THE BKK: OMAHA, TUESDAY. OCTOUKU 5. i;i: 5 Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska FIRE PREVENTION MYSSPECIFIED One Tiled for National Safety Com mittee and One by the Laws of Nebraska. WARRANT CASE INTO COURTS Ex-County Attorney Is Found Guilty of Accepting a Bribe MADISON, Nob.. Oct, 4. Sjo 1st Tele-gram.)- After tilng out flftreti hours, at J. 30 o'clock thin afternoon a Jury in dl-trl.-t court rvtuniei a verdlrt find ng A. J. KaonU stein, former county attor nev of klarilMutt county, guilty of accept ing bribes. The- penalty Is one to five 1 yearn In the. penitentiary on each count (From a Staff Correspondent. 1 '0f tne Inllclment. Jn the Inflict m nt there LINCOLN, Oct. t I Special ) To flra Wero ,our Poi:nts, anil he was foua.l prevention days will he celebrated In guilty on cncli. Nebraska this fall, one created by Gov KiienlRSti In rosl.l.d In Norfolk, and it rrnor oMrchead by special proclnma- , rhcirgeO that during 1911, upon nrh of tlon at the request of th. National Safety f,ir occasions, he received $Ti Iroin the First committee, and the other by stat- proprietress of a house of prost tutlon lite, which provides for observance on w it i the undcrstai that by pajina the first Friday after the first Monday In the money the woman would be protected November. from arrest and profecutloti under tho Oovernor Morehead named October 9 provisions of the nrdlivuuie of tho city. tta one data at the request of the Na tional Safety committee Issue a second proclamat ond date as provided by statute Superintendent A. O. Thomas of the , Nebraska schools, and Fire Comm s- doner nidgell will pass over the October! TO Vp 4,(Sl.1,a Kvn. date and center their efforts In I-.o- t , owr; Mft BNt:1,ltl,, vembe.r. They will send out literature ChorM,r prow am, , ,,rMo,. . and instructions for then. pcrlntendent of women's work, and Miss TOiiui,uw.u..v. .," V" Fannie Peterson, soloist, arrived In the NEW PHONEJNC9RPORATI0N Tri-State Telephone Company Or ganized Merging Northwest Nebraska Companies. SAID TO BE INDEPENDENT LINES sl'nVa Vi'k hmitfni"w'llhf."7l. ff tvrtfrrWill 'tlVTtTr"" d Uoy King, both of Onmhv LlAULlI Villi IluVU Big Corn Festival VALUABLE ANIMALS KILLED BY STATE VETERINARIAN (Ftom a staff Corrsondcnt. LINCOLN. Oct. 4. Sie. lul l - State Veterinarian 3. P. Anderson has returned to Lincoln after superintending the. kill ing In Hooker county last week of twenty "dourlne" horses and two glendered horses. Hooker county, with ltlalne, Thomas. Cherry and Orant, have Iwen uuaranttned en account of horse diseases since last October, but the first killing took placa (From a Staff Coi respondent.) LINCOLN, Oct. 4.-( Social.) Articles of Incorporation of the Trl-Stato Tele- last week. lr. Andrcson expect to find phone company, a merger of the tele- a hundi-cd or more Infected animals ami phone companies of northwestern Ne- kill them Immediately, so that the nuar biifka and portions of Wyom ng amtiantlne may be raised within a mont'i. South Dakota, were filed today with Secretary of State Tool. The corporation Is valued at l23o,tvm. The dourlne horses were aPPlse !, Ic fore being kllbd, at H.yoi .Vl.-of which cne-thlrd, i'-1.s'l. Is paid by the state and and Is backed by Evan 11. Warner of J another third by the federal government atum r'thl Lowry Party Opens Revival at York Chadron. K. M. I.eFlang of Omaha and A. K, nranthnm of t-exlngton. It will bo Independent of the Hell people, It la understood. The scope of the new company extends from Valentine to Lusk, Vyo and from Alliance to Ardmore, 8. P. The matter of transferring the propert'es will be tnkon tip later by the railway commis sion for approval. er H-k " bartered. The state pays two-thirds of the value rf glanuerod horses, whlly the owner stands the remaining third. FUNERAL OF AUTO VICTIM IS HELD AT ELK CREEK TKCl'MSKH. Neb., Oct. 4.-tSpcdal.)-The funeral of John Truto, the victim of the Uage county automobllo accident of Thuradrtv. waa hnlil At thn home nf im The Platte Valley State bank Is a new mother. Mrs. Wilhelmlim Trute. In Elk firo chiefs, tho maors of cities t.nd city council to observe the uuy in a general city Saturday. The first meeting was i bank chartered by the State Panklomt board at P-ott'a Bluff, Neb. It Is capi talised at $15,000. The offlcera are L. B. Howey of Lincoln, president, and C. N. Wright of Scott's Bluff, vice president held In tho tabernacle, which Is Plx!2J ! and cashier. cleanup campaign to pieyenv y . feet, yesterday morning at 10:45 o'clock. I Incorporation papers have been ap flagratlons. The warning. Hid dril.s ,,...,.,.. ... m than Proved bv the State Rankin b.r.l fr or .cnoo.s wm ue inc.Uu.-u m w.v; EvHnKtT;Ht iMVry tlMlk for ,, texi: Intendenfa Instruetiou. i,j0rJ revlvc Uie vork , ,he ,M(t p To Sue Over Wnrranta. I, he yeai-, in the midst of the years Application was made to the supreme tvlaV;e known; wrath remember mercy." court today by Aislstant Attorney Gen- iahKkkuk, 111:2. eral Ayres for permission to tl.e a man- JJe oorej ,ne preacher who preached ilamna ault nirMinHt suite Ireasuvcr Jiail .. --i. .. ..... nu ... A ,-.i....aA und on behalf of Fir- t Jorlly of ,hc m0mlwi Bn(1 Blso touched I frPme Court, fm udmen fo; -10 KldgeU. The suit will be to compel tho up t,,e pew mPmrK,,.s, wh,rh h. pnced In i ,ror "f yank 1Y r n treU?.urer to countcrslun warrants f..r our ciaasti,e 8hrker. Jerker, worker. I '"l" recelvc1 collision with a fir expenses and sa.anes of the fire com- kno,.kp, The evening attendance was the Nebraska State bank at Chadron. with a capital of tK.OOO. The Incor porators are II. A. Copsey, W. J. Root and F. W. Hnrgarten. ltamaae Case Appealed. South Omaha has appealed to Ihe au- Neb., Oct. 4 I -'v ''' Oreat preparations are Ix'lng made by the business men and cttltens of Lxrter far tho three days corn festival to le held on. Thuraday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 7, S and P. Over IKK) will be given In rash for corn ex It bits to be entered by farmers In Nebraska for this year's corn. the evening of the opening day there will be one of the biggest wrestling matches ever pulled off outside of tin cities, when Anton Stecher of Podge, will grapple with t'blils Jordan, the ex-tnld-dle weight champion. This match Is at trartlng wide-spread attention and and will bo given under canvas with a seating capac.ty of lis). An amount of free attractions will be given each day and a barlecue on Sat urday. Congressman Sloan will speak on Thursday, Oovernor Morehead on Friday and lion. K. Hopt of the State Farm on Saturday. This event will be tho biggest affair ever attempted by Kxeler olttsons. Corn exhlli.ts must be In Exeter by Wed nesday morning. ENGLAND'S AUTOCHARGES T 03EJFULLY PROBED (From a Staff Cot r ppondent.) LINCOLN, Oct. I - js e. Ir.l.l-The Un- HiiYrn, near Nckers'in.' 'TYiJ'fhreV 'rne'n I were lorked In the county Jail. The chicken" were found on the Claussen place lorked In a chicken coop. NEBRASKA-KANSAS LEAGUE IS PROPOSED FAlltHl'lir, Neb.. Oct. 4 -(Special. ) Pres. dent C. W. Crawford and several directors of the Falrbury base ball aao- I itlon have launched a new plan for the formation of an Interstate league of base ball clubs between Kansas and Nebraska for next year. It Is the contention of these base ball ptomoters, since the Nebrasaa state league was abandoned on Ju.y 17, Inst, a lenguo comprising four good Ne braska towns and four good Kansas town In the northern part of the state, all within a reasonable distance of each other could be organlird. A class P as sociation would be formed and the salary limit at ITiA The promoters claim that amount wou'.d give each town a team ens. ly handled. Falrbury Is still In lino for league base ball and will le willing to boost the proposition another season. LAD'Kl'Lltt) WHEVHIS'GUN ACCIDENTALLY DISCHARGES SITWATtP. Neh.. Oct. 4. (Special Tele, grnm.) Nicholas Stringer, son of Valen tine Stringer of Mllford. Neb., wag killed when a muxile-loador with which M laid been hunting, accidentally dis charged. The load entered Strlnger'g rha k and deposited at the base of hi) brain. He was lust stepping out of the toat In which ha had come down thn Ulne river when the gun atruck against the side of the boat or the landing; dock and iliac barged. BE HELD IN PAVILION iniHsioner's cfllce bIih-b September Liu, A previous suit relative to WHrmnts in i tdyj, August Vi.TiTECUMSEH REVIVAL WILL w lien mu it.iinuicr ijuiki iiv thority to pay them. tirnenther at Lincoln. Ohrla Gruenthor. who was Senator TEC17MSEH. Neb..-(Speclal-The largo llltchcock'g choice for Internal revenue l,le Pavilion of Halsted Pons, on Clay collector, but who failed to land through j treet- "a on rented for the coming the opposition of the Hiyans. paid a truck. Hunter Retnra. Etate Game Warden Qua Reiitenbeek has returned from Cherry county, where Creek, Sunday afternoon. It waa con ducted by Mow II. O. Orupe, pastor of tho German Lutheran church. Mr. Trute was a single man and X years of ago. He was a farmer. He had served In tho Cnlted States army and was a splendid physical type of manhood. Frank W. Schulti, owner of the aulomob.le. who lives southwest of Tecumseh, was slightly j injureu nuernaiiy ana nis ncaa was. badly bruised. He la Improving. I Aatn Arrlilert at geward. SEWAftn, Neb., Oct. 4. (Special Tele gram.! J. McCormlck and C. M. Fry. both of T'lysaes, Neb., were hurt In an automobile accident here today. Mo Coiinkk sustulned two broken rlba and Fry waa severely bruised. The automo bile struck a curb and turned over and both men were fortunate to escape with minor Injuries. RAVENNA MAN D ES OF EATING CANNED FISH GRANP 1SIJVNP. Neb.. Oct. 4. fpe rlal Telegram.! Albert Happ, machinist, SO years of age, died In a local hospital hero this morning of ptomaine poisoning. coin city louncll will tske Hnal action resulting from eating canned fish. He was Wednesday on tl.e chiiiKes of Judge W. H. Knglaml of li regular. .'.os In the pur chase nt an automobile for the public satety department. Mayor C. W. lirynn and the other members of the commis sion aro lm lined to Rive full publicity to the results of an Investigation of the charges. Commissioner Wright, It is understood, will deny any negligence on his part In not protecting the city, in purcluuMiig a worthless second-hand machine. thicken Stealing; the ( harsi.1' FHKMONT. Neb.. Oct. . -(Special.) Tracking a crooked wagon track and a horse with half a shoe on one foot, offi cers followed a trail to the home of Merl Claussen. where he and hl brother. Itoy, and Hoy Tyler were taken in o custody on the chnrgn of stealing clilck ens fro nit he slock farm of IMutte brought to thla oily from rtavenna yes terday !n an automobile and bad the additional mishap of being ditched to gether with all the other members of the party Including hla physician, when the automobile skidded from the road. Rapp waa single. Relatives at Lincoln an Burn ham were notified. Hair Tinting All the Hag Accused nf gnndar ale. ' FREMONT, Neb.. Oct 4. (SperliU.) On complaint of cltliens. John Swanson, a local saloon keeper, was arrested Sun day morning for selling liwuor on S.m day. When Tilef of 1'olloe Peterson and another officer with City Attorney C. K. Abbott entered the Swanson pHce several men sat drinking at tables. Swanson was In the room. He pletded nut guilty In police court. H'a bearing waa set for Wednesday morning. I'se The's "Swapper" column. vldit to the capitol today, having bus! ness with mo noara or control. ua also had. a half hour's conference with Governor Morehead In the lattcr's pri vate offie. . t orn Good In Gage. L.ine Mumford, who. when he Is acting a the governor's private secretary, la f i"'isa , 1 1. 0 The Ahtolut ami I'ttrr llartnlfHg. nraa of "Hrownatonc" Ha" Mado Hair Tinting Safe nnI Kasy. t need not tolerate gray, a're'kel or faded hair another duy. It tak a but a few momenta to a'ply "Mrowni- tone with your comb or brush, and Just a little "touching tip" once a month shooll keep your hair the beautiful ahada you most desire. Results always thi same always plead ing. Will not rub or wash off and guar anteed to contain none of the danger oua lngredtenta so often found In "dyes." shade. One to pro duce golden oi medium brown, the other dark brow n or black. Sample and book'et sent -n receipt C 10c. "Ilrownatote" la Mold by lendin: drug stores. In two slisea- ;Gc and 1 o . Order dlroct from Kenton Plinrn a ! Co., ! K. Pike Street. Covins ton, K , If ( your druggist will not supply y- You will nave yourself much nnnojH.i by refusing to accept a aubatltute. Insist on "Rrownatone" at your hai dresser' a. Sold and guaranteed In Omubn Sherman x McConnell Drug Co. store... and 'other leading dealers. w evangelistic campaign to be he'd lit Te cumseh. Carpenters are this week erect- He ' mK ft 'nr temporary platform In one enrt oi tne pavilion lor me vocsi cnorua, and a pulpit Just In front of It. The building la being thoroughly fumigated, and the seats are being taken from the chautaunu auditorium to the pavilion. It is thought that seats can be provided for at least 1.S00 people. A rest room and JUBt plain Farmer "Gene," brought along nursery is being arranged. The meetings, peveral ears of corn from his Gaga which, is a union effort, by the Metho county form. "Gene" had a field otdis, Presbyterian and Baptist churches of i-lxty acres which promises sixty-five t Tecumseh, will begin next Sunday morn bushels to the acre and another of thirty j ing, kitober 10. Rev. Elmer P. Loose acres Just as good. Mr. Mumford sa.d : of Waukesha, Wis., will be the evange most of the Gage county corn was out i of the way of frost and a sharp nip I would help It materially In preparli.g it for bunking. I Federation Grown Stronger. The Slate Federation of Labor may lose the support of the Lincoln Typo graphical union because of Its stand on the proposed prohibition amendment, but it gained five other" unions on - the-eame ground, according to word reaching Labor Commissioner Coffey. Tw-o car- lic-.t in charge, and his song and music leaders are Mr. and Mrs. Kex J. Moon, who come with him. The vocal chorus will begin work the middle of this week. A big meeting Is anticipated by the promoters. FRANK HUTCHINSON, HEBRON VETERAN, IS DEAD HEBRON, Neb., Oct. 4-(Special. Frank Hutchinson, a pioneer settler of mens unlonu, one in South Omaha and Hebron, died at hU home In. thla city one in Fremont, and the carpenters' Sunday night, aged 76 years,- He wag union of Fremont, have Joined the fed-fcorn n Monterey, N. V.. December 17, eratlon and two others signified their jigyj, married Miss Rhoda T. Cale at Newport 111., .January 12, 1662. came to Nebraska In. the spring of and act- Intentloa of becoming members. Inspect Drainage Dlteh. Governor Morehead and State Knglneer Johnson went to Richardson county yes terday for an Inspection of drainage ditches in that vicinity, after the gov ernor had been requested by a delega tion of people from that section to over ride Johnson's objections to a drainage project.. The state engineer claimed the plans drafted by the district to take caro of the flood waters along the lower Nemaha would not work out. He is working on a system of levees and parallel ditches to relieve conditions In that section, where thousands of acres of crops were ruined by the high water this year. I BOARD OF CONTROL TAKES UP CONTRACTS AT KEARNEY (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Oct. 4. (Speclul.)-The State Hoard of Control today awarded a con tract for the construction of a boiler and a laundry for the state tuberculosis hos pital at Kearney to Water Knutsen of that city for S3.0S7. Bids for the plumbing and wiring were rejected aa not being in the proper form. At the same time the board rejected all bids for the construction of a residence for the superintendent as being too high, and postponed the building to see how the building fund would ho Idout. The 1915 legislature appropriated 16.2j3 for the buildings at the Kearney institu tion. The Board of Control had the superintendent s residence in mind In sub mitting the estimate for that amount. U 1 1 ... .1 I n n .1 . rnn II... V. .. - living with biswlfeand family In tl.e ad- if y ln the "BtoB'.Sarh ministration building of the hospital with twinges, severe headaches, achl tomch. ..h-..i. ,.i.,. " .ii A ' . constipation, torpid liver, sleepleeeness. rr a k. ,..i .bladder and urinary irritation. tied lu Hebron. He served during the civil war two years In Company I, Sev enteenth 'Illinois cavalry, and was cap tain of a company that held back the Indians and bordermen at the time when the first Oregon trailers left Kansas City for their trip across the country. The funeral was held today under the auspices of the local Grand Army of the Republic. EAT LESS MEAT , MID TAKE SALTS IF lies HURT Says a tablespoonful of Salts flushes Kidneys, stop- : ping backache. Meat forms Uric Acid, which excites Kidneys and Weak ens Bladder. Katlng meat regularly eventually pro duces kidney trouble In some form or other, says a well-known authority, be cause the uric acid In meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked: get sluggish; clog up and cause aH aorta of distress, particularly backache and mi 1 us ig i Ssaauaaai Uaaarrl mm Yes, $100 in cash if you get as much as a "peck of ashes" from One Ton of a va J i JUL of his family. NEBRASKA RATE CHANGES COMING UP AT HEARING ! tablespoonful In a glass of water before The moment your back hurts or kid neys aren't acting right, or if blad !er bothers you, get about four jounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Oct. 4.-(Speclal.) The Sta'e Railway commission has set October 20 as tba date for the hearing on the re vision of freight classification No. 1. Omaha lumber dealers are Interested In a revla on to ab.'ish the individual mark ing of each piece of freight and the traf fic bureau is for a change ln the sched ule on vinegar. Kennedy & Parsons of Omaha want cardboard bottles included with paper bottles. Thetraftlc bureau Is anxious to have asphalt mixers In the same class with concrete and wants roofing paper In the same class with wallboards. There are twenty-four proposed changes. breakfast for a few days and your kid- . .. w.lll . I. -.. - fin TV, ramnua salts la made from the acid of grapes , and lemon Jul e, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so It no longer irri tates thus ending bladder disorders, Jad SM's cannot lnj'ire anyone; makes delightful effervescent llthii-wa'er drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organa clean thus avoiding serious kidney disease. Advertisement Ft The Ashless Fuel" If you don't like the Job of carrying out ashes and you probably don'tor der a trial ton of Petroleum Carbon to day. It cannot have ashes because it all burns into heat Pi mum tricity is for lighting. Oar Jltaer Offer T a aa4 Sc. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this Slip, enclose with 6c and mall It t Foley Co., Chicago, 111)., writing your nanu and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for roughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney rills, for pain in sides and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole some and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for constipation, bi.liousness, headache and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Aavartlsvnt. tnr Huusehuld Ecorwmist a rmieniea nnusenoia expense uooi the work of an expert account ant, is yours for the asking. Con ta ns much useful information, recliies, househnM Inventory, rec Only of f re polii ies, etc Abrolutely free at our office come and get your copy today. Nebraska Fuel Co. 411 So. 16 St. Doug. 43P just as advanced for heating purposes as elec Contains 5,000 to 7,000, or more, heat units per pound than ordinary fuel and 2,000 more heat units than anthra cite. Handled like coal, but it's light, clean and hotter. No Ashes, aT nnM r-4rv No Soot9 No Smoke, lyj U UU Wo Clinlcers. No Waste. Low Con Ideal for Furnaces, Grates, Boilers and Cooking or Heating Stoves Oft MOD o) The Sheridan Coal Company Wholesale Distributers W. O. W. Building Omaha, Nebraska Order a Xplnl Ton Today From OMAHA. BAl'M COAL COMPANY. HOWMAN-KKANZ I.UWHKR CO. HOYKil-VAN K V HAN LUUHKH eY COAL CO. (Vl.U, HILI COAI. CO. Jil'SriKK I I'M UK ft CO. IiWOHAK WRWKIN'1 CO. ETCH I Br N COAL ICE CO. fcNTNKI'KI.-'i: l.LMHKK at COAL CO. FA KM Kits I.ITMUKlt CO. HKXIIV FOLEY. HA It M ON W'EKTH. 11AVKN8 COAL CO. HOPPF.R rtROTHERS. K. E. HOWELL HON. C. W. HI.'LL CO. KKY8 I I'M MKIt AND COAL CO. HROH. CO. MiyOI'HI Rl V Kit LUMBER C'. NKHHAHK A FI'KL CO OMAHA 1,1'MHK It AND COAL CO. FAHTIII r0 K-TIIOMrti N CO. I'KnPl.KH COL CO. I'l.ATNKK I.t'M I'KIt CO. hv;ynoi,i8 coal co ItlVKTT LLMHtH AND COAL CO. JAS. BCIINEIDERWIND. KH'ACKKLI-'ORU PIOKEY. H U N 1 J K Ft LAND BROS. CO. I'NION I'l'KI, CO. VICTOR WHITE COAT, CO. I I'DIKW l.UMBt.H AND COAL CO. NOIT1I OMAHA. A. L. m:nr;oi;isT BrN. rtltoAf'W I.l,-ltOHKKTrt ( :. k hardino coal r. '. 111.'! L COMPANY. KRATKY KUOa. CO. P. MUHPHT, 1. B. W ATKINS tt CO. COUNCIL ULVFI-'S. HIA'FF CITY LUMBER AND COAL CO. CARBON COAL COMPANY. tUtOOK ELEVATOR CO. FKNLON-WICKHAM COAL CO VICTOR JENMNiiS. T. F. MC FKEUY. O'NEIL BROS. PHILLIPS BROS. COAL CO.