Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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    Till: OMAHA SLXDAV WW.: (MTOWOIt ,?, 1H15.
"Let Your Light So Shine Before
Men," is Sunday's Afternoon Text
PilJy" Sunday this aiternoon spolie as
but If
TVxt. Matthew v:l-' Let jour light no
shine bo fore men, that thfjr shall see
your (tooil words, and glorify jour Fattier
whl h In in heaven."
They will (tlorlfy Ood berauw of what
thry aee In your Uvea. They will slorlfy
Him because of the power they nee In
you. Uvlng o a to irlorify Ood waa the
first thins: trauK taught Ills diaclples. and
it Is the first thin He enjolna upon ua.
Religion la the most Important matter
In life, and It should be our flrnt busi
ness. The text menna that you shouldn't
shins on Sunday and be like a London
foa; for the remainder of the week. Your
light should so shine every day and all
the time.
It la not what you aay that counts, nor
It la so muc h how treat the thing Is that
yon do. A man can serve (tod while driv
ing hogs aa well as while preachlnK the
Kosprl. A man can be one of the wort
dinners as he alts In prw or slnirs hymns
nd he ran tie the lu st kind of a saint
while he is thawing a wuler pipe. The Im
portant thing is that you live for the
lord, wherever you are and whatever It
Is your buslueHs to do.
"Let' your linht so Bhlne before men
that they may see your Rood works and
glorify your Futhir which is in heaven."
This means that Uod experts all to
shine. We cnn"t all be great preachers
and we ouuht to bo thankful for that;
we can't all be great a'ngera ami it's a
irood thins; that we can't: but all can
lo somethlnu, every man can stand for j an arc laP
"hrlst. and let the worl.l know where he i 'nellest Usui
Stands. V ran let the world, the flesh
and the devil know on which side we
stand. I'll bet the brewers don't smile
much when they see your white ribbons.
They know where you are.
It's a good thing we are not all preach
ers. It's a good thing that we are not
all sinners. I know what would happen
to you people out there if I tried to sing,
and I know what would happen to you if
"Rody" tried to preach.
I'll bet there are a lot of church moni
tors In town who can show so poor a
light that you can't tell whether they
are for these meetings or against them.
That's the reason the devil is having such
a good time and that's why he wasn't put
In the hospital long ago.
A man a church member waa going up
to a lumber camp In the north, and a
friend said to him.
"If those lumberjacks find out you're
a Christian they'll make sport of you."
He went up there and when he came back
hla friend said:
"Well, how did ou get along with the
lumherjacks?" The man answered:
"All right. They didn't find it out."
That'a the way with so many people
who profess to be Christians. They're
church members, but a stranger would
have a mighty hard time finding it out.
If you are a Mason, everybody knows it
If you're an Odd Fellow, you wear the
pin with the three links and everybody
knows you are. If you are a democrat
and any one who doesn't know it makes
an attack on the democratic party in
your presence, he'll find out mighty
Don't Flht for Christ.
The first thing a man does when he
Joins a lodKo is jo gi't a pin, and It any
body, says anything, against the lodge
lie'll stand ui and fight for It;' but tHere
are avlot of ..'church -members who will
seo the .church and' Jesus Christ Insulted
and never open their mouths. If they
were real men they would do what a man
does when he Bees his wife or sister In
sulted. They would fight If there was a
tlanlty is the salt of the worl.l. It will
kill that germ. So If jou sneer at re
ligion you are a fool.
The only power that keeps Omaha from
rotting into hell is Christianity. That's
why I want to bring It here.
Jesus tells ' us, too. that we are a
leaven, and He roeans us to I.hvoii the
whole lump. When He mentioned leaven.
every woman who was present knew
that He waa talking Vout bread-making 1 p"ouK! religion In It to float
then 1 am against all the world. By the
eternal gods! 1 ant going to preach Jesus
Christ In this city if I have to load my
own trunk on a w heelbarrow and roll It
awny myself when I get through.
And you people who are to me
telling me how to preach my sermons are
wasting your Ink and paper. If you know
more about preaching than I, why don't
you preach yourself? Say, If every one
lived like lie expected others to live the
millennium would le here.
Fifteen years ago the devil fought in
Hob Ingeisol.'s Inflde'lty.
Now he tattles with some faked stuff
he calls rel glon. and then he gets here
tics for him. This stuff has got Just
It. but It's
and sat up and listened to find
whether He had His dope right. lie
had, too. You know how leaven worlds -put
JusVa Httle of It Into a mass an I
He Intended us to prevent it from rot
tenness. pretty soon It will have the whole mass
wotking. and will make It like itself.
There are many kinds of leaven In the
world. The leaven of the rii..r..... ..
out 'eey, roncn Running nereies. i uon
care tnree whoops in perdition who
starts any of these heresies, I'll fight
them to the finish.
The devil has been going for 6.M0
years. His Joints never get stiff. The
world is In darkness and It Is our busi
ness to take the light of Christianity to
the people.
Are you keeping your light from shin-
tt'nrLini . 1 1 1 K Uft mtrc UU It I V Ml 1 1 as 1 1 H U KKJ V"U
-v.n,,,s niii-u di'-ui wag on cartn, ana : j-uu
" '" I'",VCn 10 ,h"! Vou ought to be prouj to belong to the
stronger. If wc ere tin, right kind of Kindlon, of Jesus Christ.
''" "? win leaven the whole lump,
and make the world ns Ood wants It '
to be. j
If this old earth were a lump of dough,
wu com, i just urop a llttlo leaven of new l as come into your lire.
Christianity into It and change the whole ! There is s. inethlnc wrong
The very first place In which you should
let your light shine is your own home.
The members of jour family ought to be
the very first to know that something
our iigni may not he as lilg as some,
you keep it burning as brightly
religion if It d-'esn't
happier and better.
Ion't he afraid to
ith your
make your home
use your llnht.
as you can, Ood will be satisfied. When "n't turn It down as you turn down the
you have done all that you can do. that Kn to "''I tbe meter from running so
Is enough. I'd rather I a binning match ,ns- I hate to visit a home where there
in the right place for Jesus Christ than " woman following me around :
that hs gone out. Tho tu"'" "''" 'o gas.
will drive bwhv a lot of You ""Sht to Uo so that every one
If I come into this tubenmrle ' n,)0,lt 'ou- rv'M' "n W 'c'ts you.
Bnppsat r o pis criticise ym. It's sons
of thslr business. And what bnsinese
bars yon to criticise my so-eaUed slaaj
There Is something wrong with yonr
religion If It doesn't maki yonr noms
happier and setter.
The Terr first placs In which yon
shonld 1st yonr light iblns Is your home.
Infldsls bars bsea vomiting and spew,
las; and spitt'nr oat their heresies th".
Christ is not Air ns. Who Is a liar bat
hs vb) dsnles Jtsns Christ t
fast because yon rt yonr name oa a
church tscord and oonttnus to Uts His
the dsrll, it doesn't msan you'rs i-rlns
Xf this old earth wsre a lump of dough.
ws eiuld jnst drop a llttls lsarsa of
I Christianity Into it and elisors t'us
whole mass,
Ths only powsr that keeps Omaha
from rotting1 into ball is Christianity.
That's why X want to bring: it here.
Ood expects ns to illuminate this
world, bnt instead of dMnT it by our
works too many of ns sit around and
slngri "Oh, Think of the Boms 0sr
Bin is a g-erm that wi'l rot you, yonr
fjod name, yonr boy, your girl.
Insurance Men Are
Told to Copy After
Rev. "Billy" Sunday
"Hilly" Sunday Is a solicitor. He Is !
a natural Nun silesman. ' says a letter ,
which is being sent out to the Salesmen I
of the 1'ralrle Life Insurance company )
over the signature of President M. M.
Ilcptnnstall. The letter covers two
dost ly written ages and deals entirely j
with the evangelist and the oi ganlsatlan i
of the Omaha campaign.
Six points Mr. Ileptonslall picks out j
of "111 ly's " iereniia It y and sets them i
forth for his solicitors to copy. They j
are these:
"lie Is proud of his work. He Is tire-
less in it. He Is fearless In it. He sys
tematise It thorouiihly. lie Is a master
of his subject. He knows how to hold
the attention of his audience "
"Of all the evil being said about 'ItU y'
Sunday,'" says the letter, "one thing is
certain, he Is Inducing men to be decent
and if his critics were doing the same
the world would soon be better than It
He also observes that "there Is less
confusion In handling tho great Htind ly
meeting crowds with their organisation
than there would be in handling crowds
of a few hundred people without organisation."
at night, and not a light Is burning, and
I take a match from my pocket an 5
strike it, the darkness will be broken
away back to the corners. You may not
be able to do ns great things as others.
You may not be able to spei.k well, hut
you can let your light shine by work
ing for the Ixird so people w 111 know
where you stand. What if you ran t
sing or preach or pray as Well as others,
you can live rUht.
Hanks on t.od.
Suppose people criticise you. It s none
of their business. And what business
knows that you are a Christian, l'o you?
Does jour milkman know that you are a
Christian.' locs the man who brings
your laundry knew that Jou are a Chris
tian? Ioea the man who hauls out jour
asm s know that jmu are a Chr stlau .'
loe t tic liewslmy who throws the paper
on 'our doorstep know that you are a
c'hrb-tian? l'oes tho butcher know that
you are a Christian? Pome of you buy
meat on Saturday night and !:io'c him
keep It oer night and deliver It to you
on morning, Just because you aiu
too stiln'y to have Ice, and then you
wonder why he doesn't go to church.
Sunday Party to
Live in Mansion of
Senator Hiscock
The Sunday party will live In the old
mansion of 1'nlted States Senator Ills
cock during the campaign In Syracuse, N.
Y Word to this effect has been received
from Hev. J. W. Welsh, advance organ
iser. He sent a photograph of the place.
1 Is a big house with twenty rooms and
three baths. The yard has great chestnut
tiees and an abundance of grape vines
and fruit trees.
A cook ami housekeeper wlll have
He had to fight at Intervals until I charge rf things In the house.
have you to criticise my so-called slang? j Say, if you had to go to heaven on your
The Lord knew about it long before jou
come on the scene, and He's standing
for it. I bank on One.
Just because, you get jour name on
a church rerun! and ' continue to live
like the devil, it doesn't lean you're
serving Ood. So w hat r ,,t have you
to criticise my way of serving God?
Y'ou are bright before Uod on'y as
His light shines through you. When 1
look at you I don t seo the real you
there In the pews. What I see is only
the house you live In. It -isn't you that i we'giits and measures
dies and falls down and gets pale and shrink on judgment day,
washwoman's testimony, do you think
you would make it?
If any of you business men cnllrd on
jour stenographer's testimony to get you
past the pearly gates, do your think you
would land? '
Let Yonr I.'cht fthlne In Itnalness.
Let your light shine In business. A
man ought to bo as religious In business
as he is In church. He ought to be as
religious in buying and selling as he Is
in praslng. Men ought to deal with
that will not
A member of the church for fourteen
jtais anil a man had to chase htm for
three days and talk with him for two
hours to find it out!
Kei p your light burning. Pou't let any
one put It out. Ouard it as you gtlu'd
jour life. A mail was a Ugh. House keepir
up on Ike line. There was a maniac
w ith a desire to put out every llgut
the lake, tine stormy evening tho maniac
came to the lighthouse demanding to ha
allowed to put out the light. The light
house keeper knew that out on tho
troubled waters there were great vessels
bearing men and omeii and children and
that if tin- light went out the vessels
would bu in danger and might run ash re
rnd be lost. So he fought that Insaiw
ma n
morning rnnie. and when at Inst the'
iilrfht was over he was bruised and lacer-
ated and bleeding, but he had saved tiie :
! Vessels. !
So should you stand by your light and 1
protect It. Don't let it be put out by the I
devil. Keep it shining so that the drunk
ard and the harlotand the thief may see
It, and perhaps find their way safely Into
the harbor of the kingdom of Ood. "bet
your light so shine before men that they
may see your good work and glorify your
Father which la In heaven!"
(Copyright, Willluiu A. Sunday.)
Senator Htseork Is dead. lie was
known as "the handsomest man In the
I niti d Slates senate." ,
In spite of the beauty of tho mansion, I
the people of the Sunday party declare
II won't come up to their accommodations
In OiiiHha.
"Mere we have line rooms, elevator
service and a bath to every room." said
"Boh" Mathews. "And the cuisine Is
fine. Kvery member of the party Is de
lighted with It. The nearness of the
hotel to the Tabernacle Is not the least
of Its advantages."
"Bars; Baits Ms"'
SAM. Ji f Vf 5"
lliitrj , V A'! ' Troawrs
TWs y r . J - Clovtt
CM'rt M .y r . Si'ik Hrtts
Jitry I j,: Sficl
HmnJltrtkilfi , I
i 'i 1 v
A Complete Display and
Special Ak-Sar-Ben Sale
of Foremost Autumn Fashions
in Men's and Young Men's
Suits and Overcoats
$10 and $15
Not Just an asTgraYaltn few but a m a. KB If Icon t collection of
elegant farmcnts unsunms J In variety of patterns, fabrics and
style distinction that emphasize the supremacy of this store for
more value for Ions money.
Saita and Overcoats that
sold up to $15, this week
Suits and Overcoats that
sold up to $20, this week
IFop Results
Bee Want Ads.
cold, it Isn t you that the undertaker
pumps full of embalming fluid and Is
placed in a coffin and burled. It's only
the house Vou have been living In. You
don't see me by what I maVe my body
do. We only live In these bodies, and
when God tells us to move out, we move
that's all. We are only tenants at will,
and it's not your will, either.
You have seen how this light over
my head Is an effect cause. You see
a man who has blasphemed Uod and
who now reBpeet His name. There you
see tho effects. The cause Is the "power
of God to ssve.
Skeptics may try to tear down the
Bible all they choose, but
life is a living proof of the power of
God. You can't get away from that.
The true light of Christianity is as much
proof of God as th.'s UsTit above me Is
drop or red blood In their veins. You've j of a dynamo. Your Christian living is
got to dig up the church records to find t just as necessary as my preaching or
cut who are members. ... "Kody's" singing.
God and every community have about We place too much reliance upon
all they want of that kind of reunion. ' , preaching and upon singing, and too
There are too many who won t tal:c I little on the living of those w ho sit In
time to fight for God. They won t taku
time for family prayer,' or for personal
work, or for Bible reading, or for the
prayer meeting, or work In the Sunday
school. You eat? Yes. You wash your-
the pews. We expect a great deal from
tho leaders In the church, and mighty
i little from ourselves. We think the
: preacher's life ought to be without a
flaw and that the Sunday school teacher
self? Yes. You comb yonr hair? Yea 1 ought to be a wingless angel, and that
Hut you haven't any time to work for ' th0 deacons and c'.deis ought to be
God. I strictly upright, but too many people In
God expects us to Illuminate this worli, ' the Pew "ve llk t,le ,lev"' od doesn't
tut Instead cf doing It by our works too ! ca" the Pr?aohpr to a higher standard of
living than He does you
Listen to this: You must have light
tnany of us sit around and sing:
"Oh, Think of the Home Over There,"
when we ought to be out breaking clods,
or killlnff ironhers. nr iikinnlntr ulfittika
...I,., i., ,, ,,,... .... Have you been born again? I don't ask
-vv . A ' 1 1 ClUllV. II
tue la light; vice Is darkness. The light
of Christianity will dispel the forces of
tlarkness and brighten up this old worid.
l t your light shine in yonr neighbor
hood. Kvery church should lie a refugo
for the homeless, the drunkard and the
harlot. They aren't, though. Half of
yon would freer.o them up by tho way
jou look at them.
You should love your neighbor as your
self. You ask me what that means, and
I'll tell you. Well, you feed yourself when
you are hungry, don't you? Yes. You
give yourself a drink when you are
thirsty, don't you? Yes. That's how you
love yourself. Love your neighbor that
way. feed him when he Is hungry. Olve
him a drink when he Is thirsty. Treat
him as vou do vourself.
Christian O" people know you aro a Christian?
i ney an ougiu lo Know. iot your light
You can't all preach, and you can't all
do great things. You can't all be Peters
and James and Johns, bur you can all
be oarley loaves and fishes for Ood. You
can all wipe away tho tears from the
eyes of sorrow. You can all go to church
when It rains or looks like ruin. That's
when the preacher needs you. No man
can be eloquent to wood and vnrnieh.
The lord had a hard time when He was
on earth: He has a hard time now. We
can all have kind words and deeds. Don't
look as If religion hurt you. Don't look
as if you had a number three shoe when
you ought to bo wearing a number five.
Don't look as If you were wearing a
twenty-two H. G. when you ought to be
wearing a twenty-eight.
I see some women here this afternoon
who lock as If thry had the toothache.
! before you can let it shine; if you aren't j J "al won 1 wm anyone for Christ. Loo
'right with Uod you haven t any l.ght. I " reunion mauo you
A Christian light will shine anywhere.
The light over my head shines just aa
brightly here as It does on any mi her
place. It Is an effort and It comes from
eniisfe There la M ilvnamn not Ihi.rA I
somewhere, and It U making the light i Christianity la the light Morality
shine. The power of God Is the dynamo
you If you are a church member
I church members and Christians are not
always synonymous. . If you have not
been born again, if the Holy Spirit Isn't
In you, you must get tight. If you are
not right, you know It.
Polished Sinner IJn nacrous.
Morality Isn't enough to give you a
that enables us to shine. This ligut up
sere doesn't say:
"I don't like to shine in this crude tab
ernacle. I could shine so brightly if I
only were In a magnificent church v. I h
stained glass windows and carved pe-vs
and a big organ backed up In the cor-
Is only the po'.lsh o nthe cand'.estlck It
isn't the light itself. You may be moral,
you may be true to the vows you made
to your husband, you may practice phll-
antnropy, out mat isn i enougn. i ou
must be born again. It's the light you
want, not the candlestick.
It's the polished moral sinner who is
th innnt dnnuernllM. The Hodctv wiiroaii
ner." No. It will shine anywhere it is j whQ nag no Klon haB a ,K1.r drtt( fof
put. so long as the power la there. ,he dv) (han ,he fflr, olllllr ht,r vlrtue
Keep your lamp tr.mined and burning I , the rcd sht u lfst rlct. People will fol
If you backslide, a hundred people mar '. lh example of the societv woman
Co to hel! on your account. Take timo
for church, take time to read your Biole.
take time ror prayer meeting, and lake
time for family pisyers in the homo.
Lluht Positive I'orre.
Darkness is a negative force, light ts a
positive force, and the positive will over
come the negative. j
Bin Is a negative force, Christianity 1j
a positive force, and It overcomes sin. i
You can shine any w here if you are right !
with God it doesn't make any difference!
where you are, whether you are In a'
beautiful church orout In some dark
alley pillowing on yoir breast the head
cf some girl who has fallen. Christians .
will shine anywhere. Mere church mem
Inn won't.
Jeeus says: "Ye are the salt of the
earth." Light is for illumination, salt
Is for preservation. Salt Is a preserva
tive. Where you put salt, it kids the
bacteria that causes decay. If a man
were to take a piece of meut and smell
and look disgusted, and If his little boy
were to sk what was the matter with
It, and he would say, "It hua begun to
disintegrate by the formation of new
compounds." the boy would not under
stand. But let the man say, "It s rot
ten," and the boy knows what he means
and reaches for his nose. I use Anglo
Saxon words.
When the father pulled this on the
boy, the boy was all In. That expres
sion was the Bostonian way of saying
"it's rotten." There Is no use In beating
around Robin Hood's barn to say what
you mean.
If you would put sait on the meat tho
salt would kill those germs. So salt is a
preservative. When Jesus said, "Ye are
t!.o tttit of the earth" He meant ttiat
.n is a genju that will rot you, your
name, your boy, your ajirL Ctirls-
more than they will that of the poor
fallen girl. It's because the devil can
transform himself into an angel of light
that he has lasted so long. He talks from
the pulpit In tho garb of an orthodox
i preacher.
i Infidels have been vomiting and spew
ing and spitting out their heresies that
Christ Is not divine. Who is a liar but
he who denies Jesus Christ?
If all the world la against my Christ,
happy when you had It.
M - Ve lini ll-solilon.
Don't try to shine yourselves. It your
light shine which Is a very different
thing. How can you let It shine? Well,
it you are a banker, be a better banker
than that miserable old sinner across the
street. If you sre a horseshoer, be the
best horseBhoer In town.
Kesolve each morning that you will
do nothing that will bring disgrace upon
Jesus. Determine that you will make a
success In Christianity, even If you tall
In everything else. Hut, If you succeed
as a Christian, you won't fall In other
things. The man who has It In him to be
a real Christian has the stuff in him to
muke good In other things. Be a sue
cess in all that you can, for then you will
compel more reaped and can go out and
win more respect for Christ. He a Bible
Christian, a praying Christian.
Oh, there are ao many church members
who are not even known In their own
neighborhood aa Christians. Out in Iowa
where a meeting was being held a man
made up his mind to convert a tough olj
sinner, and after chasing him around for
three days, he cornered hint and talked
tc him for two hours. The old scoundrel
stroked his whiskers and what do you
nuppose he said? He said: ."Why, I ve
been a member of the church down :h.;re
for fourteen years." Just think of it I
Traveled To Germany
With A Bottle of Pcruna
Who Is
X--' '"yr.
Mr. August Haaae, St. Anthony, I'U
Boii Co., Iniliuru, wrltea: "I was trou
bled much wlih catarrh for revt'il
years. I was advised lu take Peruna an 1
used two bottles of It, which did mi
much good. I decided to see my old
homo In Germany again, after an ab
sence of forty years, snd bought a bot
tle of Peruna to take while on my way.
Whenever I would have symptoms of
catarrh I would take Peruna and so wai
very well while going over. 1 wou d ad
vise every one who cross s the ocean ti
take Peruna along. I was In Germany
nine months, and during that time ha 1
no attacks. I was then sixty-six yearn
old. X.ast winter I tok cold and goo
catarrh of ths bead. I took Peruna and
was helped. Kverybody who Is troub
led with catarrh should take Peruna."
Another letter: "I followed your go !
a1vlce and took one bottle of Peruna
It helped mo, then I bought another o n
and used only a fart of It. Z an rid et
the catarrh and thank yon very macs
for your gcod adrlce. I will t'myi
keep Peruna In the house and If I hear
of any ore suffering troni cat irrh I .
talnlr wTl recommend your meli lie."
Taos who 5b)ot to liquid usdlcluM
4l bow ptoeurs Perua Tablets.
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
414-416-418 South 16th Street
New Likable Furniture of genuine worth modestly priced
9 I
Solid mahogany dust-proof
drawer bottoms: hag large
French plate mirror I'onter de
sign Dull finish We believe
this to be the best value oa the
Price $42.00.
To match Dreatier large mir
ror. Price $39.
Tripple mirror matched
dresser and chiffonier.
Price $3 1.
Like Ca t
Except linen drawer Is under
double cabinet Brown fumed oik
quarter hawed heuvy top 5t
inches long high grade In every
Price $30.
L,kf. Cut
This heavy design large com
fort Iloc-ker quartered golden
oak frame . Oenulne Spanish
leather back and sent.
Prico $15.
Cenulne black leather tufted top ruffle sides Golden oak frame
spring edge. Trie $:.00
II a I
".S Ihf. )ien'."
Untfold and Duofold We nhow
20 styles sofa beds golden and
fumed oak and mahogany. Imi
tation rilack and Spanish leather
also genuine heather, lilitck or
$29, $32.50,$34.75,S37.50, $42.50
New Lim liVnuine Values.
$1.50, $1.95, $2.35, $2.85, $3.25 $3.85
Extra grade cotton blankets $1.7.r
Wool nap cotton blauketa $2.75
Wool mixed cotton blankets $1.2.")
All wool extra quality bJankets $6.75
7-iA Cut
This solid mahogany poster
bed, head and foot posts same
height choke mahogany dull
finish an extra value.
Price S3fi.
At $25 It's a big value Gen
uine mahogany panel dull fin
ish heavy posts.
Price $25.
.Largo line Solid Mahogany.
$29, S30, $33
Ostermoor Mattresses
Fincy ticking, lull size, $18, $10.50 and $15 grade k
Heavy plank top all quarter
flawed golden oak, Polish finish
54-inch round top a big value.
Price $35.
Real Kitchen Comfort
is assured with a
Combination Range
Burns Gas, Coal, Wood . "T Without change
i--JL of uarts.
30 Days'
Free Trial
jou If not sat
isfactory. I'ollVl'uitMtt
Hugs of quality that vio with the
lmiuhvovt-n rugs of tho Orient in their
rich colorings njul beautiful designs.
Whitlal Anglo Penitent, 0x12 tize
Whittal Anglo Indian, 9x12 tize,
I - s,a V- TTI X
1 ;vU tr
Hard wick
Wilt on t, 0x1 i tize,
Wiltont, 9xU tize,
This store Is prepared at all to show
you a full line of these beautiful rugs In
many sizes.
Kxtra large and peculiarly proportioned ruy,
t uiiit re, etc can le secured lof irr '
Curtain Materials
Filet Lace Net, white, ivory, ecru. Per
yard 5Cc, 75c, 95c, $155, $1.50
KunfitOvorc!ra)t'ry material, 50-in. wl.,
yd., 95c, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3.
Special Values
Lace Curtains
$4.85 Pair
20 patterns to select
frcm .1 to t pairs of a
pattern, lncludud ut this
price are Cluny, Duchess
Scrim and Marquisette.
Aiahl ui and loouh
Values $6 to $8, at
$4.85 Pair WW
1 1 "jj
i iin.