lltti fear of them. "We are afraid
f Creighton till year," said the redskin
n,n:tor, "and I'm ur we'll have to put
jp an awful fUht to win from them.
Changea in their coaching staff hav
fn liictd for them a team above tha
average, and In opposition w ha v only
a tram of litxpi1encd men."
The llasktll ilue is the . big feature of
ni eleven this year, tha back field be
in woefjlly weak. Dunbar, who is
ItiM.ving hi flrt year on the aquad, will
r.y quarter until Wilson recovers from
t4 Kralrel t ! air f 'ell.
It. Kings New llMOvery should be In
e.r-ry home for c u?h arid cold. Chii-!.--n
aiid ar-d like It Sua All drug
gy ;. Advertisement.
A "Fur U: " ad H wnd-banl
furul' . re liu cah.
Hlvhtnlni, l 4yr. 1 I
Mrriiwct. I 1 'in a a a
McIImiI .... I t ( Arwia 1
'. Mils.... 1 11
Total H 11 17 II . Wtlilau .. 1 t t
Total IS 11 if 15 "S
Deled for THrhardsnn In sixth Inning.
Med for Avrea In seventh Inning.
Hati-d fie n ninth -Inning .
Hatted for Gallia In ninth Inning.
Two-bnae hits: Mclnnl. Judge, H.
Milan. Three-tj ht: H.hng Lapp,
(stolen baae: Kopf. Double ulay: Dam-
ran 10 Anpr to Maioi, OldrtnH to Kor.f,
siaKin l.cpp rlaar on ball: O'f
Itit'hardiKin. t: off Arret, t lilt: tff
PI. hardaon. In five innlna: off Mor
rl"tte. in four Innlne; off Ayre. it
In ipn-n innlna; off Oallla, I In I rt
ntne. struck out: By Ayre. 4: bv Rlqli-
rdwm, t: by Oallla, I; by Mortaette, 1
1. nii'iiv. i. iuii'iif.i!ii ri.
Bcore Sfcond raine:
AH.H.O.t au II i k m
arHn(. If... I 1 I ltttiU. IK ... 4 1 II I
vinuiii, rf .. I I 1 i.r.i.r. to... 1 111
0rln. rf.. 41 Nif m.... 111
Mrltinu lb,. I Ml... rf I
V!,. ... 4 114 'rw, rf .. I I S
Kih'I am . .401 ti', If., I I
..mra. A I I I I l,k. lb... 4 t t I
Cvrkiaa ...! 11 I Vmi.raa, e . 4 I t 1
Sim, I 1 r. I I I J
-Bml.y, ... I S
Totati II 4 17 I IH-vhiiK ..!
.'. Mllaa... 4 4
TuUln M "l t? 7l 4
Batd for Bentley In sixth Inning.
Ph ladelnlila 0 10 0 0 I o 4
Waxhiniuoi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t)
Thr-bai hit: rk-han Stolen base:
C. Milan, btrunk. loulile play: Shank
to Foster to Judge. Baae on ball: Off
Myers, 6: off Branny, i., off Bovhlmg J
lilt: Off Bentley, S in vn liniliin; off
Itueh'iiig. I in two inniiiKit. Blrutk out;
By aliera, lv; by But-hliiig. 1. Lmt lr:
O Loughlln. .
SUTTON. Neb.. Oct. fc (Special Tele
gram.) Hon. John B. PUumon dtsd at
hla home her today. Th funeral will
be held Friday afternoon at I SO. Mr.
D!nmor was prominent In Nebraska
politic, having been a member of the
Irgtclature and st one time waa chair-
niau of th Male fair Wad.
fln.l. rf.. 4
I.VhMl If.. I
NllOR. If.... 1
fit.hw. lb. 1
O'M.ra. .. I
Myoni. cf ... 1
Hmlb. cf.... I
tti. ... I
Kamt. IB ... 4
M w beat, . I
Ixll. P I
Appirtaa. p.. 1
I enmit). lb.
rf"' III Jina'"1D cott. Ru 1 and Schalk, Mayer.
1 eu-brr. rf... l I 1 m ' -rr
i vivz n',b: i 1 1 : Carrigan Says He
1 i i m. ia I a T T TA l rH 1
nas uevisea ocneme
-to Beat Alexander
l aiur. I' s
I OAdama, c.... 11
I (K'or. .!
1 Total 10 1 17 14 1
NEW YORK, Oct .-A workout . on
Friday morning proceeding the tint game
of the world's series will be tha only op
portunity tha Boaton Americans will
bava for practice on the field of tha Fhll-
Totili II t 14 11 I
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0-1
1'hllado phla 0 0 t 0 0 0 0
Two-baa hit: . Stock, Bancroft,
Ludcrua, Ntehoff. Home run: Ueta.
Becker. Stolen bases: Htengcl (3),
Wheat, Becker. Double Play: Dugey
Hummel. Baava on hall: Off Applo-1 K "
ton. 2. Struck out: By Dell, by;Ponement of yeaterday'a game between
wjaciiKer, . itn: I'tl ueu, in live
inning: off Appleton. 1 In three in
ning. Umpire: Klgier and O'Day.
ntanta to Bettaa.
BOSTON. Oct. Two run won two
game and clinched aecond tilaca for
the Brave tooav and also settle dtr.e
Glanti In last place for the season. Th
score waa 1 to V In each game.
Hughes allowed New York only two
hits In the first game, one a scratch.
Palermo, a recruit, pitched well until
the ninth, when Gowdy's double waa
converted Into a run.
Tha second aama waa finlahail In Ana
hour and aeven mlnut, a local record
for th seaavn. Th Bravea
cam in the alxth Inning, grew
lesreaus only pa, a scratch simile, a
sacrifice hit and a sacrifice fly. Score,
first game:
Thirna. It... 4 14 Mora a. rf... 4 I
KotMrtCn. rf 4 t lb 4 1 I
Itorla. lb.... 4 1 1 KlliMt'b at I 1 I I
Kirk la. lb.. I IMinri, lb... I 1 II
KIMrhar. a I t I OHmlla, lb.... I ft I 4
JinkM, e(. t I lca. II I I
Dakar, lb.... I 1 1 Mraatl, aa 4 I 1
... 4 I 1
roola Ill owt
t-aima, p... i ihiiiMi, p.
Ocllla ...
ToU la m I
' Total! it n II
None out when winning run scored.
Han for Gowdy In ninth.
New York 9 0 0 e 00
Btaton 0 0 0 0 11
Two-baa hlta: Fttapatrirk, Gowdy.
Struck out: By Palermo, 6. Umpires:
Klem and t kll.' Bcore, second game:
Buraa. If 41 AWaraa. rf ... t l 1 a m
V .b.rla, rf4 I I PKrrrm, lb.... 4 I 4
, Wjl. lb..,, 4 111 fn 'oaiptoa, cf. I 1 1
I btrrkl. lb... 4 ill, lb... I 111
' yvtrhar. aa 4 1 Kreth. Ih ... 1414
I harkar ef . 4 lit Ill. if... It
, Braioard, lb 4 I 1 Sktaraarll, aa I 1 I I 4
. n.han. ...,! 4 t.,d7. e..l
T-maa. .,. I I I I Haaa. p I I
. Total ti T I til
Total M -INI
Batted for Teareau in ninth.
New York 0 a o 0-4)
Boaton 0 0 O 0 0,1 0 0 1
Three-base hit: Maranvtl'le. Stolen
bajar: lH)le. Base on ball: ttf
Bagan, t; off Tuareau, L Untplrea:
Klein and CockUl.
tha New York and Boston American
league clubs. It will b necessary for tha
Red Sox and Yankeea t play two games
her today and one tomorrow In order to
complete their schedules. This means
that tha Red Sox will not hav a day's
rest before th beginning of th world's
series. Manager tfarrlgan of the Red
Box haa maae no protest
William Carrigan. manager of tha Boa
ton club, bad not disclosed today th
nam of th pitcher who will oppose
:, irtw ou" of rlB to 1uoted M aaylng that anything
xcepi airaigni nase Dan waa narrea in
a world' aeries game aa th two clubs
would meet for the first tiro.
"I reads that we must face G rover
Cleveland Alexander In th opening
game Friday," said Carrigan, "and I
also know Juat how wondarfully clever
la th curv ball genius of the National
leagu. It seems we must beat Alex
ander In that first gam and we hav
devised a means which w think will ao
compllah It Should w beat Alexander
In the opening game th rest will b a
lot easier than I have figured. Outalde
of Alexander, I do not think any of tha
Philly pitcher compare with my men."
Carrigan added that he had ao much
tics and diplomacy . haa centered about
the extraordinary ability of th Phi lie'
star. ,
Alexnader la th Leader. ,
Alexander's pitching average for th
season Is more than 200 point higher
than any of the other Philadelphia club
twlrlera. Taking the six named and av
eraging their records for th season,
gives a team pitching average of .641.
Thee figure do not represent th
strength of th Phillies, however. If
Alexander Is used In, say three of a
possible six games. Under such a sched
ule the average would be Increased more
than 100 per cent and Moran la too
shrewd a manager to overlook any aJch
Increase In strength. Following Alexan
der, Mayer and Demaree hajva proved
the most successful twlrlera for the Na
tional league pennant-winners, McQuil
len haa won and lost an equal number
of games, while Rlxey and Ch aimer are
Slightly below the .600 mark.
Against this pitching staff of on atar
and flv twlrlera of moderate ability the
Red Sox are able to muster six mound
men, none of whom can quite equal
Alexander'a record, but all showing av
erages ranging from .700 to figures fifty
i .o.o
Apartments, flats, houaes and cottages
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Be "For Rent"
P. A.
Men's Exclusive
Shop For Fine
Clothes and
We cater to the wants of
men and young men who
require individuality in
their wearing apparel.
Full dress clothes and
accessories right now are
helng featured. Full dress
Biilta, hnts, hhtrta, gloves
and ties.
Special attention given
to lato orders for Ak-Sar-Ben
Ball full dress ap
parel. Our windows display
the approved styles.
413 South 16th St.
Great Old Remedy
For Skin Diseases
S. S. S. Clear Skin of Erup
tions Drives Poison From
the System.
Get it fixed In your mind that akin
eruptions, Scrofula, Ectema, burning
ltchlnc akin, and all skin diseases
are due entirely to Impure and
infected blood. If tbe trouble waa
on tbe outside of the skin, by slm-
ply washing and keeping it clean
you could obtain relief not even
point, higher. It la due to this high ointments, lotions and saWee, would
riu.. .,. k. ... ! be necessary. Agre with us in this
daa average that the Boaton staff, con
sidered aa a whole, outranks the Phillies
by more than 176 points. Many factora
must enter Into consideration when an
effort la mad to compare th strength
of pitching staffs in a world's aeries.
Assuming, however, that tha pltchera ef
a pennant winning club would be just
aa effective against th batters of th
rival combination aa they were agnlnat
tha batters of their own league, the av
erages show, that Alexander outranks
all tha Red Sox boxmen except Wood,
and It la not at all certain that the latter
will be called upon to work in the com
ing series.
On th other hand, the American leagu
hurlers will hav a decided advantage In
every game In which they are not opposed
belief, and your trouble tu be re
lieved you can be entirely restored
to health. 8. 8. S. is a purely Tegeta
able treatment that you can secure
from your own druggist it is a blood
tonic that will purify your blood and
cause a most decided abatement of.,
your trouble, and flnaly make you
entirely well. J"ifty years ago 8. 8. 8.
was discoTered and given to suffering
mankind. During this period it has
proven its remarkable curative prop
erties as a blood purifier and tonic,
and has relieved thousands of cases
of disease caused by poor or impure
blood, and chronic or inherited blood
d seanes. You can be relieved, but
you must Uke 8. 8. 8. Take it If only
pimples appear, for they denote bad
blood, and may be followed by th
suffering from torturing skin erup
tion. Therefore be sure. Don't take
chances, don't use lotions. Get 8. S.
8. -from your druggist. If yours is a
special case, write for expert medical ,
advice to 8. 8. 8. Co., Atlanta. Oa.
confidence in every one of his nltchars iDy Alexander, rooster. lonard, Ruth
that he would not b afraid to pick any an(' "h01" n,v T"nd Pitching svrire I
on of them to pitch In the wrtd's series " " accoroing 10 in laieai unoinaai
and that he considered the rest of hl f ur"- wn,cn 'd"1 tn h'ttlng and
club th peer of any other ball players.
Trotting Horse
Breeders Elect
bT. LOUIS. Oct .Th second gam
airtight fielding of the Red 8ox. ahould
be sufficient to overcome the perform
ance of th Phillies' second string pitch
ers. Against Alexander, however, their
success remain to b demonstrated. As
batters all the boxmen far aurpaa
their Philadelphia rivals, but the fielding
figures show that the Phillies hav a
slight advantage in this respect
In All Ymi Mew.
Whatever Alexander may be called upon
to do it appears almost certain 'that
LEXINOTOV. Ky.. Oct C-Tha Amer
ican Association of Trotting Kors breed
ers at a meeting her laat night re
flected th following officers:
President J W. Bailey, Galnavllle,
Tex.; vie piealdenta. William Ruaaell
Allen, PltUfield. Mass., W. B. Dicker- Kotr, Leonard. Ruth and Store, aa firs
man. C. K. Q. Billing; secretary. H. K. etring men who have taken their regular
Deveraux, Cleveland treasurer, Sterling turn in th box during th season, will
R. Holt, Indianapolis. bear th brunt of th boxwork. sine
Executive committee: Sterling R. Holt Wood. Oregg and Collins hav been used
IndlanaPolla: William Ruaaell Allen. Pitta, i hu ti,i var an4 m..
of tha aerlea, a - w affair, waa called field. Maaa.; P. W. Harvey. Cleveland. ' almoat entirely aa a relief pitcher. It la
on account of darkneaa In th twelfth O.; J. C. McCoy. Ktrkwood. Del.; W. W. ! thought In th Boaton baa ball circle
uiing ju miter wiw Amemana naa ilea u art n, Muiitrvlll. Ala ; Ed A. Tipton, 'that th first four wltt b th only pitoh-
: f :
n .l,
- -, ::- - -- ' .
jr lj nin. we r- - -
. Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery in the West.
Family Trade snpplied by WM. JETTER, Distributor,
2502 N St. Telephone Dongrki- 4231, or South 863.
the score for th third tlm today. Th Xexington. Ky.; A, B. Cox. PaoU, Pa.; I
rcore waa t to 1 K-ore: R.H.R.
National ! 1 t
AaierKati 0 00101 1-t 1
Apartment, flat, haute and cottage
can be rented uuicxly and cheauly by
Bte "Por Rent "
A. H. Parker. New Bodford. Maaa, and
H. J. Si-hie nger, Milwaukee.
New directors were named aa follows:
It Tltu. 6tonyford. N. t".; J. J.
Mootiey, Toledo, O.; Krtd T. Maran.
tfit, and IM Gould. Keerney, Neb.
r to atart games la th coming aerlea
for th Red Sox. and that they will be
called upon to pitch In th order named
All ar comparatively young men, da- 1
veloped by Boaton within th laat two or
three aeaaona. Kach haa been brought to
a high atat of pitching efficiency by
Keprodaead oa
y Street Wire lrom Bal Park
Omaha Auditorium
First Game Friday Afternoon at 1 O'clock
, Doors Open at 12 O'clock
Seats 25c. Boxes Reserved 50o