10 HIE BEE: OMAHA. OCTOBER 1313. WANT-ADS- Want s.'s t('i1 st any time, but t" Insure proier classification must he pre nted before 1! o'clock noon for tvmln i'ioti and 7:45 p. m. for morning and Sunday eoltlona want a I received after 'ii-h hnure will be under th heading. 'Tio Lata to Class fy." CASH RATES. Seven roniwrutlva timee, 1 will a word arh insertion. Two or moro consecutive times, IS cent word. One time. S cents a word. f HAROK RATES. Pei-en consecutive times, II cents a Una en--h Insertion. Three, consecutive times. 10 cents a Una each Insertion. One time. U rents a line. Count It average word to a line. Mln'murp rharge. 20 cents. An advertisement Inserted to t run tint II dlecont nut'd must be stopped by written order. . All claims for error must be made within fifteen rtaya after the laat Inser tion -of tlx: advertisement Ton can r'are our want ad In The Pee hv le'ephone. TELEPHONE TTLF.R 1M. rKTH yn fokrw. jni-irKi BREWSTER Sardlus Clark, October J, lKirs aged M ear 11 month 1" days, service at the lrvlneton Congregational church Tuesday, tclober 6. at 2:30. Inter ment at Mount Hope cemetery. MCULlOCIi Mrs Catherine. aged 41 Funeral from Heafey and Heafey a chapel. 211 Farnam, at I p. m., to Flatts mouth. Neb. SULLIVAN-Ratherlne, aged 84, October 1 She la aurvlved by one daughter. Mm. Fdward Maloney. Funeral Monday morning from reel deme of her daughter. 271 Parker atreet, nt 8 S". to Sacred Heart at . Interment In Holy Scpnlrher cemetery. rni r ti ik. We wish to acknowledge with thank the aympathy and kindness shown ua during the lllnea and death of our e loved husband and father, John Good heart: also for the many beautiful flower offering received from our hind frlenda. MK. JOHN OOOUIIEAKT AND FAM- ILT. BIRTHS AM) DEITIIS. Births Ouleeppe and e-cbnstlana fnurto. 1127 North '1 h.iteenln, boy; James snd Delia Robinson, l:it North Thirty-sixth, bov; Frank and Louise Ptiionstc. I4i4 South Mshteenth, girl; Louis and J"1'? Douilnsky, Sixteenth alieet and Redli k avenue, boy; Martin and Antoinette Manso, t-l Pierce, ulrl; A. K. and Kate t rouch. 3417 Furl, loy; Oulacppe and Mr-la Cantl. tOS Pierce, girl. Deaths John J. White, 23, KM South Thlrtv-flfth; John Oood hart, 73, hospital; Eugene Ketterer, 75, ln:i'i South Eleventh; Lthel Iee Lllley. 6, K'13 North Twenty ninth, South fide; Mabel McDermott, 17, hospital; William K. R,ce, CI, iiOtO Web ater; Anna liuuite 4. honpilal; Tecla Hwlaciewakl, I, 11107 Vinton; Catherine Hul'lvan. U. Tl Parker; Alvldo Thorkel an, 82, honpitaK Mnmne ikkjubs. The following marriage lleenaeji have been granted: Name and Kealdence. At". Jonn E. ilaKltnd. omnha 2 lary Edtth Cr.tchfleld. Omaha a Edward Kaeter, Woolatock, la. ? Marie Plnkele, Woolatock, la 24 tlf Olaon, Valley over 21 Rmm Pcteraon, AlexaniVr over 21 penla Mu'lane, New Orleana, t-a M Marl K H'auner. Council Uluffa M Jo:m F.. OIHan, Omaha Jl Jean Illackman, Omaha ' Pf'lf ! l""tMtT, Jeaal F Turner, T1 Iiard atreet frame dwel'lng, .: Mra. J. Olenn. ''J Iodre atreet. frame apartment. 17,0:10; Oaborn peal Fatate r0.. tCi2 AinN avenue, frame dwllinc. I2.S0O. . m. m m m A-m. u .m h MOVIE PROGRAM ' ' ttratwa. EMPRESS, 15TH AND DOUGLAS. Her Ilapplneaa, l-r. EdUon. Hearat-Sellg Newg notorial No. 71 Uraatny bud at the old Swimming Hole, Ear.y. Winning the Widow, Bio, rKINCKS3, 1317-19 DOUQLAS. Anna Little, In "Man Afraid of Hl Wardrole, from the Saturday even ing Poat story. In 4 reels. The lload to Fame, l-r. drama, and a specially elected Keyatone comedy, North. CLIFTON, 2201 MILITAika AVE. Four Reels of Good Pictures. GRAND. 16TH AND B1NNEY. Mutual Weekly, always fine. Keno KuU-a" Liar, l-r. K. U. drama, featur inu W. 8. Hart. The M racle. 1-reel Than, drama. Jerry, the Oun Mao. l-r. Cub comedy, with George ovey. LOTUROf, J4TII AND LOTHROP. William Farnam In Bamcon, not the Plhle stuiy, but a modern, up-to-date drama. A Fog' feature. Alao Paramount Travel Weekly. APPOLO, . 2S2 LEAVENWORTH. The Bank. Charley Chaplin, Easanay. The Wheel of Uoda, Klogiaph. When Conar!en''e Hleepa, Ecllaon. MONROE, W"'j5S5 FARNAM Vox Film Corporation presents "From the Valley of the Mlsalna," by Grace Miller White. tfc Ste. BESSE, 24th and N Pro Patria The new Paths French film In sis bean tifully hand-colored parts Is the star offering today. ORPIIEL'M. mil AND M. The epirlt of Adventure, drama. Split reel Mftng America First, and Keep ing In 'th in .mnraea. From the luver'a Deptha, drama, Tho ltajah'a Sacrifice, 1-retl drama. A MOVIES f FEATURES TODAY BESSE, 24TH AND N PRO PATRIA, the new Pathe French film. In six beau tifully band-colored parts, is the staf of fenriif totiay. LOTHROP, 24TH AND LOTHROP. William Farnam In BameoB, an up-to- uuie QrariiM- rox eaiure. ilON'KOK, Zlii FARNAM Kox Film Cttrporatlon presents "From the Valley, of itie Aiiaaiiig," by Grace Miller White. Phl.NCLaa. IS 17-1 W L-OUGLAd. Atma Little. In "Maa Afraid or His Wardrobe, from the baturday Kveav liig i'oat story, ia 4 reels. c- : : .. AUTOMOIULES STfkRASKA baick Knk flsiluu. D14 liiiiin St. I'hone lmiuisi 71 I. htWAItl) for any inaaiietu we can't eilr. ioi,a r-!Mt. It) aorfe, . xio N. 1Mb. l;i CgI.K CAR. iiti.inr, good Condi tion, cheep, i-li 8. llb. Tel. D. lii. AlTOMOniI,F,S Whenever you are considering setting or Diiying a uwd car and you want full value for your money or ypu wnnt i-eoplo who are willing to pay for what they are ret tint you will have no regret If you buy or advertise through the iwM car coluirn of The Ilea. I'l.ona T l-r 1 Ml'HT aell my (-paea. car; good running order; make offer f" Ware HIV l li t. MAKER electric coupe, and charging Indiimrlal Oarage Co., (Oth A Harney gta ON rT-l!l3CaiTlllaa roadterT6irP.7 in apUndld condition. X. Can be seen at K4 Knrnam Bt. AI'TO. clearing houa 'uy. eell and ex chanae urd cara 211 Fa nam 1 St'1. miitr.a f'l iiiit,-a" III w1! ' i'1 iRebul.t). fiend them to DUO T1RI3 CO., I ltll Chicago HI ! Overton e for leaky raaiator. toe dcalera. F"t roa deter. 4lerland roadster. C1SS. Iclco Serves Station, nam. D. 2J Far- AXOINCE.MENT BU81NESH COLLEGE; STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For aale. with good reaaotia for relllng. variety of courses In a reliable Huel neaa flchnot, one of the leading bulnea college of Omaha. Will be sold very reaannable--away below regular price. If you are ronalderlng taking a course Investigate thla at once, alnce Fall tern) beaim. aoon. r"all of1ca, Omaha Pw. EXKItCISK at r. liTC. A. Buslnese men DUHIXEfi CHANCES If your Muslneaa Chanca . wHI atnd rigid Investigation anu ta )uat what It la advertised, or If you are looking to start In biistfieas for yourself you will be per fectly satisfied If you use the Rualncas Chance tolumn of The Hee. When buy- Ing or 1 ecu It. n g a bualnesa Plione Tyler looo. " For Sale Cleaning, Pressing Establishment ' doing good bualness for ssla on account of other bualness. Call at 73 Main bt., lienson. Neb. A hlvh-rlnsa Investment. 401 Ware Hlk. Fi It 8AI.E-A good, clean aiock of cloth- I Ing, fumlshlrgs and shoes, doing the j leading business In a good northeaat Ne- braaka town of 1.000: don't answer unless you mean bualness, and talk faat, as this ad won t appear in this paper long, aq lnclia iiacs, iuiiU, city pioixrty, nuiiuitfU uli alalna JIM Wit A If, H.oJX t Ity, la. WANTED Proprietor aho nnderatanda the bualness to rent the dining room and kitchen of the Madison: good oppor tunity :21stand ChlcagoHta. LaKKHY for saTtt; come and see II; good reason for selling; I it. Mary's Ave. VTH BALBRtauratit, hotel and bar ber shop. tl Ave. A, opposite car barn. 1'hone Hlack llt3o. Council Mluffa. FOR HALE Restaurant In vicinity of I round houses and 2 city depots; cash only, and mean business; long lease; owner retiring. Fill 8. Main, Co. Bluffs. OENEKAL merchandise bualneas In live Idaho town, located In fine stock and farming country. Business has grown to tit,flut annual sales In four years. Iirge territory. Will bear rigid Investigation. Business opening that has wonderful possibilities, lteuuirea knowledge, of mer cantile business and CVOuu to tio.iino capital. If you are looking for something write today. It's a big thing. Investment proposition that wilt make you I?li0 In leaa than year; M.GW re quired. Bafo and aura, but quick action necessary. Write me for further particulars about any of the above or other I nns, nigh class bank references furnished upon request R M MICKELWAIT. Ord, Neb. FOR SALE Furniture, undertaking and Implement stock In eaaiern Nebraaka. At a bargain If taken soon. Y M, Mee, DOUBLE bowling alley, fully equipped. for gala cheap. Johu fcpecht, btrang, Neb. WILL sacriiloe grocery store. TcL bo. IK' Tf YOU are looking for a good money -maklug business, then here Is some Chanca. A arocerv and meat market, the best on In Omaha; will stand close In-J veeugatmn; doing about 170,00 per an num. WUI take about W.6U0 to handle. Would consider half In exchange on land or city property.- Addreaa L. IXA, Mee. KeSTAURANT and rooming house with a small line of groceries doing good nuamess. Tel. Webster s70. OWNFHS-Llat your property with W rw , n iiimini, iwi .-.vtiiisi niH, I TO SELL ar buy a bvsineia, call oil Ruaeh aV Rnrahoff, Freeiner H'k . Ul TO OCT In or out ot business cail on QANOKWtP, n Ree Mldg Doug. S477. THEATERS Huy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies throurh Theater K"xch. Co., 140C Farnam. IX 1K97. BEE Omaha Theater Hupply Co. for bar emua In eatnniisned snowa 11. J"JO. Confectionery, cheap, good loc. Web., Ui6. KDVCATIOXAL Hie VAN 8 ANT SCHOOL TENOORAPH Y BOOKKKEPINv Day school for Toung Women. Evening eWhool for Young Maa and Women, Saturday morning class In typewriting, lone O. Duffy, Owner and Manager. 30 Bo Ith St t Omaha, Poylea Bldg. Tel. D. IOCS. Omaha, Neb. FOR sale, the following scholarships tn a first class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination, business and shorthand course. . On unlimited stenographies course. One three-montlia' business or steno- grsi'hlc course. Will be sold at a discount at the off let of The Omaha Pea. DAY SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGB NIGHT SCHOOL Fvsrv da la enrollment day. Book' keeping, Shorthand, Stenotypy, Typewrit ing, Telegraphy, Civil Service all Com-1 merclal and English branches, catalogue tn' BOYLES COLLEGE. ISlh and Harney Sts. Tel. Douglaa 1M&. IIXPERT lady stenographer will take pupils; shorthand, touch typewriting, spelling and punctuation taught, indi vidual Instruction. 4ii4 Douxlaa St TeL Walnut WXi FOn B.KVB, FOR 8 A LO-Here la a eteastnoatlon that Is ot the utmost Importance to every reader, as this column offers some excep tional opportunities every day and a small waut ad will sell your article at lu full talus. Phone Tyler looa .-tlaaaaila. Ussas. IQta. GOOD Radiant Home stove. No. 7. I'hons 1ISA bTrGAINS IN FURMTUIiE AND HARDWARE. IK9 N. tlTll. W EB. 117. llncl-c bought ai.U sold. J. C. Reed, Dougia A STEEL range, firs t-c lass condlllob; coat 8.-Q when new. Call Web. 8i, 11 ones Baal Vakilclea, SKXU TEAMING gears, ooe or a carload. All mimut, two to six-ton capactUos. Via a4 the AUiMie baker, Use bala. tha Fatat a. nuuirr i-ua and Bui kaua. Must ail I .a ii.u m,,ntn Hia rvd a c Lion in Diica. JOUNfcoN -DAN FORTH UuMyAHIt, AS 1 have Just moved lu trout FUUuora I county I must sell in boisea, pair blacks. Weigh about 3.tl, 7 and 8 yeaxs I old; pair b'owu iiimios, v.fign 2,i. 1 years old. 1 lieae are all good, honest work horses, lUmlt or douhl. ; must e-il at once to rtop txprnte ar I ' i iu.'i farming. Call at pnwi ; -t liKe bL mum a ..tlrlMMla 8u0 Hardman piano, will sacrifice for I if nun leaving cny. eos nj. a nr. 1 1. Mla,! : ' i lJnz biiUCTL .luah glade pUt.o. Wab. 87ja. f on RAI.K I'lAr cared for lv reaponihle arty, drayage .ld for It tiae. Tel Wal. 7 T6. I'rt awh. AMIOKA CAT" Beat stock; one black, cne ahltc; for aile reaeunatile. Tel. Wed. 7444. Call 1M1 Wlllla Ave. I0:TiV bulldog. f mo. old, female; houae-broke. 112 Wehater. Call p m. roaltry. Kaaa til kavpltea. ? TLtr In. inp lbs. 11.75. Wagner, WH N 11 STEHKUTYI'K matrt'-ea mule tne beat sod cheapest lining for poultry huuse. They are lufl Inchea, atrotiger and nmr urahle than tarred felt and practically Hrcpioof, 7c a hundred at Tba Ilea office. Triienrlten, TYPKWRITKnx, ft and up. T ee rtldg. TVPEWRIT KIlH aold. tenl.H entral Typewriter Fac. luA Farnarn.' " eellawewaia. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and howling aheva snd scceaaorlea; bar flxturca of all kinds: j rnsv raymenta The Mninawlck-Pnlke-Collender Co., 407-41 p. ith Ht. (TQ Qr.Oolden West Wh nt3.XIJq""rt- hotted In T raldv Cackley Br hiaky, 4 full bond, pre- roe.. Omaha KAIIATJKN for sale. aV Metal Co.. 1211 Hotlge. Central Iron A CANDID PACT Ot'ARANTEKD COAL, NO BOOT. DIRKCT FROM THE KfLNE, rtlll .$360 AND $1 A TON AT THE CAR L3 6BND TOU A TRIAL. I. M. COX NORTH rtsATTE, NEB. FOH BALE CHliAr Fuslnees College Course. Pull and coniilete rcholarahlp tn ona of the best Omaha business schoola Oood reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will b aoll very reasonably, if Interested Investigate at once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For panlculnr. Inquire at tha of Ilea of The Omaha Hee. CARPENTER tools, shovels, sledges, picks, lackacrewa, 10 penny match vend ing machines, ft)c each. Horse, harness, wagon, 1100. One ele-trlo piano. J. C. i.HH, lrca B. th Pt. Harney X XT tttcond-hnd movers, dynamos, llEW msgnetos, etc.. mechanic! 1 " ret airs. to Bron Electrlo Works. 8. 13th 8t o FOR dressmakers. B ketches of costumes from leading designers. Imported and American models, ortelnal dratgna. Pat terng made If dearcd; prices reason able. Write for circular. Natalia Fell, ner's Studio, 118 E. 28th Bt., New York Clty.o. FOR BALE Two Fdlaon dictographs and shaver; uaed N) days; bargain. Call at lflth and Douglaa or phone Doug. K84. GOOD rubber tired 2-aeated buggv. Will soil cheap. Tel. E. Hokanson, Wal. 11 nn,P WANTKTI FRMAf,K Clerical a ad office. Aaenta aad Intrinureta. Kaefnry and Trades. OIRT, to learn halrdreaatng. Onpenhelna WANTF5T EXPERIENCED LADY'S TAIUall. APPLY BtPERlNTEN fjJT OFFICE. BURGICbS-NASH FIRST-CLASH skirt finisher and helper. 1'30 Bt Mary's Ave. llaaaekeepers mm flntheat lea, THE Servant Girt Problem Solved. The Ree will run a Servant tlirl Wanted Ad FREE until you got the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to ;i no Bee office or telephone Tyler lis). WANTED Cook and houaeinald In fam- njr 01 1.WO. tier. 111. iwx e. sm Ave. WANTED a girl for geneiai housework, small family, good home for ri.ht party. loft N. Suth St. NEAT reliable colored girl wants a-position, washing dishes or as dln.ng room girl. Can give references. Want to go home nlghta. Phone Bed 6S. WANTED Maid for general housework: references required. Mrs. M B. New man J6J0 Howard, Harney 8.H5. GIRL for general housework. 224 Cal ifornia St. WANTED Competent girl for general hOUBeWnrk. Psll Walnut iil it, mnnlm 42U4 Burt St. WANTED Maid for general housework; iiiusi on gooo cook. 1'none walnut 114. COMPETENT girl for general house work. Harney iMl. 3177 Davenport WANTED A girl for general housework, Mra. Ralph Peters, llarney win. WANTED A girl to help with housed Work. 110 H. S4th Ht llarnov VA WANTED Experienced cook. Apply to Mra Thomas Kll pal rick. I'hone ilar tiey 815. WANT ET A girl for aeneral houae work. Mrs. D. D. Arnold, SM Howard, H. 60. W ANTEl A girl to help with general housework. Walnut 816. 4!s& Cass St WANTEI Girl for general housework; references required. H. 6761 AT otice, girl to assist with housework in small family; good waaea Call Florence 80S; residence, 200 Main St, Florence. WA NT E D "Fairly competent girl for general housework. Call Har. 1797. WANTED A young girt to assist with housework In a family of two. Call at 42I Webster. Har. 8i!4fl. WANTED Girl for general housework; good references required. Apply 1311 B. 3uth Ave. WANTED A girl for general house work. 13h Park Ave. Harney SVS, WANTED Competent cook. Mra. W. i. Connell, -3 Ho. 24th St. Doiitr: IH. Hlla-el'Mewak. - WOMEN WANTED-Government Job List free. Write mracdiately. FTank lln Institute. Dept. CtSG. Rochester. N. T. YOUNG women coiiiloa lu Otituha aa iisiiiii mrm inviiw lit visil ine loung Woiimn s Christian association qulldlng at St. Mary s Ave. and 17th St., whan thoy will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aastsled. Look for our travelers' guide at I'niuu station. WANTED Girl for general housewoTk. Apply at once, lu 8. ;th St. 8TC.NO., state experience. K 15, Bee. HELP WANTKI) MALE lerlewl aad Ufflaw. bookkeeper. bright, capable Young man, experienced, hustler; splendid advance ment if can make oood. give age. experience, reference, eiAlMRY. ETC. ADDRESS K. C3I, BEE. an si a day service; will pay 8-4 per month to right party. Give age, experience, refer ence. etc. Address P. CIS, H.H. Dim BUSINESS MEN S REFER US'CB ASS'N. 14 Woodmen of World. SALESMAN, Implements." 8 1'O and exp. Watts Ref. Co.. 840-43 Brandcla Thea. BEST commercial poalliona. Rogers' Ref. t'o., 640 Paxton Plook. HiGH-ORAls: commercial positions. WEST REFERENCE BOND ASSN. 73 Omaha Nat. P.nk Midg stara. AN opportunity la een for a bright. Intelligent boy to learn the watch ami clock niMklng trade uiider expert wot k nan. Al'ierl Edliulm, Jeweler, ICtn and tlaroey Sta. Al SALESMAN, must be of mappear. ance; salary no object Address Pt, Pi e. PI I.LY" riCNDAY'n meaaatte. Author. laed. Great opportunity for man or woman. We will pay you $UM to dlatrlU ute II and take ordcra o dm a' work. H'are time rn.iy be used. Cnivertal Bible House, lot Winston Bldg., Ph U.i. li'hla. - I 1 , , rxiAt. aa- i.ta wanted In every town: get a trial car. I. U. Co. No. Platte. Neb. HELP WANTED MALK 1'ANT1C1-Men to learn ;he barber trade We have originated a plan to tench It quijkiv and thorughly Wagea pnM while learning. Tools Included. Write for llltiatrated catalogue. MOLER PA print fTM,F.r.E. 11 S. 14th St. Irii t-tt.re Srni.a, lol.a Kn ot. Hee MMg I4KAKN BAItBEIt TItADE Wagea paid. Toela given Poaltlnns g'lararteed. Call jr write for Information Trl-flty College !1?4 fotiglaa. Omaha. M lacellanewaa. WAVTKD An experienced atftomohlle ! aaleaman on salary ant commlalon , Apiily by letter only, giving full details . concerning peat experience and record. ! AMLE-liOlUEO MEN for firemen, ' krnkemen. 120 monthly. Railway. Y Iff o. WANTED Railway mall clerks; ITi.fO month. Omaha examinstlona rnmlnf. Sample oiieatlone free. Write immc 1- atciy. rranklln Institute. Ueo t 221 H I Rochester, N. y. IHKJll MEN WANTED at once to learn auto work ta fill positions which we have open rlitht now and are waiting for com petent men. I earn by our system of actual work on autoa, tractors, elec. starting sys. Free catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO OOLLFJOR, 2'3 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. 2S WEEKLY earned at home by ateady workers. Household specialty. Whole or spare time. No selling. Write lcpt. a, 8a y res Co., Toledo. O. MEN, with common am so education, who Wiah government Jobs, 170 month, should apply Immediately for full Infor mation. Address Y Bee, HELP WANTED MA 1,13 ANU FEMALE. WE want b.OOrt men and woman in th. next thirty days: live wire partners In j i7Arml -tr??e,f'0l'i"l ,IM) ,oU for aul,J everv town and fit. ki . k..ju' A'ltrpM n 1 . fff flee our fast Increasing real estate and gen - raj agency business. We will share enormous profits with those who will loin Ha nnw, Vm. 1 1 . . , rf-... irvn.B m 1110 mcmoer- shin Writ. InH.u . r .,.... .. V. Loos Co.. Dcs Moines, la. c siTr.moxs vaxtei rOBlTION as watchman, houaenian or handy man; honest, reliable, eobrr; beat of references; long experience; city or out Johnson, 2118 Chicago Bt. I 'hone Doug. K722. INTELLIGENT light colored girl wishes.''0 SELL or trade your shotgun or rifle, position In office or bachelor's anart-' FRIEDMAN. 1211 Douglaa. ' mJtli- W'- 7,.7a- , OooD, reliable, all around man wants I w irk, trail Douglaa .:;. vi ri'iTinM u j . ., . , : -7 , j Kim auunm entry bookkecrK-r with aome exirlence In bank and lumber office; beat of reier enens: employed at present; excellent rea son fur change. Address Room Ut, Y. M. C. A. POSITION as csshler. checker, stock or house man; beat of references; honest, reliable and Sober, city or out. Johnson, Chicago Ht.. Phone Douglas k722. FIRST-CLASS woman wants day work! quick, clean, beat references, liar. IJ. WIDOW wants housekeeping place In or outof city. Address U3 N. ifith St. PASTRY chef, best references, good on French pastry and cake, wlihes posi tion In hotel or cafeteria. Noble, tUi No. lsth.. WANTED Office position with a future by 17-year-old boy: gr-duate of O. H. B. of C. Phon Doug. K2. YOUNG girl wants position as house- keeper In city or country. Douglas 31. YOUNG man, 20 years of age, wants4ny "' 111 a aiore; win worn foe . V, ' ' clln ",va good references, ifurna.ee; nicely decorated, close in, walk tall D. 702C Joe. jlng dlsiancc. i.'l.M. See this today. Nice MIDDLE-AGED man with one leg wants "L'1 comfortable. employment; anything he can do or I hTsti NOs" Ti' YDFN lou Harnev learn to do; references if required, ft"- a ' HASTINGS at HEYDEN. 1014 Harney, Douglas 4I0I. 1 u s. 27tfi St., 6-r., mod. flat, lower, !?,H. WANTED-Posltlon by experienced stent ' ASVi J-in f"t ,OWe''' "7 W- OKraPher: can assist with Imnii. F li2. Ree. WANTED Work of any kind, cooklng preferred. Tyler 1908 W. middle-aged " lady." reliable and competent, desires a position as a housekeeper In a family of two only. No uuurr wurt. neei reierencea. web. C2K3, WANTEIV-A place "as" companion or housekeeper In small family; state wa"e"'.rMr' NV."- tvla 8U Cheyenne Ave.. Alliance,- Neb. REFINED vounar ladv wish.. iv..iii. housekeeper in good home or respect-. able rooming house: none but k uku ta-oine neeq reyy. fnone Doug. 723. POSITION wanted by young lady ste nographer; one year's experience. Webster 132. WIDOW wants housekeeping place in or -ULplij Address 1H.3 N. lah St. HBUAPLR colored girl wants chamber maid work. Call So. 2975, ELDERLY woman wlahea employment as housekeeper for elderly gentleman In the country near Omaha. Mrs. M. Johns, FloreneA Gen. Del. LADY stenographer wishes position; has had experience. Benson 16. LOST AND FOUND Lost or Found ads In Omaha's Lost and Found mediums means the immediate re turn of that article If advertised In The Bee, the Lost and Found paper I)ST Pair tinted glasses. Tel. Web. 61). OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFF STREET RAILWAY COM PANT. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up tha offioe of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In in street cars. Many articles each day are turned In ami the c.impuny Is anxious to restore them to the -Ightfi;! owner. Cs'l lVug. 48 LOT 1-year-old Boston bulldog; name. Buss; marked, white collar and breast; tag nun bo r W; liberal reward. M07 Wirt St. Web. (. LOST Between Park Ave. and Paclflo St. and tabernacle, Iriat Friday evening, a silver mesh bug. wl'h old English "O engraving; reward. 1105 Park Ave. TeL I la 1 ney )4-'3. LOST V ishbone-ahaped pin, with large amethyst; reward. Phone Red C5?. LOST Cameo brooch at Tabernacle; re ward. Room 807. 1614 Howard, g- 1 . 1 1 a ji PERSONAL N. II. Loomla. general solicitor for the Vnlon Pacif.o, has gone west oa a bul- " I 'I'. VJkTTl.Lllia V V VVl Ulf SBK.1110 I ooast before ha reluina. Uoi.WjiN, tne tasfasine Man. Tel. LKug. 71ft. THE Swlvatton Army Industrial home so licits your Jld clothing, furniture, niaga tinea We collect. We d.strlbute. Phone Douulss 4136 and our wagon will calL Call and Inspect our new home. K10-11U-1114 Dodge St. YOUNG women romlna to Omaha as strangers are tin Itd to visit the Young Women's Christian usaociatlon building at 17th St and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding placea or othorwiaa aaatstwd. !ook fUf our travelers' guide at the Union station. YOUR furnace c eaned. $1- work auarau teed. Central Tin Shop. Doug. 4o4. sivArrciu lcmn Wanted to Swap. Wliy not advertise) something that you no lunger have any use for and jt something you really need? It ioti. VO'i nothing to join lbs Swappers' club and ycu will fuij It lots of fun swapidug thinks. Wrl'a Room 104, Bee I'sstg.. or pnone Trier If" AUTOMOBILE 1U Kurd touring oar, touring car body; will swap for 1918 or l!Mbrd -. Addroaa 8. C. tol. Bee. ALTO fc-passenger touring car for dla loouda, lumber for a garage, heating plant or first paymeut on a bouse. Ad dress B. C. 37i. bum. AUTOMOBlLEii For other automobile bargatua sea the "AuUMuoblle" class if i saiioo BUGGY Good Concord top buggy for a large Incubator and brooder,, ur what liave you? Addi ess S. C. 2i4. Bee. B I CT CLE Good lady's blcycla . to trade for uaed typewriter only- Address 8. C. r. Bee CAMERA 6x7. l.ew leather covered Coroiia view cunim, swing back, re versible back, lo-m. extenalon. Optimo shutter, C plate holders and leather car ry n( case; outfit coat 8-vi without lens, snd will trade for 4x6 Gi:blvx camera without kn, nothing else. Address S. C. SWAITEIW CX)LlIN CHAt;i.N'ci ,dl.h. pHr-j plated, original coet K to irane or anything. Ad- drra. ft. C. TO. Hee. KCLIPSK gas range, elevated oven, naed only few mnntha; will aell at a bargain or trade for article of e4ial value. 8. C. 7M. FIXTURES Millinery fixture mich aa wall caaes, mlrrore, rhelve. rli:liona, velvets, etc, etc., with aiilcn!ld lease of building, for exchange for what have ou? No old ato. k. H. t271. HH. FEEir7)R7NI.ER w.th three seta of huts coarse, medium and fine; cAn he used witn enirine or aweep power. Will trade for anything I can use, 8. C. i.s, Vee. , FT'LIBLCMiDF.D Scotch collie dog to t trade for Burner droD-head aewlnir ma chine; dandy dog for children. Address , P. c. y. nw.; ' f'Ol'li-CHAlk barber outfit for sale or' trade. Cheap. I2 8. 1.1th 8t. . LA I M H- Huh mwi roil gnaulinc launi h, ' fully euulpoed: to trude f.ir r. ndstor or Ill- lit en, or w at have youT 1 . 24, Roe. LIOHT roadster to trade. Needs some re. pairs. Can uae typewriter. H. c i.d, Mce. LARGE else hard coal base burner, cost good aa new. Will trade for a gixid gun or anything worth IZj.uu. 8. C. Z7K Mce. MITCHELL touriiux car for sale or trade. What Jhave you? li S. 13th St. iUFLK WINCHEflTER .Zl automatlo repeater, with new rifle case, etc. Cost new ovei .:o.i.O. Want Eastman auto graphic kodak, or will consider anything of e)uai value that 1 can use. for this. Address 8. C. 24C, Hee. PIANO Have standard piano, valued at about tn); what have yuu? Address S. C. 7Ki Kce. ROADSTER Have four-cvlinilcr I. H. C. roadster, lust overhauled and In perfect shape. Will trade for a piano or ny thing 1 can uae. Addreaa B. JC. line. IXlM) bT(.MK Ciotniiia, for c-itar (.must, ;S.MALL runabout. In pcriect condition, t trade for horse or small team, or what 'have you? B. C. SM, Hee. 1 . . 1011 11911 SAXON ROADSTER, will bwsd for Ford. Address S. C. 20, Boe. SANITARY couch, kitchen table, spade, two shovels, two rakes, hoe and coal scuttle, to trade for reading lamp or farm producta, such as jelly grapca, ap ples, etc. Addreaa. 8. C. 2-S9, Hee. TYPEWRITER What have you for a atandard typewrite, worth about I1C7 Addreaa 8. C, 233, Bee. j TYPEWRITER Underwood, visible) per- ' fec shape. Will trade this machine for I cabinet Vlctrvla or email tiraf lux camera. AuuitM a. v.. a, nee. FOR RETT Aaartnents sm Flats. Tha For itent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any one dcclnug Lo rent. I 'hone Tyler Woo ELEUANTLY furnished, quiet home, Ziui llowatd St 120 6-r. lower flat: furnace, ana. elec. bath, i ar line. Mil Leavenworth. H.6VH. , ' ONE 4-room and on 11 00111 apt. The Hamilton. Douglas 2Ti4ti. 30 KM. FLAT ON 18TH AND IxjUUB. I 1 til k. to posioffice, Acruaa the street ' from Fontnelru hotel. Kent $li6. Occu- I sunt will maII tfitrtii t lira In 11 ' AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, Doug. 6Q13. 17th and Douglas. 5-It KIT. 07 N. 21st cliwe atrlotlv modern event Dandy flats, clweln. C. O. CARLBERG, 812 Brandcla Theater Bldg. 3s.00 Ten-room brick flat; fine place for boarders and roomers; five minutes' walk to Union depots; on car line. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. Doug. 6013. 17th and Douglaa. ESTA BROOK Court, new, modern, san-HHi-y, near postof lice G. P Btebbins. 1812-18 BURT New C-room apartments, 830 to 835. RING WALT, Brandels Theater Bldg. FOR RENT A flat Apply 3703 N. 24thT $15 Flat, 1417 Vinton, modern except I heat; 4 rooms and bath flrat floor:, .i..y whvikitw. w,w. wvi. tiummt ig. Hoars! ana Raaias. Furnlshad Rooms that offer everv mnd era vonveplei.ee and comfort In private fa nd I lea or boarding houses of the h's-h- vai ciaaa win oe luunu in tu r umisned Rooms colujoa of The Bee. Phone Tyler 1000. Sherwood Ave, 141 Neatly fur. rm. ex cellent board; private family. Web. 717i BOARD and room; private family. H. 6186. Neatly furnished rma. quiet home, break- fast If preferred- 2408 St Mary's Ave. Inl Chatham hotel for gentlemen. Rates to pvunane.it guests. 110 S. 13th. D. 803. BOA HP and rooms. W wk. tl4 ioug as. Farnam St., 2101 Nicely furnished rooms, steam heated: close In. Douglas 8712. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL SAN FORD, ISth and Farnam. HOTEL HA RLE Y. 20th and Karnam. PARK AVE., lU7-Two nice rooms witn board, private family; gentlemen on y. a araiaaec A an. ma. MODERN, east front room, nnt n twA I gentlemen. Easy walklug distance, Kof eie.ices. Harney 234ti. TWO furnished rooms, Phone Harney 2704. 116 South 4:d. i large, neatly turn.; everything new. Front rma. 4v8 Lincoln Blvd. Har. 2013, FURNISHED roum. modem home, fine' location. Phone Wal. 703; 1 block car. Capitol Ave., 2706, 1 nnt, Bedroom and sit ting rm. Ur'kfast optional; rate leas hie. 2 rooms qui lug carnual. 21 j2 St. Mar y ' s. TWO well furnished rooms, eleclrlo light hot water, well heated, splendid location, easy walking distance, 211 S. 26th St PLEASANT rm., Bemla park, prlv. home. 1 blk. to car; rf. required. Wal. 8j04. LARUE trout room, eu-gant new fur niture; also I or 1 ensuite; fireplaces, steam heat and large closets in ail rooms. Bates are reasonable. "Nil Farnam St. I FARNAM, 2507 Modern, east and soum exposure room; gentleman. Famished lloaaea. BEAUTIFUL 8-room furnished house in Field club district for rent. PAYNE sc SLATER CO.. C1C Omaha Nut'l Bank Midg. o I af nralshrd Huaarkersisg Uoniua. N. 14TH, 1137 Three modern housekeeping rooms, hot wster ne.jt; wulklrg dialunce North. 8-ROOM cottags. 1U a Cain St. Ill Water paid. built-in furniture; on car line. Wal. 216. Tel. D. 2717 or t-RcOM. iiwdern house l tio S. ;in, 8-R. house, 2444J. niod. ii17 Hickory, Tyler BEaT FtR THE MONEY IN TOWN. Im Dewey; new, hardwood floors, new decoration. rwimi; mod. Tel. II. 21.(4. FOR RENT Modern, t-rooin college; furnace heat eieclrlc light full omient sta. FOR RENT A small house thoroughly MNFO. of lodge regalia and costumea furniahed; Om'ha's "holceat loTallti The lrMt stock of masquerade a;id until Aorll 1 MS rent reasonable theat.tal costumes In the countiy. Theo. HPiil ..auIujL- ';reni reasons Die. m.ln tt Son, 1614 Howsrd. Doug. 4116. LARGE $-r. fully modern house; 1st fir., ;TITi.7iaVv " oak: 3d floor, enameled mahocanv: Mtllvat I ilfes. lUlllllUIT, UU ur 1UIS. 1 til. u. liaaemeii.. iu b. d. tn bt. Apply at : zz Howard St. OSTaloPATilY 1U I S1C8 ANS. . 01:14 bpne liar" JOSEPHINE A R M?TRO N Q. 3 Bee Bid. Tlti7 Walnut 8t. oCt Lift 7-r. laul. huuax. Jute i4 ml u. y . PtR R ENT All modern -roo,n co.to. rK.SfTnW Stld? half block from car. $J5; 7i4 B. $:th St can, pre McCartv. nil w. o. w. Bi.ig TeL H 871. rATEAfS. . . . . D O. Barnall. PaxtoaBlk, TeL Red Till COZY cottage tn Benson. 4 rooma. $15; near car line and school. TeL Wal. S.&8. H. A. Btu rrea. tag Brand-da Theater PMg 4J01 LAFAYETTE 8 rooms; modi-rn ex- PAI.TlliU ANO rtftkiNfi. cept heat; handy three car lines; nice place to live; cheap rent. H. fcj. HUGH M MANU8, 411 N. 40th. H. 8728. CONTINUED ON COLUMN SEVEN, m?MG3HXKNkb: j T1II3 PAGia. Dyed, made over. D. Else! a. U-ts Oty Nat I Ready Reference Directory Tlie following firma offer quality and oxiort service thai will preasc tl 1 most critical: ABSTRACTS or TITLE. REF.D AP8TRACT OX, oldeat abarract o fl e In Net.rsska Hr.mdcis The Kerr Tlile Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. M R. I7th St. Phone D. WJ. AXXOIWCEMKXTS T. a. mvoBAic, c. r. A. 1 or 4aS-4."7 Ramge P,!dg. Phone Toug. AOVEKTISOO NOVELTIES. M. r. 8hgffr g. Co.. 12th. Farnam. D 7471 AMATElll 1IMSIIIXJ. FTLMf rlevelooed 'ree If pur-based frora Photo Craft fhon. 1 Ree HPig uepi i " - A RCII 1TECT9. Everett f Dodda. ffl? Paiton Rlk. d. rv ATT(IKKVJ, C. T. Dickinson. Bll Paxton Blk. D. WH L V. JOTlNfON. W. Cor. Hlh and Ponglas. Iiouirtns 4V.S. Al'CTIONiSKRS. Dowd Auction Co . l'18-l W.O.W. R. rt AI T IN!M RNtK. ATTCMOH't.B 1T'TUAL INSURANCE CO.. Douclns WIS. AITtl RADItTon Ht-.P4.IRS. Omaha Radiator P.ep. Co.. TOM Far. D. tool. n tKrRiF.i. P.FEPFH, r-C4 N. lth. Z. H Web. W B A I IIS. RATH f!4 Ralrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. HlliSS ANI IRON FOI'NDRIES. Paton-Mltehell Co.. 27th and Martha Bta. ltitMINj ftlMI'tSIKs. OMAHA Arency Co., 311 Hee Uldg. Phone C ARISEN! e.HS AMI I UNTlt ttTOHS, FTEVEN8ON. m' 8.'"t2d. Douglaa 6830 1 11 Leesard A Bon. I Cap. Are. T. 1B IIIROPRACTIC SPINAL AUJII'UTI Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Calrd Bldg. D. KM. DR. MACNAMARaTItT" Brandcls Thea ter. Douglas 72V5. t Dr. Hayes, 3Sg Rrand Then Bldg D. S4:C ciiiHupuuis r. Carrie J Puford. f.20 Phx. Blk. Red 4S17. tot'ltU BY MAIL. Coffee Save money, t'se better cotiee, 15 lbs. high grade by parcel post, prepaid, Rka'fe Co.. Omaha. Neb. I3.KK W. A. DANCINU ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, elaasla D. U7L FALL term open at Mackle's. Doug. 6448. GENEVlf'VE HAUFLA1RE, Romo hotel. TURriN ACADEMY Ui and Farnam Classes now open. Beginners Mon. and Thurs. Advanced Tues. Hljfh School class Sat. Private lessons. Harney 6143. . miESSSlAKLNti. Terry Dressmak g college. 20th & FarnasM Clure'g Dresamka-. School. 2529 California. lIHbttSllAKIiNU ' tOLLKOK. Ketster'g Dressmaking Col.. 1828 City Na. DYbllH AND CUE NEKS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. LX) N. 13tu. D. t07, Ulit ACTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Block. &rw dance secured in all caaea. Tyler HJd liaiNTlsls. Dr.' Bradbury. No pain. K.1 W.O. W. Bldg. pyorrhea. Dr. Flcklea. 724 City Nat Bank, Taft Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas. P. 21SC lURtliS. rimma - ..it nHon- frolsht Bald on tit orders, catalogues i ree. Daeiuiu m Connel. Drug co unani.i ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. ! ritill,L KLE4TTRIO rv.. Be Bid. D.387S, ULKC'l HOLY SIS. Uloa Allender. T24 Bee Bldg. Red 3X8. bVGIHTIilMi ItlU wOSlfci.N. I lrynniON side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and ! styles; liemsLitoiilng. point edging. Em- - broidery, oeaoiiuj,, u -"''' """i"; ut work, buttonholes, pennant. fii pi". tin" Co. 200 Douglas Block, Iiouglas IK IXHNAtKI ANU TISWOHK. HABER STROH. 40J6 Hamilton. Wal. 27L " KLOKISTS. BATH'S, florlats. 104 Farnam St D. 8000. L. HENDERSON. 1114 Douglas. D. 1258. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Asa a. HESS k SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St A. DONAQHCB. 1621 Harney, Doug. 1001. Fl'RRlEllS. PAM RNFfTF" !!'-'0 Farnam. Red yi4. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WE replate everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. L"20 Harney St Est 1HJS INSTRUCTION. En gtlsh. F re new, Instruction. 805 Lyrlo Bid JUSTICES ' ''! PKACE. . IL H. CLAIBORNE, bll Paxton Blk. Red 7 tot Notary public, deposition sieno. C. W. BRITT. 801 Baker Block. LAM.tAt.kB. taught; private or classes. Languages Web. KM. SiADliak' lAlLoUs. MAX SCHWARTZ Formerly with Mls Fox. Open for busl ueas; satisfaction guaranteed. 4Q7 Pax.Bk. " 8.1 tTit ting sixriTatEs, winixu. I trrfyfrixr Thomas, Douglas UUIUS.11N o41f Cumi,ig St. 2611 LIVU STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN PRfiB. AV CO.. Fgchange Bldg COSTIMES AND LODUU blPPMES. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain in useo inai nines. v icior Boos. MOVINti PIC It llai SiACHlNKS. OMAHA Film Fx. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and fl.ra bargains. NOTIOAS. . PILLOWS AD BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO -Vattresae msil4 to order or renmde. rrf! Cumiiig. I. !4W. PHlMI.Mi. tVATf RF-PA RNHART 1tg Co., duality printing. T I. Doug. 21. m 8. Mth Bt. r ENTRAL PH1NTINO CO.. POLO. 1754, iOT'OT.A lr1rfln Co Tel. Douvtaa S44 MUHJ AU IHtllj REPAIRS. ALL RFPAlTte-Wa'cr fronts, furnace oolla, etc. y ,'. K service. Omaha ftovs Repair 'ka. IVJ Doiik'ss St. Tv!er . IAIK ANU TIME but h EAPERT1 SAFES Opened, rrralred, comh, changed. F. E. Daven port Pndge. D. bcfl. CALK HKPA1HINU. Ome Standard Scale C., 311 ft. 12th. D 5911 SHOE REPAiRl.HO. FRIEDMAN BRoq., shoe repair. 211 8. H Hariry Shoe Rer'r. Co.. ti Fam'm. HUM SEWI.NU MACHINES. We! rent, repair, sell needles and parts for nil s w l.ig machlnea "MICIvEL'S." XERKASKA CYCLE CO., ISth and Harney. Douglas lt'4 k lEKL t E1L1.VUS. CA RTKR Bhet t Me"tnT('ompany, 118 B. In. bl'UHE ASH UFFICK KUTlBtts. DESK 14, safes, scales, showcases, thelv. ing. etc. Vie buy, sell. Omana Fixturs ot hupply r0., 414-is-IS S. 12th. Doug. 2724, TuvtlwL StjI'A'LIES OMAHA Towel Supply. 107 S. Vth. D. 57. TRliNkl AMI Stl l CASES. r H SLING A STeTxeV,. Farnam 8t I YI'UW KllEKS tZu HhiST. RENT an Oliver typewriter 8 too. for 84. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 19t Farnam. BUTT'S Typewntor Exchange. 318 S. 18tt St All makva fur sale or rent RENT a writer. "Ren lngton," not Just a tyv Low rent. Call Douglas 12S4. WATCIt SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 2d Paxton bk., I" yr. ex p. WKDUIAu tlatlonKHV. Wedding announcements. Dog. Ptg.' Co. WIMiS ANU LlKuukl. ALEX JKTKS. 2T1-S P. l;;tn St. Wines, liquors, cigara Plata dinners 11 to 3, luo. HENRY POLLOCK LlyUOR HOUSH, 16th and OuiHol Ave. Tea-cent iunc BUY your family Ihiuoia at Kleins Liquor hciiM), iC2 N. ICth Douglas lil. JMEDICAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. L. R. Tarry cures pllea, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and 110 munev paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial OIL E. U. TAKKY. 240 Ree Bldg. RUPTURE cureu in few days without pain. Call or write Dr. Wmy, 808 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Established 1884. -o FOIl RENT ilouaea and Cottaajea. West, FOR RENT Walking distance, 2 Dodge St., 8-room, modern house; first- class condition; ready to move into. See 2t;40 Dodga St Don't fall to look U through. Phone Webster 487D, owner, W. W. Mitchell. ISM Silencer St Miscellaneous. Gordon Van Co. SS; Storage. n n. nth st Tel D 394 or Har. 1837. GOOD auto aales room on Farniun St Very resaonahle rent. Tel. Doug. 4089. Maggard's & ;f an ana Storage Call ua for ea rns tes for mov- ing. packii.j, snipping. Douglas 14!l 1713 Webster St FIDELITY IVV FREtT Phone Dovglag 2K8 for coinpleta list ot vscsnt houses and apartments; also for storage, moving. Pith and Jackson Sta Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; 8-liorse van snj 2 men, 1126 per nr.; atorage id per mo. Satisfaction Ktiar. D. 433ti Ty. 230. TTmiana Crelgb Bona tt Co., Be lldg. 24 6 Capitol Ave., 7 rooms modern, 825, lWfi N. 20th, 4 rooms. 314. 2X0 Clark, 4 rooms, 112.60. . 109 8. 2rtth, 4 rooma. 310. RING" ALT PrandM" Theate- RMg. 8-room modern, park uiairict, 7-rooni, downtown. $27.50. WRIGHT & LASBURY. D. 162. CLOSE IN 615 S. 2..th; seven rooms; mod ern; hot Mater heat; rent, $.8.60, 111 S. 2iith Ave; seven rooms; nesny new: best of everything; rent, $3J-50; save car fare. Hnrney R'W). 1 7-R. new bouae and barn, eleutria Ihrhts and furnace, $12. 7- It. house, atrictiy mooern, xju. 8- R. apartment, strictly modern. and $25. TO LAND 4 TRUMBULL, 148 Bee dg. Douglas 8707. FEE the Centra! Furniture Stores FKcii RENTAL I 1ST J.CReed !: moving, atorage. D. 14S. 4-H house, mod. ex. Iicat. Tel, Web. 164, titoeea snil Offlrea. FARNAM STREET STORE. 2210 Farnam street, 22x132 feet; good basement, steam heat, modern show win now. Call us for terms of lease. O FORGE A COMPANY. Douglns Vj6. pft2 City Nat. Bank Bldg. MuLEI'.N store, nrar postof ilee, low rent. G. P. Stelibins, 1SI0 Cnicngo St. WANTED TO 1H"Y OFFICE luiniiuie houht and sold. -J. C. Reed I3T.7 Farnam. Dour. SMC Yale buys e.eryir'iig 2nd hand, vteb. W04. HIGHEST itni fo- -ll.l .-lollitng I 14. VATK1 Tt HKXT 3, 4 t'H 6-R ioin house or apt, furnished. Answer' quick. A 11. Ree; FARM at R'NCII LANDS FOR SAL1 REAL EST TK Call tors la. . jv Oak Colon, uune better, emlth Co.. !l II Citv Nat. rlr. T. Skis. 4'aaaal. FOR SALE OR LEASE Any part of 4,000 acres ncur R.setov.n, Saskatchewan. 1 raised 1M.UU0 bushels of oata and su.fluO Luttheis of tlsa on land this year. Price cheap and terms very easy. Frank Craw ford, Omaha. Kelt., or Roselown. Sask. atlailaalpaL. HO PER ACRE a..d upwarda. Upland 'arms on l.ne Hiiiiois Central. Flna climate, rich soil, alfalfa, corn and coc oii. A ppy 11. P. Stebt tns, llmaha. TconiinVed on-pag eTelev en , column one. it