Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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Missouri Pacific Suit to Enjoin En
forcement of Low Tariff Law
Ha Deen Set.
from a Siaff .rM-pondent.
UNOOI.N. Oct J.-iSiwc:. T1i HI" ,
souri Pacific rsllrnn.l s suit to enjoin
enfor.remriit 'f Nrt.rHsfc"a i-cml fare j
liv, on the grouivl tlml the rale In uu-
n-munrrativr and ounfiw story, will be !
hoard In fcdoral r..nrt Hi Omaha, boforo
Judge Sanborn of St. Paul on Novemlnr
3. Attorney Ucn'rnl Ho- s notlfU-il
tonv. Tho tlitr lias Urn agn-ed upon
and Judge Sanboin hnn Wn ssKlgm-rl ,
to hoar the j
The Miiin-nta Judge Is iho nne man :
ho lii'M Minnesota's i-c nt fare law j
unconstitutional ! use It tenrii-d to In- j
terfere with litt rotnir commerce. In I
the Missouri Pacific case no mixtion
Is involved but the sufficiency of th '
rate. !
Attorney Geneml Reed will appear a
counsel for the siatH of Nebraska at
the Omaha hearing. Mr. Uced leaves
Faturdny for Washington to help argue
the t-ctnt far cases now pending I
fwe the Interstate Commerce commis
sion, which affect only the interstate
? f " v
Boy Sells Three Hundred and Torry
Dollan' Worth of Cucumbers
from One Acre.
fHK'AOn, Oct 2. Herman lloesehe. 11
year fild. of Orrtiwrd IMace, Conk ciunty,
Illinois, this mmmT irll UK) north of
cucumbers which lie rniscl on one ecro
of land.
Ml n lini-nann, a school i,lil of Xlli
lownhli, -in a tenth of an am-, rnle'l
nnl.wia anil liennt which ehr koM fir K'..
The a-lrl explained to hr-r malrictora that, j mortilnK at the various depots
Alliance is to Meet
Here October 5 and 6
The sixth annual conTentlon of the
rierman-Amrrl'an alliance of Nehraka
will be held In Omaha Tuesday and
Wednesday, fctotxr t and . Thla la the
first time that the alliance meets here
nlne It organisation six years ao. The
local alliance has been buey In making
ananaeinents for the comlna meeting.
whl h wtlj be of more than usual Im
portance. The following program has
been prepared:
Heieptlon of the delegates, Tuesday
ford an J Doyle
rlp would liavo nuine more off the plot
only "rtidlshoa wlilch were planled after
the onions were a failure and had to bp
duif up.'-
These are concrete examples of Iho re
sult of the correlation of home work and
nc!ol studies whlrh was b '.n several
years ago In the 01 mnlzatlon of field
land garden rliiha umong the pupils of the
rural schools In the twenty-three town
hlHi of Ouok enmity, ouL-ids of Chlcn.
Instead of llmltiiiK tho nclllf. of the
pupils to their sch'M'l studies alone, home
llfo Is brought Into touch with the school
Morgan J. Ioyle of Darlington. Wis.,
was elected president of the 1915 class
of the law department of Crelghton uni
versity. Doyle received Ills degree of
Hachelor of Arts at Marco,uctte univer
sity and came to Crelghton last year.
lie Is popular among Ms class mates
and also among the student body. He Is
a member of the Delta Theta I'M law
(Continued from Page One )
every 16U wag earners. K.acli camp is en
titled to at least two tepr.-?enlatlves.
For mediation puriwises the company's
ramps are divided Into five districts the
Trinidad dlstrht, the Walsenbiirg dis
trict, the t'anon district, comprising all
the mines In Fremont county; the west
ern district, comprising all the mines on
the western slope In Colorado, and the
Hunrlse (Wyo.) district.
For the settlement of disputes and tho
discussion ot any problems In the rela
tions of the company wttn Its employe,
district conferences shall be hold, at
tended by the grievance representatives
from all the camp In the district and
company officers, not exceeding In mini -ber
the representatives of the miners.
The delegate representing the min
er and the company eligible to alt In
each district conference are to select
from their number Joint committees,
composed of all members each, as fol
lows: Joint committee on Industrial co-operation
and conciliation.
Joint committee on aafety and acci
dents. Joint committee on sanitation, health
and housing. ,
Joint committee on recreation and edu
cation. The plan makes elaborate provision
for the settlement of Industrial dispute.
After pledging the corporation and It
employes to observe federal and state
minina; laws, the manifesto states:
"There shall be no discrimination by
the company or by any of Its employes
on account of membership or non-membership
In any society, fraternal organi
sation or union."
Another clause says:
"The right to hire and dta'-litirue, the
management of the prntMTtles anil the
direction of the Working forces, shall be
vested exclusively In the company, and,
as expressly restricted, this right shall
not he abridged by anything rontttined
M's Adjustment Provision,.
The lln provides, however, that the
company must post a llt of offenses
for which dismissal may be muhi with
out notice; for all other offense em
ploye shall not be discharged wlthotr
notification that a repetition will cause
dismissal. The company r serves the
privilege of relieving employe from duty
on account ot lack of work.
Kmployes are guaranteed the right to
hold meetings, to purchase supplies
where the please and to employ check
welghmen. A miner or group of miners
with a grievance against the company
shall take the matter to the camp's
elected representative. The representa
tive must first seek adjustment from the
foreman or superintendent. Falling to
receive satisfaction, he Is then at lib
erty to appeal to the president's repre
sentative, at present David drift It hs, or
to higher officer of the company, up
to President J. F. Welborn.
Another method of settlement oien to
the miners after the Initial appeal to
the foreman or superintendent, la a hear
ing before the district Joint committee
en conciliation. If the committee falls
to agree it may select an umpire, whoso
decision shall be binding on all parties.
If the Joint committee fails to ailJtiHt
a dispute It Is provided that It shall be
settled by arbitration or by reference to
the Colorado State Industrial commis
The company guarantees the . grlev
rice representative of the men agslnsl
noon hour and the time required to go
and come from the mine opening to the
place of employment.
"Nine hours shall constitute a day's
and they a'e encouraged to "do some
thing" ns well as t "learn something."
Ho hearty has been the response of the
boys and girls that today six dlstin'-t
school-home project are In active opera
tion under the direction of Kdward .1.
Tobln, county superintend-nt of schools,
ami school life ho taken on a new mean
Ink'. These projects Include:
Field, school and homo, t'nder which
the pupils are. eneonrnifH to ?ikhkp in
agricultural work on pints rented from
Viewing of the Flower parade, Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Immediately after
the paraile the delegates will be taken
lo the Herman Home, where the conven
tion will be opened at 30. A banquet
will be given In honor of the delegates
and visiting women between and
o'clock. At 8 o'clock Herman day will
be celebrated with a program consisting
of appropriate songs and speeches. Mayor
Dablman will make the addres of wel
come. Other speeches will be made by
the president, Val J. Peter, Attorney Wil
1 iuh I man will make the addres of wel
Mattes from Nebraska City and Hon.
Fred Volpp of rVrlbner.
There will be business meeting
Wedneilay forenoon and afternoon at the
(Sermun Home. Wednesday afternoon the
convention will adjourn, Wednesday
evening tho delegates will view the elec
trical Ak-.Har-Hen parade from a tempo
rary stand to be erected In front ot Jef
ferson square.
After the parade an entertainment will
be iivcn In honor of the delegate at me
TV VTV D l"'and. From there the party goes to Salt
iLLULli Ike City over the Union Pacific and to
i flan Francisco over the Western Pacific.
. .... , - . fi,... 1 The mayor was In San Francisco at the
One Tih that Take. To and Orowi jtln of the EatlarM, dlllt ud hurrlB(j
Fat On a Diet of Small Ameri
can Alarm Clocks.
home. II now goe west to finish his
Pacific coast trip.
o Material Damage.
A husky Fthlnplsn came Into a lawyer
Pasengers arriving by the. transatlan
tic liners bring strange torics, not all for dls heah." In response to a query
... . . ,K. from the lawyer he explained: "Well,
of which are baaed on the war. But It . hoM wum ukf dlg. Ai wul worklnr
eems that tn war nas nao ion nien. ;nown ny nis neah new bulidln ,
by lessening the transatlsntlc passenger ; -oonn crick tell ofr n rie sli
... i .nl'tory an tit me on top de hald.
raffle, and jwrticularly. by remoUn all. A grnfl)ig ftn1 heartless const
offloe and exhibited a scalp wound
three Inches lotia on too of hi head.
wanted tn know if he could "git anything
bulldin , an a
lrsrric, and particularly. Dy remown an. A ar8IJng n(, heartless construction
the German liner from the pain or me company, allriougti admitting the facts
, .,,. 1V,. .i,,,k. , ..... Knr-.and their liability, refused to pay more
derlng on tarvatlon. says the New Torto
Mail. Tbe condition of the unfortunate
marina monster ha produced the fol-
I than li), on the ground that the evt-
. I ,
dence failed to disclose any material
damage. Case and Comment.
Father anal Bow.
A clubman who nose as a humorist
wa having his shoes shlned at a railway
"And Is your father a bootblack, too?"
he asked the boy at Ms feet.
"No." said the bootblack- 'Uf father
Is a farmer up the state."
"Ah. ssid the humorist, as he reache-l
for hi notebook to make an entry, "he
believe In making hay while) the soa
shine." New York Times.
1 t
Owe Reason.
"T have discovered. remarked the ol.l
codger, "one reason why political parties,
clubs. oc'e ies and organisation fail lo
keer Intact."
"Why?" asked the youthful seeker aftei
"I Just ttld yotf." gald the old odger.
"They fall to keep In tact." Judge.
-IMIBJ I ri I' W li"ll I
their parents. These pint, are h wuliirly I home of the Omnha Mus:K verein on
lir-ectril by tho s hod country II I u Hi- I Seventeenth and Cane street. In honor
"iWlry. -nhonl and home: Poultry ' h" vl"ltln WOmCn m'"
rslHlng Is underinken bv tin children, I at the Herman Home will De given
who have exclusive rare of the fowls ! u-...i..u,l , v afternoon by the local
mid keep accurate record of the cost and
Cow testing: Fpeclnllv ndni led to tli
work Jot all outside labor, except fore- diilry districts. The child nn,u. ,. ,.iiv
men and engineers. teals of mil's and determines from tlm
"All employes shall be paid semi-
monthly by check.
"No deduction shall be made from ' 'uHlness: In which a business venture
earning, except where authorised by em- irtnken. Kach mn.ll I. em teH i,.
average prntagp of butler fats the
I -,. on-ui in uuiter and piiik from
i mrri t-ow.
Waare Rral Provisions.
"No change affecting condition of em-
keep nn accurate record for not lev than
elirlrt months.
CVxiklnif. tannine and Mwlitr Tk.
pit dcrriorwt rates hec pi-oki-iks and the
nlovment wtlh roeuect to wage or hours . nietliods emnlit ed.
hall be made without first giving thirty ! .M!,"!!:. which a recor.1 ,f the h-rtirs
day' notice, a provided by atatute.
"The schedule of wage and the work
ing condition now In force In the several
Olstrlct shall continue without reduction,
but If, prior te January 1, 1I1H, a general
Increase (hall be granted In competitive
districts In which th company does not
conduct operations, a proportional in
crease shall be made. For thla purpose
a Joint meeting of the miner' represen
tative and proper officer of the com
pany shall be called within thirty day
after the Increnao in competitive dis
tricts Is effective, to discuss and de
termine an equitable method for fixing
the new scale In the district affected."
The contract la to he signed by the
president and secretary of the Colorado
Fuel and Iron company, and. In behalf of
ita employes, by the representative ot
each camp.
Five Booklets Free.
"Short Trip Into th Rockies from
Denver." "Denver and Colorado' Moun
tain Park and Resorts." "One Day
Hcenlo Trips Into Denver's Mountain
Parks and Resorts," "Summer Frolics
In the Rock lei," and "The Vacation
Number of Denver Commerce."
Write to the Albany hotel manage
ment, Denver, Colo., for these booklet.
of atudv and practice, are reci rded and
exhibition of proficiency given.
In each of theso projects a certificate
of achievement Is given for faithful work.
Thl certificate I separate from tho reg
ular school marking.
Successful pupil are given achievement
Hint the puplla are interested Is shown
by the enrollment, which In the field
section now numbers 2,W. In the busi
ness section there are nearly 8i. Much
Interest la also shown In the other
Apartments, flats, house and cottager
ran be rented quickly and oheauly by
Hee "For Rent"
Ad Club to Go to
Lincoln to Hear
Dohhs Lecture
The Lincoln Ad club has extended an
Invitation to the Omaha Ad club to meet
with them at Lincoln, October 7, to listen
to a lecture given by Frauk HtockdaJe.
The subject of the lecture will be "Deal
ers' Help A It Look to the Dealer."
This lecture wa written by Ram C.
Dobba, vice president of the Coca Cola
company and I one of the official course
In connection with tho Iiound Table
Kludy course, season 19IS-H of th As
sociated Advertising Club of the World.
Unite a goodly number of the Omaha
Ad club have already signified their In
tention of going to Lincoln for this lec
ture. President R. B. Wallace of th Omaha
Ad club wants a large delegation to go
and would like to hear from those who
can go.
Prof, F. M. Fling to
Give Opening Talk
to Drama League
lrof. F. M. Fling of the t'nlverslty of
unjust discharge or discrimination and Nebraska will give the opening lecture
provides that a representative who for the Drama league, Saturday, Octo-
thlnka he has been the victim of dls-1 ber , at i.HO o'clock In the high school
orlmlnatlon may appeal to the State ' auditorium. Prof. Fling's subject will be
Industrial commission. I "The Piny th Thing "
Kent, l-lebt and Water. I Not only Drama league member, but
The contract or memorandum or!any one who 1 Interested, has been ln-
agreement appended to the statement is 1 vl'ed.
Danes to Present
National Play in
Omaha This Week
The Danish Dramatic orlcty, "Iianne
brog," under the auspices ot the Danlnh
Odd Fellow lodge, that had such a great
ucces with It presentation this spring
of the Danish historical dru- i, "Tor
denskjold," ha been preparing a revival
of John Helnie's popular plsy, "llnrveat
Ifome Frolics," which will be presented
with a strong caste, new music, scenery,
costume and electrical effect at the
theater In Washington hall, Tuesduy
evening, October i.
No efforts have been spared to make
this the gala affair of the season, and
the greatest crowd of Dane that have
ever been at the old historical hall Is
expected to be present on this occasion,
the Ak-flar-Uen festival having been
widely advertlied In the surrounding
Danish colonies, and Invitations have
been Issued to all the Danish Ilrother-
hood lodge In Iowa and Nebraska; and
although the seating capacity ot the large
auditorium has been doubled, the com
mittee In charge fear that all the visit
ing Danes cannot be crowded into the
hall, as the advance sale of ticket Is
already very greitt, ani probably the play
may be given at both a matinee and
evening performance, In order to give
everybody a chance to witness the pre
sentation of the play, the proceeds of
which will be devoted to charity.
u,.,in'a iirranKcinent committee. A very
large attendance of delegate from all
parts of tne state I expected.
Xew Jersey's Prise Hermit Has Re
it need the Cost of Living; to
Ten Cents a Year.
Persons passing through the wood of
New Jersey In the trail of the lonesome
pine are likely to encounter In the vicin
ity of Ilrown's Mills person known
only as Charles, who Is leading; all the
other squirrel of New Jersey in tha
standing broad nut contest. He Is known
a the "Wild Man of the Woods," but
has been called worse.
Those who know least about Charles
Fay that he grew wild about four years
ago when hie wife, getting a good look
at his profile, accepted the call of the
city and made a stealthy exit from his
life. Plnce then tie has grown steadily
wilder, until now, when his standing; In
the raving league has become unques
tioned. Charles ha an apartment sooth of
Brown's MUls made of grass, boughs,
mud and feathers, and hi business suit
Is mado of hides, rags, bunting, gauze,
court plaster, automobile veiling, and
leather. He resembles, It la said, a
futurUtlo Impreswlon ot bundle day dur
ing an earthquake.
Despite the suspicion that Charles has
a number of pigeons and Fjiglleh spar
rows In Ills mentaJ belfry, he circled the
end of the high cost of living last year
and irot away with the expenditure of
but 10 cents This money was spent in
a single day for a box of matches after
he had been annoyed by three trifling
fires in his clothing caused by fooling
eround with a flint and steeL His food
he obtains with traps and his reading
costs him practically nothing.
Long association with the animals and
birds In the woods about him has led
to a frlendxhip between tha hermit and
these mute friends, and they seldom ay
anything behind hla back that they would
not willingly repeat Into his teeth. New
York Herald.
lowing weird tale, which Is contributed
to the Office Window:
"The other day a shark, sometimes
known s the pirate of the ocean, wa
swimming peacefully along while follow-
"The other day a shark, sometimes
known s the pirate of the ocean, was
swimming pescefully along while fol
lowing In the wake of a ship. A usual,
he wa hungry- reputation for
voracity was well dee.rved, although ho
had not gone as far In hi Indiscrimina
tion as to food as some of the sharks,
who figure in the records have gone.
Still, he had eaten, with unsatisfied hun- i
ger. all he could get of the refuse
thrown from th ship.
Appetite for f inders.
"A brother shark had eaten, without
content, a bag of cinders, which the
sailors had purposely thrown overboard.
Other shark in tbe school bad eaten at
various times the following Items, via.:
A lady's work box, discarded ship's pa
pers, baskets, shaving, cordage, ducks,
hens, buffalo hide snd a tin cannlster
filled wtih coins, not to expand the menu
"The shark about which this Item is
principally concerned, however, has
eschewed all of these articles and was,
in consequence, still hungry.
"Suddenly an Idea occurred to one of
the sailors on board the followed ship.
Thl sailor had a well-founded antipathy
for all shark In general and for tho
one who wa ao near In particular. He
determined to try a new method of scar
ing the shark away. With this end In
view he procured an alarm clock, which
he carefully wound up and set to go oft
In twenty minute. Then the sailor tied
the clock to a rope and dropped It over
board. The shark instantly swallowed it.
Clork aa a Diet.
"The rhythmic ticking of the clock
seemed to be soothing to the sea scaven- I
ger, but when the alarm went off he was
really and truly scared. The shark mani
fested thl various ways. He first stood
on his hind legs; this Is, of course, his
tall, and then turned somersault. Noth
ing that he could do, however, served to
stop the clock. The Influx of th aea
water (wallowed by the shark In hla
vain efforts to accomplish this, seemed
only to wind up the clock and to Insure
Its continued running. If the shark's face
oould have been seen by tha dock It
might have thus been stopped, but aa It
happened. It was, indeed, a sad cass for
th shark, who was apprehensive that
tha clock might be an Infernal machine.
The great fish finally took refuge In
flight, meanwhile lashing the water furl
oualy with hi tall and registering other
sign of his disapproval. The pilot fish
accompanied hurt.
'Several week afterward thl same
hark wa captured by the same ship.
When the monster wa drawn on deck
by the triumphant crew the dock was still
running and keeping excellent time. Tha
alarm went off five minute afterward."
The office window seems to be expected
by Its Informant to believe this story,
but the reader la under no such obligation.
Spark Scroono
Flro Toolo
Gas Logo
Wood Daokots
Visit our beautiful, extensive display of fireplace
goods. Big assortment; low prices; fine designs;
excellent quality.
Not tha least obligation to bxnr txut ccme and
Far Largest Stock in Omaha
Entire Third Floor State Bank Building,
N. E. Corner 17th and Harney.
l ard to Compliments.
I suppose you have something pretty
In lies, miss?" . " , . ,
"oh, ye," wild the rosy-cheked r!r
taking a box from the shelf; "hern's
some l ie ty bt"e silk one for U Just too
aweet for anvthlnn." ...
"I think you are a little dear," he said,'
with a pleasant smile.
"You are very complimentary, she re
plied, hUslilng. When he thought how
he ri teen misunderstood, be blushed and
"th, 1 I eg pardon, miss! I dldn t mean
to sny you were a dear, I"
"Never mind! there are plenty of young
men who think so. Hood day, sir."
When he turned away her blushea were
gone, and his (me ooVed as If he had
stool on a lady's train. New Tork Times.
Mayor Thompson to
Be Here on Tuesday
Advices to the Northwestern are that
'William Hale Thompson, mayor of Chi
cago, will arrive in Omaha Tuesday noon
and will remain until o'clock in the
Mayor Thompson has a party of about
100. mostly Chicago city officials and
other prominent cltlxens. They come In
on a special train over th Northwestern.
At noon the mayor and members of the
party will be guest ot th Commercial
club. An automobile rid 1 planned for
the afternoon. In the evening Mayor
Thompson and party on their special train
will leave for Denver over th Rock
. . tt q .OA A Mr tnfiP M Batnrrlav Till Q P.M. i i '
.4 , U LU1 B ilVUifl, U.UV '- . M . t NKluuii v .-
Delivers a Standard Make
wfinul MacMinie
as follows:
"It Is mutually an reed that In addi
tion to th rights and provisions guar
anteed the employes and the company
in tha industrial ivprvwilattoii plan
herewith, the following stipulations re
speotlng employment, living and working
condition shall govern the parlies here
to from the date of tiieir signatures
hereon until January 1, VJU, und shall I
Continue thereafter subject to revision
upon ninety days' tiotl- by either ol
the panic.
"The charge to employe for dwellings
without hath .shall not exceed ; vr
mora per month.
"The presiiit uniform vlarua of 4l
-enta per electric liuht er mouth, with
free light on porvhes. hull not le
"There will be no cl.smi. for domestic
eater, except In cu.., m litre th" com
pany is obliged to purchase snin ; In
such Cacs the charges shall be vub
lantially cost to the company.
"The rales to lie charged emiios for
powder and domestic coal shall be sub
stantially their cost to the company.
"To encourage emidnyes lo cultivate
flowers snd vegetable gardens, the com
pany agrees to fence, free of charge,
each houae lot owned by it.
"The comiwiuy will continue Its prac- J
ties of removing garbage fre of charge. .
"As tbe need beeome manifest, the .
company will continue Its present policy,
providing a rapidly as pusrlhle autiable
bath house and (octal center In the '
nature cf clufc houae for lis employes at I
the several mining camp.
"Eight hour shall constitute a day's
work for all underground employes. This I
g&aaa sight bours. esclustve of tU
Lady Gregory of the Irish flayers will
come to sddtess the Irama lagot later
in the month.
Miss Kale A. Mclliigh la president of
the organisation, whhlt was formed late
in the spring.
I Ve!
From Piles
no mstter bow long or how bad go to
vour druk'Klst today and get a 60 tent
l...v ,.f ll,.,nilil I'll Trfalinant It will
give uulck relief, and a totiKle boa oft 1
cures. A trial package mailed free In
Ittln wruPPr if you send us coupon
ptbamiii intra company,
bit Pyramid Hblg., MarsbaJl, Micii.
Kindly send me a Free sample of
Pyramid Ml TreaSaasst, lu plain
w rappar.
City Ktate
1- n
I mCM Be
sTattosal Antomatl
I 3.0O
j I
( ! sTw atoms.
1 1 f'ewMi'ntl I
I J1
I II Blarer,
1 0
THIS remarkable plan is
bound to sell you a ma
chine Monday. A simple, sure
and liberal plan to
help you secure a
high grade sewing ma
chine on easy terms.
Com to our department Monday and pick, th mactaln you
like beat from our eylenilld aasortnient register, pay 6
ifnts anil the machine will be delivered to your home I ta
med Lately.
Every Machine (Emsurainteedl
Ten years of life-time guarantee. Too can make your ejec
tion from Kingvr, YUard. Standard, Sew Home, ,
Hone, Automatic, Paraxon and Arrow all new machine.
AV few aieaiuen'a as. tuples Included at special price.
te Bow.
rtaaderd motary.
Is Easy to Order by Phone
Six incoming' wires serve
our private exchange. You
can always get us prompt
ly. Intelligent, well-ln-fonned
people answer ev
ery call. Each one is anx
ious to serve you well.
Dot That is Hot All.
10:00 TO 11:00 A. EL AND 3 TO 4:00 P. II
Bargeas-sTasfe Oo. TMr Hot.
Clark motary,
urgess-Nash Company.
everybody- by one
Burgess-Nash Co Everybody's Store 16th and llarneys-
Call Douglas 252
and you need have no hes
itation in buying "sight
and we make a written
contract that the coal wo
sell you will give perfect
We guarantee you care
ful screening, accurate
weight and highest quali
ty coaL
To Chooso From
Try Petroleum Coke
$9.50 Per Ton
Sunderland Bros. Co.
Entire 3d Floor State Bank Bldg., 17th and Harney Sts.
Phone Douglas 252.
. a.
r? v&
nn V
e, 0x L LMJ
Free Proof To You
All I want I yar nam md address ae I caa arnd oa a free trial traat
mmL I w.nt aa ju.t lo try thl traaLBseas Utat all Just try tt.
That mi euly argument
I've been la the drag bastarss In Port War fnr e year, aearty twryoa know a snd
Imwi about Bar succcsslul treatment. Over three thMeaMl ) outside of yrt
Viarne ha.e, acenrdiug to taetr swa ststsssrn U. vcea cured by Uu W safest ataos I Arst
sud Uii effer public
If roe have Eczema, Itch. Sari Wfcsaim. Tetter never mind how had ssv tnetasaat baa
cured bit worst case 1 ere saw (tare saw a ekaaee te grave say el else.
fid me yonr nane and arldrresee theeeupon below ss'l grt tin tilil I waul Uissnd
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J. C. KUTZCLL. DrvssUt, 8S6 Vet Mala St, Fort Way, laid.
Ussss 4 wttaeat seat er ahUg vane ts sss yeas Free Pre Treaties.
I Me-