'8 THE TIKE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, OCTOTJEH 5, 1015. 'A'HK Ke:i. . l?rAu.'.-4: " ' ,71 :rg& 1 f.rilr- By MELLIFICIA. Monday, October 4, 1915. THEY are her. "Whit?" you ak. rantelettes! , I saw them with mjr own eyes Sunday afternoon as I saunt ered out of the Hee building. There, walking up Farnsm street, was a blonde beauty clad In a dove-grey crepe de chine afternoon gown. Just dpIow the hem of ber ehort aklrt I saw the shirred edges of what certainly could not have been a petticoat. Just then an accommodating gust of wind blew around the corner- and my suspicions were confirmed. Of tbe same material as the gown were they, loose, and shirred closely about the ankles. The pantalettes had arrived! I waa eager to do a Sherlock Holmes stunt in rilnrnvor ih Mantitv nt ids rair pantaiette wearer, nut I was assigned to the women's meeting at the Auditorium and I had to hurry on my way. Do you remember that Billy Burke wore pantalettes when she war. In Omaha toward the close of the last theatrical season? I note, too, that Alice Roosevelt Longworth and others are devotees of the voae. so tt Is fair to assume that we may all be wearing 'em before long. MARCHIONESS OF ABERDEEN, now on her way to New York to lec ture here. Lord Aberdeen was at one time governor general of Canada. iMfHOLDlHG UP ALL OYER STATE Last Week Favorable for Maturing the Cereal, with No Frost to Interfere. Festivities of the Week. Miss Marjorie llowtand la giving a luncheon. at her horn tomorrow for Mr. iUiMjr Smith of Hartfoid, Conn., who la the fiest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. i. F. Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mrti will give a boa party at the Boston Hymrhony con cert at the Auditorium Thursday even ing for their guests, r. Carl Holmes and Mr. T. B. Stlllwsll. Mr. and Mix. Mets are also planning a supper parly following the coronation ball. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hotierta will give a dinner preceding the coronation ball, complimentary to Mr. liartlelt and Mr. Haker. Mrs. Charles Wars will give a brlcltre luncheon Wednesday, when covers will be placed for twelve guests. Miss Marion Kuhn will entertain at dinner Informally Wednesday evening In honor of Miss Gertrude McCarthy of Chicago. Miss Daphne Peters will glva a suppnr at the Omaha club after the coronation ball. Mrs. Pen Gallaghsr la planning a din ner for Mas Gertrude. McCarthy pre ceding the ball. A large number of the younrep aet are planning to havs dinner at the I' nl ver sify club before the electrical parade on Wednesday evening, stay for tha danca and than have supper at the Hotel Foil tensile. Mrs. W. Itlghter Wood will glva a Kensington Thurtday afternoon for M.s. Sidney Smith of llartrord. MUs Eleanor Mackay. Miss Ltiolle Rm. Mr. Austin Galley of New York City and Mr. Frank Bel by will make jp a foursome at Uie Cnlveralty club din. er dance Wednesday evening. Theater Parties at the Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Burgess will enter tain thla evening at a box party at the lpyd theater In honor of their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Condlt of Beards Xown. 111. The party will Include: Messrs. snd Mesdatrtes Kloyd Condlt. E. K. McMann. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Naah will give a boa party, as will Mr. and Mrs. Benson. Frank Hamilton will hive four gueau, as will J. r. Kennedy, lxyal Cohn, W. T. Burns. llck Stewart, Luther Kountse and F. W. Judaon. lleservatlons for two hare been made by tha following: De Foroat Kchards, Charles Mets, A. V. Klnsler. Charlton. Fd George, Lester Heyn, Jack Hughes, George I'rtns. Mrs. A. Kemtngton. Harry Tukey, r. W. Bacon, Dr. J. K. Hummers, Will Leet, Mrs. A. Tlnto and Mrs. Her Maa Kountse. York, who Is a guct of the Davis', plans to remain until next Monday. The Miese Ethrl rnd Jennie Holomon returned Sunday from filling a musical engngement III the southern part of the state. Miss Dora Bass has returned from Bos ton, where the hns been attending the Leland Powers school. Miss Sass spent the slimmer doing rhautauqua work. Mr. and Mrs. H. U Parker and I ttle dsushter, Grrtchen, left this morning tj mke their home In I'hoet Ix, Arli. Mrs, Psrknr Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs rrca K. Md-onnell of this city, and waa formerly Miss Elltaheth McConmill. Mr Charles Mcti nnd his sin, Philip, Mr. Csrfl H. lnua of Clnrl:inatl snd Mr. T. B. Ht 111 well of New York who hsvs I been out on the Mcta ranch, will srrlve 'home Wtd nerds y morning. The out-of .town younu men w.ll remain for the Ak- . gar-Den ball. Navy Rercruits Who Enlist Here Make the Best Seamen Omaha furnishes better recruits for the tmipQ mates navy than any ett.er re cruiting point In the country, according to a report from the Great Lakes train ing station, just received by Lieutenant T. M. Tipton of the local office. A percentage of 100 per cent la accorded Omaha In a table showing the percent sga received at the Oreat Lakes train ing station ffom the vsr.ous recruiting points. No other recruiting station ranks higher thsn 1 per cent, Indianapolis, Minneapolis and Des Molnea esch having that per cent. . Buffalo has a standing of K, and the other stations rank as follows: New Or'esns, SI; Detroit, 2; Kansas City. 90; Milwaukee, 7; Bt. I-ouis. 88; Cleveland, S4; Chicago, 74; Pittsburgh, 69. The percentages Indicate tha proportion of all men enlisted, who are not later found to be deeerters. Inapt, undesirable, guilty of bad conduct or possessing phy sical discrepancies. Man's JLife is Saved , When Odor of Poison Detected on Breath h J ft: : . J I . - V - -r 1 T .-N.V' ';. r ':'v. ; I FALL SEEDIUO KOW UNDER WAY According to the Burlington's crop report for the week ending October 2, Nebraska corn held its own during the period, by divisions, the condition on the basis of 100 per cent for a nor- j mat yield and crop being as follows: IMvUloru Condition Omsha Lincoln joi Wvrnore .'. j Mi-Cook !.. 115 In a general sy the week wss favor able for the maturing of the corn crop, for except in a few localities warm wiather with considerable wind was the rule. It is asserted in the report that there not having been any frost during the period reviewed early corn matured ranldly, while the late I lsnted cent nuej to make a rapid growth. As a result much of the late corn passed beyond the frost damaging stages. Much of the corn still green hss sone into silos. "'ht Th-ilr Out Oood. Threshing progressed fairly well during the eek. and the statement Is made that wheat grown In the western psrt of the state is coming through in better condi tion then asWht( lpst'd. while that In the eeetern portion bee sustained a little n ore damage by reason of wet weather thsn was anticipated. It la estimated that In many portions of the state 0 rr cent of the fsll plow ing and seeding has been fiiilehed and In others about CO per cent. The -n bflng so favorable, if la prtdictcd that the normal acreage will be seeded to wheat. The apple crop of the state Is reported to lie excellent with the exception of In Hichardeon county, where early In the n it was considerably dan. aged by bail. II through the eastern part of the state there was a great dt.al of rain dur ing the week, there hating leen more than four Inches at Fremont, with nearly as much at other points along the Platte snd In the southern counties. Potatoea are reported In prime condi tion and In many pittances the yield Is t mated as ngh as 400 bushels per acre. TEACHES AT CRET&HTTHJ WHO DIED SATURDAY. Carter Lake Club Protests on Dump Frank L. Weaver, president of th Carter Lake club, appeared before the c'.ty council committee of the whole to complain of the new city dumping place established at Willow Creek alough, northeast of Csrter take. Mr. Weaver fears that the lake will be contaminated, but Commissioner Jardlne and City Attorney Rlne assured him that his fears may be allayed; that the city has provided ways and means to protect the waters of the lake. r. A. I ' ; - ( SS&zJ REV. WILLIAM J. HARKINGTON, S. J. SCHOOL KIDDIES TO WATCH AUTO PARADE All schools of the city will be dis missed at noon on Tuesday, .account of the Ak-Kar-Ben floral parade. Omaha Women Will Greet White Eibbon Special Wednesday- Douglas county suffrsRiels held a rout ing meeting at the Yobng Men's Christ Inn sesoclatlon yesterday to plan for the en tertainment of the White IUtbn special carrying delegates to the national tem perance convention at Feattle. which ar rives In Omaha Wednesday morning at o'clock. The delegates will spend twi hours here. One hundred local women will rect-lve the delegates at the station, A comm tte made tip of Mrs. William Berry. Mrs. N. J. McKltrlck and Mrs. Carrie Dawson Scott was appointed to confer wllh Com mercial club committees to arrange for the distribution of Omaha-made gool to the delegates. Mrs. Mary Gerard Andrews, fornvr pres dent of the Omaha Women's Chris linn Temperance union, as well as the Woman's club, gave a brief talk at the meeting. Reservations for CO tcmpersnce women have been made at the "Billy'' Sunday Tabernacle for Thursday afternoon, when the evangelist speaks to women only. The women will carry their banners and sing "Nebraska Dry." Insert Bltea anil Infection Dansrerona. Apply Sloan's Liniment to any bite, sting or bruise; It kills tho poison and heals the wound. Only 26c. All drug gists. Advertisement. Mayor Dahlman is Back at His Desk Mayor Dahlman has returned to his of fice after an absence of several weeks. The mayor aald he hns been 111. He was at Excelsior Springs part of the time. Neuralgia In the head Is the trouble the mayor suffered, he teports. Mrs. Dahl man returned with the mayor. When Elmer Johnson of Dps Molnea, i arrested for being Intoxicated, waa en I route to the etatlon, Tatrol Conductor Thrasher smelted a strange odor on n v nv n Elmer's breath. Dr. Charles Shook at OrDhenm Theater Parties. headquartera asserted thst It waa chloto- Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ludlow will ' form, and with the aid of a stomach entertain eight guests at the Orphnum pump found that such waa the ca-w. theater thla evening, complimentary to . Elmera conciilcn la not critical, but it their guest. Mrs. G. W. Uliison. Follow- j mlkht hsvs been if Thrasher's nostrils Ing the theater, the party wilt be en- had not been en the alert. Johnson as terUlned at supper at the Hotel Fonts- . serted that he did not remember where he to"11" secured the stuff, but Is of the opinion Mr. Austin Galley of New York City, thtt It was administered hv aom formerly of Omaha, la giving a box party , "Joker." Incidentally Johnson had been at the Orpheum this evening. F. J. Flts trerald will have eight guests. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fritchett will en tertain at a bos party. Their guests will be: Miss MIps Elisabeth Davis, Meilura Davla. ' Messrs. Mensra. Howard Baker Raymond Low. of New York, . . Mr. Robert Bums will entertain at tha Orpheum this evening. The party will include: Mioses Misses lisa-iih Fleming Mary Uurkley, of Burlington. Dnphne Peters. Messrs. M rnn A. C. Potter, Robert Bums. Lawrence Brlnker. Dr. J. F. Anson wlh have four guests; Loyal Cohn. four; O. C. Redlck. four; J. L. Or kin, five; C. L. Farnsworth, four. Byron Reed, Ben Baker, W. J. Connell, 1VV D Moliugh and Dr. KeUey will have . three guests. Reservations for two have been mads by It. A. Tukey, Dr. Bailey, Dr. K. C. Henry. Ralph Kitchen. J. B. Bulltvan. Dr.. Mack, K. 11. Mauley, Mrs Emma Manchester, Colonul Jewell and W. F. Ourley. . The gu'a of Mr. and Mre. Ceorge Urandel will be: Mesdames Mesdsmes JlMrry Busworth, Csraey. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Louis. Miss LiliUa Rogers of Chicago. ' Pleasures Fast Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Joergensen enter talned at their home Katurday evening when their guests were; M isats . i!ry Lace, Olive Jolinsm. Altierta Mac-Crone, Meura Arthur Wshlstrorr., Klmer Johu n. Charles r t. Mrsors. and a i-Hlim J. N. Joergenacu. J. 1 etrausaer, M tsars Lillian Lage. Eruia. Juiaensen. UeMr, David Lags. Elmer VtshUtrom, nna joergvnscn. drinking quarters. and Is being held at head- SUPREME COURT DECIDES AGAINST NEW BREWERY The city legal department has received advice that the Nebraska Supreme court has sustained the Omaha rtty oouncll and reverwd the Dour las county district ! court in the matter of arantlna llcenaa to the Minneapolis Brewing company. The council refused the I ueiise on the grounds that there Is enough wholesale liquor concerns In Omaha. The district court ordered the license issued nnd now ths supreme court orders the lloense re voked. .fast the Tfclav." A tailor's work Is sedentary. That Is why most tailors suffer from constipa tion. O. W. Roherson. Wichita Falls. Tex., says: "I find Foley Cathartic Tab lets the most del'ghtful, cleansing cathar tic I have ever taken. They are Just the thing." They keep the stomach sweet and the liver active, drive away head ache, dullness, tired feeling, biliousness, bloat and other results of classed bowels. Prompt and effective, without grip or puln. Btout people praise there for the light. free feeling they give. Bold everywhere. Advertisement m Our Semi-Annual Yard Goods Sale Is making a rigorous bid for a record in sales. We will not attempt to repeat all the wonderful values which we collected for this sale, for we know that the increasing thousands of people here the first day will adver tise them more effectively than we can. But here aiia a few picked at random: SILKS AND DRESS GOODS I FINE COTTON FABRICS I SALE OF TBJMMTNflS t TiWTRSMAirT!T. ottttt tto 2c 5c 10c 3c 50c New Fall Silks, worth zn $1.60, yard .OyC $1.50 Crepe de Cblne. flue value .....98: 8Sc Messaline, worth 98c, AQr at, yard .$1.00 ....98c 79c $2.00 Suede Channeuse, wonderful Dress Goods, worth to $1.75. yard Dress Goods, worth $1 regularly FINE COTTON FABRICS S2-Inch Dress Gingham, o t worth 15c, yard OyC Remnants of Fall Wash A- Materials, yard UC 10 He Comforter Cretonne, 86-lnch, yard ...7ic Amoekeaa; Outing Flannel, Ol 12 He ralue OjC Fancy Suitings, fi 1 16c, yard 10ic S2-Inch worth 15c and 19c Longcloth, No. 1100, yard SALE OF TRIMMINGS Fur Band Trimmings, -j -yard $6, $i0 and 1.0 Black and Brown Oft ft (I Coney For, yd.....7C 10 1 Bands of Jet, spangles, ef gold, etc I.UU Black Spangled and Jet 7C Flouncings, yard HT. O New Rose TTimmings, , worth 75c, yard OC We cannot do these trimmings Justice by mere words. DRESSMAKERS J. P. Coats' and Clark s' Thread... 100-Yard Spools Sewing Silk...... Mercerized Skirt Braid, worth 15c, 25c Skirt Markers, extra heavy Best 60-lnch Tape Lines, each Our Best Scissors, 1.00 Tallies II II II Literature Department. The literature department of the Omaha Woman's club will hold its opening meet ing on the regular day, Wednoetay morn ing at 191 c'clxk, at the Young Women's Christian association. Instead of Thurs day morning, as previously announced. At the Cwmercial Club. The Thursday Morning- Bowling clun l.sd luncheon at the Commercial cluu today and spent the afternoon bowling. Persons' Jfention, Mr. and Mrs. 1. N. Hall of Uneoln have come to Omaha to make their borne, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bums will go to IJncoin Tuesday to attend tha WUcu rnelr-Rirhsrdson weed'ng. Mr Alfred Uurtk-U of St Joseph Will arrive Friday rscon for the Aar-lin txdL He will be a guest at the T. II. 1'avU how. Mr. Howard BaJtsr of New La. Grippe and Colds f 'AOrtppe and Colds. Antl-kamttaA-K faolats are uneicelled, as tbey stop the ealns, soothe ths nerves, and bring the red these tablets for over twenty years. In tbe treatment of colds, levers and lasrtppe.and havs found no other remedy more useful la Ktese conditions. Antl-kamula Tablets are so inexpensive, sc pleasant to take, so sat Istastory ta taelr results, and so useful ins II conditions where there Is pain, thai A-K Tablets should alwars be kept In the house for the time of need. Many t our ablest physicians obtain perfect resul. sin lecrtppe aud eolda, by cleaualog the system wllh t-p-som taltscr'Aeuilds", a very good oalbar tie, putuns tbe patient on a Itm.ted diet, and aduilalstertug one A-K tablet every two Jt three hours. This treatwenS will usually break up toe worst esse Ir. a day two. ti:e iu milder eases, eaae and eumtort fol low almost .mmaduuely. These tablets are also uneicelled for Neuralgia. Hbaumatte iaJns, The fains of Womeu. IndlsesUoa aad loaomala. All druggisu bave Ibeia. CwtaiNe A-1C latists tear A AC 'This Is tho Kind 1 Want!1' a "Mother tried all brands, she know which It best know how to get good, wholesome bakings erery bake-day how to save Baking Powder money avoid Lake-day sorrows. "She likes the wonderful leavening strength fine raising qualities absolute purity -great economy of CALUMET BAKING POWDER "Don't think the Baking; rowdcr y ou now use is bcit. Try Calumet once find out w hat ro bakings are. " Rmtrvd Hlsheet Awards Acu C'es k i rtt Stt Slip la Fun4 Cam A Tour Through Brandeis Stores afnytm-is highly inttrttt tw.at tht present time the ttore eurpatset itstif, Omr ttocks f mtrthnndne repre trmt the reem of the Jmte pre duel tent tf the teremest mak ert. ' This is a t me when the great titr ptwtr t this stert (an bt visual Mid in terms of n, qushd va net. On Hie main tleer mre mf. vthut Jail stiks and dress gteds, new laces and embrtiJ eries, trimmings, hosiery and knit underwear, iadies and (kiUrm's shots, neckwear. On the second Joor, Omaha headquarters Jor Dame fa h ton all the newest ou'hentic modrs ;n suits, dresse, coats, imnerv, b.ousts. Afutitn wear, girls' af'Pa-el, skirts, corsets, infants' wear, etc., at welt. ft worn d t ah several pages of newsfaftr space to -fuatel" convey to your mind the exclusive advantages to be enj'oved atxBrandeis Stores But we can extend visitors a eoraial tnvitat on and promise th.it y u nit vote this one of them'st nv tmr, most enter ta mng, most beefi tat retail institutions in a t America. Don't miss a visit to our Pi st eian Room tor rest ana refreshment. Alto the G'een Room Cafe with hieh-ciass eabaret Damtv tun-het or tubitantitl m alt w ih rood serv er may be procured at Jrem 25t up. Jv tie way, our Green and Blue Ro mt w it remain oen next Wedn s iav erenino. Ta"ie reiervat ons mat b? maJe now. Women's and Misses' Outer Aooarel New Fall Modes From the Basement At $4 Q6. IInndreds f Correct Style New Pall .sPext Dresses for Women and Misses. Dor ens of pretty styles, copies of high-priced models; made of fine all-wool materials, silk and serge combinations, taffeta, silk, satin, channeuse, etc. The most wonderful lot of fine dresses ever offered for so little money, right at the start of the season. $7.50 to $10.00 values. etc., for winter in black coats Up to 50, Women's and Misses New Fall and Winter Coats at Bargain Prices At $4.95 A very special group at this price. All new, up-to-date styles, many dif ferent kinds of coats, fine all wool serges and light weight rough coats for early wear. Also many coats of fancy plain mate rials boucle, zibeline, All sizes ; also some extra sizes Values to $10.50. Aft; Vin Fall and Winter Coats, many AlUsVO different styles, in fine corduroy and zibeline, with belts and big pockets; fine fancy materials; white chinchilla coats; also chinchilla coats in high collars. Copenhagen, .rose, etc. Values to $12.50. We offer you the choice of Wo men's Silk Blouses, chiffon, lace, net, crepe de chine, taf feta, messaline, etc., pussy wil low, georgette crepe, dozens of styles, every size, wonderful blouses for so little money, copies of higher priced blouses, $2.75 and $3.00 values, at, spe cial $1.95 Women's Sateen and Im't ition HeatKerMoom Embroidered bottom Pet t'Voats. Look-Like-Silk Petticoats, in many dif ferent colors, 75c and $1 values, at 48c Bargains in Girls' Coats At $1.39 Girls' Coats, ages 2 to 6 years, bearskins, cordu roys, fancy mixtures, etc., fine coats, excellent mate rials, pretty styles, etc. Regular $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 values. At $3 AO 0ver 500 Girls' Fine Coats, mostly' ni tpu.uv sample coats, ages 2 to 6 and b to 14 years. Made of fine velvets, plushes, cordu roys, zibelines, chinchillas, etc. Every new style. Values to $7.50. At 47c Gir1' Dresses &e 3 to 6 and 6 n. . n v to 14 vearSf dozens of pretty styles, plaids, checks, stripes, plaid and plain and plain combinations, heavy wash materials, all good practical materials for fall and winter wear, extra good values at 65c and 75c Many different styles of women's White and Col ored Wash Blouses.heav' wash materials for fall and winter wear, high and low necks, new col lars, long sleeves, all good wash materials, worth to 75c, at 48c 1 ?".fV" COFFEE FOR 2 LB. CANS "That Economy CcfpeC llrownell Hall Downtown Studio Slfl MrCague Itailding, 1Mb axl IKxine Ms., Omaha, Nebraska. . Piano Emily Week Deomgoole. Koptale NoBtlti-Naimska. Violin Lutlia Anderson. Pupils may enter at any time. Telephone. Ued 4418. Tor terms, address, Brownell Hall, Omaha. .'U-l'IMi' V J iL ..a ii iiii.iiiiii..iium. naMi..ffa; ' ''IX W"1IIS 1 1 IH1TT1 AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS Why Not Take a Victrola Back Home With You? Victor Victrolas pTes,.3:,r.x.,: $100 Victor Victrola XI has all of the latest and best feat ures of the higher priced Victor Victrolas, including: Automatic Stop, Tilting Motor, Improved Tone Chamber, Horizontal Shelves for Holding Record Albums. Easy Terms If Desired. Our Record Service Nearest Perfection. Victrola Dept. Pompeian Room jj ' "SelfcHelp" Exposition Nemo Wonderlift bandlets prevent the peculiar ills of women; correct them quickly; and often cure .Nemo Wonderlift Corsets are, ultra-stylish, supremely comfortable and a big value simply as an article of dress the hygienic features are priceless, but cost you nothing extra. Three Models For All Figures $5 Come to the "SelMIelp" Expo sition. Study the Wonderlift. Learn to help yourself to style, health and comfort. Corset Dept Second Floor. vtrntHSsFl.