Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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    TI1K WV.Kt- OMAHA. sATt'KHAY, OC TOltl'.U
Ciretna Hlith school Will clnh last Friday,
FprlrrrMtl wtnnln. to it
John It. rierson In mnvln Ma house
hold (nods t. Tsl.l Rock, w iters he ha
bought an Interest In a bank.
nrrr' B'e returned from the Partfla
eoastThiirsdsy, having vl'tted Senttle.
8n FrniliH.-o and Ioe Aml.
John Hcharienriorf, Frank M.-CemW
anil Peter Anderson, uttrinVJ the Farm
ers ronaress In Omaha thK. .ck.
A whorl cour In sericulture from
Jirvemcr to 1 ecen.ber . has bwn nr.
ranavit by the committee on farmer's in
Mllute to be held In the oira houae.
for several week' visit with her (on,
Mr. en.t Mra. J. K. Wyatt and rianah
ter. Helen, were Omaha visitors Friday.
Mra, p. r. Itofeldt entertained a "lim
ber of latllea laet Friday. A nice lunch
a a served.
Mra. Amy Calvert went to tha city
Wednesday to vlelt her daushter. Mra.
Rlgby and family, a few daya.
The flour mill I running attain, after
a rest of Kimi weeka. Macaroni wheat
being the only product milled.
Paul Pfleffer returned thla week from
the west, where he attended the exposi
tion and aw other points of Interest.
Mra. ChaHea Wltte went to Omaha
Sunday to he with her granddaughter.
Homo Hli-key. who la In a hospital, hav
Ina; been operated on to remove a needle
frmn ber knee.
Kaiser Has Not Yet
Fixed Status of
Belgium and Poland
fllCRLIN. Oct. 1. (By Wireless to Ray
vtlla.) Oermanya attitude toward Hol
land, Belgium and Poland was outline
In an Interview given by tr. Alfred Zim
merman, under secretary for foreign af
fairs, to tha Nleuwa Rotterdameche I'our
ant. Thla Interview, reproduced In the
Lokal Antelger, was given out fol
lows today by tha Over-seas News
W. Xlmmerman Insisted Holland had
nothing to fear rrrm. Germany. He said
Oermany would not violate tbe neutrality
of Holland or Interfere with Its political
or eponomlo Independence. Orrmeny ap
preciates the fsct that Holland ia mnln
talnlng a strict neutrality.
"As to Belgium, the under secretary
stated that lt future was still unknown,
but solution of this difficult problem
muat be found which will render It cer
tain that Pclglum will not be utilised for
the purposes of Kngland. Germany has
always desired peace, and now wishes a
guarantee tliat there will not be In the
future another war such as tha present
'Poland's future also 1 unknown, Pr.
Zimmerman said. He expressed tha con
viction that no on would ba able to op
pose Germany'! will.
of the features of the Bryn Mawr Horse show, participated
In by the smart set. Miss Harriman is one of the few lady
masters of fox hounds in this country.
cmCACJO, Oct 1. Worker In tha
Stsndnrd Oil rertnerlea at Hammond and
Whiting, Ind., were Informed today that
their ten-hour work day haa been re
duced to eight houra without reduction
In pay. Three thousand men are em
ployed and It la said that tha reduction
In hours will make work for more.
At the local office of tha Standard Oil
company It was aald that the reform
was psrt of a general plan of tha com
pany. Flkhora.
Mr Meyer entertalna the Solo club
Andrew rat rick was visited thin week
by a niece.
Mra. Keefrli left Wednesday for eVotta
tD- Uy WS M B W t
!f i i i ii Miiiril i ti M f i ii nf ti i r lis, i f in- i?i7i-a.'-
From Our Near Neighbors
I II If iV9 14 -VI 1
A Hearty Welcome Extended Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors
Make yourselves perfectly at home In our st ore. Check your baggage here free, use our
free phones, rest rooms, etc. Any accommodation in our power will be cheerfully granted.
Weeplnai Water.
Mlsa Theresa Wiles went to DuBols.
Neb., Monday to visit her slater, Mrs. U.
T. Lyda.
Wayna Swltier of Verona, Wyo., la vla
ttlng at the home of his mother, Mra, I
1). Swltier.
Mrs. Max Keefer of Elmwood haa been
visiting thla week at the home of her
mother, Mrs. C. V. Walker.
William Burrows of Ottawa. Kan., la
spending several daya viMting his sister,
Mrs. Mary Pool, and other relalivea.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Colbert left Tuesday
morning for Chicago, where Mr. Colbert
will resume hla studies in a school of
Thirty friends gathered t tha home of
Mr. and Mra. Peter Anderson last Sunday
to help them celebrate their twentlein
wedding anniversary.
Mlsa Anna Sogaid of the Panama canal
cone la visiting at tha home of her uncle,
N'els Sogard. he is a trained nurse with
a government position In a hospital In
Curtis Askew, who haa a position In
railway offices at Ulasgow, Mont., Is vis
iting at the home of hla parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Askew.
Mrs. John'Yunko of Crete -Is here to
attend the golden wedding anniversary
celebration of her grandparents, Mr, and
Mra. Jesse Davis, which oocurs October 4.
Mrs. Boy Mager was an Omaha Visitor
Mr. Charley Vestal waa an Omaha vis
itor Monday.
Mr. Gus Bundall waa an Omaha vis
itor Monday.
Mra. Clinton Will lama waa an Omaha
visitor Wednesday.
Lslie Witzlke waa operated on a woek
ago for appendicitis.
Mra. Handrlcksou la visiting her daugh
ter at David City.
Mr. Williams left Thursday for a busi
ness trip to Canada.
Mr. and Mra. Otis Headrickson moved
here from Newel, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Jenaon of Florence vis
ited at the Leln home Thursday.
The Willing Workers met at the Hack
man home for dinner Wednesday.
Mr. VentaJ, Will Hackman and Harry
Knight wore Benson visitors Wednes
day. Tha Misses Turner, Nelson and Watch
ler, all of Omaha, visited at the Vestal
home Sunday.
Mr. Chester Hendrlckson. Andy Ander
son and Mrs. Cortland were Omaha vis
itors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Hosaxd and Mr. and Mrs. Dcin
and Mra. Frtxau were entertained at the
Jacobaeo home Sunday.
guest of Mrs. Louis Letleur Wednesday
and Thursday.
Mlsa Ida Fricke la attending the state
meeting of the Woman a vlubg at Nor
toik this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clarke of Beverly
Hilla, Cal . are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. 1. D. Clarke this week.
The Sunday achoo. of the ireshyterlan
church la making plans for an extensive
rally to be held Sunday.
Mrs. C. D. iirown and Mi. C. B.
Tower entertained the Presbyterian Aid
society at the home of Mrn. Brown
Thursday afternoon. .
Mrs. I. D. C.axke entertained tha Suf
frage club at her home Knday after
noon. Mrs. James Richardson of Omaha
wan present and assisted with the meet
ing. Mrs. James T. Pegley and Mrs. C. F.
Ross entertained the Woman's club on
Wednesdsy afternoon at the home of Mra.
liegley. Miss Florence Dye, who la a
guest of Mrs. H 8. Niokerson, gave a
lesson on "Hymns and Anthems." Seven
new members were taken Into the club.
Mra. Pat Allen Is visiting relatives in
Holt county.
Mr. and Mra. Krtiest Chtisttanson spent
Sunday In Lincoln.
Rev. F.tlian Hlnkle of Steele City, waa
calling on his friends this week.
Mrs. Jeff Garrett of Ixmlsvllle, vis
ited Mrs. Charles Smith, Thursday.
J. 8. Dick of Crete filled the pulpit
of the Congregational church Sunday.
Mrs. Krnenl Bolen of Omaha, visited
her sister, Mrs. Guy Fish, thU week.
Alois and Joe Elwell. Jr., attended a
meeting of the Acacia fraternity last bat
urday. Rev. A. J. Warner of North Rend came
down fivm conference and called on hU
Mrs. Laura Barry of Wall no was a
guext of Mr. and Mrs. John Barry last
Elizabeth O'Brien, who has been vis
iting Mra Ia. A. Rates, left for her home
at Wayne last Thursday.
Springfield High school ball club played
Mr. and Mra. J. Filter went to Omaha
Mrs. John IJntell went to Omaha on
Mrs, sV. Gardiner waa quite 111 a few
days last week
Miss Wauneta Cork spent the week
end at her horns In Lincoln.
Mra, Richard Webster of Washington,
D. C, is visiting her brother, Fred YV tall
more, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hubbard, Ruth and
Mr. and Mra. Charlea Hubbard, motored
to Omaha Wednesday.
Miss Ethel Eubank went to University
Plaoe Friday evening to spend the week
end with her parents.
Rev. F. A. Shawkey of Elm Creek
spent a few days in Valley on hia way
home from conference.
Mra. V. n. Nichols left Tuesday for
Valley Springs, 8. D.. for a visit with
her sister and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hubbard of
Spokane. Wah., spent a few dnys this
week with Mr. and Mm. A. iv Hub
bard. ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Piimin and Miss
Irene Krown motored to O-naha Krldav
evening to attend "Hilly" Sunday's tser
vlcea. Mra. W. E. Weekly Bid Mrs. Frank F.
Adams went to Vmfolk Tuesdav to at
tend the State Federation of Woman's
club meeting.
The regular meetinir of Mie Vlley
WomanV cluh was held Frtriav efer
nnon t the horn- of Mrs F. M. H'lttH.
Mm. N. K. Jnh"on bnil a f'aner on
ground water and itroinaire of NcraKka.
snd Mrs. Fred Wliitniore a naner on
"Handel" Mr Cry and M'k Arm
strong fnniiiihed music from Handel.
Rev. Sutton injured his arm and is un
4le to attend school.
Rev. E. V. Nusbaum Is at Grand Island
attending meetings of the general synod
of the Lutheran church.
George Iderks took second premium at
the Douglas county f'r, on his exhibit
from Jefferson precinct.
Several Members of Irvlngton camp of
Royal Neighbors, vts'u-d the local camp
un Thursday evening of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fe.l le of Benson
were visiting this week at ilie home of
their daughter, Mrs. Fred Ohrt.
The ladles' A d society of St John's
I Ait hers n church netted a! ':t JlJO from
their basar and oyster uppr.
Mrs. William K eber snd three chil
dren of Oklahoma City, are vialtln- her
parent Mr. and Mrs. H. 1 . Ix-btx-rt
and other relatives.
Mr. Lena Huren of South Daokta, I'
vliiltin here ih her uarents. Mr. and
Mra. Charles Ootlsch and other relatives.
A committee of young men are giving
a benefit dame at Hells hall Saturday
Mrs. Mary A. Rosecrans of Omaha
was calling on former e'aplllioa friends
Jklisa Jaae Wseth of Omaha was a
.aCj .,Vv--.-. 3
The Drexel Kid
That happy, healthy boy
who always U on the go.
lie wears
The Boys' Shoe that will
outwear two pairs of ordi
nary Boys' Rhoeat Boys',
1 to SH. $2.50. L"le
Cents'. 9 to 13. 82.25.
1419 Farnam
Arc You Ready
For Your Trip? Take
Malted Milk
with you when Yachting, Camping,
Motoiing, Fishing, or Oolfing.
A nutritions, satisfying Food-Drink resdy
In a moment. A good light lunch whes
:ired or run down. Simply dusol ve In water,
hot or cold. A tans night's rest is assured
if you taka cupful hot before retiring.
Our Lunch Tablets are tha acme of con
venient nourishment. Dissolve a few
in the mouth when Utigued or hungry.
Sample free. HORLICK'8, Racina, Wla
E3No Substitute la Juat Gsxtd"
HORUCK'S, the Original
30c RIBBONS 15c a Yard
A fine line of wido moiro
and fancy print warp rib
bons that sell regularly up
to 30c a yard.
35c NECKWEAR 10c
Just to close up our bi
stock complete lines of
fancy laco and embroidered
collars offered.
$2.00 quality bags... 18
$1.50 quality baps. . .59
$1.00 quality Imgs. . .490
To $2 Values, Saturday $1.19
A big special purchase of
fine ivory mirrors; greatest
values ever.
A splendid showing of the new
fancy mesh velllnga In two spe
cial lot, Satur- 1 ( OC
day, yard.... AUC,
2,000 Men's Hats
New Fall
Maker's sample
and surplus secured
for cash at about
Stiff and Soft
Felt in all colors
and shapes. Made
to sell to $2. CO, In
two lots, at
75c and $1.25
Unusual Cut Prices in Drugs and
Toilet Goods Saturday
II 00 os, Rleger'a Ideal Per
fume, at 91.03
?te bottle Flnaud'a Toilet
Water Bte
76c Jar- Pompelan Massag
Oream , Oo
tOc Jar Pompelan Night Cream
for se
tSo bottle, 1 pt. beet Wlton
Huel or Bay Rum.. ....Its
I6o Williams' Talcum, Vlo. -t
or Carnation loe
18c Pond's Vanishing or Cold
Oream Ua
Joe Woodbury's Facial Roap, lee
SRe can Orrie Root Tooth Pow
der "o
ifr Ladles' "limitary Relta. aoo
100 Jap Rose or Palmollvs
Hoap So
I 10c bars Caatlle or Peroxide
Hoap tAo
I 10o rolls Crepe Toilet Pa'r
I dos. 5-gr. Asolrln TaMnts, s5o
tOo bottle PhenolaS Wafere, X
1 lb. llorlc Arid 13d
tto bottle Ianibert's I.lsterln.
for lo
45o hot tie Mul ford's Bixllum
Phosphate, eff BSo
11.00 bottle Iwwltt'a Kldnov
Pills 0
eOo tube Pebeco Tooth Pat.
for ISo
tSo ran Hani Flush Do
1160 Fountain Syringe. . . .110
l.IS lint Water Hottie TOO
I J 00 Wellington (,"hlnatlna
Syringe, guaranteed S yearn,
for M.00
pcry Day New Attractions Added to Oar Display of
New Suits, New Dresses, New Coats
and all lines of women's outer apparel.
Saturday's Showings Are Exceptionally Attractive
not only on account of wide assortment in design and
pricings but superb qualities at each price.
An Elaborate Showing of Tailored Suits
Elaborate only when viewed in the light of variety
but with quite as much character and style in the lower
priced models as you'll find in the higher. Quality alono
decides the selling price here.
Let us show you the handsome new Russian Blouse
models, the classy plain tailored and box back effects, etc
Every new fabric weave and coloring which fashion has
decreed good, offered for selection. Splendid values at
$1G.50, $29.75, $35 up to $125
New Gowns and Dresses of Distinction
A display most pleasing in its truly wonderful com
pletenessdesigns for any nnd all occasions from the
moderate priced dancing frock to the most- elaborate
evening gowns, original creations and copies of designs
from the world's most prominent makers, you'll find tho
values exceptional. Exquisite gowns and dresses at
$35, $49, $69, $89 to $195.
Splendid New Coat Values at $19,50, $25, $39.75 to $89
Handsome New Suits; made
to sell at $25.00, gabardines,
broadcloths, whipcords, jxip
lins, serges, etc., in all colors,
all now nifty styles, $16.95
Stylish Dress Skirts Silk
and wool fabrics, tier, box,
side pleat and other popular
models, all sizes; great bar
gains $5.00
Beautiful New Dresses A
big special purchase divided
into 2 lots:
Dresses worth to $12.50 In
silk taffetas, poplins, crepe
do chines and messalines, all
colors and sizes, your choice,
at .....I.. $5.90
Dresses worth to $16.50
Laces, nets, chiffon taffetas,
mescalines, etc,, - white and
all colors; on sale at, choice,
only $7.90
Pretty New Waists To $G
values, in crepe de chine,
Georgette, laces, etc., a very
choice lot at $2.98
Children's Apparel Every
thing you could desire for
the little folks and at prices
which are most pleasing
new coatB, new dresses, etc.,
Ask to see them.
Men's $5 Sweater Coats at $2.98
A big special cash purchase from the manufacturer
Your choice of a big assortment of
the most popular stylos, weaves and
colorings; regular $1.50 to $5.00
values in three special lots at
$2.98, $1.45
and 98c
Yen, we hare your site,
75c Silk Ties 25c
A epectal purchase of over
E00 dozen high grade ties, all
shapes and colors, the greatest
snaps of tho season.
Now Is Wool Underwear Time.
We offer you the best at every
price and a wide range of prices
to choose from.
Union Suits at $1.98 to $5.00
Two-Piece Suits, per garment,
at 98t to $3.50
Saturday Specials in
Women's SUM) 811k Hoa -Pure
silk or with lisle tops,
double heel and sole. CC.
Bargain, pair "Ol
Women's $1X5 Bilk Hose
Plain colors, atrlpeg, plaids
and fancies. Special OQ.
In Saturday'! sale Qi7l
Silk Hoot Hose Regular ana
extra sites, all beat OQ.
colors sdivl
Infant's Cashmere Hose 2 Do
qualities. In black and
colors, at. pair
Try Wayne Knit Hoee
You'll vote them the very best
at every price.
In Corset Isle
Nemo Corsets Regular $1.00
corsets, nearly all slses, Blight
ly soiled, on sale to J2 QQ
BOc IlrasNlVrs Plain or fancy
trimmed at 39S
Women's Anitora Scarfs All
colors, just what you want for
Fall wear, on sale, at ftOV.
Children's Angora buit-s 4
piece, In newest shades, two
lot". 81.08 and $2.08-
We carry a large stock Ik'ar
Ilrand Yarns In all the wanted
Kid Gloves
hong White Gloves for evening
wear. A splendidly complete stock
of bent makes shown at 81.93
to $-1.00 Plr.
THKEIC SPECIALS Washable Kid Gloves, guar,
anteed In Ivory and pretty shades,
with black stitching, at pair,
Indies' $l.2H Gloves, OOc Cape,
piquet or overseam; two-buttou
lengths, all colors, made tq sell to
$1.26 at. pair G9e.
Indies' Leatticrt-tte Glove Slip
on styles, in white or gray, at G9.
That Satisfies
from the finest that's made
tli cheapest that's KvxJ.
Woman's Unloa Bolts To 7
taiucs. ths Kannent 35c
llsdium eitit. all styles, ll
Womea's UnlJB Baits Part woo'.,
nullum or llalit weight, very
special values at 80
Crape a Chins Dorset Covers
To 12. V0 value; tno special Ims
at o aaj Baa
Womti'i slaslla Oowaa, CosaMaa.
1ob Suits and Skirts Hro.ert
lots, neatly trimmed, wall ma it,
snap taturdar. at Ht
Italian Silk Testa To tl 00 vai
oea, uli hand embroliere1 or
crochet tois. on sale
v s
On 3d Floor
$2.00 Pictures at 05c
Popular subjects, in neat
gilf , black or brown
frames, oval, oblong or
square, sizes up to 16x20,
up to $2.00 values.
50c Pictures at 39o
A big apsortment of sub
jects in gilt or dark frame
to choose from.
Post Card Frames, 15c
Don't miss these snaps.
The Best Fresh Dressed,
1915, Milk Fed Spring
Chickens Saturday flb ,143Ac
First quality Pork Roast, lh BV4e
Hindquarters (enulna Spring lemo,
lb , lSVaO
Frontquartei j genuine Spring Iunli,
lb Sifco
First Quality Steer Round Steak, lStsJ
No. 1 Star Shoulder Steak 18 ".,0
No. 1 lluma Made Sausaaa B'io
Bbtoxed Kiii araozAlji
Diamond "C" llama, lb IHs
No.' 1 lean Plnnlo llama, lb lOVie
N. 1 It-nn Kacon, lb ITsi
No. 1 Salt Purk. lb SHe
No. S palls Compound Lard lSo
No. I palls Pure Lard Bis
See our full 11ns of Fresh, Cooki.l
and Smoked Meats. Ws sell Frank'j
Famous Milwaukee products.
Trimness of Line an Essential Feature
In hhoe style this season. Com
blnel with It you'll find superb
quality - nnd suiwrior assort
ments at each price. '
Women's gray, bronie and mid
night blue Vuecn Vitality shoes,
gJPy cut 85.50
Women's patent leather, gun
metal or kid with colored or
black cloth tops. 6hoes of real
merit, fl.US, $.1.75, .&0, $1
Men's Shoes, in all the new
Htyles, in Htetson, Crt)Bsett and
our own simm-UI makes, $A.OO,
$30, $3, $4 and ....83.50
Special for Saturday, about 300
pairs Men's gun metal bluchers,
all sizes 51 .flX
Men-lam shoes ror the children ana growing gins, $.UO. $12.50
nd Sii.OO
Albright's shoes In turn soles for the smaller children, 81.15. 81.
75 50
About 200 pairs boys' bluchers 91.50
Krldtr'j WVHs for the boys 82.50 d 82.00
Women's strap slippers and Juliets, with rubber heels, $1.60 values
t 81.00
Read the Big Special October Grocery Opening Sale Saturday
Put In your month's supplies and save
from ti ta SO er rent on the cost of living.
IB lbs. rare Oranulated Bnga $1.00
41-lb. sacks Heat lltgn tlraae lilanioud
H Hour, made irum the beat aelectad No.
spring wbeat, aaik fl.4?
i rana l'et or tarnation Milk Ss
cans Oil Hardmea B6a
Max Itren'a I'. anut Hutter, lb 1S'40
4 llis. Kancy Jaian Hl or 'l'apl ca, .8-0
16-o. tk. Nw Conitensedj M.ncutn.a.
at B 1.4a
New Honey, ier rack lTfi'
Tall cans Alituka Ha.lmon 13o
A.lvo Jell, for dessert. It's quality goH4.
at THs
2-lb. cane Fancy Swret Hucar Corn, Wax,
Btrlns, (irewn or Lima iluaiiS TUB
No. 3 cans Hak4 beans THs
(tioUe la.lforiila Peaches, lb THS
Choice Mucate Cooklns; Kale Ins. it-.r-lb
liershey s Breakraat Cooos, lb B3
Uolilsn Santos Coffee, lb SOe
Canej He. 1 Creaaasrf
mutter, lb ,
The Bt Btrlrtly Fresh f, dos...S4e
t-lba. Uood Uuticrlne ae
Fancy Table
Fancy Full
Cheeae, lb ..
Imported Swiss
Butterlne, lb ITHo
creaiti, tats or t.o.or.o
or Roquefort Cheese, p r
m TBaTABi.a kabbtdt or
Oauii ro tu rioru.
IS lbs. Jtrt Red Hirer Ohio Potatoes ISo
11 lbs. Fenoy Ureeuliig AppUa, for coon-
IfiaT I
S hunchea FYeah Radlahas 5c
4 .heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce..,.,,., 6o
I heebie Frxeh t'ahbaKe 10e
f laxse Soup Uuncher 10o
J'aficy Jersey Wweet 1'otatoea. 1.. Qo
bunches Fresh l'.rels, Carrots. Turnip.
for Be
! tieada Cooklns Cal.he B
Fresh Kalamacoo Celery .....loe
Fancy Sweet Corn, pvr dos XOe
1 bunches Freeh Parsley , &0
Bnsael Hampers UealTaa Xlaffet rears.
for cannula- B1.S5
4-baaket orates XteJlaa Bias Flnma . . , . boo
TJtak Xlberta Ireeetona reaonas, per
crate tto
Colorado Blberta rreeetoae reeobes, par
rate s.e
Coal Bucket Special,
Saturday at 9c
ObTX to a CUSTOHim. Vs a O. . e Telepaoa Orders Aoceptal.
Heating Stoves
Largest Selection in Omaha at Lowest Prices.
Small Oak Heaters. Just ths thins; for heating one room SH.93
lieautlful square effect "Live Oak" Heaters, nlokel swing top, nickel
aklrt, with a base, from S7.S0 to HS.OQ,
Hot Bluat lioaters $t4.0O and 91S.M
Lase Furners B07.l to $60.00
We cell ,,EenownM black nickel finish cast iron
ranges and "Range Eternal" malleable ranges. A
money back guarantee with every one.