Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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3HgH Rate cf Interest Attract. At
tention of British and French
Capitali.ti to New York.
THE DRIVE Crown Prince Friederich Wilhelm and his
favorite mount at the front.
NEW YORK. Oct. 1. MrnibtT cf
the big yndlcat of bank, trust
companies and private banking
houe. which will manage the 1500,
000,000 bond Iwmip negotiated hero
by the Anslo-Krcnch loan couiniU
alon,. had received today a flood of
applications front banks and individ
uals for permlsnlnn to participate In
underwriting the loan. Although
the subscription books have not yet
been opened, the total u1jh rlpllons
already offered are estimated as
amounting; to as high aa $430,000,
That no me of the subscriptions
will be very large was Indicated by
the statement that one of the most
wealthy men in the United States
had offered $30,000,000 and that
other offers ranging from $3,000,
000 to $5,000,000 have been made
by New York banks or large corpor
ations here. .
Sir Kit ward Iti.Men, in of the member
cf the Anilo-KroiK'h -ommliln, was
quoted Uxlny at faying Itmt In hia opinion
the loan wag tn turxrlor In Inoime yl-ld
to anything In London that ho xp-et a
large amount of It will find It way to
that city. Hoth KnuliKh and French
lnveMor alrrndy are making- rxtenalve
applitatlotia for It," n!d Plr KriwaM.
In the announrfment of the term lans,
virtually anybody with tl.oao to Invest
was offered a tond at W4. the prtia to
the syndicate per cent under the fig
tire dc.larnated aa the selling price to the
Individual subscriber, which was fixed
t St).
Having completed their mission, the
member of tho loan rommlxilun ar
weeptlna' some of the many soclnl Invi
tation they have received. Today tha
Franco-American society gave a luncheon
j honor of the commissioners.
Paper M'araa Investors.
- LONDON. Oct. L Tho financial col
timna of the London morning papers de
precate as unpatriotic sny Investment
In the American loan by Ilrltlsh inves
tors. The Morning Post even calls for
the issue of a memorandum by the gov
ernment reminding the public that such
appllcatlcns shouM not be mode. The
sa. Mi" ttT ' -v
M ill
U U !v-w iL"i w -t V-
V .
"V- sifcsSevA-. -w ,y.-.;.:-'-. ;- ..:;:: w:--.. :-.v-. .-. ,v.-x-. jj. Alii -1 H L MsttasWii
lands have been than those of Great
Hrltsln have heen during the first five
months of this year, not only In the case
of cotton, but thst of most every other
Important commodity.
Figaros In Hebber.
"lle-eport of rubber from the United
Kingdom to Hcsndinavla and The Neth
erlands declined from 17,726 centals of J0
pounds in Jsnuary to May, JUH, to lS.IKti
centala In January to May, 1H15; on the
other hund exports of rubber from the
t'nlted Kates to the same destlnstions
tncressed from 1.D7K centals to I.o40 cen-
lata T .A.ntiurl. nf rilhlir tO the
I'!.WJ'.'P! .b"""- v'r h!i nlied Btste. from this country have In
deed taken place, but all other re-exports
of rubber have declined during thla
country to discountenance Inventments of '
Ibis kind by every means In their power.
The Times says:
'No reputable banking house or finnn
clal house In London will nlva acuities
tor such Investments."
The Times adds that It believes that
every obstacle will bo put In Its wsy by
the American bunkers Usulnir the loan.
The newspaper proteaU sum Inst the Man
chester Ouardlan's criticism statement
as "utterly perverse" adding:
Tsxatlon is a separate matter slto
Itether and nobody could propose to make
the Amurlcsns psy our Income tax in
the United States."
Will rente Pro. A Mr Nrmttinenl.
PARIS, Sept. !M.-Thn Temps, comment
Ing on the American loan to Ureal Hrlt
aln and Prance, says:
"The conditions of the lon are ss
favorable as circumstances permit. They
ahow the solidarity of French and Kna-
per od.
"It will
therefore be seen that this
trade for the first five months of this
year shows a large decline
Increase Thirty Her t'ent.
"Everything In the statistics I have re
ported tends to show that the mercan
tile community of the United Hlates has
made profits proportionately equal to, or
greater than, those of tho mercantile
commun'ty of Great Ttrltaln in respect to
all those demands which have Inevitably
arisen in Biandlnavla and The Nether
lands as a consequence of the closing of
the German ports. The total volume of
tho trado of the United States with these
countries has Increased 30 per cent, as
ymir excellency will see from tha ac
companying table, taken from the United
Ktatts official monthly summary of for
eign commerce, which shows the com
psratlve values of the total e ports of
country hss actually been supplying mors the I nlted States to Scandinavian
rubber to the United Htates at tho ex- countries and Tho Netherlands during
pense of other neutrals, while American the first five months of 1U and 191S.
exporters have taken advantage of this The value of the total increase In these
h credit and the confidence of America ' .0t.48 pounds. The exports of manu-
In the ultimate vb-tory of the si lbs. Ths
fact that the money la to be uaed to pay
for the alllea" purchases In Amerloa sn
make stable tho exehiinno rates In no
way modified the significance and ef
fect of the uw rut Ion. .
"The brutality of the German prop
aganda seems to have accentuated the
trend of opinion In the United Hlates al
resdy favorable to the allies. The Wash
Incton admlnlatratlon wishes to remain
at peace. The American nation does not
want war. It falls to see whet role it
y,mr m ne world con flirt n lta
present stste of military preparations,
but knows Its Importance as an economic
force and as a naval influence."
f (Continued from Page One.)
to ship Increased qusntltles of rubber to
Hcsndinavla and Ths Netherlands.
"In the case of lubricating olts, the in
crease of the United Kingdom exports to
Hcsndinavla and Holland was 103,270 gal
lons; tho Incresse of too United Htates
exports during the ssme five months wss
J.S67..W3 gallons, being five limes as great
au the lirltlsh Increase.
"The Increase In the re-exports of un
manufactured tobacco from the United
Kingdom to tho same countries and over
the same period waa I937.2M pounds: the
ccrres.'oniliiig United States Increase wss
exports during this period amounted to
Ulenwmnit Will Have restlral.
OLEENWOOO, la.. Oct l.-(8peclal.
Olenwood will put on a three-day fll
festival on October 10-11. Home-grown
fruit, vegetables and live stock, will he
awarded prises worth winding. Two aero
plane flights dally will be a feature not
before put on In this Ctly.
isuay be removed as soon aa posnlble. but
as I hear statements, no doubt inspired by
! German agenta. are being circulated In
itAmeiioa tu the efect that bla maleaty's
government Is trying to stop thele-t!mate
Itrade of the United Hlates with neutrsl
countries In order to capture the trade
ifor the Hrltlah empire and Is. therefore,
allowln goods to be exported from the
United Kingdom, which they have not al
lowed to be imported Into the same
countries from the United Btates. I think
It well to Inform your excellency Imme
diately of the true state of affairs, and
with this end to lnv'te sttention to the
following data and figures:
Movement nr wttoa.
"The Increased re-expoit of cotton from
the United Klmcdom to Norway, Hweden
lenmsrk and the Netherlands, dur ng the
months of Jhitry to May. Iai5, as com
pared with the aunts period n 105
amounted to &0S.M ce-itsla of 1 V pounds.
The United Stat.-, rxpoited to the four
eountrlea mentioned durins: this period In
1!5 as much k. g.jrj.iat cental. aa .oni.
Pared WIN aM.177 centsla tfurlis: Jan
uary to May. au ilu ra.. f I.Mt.l
eiiUls cr six times the liHree In the
-xixrt of cotton from the tolled King
dom, .
The atve flgur-s for the United King
dom ar taken from the official cuaioms
return; theie from the Un ted states
bav Wen larefully compllm by the war
trade department from tl,p manifests of
thoe vrwla whli h actually arrived with
cargo from the I'n'ted states In Hcandl
tiavtan and Outi h porta dur-ng the five
KioMbs. Fehruary to June, ise.j, as coin
twrvd with f te-twrirths of. the total re
corded exp(,rt from the United Htates to
thoae countries In the year endl-ig June
?, l'Jlt It Is evident that some shipments
xnuat have taken p'ace from the United
ftates to HcjiedlnavUn and The Neiber.
lunds. which could not come within the
cope of the must clr-umiianUal compila
tion atatlatlca drawn up fivin the manl-ft-aia
of examined ships alone and I
Would thereforo ly particular streaa
ilHn the fait that tlie fuurea thua 4
tained by the war trade rierartment are
xec;arily uji.I. rmuu nu nla of ti,e
amounta a ti.Jly ah Wiped. Hut even from
tUe figures ttiu obtained. It la poaslble
taciuted tobaoco from tua United King
dom have actually declined, while ex
ports of th'.a commodity from the United
Htates to Hcsndinavla and Ths .Nether
lands has hitherto been relstlvely Insig
nificant. It Is therefore altogether im
probable that the United Btates can have
lost trado In tobacco In conseqUenoo or
the meaaurvs taken by his majesty's
t'oees and t offee.
"United Kingdom re-exports of cocoa
1 have ilHen from 174,10 pounds in Janu-
aiy-May, Mt, to UM.(il! poUnda In January-May.
ltflu. an Increase In round
Meals Will Fit!
No Indigestion,
Gas or Acidity
Eat without fear- of sourness,
heartburn, belching or
The moment "Pape'a Diapep
sin" reaches the stomach
all distress goes.
If your, meals don't fit eomfn. t.iv ...
nuiiUM-ra ot &jior nvm you teei niosted after eating and' you be
Unlted Htates for the same months havd lleve It Is (he food which fills you; If
risen from pounds In Wit to l.016,0i) what little you eat lays like a lump' of
pounds lit tn, sn Incresse of l,O0U,k lead on your stomach; If there la dlf
Theae figures sieak for themselves. , flculty In breathlna: after eating, eructa-
In the first five months of Mi the lions of sour, undigested food and acid,
United Kingdom re-exports of coffee t heartburn, brash or a belching of gas.
tha same countries amounted to H.40f you can make up your mind that you
hundredweight and the exports from the need something to stop food fermenta
Unlled Hlatea to 7.S hundredweight. In t,on and cure Indlgeatlon.
the corresponding five months of M& the 1 To make, every bite of food you eat
United Kingdom re-exports were XS.iSS ld ,n th nourishment and strength
hundredweight, while the imports from or your body, you must rid your etom
the United Htates wore s6.7u) hundred- "J of PlOns. excessive acid and stom
aelght. showing that the United Btates h which sours your entire meal
exports, which were formerly much less. In,,eres with digestion and causes so
are now grculer than those of the United n,"ny . Tr' ot d'lt'. ck head
KllljInl " biliousness, constipation, griping.
Hie and fr'loar U'' YUr r' '" no lffeint-you are
- 7 . a stomsch sufferer, though you may call
"In the caae of ike. tho Inert e.ed re- ,t by t,t,ler name. ou '
expoiU from the Un.ted Klmcdom. , hlch ;miy trouble h.t wh;cn
amounted to hundredweight f-r Bt ,,, but ulckly furwenU
the r-rlod unm-r levasw, was entliely duo . a,,,, produclng almo,t Mhealthy
to the dlveruii to the United Kingdom j condition. ' '
-ase of Pane's Ilapepsln will
ports of the laige trade
Indian rice
. I. , .... II I I ...
other cotillni ntal portK. n he from wl ronvlnce ,ny ,tonmcn aai(vnr rlv,
the t nlted Mule, have increased from llnute. fter taking a single dose that
JEI hundre.iere.gbt In January-May. INI, fermentation and J. . .k ' . '
t, r.,xo biimlredweUht In January-May. ( iK ,lie n,Mry of igUon.
.. : . . . 1 - i r,o matter If you call your trouble ca
tarrh of the stomach, nervousness or gsa
trltla. or by any other name always re-
iienioer mat instant relief Is waiting at
The United hlu-dom tncreaae In the
export of wheat (lour to Scandinavia
and The X t) erlantl during January-May.
Jfi,.'s loiupai-td with lt-1. wss
17.044 hundredweight; the United r-tates
Increase ?,:.,.o3 htindredweight fur
the same eilod.
"1 could point to many other Instances
of similar pruuot Innate incieusea In the
exports of the United htatia to Scandi
navia and The Netherlands, ss compared
wilh exports to the same countries from
the United Kingdom during tho last five
months. In repoct H the great ins lor it y
of articles for whkh figure of United
State trade can be given, .the Incrvase
in this trado la greater, and In some
case very cotittdetably greater, thsn the
Increase In the United Kingdom trado.
Trade Hwales tkanaea.
"In many cases Increaacs In United
Kingdom re-e porta are due to the fact
that the products of livllUh Indian and
odonlala provluivs, which formerly went
direct ti ooiit.neiital porta, such as Ham
burg, lUitterdum or Copenhagen, are
now sent to the United Kingdom and
thepc dixtribuled to old cuatoiners bi
Scnnjlnala ond The Ketherlanda. Anions
such may be im nil med l-epper, cinnamon
and other al l es (largely the product of
the lirltiKli Kat lud.ea). Imtlan tea, palm
kernela (mainly from Ur.ileh at Af
rica), and ci..ia (in,i'n!y fr un the litraJta
M-ttKmenta and Auairella). The direct
trade of the llrkuh overseas dominions
TWO Splendid Sale events for Saturday
which should crowd our clothing depart
ment to its capacity at a very early hour a great un
derpricing of guaranteed Clothes, furnishes inducements
of which wise buyers will hasten to take advantage.
313. GO
Everyone of them of sterling quality and exception
ally handsome styles and patterns. Blue serges,
fancy serges, worsteds and new sWt weaves in many
combinations. Suits made ppeeially for us and with
Ilayden's label, hvery suit backed by our guarantee.
Yes Sir! These $20 and $1 Q.75
$25 TOP COATS go at -LO
Just advance sale of nobbv Top Coats splendidlv
tailored by HART, SCIIAFFNEIJ & JilAItX and
other well-known makers. Your choice of Coverts,
Vicunas, unfinished worsteds and fancy weaves.
Snappy, young men's models or the more staple, con
servative styles in a good selection of colors. Stouts,
J-iongs, Ji.xtra bizes. We have your sue.
.make the best ready-to-wear clothes produced in the land. We are
showing the most complete line of these famous clothes west of
Chicago and invite you to personally inspect the new fall stocks.
Varsity Fifty Five Suits Varsity Six Hundred Coats
th tnappitat stylet you'll find styles tht have rtal go to them
IT '
Try HAYDEN'S First
any drus tore tha moment you decide to
begin lta use, -
!'' l!aprp!n w'll regulat any out
of order atoniai-h within five minute, and
dist promptly, without any fuca or dta
comfort all or any kind of food you eat.
vo i,ow ton. -luaivt-iy i.ow mum greater i with the port of Hamburg alone 1 very
the lii' nn.. in the Ameilian r-aportit tor-t In normal tlim-a.
laiidinavUu country nJ The Nether-1 "In many biian. a our re-export
l! Hi tff I li rl ril r it
alllUtV' II
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