4-R THE OMAHA SUNDAY T'.EE: OCTOBER 3. 1015. SECRET SOCIETY HOTESAMD HEWS Order of Stags latest Fraternal Society to Lnter Omaha Field Seekine Men as Members. BEADY FOR BUSINESS SOON Officers of A&rid Lodge No. 9, Independent Order Ladies of the Vikings H. R CaulflHd, with a rorpe of fllrpc tors. hu nrurf 1 ovr 40J applications, among- them twelve rf the leading phy sician, for the Omaha drove of tho Patriotic and Protective Orrtrr of i-'tnun of the World, to be Instituted In thin city about the middle of October. The Usss have many new fpnturrs tht are entirely unique among fraternal or anltatlnn. One la an employment bu reauIt being part of the bualneas of the society to put Ita members In touch with employers, or to put employers In touch with workmen In Hi membership, as the , ease may be. It aim furnishes free Irg-il advice to Its members, their widows and orphans, ar.d for this purpose one or i more able attorneys are appointed to J each drova as legal advUers. I Free medical aid for members and their families Is furnished. Weekly benefits for rick and disable membPrs are pro vided. Funeral benefit of $121 I given the famllv of a deceased mcmlwr. The ' care of t rphnn children, us provided by ' the tags. appeals to every parent, it Is ths duty of the officers of a drove of ' Stags to caro for and visit the sick. They believe r tiny hunch of fluwers given with a pleasant smi!e to one In life, Is of fsr more vMur than a whole wagon load of expensive uaiinjids strewn over his grave. "If wc have hut a aliiKle flower to give, let us bestow It today, with hind word of cheer, and by so doing we mny perchance bring Joy and j gladness to some aching heart, or troubled breaat." This Is what our onler ' enjoins. Wood men nf the World ' German-American camp No. 1"4 will j meet Tuesday evening at tha liohemlan, hall, Thirteenth and Duress streets. Matters of Importance to camp welfare will be considered. BchlUer ramp No. 4 will entertain Ita members Thursday evening at Its regu lar place of meeting, the German home, 43 South Thirteenth. Joseph N. Pecker, David W. Davis and Frank Clark com pose tha committee In charge of the en tertainment. Zlskaw Dab No. UK will meet today at Turner hall. Thirteenth and V streets, South Hide, with apoclnl Initiatory work on a large class of candidates. W. A. Fraser camp No. 4! held a meeting lost Friday evening, tha first since work was suspended for the sum mer months. Ureal Interest was mani fested and plans laid for an active cam paign for new members. Columbus fa nip, JNo, ,69, will .meet to day at Prague halt. Thirteenth and Will iams streets, at 9:30 a. m. Tha board of managers has arranged special enter tainment for tha members. Nebraska Llpa No. 183 will hold a regular meeting Thursday at Tel Jed Bokol hall, Thirteenth and William streets. A large class will be Initiated Into tha mysteries of Woodcraft and tha usual entertainment will follow tha regular program. , Iaeaeat Order of Odd Fallows. Omaha lodga No. X. will bava degree , work next Friday evening. Charles T. banders, a member of Omaha lodge No. 1, and well known In Omaha, ha been sick for several weeks In Jewell, I Kan. fc The grand lodge committees have about finished the work of preparing for the r. session of the grand lodge, grand encamp 8 mont, state Robckah aawambly and Fetrl archa Militant, which will be held In ; Omaha, October 1. SO and a. This ses sion will bring at least 2.000 Odd Follows to Omsha f.r three days. The encamp ment will hold Ita session on October IB, " and the other three branches of the trder on October 20 and 31. The grand lodge ' will meet In the Douglas Auditorium, the grand encampment and Patiiarcha Mtll ir tant will men In Odd Fellows' hall, while I the State Iu-bekah assembly will meet In i the Fnntenello hotel. Omaha lodge No. v X, will exemplify the first degree work before the grand lodge and Canton Ksra Millard No. 1, will confer the decoration of chivalry. The Danish Dramatic society, under the .' auspices of Dannebrog lodge No. 21. will ' give the play, ".Harvest Home Frolics," ' at Washington hall on Tuesday evening, October 5. Ivy Rebxkah lodge No. 33, will give a M dance and card party at Odd Fellows' hall i on the evening of October 14. To Welcome Visitors. P.. aad M. Camp No. 9V, Modern Wood ', men of America, extends a Cordial Invl i tatlon to all isltlng Woodmen m the City J to make Ita cosy club rooms on the so I ond floor of The liee building their head a quarters during their stay in the city. E All conveniences are provided for their i comfort and entertainment. The rooms ' are open at all time and visitors will ' find a hearty welcome. The camp meets in resnitar session Tuewlsy evening aiid will have a large number of candidates , for Initiation. ! Asarrteaa Y erases). The Brotherhocd of American Yeomen t devoted last Wednesday evening's meet- tag to the drill team. On account of the tf Ak-Sar-ben parade there will be no meet- Ing next Wedneaday evening. On Octo. t bar IS the lodge will give a dance and on October SO all members of the degree staff will meet the staff captain, who wltl j make some Important announcements. y fur ( 0 f 1 i - , ? 1 4- w-W y ' 1 7 Barbara Burus is Hurt When Bicycle Strikes Milk Wagon Parbara Bums, S-year-old dsughter of Ramuel Burns. Jr., M Po.ith Fortieth street, was painfull-, but not seriously, Injured yesterday, when a bicycle which she was riding collided with a milk wagon at Thirty-fifth and Dodge streets. S. RatmutKcn of the Lincoln Avenue Dairy wss driving his team west on the north side of Dodge street, when the little girl coming east on Dodge ran di rectly between the two horses and to one side of the wagon tongje. Bhe w looking back at the time and the wheel suddenly swerved toward the mtik wagon before the collision could be avoided. This was according to the assertion of the fnllkman and his helper, Chris Agmrd. The little girl was on her wy to spend the day with a plajmate. She was taken home In an automobile belonging to friends, who happened by at the time. Emergency treatment wu administered by Dr. C. B. Folts, who was of the opinion that the girl's hurts are not serious. Painful cuts, bruises and alsi lacerations of the fingers of both hands seem to comprise the extent of the child e Injuries. Rasmusson was taken to the police station. 0MAHA.NS WILL ATTEND DRY FARMING CONGRESS Nathan Merrlam. J. W. Holmquurt. E. f. Westbrook, a P. Peck and O. A. Roberts have been named as delegates of the Omaha Commercial club to, the Tenth International Dry Farming con gress, to be held at Denver October 4 to 7. Ttvls picture represents the officers of Aatrld lodge No. B, Independent Order ladles of Vlklnirs of Omaha, Tup row from left to rlKht: Waidnn, Mrs. Marie Anderson; conductor, Mrs. Klne AxiOm.n; treaaurwr, Mrs. Krny Htone; orittor, Mrs. Anna Petersen; guard, Mla Ester Uuntufsen; trustee, Mrs. ICmcllo I.uraon; trustee, Mrs. Ida Anderson; guard, Mrs. Ellen Carlson. Bitting row, from left to right: Finance secretary. Mrs.' Ebba Lawrence; supreme deputy, Mrs. Bessie Anderson; preal den, Louisa Larson; vice president; Mrs. Edith Hack man; recording secretary, Hilda Carlson. Tho object of the Independent Order Ladles of Vikings Is to protect the home and promote fraternal, social and material Interest of its members. To unite fraternally on broad, liberal plane of humanity. All women of Swedish na tionality between the ages of 18 and 60 years, who are physically and morally acceptable are eligible. It also main tains a benefit fund from which to pay benefits In case of sickness or death. PLEADINGS OF THE WOMEN WIN BOARD South Side Patrons Appear and Ask that the Field School Remain On the Old Site. PRESENT CONVINCING FACTS The pleadings of women moved the hearts of the members of the Board of Education yesterday after noon. The women were patrons of the Field school, located In the out skirts of South Omaha. Two weeks ago the board ordered this small frame school building moved to the Corrlgan school site, the plan being to send the Field school children to the Corrlgan school, where" better training and comfortable surroundings might be had at a cost much less than to place the. Field school in proper condition and maintain It as a school center. A large delegation of the mothers of the Field school district met the Board of Education In committee of the whole. Mrs, Anna Barta was spokesman. The gist of her argument was: "Our Field school Is not much of a school, but we are satisfied with It It President Wilson Opens Important Session of the Cabinet With Prayer INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Oct. 1 How President Wilson led Ms cabinet In prayer at a recent meeting was told here yesterday by Bishop William F. Anderson of Cincinnati, at n aeaalon of the Indiana Methodist Episcopal confer ence. A I'nlted Htates senator told the bishop of tho Incident, he said. The senAtor had heard It from one of the cabinet members, who prayed with the president. "When the president arrived at the cabinet meting," said th bishop, "his face wore a solemn look. It was evident that the serious affairs of the nation were on his mind. Un said to the cab inet members: 'I don't know whether you men believe tn prayer or not, I do. Let us pray and ask the help of God.' "And right there the president of the United Htates fell on Ills knees and the rest of the members of the cabinet did the same, and the president offered a prayer to Ood. While the war rages In Europe, we In this country should thank God that In this crl.ils of the world we have a chief executive, who Is a serv ant of God and who stands with his hand In the hand of Ood. Every min ister In the land should, every time he offers a prayer, take Woodrow Wilson by the hand and lead him Into the presence of Uod, and ask that he be given strength to continue to be the groat apostle of peace among men. Later a telegram expressing the con fidence of the delegates In him was sent to the president. la In our neighborhood and Is part of our community life. We don't want our little school moved away and to be re quired to send our children a greater distance to the Corrlgan school. Have Sosae Doubts. "In bad weather we take our children to the Field school and at noon we take hot coffee to them. We love our little school. The ground was donated to the old South Omaha school board. "You say you will furnish a wagon to haul our children to the Corrlgan school. How do we know that the wagon won't be stopped after a month or so?" "Madame, you surely will believe this board when we aay we will furnish a wagon during all of the school year, and we will even take the children home for lunch and return them to the school after lunch," replied Mr. CowelL The Field school will not be moved, but the children will be sent to the Cor rlgan school, . and then. If . the mothers still protest, the matter will be given further consideration. X "For Sale" ad will turn seoond-han-i furniture Into cash.' in Claw Gordon Aaalllary. The Ladles' Auxiliary to Clan Gordon J No. . will hold their regular meeting ? at the home of Mrs. Thomas Meldrum, Jl Evens street, next Wedneaday aft- J rrnoon at t o'clock. A good attendance i it desired. It la hoped to have Mrs. H un it day ss guest for the afternoon. Frotrraai Aid 1'alosv, Mondamia lodge No. Ill will meet Tuesday evening at Nineteenth and Farnam streets. A card party, to be given at tbelr hall Tuesday evening, Oo tober IS, Is announced. ,ii 11 i w w mm amniD 'm Two Negro Holdups Get Away With S74 1 V Harry W. Bedeer. 34 Fowler avenue. 1 up by two negroes rear Twenty-fourth and Anu-e avenue Friday hUrbt and robbed or 174. Thieve gained entrance to the home of R. ft. Hall, 234 Farnam street, while the fsully was away and stole a BwUs walcfe valaed at 10. James P. Downs of BC Louis asserts that 21 was stolon his room at the Paxloa. HEaUTBFUL (T1EW Our entire three floors are brimmiag over with Dame Fashion's latest garment ttyles for men and women. Our prices are as low and often lower than those asked by the cash stores. The only satisfactory credit is the Beddeo credit and thousands of sat isfied patrons will testify to this. THE NEWEST FALL STYLES In Ladics'and Misses' SUITS $2450 MEN'S NEW FALL yiTS $15 $1G-50, 51 . .This Is not a sale of nilxrd styles (soma Inst season's said some trils Pall's) Uko you wilt see handed out in some stores which are sup posed to be above such tricks. All you've got to do to get the truth is follow th 1015 l all Fashion i'latts That will sliow you how strictly up-to-date three now lieddeo models arex. The style en brace all tha new form-fitting models, with Hk lapels, patch MM'krts and the strictly new vet-rolUr and ront-rollur effect. Just pay $t.OO a week. Every charming new fabric modeled in strict harmony with the last breath of fashion. Tho quiet designs and the do veil Ic lu greater array than ever be fore. A never-emdlng wealth of stunning style in men's wear sorges, poplins,, whip cords and other fabrics, in browns, greens, blues, black, etc., going at prices impossible In previous seasons. Slaes up to 5M. Choose the one ou want, and simply pay us $1.00 week. Ya Make Ho Charge for Alterations 1 1 il in il LaaM 1417 DOUGLAS ST. Credit to Honest People No Matter Where You Live UBS wauHnmniin IE ii mi i ii i im . i iy ,.m .nie ll Mill! -lla1liiaaWMlMlllaall ill I 11 Brill A PniCE-MTTlUG SALE OF JEW Falliw the Trail to the A. Hospe Co.'s Newly Remodeled SUre for the Latest in Pianos and Prices. THIS IS A SALE of strictly brand new pianos of all styles Grands, Uprights, Players, Elec tric, Etc., including the very latest invention in Player Pianos. This is the instru ment that can be played in three ways By hand, foot pedaling and by electric motor, all at prices and terms within every ona's reach. 1 XNT Our building at 1513-1515 Douglas Street is entirely remodeled. Our new front is the talk of the town. Before starting our remodeling, we disposed of practically every new, used and shop-worn piano on our floors. Our entire stock is Brand New, and we have the new 1916 styles of the beat piano makers of piano and player pianos in all fancy woods. By ordering this immense stock at one time and by paying spot cash, wo were able to buy at biggest discounts. This stock embraces tho world's leaders The1 Mason & Hamlin, Kranich & Bach, Apollo. Brambach, Kimball, Bush & Lane, Kra kauer, Cable-Nelson, Whitney, Henderson, Hospe, Davis & Son, Hinze, Pflueger, Stein hauer, Baumbach, Werner, Boudoir and others. We hit the prices on all lines. Fine Upright Pianos for $78.00, $98.CO, $103.00, $126.00, $152.CO, $178.00, $202.03, $233.C0, $279.00, $313.00, $352X0, $379.00 and upwards. . Player Pianos $278, $331, $375, $450, $550. Grand Pianos $278.00, $331.00, $455.03, $495.CO, $550.00, $650.CO, $800, $950. Many pianos on terms as low as $1.00 per week. This sale begins Monday, Oct. 4th, Mail orders and out-of-town customers solicited. Come see the GREAT PRICE-HITTING Piano Sale. run n Q S P. 1513-15 DOUGLAS ST. e.i Announcement xr A mdN&& Dk Mr. Samuel H. Ackerman and Mrs. Clara Epstein Designers and Makers of Exclusive Suits and Gowns are now showing the latest and moat approved sty lea and materials for the season of 1915-19lfi. 1730 St Mary's Ave, Flatiron Bldg Ak-Sar- Ben Specials Mary Pickford ic to $1.00 Mary Pickford Puffs and Curls $4 Extra Wavy Puff and Curls $5.00 A beautiful 21-ln. Switch.. $2.50 A beautiful 24-in. gw Itch. .$3.00 Extra Nat. Shades, $5.00 to $12 We do Manicuring, Shampoo ing. Hairdreesing, Scalp Treat ment and Massaging. We use the Electro Prismatic Generator, best method known to help dandruff, falling hair and blackheads. We are headquarters for Nat ural Grey Hair. All our operators are experts. We stand by what we say. Mail orders solicited. F. M. SCi ADELL & CO. Tflephone D. 2870. 152:; Itouglas St.