Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 14

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" --
Friday, October 1, 1915.
HAT'S in a name?" the bard did inquire. "Enoueh to com
pletely befuddle our senses," we fain would reply.
All this by way of explanation for the absolute blank
of our mind when confronted by tome of the names of colon
need la the description of gown to be worn at the Ak-Sar-Ben ball.
"Field mouse meteor," I reedwlth dismay. Field mouse! Why, 1
clou my eye and acream at Bight of a plain, ordinary, everyday mouse;
then bow can I be expected to know what color a field mouse ii? I never
aw one, and wouldn't know him If 1 did.
Here is one "claret cup" satin. Bounds interesting, to say the least
"Sienna!" Now what color do you suppose that could be? I looked
tt np In the dictionary and found that it was an orange-yellow to a reddish
brown tint I have one consolation. I don't believe you knew it, either;
now, did you? '
One of the modistes whom I consulted waxes quite poetical in her
description of colors. Sunset, dunk, blossom, mint and horizon are some
ot the descriptive colors she Rave me.
Veteran, nectar and spray, however, are among the colors I gave up
la despair.
The origin of these names and their application have about an much
bearing as the appellations of Pullman cars to their surroundings, which
reminds me of the story of a well known young Omaha lawyer who wrote
to a friend, telling him he had named his small daughter "Audrey."
"What did you think you were naming a Pullman car!" wrote back
the) unfeeling young man, who was not a benedict, need loss to remark.
Oa the Calendar.
The Frldsy 11 inning Itridirc club nve
a mitn party at the Orphcum this aft
ernoon. Mrs. I& B. Wilson enlertnlnwl one of
the Informal bridge luncheon clul today.
Three tables of players wers present.
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. How will enter
tain sis guests at the closing dlnncr
danc at tha Country club, Saturday
Ths Thursday Fowling club, which hat
been meeting at Hsppy Hollow this sum
mer, wtll have luncheon Monday at the
(VimmerrliU Hub, followed by a bowling
party. Fifteen members will be presont.
Club Women Return.
Omaha orlegates to the state convention
of the Nehrseha Federation of Women's
cluba at Norfolk, returned home todnjr.
Among them were Mesdames N. H. Nel
son, president of ths Woman's elub; K.
M. Byfert. U M. Lord, J. H. Uumont.
Harriet MacMurphy, W. B. Knight, Jean
Johnson. Edward rbelan. F. II. Colo,
M. D. Cameron. K. K. J. Bdholm. C. W.
Hayes. R. 8. Laverty, N. M. Graham,
O. 8. Brooks and W. P. East.
Scriei of Bridpe Parties.
Mrs. Julius Irefus and Mrs. Jou-ph
Rosrnfeld are giving a series of bridge
parties at the home of Mrs. Dreyfus,
complimentary to Mrs. J. Weinberg and
Mrs. F. M. Thormnn of Cleveland. Keven
U.bles of players were entertained Thurs
day afternoon, there were the same num
ber of guests today, and tomorrow the
last or the series will be given.
Recent Affairs.
Mrs. E. A. Chamberlain snlrr'alried at
an informal luncheon yesterday, followed
by an Orpheum party, tn honor of Mrs.
John Oreusel of Ksllepct, Mont., ths
guest of Mrs. James W. 8harjH. Those
present were:
Meediunes Meadeine-
John (Jreueel, James W. Hhsrpo, .
Joel Arnold, K A. Cliamlttrlain.
Persona' Mention.
Mr. and Sirs. C. A. Orlmmrl are mov
ing Into their new home in lluppy Hollow
addition this week.
Mrs. J. IL Phillips hss returned from
PL Louis, where she 'was callod by the
death of her mother, Mrs. K. A. Prince.
Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Kmlth and Mls
Harriet Huntington Smith are In the etitt
and ara not expected home for several
Mine Margaret rooHttte of J reeled.
Colo., Is tn Omaha for a few days on nir
way east. She Is the guvst of Mrs. IL A.
Miss Katbeiins Lee arable will return
from New York Tuesday and will re
sume her dancing classes the followtr.
Mrs John Oreusel of ICXUspel, Mont.
Is spending a few days with Mrs. James
W. (Sharp.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Miss Lottie Lee frw.wji'ii .will leave fur
Denver Monday. She will b a brides
maid at tha wedding of Mlse Mira Bcott.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Redlck, Mrs. W.
A. Kedick. and Mrs. Will Murna are ex
pectad back from a motor trip to Chicago
this weak.
At the Boyd Theater.
A brilliant gathering of eoclrty folk will
be In attendance tonight for the opening
performance at ths Boyd theater. Al
Jolson In "Dancing Around" Is the at
traction. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorg Brandnls,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nash. Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Burgess and M as Matjorl McCord
will entertain box parties.
Reservation for four sueets have been
made by Frank T. Hamilton, Paul Wern-
her. J. I. luhm, J. Van Dorn. J. J.
Humes, Jack Summer, Robert Msnley.
U. U. Leinere. I. 8ibbemsn, De Forest
Richards and Fred P. Ioomla.
Mrs. Herman Kotintae, Frank Onwglll,
Ren Warren. Kdwln 6wobe, Fern Burns
and Morhlrr f'olpetxcr. have made reser
vations for two.
For the flufirday matinee, Mis Harriet will give a box party In honor of
Miss Gertrude McOrthv of Chicago. Mrs.
C. II. Bean. A. W. Wilson, Mrs. It. M.
Larrshee. Mis Olga Hlors. Mrs. Andrew
Rosewater, Miss Irene Bmllh, Mrs. Will,
lam Byrne, Mrs. A Coakley, C. R. Ora
harn. Captain hi R, Tompkins and Mrs.
Edward Beall, will entrrtRln guests.
Aiiioi:k those who have made reserva
tions for the Saturday evening perform-am-
are: Miss Harteee. Clifford Wolfe,
Hal Brady, T. M. Tatterson of I'lstts
mouth, E. M. Slater, F. W. Clark, B. L.
Owen. Mrs. Charles Ogden. It Henry of
Frlnd, Neb., and C. Bergman.
Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors
Mr. and Mrs. George Truesdoll of Plam
'J'w UI b he guests of their niece,
Mrs. Ouy Urett, and Mr. Liggett, during
Ak-Flar-Ben week.
Mis Sibyl Iwrenre of Reatrles will
b the guest of Miss Hortense Phlpman
during Ak-Sar-Ben.
Bnell-Milliken Weddin.
A wedding of Interest to Omahans ta
that of Mia Jane Mllll ken .P nvmAM
and Mr. Iex1er C. nuell r t.i. ......
which will be celelrated In Fremont tol
morrow evening at the home of the bride.
Among ths guests will be many Omaha-iva,
several of whom will motor from her tn-
morrow afternoon.
At the UniTemftT Club.
Dr. Samuel MrChord Crothers, pastor
of ths first Parish church of Cambridge,
Mass, and author ot "The Gentle
Jteader," will edflrees the flub following
the luneheon. Saturday.
Mr. end Mrs. Oeorge W. fVimnee en
tertained at the fnlreealty elub. Thurs
day evening. A profusion ef pink rose
were used In the decorations snd covers
were placed for sixteen guests.
To Honor Dr. Crotheri.
The t'nltarlan rhurc-h members are giv
ing a reception this evening In honor of
Dr. Samuel McObord Orothers, pastor of
the First Parish church of Cambridge,
With the School Set.
Miss Geraldlne Johnson baa Wi to enter
Ferry Hall at Lake Fret. III.
Drew Arenda left Sunday to resume his
studies at Culver Military academy.
Parish Aid Society Meets.
The Parish Aid society of Trinity
cathedral held a business meeting at
the home of Mrs. James A. Tancock,
Wednesday. The same officers of Inst
year were re-elected and tha members
plan to begin work for the coming sea
son next Wednesday, when they will
meet at the boms of Mrs. George Barker.
Harm' Beg-i.try Meeting-.
The annual meeting of the Nurses'
Registry was held at the Nurses' Cen
tral club, Wednesday evening. There waa
a short business meeting, following
which a musical program was given by
Jean Gilbert Jones, Miss Ethel Tost. Dr.
Jennie Cull fas, Miss Josephine Hall and
Mrs. ICffle gteen Klttleson.
The officers of the Nurses' Registry
ere Miss Margaret McQreevy of the
County hospital, president: Miss Bessie
Randall of the Visiting Nurse associa
tion, secretary: Miss Gertrude Smith of
the Birch Knolls sanitarium, treasurer,
and Miss Grace Bradley, registrar.
Kappa Pii Banquet
The Beta Nu chapter of Kappa Ps en
tertained Its pledges at a dinner party
Wednesday night at the Henshaw rath
skeller. Following tha dinner, which was
an elaborate affair, ths evening waa
given over to music, with a few Informal
talk from those who ware present.
Reception for Home Onetti.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Eaton gave a
reception to seventy-five at their home
Wednesday evening, complimentary to
their son, Byron K. Eaton, and Mrs.
Baton of Los Angeles, and their sister,
Mrs. A. J. Eaton of Salt Laks City. A
profusion of salvia, cosmos, asters, nas
turtiums and ferns wers used In the
decorations throughout the room. ' As
sisting the hostess wers:
D. O. Craighead,
S. Kader,
V.. V. Hose,
C. P. Allen.
Margoelei Hume,
Grace Thorn.
Roy Others,
3. Thom,
H. C, Weeden.
Edna Hume.
Uertrude Rodman.
To Attend Fremont Wedding:.
A large party are planning to motor to
Fremont tomorrow for tha Buell-Mllli-
ken wedding. They will leave In the
afternoon, stopping at Valley for dinner.
Mr. and Mra. W. C. Ramsey will go by
train tomorrow morning. The motor
party will Include: - .
Mesera. and Masdame
John K. Morrison, C. J. Claaasen,
Fred Rlelwl. jr.; It. A. Van OradsU
Clinton Brone, Will Guild.
Myron Havward, Raymond Hayward,
Mr. Samuel Rees, ir.
1jneH eonpojj spy u.w eeg
Former President of the Omaha
Water Company Notei Wonder
ful Progress Made.
"Omaha has certainly made a vast
Improvement in the three and a half
years since I was here last," 'said
Theodore C. Woodbury of New York,
former president of the Omaha
Water company, who Is looking in
on his old associates and friends.
"I was over in Iowa on a business
mission and did not want to go hack
without looking at Omaha. It was
May, 1912, that I was here finishing
up the transfer of the water works
to the city, and I am struck Im
mensely by the progress that has
been made In the building ot the
"I waa out to the water plant at Flor
ence and noted the Improvements there,
too. The plant la being well kept up, and
mnny things have been accomplished that
we would hav done had we had the
money which tha city now has without
limit The fact thst so many of our old
men have been kept In the responsible
positions Is best proof that our water
company was well managed, and they
are doing good work for the city too.
"W are tn the midst of a suffrage
campaign in New Jersey, where I live,
an the active speakers on both Sides
are the same who took part in the cam
paign In .Nebraska, and keep reciting
their Nebraska experiences.
"Since I waa here last, I have prac-1
tlcally retired from business, severing
my connect. on with the Ladenberg Thai
men company last April. I am U years
old, and my children all grown, and with
my wife I hope to take life a little easier
and drop In on my friends here oftener."
Modern Dances Are
Barred in Parks by
New Rules Just Out
C. H. Spooner has been appointed super
visor of dancing In the Hanaoom park
pavilion. Tbe floor has been prepared
and the dances' will be started next week.
The Recreation board announces the
following set of rules for the regulation
of these dances:
All reservations must be made by
groups ot bona fide standing in the city
and are hold strictly accountab e for the
actions of the group while on park prop
erty. Failure to conform to these
will mean forfeiture of the use of tbe
park property In the future and expul
sion from the premises at the time of the
Infraction of the rules and regulations.
Doorkeepers and floor committee must
be furnished by groups for all danoee.
All questions of conduct and interpre
tation of the rules will be decided by the
supervisor In charge.
Only waltsna, tvro-stepa, schottleche,
souara dances, three-steo to threa-atao
muslo will be allowed. Modern dances are
No charges made for tie use of tho
park and no group shall make a charge
of admission or sell any commodity
while on the property of tha parks.
Hours shall be from 7:39 to 11 p. m.
( 7
Dodimead Gets -
Good Start in
Suit for Alimony
Whether Mrs. Katherlne Dodimead, pro
prietor of a rooming bouse, shell pay 2S
a month for the support of her husband
during pendency of a divorce suit, wss
not determined at a hearing held In Judge
Hears eourt.
The court ordered Mrs. odlmead to pay
110 Immediately to her husband out of
money In ber possession, alleged to be
long to them Jointly and this was done.
The subject of temporary alimony and
other Issues between the htrshand and
wife were postponed for two weeks.
1Zcv. John T.PoucIiqt
Rev. Emory D. Hull
on week days, except Saturday, when
11:45 will be the closing hour. No dances
permiuea on sunaay.
Permits must be secured from the of
fice of the superintendent of recreation.
Only the group making the reservation
will be allowed to use the ball covering
tiie period of reservation.
Any damage done to the property while
group reserving hall Is In charge must
be repaired by that group.
If a group saks for a reservation and
does not appear, it forfeits right to re
serve the hall In the future, unless the
person slngnlng the reservation notifies
this office at least a day in advance of
the change.
Rush for Wyoming
Homesteads Over
8. B. Howard of the Burlington land
department has returned from the
Ooshen Hole country of Wyoming, where
he went to e present at the opening to
homestead entry of 1AO.00O acres of land
lying Just over the Nebraska ' stats line
from Scott's Bluff county.
According to Mr. Howard, at the time
he left. Thursday, about UO persons had
made selection and apparently the rush
waa over. In the tract there was land
enough for some aoensaders Sit
190 acres each.
Already the beat of the land has been
taken and the remaining tracts are only
Ot far graxlng. The government's plsn
la that after October 28 all land untaken
nay be filed open In lots of M acres
each by niea who h.w previously fUed
on ISO-acre homestee-la, thus giving a
number ef the settlers farms of t30 acres.
Jest the ThlasT."
A tailor's work Is sedentary. TTiat is
why most tailors suffer from constipa
tion. O. W. Roberson. Wichita Falls,
Tax., says: '1 find Foley Cathartic Tab
lets the most delightful, oleenslng oat ha r
tle I hare ever taken. They are Just the
thing." They keep the stomach sweet
and ths liver active, drive away bead
ache, dullness, tired feeling, biliousness,
bloat and other results of clogged bowels.
Prompt and effective, without gripe or
pain. Btout peoine praise them for the
light. free feeling they give. Bold
everywhere. Advertisement.
Clara Morten eon, EX Pine street, ar
rested on a charge of vagrancy, asserted
In eourt that she was working and sup
porting her -year-old ehlld as best she
knew how. Juvenile officers testified
exactly In opposition to her story and as
a result she was fined $50 and costs.
J J 3aVm
Hosiery for
men and women
in all popular color.
ri a eorr
An Extraordinary High
Lace Boot
For Women
who want a shoe that is different
from the ordinary.
The Graceful Lines and the
Glove-like Way It Tits tho
Foot shotild appeal strongly
to the women who seek
style as well as comfort.
Comes in seven colors
to match the new fall
$5" $7
317 South I6th Street
U mm
1 ItfJK
wo, mis is not to oe a sermon, but a heart-to -heart talk with you for your benefit as well as ours. A few days ago we were introduced to a lady in our store. After discussing several
1 ,. A Imve ,U31 maae a ttwco very." we tnougnt we were expected to say, "What is it7" and so we did. "You are the man who writes the ads. You write Just as you
'That Economy
iaiK. tJlusninfflv we admitted the imnfiachrnent.. That's luat wnnt rn( f w merit rrh tnllr ir ttmi 4a fOBMi tvriVi vaii svsv 4-Via iha -ma rvn fsiwVt a 4Vwa ahm Mti4in 1 mamJ fTT
ww r W9 M mm j samv aUH W T ttiy iV UVt V V V W Ov4.1i WW VttUt s J V tV bUOUU TV ibil JVU fiV fUAf T XlAQr V KVW sjVKCliiCl A JX MUM JllUbUXVl li WLLe TV C
O -A rYtlrifW 4a .vltta Al. TWI A ItAVTM 1 a . ..... - W W W
o i,u fcivc ,vuU) mcrcigre, vxjaouim wmcn in our judgment snouid draw you to the store or
We are going to reel them off Just aa they occur
or are presented to us, and If we seem to be Jump
ing from pillar to post, "upstairs, downstairs and In
the parlor window," aa It were, lt'a 'causa w want to
mm 'iiiiiMOi
vA i AW
Induce you to read the ad thru
We believe that it we stated we hare In stock tha
Uest Silk Stotkine; in America for one dollar we
would be close to the unvarnished truth. We don't
know of any other stocking so good at the price,
and our means of acquiring knowledge equals the
best. We could tell you the history of the purchase,
but It will be more Interesting for you to aee tho
Make a note. Call at Hosiery Section Saturday.
Bern these stockings. Ulack. white, brome, navy and
sand colors The value sticks rlht out l.oo per
pair, nuy what you can. It will be many a long day
ere you see their like.
It may seem a bit strange to find
start the season with
Tlirre' reason for this also
Ask anyone (of Intelligence) and they
will say: "Oh, yes. at that store you will
always get good, dependable merchandise." The
knowing ones know, too, that nowhere can you get
baiter values. The runner must be able to read as
well, hence these sperlals
IWltTV tiOWNS for the ball; .things of real
beauty, which will gladden the hearts of wearer and
onlooker; materials exquisite; will Anr ff
ell out qulcKly, each s10UU
A t-holce lot of Autumn Suits, specially Anr ff
Priced, at gdiUU
The NEW lKKK8Kri are here In force. Beautiful
combinations of silk, wool and velvet, designed tor
women of taste and refinement. .
JHACTICL DKESHKH of serge, checks and
fancy fabrics, would usually sell at CJQ OE
$16. SO and 118.60, on Saturday 4a70
of Georrotte, that showy, dainty silk material now so
fashionable; plaids pleasing and practical; taffetas
strtped and otherwise; lace, net and velvet combina
tions, we have grouped together a lot usually would
b $0.00 to $T.60. Saturday. S3.0S.
Strikingly handsome.
S rt:it TEXT of all the devoted mothers are
more Interested In fitiiag out the kiddles than dress
ing themselves. This is our long suit. We have made
a study of it. We have qualified as experts and our
know led ne is at your service 1'IIKK AH A 1 It -and
we provide for all ages, all the seven of them -Babyhood
to Womanhood.
We INCLUDE HATS, la Children' Section, and
we have them for all ages, even to bridging that dif
ficult period when the little missy blosMoms Into the
full-fledged MlS. Saturday we'll sell a lot ot Autumn
Hats for chllJrvn at 8c Instead of fl.tO. ItMA
SON To draw the mother.
Peter Thompson's for you. Made from durable
serges, fl.oo to 18.50.
Gym Suits, S4.O0 to $0.75.
Serge Bloomers, f J.OO.
Sateen, navy and black, 75c.
Middles never so popular cotton and wool.
CiIKIjH, we fixed on Saturday so you could pick
em out yourselves.
If we were to write about going gunning for
business, or tell you of bagging ot game, tbe sports
only would get our meaning. W hen, however, we tell
you ot a
most people it up and take notice, for like other
sales of ours "The ling Bales are so dlfferent.'V
The Bag Sale then Real Seal and Morocco
colors and black Similar sold up to S3.KO:
81.58 Saturday.
Flat embroidered and voile colors high and low
neck gulmpcs and vestees high neck stock Ruffs.
Sport Scarfs, Collar and Cuff Sets, etc. We would use
. .. unds perhaps more, modest Style all
Ue while In this department. ' '
Just a little running list of prices for Saturday
to show you we always have a seat In the game
Pebeco Tooth Paste. 84c Instead of 60s
Milkweed Creams. 39c Instead of 60e
Sanltol Kace Cream, ITc Instead ot 26c
Rlcksecker s Cream, 8c Instead of 60o.
Palniollve Soap, Oc Instead of 10c.
R cksecker's Skin Soap, 13c Instead of !5c.
RIcksecker'B Tar Soap. 12c instead ot 10c,
Wright's Sliver Cream. lOc Instead of lie.
serv? 'fodlS.?. "d 0D- ThMe' h must
Jhlngs Vln UM ,paCe t0 tel1 you of otht
fUenr"Hn!r?('.0,Ur,.r 'ttln Demand
ihin. u-- kM h" lncr"d o that price, ara
IblOg. We have a rnnHI. .. . ..
Martens. Jsn Mink .-ai OI
, vuu7, itear.
Ostrich Feather boas In black and mixed colors.
Did you ever put
next to your skin
Crepe de Chine'
Underwear of this soft,
silky material is so
dainty, so delightful
to the touch, give
such a sense ot ele
gance, combined with
comfort. that well.
It has become the most
popular underwear
with tha fastidious
oo, Saturday.
Oowns for $3.75 and up to 9310. Plaia or
lace trimmed Camisoles, lace trimmed, $1.00
and up. And they are almost a necessity with the
latest waists.
But we have quite an important department on
our third floor. Saturday will show special value In
Sheer Madras Curtains, $1,29 I"" Plr. Will
match up with what you will see some places at
1 2.00 or over. Offering small lots at very low prices.
Worthy of your consideration Saturday
No. 1. Marquisette and Voile Brims, Mexican
drawn work borders, 25tt Instead of 46c
No. 2. Cluny, Duchess, Arabian and Scrim
Curtains, one, two or three pairs of a kind, ONE
No. S. Overdrape materials, sunfast, 70et 'n
stead of $1 00. Sunfast Kyntcr for portieres and
overdrape fiSc Instead of $1.26. Beautiful Sunfast
Madras, 08 instead of $1.25.
No. 4. Made up Portieres at OXE-HALF
No. 5. Dimtley 1015 Vacuum Cleaners, sweep
ers rather, with brush attachment, $4.75.
Third floor. Just right fernlnst you as you step
from the lift
Cross-Stttch Dresser Scarfs, 18x46 and 18x54,
49 nd fJV .
Stamped i'ique Dresses for children right (or
Tall up to 4 years old, 3Qc.
Stamped Linen Towels, attractive patterns,
prices 45 to 85.
Table Runners, easy for children to work, at
Every one of these Items, offered at prices much
lower than usual "More for Less" Is our motto
here as elsowbere.
More than one Intelligent woman have remarked
on the satisfaction received at this section. Indeed
scarcely a day passes that some one falls to stop at
our desk and auy wbt a comfort to buy underwear
from women of experience Exports) who know.
Tea, we are proud of the service we give. Now her
In America will you find more competent, courteous
saleswomen and salesmen, too, for that matter. We
come as near being a big family 'as you will And,
but speaking of underwear let's fit you. Let's give
you the right weight and texture. Price T Thata
easy! We have all prices.
Qoing to sell a lot of underwear for boys Satur
day 60c, 60c and 76c grades for 35J.
Perhaps there Is no make of Corset In the world
better suited to most women than the Redfern. You
wouldn't think that a corset had anything on earth
to do with winning a bridge game. And yet here's
what one woman aald recently; "Unless I can forget
my corset and concentrate on my game I cannot
win. That's why I wear a Redtern." Now, women
will know Just what that kind of comfort means.
Bomeimng like a
well fitting shoe,
we suppose. A
blessed unconsci
ousness as to
whether you hav
feet or shoes. Miss
Coleman, our head
fitter, says: "Wo
hav a Redfern
for practically ev
ery figure. Indeed
with a Redfern w
can produce that
grace of form
poise It you pleas
which cannot
help but appeal to
those who care
and what woman
doesn't car? Style
after aU counts
for more than a
pretty face and
the corset is the foundation.
corsets tor a littl while. This little cut Is but tbe
thin end of the wedge More to follow. Telephone
for fitting dste if you desire prompt service.
Bon Bona! Comfits! Contacts! Lollipops!
What we want you to know about is
Some day we are going to give yon a list ot some
of the Candies he sells. A good doctor who patron
ises the candy counter every Satnrlay, aays: "Cobb
la synonymous with good when connected with
candy." Doctor is right. Yoo never saw more men at
a candy counter than you will find visiting Cobb.
There's a reason, all right. Mr. Man when he buys
candy wants the best. What la Praline T Ask Cobb.
We expect to talk