Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1915, EXTRA, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
VOL. XLV NO. 05.
Oa Trains, at Wotel
twa btaaaa, ate M
Greatest of Long Line of Monarch!
Comei to Chief City to Be
ceite the Crown from
His Subjects.
Kingdom of Plenty Eecerret Ruler,
Who Enters in Magnificent
innnrpfls or tnousanus ciuiik iu
the steel cables that held them to the
curbstone line last night and fed
their eyes on the Jeweled and be-1
spangled spectacle of the electrical
parade that heralded the coming of
King Ak-ear-ben XXI to the chief city
of hta realm.
For hours, thousands had clung
stubbornly to their favored positions,
and when the vast array of pris
matic colors suddenly stabbed the
October heavens with a million lances
of light rays, strong hearts grew
faint at the costly sight.
Well It Is that science teaches there
are but seven primary colors, forj
vast armies of people that witnessed
the electrical display would take oath
today that colors are myriad, so var
iegated was the light effect as work
ed out by the artisan of King Ak-Sar-Ben,
who prepared the twenty
flaming floats gilded through the
principal streets during the even
ing. Thousands to B Kin.
ha tnousanas 01 suojecis irum mo
farthest reaches of the prosperous realm
flocked to the chief cttr (or this night,
to look upon the face of their new kins
aa he rides Into their midst on bis throna
of sold.
Every year has a long: caravan of
Jewel-encrusted floats preceded the regal
float, and every year has this long
caravan of floats. Including- that of hta
majesty, grown mora beautiful and more
striking In Its allegorical representations.
Talea of Childhood.
Tales of Childhood" waa the theme
of the parade last night. Every one
OI tne pmru. j. "--'-";,
or me maeieen jiuhui " w""" i
that of his majesty portrayed some ;
lavoriU and weil-known fairy Ule of
childhood. No theme perhaps would
lend lUelf better to the working out
of a line of beauty that Would be at
one spectacular, sensational and costly
Ih appearance. For the action' that ts
contained In all childhood talea furnished (
the spectacular
feature, ine wicaea
deeds performed
by witches, giants, j
es rurmaneu me
sensational feature. And the many
Jewels, gems, castles of marble and gold
that abound In fairy tales furnished thej
Drllllant and cosUy feature of parade.
y, way of clearing the street, ror in,
l evasion, ana Dy way ot guaruioB
Ul possible accidents, a platoon ST
.ouniea police lea me iunn;o !"
Cam then the members of the Hoard of
vernora of Ak-Sar-Ben mounted on
e lenma cnargers ana cum in wmi.
Throughout the entire length I tne
aravan of wonders band after band was
Interspersed and the night air rang wim
music for two hours, until his majesty s
regal float had passed tne cuy s casus
where the king received the keys of the
City of Cibola and the line was finally
disbanded for the night.
Taiea of ctol.dhood. .
Following tne cavaicaae 01 iiih.-b hu
board of governors on spirited mounts,
.h- .,H.rrl nroceaslon of twenr
. . u v, 'Hn- nvpr tha
floats. - A stork hovering over the neat
carried the title ribbon In his beak, bear
tng the words, "Tales ot chaohooa, A
big ' playground was represented, wlm
many chl.dren. sons and daughters ot
the members of the board of governor
ia niembirs of the board of governor.
, e frobcklng In th. playground. Tl
stork hovered over them.
ir. ni.t ih. .in. of ik..
second" float, and this me.ry old SM.1
that lives In the hearts of all children,
was seen sitting on the float reaching
for his pipe, his bowl and his fiddles, as
.7.7 .' ,I " ',
his i-eeDectlve servants were banding
them to him.
"The goes that laid the golden egg'
was th. next float The wonderful goose
with her mo,, than wonderful egg
seen ln the foreground, while the otlar
gees, with
their ordinary eggs were seen
. ih. Heartless ai.d greedy
ii . . . i
.mer is Been wiin in untie wiin wiiicii
v., a -mux ii it villa. k. i v, a, ....
: r: rrr: "i:::: -"
vt ii.iuuia u - iu iirr .
Hon Quixote.
Don Quixote was th. tls of the next
float, and this famous knight of fable
was seen galloping toward Uie big Dutcn
... .. . .
wmamui wun nui .ance i.xea. reaay
I'uarge ina winaa ui Ki.a ...i.i which n
isites 10 do a living ana evii union, ine I
dragons of his morbid imagination am !
seen twining about the mill, shooting
fir. from their wrathy Jaws.
"Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes';
was th. title of the next float, flashing J
with Jewla, clustered with castles, alive
w un lalrtes, and other representations
oVpii-ting auch familiar rhymes as "Peter-,
i'eter. Pumpkin Eater," and many
' The liar, and th. Tortoise" was next
(Continued on Pag. Fiv., Column One.,
The Weather
i a. m....
i a. m....
T a. m....
a. m....
- Tern.
a. m
14 a. m.
11 a. tn
12 m
1 p. m
J P- m
2 p. m
i p. ni
6 p. ni
p. m
? p. m
S p. in
' i. M
.... 87
..... il
Turner, K. 0. B., inspecting the Camberwell battalion be
fore it leaves for the front.
. " i '-- -
v ,,. i . ? -
German-American Alliance of Ne
braska Concludes Convention by
Election of Officers.
President Val. J. Peter. Omaha.
Firt Vice President-Carl Rohde,
Becond Vice President Karl Kauf,
"t'vIco Pre'.ident-John Bchlndler.
Stanton. - -
First Recording; Secretary Richard
JnS' cordmi-.SecreUry-Han.
Warkow, Lincoln.
. CorrMpondinocreUry-John Mattes,
rTreaaurer-Fred 'volpp, flcribner.
. .
. Wednesday afternoon' the Qerman-
American alliance conciuaea us won ana -
the meeting adjourned, officers having ;
been elected as indicated above. j
The morning session was given over!
largely to the receipt and acceptance of
. . ..,,u
language In the pub-
hnnlm , x.k.i,. ,a .,.
that Germans seek to obtain thla end
! rl A' r 'Ir
- V---V; i ' i
j' it:; ? f - rr ij
rtf slit -- ; -j- i
t . mi v : l""
I fiH "-- t
J"-, . .-. v. C"T- vv. H . - gafjSJla"
through the boards of education. ! Hell. her come bana! u thB
The school committee protested against 8t"t9 Industrial school band from Kear
the . cheap class of German literature ey th bW 11 ,n ray un.forms.
that It was asserted Is being published "Rdy" Invites them right up on the
and nrrroH for ! in hnnkatnm tn rostrum and then they played, and played
tln, th . ... . nf h.rci.r that'
misrepresents the Germans, and their
nterary achievemenU.
Protest Export of Maaftlon-
Tha fnllAatln usoIiiHah. . f 4 m.
ho manufactur41 Md slllpm.nt o(
munitions of war to Europe were adopted
by. a Unanimous vote:
A loyal American rltlsens, loving our
adopted country an anxio .. for Its ful
ture. we deprecate the enormous nroDor-
t,on" -'talned by our trade In arms and
ainmun,tlo v'e be'tjve that this hid-
nus and wicked traffic should be stop-
pen or law, ana w commend both Mc- '
braska senators, and those of our repre-
sentatlves In ronaress. who aunnortod
measures to that end In the last sV.ion.
The trade In arms and ammunition Is
tTX h. ndto".'.?
- i
man belnas bom with heavenly 'compas
sion In the'r hearts.
' building up In this peaceful coun
try R' "m.lltarv'lnd" .V"Me ana more
dangerous than any that has henr-tofnre
ftd'uVtr' SwS" mSSSl
continued Sroflts?!! or5v? f
crousi p'luepc for fastnlnir militarism
which ' we export are used to kMl the
brothers, cousins and other kin of mil-
f,'tVer div.Mon alnglnr""ai7e':
rmont our own Deoul .n,i threaten),.
that homogeneity ol : cltlsenship which is.
to our ntlon tuluro ret-
rti it our rtufv tn rirwf nri tn
i nriNiiHti nvii rsimn ia Hnthina rrs
prolong ths rnghtfui war and every -
thin f In our power to shorten it. ni tn. course pi a hit at the saloons,
.the presence of the swful trsaedy ln"Bllly" remarked, "I want to come back
un-l ir'AXl JSE snd tour the .Ute for pro-
Tte we brerd as base snd abhorrent hibltlon. The hour of the saloons has
he arguments that ere uraed to JusMfy cnlT,.vea and thev know' It ton"
OUT actlVK i. i.l In nrolrnirlr an.l maLin. toino yea, anu inejr allow 11, loo.
murderous" and ! Tnor. dtructlv:
inia appalling war,
uld-Tiinrrs Talk,
During an interval wblle the meeting
was working- under th. head of "Good
for th. order." there was an address by
Dr. Renner of Omaha. The doctor la
W years of age. has been a resident of
Nebraska sixty years and Is th. father
I of ten children, the oldest being M and
ith baby 37 years of age.
Fred Krug. sr., a resident of Omaha
for more than half a century, and 82
years of age, was called upon for a
speech and talked fifteen minute, on Ne
braska and soma of the things that hav.
occurred since he came here.
Dry Penalty Law
of Colorado Valid
DENVER. Colo... Oct . Th. prohibi
tlon penalty law enacted by the last, leg-
1,lalur to enforce th. state wide pro-
hibltlon constitutional amendment was
upheld ln the district court today. Th.
court ruled adversely on the application
ot te "wets" to mandamus John E.
Ramer, secretary state, to place th. law
.on th. ballot at the ll general election
a referendum vol..
' -
Old Colored Woman Marches Up to
Platform and Crys "Glory!"'
to Body.
Out-of-town folks, composing
about three-fourths of the' big audi
ence at the Tabernacle .yesterday
afternoon, laughed and' gasped at
"Billy" Sunday's gymnastics and
verbal pyrotechnics, his slang and
"cuss", words and other Idiosyncra
sies. ' , . "
The entire main part of the Tab
ernacle was filled and about 600
. (k.v,. m.n
an audience Ot 6,500, the largest It
naa been on- A weekday afternoon
durJn th- campalgn.
enenanaoan, ia., naa a special aeiega-
"on of 160 and about 100 were In a re-
served aectlon from Burt county, Ne-
so well that the big audience Inflated on
.their planing again.
Then "Rody" announced "No. 48." and
.. ..'...j. ..
th. Corner" with such good effect that a
l&riso cuiureu wuumii rairaeu uii un in
rostrum and through an occupied news-
men's tion,. threw up her arms at
Rodv" and cried lust aa the song
noay .. ana criea, just as tne sung
closed, ."Glory. . glory .and hurrah for
von ' Sir. nodehf-aver waa r.Kht there
' )h.
wlth th repartee.
"Thank you," he drawled with a grin,
.. . .
""rr.n lor .you, too.
Billy preached about Job, showing how
deV" taUed-lot bUde. h'm i.""".
Ttla a. a si SS tuaff Art an a I s Sin as al I r S r
.place aa a perfect man In God's sight
Billy pl turcd the devil as "lying awake
'hU worrying because he couldn't get
Job." And he dramatised God's question,
"Ha8t thou noticed my aervant Job r- as
an Ironlca! que.aom "That gets my goaf
laughed Billy. "Poor old devil hadn't
ben d" but noticing
Joli he'd been walking up and down th.
earth ' and looking at him. from every
"You ear the world's growlna- better."
he shouted. "No, It isn't. You show me a
man today as good as Job and 1 11 talk
to vnn ir vmi nn't nnth nir nar rn
... . .
Mayor Thompson's
Manager Explains
the "Wet" Pledge:
CHICAGO, Oct. a Fifty organisations
affiliated with the United Societies for
Local Self-Govemment called meetings
today to pledge their support to any
action which may be taken to oppose
Mayor Thompson's Sunday closing edict j
against the 7.16! saloons of this city.
Eugene Pike, city comptroller, who
managed the mayor's election campaign,
admitted today that th. mayor signed
th. "wet" pledge not to Interfere with
the saloons, but Mr. Thompson, acoord
Ing to Mr. Pike, attached his nam. under
a misapprehension,
"He was told that th. Sunday closing
law was a dead letter and that aothlng
tn th. pledge called upon him to violate
th. laws." explained Mr. like. "When
th. corporation counsel reported, how.
ever,, that th. Sunday closing law was
perfectly valid and operative, ther. was
nothing for th. mayor to do but to per
form his swora duty, namely to see that
th. law Is enforced."
. - i - .-
Resident of United States Makes
Known His Engagement to Mrs.
Norman R. Gait of Wash
Marriage Probably Will Take Place
in December at Home of the
WASHINGTON, Ocl. 6, Wood- j
row Wilson, the president of the
United States, announced tonight
his engagement to Mrs. Norman 11.
Gait of Washington. The date of
the wedding has not been fixed, but
it probably will take place In De
cember at the home of the bride
elect. Infantry of Franco
Capture a Position
PAUIS, Oct. 6. French Infantry,
after a heavy bombardment by the
artillery, today captured by assault
the village of Tab. u re and reached
the summit of the hill of the same
name which constituted a support
ing point In the second German
line, according to the official state
ment Usued by the French war of
fice) tonight on the campaigns In the
Clifton Employes .
Forces to Join the
Miners' Organization
CLIFTON, Aril., Oct. 5. Strikers from
tho copper mines went through the
Phelps-Dodge company store at Moren-
others employed to Join the union or
get out of camp. The strike Is for
union recognition and better waxes.
A committee of local business men
who are endeavoring to arrange for a
peace conference, asked Ouy Miller,
local organiser of the Western Federa
tion of Miners, to stop the strikers' ac
tivities for tha present. R. 8. Stevens,
a business man, said prospect of a con
ference were good. J
PHOBNIX. Arl.. Oct . Adjutant Gen
eral C. W. Harris, Major Jnkersley
and Sheriff Cash arrived here today from
Clifton to. confer with Governor Hunt on
the atrtks situation. J. W. Bennie, man-
agar of the Bhannon Copper company,
will arrive tomorrow. Sheriff Cash
has asked Governor Hunt for COO more
mil it la.
KU PASO, Tex., Oct s.Mlne managers
from tha Clifton-Morencle-Metcalf dis
trict In Arliona, refugees In El Paso, de
clined today to accept the Invitation of
Governor Hunt of Arlsona, to go to
Phoenix to confer with him relative to
the strike. The governor wired the
managers that he woulrl send Major Mm-
.kersley. commanding the militia at Cllf-
managers that he wbuld send Major lon.
ton, ana aiierin turn ot cuiion 10 uoras-
burg, N. M., to escort them to Phoenix,
"It probably means that we would be
escorted to -the Arlsona line and ar
rested," declnred Milton H. McLean, one
l"" ro7""i, , . .....
! Governor Hunt telegraphed an lndlvld-
i... I ..... . i. T la. - I .... n .
Zl"?. 'L ." ".V.":;
, , . .... .
v uia- Bimiiiivii,
: "u ', Mr
conduct. Mr. Bonnie being a British sub-
. ,
..T "." I V. .ZV . '. "'
' " " "muD "ul rclur" w " ""!
(conditional upon the retirement ot the
Weatern Federation of Miners snd until
Lui. . .. .
! thing by conferring with Governor Hunt."
j U pTvmf ICS Mo fl f tn
I AllQJ0Vl 1S iYlaQe 10
1 "SV S aft aaai
Influence Jurors in
the Schmidt Case
Cal., Oct. . Judg.
Frank R. Willis today ordered an Investl- .unsuccessful.
gallon of an alleged tampering with th. "Eastern theater: Army of Field Mar
talesmen now being examined as pro,. hal Von Hlndenburg. Th. enemy yeeter-ww-tiv.
in th. trial of M.tih.w b,u 'tck of greater Importance
A- Schmidt, charged with the murder of
Charles Haggerty ln connection with the;
' dynamiting of th. Los Angeles Time.
, Quuainv in uciowr. iv iv. tjr-juiar loners
i. ... aL.H .iir.4 it,. 4 .
i ""..' r r:""7r
: Ing th. prosecution and tending to p requ
die. th. minds of men who will sit
th. cas. against the district attorney s
Goethals Withdraws
His Own Resignation
PANAMA, Oct 4-MaJor General
George W. GoethaU has withdrawn his
resignation as governor of th. Panama
canal sons.
To all visitor! within our
gate, a cordial welcome to
our city I Ak-Sar-Ben ia at
hii beat; "Billy" Sunday
offer to point the way to
Salvation; the German -American
Alliance j a i n
aeasion. Welcome to all.
! 3fMC-flATE'CITOf-TMt-w5f
Amateur Wireless Stations Will Be
Organized by the Navy Department
WASHINGTON, Oct. t-All commer
cial and amateur wireless stations lu
the t'nlted States will soon be organised
bjr the Navy department for Immediate
use In ruse of emergency by the Intelli
gence bureau of the navy .
In the event of war, hundreds and prr
hap thousand of operators nlonit the
coast lines would be Instructed to
listen-In" on any radio conversation
that nilnht te In progress within ran .re
of their Instruments, each station uslna
a different wave length. The result
would be to establish a line of radio
"eavesdroppers" around the country
which would be certain to Intercept any
message to be transmitted by hl,s at
sea or shore stations beyond the borders
south or north. Intercepted mesnsges
would be promptly repeated to the Navy
department, which wl.l be b evenmllv
to communicate with all Atlantic coast
wireless stations, at least, directly from
h ' of Hear Admiral Henson. chief
of navy operations.
United States Will Send Long" Note
to London On Interference with
American Trade.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 6. Secretary
Lansing Indicated today that the set
tlement of the Arablv. case had
cleared the way for the dispatch of
the note to Great Britain, covering
the general subject of trade negotia
tions and interference with American
goods In neutral trade. The note has
been completed and is ready to be
forwarded to Ambassador Page. It Is
a lengthy document, covering the
general situation.
It la understood that the note does not
specifically cover the problems of the
Chicago packers, who are pressing the
State department to make representations
lit behalf of products valued at many
mlllluns, held up, and, in part, confis
cated by the British pnte courts. This
subject probably will be covered In a
separate communication, although . the
On the general situation the American
note. It Is understood, contends that the
burden of proof Is upon the British gov
ernment to show that roods of neutral
destination, destroyed or seised - are In
tended fur Uurmany, and that t,h as
sumption that all food products goln
to Oerman are Intended for German
military use Is not justified.
Luther i M. Walter, Henry Veeder and
Charles J. Faulkner, representing the'
Chicago packers, today drafted a letter
jsettiiig fortfr1 the-vieW-S of the packers,
j which will 1 be Considered' by the State
I i
1 Pari in So TTO Tf fnrf
To Resume Move in
West Frustrated
BERLIN, Oct a Vla London.) An
attempt by the French to resume the of-
tensive or. the Champagne front by heavy
;artlllcry flr, ,,aln.t th. Oerman position 1
1, wlth heavy loss by th.
.German artl.lcry. It was announced by
army headquarters today.
The text of the statement follows:
"Western theater: A French hand gren
ade attack on tha hill north of Neuvlllo
was repulsed.
"In the Champagne tha French yes-
I t.p.v et. rr. f a . n uinm. Ih.
' 31 'n 7h. fT .7 , . ..7a
- - .
:,!.!, k..v. .rilll.M, fir. -hlrh lncr....4..
! to the areateat Inteiis tv durlna the af.
''SilJlJritZ pwn
. ,ernon-... Tn nomJ' "on( to prepr
-our positions for storming In a general
attack he Intended to make. Blmultane-
.,. v.. hi. ,.h .
ously he was getting his troops ready tor
th. attack along th. entire front
"Under our artillery fir. directed on
the enemy's points of departure, tha
French were successful only st certain
points In bringing their troops forward
for the attack. Wherever they did ad
vance they were driven back again with
heavy losses.
"Itepeated . rushes on tha high road
from fomme-Py to Bouealn broke down
completely. North and northeast of
Keausjour farm and northwest of Vllle-
' Sur-Tourbe tlu-lr attacks were entirely
I k.tu. 1tat I J tr
between lake Drlsltlata and Kxewno.
J " '
. . . . .
: ... - w
ter attack, th.
situation was again re-
ln,th enerrly
"Th. situation Is unchanged with th.
army groups of Prince Leopold and Field
Marshal Von Mackensen.
"Army of General Von Llnglnsen; En
gagements developed in the district west
of Csartorysk."
Man Shoots Three
Children and Their
Parents in Orchard
PERU, Ind . Oct . August Blon shot
and kllltd Bart Fears twelve miles eaat
i of her. today and wounded Mrs. Sears
and her three children because the chit'
j dren were gathering apples on a farm
: Sears had rented from Blon. Mrs. Bears
and two of tb. children may die.
Blon, riding by the orchard on the farm
h. bad rented to Bears, saw the Bears
children, Harry. 15; Ooldle, H. and Dor
othy, 7. gathering apples. He flied on
them with a shotgun. Then h. went to
the Sears horn., shot Sears through th
body, killing him Instantly, sad shot
Mrs. Sears.
It Is thought that Harry Is th. only
member of th. femHy who will nurviv
Bloa's body was found a few hours
sfter the shooting lying in a field a
short d 'itanc. from tb. seen, of thit
crime. lie bad shot himself through the
I roast
All matters pertaining to the move
ments of ships, to romniunlt'aUona with
jr between Vessel and shore stations,
or relating to Information valuable to
naval commanders falls under the direc
tion of the chief of operations.
To fact Itate co-ordination of the com
munication methods of the navy, five
wlrolesii antennae are now being erected
on the roof of the Ktnte, War and Naval
buildings here, and In a aound pruof
room clofte to Admiral Honson s office
will le established what mluht be called
a radio exchange station, with five op
erators and five seta of Instruments.
From that room conveisatlons can be
conducted directly with the big central
navy radio plant at Arlington, Va , and
with navy stations along the gulf and
Atlantic eoHstn. Py re aylng through the
Arlington station, the department will
be brought In direct touch with any part
of the vast wireless system now being
constructed to reach from Maine to Cuba,
and from Arlington to the Philippines,
with stations at Honolulu and Guam.
Constantino Disag-rees'with Foreign
Policy of Premier Venizelos and
All Ministers Resign.
LONDON, Oct. 6. King Constan
tino of Greece has accepted the res
lgnatlon of the Ventielos cabinet,
according to an official dispatch
which reached London today
ATHENS, Oct. 6. (Via London.)
After his conference with Kins-
Constantino, Premier Venlselos re-
turned tn the, Chamber of Denutlea
. . . . .
and made a statement of the causes
of the disagreement. He then an
nounced the resignation ot the entire
cabinet. Sittings of the chamber were
The resignation of Premier Venl
tclos was altogether unexpected. He
conversed with the correspondent of
ibe Associated Press at noon today In
a manner which indicated the utmost
confidence In the future course of his
Meanwhile Kins; Constantlns came to
Athena from Tatol. tha summer residence
of the royal family, and summoned the
premier to the palace.
After a terse Interview, In which there
was the plainest speaking, tha premier
proceeded to the Chamber at Ueputles
and announced that he had again dis
agreed with the king on foreign policy
1 an(i hftl presented his reslgnstlon and
' . U .. . . I I I I . 1
' -This announcement led to wild disorder
In the chamber. The city Is greatly ex
cited. There Is much discussion of the for
mation of a coalition cabinet.
4 First Troops Landed Saturday -
PARIS. Oct. French transports ar
rived at Salonlkl Friday night and troops
began to land Saturday afternoon, says
an Athens dispatch to the Matin. Psr
feet order was maintained In the city and
the Inhabitants gave the French soldlsrs
a cordial reception. 1
T)rWrtsl SAAltAa1 In A t Kaaaaaa tka W . I a. aa
' '"T" Idenl " " " ' YuJZA'
1 .'' ' ' . L,H
"T .T: 7 " 7 7 "7 .
w " " " piiiiviji .wsisssaiissi gig ts XJ ts
garlan army.
Protest Aaalnst Laadtaa; Mild.
ATHENH, Oct t-(Vla Paris, Oct 6.
j Delayed by Censor.) The following state
ment was issuea otnciaity alter a meet-
1 . ,, L i . . , . .
T" "!.0,"V ...
Ana rrrncn minister oenverea me 101-
l' ' l l rrem,er venlselos:
Ey 0td'r f m ovrnment- 1 hv
! ths honor to announce to your excellency
... . . . .. . '
mT"v" " "" OI m nrsi 0?-
taonment or rrencn troops and to declare
at tha same time that Franc, and Eng
land, allied to Serbia, send their troops to
help the latter, as well as to maintain
their communication with It and that th.
two powers count upon Greece, which
already has given so many proofs of
friendship, not to oppose measures taken
'.(Continued on Page Four, Column Three)
' .
The Day ' War News
! lit Lu.iHI t AuT U.M. has rejrrtrd
the deaaaad of Hassla, bat baa
seat aa Ulaaatans to Serbia cos
rernla Macedonia, according to
unofficial advlcea from Petroarad.
II Is declared tiiat a reply from
- Serbia within tereatr-'oar koors la
GtCsM A X til'Wa BnoKH IP yester
day a French attempt to re. ante
the offensive on the froat of the
former altack la the ( uarapac aef
llerlln declares.
sclos aad his rablaet has brew ae
crptcd by Kloa (oaataallae of
Greece. Official advices to this ef
fect wer received la Laadoa to
day. The Greek premier's real.
a Ilea, which baa farther e.rnpll
rated tha already decidedly aacer
tala Bslkss allaatloa, waa becaaae
th. blast Informed M. Vealseloa
that ha eoald set parsae th.
art's policy to th. ead, accord I a;
to Alheas advlcea. Th. premier
bad ladlealcd that be favored
etroa.; aapport of Serbia, la com
pllaac. with Greece's treaty coll
Baloalkl coatlaara. Addltloaal
Krrarh force, disembarked today,
anpplemeatlac the force of 70,000
already leaded, It Is reported
from Athcas.
ItOUMANIA 19 SIIOWl.VO algras of
ellvitr. harrledly aeadlav troops
last other military aacasarc. of aa
straordlnary aatar..
kaad creaad. operations, . re
ported from tho front la France.
Th. French claim to bar. made
aom. preare. la connecting
. trenches ta tb. Artola dUlrlet.
Sofia Rejects Russian Ultimatum
and Sends One to Serbia De
manding an Immediate
King Ferdinand ' Also Makes Per
emptory Demands on Serbia Re
garding Macedonia.
rETItOGRAD, Oct. 6. (Via Lon
don.) nulgarla has rejected the
Russian demands and has sent an ul
timatum to Serbia concerning Mace
donia, according to Information
which has reached the Serbian Ar
chimandrite Michael, say a Moscow
telegram to the Bourse Gasette. Bul
garia demands that Serbia reply
the ultimatum within twenty-four
ItEULIN, Oct. a Ry Wireless to 8&T
vllle.) A dispatch from Sofia under yes
terday's date, as given out here today
by the Overseas Newa agency, aays thit
the Hulgarlan government made a reply
yesterday arternoon to the Joint nota
presented last month by the entente
powers. The newa agency also says that
Kulgarin has made a reply to the Joint
ultimatum of Great Britain, Francs and
A dispatch from NIsh, dated October
4, said the quadruple entente would send
a collective ultimatum to. nulgarla on
that day.
The Joint note to Bulgaria last month
. was designed to compel the government
) to state Its position. It was announced
ln lx)n,,on yMtei(1liy thllt tha offer ot
the entente powers to Bulstsrls, condi
tioned on her support of th. allle. la tho
war, had been withdrawn.
Macedonia Oaly Mask.
PKTHOUUAD, Oct a (Via London.)
The correspondent at Nlsh of th. Novo.
V'rcmya sends the following Interview
with LJouba Jovanovltch, Bcrblan min
ister of the Interior:
"To mask Its real alms In mobilising.
Bulgaria has again advanced th. Mace
donian question which Is essentially a
Slavlo family affair of secondary Im
portance at th. time of a world war.
During the last year w. have twice of
ficially offered Pofla to make any reas
onable agreement concerning Macedonia,
in addition to which th. entente allies
repeatedly hav. attempted to reach a
peaceful solution of this question In order
to avert the danger threatening Slavdom.
?'All these efforts were unsuccessful,
because there is no .critical Macedonian
queMtion. The question Is German In
fluence, the complete subordination of
BulKarla to German Interests.
"Germany Is not Interested In Hlavlo af
fairs. It is merely using tho Macedonian
question to prumot. Its hegemony In th.
Balkans and complete th. conquest of th.
near east"
Roam aala Active.
LONDON, Oct . Reuters Athens cor
respondent states that Roumanla Is hur
riedly dispatching troops to th. Bulgar
ian frontier and otherwise taking .xtrsr
ordinary military measures.
The Roumanians are feverishly fortify
ing Glurgnvo on th. Danube, forty mile,
south of Bucharest across the river from
Bulgaria, according to advlcea reaching
Athens. Roumanian officers of Bulgarian
origin are being transferred to interior
posts. Young reserve officers hav. been
oallud up and reserve who were to hav.
been disbanded, are being kept with th.
Freae Coatlaa. Mot..
PARIS, Oct .-:15 p. m.)-The land
ing of French troops at Salonlkl and
their prompt dispatch northward across
Greek territory to the frontier,
will proceed without regard to th. cabinet
crisis at Athens.
Th. downfall of th. Venlselos cabinet
Is considered her. as relating to formali
ties rather than to determined opposi
tion te th. landing of French troops.
Statements evidently based on official
Information relate King Constantlns re
ceived th. French minister at Athens
a.ter. the landing of French troops h.ul
'Continued on Pag. Five, Column Three.)
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