Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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    rn T11K nM.MIA , .,M0; DAY. (M T )'VAl i, ini:.
the Bees Motiie Magazine Pae
. World Inside the
. Atom
What Is a Pretty Girl?
V iL D n 1 Repubbshed by Special Arrangement
1IU1U UIC 1 alio UpeilliJgS X with Harper's Bazar. :
ir (UimKTT r. he it via.
Thl la the aeconj of a aerlra of
three articles written apeclally for
thia page by the creator of the un
rivalled Harrison Fisher glrla. Editor.
A great many person don't know how
to Judge a pretty girt. The reason la
that they have a mind of the nilcroaoop o
kind, that seek a for blemlahesv
The only Just way to Judge whether a
girl la beautiful, or poaeeaaea that lesser
degree of beauty which la prettlneea, ia,
first, whether her face la balanced; sec
ond, whether her figure la symmetrical.
Personally. I am opposed to accepting
Those Who Live in
"The past waa goodly once, and yet,
when all la aIJ.
The best of It we know la that it's done
and dead
Duty and work and Joy these things It
cannot give;
And the present la life, and life la good
to live. .
lt H lie where It fell, far from the
living suii.
The past, thHl goodly once, ia gone and
dead and done.
For all who live the time la now; the
day la lier, and oppirtunty )- ahead.
Why then gr'eve over things In the paet
'.hat we, may. well wish uiUo..e, but that
aj'as q ' T1 I today but you have a ri
II JJ leme to face today, and
I'f VI TV H 0,',lrnc, ru n attentl
l (f- Vl II V i H U M tu worry over the way
ai ' U day's situation.
t!"""-A'tVjf A I teeterday la finished. I
-: tint knHlln. von Ma unr.
certainly docs heal
Inourfiteot reports, covering a rttMl
rI twenty year-, literally tlicutunila (
ihysicuirtt tell tnw aucrcssiui the Rcs-
um4 treatment is hircccnu and similar
skin tnxibli-s. The firrt ue jI'Ki.iiv4
Ointment and Reiinol &tapuaually stoisj
the hxhing and burning, and thev Soon
clear away atl trace of the eruHion No
txher treatment i"i the 'ori nuw eUxi
Die puMic can gliuw guch a recurd of
pro(cbrutl aiiruval
fx.U br at for tril bt wrtM ts
1m, i.m4, Uiiiuu Ma,
A '
"Tkla la era a
of mr
( ' prttleet,"
. Mr, FUhvr.
the mnona of the ancient O reek a. 1 have
to be convinced that they had any more
authority for Baying that a body should
be ao long, shoulders ao wide, a foot ao
broad, than have we moderns. The Iruth
la om of the work of the old masters
were, ao far aa the aubjirta were con
cerned, atrocloua. I have never a n
t'Kl'er worn, n than those whose portrait
were done by some of the mastera.
' Wtnoked" ham" my father haa called
II. cm. aa we mt'de our way down a gal
lery corridor Ixavoctlng ahiiia worka of
In other worda, I am of the opinion
that It la possible for an artist of today
to have too much reverence for the old
niaatera. For Instance, I aay very
for ell our wishing are accomplished
If the man who la atrlrken with blind
nrae were, to alt and grlet4 over the fact
Itself Instead of trying to adjust hlmaelf
to new condltlona and to leara to uae
hla other senses to take the place (aa far
aa poaslhlc) of the one he has lost, would
not hla life become desolate?
It I only in adjusting yourself to the
condlt'ona of your present circ umstancea
whatever they are that there Ilea any
rhanre of your finding life worth living.
Ycaterday'a Mumlrra belong to yeaterday
along with yesterday's hopea and tears.
Because those hopes and fvarf and
blunders were part of your experience
yeaterday, you may, be a Title different
today but you have a new eet of prob-
you must not
attention front them
i'ou met yester-
Testerday la finished. It la not a p'ece
) ......... w i, uii . , ... uu w.r.
nature. Tou cannot atop flower from
eotn tig If certain aeeda are planted and
Advice to Lovelorn :
'I tent !." frttiM Mr.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I have been keeo-
i In ioi.i.iiy with a young man fur a
j-ur ..d a haii. He conns rvsu.a.iy to
(tie houHe. but alwaya wishes to ronnlu
In the par. or of out (r e.t-
ju)iiiiiiU 1 fai lo ask In m to take in i
ou:. as be supports . Is mother and llitle
I k..:. .v
but aix nds It all w.ih the boys. II us
often spuaoii of aflecilon (r n.a. but
for thla ion I t atm oi be li ve It to be
true. io yiu really t.ilnk 1 oi);ht to le
main wlih and baa he any affection
for toe?" CNLUCeiMCD.
A man who supports hla mother and
young brother can have very (.ttle motuy
j to spend for ploaeure. Tou must never
dream of asking aay luaa t take you
frankly that I think the Mona IJaa ugly.
It to a form of anobbery that found tx-
, preaalon In the widespread professed ad- ,
r. . T 1 ,cu- ,," " , '
Uaa-a Ion nose and aly smite are not
iiumrif i ku wumuwv . - w. n..
around that Mona Llaa waa the work of
a maeter everyone profeaaed to Intensely
admire It.
It la not fair to measure a modern
girl by the old standard. We should
Judge her by whether the impreaalon
made by har face la that of harmony,
of balunoe. Personally, I admire the
tilted noae, and t have a right to my
opinion. The personal element entera
-r ' ,V.hry 1 .IT.' ' lt"tnaynotbejnorethan6ntwenty-
! V.T0 V.r .V n""J hat tUr"'tm",,on-mlll,nt ' " th
up .lightly at the tip give, piquancy to of atom mucB e two.hun.
the face. Accordingly, until I change j dred-and-flfty-mllllonth of an Inch. If
my mind, my plcturei , of girl, wll have j th corhcU the
that characterise. And a face la not ; ,t be, ta ooo tlmea aa great In diameter
l. T V ""u " ln"1 I
' v. m iiu, un irm bii i no viner
turea ara aquiline knd ao do not match.
It doea not matter what the type of
face, .whether .oval,
,,, . i
qullln or nearly
:r.d: 'f ".,t:v',.th.! 'rzn -
tlve. If one feature la out of harmony.
If It spoils the balance, It will mis
'And k of the figure. It may be avelte
or plump, tall or short. It doea not mat-
ter what the plan of .Ita building iro-!he
ivlded It has correct proportions. ,
the Past
ferllllsed-you cannot prevent weeda from ' ror,n ,ven cuemlcal compound." There
springing up under certain condltlona. ar m" 'hty different chemical ele
But learning what producea flower and ntJ- -nt oonaequently tome eighty dlf-
what weeda, you can be careful about
the condltlona you produce.
So with your yeaterdaye. They pro
duced certain th nga. Don't worry about
them uselessly. lkn't let your past he a
ghost to haunt you. Instead, uae It aa a
bit of experience on which to build a
better future.
Perhapa you are ashamed of your paat.
But shame won't be a factur for future
growth If you merely wallow in the murk
of w hat you wish had not I ecu. J. hat
been. You have not your yeaierday tj
live over and better. Hut your today you
have now, and your tomorrow eu wfll
have aoon, and there la nothing In your
paat ta prevent your living them well.
Don t repeat your past blunders. Hit
Ao more must you dwell on them in
memory. (Jive your attention to making
your today and. 'tomorrow ao splendid
that your yeaterday In the great lalaiu-e
of lira will he outweighed and will not
oyt thai suggestion must com from the
man, not the glil. i
eW a Mevottclllatlam.
iear Mia Kalrtax ., I am in love l h
youiu man. siu I know n carea a
A .l..U 1 t. t,i. ll a . ,.l u ...lurP..l
llm nut luokrn fur ,,. time H,.i K ..f
1 ' to bmic. Iut neltnAr n,n wil.
ap.loa-iae firs. J on want to bw hia
love, but 1 wt I. .in to MriluaUe b.-la.v
t aj; tit tne c.rcu nsta' ca it la on y
iitni um ii snot. in. nnti win i ao .o I. Iiu back l.inet ANXlUl 8.
Iiurt let falae pridw aland In your way.
It I a fine thing to be the first to ak
pardon f-r a fault. Ha will admire y iu
all the more It you are woiuaa enoash
to say, "l am - '
"To what rxtont la matter discon
tinuous? I have honid It said that
molecule a rnmpnsrwl of only a few
chemically elemental atoma; and, again,
that It la mad" tip
iiiiiunH or mun,
each Isolated to a
remarkable degree.
Which view U
right? ia the hypo
thetical electron
ruppoacd to bear
the yams relation
to the atom aa th
atom doea to tho
moUou!e? If a
molecule, of water,
for example, com
lnlMoa only two
atoma of hydrogen
and one df oxy-
' ' "v f '
aen. where la the
Inter-atomlc apace of which we hear so
much? Or la there r distinction between
the chemical atom and the phyalcal atom?
"New York."
When the man of science tore Into
the realm, of atoma, molecules, electron,
all of which are Individually too amall
I to be aeen, ha finds hlmaelf wandering.
like the hero of the "Pilgrim's rroirreia,"
throtiKh obaolute darkneaa, amid, pltfalla
and ulna that beaet hja feet on every
l aide, and with confusing demons whis
pering misleading suggestions and falae
analoglea Into hla eara. Ha has nothing
but hla Imairlnatlon, trained by the re
sults of experience ana obaervatlon In
the visible and tangible world, to guide
The remit la that hla deflnltlfina of the
things that he ftnda, or aeema to find,
although they may perfectly describe hla
own Impression, appear, sometimes,
contradictory, or unconvincing, to the
average man who only read about that
marvellous underworld of the atom.
Hence auch queatlona aa those aaked
e.bovo. . And the confusion haa . been
vaatly Increased in consequence of the
discovery that the atom tnatead of be
Injr, aa waa formerly thought, a almple,
Indivisible particle, the amallaat possible
portion Into which any matter can be
divided, la.' in fact, a complex object, made
j up of very much mailer particle, called
A vivid conception of the. real nature
of an atom, ao far aa Ita complexity of
structure la concerned, la conveyed by a
remark of Prof. Rowland that "a grand
; piano la a very almple meohanlam com
pared, aay, with an atom of iron."
The atom, then, la not m eolld particle,
but an organism, or ays tern, composed
of discontinuous parta, L e porta whloh
do not touch, or preaa upon one another,
an.1 tK nmr ta m 1 . a TITt. rv
of th 0- ,W(( M &tom
occupied by the electrons, which are bo-
,eve(J t n 0,a,e8, -vomuo,, of
What we do know la that the mass, or
weight, of an electron la about one-thoua-andth
of that of an atom of hydrogen,
whloh la the lightest atom known. But
thla does not tell ua exactly what the
electron's also la, because we do not know
Its relative density. Howvex, by cal
culations baaed on the eiectrlo charge
borne by the electron its else haul been
i approximately estimated. In this way it
. haa been found that th sl-maUp -.
aa an electron. At thla ratio of diameters
it would take 50u,O0O,000 electrons to pack
an atom full. - .
Tlllt It t ..tlm.t.J . 1 . , 1
----- tnm-,tu viiAfc ilia lljrurosen
--,.,. ., , ., " .
.i...; ;r ;0
; aa mercury not more than i0u,0o Thua
we aee that there la an abundance (V
"open room" -inside the atom. .
Sir Oliver Lodge haa made a striking
comparison showing the amount of room
In an atom. Imagine an ordinary church,
says, to be an atom of hvdroin Tha
electrons constituting It will be mors.
sented by about l.Ooo grains of sand, each
of the sixe of a. printer's period, , or
full point (.), dashing In all direction
or rotating with inconceivable velocity
and filling the whole interior of the
church with their tuinultuoua motion.
Next above the atom cornea the mole
cule, Hy the term moleoule Is meant the
"smallest combination of atoma that will
ferent kind of atoms. But there are
thousands of clfemical compounds, each
made up of a number of chemical ele
ments whose atoma un'te to form the
molecule eompoalng the compound. Un
fortunately )n physic the term molecule
la sometimes used In such a way aa to
rauae confusion with the atom.
Now, Juat aa the electrona eompoalng
the atoms are free to move and are far
from being crowded together, pr In direct .
touch with one another, so the molecules
compos ng any common bit of matter,
auch aa a piece of wood or of paper, have '
free apace between them and are In con. j
ttnual motion, circulating around and
among one another and in certain case
having mutual collisions. I
From all that haa been Bald above. It
bei.oi..s clear that even the most dense '
and "sol.d" bodies , hat we .have any
experience of, such, for Instance, as a
n.asa of pure gold, are by no means Con
tinuous In their Internal atructuro. It la
because of tha coaraeneaa of our sense
bnpiesalons that they seem solid to us.
If we could look at a cannon ball with
mlcroacop c eyea. magnifying billions of i
lametera, the maaa of metal would die- I
solve Into a diaphanous hase composed :
. of vibrating molecules, madt. up of re- j
volvlng atoma ' constituted from dancing,
electrona; a ad all of them tha moieculea i
- lit the maaa of Iron, the atoms in the !
molecule and tha ecti-an in the atoms .
would be seen to have an abundance !
'of room around them In which to per-
! form their unendUig gyratlona.
! In short, all matter la discontinuous In
it. t.itui. .n.1 h la n.'.v tha Itm t.tlnns
I" "f tnrnstia insi um ua iu uiin 01
(anybody aa being a eontlnuoua soil'
UVe may aqueea the moieculea of a sub
' , . . ... ,
stance closer together, and then we w.ll
timely heat it, for the molecular vlbra
tlona increase In quickness with the re
striction of the space, but there Is no
reason to think that we could ever force
two molecules Into absolute contact, or
that we could compress aa atom Into a
smaller cotriaaa
"Mere fascinating than ever is the
verdict of buyers who .attended the millinery
openings, in Paris this year.
I I 1 ill) J ' N
: -1
Skunk fur holds down a wreath of ostrich feathers around the
crown of the black velvet hat above from Lewis, which is worn with
a neckpiece of ostrich feathers and fur to match, while in the crea
tion to the right the return of the Prince of Wales feather is heralded
by Maria Guy with a model of niarron panne velvet. The feathers
of niarron are attached high on the crown.
In the model below Jean Castel combines all the warm tones ol
autumn in a toque of brown velvet, with leaves of velvet.
How Not to Write Love Letters
That millionaire out west who la be
ing anted for breach of promlae and has
got to listen while 3,000 of hla love let-
tern are read In court, la up agalnat
tli Jimmy thing good and hard. Isn't
he?" remarked the
"If getting- ao
that the only
safety for a - rich
nan la not know
ing how to write,"
ra ponded the book
k per, gloomily.
"I shouldn't won
der If. In : an
other genera t Ion,
the oonsclentl o u a
millionaire parent
wouJd be as care
ful to keep hla off
spring from learn
ing how to write
aa he would be to
keen them from
Warning to amoke VfkTr! ''
' "I'm not doping out any aympathy for
a lady whoae woundeu heart can be
healed with a few ahlnplaatera." con
tinued the stenographer, ''and If I were
a man, I'd a heap lot rather she got my
roll than to get me fbr keeps. Neither
am I rooting the man who makea kive
and never makes good; but It does look
to me that a ease like this would be an
awful warning that would nut ke every
man take something for the love-letter-writing
habit that would be a sure cure,
and prevent him from having any crav
ing to siip over on paper."
-"Juet think of all the 'angels' and
'darlings' and 'precious aones' anl lovey
dovey rot .that a fellow writes while
he's got the hectic flush on hlin. and
how aalnlne It looks and sound when
he's cooled off. Oee, but I could weep
for pity on the neck of the man who
has to listen to his own passe raves"
"Well, I wonder that men are Idiotic
enough to write 'em," ttptU4 the ate-
nographer. "It didn't so much matter
when the forsaken damael um-d to gather
up her treasured love letters and tie them
up with a blue ribbon and a failed rose
feud, and put them in a secret drawer of
her desk, where she could get thnm out
handy when she wanted to weep over
them. ,
"I3ul,, Judging from the number of
breach of promise suits where the love
missives form Exhibit A, thst Isn't the
way young women regard their sweet
hearts' letters now. They preserve 'em
all light, all right, but when Komeo files
the track and balks at the altar, tbey
don't waste any brine salting down his
written vows of deathless devotion.
"Neither do they tie up his letters and
put them away among the aad, sweet
memories of their lives.
"Do you know what makes men wilto
these dopey love letter?" Inquired the
"Because the fool-killer ha knocKed
off business," suggested the Slenograi her.
"No." replied the Bookkeeper, "It's be
cause every man in hia heart bellevea
that he is a poet that could have lammel
the spots oft of Tennyson if he'd given
his mind to writing poetry Inatesd of sell
ing groceries.
"Now, the average man hasn't got the
gall actually to try to manufacture po
etry, beside, it would Injure his business
standing to have It get out on hl.-n. o
he bottlea up all thia flub-dub sentiment
In him until he ral's In love and then ne
flies it all at the girt.
"He don't really mean It at the time,
but he'a got a sort of a sentimental Jag
en. and the more he writes, the more he
wants to write, and the lovelier and the
more poetical It aounda to him. 1 tell
you, a man's love letters certainly do
look good to hlni "
"All the same," said the Stenographer,
' If I waa a man and had to write a
letter to my dtatant love, I would ait on
a cake of Ice while I penned It, and keep
It In thf refrigerator for twenty-four
hours before I mailed It.
"Rlght-O," said the Bookkeeper, "sni
you'd save yourself trouble It you did."
Quickly Yielded To Lydia E.
Pinkham't Vegetable
. Compound.
Bridgeton, N. J "I want to thank yorj
a thousand times lor the wonderful
good Lydia E. 1'ink-
ham a Vegetable
Compound baa dona
for me. I suffered
very much from a
female trouble. I
had bearing down
pains, waa irregular
and at times could
lardly walk acrosa
Ithe room. I waa
tunable to do my
Lousework or attend to my baby I waa
co weak. Lydia E. Pinkhara'a Vegetable
Compound did me a world of good, and
now I am strong and healthy, can do my
work and tend my baby. I advise all
suffering women to take it and get
vell as I did." Mrs. F ANNIE COOPER,
j E.F.D., Brldgeton, N.J.
j Lydia E, Pinkham'a Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots ami
herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful
drugs, and to-day holds the record of
being the most successful remedy for
female ills we know of, and thousands
' of voluntary testimonials on file in tha
Tinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass.,
seem to prove this fact.
For thirty years it has been the stand
erd remedy for female ills, and has ra
ctored the health of thousands of women
v. ho have been troubled with such ail
ments aa displacements, inflammation.
IMVVIBUVl WlllUl llllWI lUtB,
If you want special advice
trrite to Lydia IZ. I'inkliaiu Jlert
Iclne Co., ( confidential ) Lynn.
t Ilass. Your letter will b opened,
. read and answert'd by a mouuq
cd Lcld iu btrict '""Otlcucc.
t?a wr