Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Another Lincoln Woman Talks
of the Most Remarkable
Improvement Produced by
Tanlac After Everything
Else Had Failed.
Mrs. Clara Albee, waJ-known reaHdent
of Unlveieiiy I'lare, residing at 1104 V.
Twenty-first an vet, maJe a moat Inter
esting .Utieiiietit regarding the rreulia
he had obtained through tha uaa of
Tanlac. tha nr medavtne now being sv
thoroughly diaciusl In Omaha an 1
vicinity. Mia. Albea said;
"For many years 1 have suffered from
hay ftver and a moat chronic case of
stomach trouble. The hay fever causod
m much suffering and my digestion
was Indeed very poor.
"1 also had thoae sirs headaches, enj
h;ifr I ale of a a lld natuia causJ
(an to form on my !.. .sen and I wouid
suffer from nausea fr sometime afte'
vanl. "My nerves, too, were all unstrung,
and auddsn noises or excitement com
pletely upat ma.
"I hate only takes one bottle of Tart
lac, and my Buffering fiotn hay fever
ha, been areal'v relieved, but I mm:
aay that It did help my stomach mora
than anything.
"Sunday I ate a big meal and dldn t
feel tha slightest pain or bad affect a
I had In tha past. Thie medicine has
helped ma In every way, en pec I ally my
stomach and klJneye. I will be mora
than glad to tell anyone, who may be
suffering as I did, what Tanlac baa
dona for me."
The 'Waster Medicine," which Is so
highly praised by Mrs. Albea, can be
had st the Sherman A McComell Drug
potnpany, lth and Dodge streets, whj
nave tna escntaive agency in Omaha.
Floral Offering by George Reim to Auto Parade
I rir !
Osmond Widow Sues
Saloon Keepers for
Sixty Thousand
MADISON, Neb., Oct (Special.)
Mra. Francee F. Wiley, widow of Dr.
Wiley of Osmond, and minor children,
have brought action against the cer
tain saloon keepers of Osmond, Bloom
field, Pierce and Norfolk end their
bondsmen to recover $HD,O0O damagm.
which, she alienee In her petition, she
has sustained as a result of her husband
drinking himself to death.
The aaloon keepers named as defend
ants sre t-liarles F. Rohrberg, William
Mlady, F-dwnrd Herbst. William F.
Bmlth. Ray Weber. Max Fielder, N. H.
Neuens, John Grohmann, John Sucs
storff. C C. Jeppeson. Fred Pa:er,
Peter F. Thewwn, I tans Ivarsen, John
Decker, F. A. Heller and John A. Ren
nlng, and the surety companies are the
Lyon Bonding company. Illinois Purely
company, Fidelity and Deposit of Mary
land. The petition shows that Dr. Wiley
realised from his profession W O 0 an
nually before he contracted the dr.nk
habit, H.000 of which ha contributed to
the support of his family.
('dldates In Jeffrraoa.
FAIRBURT. Neb., Oct 6. 3peelal.
Aaplranta for the sheriff of Jefferson
county on the republican ticket sre com
ing out. Pat Shea, now deputy sheriff
under tha present democratic Incum
bent, Ed Hughes, has entered for the
nomination to succeed his chief. Messrs.
John d. Ramies, Charles E. Gllmore,
Charles Frnntx and J. K. Johnston com
prise the O. O. P. candidates. The let
ter was a candidate last year.
Mr. and Mrs. Frel Hurst have re
turned from a trip to Los Angeles, Cat.
Mr. Hurst has resumed word in the
Rock Irland locomotive shops.
JOPL1X. Mo., Oct. 5.-Four masked
men entered the bank of Quapaw at
Quapaw, Okl., twenty miles southwest
of here today, and compelled the cashier,
C. A. Douthat, to open the vault. Bank
official estimate 12.000 was obtained.
The robbers escaped In an automobile.
Food Commissioner Withholds Fees
and Treasurer May Have to File
Suit Aga.irut Him.
t -
(From a Htaff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Oct I (Snent!-) rnvl
Btop in and se. tha T.nlao man. wo lMrmon and Ht.te Treas-
,h ,h I UIf HaJI n P'aymg the game of "Ut-
wlli gladly show you ths praparatlon W1" ,h m
and explain It to rou. Get a con, of .folMttt .M,,n- wUh ww on the
and erplaln It to you. Get a copy
tha Tanlac Times. Advertisement.
a frost, but a freeie.
Today all through tha west from the
mountains east, weather conditions are
,.' -'
Don't ipoll the effect of a
7 beautiful gown by not
wearing the proper Blip- .
pers.' ' !',
This I only one of many
of the dainty, attractiv
Uppers wa are ahowlnx
this fall. Our stock Is
the Urgent we have ever
had the pleasure of offer
ng for your Inspection.
We are showing allppera
In bronze, patent, dull
kid (beaded and plain)
and eatlna In all ehadee to
match any gown.
If you reside outside of
Omaha aend ua your slie
and a sample of the ahade
you want your allppera to
match. We ,pay parcel
post. ,
The prices range from
$3.50 to $7.00
1419 Far nam.
long end of ths snore. In faot the food
commissioner Is giving the state treasurer
soma worry as to how he can compel
Mr. Herman to turn over til mm whtrh
-the department has collected since Bep-
temper L
j Mr. Hall mentioned a possible suit
j against the food commuisloner yester
day, to force him to turn over the fees.
Mr. Herman turned In all fees up until
j the time when Hall refused to allow the
department to draw longer for salaries
and expenses In the absence of a legls.
'latlvs appropriation of the fees. Ths
stats treasurer also reported the Btate
I Board of Health had turned in t f--.
V sines July 14, It being affected by ths
s applies u me pure rood
' department and fire commission. Under
tns oeraes act the various commissions
are required to turn over to tha w.,.
treasurer all fees collected, at least every
iBirxy aays.
Meve Messy Ceases.
The food commission and tha secretaries
of the Stats Board of Health collect
fees direct and are then supposed to
turn them over te lhn trin. rr
drawing out enough to meet the salaries
ana expenses of ths office. The firs
commissioner does not have this ad
vantage, tne insurance companies re
milting their fees direct te the state
treasurer, -Fire
Commissioner nidreil hJL..k a.
.slstant Attorney Oeneral Ayres, yester
day brought ths second suit which tha
'governor threatened to Icstlttute again t
I the state treasurer.
The suit haa been set for hearing In
the supreme court October IS, so that an
I early decision
. , - ... HIV
.,, vuuiuussionar is repre
sented by the attorney general, so that
Mr. Hall will have to employ his own
counsel, but he Intimated today he might
appear In hie own defense,
Maadesaaa Actio. '
The suit Is In ths nature of
idamus action to require the Judges of
ine noun to
or show cause
how. It states, that the legislature. In ' w M"ndy of msrrlage of Fred
i creating the toff Ice. Intended it to tl ! .Y ; Bray. formerly of this city, and
(Self-supporting and to pay the expenses " . c" ""W" strong, which oc
ut of ths few taken 11. ' ,Mt tu" " Plham. N. T.
vmvmr Mm uuw as. iniirnnar nr rt ak
Heavy Frost Monday
Night, but Weather
Warmer Over State
The flrat killing frost of ths season
vlxlted Nebraska Monday night the tem
peratures, according to morning reports,
ranging from tt In the western part of
the state to 44 dogreea above sero In the
eastern sections. That trie frost will
dnmags late corn considerably Is the
opinion of railroad freight men. who have
kept In touoh With the eren situation
yet none of them are prepared to place
an estimate on sucn damage. They as
sert thst tha greater portion of the corn
In the central and eastern parts of ths
state haa pasaed the frost damags atage,
but they contend that In the western
counties there Is still a targe acreage
that should have had a week, or ten days
more warm weather without frost
According to the railroad renorta clear
weather, without wind,' was the ruls over
Nebraska and western Iowa Monday
will be held here next week. There will
be a parade every day and agricultural
and Industrial displays In a specially
erected building covering an entire block.
Building and Loan
Associations Are
In Good Condition
(From a Staff Correspondent.) ' j
LINCOLN, Oct 5. (Special. A mil
lion dollars In mortgages held by build. ng
and loan associations Is in process of or
subject to foreclosure In Nebraska, ac
cording to the annual report of Secretary
Royse of the State Banking board.
Concerns are warned against too great
optimism Just because the state is pros
perous and they are urged to take more
precautions In mortgages on urban oron-
srty particularly, which Is more dependent
on good times than farm realty.
The sum of 137,286.319.18 Is carried on 1
Improved real estate, the reDort sava. and on unimproved, so that the ratio
nlk A. ...Lit .k u i--- . . . '.
........ ... - .a., ,w i""injr- or foreclosures to loans Is one to thtrty-
atures. In many sections. It was not only 'seven. There are 6Si mortgages subject
to foreclosure and 227 more being actually
In spite of the optimism of the loan
: - - - cvrriimmes me secretary aeciarea that
the indications are that warmer weather ,they are as ably managed as any like
institution and are In fundamentally safe
Bines Secretary Royse entered the office
fifteen years ago the assets of biillrllnK
and loan companies have Increasd from i
whll the number haa '
only grown from alxty to seventy-one.
The Increase since last year has been
"The Store of the Town for Women's Suits
and every Woman who sees them says so.
A n Enormous Stock to Choose From,
the Most Individual Styles in Town
and By Far the Lowest Prices
Here's a List of Ak-Sar-Ben Week Specials
Broadcloth or Poplin,
v $25.00
Silk or Serge,
Pretty Tailored Models,
Uce or Crepe,
Special Sale Lot,
Fur Trimmed,
$2.95 $30 $35 $45
Fur Trimmed,
$12.50 $15 $18.75 $25
Regular $1.50 Values,
85 c
COATS, Very Stylish,
Special Saie Lot,
hat como to tay, say the railroad nwn.
Notes from Beatrice
And Gage County ;uK?
only grown from al
BEATRICE Neb.. Oct S.-fipeclal.)
A number of Beatrice residents who re
cently purchased town lots from an Ore
son agent have been "taken In" In the
deal. They purchased lots for fO K0
down and the balance on payments and
have been notified by responsible parties
llvlnn In Oregon-' that the Iota they
bought were not worth ISO. Six Fair
bury , residents were 'stung" by the
same party, and ons of them was In
Heatrlos Monday trying to get some
trace of ths "agrent."
Mrs. Elisabeth Hoover was granted a
House in Crawford
Wrecked, by Dynaimte
CRAWFORD. Neb.. Oct L (fl.ierl! Tel
egram.) Tha home of Earl McDowell, a
prominent lawyer of Crawford, was I
Wrecked hv a flvn.mlt. ..r.ln.l..H .v. . I
- . . ...... v.iugiuu Ruvuh
trlct court Mondav en tha irr.un.ia nt
cruelty and desertion.
Mrs, Msry Pitt, a pioneer resident of
Beatrice, died Sundav at tha hum. nt k
daughter. Mra. F. A. (la tlsaen. Hha araa
82 years of awe and had lived In Be
atrice ror thirty-five years.
A force of men began excavating
Monday for the new cottage at the
feeble-minded Institute, whloh will cost
about IXtCOO. The Omaha firm which
has the contract exoecta to hava tha
the court to countersign the warrants """a by cold weather.
Mr. Hidiroll la r..rt . I . . roOTivea in ue-
this morning. Ths force of the ex-
i"n iiwvrr was graniea s piosion oisw in tne rront end of the
dlvoroe from David Hoover In the dls- house and drove fragments into the walls
arlst Anna A A I ..!..
,that the fees have been put Into the
ireurri manas only In trust,
subject to the demands of tha Hm
. mlssloner.
r vase was iijea a month ago
to collect expenses of the fire commission
for June, July and August. It was with
drawn when ths state imuum. rii...-
ered that the legislature had appropri
ates m. lees ror as lanes and expenses
up until September 1.
Food Commissioner Harm an, when In-
if) 5
board of review of the Interstate Com
merce commission at Washington, D. C,
where the young couple will make their
HASTINGS. Neb.. Oct. S. Srwl.l T.l-
egram. The Hastings Oas company fran-
formcd thst Hall cv.nt..JlTZ, "7" Tl 'cm- r1" tnm ' "et o
force htm to turn In fees laid hi 1a ,'nnlng for twenty-five years, carried at
not run, decided on hi courTeVlotlon .,U lod br "
How to Abtorb an
Unlovely Complexion
Th. face which la admired for Its bea4
ly must have a aalln-amooth skin, ptnk
aid tills and youthful looking. Tlie
only thing I know of that can make
ucii s complexion out of an axe l, fane l;
or illutoiored one 1 nvean a natural, not
a I-ainte-l, con.exion is ordinary mar
...l.i.l wax. This remarkable sui'Mtanju
liieiaJly absorbs ths unalatitly rutivie, a
luue each day, the ilttr, healthy, girl
inh skin bvi.tath gradually peopius; unt
until altl.ln a wak or so it I wholly In
Kviiene. Of courts such tueiniahvs as
fieiklta,. moth lMcl,-e. liver iot,
. ),:otci.. si.I plmpirs sre dtacarded with
ti.e eld tokln. If v.... mtiii k..-.u...v ...
wmiiB ci WaX
"lore use Ilka rold cr-fc
it)lnic tl'ia off mom .
It a Vp'-ifi.).lM .nnil.,.kj..ju
Another vjt'uaule natural ti eminent la ' ' . ... . .
h . lotion to -einov, wrinkle. hie" I ' A 1 " Medlrtn. that llelaa.
i .n i i.i i Mtimif I. l;i-.,ive 1 . ' Dr. Klng'a New Diei very will help your
j . J. t.i sxolite lu pi. wit. h hH i. cwgh or eold. K.p a bolUs at home for
:.i,-".i",.r.,:,w2;". t urgencies y. All drusgls.a-Adv.r-
but would wait until the supreme court
had passed upon the RldgeU suit.
Omaha Man Caught
Under His Car that
. Dropped Into Creek
NEBRASKA CTTT, Neb.. Oct i.-Spe-
cisi -reiegram.) T. B. Peterson of Omaha
was driving hi car front Kansas City to
Omaha Sunday night when he ran Into a
creek from which a thirty-foot span of a
bridge was missing, five miles north of
this city. His car turned over urn burial
him In the mud, where he fought for
nearly two hours to keep from being
burled by th. weight of the car. He
brought his car here last night.
Many School Bonds
Eegistered in State
. vr rum eiait correspondent)
LINCOLN. Oct. &.-Special.-4chol
bonds reaching past ths half million
dollar mark have been registered with
State Auditor Smith since last Jan.
uary. according to a report of the last
nine months given out by the auditor.
There baa been a new school build
ing within that time for every county
and one left over, making ninety-four
districts that have been bonded for new
bulldlnga. This nun r was distrib
uted about the slate, not however, ex
actly one to each county.
The following represents the principal
Issues with the total amount of each:
EVhool, IM9.KS; street Improvement.
F75.077.6i:,. sewer, I,fei. auditorium.
it lt th, 5rnl' w,";' wr' llMt- auditorium,
Mil every nlvt): 1.0U; lighting, B41,); refunding, 2ag,.
nss, you'll tliii j MW.
Tha city Is being elaborately decorated
for the South Flatte exposition, which
at tha rear.
Vern Wiggins, a brother-in-law of Mr.
McDowell, was sleeping In the. house at
the time and the force of the explosion
blew him out of bed across the room,
shaking him up severely, but leaving him
otherwise unhurt
The detonation was heard all over the
city anu windows for several blocks were
shattered. Mr. and Mrs. McDowell were
absent from their home. No clsw te the
perpetrators of the outrage has been un
Use The Bee's "Swapper" column.
Voter May Retain
Office on Board
(From a Staff Correspondent) '
LINCOLN, Oct 6.-(8paclal.-A voter,
even after he haa sold his property In
a school district may retain his office
on the school board, according to a de
cision of State Superintendent Thomas,
In a Harlan county case.
He rules In the same case that dis
trict treasurers must properly quality
as to bond within the time specified by
law or lose their positions. "Treasurers
have been very lax In the protecting
or their district by bond." Superintend
dsnt Thomas asserts.
To prove to you
gg Fr . ready to serve
delicious, juicy and
picked rip. Fine for
M A! i breakfast, luncheon or dinner. K ,
W Canned.
U FHfiesipple m
to 25c can excofding to ir.e of can and AVnj
-4 of quality cheaper han it'a ever been if
j,V before, Justatkforacanof u;Vi Pineapple. W J
Your Grocer Sella It JK IT
. f ye PlklArrLg rACUSi . f -S .' '.
sj Garland Building, Chicago ' J -
" , . . .
A Good Suit ffv
for $17!
"if, I. l.i
s" 1 1
sj WsW vaae Ssas7
I ,,-ni,.-, vasfaiaas et.n
TaM Um nrirst f Ka. wnrU num
! . V VWA -
measure up to our definition of a " Good Suit,"
we enumerate the following points:
All wool fabrics.
Uncommon patterns.
Lined with high grade
Tha nndaratrurtnr
the salt la made of good
grade canvas and. hair
cloth ahrunk In water.
Tailoring by trained
workmen In the largest
Individual clothing
tory In the world. Hand
work la applied to all tha
important parte.
Models for all men. Spe
cial onea for young men.
One of the ablest fashion
artists haa made a na
tional reputation by mak
Every 8TYLEPLUS has a
written guarantee.
We are Omaha headquarter! for
Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits
$15 to $35
Full Dress and Tuxedo Vests
$3e50 to $5
For the Coronation Ball, you will find
here evervthinir von will need: Dress Khirts.
Silk Hats (Knox styles), Gloves, Shoes, Ties,
a WW a a a
etc , e can iuily equip you at a very rea
onable total cost
Advertise lost articles in The Bee, Most
people are honest and this is th only
way the finder can locate you.
- . a u l'a;K. Ao tr liaetjieut.