THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6. 1015. BRIEF CITY NEWS Wainr Xfwrs Flholm, Jeweler. LladenUrt, Tailor 08 Paxton Blx, Bar. Boot Prist It N fnn KtmI Xtaade Limpi, 8So Burgrss-Orandrn Freight Boatti Cm Today All of the local freight houses will b closed th la afternoon on account of the floral par ad. Mardis 0ts Xospltal CoatrBct Tha contract for tha addition to Bt Cather ine's hospital haa been let to the J. C. Manila Construction company. "Todea-i omatrt !m gisgiasa ataeatfled eectlon today, and appvars la t Im EXCLUSIVELY, rind out what Ua moving picture theatsra after. To ian Ctty for Odd Fellows At th request of S. K. Greenlpaf, the city Corn ell agreed to maintain the special street Illuminations on the evenlnga of October II, 19 and 20 In honor of the grand lodge , meeting of tha Odd Fellows. Taah Manufacturers Cemlng Be tween 100 and 150 delegates are expectcvl to attend the meeting her of tha Na tional Association of Galvanised Tank Manufacture October 11 and 11 The bureau of publicity haa aent out soma 2W Invitations to prospective delegates. Oo to Prison Congress En route to their national convention In San Fran cisco some seventy-five delegates to the ! American Prison congress went throunh Omaha over the Burlington, occupying four care on one of the regular trains. They remained In Omaha ten minutes. Behoea of Saw? Kotal rite Mark Hemenway, a farmer. Is suing John O. Crelghton. who was owner of the Pewey hotel when It burned February 2.5, 1914, for $20,000 damages for Injuries alleged received aa a result of the fire. He chargea that the hotel did not have ade quate fire escapes. Civil Service Exame Examination for civil service appointments will be held at the Omaha federal building November 2, t and 4. Among the occupations for which examinations will be given are physiological chemist, aeronautical engi neer, electrical draftsman, engineer, plumber and mechanic, assistant In fish Investigations, Inspectors or ordnance and of Umber, marine draftsman, physical loboratorlan and assistant In dry land arborcultura TO GUT OUT NOISE ON CONCERT NIGHT Governor Black Promitei Zone of Quiet Around Auditorium for the Symphony Orchestra. PROGRAM OF MUCH EXCELLENCE Innumerable suggestions both in person and by mall have come to the retailers committee In charge of the Charity Concert course, whose first concert will be the Boston Symphony Butler and Hummel" ' Havo Spat in the City Council Hall City Commissioners Hummel and Puller engaged In another bloodless battle dur ing a meeting of the city council commit tee of the whole. "You're Just peeved." said Hummel. "I am not peeved. I Just want thlnga run In a businesslike way," retorted Putler. "You're not the whole city commission, nor you can t be bigger than any other commissioner," waa the next broadside from the Hummel trenches. "Well, I'm going to see that tilings are orchestra, at the Auditorium on next "" according to law," waa the counter t blow. "You are butting Into other depart- ments. I don't butt Into your department, ! do 1?" i "That's what wa are here for, to butt Into each other's department when we Information as to Rooms for Visitors to Be Given Free Thursday evening, in regard to abat ing the noises on the carnival grounds during the program. Mr. Charles E. Black, chairman of the entertainment committee of Ak-Sar-Ben, has arranged for absolute quiet as far as disturbing elements on the carnival grounds are concerned, and in an Interview yesterday stated most emphatically that those in attendance at the concert will not be disturbed in the least from out side sources. Boston gymphnny 1roarram. The program which rr. Karl Muck has arranged for the concert to be given Thursday evening, October 7. by the Bos ton Fymphony Orchestra is one of un usual charm, one which contains many styles. The composers represented are Heethoven, Wagner, Rlmsky-Korsakoff, Blxet and Llsst, wherein one sees two of the greatest masters of Germany, the greatest technical master of Russia, the man who In aomo respects may be re garded aa the greatest talent of French music and Hungary's greatest genius. Peethoven la represented by his sym phony In A major, No. 7, the work which aee things going wrong." "Well, don't butt Into my department." "1 will." "You won't" T will." "You won't." The trouble waa over the failure of the Recreation board, of which Commissioner Hummel la chairman, to send In the namea of a few employee for confirma tion by the city council. TO LAY CORNERSTONE OF FIRST PREBYTERIAN SOON I Within a week or two, the cornerstone of the new First Presbyterian church, 1 Thirty-fourth and Farnam atreeta, will j be laid. It will mark another step In i the growth of the city and Ita churchee. A committee, consisting of the pastor, ; Rev. Kdwln Hart Jenks, and the church j treasurer, H. A. Doud, la now arranging the details for the cornerstone laying and trying to select a suitable data. A large ; copper box has already been partly filled Wagner once called "the apotheosis of I with papers and records, and will be the dance." The first sketches of this symphony were made probably before mi, or even 1810. The composition waa begun In the spring of 1812 and the work published In 1S16. The first performance of the symphony was In Vienna la the large hall of the university December 8, 1813. In bad an enormoua success. Waxier on Heethoven. In his "The Art Work of the Future," Richard Wagner said of this symphony: "To give his tone-shapes that aame compactness, that directly cognisable and physically sure stability, which hu witnessed with such blessed solace n Nature'a own phenomena this was the soul of the Joyous impulse which created for us that glorious work, tne Symphony In A-maJor. All tumult, all yearning and storming of the heart, become here the So many out-of-town visitors are al ready here or coming Boon to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities that all Omaha hotels will be crowded throughout tha week and many extra rooms In private houses will be needed for the throng. Ak-Sar-Ben's free Information bureau at Fifteenth and Harney atreeta already I blissful Insolence of Joy. which Bnatchos has a list of 400 rooms, and will give ! U8 wy wlth bacchanalian might and service without charge in locating the : bear UB thr"Ch the roomy space ot vltlaora In comfortable rooms near thj ! mature, through all the atreama and seas carnival while they are here. ' "te- shouting In glad sclf-consclous- Omahans having rooms for rent that ne" we ,read throughout the unl are not yet listed at the Information bu- ! vpr" the dar1n measures of this human reau are urged to llt them at once, ao ! Phre-Jnce- This symphony Is the th hiiiiuu mnv hiva mulfl mmmnri.. , apotheosis of dance Itself ; It is dance in tlona for the crowds. The bureau phone number la Douglas 8312. Here is One Woman Who Can Drive Nail Miss .Bertha Uchnovsky, clerk In the Recreation board office In the city hall, haa demonstrated her ability to drive rails without amaahlng her fingers or breaking one of the commandments. While putting away for the winter a lot of summer play apparatus It was necessary to drive some nails. Superin tendent Engtiah was busy moving his household effects to a new location, so she set herself to the task and drove the nails aa straight as a skilled car penter. Secretary Carlson of Commissioner Hummers office and Assistant Park Su perintendent Redman watched the young woman with interest. They offered to assist, but she refused their aid. Mich Uchnovaky save she can handle a saw and aeea no reason why a woman should not know how to drive a nail or saw a board. Ak-Sar-Ben Balloon is On Display Again Its highest aspect, as It were the loftiest deed of bodily motion Incorporated In an ideal mould of tone." Other Great Numbers. The Wagner number will be the bril liant and diamatlc overture of tils earlier opera, "The inlng Dutchman.", Rlmsky Korsakoff s "Caprice on Spanish Thems'' Is a most remarkable orchestral tour le force In which the Russian, despite ms antecedents and his national tialts, re produces most wonderfully the atmos phere of the dance halls of Seville, Bizet Is represented by the first suite from the exquisite muslo be wrote for Daudet's play, "LArleslenpe," while the final number on the program, ' Lea Pre ludes." la the finest of Liszt's symphonic poems. placed w'.thln the cornerstone at part of the ceremony. BIGGEST THING OF KINDIN OMAHA Local People Rushed Through out Saturday and Monday to Obtain Premier Preparation. Demand for Tanlac Already Great Ingredients come From Remote Countries. Rules for Autos During the Parades After being damaged by the wind last week, the Ak-Sar-Ben dirigible balloon at the carnival grounds haa been repaired and is again Inflated and on exhlblton there. It la one of the free attractions. Governors Gould Diets and Randall K, Brown purchased It at an army sale. Balloonist Huntley Is scheduled to make dally ascensions with his spherical gas ' bag and stage an aerlel bombardment of found the city If weather conditions are favor able, ha will go up every afternoon at 4 o'clock. "Kareless" Kennedy's sensational slide for life will occur every evening at 9 o'clock. With gasoline flames leaping from his asbestos clothing, he will slide from the top of the City National bank building over the King's Highway to the Savoy hotel, while hanging from a thin wire by a rubber bit gripped between his teeth. DEACON BREWSTER D!ES AT HOME IN IRVINGT0N 1RVINGTON, Neb.. Oct 4. Deacon S. C. Brewster, pioneer of this stale and actively Identified with the Congrega tional church, died at the age of 83, fol lowing a stroke of paralysis. Ho waa born In New York atate and at tha age of 19 went to California, return ing to his native atate and later deciding to settle in Nebraska. Ha arrived here in a wagon during 1S58. In 1862 he was married to Sarah Taylord, daughter ot the Rev. Taylord, pl.meer Congregatlon alist of this state. Aa member of the atate legislature In the early days he drove to Lincoln In a wagon. Mrs. Brewster and four children. Mrs. O. T. Noyce of Crete. Neb.; Mrs Carl e. Hlbbard of Omaha, Clarence Brewster of Benson and Ernest Brewster of Oklahoma, are the surviving members of the family. Funeral services will be held at the Congregational church Tuesday at 130. Burial wUl In Mount Hape cemetery. HAS OPERATION THAT HE MAY GO TO ANNAPOLIS After being appointed to Annapolis by Congressman Hlia.llenbe.rger and coming to Omaha for phys cal examination. Allan D. Blatkledge of Red Cloud found that he would not be physical y eligible to the national navy school without sub mitting to a minor operation. He de cided to have the operation perfonnud la order to enter the academy. The demand In Omaha for Teniae, the new preparation that la accomplishing such surprising results In so many In stances of stomach, kidney and catarr hal troubles In the larger cities, la al ready great and la ateadlly Increasing. AU day Saturday, aa well aa Monday, a continuous stream of people visited the Sherman & McConncll Drug eom- pany'a store. Sixteenth and Dodge streets, i to Inquire about the medicine, to see how the preparation waa distributed, and to learn Just what Tanlae actually looks ! like. Many had their minds all made up j and almoly said: "I wajit Tanlac." The I beginning of the Introduction of Tanlac waa therefore the blggeat thing of the kind ever before aeen in Omaha. In this connection, the Sherman & Mo Connell Drug Company said: "We have secured the exclusive aalo and distribution of Tanlao In Omaha and. Judging from the reports which have preceded the preparation from other cit ies, where Tanlac Is now In large de mand, we feel that we have been. Indeed, i fortunate in securing the agency tor this I medicine. i Captain of Police Michael Dempaey . "he Policy of our atore. which la well , nouncea the following that will be Known to everyone, naa aiwaya oeen one In vogue during the Ak-Sar-Ben parades. t liberal conservatism. We first belle vo i this afternoon and Wednesday night. " Investigating a preparation, and tr it . Motorists and occupants of all convey- Is a meritorious one. to lend our encoui- ancea take notice: I ageraent to Its exploitation. The best Is ! On Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets Just good enough. from Douglas to Harney cars will not ue "Tanlac, while a new preparation, 1 parked In the middle of tne street, as comes to us with a reputation or real usual, but will line the curb, and face merit. Leading druggists In the elUee , Th". -. H.iit 1 .... L. ! .1 I nhara Ilia m.rilcln.1 haft hMn Intptwt llnail 1 iun n v. iaiuMiii u j wro ffui m.u uui'i j - . ..... .... - .... . forth on Nineteenth atreet north of Far- I state that the aalo of Tanlao haa been nam. South of Farnam on Nlneteemn unprecedented. the street will be kept open. "The Taylor-Isaacs Drug Company of No parking along tha line of march will ! Louisville, Ky.. recently sold thirty thou- be countenanced during either parade, i sand bottles of Tanlac within a period of At 8 o'clock Wedneaday evening, every ninety daya. When It la considered that vehicle on the line of march will )e the demand la confined to one prepars forced to enter the nearest cross street tlon such a sale must be due to one Cars that have no occupants and are thing merit" untenanted on the line of maivit I John A. Bornhauser, who la In Omaha will be moved by officials Into the cross directing the Introduction of Tanlao, streets, regardless of the whereabouts t ' said: the owner. "It is Just as we expected. No one "If these rules are ooeerved." aad should be surprised by the tremendous Captain Dempaey, "a great deal of trou ble will be avoided, and owners, will not be forced to spend time In searching for their machines, buggies or wsgona after the parade haa past" foigki and Colds Daaaeroaa. Don't wait, take Dr. King's New D la cove ry now. It will help your cough and soothe the lungs. 60c. All drug iilsts. Advert.scment MAYOR URGES BUSINESS MEN TO CLOSE TUESDAY Mayor Jamea C. Dajilman has Issued a proclamation urging the buslneaa men of Omaha to close their establishments for a part of this afternoon so that their employes may view the Ak-8ar-Ben floral parade. The proclamation is as follows: Wednesday, September 2fl. there entered within our Lord, rs bis moot Rjyal illah nena King Ak-Sai-Hen the Twenty First Tuesday. October 6, ia the day of the automobile pa-ade. when the King's sub jects wjll Pttimrfw in all the guiusnesa of the flower kiiimlnin . ,.i, un. the ttty of Omaha, we should show our appreciation of the efforts put forth for our entertainment, hy disix-n Inn with t Luln on the afternoon ot Vtulmr 4 ' Therefore. I. Jamva C !:.!.. of the city of Omaha, do lier.jl.v ire. and suggest, that the buniii. aa nn-o of Oiiu,ha clone their plscea of buMneca for at lat a portion of the afternoon on Tuesday October K. that their employee may view the parade. demand for Tanlac after It ia taken Into consideration that the Ingredients, or me dicinal elements, which make Tanlac, come from many remote aectlons of the earth, such aa the Alps. Appenlnea, Py renneea, Russian Aala, Europe. Jamaica. Brazil. West Indies. Persia, India, Eng land, France. Germany, Mexico, Colum bia and Peru. "In our principal laboratory, under the efficient direction of Joseph Trtmbach. a native German chemist, these medlcl- ' nal herba, barks, roots and flowers are 1 assembled In the rough and painstaking- j ly developed so as to obtain that high standard of efldeney ahown by the uni form preparation Tanlac "In sterilised bottles made expressly for the purpose, Tanlae Is placed, labeled and cartoned. The preparation Is In spected again, and then packed for ship ment to points over the world where the demand requires. Tanlac'a suceis will grow steadily greater." Advertisement. Waaaea and enjoy life business world those ailments May B Stroaar. whether In the home or If they can keep at bay peculiar to their aex. If Valuable Discovery in Com flexion B autifier Because of Ita peculiar cower of ab sorption, also because It aervea every emoillent purpose, ordinary niercolUd wax la per hape the most valuable com plexion beautliler discovered wltuln re cent years. It one uses thla aha needs no toilet cieam. borne use powder af er ward, but this la not neceaoary. This rule for applying murculixed wax baa beon found very satisfactory : Wash the race with warm water, drying lightly. I Before thoroughly dry, anoint the face witn tne wax, out oon i ruo it in. The favorite m-flir iji to liM hefor ratlritiir remedy, rrade from root mid herba. goes ! knowing It to remain on all nlabt and wnanuig u on in mo uiuiiuiih wiin warm every woman realised how Lydla E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, that simple to the root of the trouble snd overcomes such symptoms aa backache, headache, nervousness, and Irritability, they would be healthier, happier and stronger. If you suffer flora any form of female 111a why don't you try it? It will pay you to do ao. uVdverlUement water. All druggists have this wax in original one-oumn lacknues. For the removal of a wrinkled or Tabby condition there a nothing belter than to batna the face In a solution made br dla- feolvlnn 1 ounce powdered aaxollte in W - . . l i r, .1. i .... pun lien nt-i. iY-n-i n-iuj rvMuiie are I tul-giy noiiccauis. Aaveruaemeat. . I made: in 4 - lOMAIKl A I Ill 1 . , , f " i iSln BOOS T OMAHA While Celebrating Ak-Sar-Ben Talk, Use and Serve Omaha-Made Goods This Week While Your Guests Are in Town AK-SAR-BEN is a festivity set aside each year for honoring Ne braska activities. AK-SAR-BEN recalls to and impresses upon our minds the wonderful progress of Nebraska's industrial enterprises. OMAHA is the heart of Nebraska's manufacturing industry. Omaha manufacturers furnish a close and profitable market for Nebraska's raw products; they employ thousands of Nebraska laborers; money spent witn them is kept at home for the benefit of other Nebraska industries. In what way CAN Nebraskans boost for their state and themselves to a better advantage than by boosting for Omaha-Made goods. This week, while your out-in-the-state guests are here, bring home to them the importance of Omaha's factories. Be loyal to your city talk, use and serve Omaha-Made goods. Send your guests home with an appreciation of Omaha manufacturing industries. And then they,, too. will boost for our home enterprises. Seat Omaha, W.b- KEEP THIS LIST FOR FUTURE REFERENCE BAG MAMTACTURER8 BEWI-OIUU Bid CO llth aad Jackson Bts., Sooglas HO. ISOILKK MAKERS DmAKS-WXZ.X.XAMm.KOVITT CO. 134 aaa Hickory, Song las 1043. BOTTLERS OMAXA BOTTUVa CO, , llth tit., Lioug.aa 1100. X.OU-.ajats' BOTTLIaTO CO, IMS VreMUt ait, beagias 73M. IIOAES PACKING OMAKA BOX CO, star 4 IS. SOOHmgg-OIX'nrci CO (Omata ribre a Oorrugat.a Boa Co.), loth aad Leaveawurva, Douglas 113. BREWERS TOM BBBWTSrO CO, ISIS BhaTamaB Ave, Wabetsr 881. "II laswua CO, ath aaa lurw. worth, Douglas 1498. rmso nnii itiwno co m Avenn. and Boulevard, Trier 480. fBTTXB IBIWU8 CO, 80th had T ftt. taouvh 8). WIX.X.OW Brmxxoa bbbwxbto co, m aaa JUekory ate, Douglas 1400. BRICK MAXUKACTVRERS BrrDBAVUO BB.XBB BBICX CO, 18ft W. O, W. Blag, Boua-iaa S09. BUTCHERS' and PACKERS' TOOLS C. B. IJTM CO, 1610 Capitol Ave, Seualaa tig. CASCO Put LI It Y AND CHICK FEED, CORN MEAL, ETC. CABCO alXLIia CO, 14th and rear ats, rjuoueat Dong-. 14TS or 078. CEMENT BLOCK MANUFACTURERS OMAXA COXCXKTB BTOXB CO, V. w. Cor. sou Are. aaa Bahlar, Wb ster M0, CONFECTIONERY 9. a. O'XXIXX CO. Douaaa aaa. YOi.OE.LS A DXXXIXQ CO. 1818.18 aeass Bt, Donglaa 8. COUCHES AN1 MATTRESSES fc. O. SO OP CO. 1801 Douglas 190. 01.11 Boaglaa BU Xleholaa Bu COFFEE, TEA AND SPICES rAXaczm-ousOx co. na nth . Deugiaa 8448, oxxnax.AatiixiCAjr corrsa CO, 1117-18 Dae Ml, Deaguka YlSe, CRACKER MANUFACTURERS STXX BISCUIT CO, Capital Are, lath te 13ta a la, Boaglaa 8184. CREAMERY COMPANIES TAZK1C0XT CXXAKXBT CO. 18th aaa Jou.a fcta, Doajlaa 1401. WAIlBLOO CKXAMJ.AT CO, 1817 hvowata ht. Dougias 1408. COMMISSION, PRODUCE, ETC. XIKCKXXAVX A BOX, IX O, l30e.ll Muward at, Douglas 44 4. DISTILLERS ILEX A CO. WIX.&OW CXXXXOB DtS. 1UI.UK, 8818 Howard Bt, Doug las 834. ELECTRIC COMPANIES OKCAKA XX.XUTXIO X.IOXT A XOWXX CU, U. X. Biag, Doagiaa IMA ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND LIGHTING HXTIRKH BVmoXBB-OXAXDXX Co, 1811 Saw. MS Sit, If Mr ML ENGRAVERS ELECTROTYPERS BAXBX BBOB. XXOXATXX8) CO. U1B steward Bt, Douglae 8688. ENVELOPE MANUFACTURERS XUKKXXT ZSTILOFl CO. 41T Be, 18th ht, Douglas 8S1. FIXTURES OMAXA rixTUXX A SUTXXY CO. 414-18-18 Be. 18th Bt. Deugiaa 8784. FLOUR MILLS VTDIXX MTZ.UXO CO, Ars, WebetM OS. FURNACES BTAXDAXD ITTXXACX A BVPTXY CO, 411.13 So. lHh Ot, DougUa 808. (X.eblt all oast aad Wit ail ete.! Xaraaoea.) ma harsaaa You need have no fear that Omaha-Made goods will not make good they WILL. Omahans are a particular peop!eOma-ha-Made goods are manu factured especially to satisfy that desire for the best And then, Omaha Made goods cost loss no excessive freight rates are added to their selling price. You may depend upon it that Omaha-Made goods of the same quality will cost you less or that for the same money you will secure better quality. When yon bay Omaha' Made goods, the reputa tion and financial respon sibility of yoar own home people gaarantees to you the BEST QUALITY and the GREATEST P0SSI SIBLE SATISFACTION. Omaha manufacturers can supply any ordinary want. Perhaps you do not realize how compre hensive this industry is. Note the two columns of different factories and the goods they make. Practically every desire you have can bo supplied by these firms. Clip out the list. Use it for a refer enceand the next time ycu order manufactured products of any descrip tion Look over this list, see if you can't buy Omaha-Made goods from Omaha retailers and keep your money at home and at work. 1800 Xswaxa an. KEEP THIS LIST FOR FUTURE REFERENCE roi'N DRIES Casting And Saab Wei Rlita. OMaXA rOVXSSY COMPAXT. COT jackaoa St. Doagiaa 8438. FUR GOODS XATIOSfAX TVS A TAXXXX0 CO. 18A Bo. 13th at. Tries 180. GAS COMPANIES OMAXA QaB CO. Douglas Ma. HATS OMAXA XAT TACTOXT, 1381 Doagiaa Bt. Doagiaa 4484. ICE DEALERS rxor&x-s icx a cold btoxaox oo. 1884 Chisago Bt, Daaglas 80. OMAXA SCX A COZ.D SXOXAOX OO. Mocagae Xlh. 18th aad Dodge Bta. Deagtaa do. ICR MACHINES XAKZX ICX MACXXXS CO, 18th aad Atohelaa bta, Doug-iaa 1M1. LAUNDRIES XOXTAXXa KAVXDXT Co. 1T0S YUf toa Bt, Dougiae 88M. XncXAZO. UVIMT CO. 18070-11 JachBoa Bt, Doagiaa 818. BUaUVAX LAVsoai, aaOA-ia Xaraam Bt, Baraey 17T1. LEAD WORKS tVAWXBXCX BXOV ft LB AS CO, a. tw.jr aouva Wutaaa. Deugiaa 1888. LODGE bl'PPUES OO, 1111 Xajtaaaa Bt. Dena-laa 180. MACARONI Bxixxax MAxxnrAOTVxnro co. 14th aad Jaeaaoa ats. lMf 188, MONUMENTS . X. BLOOM A CO, 1708 Cuaalac Bl, Souglaa 870. , lw t. xicxoxwib orb co, ao4 xaud Biag. Douglas 3fi. PACKING HOUSE PRODUCTS WITT AXO COMVAXT. Boath Oaaaha. auuta . AB.MOOX A OO. Boath Oautaa. nlk 17. MIRRORS And ART GLASS WINDOWS BUDDAXS ODABS A XAXXT OO. llth aaa Jaowattt. Avuglaa Tl. PLANING MILL XAXKXBB XXAZ.TY tXTXBTatXX CO. ur.oad Xleer Bee Big. laa 8S8A PRINTERS BOOK AND JOB Omaxa xbuxtixo oo. lath aaa ra. k.ui, Douaiaa 4d. COXXY A MoKXXSIX. 1407 KaraaF Bt, Deugiaa 844. SADDIiERY J. X. XAXXT A CO, aia-lf Boath 18th t, Douglas MS. STARCH MANUFACTURERS BXriAXOX BTAXCX OO, 8880 Caaalag at, Douglaa 170. SERUJ1 MANUFACTURERS O. X. BXXVM CO, 8838 & Bt. Intt Oataha. Beath 4o3. A7XTXX& BEXTTM OO. Boath 433. OMAXA BXXUM OO, 401 X. 834 Bt, South Omaha, Bouth SSSg. OXAIX BtIT BOXTAY CO, loth B. ohaage Xlda". Bouth Omaha. Be. 84. TANKS, CULVERTS, GRAIN BINS, AND OIL DRUMS STBXXABKA A IOWA BTXIt, TAXI CO, 1301 Bpraoe Bt, Wefceter 87A TENTS AND AWNINGS BCOTT.OMAXA TXWT AXX AWXTWO) CO. llth aad Xeraey Bta, Doag. 8sA CRAVATS, BELTS, PURSES, POCKET BOOKS and SI SPENDERS BMTTX. IOCKWOOD MTO. CO, 8383 beath lath St. Deaglas SSfil. TIN CANS AND SHEET METAL OOBDOX XJLWXXSX OO. sth aad Doage Bts, Doagiaa SM. WOOD WORKS OMAXA WOOD WOXXEBT0) OO, 1801 Aaarsjr Douglas 884A WHOLESAI GROCERIES PAXTOX A OAlUSiia. 701-11 Aoath loth Bt, Douglas 8A Boath Omaha. J BmaxaaxM 31 I