THE HKK: OMAHA. MONDAY. OlTOl'.KU 4. ID .ft, 5 Sunday. Preaches Sermon on "Booze r "Get on the Water Wagon9' Now Billy" Sunday irrmon entitled "Boose; or Oct On tha Water Wagon," which he. delivered at the tabernacle yesterday afternoon, follow: I will take my text from the Mh chap tor of Matthew, the 2Sth to the E1 verse, describing the canting out of the devi.s which entered Into the twine. Here we have one of the strangest enes In all the gospels. Two men, Hostessed of devlla, confront Jesus, and while tho devlla aie crying out for Jesus to leave them, He commands the devlla to come out, and the devlla obey the command of Jesus. The devlla auk permission to enter Into a herd of twine feeding on the hlllaide. Thla ia the only record we hsw. of Jeaua ever granting the petition of devlla, and He did tt for the salvation of men. Then the fellowa that kept the hogs went back to town and told the peanut brained, weasel-eyed. hog-Jowled. beetle-browed, bull-necked lobster that owned the hogs, that "A long-haired fanatlo from Nazareth, named Jeeua, has driven the devlla out of om men and the devils have gone into the hog a, end the hoga Into the sea, and the sea into the hogs, and the whole bunch is end." And then the fat. pussy old fellows came out to see Joans and said that He Was hurting their buslnes. A fellow says to me, "I don't think Jesus Christ did a nice thing." You don't know what you are talking about, i Down in Nashville. Tenn., I saw four wagons going down the street, and they were loaded with ntllls, and kettles, and pipes. What's thlsr 1 said. "United States revenuo officers, and they have been in the moonshine district and confiscated the Illicit stills, and they are taking them down to the govern ment scrap heap." jfiat Christ find' Revenue Officer. Jeaua Christ was God's revenue officer. Now, the Jews were forbidden to eat pork, but Jesus Christ came and found that crowd buying and selling and deal ing In pork, and confiscated the whole business, and He kept within the limits of the law when He did It. Then the fellows ran back to thoee who owned the hoga to tell what tind befallen them, and those hog owners said to Jesus: "Take your helpers and hike. You are hurting our business." And they looked Into the sea and the hoga were bottom side up. but the men were right side up. And Jeaua said, What Is the matter!" ' And they answered, "Leaive our hogs and go." A fellow say it Is rather a strange request for the devils to make, to ask permission to enter into hoge. I i don't know If I was a devil I would 1 rather live In a good, decent hog than j In lots of men, and If you will drive the I and fill hla hide so full of red liquor that hogs out you won't have to carry slop ' he I transformed for the time Into an lr to him, so I will try to help you get rid , responsible, dangerous, evil smelling of the hog. brute. But "personal liberty" 1 not for And they told Jesus to leave the coun- j hi patient, long-ufferlng wife, who ha try. They said: "You are hurting our 'to endure with what fortitude she may business." jhla blows and curses; nor Is it for his "Havo you no Interest In manhood?" children who. If they escape his Insane "We have no Interest In that; Just rage and are yet robbed of every known take your disciples and leave, for yoU'joy and privilege of childhood, and too are hurting our business." often grow up neglected, uncared for That Is the attitude of the liquor traf- I and vicious as the result of their sur flc toward the r-c and the state and ; foundings and the example) before them; government, and the preacher that has ; "personal liberty" is not for the sob'f. the backbone to fight the most damn- f Industrious cltlaen who, from the pro able, corrupt Institution that ever wrig-;ceeds of honest 'toll and orderly living, Bled out of hell and fastened Itself on has to pay. willingly or not. the tax the public. b'lls which pile np a the direct result of I am a temperance republican down to mkenness, disorder and poverty, the my toe. Who U th man that fight items of which are written In the records fhe whisky business In the south? It of every police court and poorhouse In Is the democrat. They hawe driven the I the land; nor I "personal liberty" for the business from Alabama; they have ; good woman who goes abroad In the town driven It from Georgia, and from Mia- only at th risk of being hot down by Blsslprd. and Tennessee, all but three clt- ies; and out of 100 counties In Kentucky. And they have driven It out of 117 coun ties In Texas, and out of North Caro lina. And it la the rock-ribbed demo crats south that Is fighting the saloon. They started this fight that Is sweeping . like fire over the United States. You j j w1ii ,av that they uie 2 per cent. That might as well try and dam Niagara wouij make 81,000.000 buhel. and at W Fall with toothpick a to top tho re- 1 cents a bushel that would be about 25. form wave sweeping our land. 000,000. How many people are there In The democratio party of Florida ha. tha united States? Eighty million. Very put a temperance plank In It platform, . wreil. then, that I 27 cent per capita, and th republican party of every state t Then we sold out to the whisky business would nail that Blank In their platform for -7 tent apiece th price of a doren if they thought It would carry the eleo- egKa or a pound of butter. We are the tion. It la simply a matter of decency j cheapest gang this lde of hell If wo and manhood, irrespective of politic. It Is prosperity against poverty, obriety against drunkenness, honesty against thieving, heaven against hell. Don't you want to see men sober? Brutal, stag gering men transformed Into respectable cltisens? "No," said a saloonkeeper, "to hell with men. We are interested In our business, we have no Interest In humanity." All Asrree Saloons Degrading. After all ia said that can he said upon the liquor traffic. Its influence Is degrad ing upon the Individual, the family, poli tic and business, and upon everything! L r w . k w rl ,. the time ha long gone by when there is any ground for argument, of its 111 ef fects. All are agteed on that point. There I Just one prim reason why the saloon has not been knocked Into hell, and that is the false statement, "That the saloon are needed to help lighten the taxes." The aaloon buslnes ha never nald. and It has cost ftflv times more for the saloon than the revenue derived from It. I challenge you to ahow me where the saloon has ever helped business, educa tion, church morals or anything we hold dear. You listen today, and If I can't peel the bark off that damnable fallacy, I will pack my trunk and leave. I say that Is the biggest lie ever belched out The wholesale and retail trade in Iowa la every year at least $000,000 In license. Then If there were no drawback, it ought to reduco the taxatalon $5 per cent per capita. If the aaloon I necessary to pay th taxes, and if they pay $500,000 In taxes, It ought to reduce them ifi cant a head. But no, th whisky business ha Increased taxes $1,800,000 instead of reduc ing them, and I defy any whisky man on God' dirt to show on town that ha the saloon, where the taxes are lower than where they do not have the saloon. I defy you to show me an Instance. Listen! Seventy-five per cent of our idiot coma from Intemperate parent; 80 per cent of the pauper; 82 per cent of th crime ia committed by men under the Influence of liquor; SO per cent of the adult criminal are made. Tho Chicago Tribune kept track for ten year and found that SS.ZAt murder were com mitted by men under the Influence of liquor. ArthbUhop Ireland, the famous Koman Cathollo of St. Paul, said of social crime today. "That "5 per cent U caused by drink, and to per cent of th poverty." I go to a family and it is broken up, and I .ay, "What caused this?" Prink! I step up to a young man on the scaffold, tf and say, "What brought you here?" Drink' Whence all the misery, and sor row, an corruption? Invartbly tt la drink. Klve Points, in New York, was a spot as near like hell as any spot on earth. There are five streets that run to this point, and nght In the middle was an old brewery. and the strceta on either side were lined with grog-shops. Tho newspapers turned a search-Hunt on the district, and before they could stop It, the first thing they had to do was to buy the old brewery and turn It Into a mission, and today It iV docent, respectable place. Saloon the nm rt All Vlllalnlea. The saloon is tlte sum of all villainies. It Is worse than war or-pestilence. It Is the crime of crimes. It is the parent of crl.nea and the mother of sins. It la k, .a rim.. In the land, and the principal cause of crime. It I the source of three-fourth of the crime, and, of course. It Is the source of three-fourths of the taxes to support thit crime. And to license such n Incarnate fiend of hell Is the dirtiest low-down, damnable business on top of this old earth. There Is nothing to be Compared to it Do away with the cursed business and you will not have to put up to support them. Who gets the money? The saloon keepers and the brewers and the, distil lers, while the whisky fills the land with misery and poverty and wretchedness and disease and death and damnation, and It Is being authorised by the wtll of the sovereign people. Tou say "that people will drink It any way." Not by my vote. You say "men will murder their wives "anyway." Not by my vote. 'They will steal anyway." Not by my vote. You are the sovereign peo ple, and what are you going to do about it? Women'a Tears Will Not BP Mqnor Let me assemble before your minds the bodies of the drunken dead, who crawl away "Into the Jaws of death, into the mouth of hell," and then, out of the val ley of the shadow of the drink; let me call the appertaining motherhood, and wifehood, and childhood, and let their tears rain down upon their purple faces. Do you think that would stop the curse of the liquor traffic? No! Nol In these daya when the question of sa loon or no saloon Is at the fore In almost every community, one hears a good deal' about what is called "personal liberty." These are fine. lara, mouth-filing word and they certainly do sound first rate; but when you get right down and analyse them In the light of common old horse sense, you will discover that In their ap- plication to the present controversy thny mean Just about this: "Personal liberty," la for the man, who, If he has the Incline tlon and the price, can stand up to a bar gome drink-erased creature. This rant about "personal liberty" a an argument has no leg to stand upon. Now, the corn crop of 1918 wa t,5D3, 732.000 bushels, and it wa valued at $1,350,000,000. Secretary Wilson said that breweries use less than 2 per cent will do that kind of business. Worklna-ntea Spent $3,300,000,000 for Rooso. Now listen I Laat year the Income of the United State government, and the cities and town and countle from th whisky business, was $350,000,000. That is putting It liberally. You aay that's a lot of money. Well, last year the worklng- men spent $2,300,000,000 for drink, and It coet $1,800,000,000 to care for th Judicial machinery. In other word, the whisky business cost tt last year $3,400,0O).00). I will substract from that the dirty tiM). 000,000 which we got, and It leave tf.O'A- 000,000 In favor of knocking the whisky 1 buslnes. out on purely a money basis. And " v listen! "But" y t" whisky fellow, "we would lose trade; th farmer would not come to town to trade," Partner Wotld Knock Whisky Into Hell. You lie. I am a farmer.' I wa born and raised on a farm and I have th malodor of the barnyard on me today. Yes, sir. And when you say that, you In ault the best class of men on God' dirt Say, when you put up tho howl that If you don't have the saloons th farmers won't trade-say. Mr. Whisky Man. why do you dump money into politic and back th Legislature, into the corner and fight to the last ditch to prevent the en actment of county local option? Tou knew If the farmer were given a chance they would knock the whisky buslneas J nt0 neii y,, frit throw out of th box, You are afraid. You have cold feet on the proposition. You are afraid to give the farmer a chance. They are .cared to death of you farmeia. A farmer brings to th brewer a bushel of corn. He find a market for tt. Ha get 60 cent and goes hi way. with the statement of the brewer ringing In his ear that th brewer I th benefactor, But you haven't got all the factor In the problem, Mr. Urewer, and you cannot get a correct solution of a problem without all th factor In the problem. You take, Mr. Brewer, th farmer' bushel of corn, brewer or di.MHcr, and you brew and distil from It four and one-half gallon of apt. Ita I don't know how much ho dilute, them before ho put them on the market Only th brewer. . i i.til a.,,4 Aal hnml Jl"li a man who drmk." tt doeTn't but. If he doeen't I '"f "-""V ""7. ottuU It at an, h. pot. on th. market ' te'v to fifteen In nd the, four and one-half gallon, of Intoxicating I 'r deadly enemle. o the rata Th. re .r..,t...i runts. I am not aolna- ' UH was that tha rat. disappeared, and tn trace the thlrty-.ix. It will take too .ur m mmi. ; health and cauaea aisease. tt promises long, iiut I want to trace three of them. ' 00 t0 'et(1 upon xh attacked the I prosperity and wiids adversity. It prom and I will gtv you no imaginary stories j nake. and the frogs, and the lizard j ises hppln. and sends mlnery. Ye., it plucked from the brain of an excited - that fed upon the insects, with the re-' end. the husband home with a lie on orator. '"',t ll,at "1 '""''' Increased and they his Hps to bin wife; and the boy home I will take instances Iron, the judiiia! tii:'l"d the gardens, eating up Uiu wlili u lie on hla tii. to tils mothor; and paKa of the supreme court and the cir cuit court .Indues" ri porta in Indiana and llilonla to make my case. Kills Best friend for Drink of Ram. Two years In the city of Chicago a young man of good parents, good , character, one Sunday crossed tho street 'and entered a saloon, open axainst tho law. He found there boon companions. I There waa laughter, song and .'est and 'much ririnklnp After a while, drunk. lnnnr,.u. ,,,. r( ,.,. Bn(, he WBs kkkri ,nto th ,trfrU j found hSt WRy nrrowi ,,, ,lH mother's home. He Im- porlnne h,.r rr n,,,,, t nuy more drink. she refused him. He seized frotn tho sideboard a revolver and ran ollt nl the street, and with the ex- preyed ilt termination of entering the saloon and getting more drink, money or no money. His little mother followed him Into the street Oh, men of Omaha' His fond mother followed him Into the street. Phe put r P " ont restraint, " " fron hlt" n'p t,'rn hl8 ",mr .cam" nnd dl,pd, ,,eT v" -"' neighbor, whom he knew, trusted and respected, came and I put hla hand on him In gentlettees and friendly kindness, but In an Insanity of drunken ruse he raised the revolver and Virtf' hla ftHftnd t fa ,t In lila tilM,,! n th tha ,frt.e(. There was a trial; he waa found guilty of murder 'He was sentenced to life Im prisonment, and when the 1 ttlo mother heard the veidlct a frail little bit of a woman-she threw tp her hands and fell in a swoon. In three hours she was dead. Ciolham'a Drink Bl'l Million a Day. And ay, my friends. New York City annual tit ink bill Is rS,npo.OCO a year. 1.,000 a day. Listen a minute! That Is four times the anntial output of gold, and It Is at least one-third the va ue of a 1 the coal mined In the Vnlted States. And In some sections of New York there Is one saloon for every thirty families. The money spent In New York by the working people for drink In ten yest would buy every working man In New Yoik a beautiful home and allow 13500 for house and lot. New York' annual drink bill would buy "J.OOO.OoO barrel of flour, nearly a barrel for every man and woman In the United States. It would take fifty people one year to count the money In tl bllla, and they would cover 10.000 acres of ground. That la what the people In New York dump Into th whisky hole In one year. And then you wonder why there Is poverty and crime, and that the country Is not more prosperous. This gang I circulating a circular about Kan a City, Kan. I defy you to prove a statement In It. Listen! Kansas City Is a town of liXl.OUO population, and temper ance went Into effect July L Jjng. They then had J saloons, 200 gambling hell and sixty houses of Ill-fame. The popula tion was largely foreign, and Inquiries have come from Germany, Sweden and Norway, asking the Influence of th en forcement of the prohibitory law. Prohibition Increased One Hank's Deposit fl.TOO.OOO. At the end of one year, the president of one of the Urgent bank In that city, a man who had protested against the en forcement of the prohibitory law on the ground that It would hurt business, found that at the end of one year his bank de posit had Increased ll.700.000. and TI per cent, of the deposits were from men who had never saved a cent before, and 42 per cent tame from men who had never had a dollar In the bank, but be cause tho saloons were driven out they had a chance to save, and the people who objected on the ground that It would Injure business, found an Increase of 109 per cent, in building operation; and furthermore, there were three time a many people building home a before, and there were more peoptd seeking In vestment, and court expenses decreased 25 .000 in one year. Who pays to feed nd keep the gang you have in Jail? Why, you go down In your ock and pay for what the aaloon ha dumped In there. They don't do It 1LI m . M... ninny nun, wny don t you go down and take a picture of wrecked and blighted home and of insane astlums with gibbering idiots that It cost 6,000, 000.00 to uprort? Why don't you tako a iicture of that? 1-Viv I'rinonera In Kansas City Jails. At Kansas City, Kan., before the sa loons were closed, they were getting ready to build an addition to the Jail. Now the doors awing Idly on th binge and there 1 nobody to lock In th Jail. And the commissioner of the poor farm says there is a wonderful falling off of old men and women coming to the poor house, because their son and daughter are aavlng their money and havo quit spending It for drink. And they had to employ eighteen new school teacher for 600 boy and girl between th age of U and 18, that had never gone to school be fore because they had to help a drunken I father support the family. And now they nave ju.t set a.lde ,--,000 to build a new achool house, nd the bonded Indebted ness waa reduced $2i3,OU) last year without , th. .aloon nveali Ani doia you knQW another thing? In 1906. when they had the aaloon, the population, according to the directory, waa K3,6X. According to the last census the population waa IW.tH, or an Increase of 1J per cent In on year, without the grog hop. In two year th bank deposit Increased $3.9oO,Oft. You say drive out the aaloon and you kill business Ha! ha! "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." I tell you, gentlemen, the American home la the dearest heritage of th peo- pie, for the people and by the people, and when a man can go from hi home In tha morning with the kisses of wife and children on his lips, and com back at night with an empty dinner bucket to a happy home, that man ia a better man, whether a Lite or black. Whatever take away the comfort of home whatever degrade that man or woman whatever invade the sanctity of tb home, 1 the deadliest fo to the horn, to church, to state and school, and tho saloon la the deadliest foe to the home, the church and the state, on top of God Almighty's dirt. And If all the combined force of hell KaiiM aaaamKI- In 1.1. ' despise God. and ;purity, and virtue If all tho scum of th earth could mingle with tb sen of hell to try to think of tha deadliest institution to home, to church and .tate, I tell you. tr. the i combined helll.h Intelligence could not I conceive of or bring fort! an Institution that could touch th hem of the garmont of the open licensed saloon to damn ths bom and manhood, and womanhood and buslnes and every other good thing on God's earth. In the Island of Jamaica tb rat In creased so that Uiey destroyed th crops, and they introduced the mongoose, which Is a specie of th coon. They hav three . t. . ' X :... ."tor th best horse, snd cow, and butter. Heard at the Tab Ulllv" Sunriav announced tint m Wednr-dav evrn'ng he III pre,., h l.m ; famous sermon on It. Jekyl and lr. ji)(ie. Thursday afternoon and evening nl tho I "Tah- will be for women only. The only man to be present will he Hev. William i A. Sunday. "Doubters and KVeptlca" will be the subject of the inrmon of "Hlll" Sunday Tuesday evening. Collection w'll be taken tn Tuesday and Thursday of th s week for some local charities. Kor Tues.ley the t nlon : Uospel Mission end for Thursday tho 1 fhlld Saving Instltule. 1 onlona and the lettuce, and then mongoose attacked the ahee-v, and the, rats, and the puppies and ths calves, and the geese. Now Jamaica is spending hundred, of thousands of dollars to 't Md of the mongoose, America's "11 on noose Is the Licensed Saloon. The American mongoose Is the open ness and happiness. ; Like a drummer on a railroad train, i There were some men playing cards, and one fellow pulled out a whisky flask and psssed It about, and when It earns to tho." drummer he aald: "No." "What," they said, "have you got on .... ' . ....... ...... aim iiijt no inumir. . ... there. I wa In there when In cane a , young fellow with ashen cheeks and a I wild look on hla face. Ho came up trem- i bllng. threw down a little parkage and said: "Give me 10 cents." And what do you think waa In that package? It wa a pair of baby shoes. My friend said. " 'No, I cannot take them.' "Give me a dime, I must have a drink.' " 'No, take them back home, your bal.y will need them 1 'My baby Is dead, and I want .! drink.' answered the poor fellow. I Boys. I don't blame you for the lump ! that eomes nn in tht Tk.r. 1. no law, divine or human, that the saloon , re.pects. Lincoln said: "If slavery is not wrong, nothing I wrong." I ay If the saloon, with Ita train of disease, crime and misery is not wrong, then nothing on esrth Is wrong. If the fight I to be won w need men men that will fight the chur. Catholic and Protestant, must fight It or run away, and thank God she will will not run away, but fight to the last ditch. Who works tho hsrdest for hi money, the aaloon man or youT Who has the most money Sunday morn ing; the aaloon man or you? Saloon Ia Rat Hole for Wages. The saloon come a near being a rat hole for a wage-earner to dump hi wages In as anything you can find. Tho only Interest it pays Is red eyes and foul breath, and the loss of your health. You go In with money and you come out with empty pockets. You go In with character and -ou com out rulnod. . -a go In with a good position and you lose It. You lose your position In the bank, or In the cab of the locomotive. And It pay nothing back but disease nd dam nation and gives an extra dividend In da- llrium tremens and a free pass to hell. And then It will let your wife bo burled In the potter field, and your children go to the asylum, and yet you wslk out and say that the saloon I. a good In stitution, when It 1 th dirtiest thing 1 on ,irth- u l,B'1 OB to Ur"1 " and has nothing to commend It to a de cent man. not one thing. "Hut," you say, "we will regulate It by high licenses." Kegulate what by high license? You might as well try and regulate a powder mill In hell. Do you want to pay taxes In boy or dirty money? A man that will aell out to that dirty i business I have no use for. Be how I absurd their arguments are. If you drink Bourbon In a saloon that pays $1,000 a year license, will It eat your atotnach leas than If you drink It in a saloon that pays $000 license? Is It going to have any different effect on you, whether the gang pays $500 or $1,a' license? No. It will make no difference whether you drink it over a mahogany counter or pine counter It will havo th same effect on you; It will damn you. So there Is no use talking about It. In some insane asylum, do you know what they do? When they wsnt to test some patient to see whether he ha re covered hi tretson they have a room with a faucet In It and a cement floor, and they give the patient a mop and tell him to mop up the floor. And If he ha sense enough to turn off the faucet and mop up the floor they will parol him, but should he let th faucet run, they know that he 1 crazy. Trrtnar to Moo with Water Itannlnar. Well, that I what you are trying to do. You are trying to mop It up with taxes, and Insan asylums, and Jail., and cures and refonnatorle. The only thing to do ! to shut off th source of supply. A man wa dallverng a temperance ad- dreaa at a fair ground and a fellow came up to him and said "Are you the fellow that gave a talk on temperance ?" "Ye." "Well, I think that th manager old a dirty plec of business to let you give a lecture on temperance. You hav hurt my business, and my business Is a legal . one' ,, . "they did do a mean trick. I would com plain to the officers." And he took i'P a premium list and .aid; 'Ujr the way, I see there I a permlum of so much offered What bu.lne.Ms are you in?' I'm In tho liquor business." Well, I don't see that they offer any premium for your business. You ought to go down and compel them to offer a , pnialum for your bu.lne.s. snd they ought to offer on the list $26 for the best wrecked horns, $15 for the best bloated bum that you can show, and $10 for the f'nest specimen of a broken-hearted wife, and they ought to give li tor th finest specimen of thieves snd gambler you can trot out You ran bring out the fin est looking criminal.. If you have some thing that Is good trot It out You ought to come In competition with the farmer, with hi Mock, and th fancy work, and th canned fruit." Defines galoon In Many Ways. The saloon 1 a liar. It promises good cheer and sends sorrow. It promises licensed saloon. It eats the carpet, off sellers. They don t want you ( ft , ,. . the floor, and the clothes from off your your carcass In their h.dge.. 'ies s r. I i my . back, your money out of the bank, and tell you. tho curse of God I. on It It Is j ,, (rol( It eata up character, ami It goes on until on me uon ainue. ,t - , ... .. hlw down my dol)U. rhi at last It leaves a stranded areck In the and ny tne grace or ..o., . a... ikeepor gets my dollar and I get a home, a skeleton of what was on.e bright- "e h a ihuii, won - or. - - , . . .nmm m. , "You can laugh If you want to." he '"T''" T . . . "7 "7.1 .h i . 1 'ou "Pt the nl,,h- ,"n'' ,,f U H,'r you ..Id. "but I was born with an appetite .on. that re put In. ; h0 ' " tha for drink and for year I hay taken JaX"1; , for he, nt.r-H-JH-ntHl j""1"0"- from five to ten glasses per day. but I , l? , , ,dson ';"' " 111 Do. was at home in Chicago not long ago. : . . ' .,!. in mnkn it 1,1,1 ro,,u1 on: 1 wl" " to a ,or and and I have a friend who has a pawn hop 1 ... .. i ., i,iK..rt ' Pnd th dollar for a pair of shoe. I It causes the employe to He to his em ployer. It degrades. It l Clod's worst enemy and the devil' best friend. f Ten- tj - tivt per rem ti imruinir ivm-n mmi the grog shop. It spares neither youth not ! oIj jt waiting with a dirty blanket I ... . - . m . . I I for the baby to crawl Into this world, It Ilea In wait for lite unborn. it ,.0t.ks the highwayman's pistol. It , h , ... l' mpB It Is the anarchist of the world and It dirty red f1n Is ilyed with the hinod of women and children, and It sent the bullet through the bode of Lincoln; It neived the arm tltil sent the bullet through canrfllil nn.i William McKlnley Yes. It Is .....I a murderer. F.vpry plot that was ever hatched against our flag and every an- atvhlst plot axKlnst the government and i.- w bred ml crawled out i i ... t,i. r.,nlrv i or no ko's pii"i " ..I..... ..i.e. ....... . f !jt(l thp, ,he curMt of ,,,, M. . . . fh loon Legislatures are ,.....,,, .... i. n.,..,,i .,ietv Is. n(r ol(t T1) fl(,,rrn,,i brotherhoods ro knock,n(r ,, ,. n,,, Mm,n nnd th,. Odd Fellows, and the KnlBhta of Tythlas, 1 7' 7 r" ' Z " 7 'v.,r. and the Ancient Order of t nlted Work- men are closing their doors to the whisky know how i-isien to me. a... s-m o "w " now w0 ,,m' m oUr mon'ly: U costs W cents to make a gallon of whisky: ovfr counter at 10 cents a glass w'11 brln" "nut." said tho aaloonkrcper. "HI 11 . yon must figure In the strychnine and the cochineal, and other stuff they put In It, and It wilt bring nearer IV hr. I,. Ihlrtv I jrs: it himpwih ii fr)in(J rtW,rge H. Stuart, for .ome of th. fo0w,ng point.! The iel Profit from Walakyf I will .how you how your money In burned up. It costs cent to make a gallon of whisky, old over the counter at 10 cent a glaaa, which brings H Lis ten, where doe It go? Who get the I OS cent? The farmer for hla corn and rye. Who get mo resn . states government for collecting rev- nue. and the big corporation, and part u ,fv our " our P"1"- " "h"w. J .!n J now you now u ...... don't need half sens to catch on. and if you don't understand Jut keep tlll and nobody will vr know the differ ence. I sy, "Hy. Colonel Politic, what I the matter with th country? He .well, up like a poisoned pup and says to me, "Bill. why. the slWer bug bear. That' what l tb matter with the country." Hayl The total value of the sliver coined In thl country in 1907 was 37,6. 000. Hear me! In 1007 the total value of the gold produced In thl country wa IM.'Zi.OOO, and we dumped ten time that much In the whisky hoi and didn't fill It. What I the matter? In 1904 the total value of all the gold and sliver wns ftKfSStt.OOO, snd w dumped three times that amount In tho whisky hole and didn't fill it. What la the matter with the country, Colonel Politics? He swells up and say. "Mr. Sunday, ttandpatterism, sir.'1 I aay, "You are an old windbag." "Oh." ssys another, "revision of the tariff." Another man .aid, "Free trade; open the door at the porta and let them pour the product In and wo will put tne trUBt on the ldetrack." Say, you com with mo to every port of entry. Listen! Last year th total value of all Import, wa. $1.438, 000,000, and we dumped that much In tha whtoky hole In twelve month, and did not fill It. "Oh," aay a man, "let u court South America nd Europe to sell our products. That', what 1. th matter; we are not exporting enough." Say. laat year th. total value of all the export wa $1,000,000,000, and w dumped that amount In the whtsky holo In one year, and did not fill It One time I wa down In Washington and went to th United State treaaary and said: "I wish you would let me go where you don't let th general publlo." And they took ua around on the In.Uln and wa walked Into a room about twenty feet long and fifteen wide and a many feet high, and I ald: "What la thl?" More Goes for Whtsky Than Own. "Thl is the vault that contain alt of th national bank stock In the Urflted State." I .aid. "How much In here?" They said, "$37$,000.000. And w dumped nearly four time the valu of the national bank stock In tho United State Into tb whisky hole last year, and we didn't fill the hoi up at that. What I the matter? Whenever the day come that all the Catholic and Protectant churche Just whin the day come when you will ay to that whisky business: "Tou go to hell," that day th whisky business will go to hell, but you sit there, you old whltky-aotlng elder and deacon and ves tryman, and you wouldn't strike your hands together on the proposition. It would stamp you an old hyiocrlte and you know it MM Mile of Saloons. Say, hold on a little bit. Have you got a silver dollar? I am going to show you how It Is burned up. We have In this country 250,000 saloons, and allow ing fifty feet frontage for each saloon. It makes a street from New Yoik to Chicago, and 6,rt.00O men, women and children go dally into the saloons for drink. And marching twenty mile a day It would take thirty days to pa. thl building, and marching five abreaat they would rearh 6S0 mile. There thV go, look at them! On January 1 600,000 of tha young men of our nation entered the grog-shop and began a public career hell ward, and on December SI I will come back her and summon you people, and ring the bell and raise the curtain and say to the saloons and breweries! "On January 1 I gave you 500.000 of the brain and muscU of our land, and I want them back and have com in the name of home, and church and :hool; father, mother, sitter, sweetheart, give me back what I gave you. March out." Drunks' Ptner.t 3,000 Mile Long. I count and WO.OUO hav lost their ap petite and have become muttering, bleary-eyed drunkards, wallowing in their own excteinent, and I say: "What is It I hear, a funeral dirge?" WhAt 1. that procession? A funeral proceoaton $.0u0 mile long and 110. OO hearse In the procession. On hundred ard ten thousand men die drunkard, la thl land of the free and tha homo of tho brave. In an hour twelve men died drunkards. 90 a day and HOOuo a year. On man will leap In front of a train another will plunge Into a river, an- other will plung from th dock Into a lake, another will throw hi hands to hi ho - d and life will end Another will cry, ' Mot her!" and hla life will go out like ft burned match. .- - - the whisky rrln.lnnl. They say. 'Yes.' I'M. I f'"1 the bullet." Yea, I backed t rM. nr I k lalla ktul eilinf ' my wire Into a miner and Peat lior tire out. 1 ant waiting ror tito searioia; i am waiting " "1 am waiting," says an- other, ' to flip Into hell." tin, on It goes. i I bold a silver dollar in my hand Come jon. we are going to a saloon. We will Into a saloon and spend that dollar . f "r iuatt. 71 takes 20 rent to make a Unllon of whisky and a dollar to buy a 'mart, a ray to the saloonkeeper. ; "dive me a Quart." ; ' '" '.' )' welt a minute. ; ,,ow ",, rnea ui. nere i am jonn, " aruiiKen imm wun a wue ano sis ; kids. (Thank O.xl. It's all a lie.) i ...... . (Mine on, I will go down to the saloon ' throw down my dollar. It costs W , cents to make a gallon of whisky. 'nickel will make a quart My dollar will uart of boose. Who gets the ttloUel? The farmer, for corn or apples. Who gets the cents? The I'nlted " , ....... states ir ivernment. the big distillers, th big corporal Ions. will week shop saloon- quart stag ger, and reel, nnd spew Into my wife' presence, and she says: "Hello, John; what did you bring home ?" "A quart." What will a iuart do? It will burn up my happiness and my home, and fill my home with squalor and want. So there la the dollar. Tho sali'wikeejer has It. want them for my son, and he put them on hi feet nd with the shoes to protect his feet he goes out and earn another dollar, and my dollar become a .liver thread In tho woof and warp of happl nesa and Joy, and the man that owns the building get tome, and th. clerk that sold the shoe, get some, and tha merchant and the traveling man .and tho wholesale house gets Some, and the factory, and the man that miido the sh es, and the man that tanned the hide, and the butcher that bought the calf, and the farmer that raised the ealf, and the little colored fellow that shlned the thoea, and my dollar spread Itself and nnliody I. made worse for attending the money, I Join the Booster club for buslnes. and prosperity. A man tald: "I will tell you what I. the matter with the country; If. overproduction." "You He; It Is underconsumption." Say, wife, the bread that ought to be In your tomneh to satisfy the cravings of hunger, la down yonder In the grocery store, and your husband hasn't money enough to carry It home. The meat that ought to satisfy your hunger hanga In tho butcher shop. Your husband hasn't money to buy It. The cloth for a dress Is lying on a shelf In tlte store, but your husband hasn t th money to buy It. The whisky gang has the money. What Is the matter with our country? I would like to do this: I would like to see every boose filthier get on th water wagon. I would like to summon all the drunkards In America and aayt Toy let's cut ber out and spend the money for flour, meat and calico; what do you say?" Pay! $&no,ooo.OOO will buy all the flour In the United Plates; $500,0000.000 wtll buy all the beef cattle, and $'00,000.00o will buy all tho cotton at $50 a bale. But we dumped more money than that In the whisky hole laat year, and didn't fill It. Com on; I'm going to lino up the drunkard. Everybody fall In. Come on, ready, forward, march, right. left there I come with all th drunk ards. We will lln up In front of a butcher shop. The butcher says: "What do you want, a plec of neck?" "No; how much do I ow you? $3. Here your dough. Now giv m a por terhouse steak and a sirloin roast." "Where did you' get all that money? "Went to hear BUI and ollmtied on th water wagon." "Hello! What do you want?" "BeefaUak." What do you want? "Beefsteak." We empty the ahop and th butcher run to th telephone. "Hey, central, give me the slaughter heuse. Have you got any beef, any pot"", and mutton?" They strip the slaughter houses and then telephone to Swift, and Armour, and Nelson Morris and Cudahy, to send down train toad of bfteaka, nttln on Water Wagon He as. "What' tha mltr?" "The whole tiutich ha gotten on th water wagon." And Swift and th other big packer In Chicago aay to their tJemen: "Buy beef, pork and mutton. The farmer ae th price of cattl nd sheep Jump three times their valu. Let me take the money you dump Into th whisky hole and buy beefsteak! with it. I will thow you what la the matter with America I think the liquor busl. ness is the dirtiest, rotrenest business thl tide of hell. Come on, ar you ready? Fall in! W lln up In front of a grocery tore. "What do you wnt?" "Why. I want flour." 'What do you want?" "Hour." "What do you want? "Flour." "Plllsbury, Minneapolis, 'Sleepy KyT " "Yea; ship In train loads of flour; send on the fast mall schedule, with an engine in front, one behind and a Mogul In the middle. "What th matter?" "Why, th worklngmen hav (topped pending their money for boot and hav begun to buy flour." " h'skT Men Have Yonr Money. Th Wg mill tell their men to buy wheat and th farmers see th price Jump to over $2 per bushel. What' th matter with th country? Why. the whisky gang ha your money and you hav an emtpy stomach, and yet you will walk up and vote for the dirty business. Com on, cut out th boos, boys. Oct on the water wagon; get on for the sak of your wife and bublea, and hit th booze a blow, Comtt on, ready, forward, march! Right, left, halt! We ar la front of a dry goods trtor. "What do you want?" "Calico." "What do you want?" "Calico." "What do you want?" "Calico." "Calico; all right, com oil "The .tore or stripped. "Hey, Wanamaker, Btrawbridge Clothier, Gimbela', Llt'a, send down cal ico. Th whole bunoh has voted out the nsJuona and we havo such a demand for ealloo we don t know what to ao I "And th big atore. telegraph to Fall I River to ship calloo, and th factories tel- II.m la n. w n i n rl t ha..a that TV. nnt egraph to buy cotton, and they tell their salesmen to buy cotton, and the cotton plantation man sees cotton Jump up to llMl a tint - What la the matter? Your children are going naked and the whisky gang ha your money. Trims wnai s me maurr witn you. ioni listen 10 mos o,.. whisky - soaked politicians who say. "Stand-pat on the saloon." Usee m Urankard. He Mow Rare fnr HmMi Come with me. Now. remember. Wt l4avp ,n whole bunch of boose fighters on ,),- water wagon, and I'm going home now i,, l,"m' snd , Over here I was John, the drunken The whisky gang got my dollar rot a nmrt. Over here I am John on th. watpr wagon. The merchant got lv dnUar j,j t have Ida meat, flour and r.lle and I'm .nln. hnms now "Ri it " - - " - ever BO humble, there's no place llkt home without Loose." Wife comm out and say. "Hello, John, what have you got?" "Two porterhouse steaks, Sally," "What a that bundle, pa?" "Cloth to make you a new dress, sis Your mother has fixed youi old one so often It looks like a craty quilt "And what have you there?" "That's a pair of shoes for you, Tom, and here Is some cloth to make you -a pair of pants.' Your mother has patched the old ones so often they look like a : map of the Vnlted States." What's the matter with th country? I We have been dumping the money Into tho whisky hole that ought to have been spent for flour, beef and calico, and we haven't that hole filled up yet. A man comes along and says; "Arc you a drunkard?" "Yes, I'm a drunkard." "Where are you going?" "I am going to belt" "Why?" "Because the Good Book aay: Nc drunk rl shall Inherit the kingdom ot Hod.' an I am going to hell." Another man comes along and I '- -"Are you a church member?" "Yea, I am a church member. "Wher ar you going?" "I am going to heaven." "Did you vote for th aaloon? "Ye." "Then you ahould go to ban. Pay, If the man that drink the whisk) goes to hell, the man that vote, for th. 1 saloon that .old the whisky to him will go to hell. If the man that drinks tho whisky goei to hell, ana the man that sold th whlakj to the man that drank It goes to heaven then that poor drunkard will hav th right to stand on the brink of eternal damnation and put hla arms around th pillar of Justice, .hake hi. flat In tha fact of tho Almighty and aayt "Unjuat! In Just!" If you vote for th dirty buslnesi you ought to go to hell a sur a yoti live, and I would Ilk to fire the fur nace while you ar there. Hem fellow says: Drive lint f a loon, Kmnty tho Jail. "Hrlve the saloon out and th build ing will be empty." Which would yoti rather have, empty building, or empt) Jnll. penitentiaries and Insane ayhunal You drink th stuff and what have yoi to say? You that vote for It, and yoi that sell It? Look at them painted on thi canvas of your recollection. What Is th. matter with thl. grand ol country of ours? I heard my friend George Stuart, tell how ho Imagined tha he walked up to a' mill and .aid: "Hello, there, what kind of a mill art you?" "A tawmlll." "And what do you make?" -"We make board out of log." "I the finished product worth mon than the raw material?" "Ye." "We will make law for you. We mu hav lumber for houses." lie goes up to another mill and .ays.. "Hey, what kind of a mill ar you?" "A grist mill." "What do you makr "Flour and meal out of wheat anc corn." "I th finished product worth mora than the raw material?" "Yes." "Then come on. We will mak law fo: you. We will protect you." He goe up to another mill and say.: "What kind of a mill ar your' "A ppr mill." "What do you mak paper out of?" "Htraw and rag." "Well, w will mak law ror you. Wi must have paper on which to write notet and mortgage." Boy Are firlst of the Rum Mill. He goe. up to another mill and aay.t "Hey, what kind of a mill ar your' "A gin mill." "1 don't Ilk the look nor th tmet of you. A gin mill; what do you make' What kind of a nuil ar your "A gin mill." "What la your raw material I" "Th. boy of America." The gin mill of thl. country must hav 1,00.1,000 boy or abut up ahop. Say. walk down your ttreets, count the home, an. very fifth home ha. to furnl.u a boj fur a drunkard. Hav. you fumishci your? No. Then I bav to furnish tw to mak up. "What I your raw material V "American boy." "Then I will pick th boy up and givi them to you." A man says: "Hold on, not that boy be la mine." Then I will aay to you what a taloor keeper aald to m when I protested: ! am not interested in boy; to hU wltl your boy." "Hay. aaloon gin mill, what I you finished product?" "Bleary-eyed, low-down, ataggerin men and th tcum of God' dirt that hav gone to tho mat and taken tb count." Go to th jails, go to tb lnsan. asy lum and the penitentiaries, and ths home for feeble-minded. There you will find th finl.hed product for thlr dirty bu.lness. 1 tell you It Is th worst bual ner this aide of hell, and you know It What is your raw material, aaloon American boys. Say, I would not giv, one boy for all the distilleries and aa loons this side of hell. And they havt to have $.000,000 boy every generation. And then you tell in you ar. a man, when you will vote for an tnatltutlot like that. What do you want to dot pay taxes In money or in boys? The Lesson of th Rattlesnake. I feel Ilk n old fellow In Tennessee, who made hla living by catching rattle snakes. He caught on with fourteen rattle and put it In a box with a gla top. On day when he wa tawing woot hi little 5-year-old boy, Jim, took th lid oft and th rattler wriggled out anl truck him In th cheek. He ran to hli father and aald: ,"TIi rattler has bit me." The father ran and chopped th. rattler to piece, and with his Jack knife, he 'cut a chunk from th boyl cheek snd then sucked and sucked at th wound to draw out the polaon. H looked at little Jim, watchsd th pupil of hla eye dllat and watched bin well to thro time, bl normal ls (Continued eu Pago Bovoa, Cot Four.;