THE HKE: OMAHA. FRIDAi, iM-ttTmUK 1, 1915. Dandruff Makes Hair Fall Out 25 cent bottle of "Danderine" keeps hair thick, strong, beautiful Girls t Try this! Doubles beau, ty of your hair In few moments. "Billy" Sunaay Preaches on "Behold! I Stand at the Door and Knock" Hilly" rliimlay prHchJ Inst nUht on horror waa no great that It hurst the lm the subject of "Itehold. I 8tanl lit thai lHmnt of lili speech and na cnea oui: Door anil Knock." Text: "Heboid, t : ( vf ) -I a; . --. - . Within ten minutes alter an applica tion of Denderlne yoa can not find a eln arte trane of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp wHI not Itch, but what will plaaae you moat will ba aftar a few wtwha' uh, when you aea new hair, fine and downy at flret yee but really new hair artowln all over tha acalp. A llttja Danderlne Immediately double tha beauty of your hair. No dlfferenoa how dull, fadad, brittle and scraggy, Juat moisten a cloth with Dandertne and care fully draw It through your hair, taking utm amall at rand at a time. Tha effect la amaslng-your haJr will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an Incomparable luster, soft naaa and luxuriance. Oet a K cant bottle of Knowlton'a Pan derine ; from any drug atora or toilet counter, and prove that your hair la aa pretty and aoft aa any that It haa been neglected nr Injured by careleaa treat ment that' -all you aurely can have beautiful hair and lota of It If you wtU )ut try a little Danderlne. A ' Special Sala c! Uca Curtains, Portieres and Couch Covers At the Central Fcrnituro Store One Day Only, Saturday, October tha 2d , Aa ImmtDi purchase of bsautl ful Uca curtains, elegant couch covers and portieres bought direct from the largest mills in America at a prloe which enables us to put the entire shipment on Special Sale tor this One Day ONLY at a price which will mean a saving to you of at least one-half. In this big iur chiusi there are absolutely no seo on da -every lace '.attain, ""portiere and couch cover Is fresh, crisp and new and. but recently left the loonia In the mills. Come to this big sale Saturday, October the Id. expecting to find some very extraordinary values and you will not be disap pointed. And, aa usual, you make your owa terms. stand at the door and knock; If any man hear ily voice and open the door, I will come In to hint, and will (tip wtth him, and he with Me."lUvrltlons. Ill, . That In a pert of a fries from Jeans ; Christ. delivered through John on tha ' laland of I'atmnr, and It was meant for i the ChrlMlana of that day. Home of thoee to whom It waa addressed had heard the matchless precept of Jeaua aa thay fell from His own line, and some of thoae j who had enjoyed that privilege had be come a pathetic and were deserving of re buke. I ran see many splendid signs on the horlson of yoir day and mine. I aea the churche growing In equipment. I see church membership Increasing. The wave of religion seal aroused In the latter part of the seventeenth century by Wes ley and Whitfield ha not loat Ita force, although It seems now to have many things In opposition to It. Tha force la there, but there aeema to ba something lacking that waa In tl.a early church when Jeaua spoke to John on Patmo and said, "Behold. I stand at tha door and knock." When Jesus aald that Ha said, "Take your pen and write that down, John. I want them to knew It." What la It that la lacking In our church today? Not the means and not tha num bers. We want to learn that beautiful rituals and fine churches are of little worth In thsmsolve. They Weigh hot at all with Ood. If wa only knew how little Uod caros for that sort of thing! They are all right, but they are not tha Im portant thing, and they are not enough We have music that's all right. Wa have society tha social aide of the church and that's all right, but wa make Jesua Christ stand outside. "Ho sheiper than a serpent' tooth la It to have a thank- leas chlldT" It Is true that "Man's In humanity to man makes oountlesa thou aanda mourn." but think now worse It Is to bo cold to Jesus. We allow Jasua Christ to wait outside. Hellaloa Year Will Tour religion la In your will, not In your handkerchief. It la your attitude toward Ood that determines your rellg ion. A alnner haa no standing with Ood absolutely no standing whatever; religion Is a matter of obedience to the command ments of Uod, sin la disobedience. If your will la not In conformity with tha will of Ood you are not religious. A man aald to ma: "It's So hard to get acquainted with Ood." I aald: "No, It's the easiest thing In the world. If Ood la not In your life It'a because you don't want Hint In." ' How do yoa know Ood will accept youT Well, I'll be a Tankee In this case and answer your question by asking you an other! "What Is that something within you which reaches out for something you have not; that makea you respect that which la noble and long for that which la good; that which made soma of you coma hare tonight; what Is ItT" You know what It la-the hunger of the hu man heart for Ood. Ood put that hunger there, and It la UU proof, that lie will accept you It you come. How are you to knowT Let ma ask If you would let Ood oome In jf you did know. Don't slay the king." An automobile waa struck by an express train ai a croasltig down in Connecticut last sum mer and all of Its six passengers were killed except one lltle boy who bad been deaf and dumb. The shock waa so great that ha found his voice and cried: "Help! Help!" I don't see how anybody on dad's dirt can keep still when ao many are In danger. rou say: "I feed the hungry." So do I. Tou say you do K In tha name of hu manlty. I do It in tha name of Jesua. When you do It In the name of humanity It will die. When It Is done In the name of Jesus It Is written down for all eter nity. And let ma tell you this you who tslk so much of humanttarlenlsm, there waa no humanltarlanlam before Jeaua for my health. While there, one morning I walked out, and looking Into the clear water I saw something which gl'itened Ilka a pearl. I asked John Kennel, who was with me, v. hat It waa, and he aald that every year when the sun was at this point, you could see the object glistening and many had tried to get it, but no one succeeded aa yet. I told him I used to be eon-M diver when I was at home In Iowa, but he laughed. I told htm to come on and try. Hr half a doien of us went and got bathing suits, and I waa to take first try, I stood there and took a big breath oh. I ran swell her out three and one-halt Inches, boys and then down I went head first, with my eyea open to see and mt hands ready to grasp. I plunged down and down, and the object seemed to eayy, "Coma on down. Not deep enough.' . I felt the presure of the water above and felt the coldness of the spring below me and I aald. "I'll try again.' and down I want until I felt my breath giving out. and I reached, but couldn't touch the object. I turned and whirled out of the water, and as my head popped out Jesus is the name that build my friends yelled. "Did you get her. came. homes, tha name that Inspires character, the name that sobers the drunkard, tha name that seta tha lllwrtlne free, tha name that will transform this old world and make it a paradise of peace Baae lagratlt ade. "Behold. I stand at the door and knock." The Utopia we have pictured In our dreams must come through Jesus. How ungrateful then to keep out of your Ufa aa influence that wants to help you. A friend of mine who had heard ma tall a story told ma that ha had witnessed tha Incident, or one Just like It. at the battle ot Antletam. It was on a part of the field where the federals ware pressing after retreating confederates, and a fed eral colonel saw a wounded confederate lying in the biasing sun. Ha dropped down beside the man and gave him water from hie canteen, than spoke kindly te him and started away. The confederate used what strength he had to raise a rifle. He took aim and the bullet crashed through the colonel who had Just be friended him. That waa an act far bet ter than that ef the man who keepa Jesus Christ out of hla heart. GaeVa I.) Boaaelee. How can any man fall to respect Jeaua ChrlatT I'll confess I can't under stand It. Why, it la nothing but the lova of Oud that keepa Him from sweeping tha world into hell. He brought about that awful tragedy on Calvary through Hla love fur men. He said, "If the world won't come after that It won't come at all." Note Calvary's appeal to the relation ot son to fatherl livery man has been or will be a son or a father. Ood knew that In touching tha string that binds son to father He was touching one of the tenderest strings of the human heart. . I see two lives start from tha same home. One accepts Jesus and tha other repudlatea 111m. Hlght where the two roads through life diverge Ood baa put Calvary. There He haa put up a cross, "the stumbling block over which the love of Ood aald, 'I'll touch the hoart of man with the thought of father and son." " Ho thought that would win the world to Him, but for l.SOO years men have climbed the Mount of Calvary and trampled Into the earth tha tenderest teachings of Ood. Tell me get right up and tall me. If you can, here In Omaha, , how . muoh more Ood could bava done to keep you out of hell! If you think lie could have done any more get up. I'd like to look at youl I'd like to see what kind of a mutt you are. After Jesus rose He said to HI disci- What Jesus' said centuries ago Is Still true-It still, haa power to savs. It is Just as much for us ai It was for the people of Ills day. In Egypt they dug up from the loog-forgottm tomb a mummy that Yikii tnsn nlared there X.S0O years aao. .h tha unwrmcned tha clothes ' P1". ck Jerusalem and tell about It there fell out a few gralna of i th man who stabbed ma that there la wheat. They planted these shriveled J shorter way to My heart than hla graina In the fertile valley of tha Nile". ' "Per found. Tell the man who put the and they sprouted and grew, and whenicrow, of thorns on My head that I've they were ripened they saved the seed, i ot crw" of eternal glory now; and and today there are thousands of bushels ' them forglva them." of wheat from that aeed that had lain Iwn la Jacksonville, Fla., a man. In tha mummy'e tomb daring the centu- Judge Owen, quarreled with hla ba ilee. These words of Jesus apply as muoh I fothed, and to try and forget he want Bill?" "Nope, too deep," I apuUered as I eplt out the water. I've heard lota of peopla tell about the love of Ood. Twenty-nine yeare ago I tried to fathom Ood a lova. I plunged, but It la too deep. Infinitely too deep. Understand T Nol UelleveT Tea And I never expect to undestand it until Jesus wipes tha fog from my eyea Then I'll understand. I pray Ood to fold In Hla heart old Omaha and put His arms around her. He haa knocked through sermon. He has knocked through song. He haa knocked through His word. Let Him come In. Simply Kaaake." "Behold, I stand at tha door and knock." Jesusl Knock louder! Knock louder! Tour will la the lifeboat and Ood will not puah you against yourself to get you In. Ood won't force you, and when He used this figure (knocking) He used the one best known to all the world. The polite thing to do Is to knock. If you bolt In you're a burglar. Soma of you have been kind enough to Invite me to go home with you for a meal. I don l go much, not that I'm fastldioua or chaoky, but I can't stand It. Tour hoe pltallty would kill me. Tou expect me to talk and entertain you, and I have to do as much work aa preaching a sermon, Than I can't eat all the good thlnse you would act before me. so you would get mad and aay I dliln't like your cooking i hava to deny myself a good many pleasures to keep myself In physical sh&De for Breaching, Jesus ssys. "I'll knock and you can let ma In." He'll never break In against your will. "Behold! I stand at the door and knock." There are several things some of you have done since these meetings began. First, some of you have opened the door and let Him In. Thank Ood. aecona, soma of you have your hand on the latch. but you are afraid to open It Some have Sundayisms at the Tab as Caught by Our Staff Artist s r-il z dcAcqn's fT3 HOT NXT SUA DAY NOW UYtf DCWff 79 Siitf 1 PAY siZiwfy'wi nicer V 'ccuip wiffAumt a mm uktwif I HOW ZCtfL OF US WOULD "GET BUSY IT CHRIST SHOULD CCK TO OM jf M (in just nV M IK 1i I " n Tfit i PUT THtSt j r fcTSMi i i xow x.vf if1- ci y public scholteacher and another woman who had had . ecrop. . The had split the Presbyterian church in two, for It I h H ft armvn an that rw.nnlM Visit VwmiM to turned a deaf ear to the devil, but some take BldeB T went to MiBa c and have turned a listening ear to the world. nef why he d!nt f)t h ghe BJd Borne have aald: "I will not let Him In. I thBt ghe nad.t started it. Mrs. F had Othera have let Him in, but He's up Hirt),d iu -Then go down and ask her In the spare room. Ever see a spare to forjrlVe you." She aald If she did Mrs. roomT It's usually up In the northwest w woui(j take delight In ordering her corner, two blocks sway from any fire. ( rrom tne noue. "Don't go alone." I told r The Best Place to Bay Baggage After All Freling & Steinle ' Omaha's Bett Esjfraje Builders' 1803 Farnam St L "4 7"' 3eC X ft mr sts sTstSiii'swer uf e WH'W I MM . . - - Quick, Safe Way to Remove Hairs (Toilet Talka Keep a little delatone powaer on your irtsstng table and when ugly, hairy s'ro wiiis - appear, snake a pasts with a .ntlc lit Die (uwder and some water. ) !y 4-d let remain on tha hairy aur- ' for 1 tr S ntluuit-s, then rub off, ah the skin and tha hairs Lave vao- Ti ls treatment W uite harmless hi.'i rn-ljf iii'jrt thn one application is if ; .ln. Lj( to avoid disappoinuneut - Ji.iliertisnif'ut today as when Jesus uttered them. They have power to make the drunkard sober, they have power to aave every sinner In Omaha. - - Must Have C'hrlet. . Tha religion ef Jesua Is something more than a system ot moral. There la not Christianity where Jeaua la left' out. I can preach Mohammedanism without Mo hammed.' I can preach Buddhism without Buddha. I can preach Koroaeterism with out Zoroaster. In esch ef these there le a line of doctrine without any especial aeed ef its founder, but without Christ there can be no Christianity. It la not only a code for living It Is a personality, a living link between man and the Father. I cannot preach Jeaua unless I accept Jesus Christ. Jeaua aays: "It you ,w1ll open the door I will oome la and prove my power through your life." A maa says te me: "Well, I serve Ood." I ask him hew. "I go to church," he says. X aay: "Bo doea the devil, and he beats yeu Te ft, at that. The church bell never rings that he Isn't oa the Job." But the man aayat "I give." I say. "Ho does the saloon keeper and the brewer; so does the wo man of the red light ehe alwaya threwe something Into the collection plate." The maa saya: "I pray." I say: "he doea everybody when they're up against It" There Isn't a person who doesn't pray some time. Tou prayed when you were sick. ana you thought that the under taker waa coming te measure you and tellthem how long to dig the grave. You pray to Ood to stop the flood and When tie stepe it you eay: "Oood-bye. Ood." Tou work T Botne of you are Ilka the maa who waa hired by a farmer. He sat at tha table and ate and ate, and by and by the farmer came In and asked whea ha waa going to wori. "Why," the fel low aald, "don't I ale ays come to meals whan I am called? Don't I always eat a lotT . Don't I praise your wife's cooking? Don't I sleep in the bed you tc4d me to sleep loT What more would you havaT" Tha farmer aald: "Tea. you are aysTaya on band whea meals are reedy? and you aat till I sometimes think I'll have te praise my wife's eeoklng, and Jou sleep where you were told, but 1 want you te ge te work. I am paying you ao much a day to ge out lato tha field aad repay me with work." l ike Hired Maa. Soma of you are like that hired man. Tou eat twe uieala on Sunday and take a cold lunch on Wednesday aight. aad than If somebody aska you why you don't work for Ood you look hurt aad aay; "Don't I go te church?" That la Why so many outsiders say all you do la te go to church aad keep out of mischief yea, aad a lot of you la Omaha don't even do that. It's ae wonder that so maay peo ple aay; "Well. If those people are Chris tian I don't Ilk the bunch. They're not tuy klud f a crowd." That'a why you don't win men for Christ ' I can't understand how you cau keae still when Ood offers so much and hell la e terrible. It la said that a boy whe was dear ana dumb saw a ueji eUeut to kill King Ciueeu with a sworj: atid bi It's where you put the preachers and the presiding elder when they come to visit you. I'd Just aa soon sleep between two cakes of ice aa in a spare room. I'd just aa soon sleep in a aepulohar aa in a spare room. We used to have one when I lived down on the farm. It was a little room. It you walked In you had to back out It was tha only room in the house that had a carpet on tha floor and It waa a little patch of green carpet with polly wogs and snakes and eels for the design. It waa the only room In the house that had wallpaper and tho design on It matched the carpet It had a little four- Inch border. Grandfather made the Dea and it had no springs or slats. It had knota and pegs together and had some stuff hanging down around it what do you call it valance to hide what was her and named three to go with her, "Oo ask her to forgive you and If ahe refuse then let her go to the devil, aa Mathew tells you in the ninth chapter. Bhe went and Mrs. F. waa misae than glad to make a reconciliation. They tele phoned me and I called the chief usher and told him to save two seats, for Mlsa C. and Mrs. F. were coming to the taber nacle together that evening by my re quest. So he aaved tha seats and at I o'clock sharp they came down the aisle with locked arms. Oh, you ought to have heard the bussing In the audience that night! They sat down on tha front row and as I looked In their faces that night I saw a vision of souls In heaven. Ood says if ye forgive others He will forgive you. If you are unwilling to make a sacrifice. off and worked In a yellow fever hos pital. Finally he caught the disease and had succumbed te it He had paased tha orltleal ataga or the disease, but he was dying. On day the lady, his sweet heart, met the physician on tha Street aad asked about the Judge. "He's sick," he told her. "How bedr she aaked. "Well, he's paased the critical atege, but ha la dying." the doctor told her. "Bui I oon't understand," ahe aald, "If he's past the critical ataga why he Isn't getting well." "Ue'e dying, of undying love for you, not the fever," the doctor told her. Cared by Lava. She aaked hint to com with her to a florist and be went and there aha pur chaeod some amllaX and Intertwined lilac and wrote on a card. "With my love," and signed her given name. The doctor went back to the hospital, and hla patient waa tossing In fitful slum ber. Ha laid the flower on hi breast aad he awoke and saw the flowers and buried his head In them. "Thanks for the flowers, doctor," he said, but the doctor said. "They are not from me." "Then Who are they from?" "Oueast "I can't; tell me." I thluk you'll find tha name oa the caiu." the doctor told him, and he looked and read the card, "With my love." 'Tell mo," he cried, "did she write that of her own free will, or did you bag her to do ItT" The doctor told him ahe had bea-aed to do It herself. Then you ought to hava seen him. The next day he waa silting up. The next day be ate aome gruel. The next day he waa In a chair. The next day he could hobfela on crutches. The next day he threw one ot them away and tha next day ho could walk pretty good. On the alalh day there waa a uulet wedding In tha annex of the hospital. You laugh; but listen, This old world la hospital. Hare are the wards for tha libertine. Here are the wards for tha drunkerda. Here are the waida for tha blasphemers. Rverywhore I look I see scarred humanity. Aloe teen hundred year ago Ood looked over the hattleinentai of heaven and he Picked a basket of flowers, and then one day He dropped a baby tnto the manger at Bethlehem, and when the wis men saw Him they read. "For Oud so loved the world that He gave Hla only begettea that whosoever belle vatn on Hint should not perish, but hava everlastine- llfe," What more could Ha do? But Ood didn't spare Htm- They cru cified Hun, but He burst the bands ef death and the Holy Spirit cams down. iney banlahed John to the Isle t I'at- raua, and there he wrote tha words of my text. "Behold, I eland at the door and knock.; If any maa hefar my voice and ope the door I aitail come In to bus and sup with him, and he with me." Jeaua aatd. "Ulva that to tha world." O! A glorious truth. He sent sue to Omaha with 11 ta message. Vvhvn I quit baas ball I went into tit- door work and It didn't agree with me. under the bed. We used to throw any- j there's nothing to It If you are unwlll- thlng under mat Dea. am emrw " -thing elee we wanted to get out of sight. It always had a spooky appearance te me and they couldn't have gotten me in that room after dark If they'd have given me the farm. Strangers alwaya got that room and they always had my sympathy. 8o a bunch of you have Jesus Christ in the spare room, and the kitchen, sil ting room and parlor and oft ot the rest of the house fceiongs to the devil. O. throw the door openr, Say, "Jesus It's an Insult the way I have been treat ing you. It's an Insult" Say: "Jesu oome here with me and bear ma aay the blessing; come here Jeaua and sit while I say family prayer; oome and go with me to the store and se that I give thirty ais inches to the yard and sixteen and twelve ounoaa to the pound and 1,000 pounds to the ton; com In and sea It there are any books I ought not to have; out gee ail evils; well I should aay so; coma here and look at this music; come here and look In my refrigerator; Ugh, take this beer out; look at tha center table? Did you win this a a prUe? Away that will go. Oo home and aak Him to come out ot the spare room and treat Him descent can ece better' thlnaa In tha lives of many of you here. Liote of people have their minds on the. bolt and you keep It there for one or two reasons, first, for things He will oast out If you let Him In, and second, for the things Ha will bring in whan He come. if Jeaua Christ oome in, out goea may Uclousness, revenge, lust, drinking, card playing, dancing and you know It That' Hie reason you refuse to let Him In. You aay, Mr. Sunday, I don't sea how I can forgive so and sol All right, then Ood will not forgive you. If you tor give there thta trespass. Ha wll forgive them that trespass. Saw Bawl la Holt "When I waa preaching In a town In Iowa a woman came to me and told ma there waa a girl back In the audlenoa who waa weeping and aaked me to come hack. I went and found a beautiful girl with hair like the raven's wing and a straight noes and pearly teeth. Her tears only enhanced her beauty. I aaked har what waa the matter. If she had any thing ahe dln't want to give up. Bhe said there waa not "Do you believer" Bhe said aha did. "Well, la there any oua you won't forgive" She aald: "Mr. Sua day, don't ask me to forgive htm. said. "I don't aak you. God aaka you.1 She said: "I can't I aald: "You won't' Sha Juat looked at me and aald: hla father's body and walked out of th door. 1 Ood haa planted In front of you the Bible. He has placed In front of you the cross. On tha floor Ilea tha bleeding body of His Son. Surely you will not step over them. And that' what jrou will have to do If you go to hell. You'll have to aetp over tha cross, the church, mother, father, sermons, everything that has been for your good, for Ood Is trying to block tha way to hall. "Behold! I stand at the door and knock." Let His in, won't you? (Copyright William A. Sunday.) Goodnight Corns, Good-Boy "Gets-It" Kew-ftan Corn Remedy That Never Falls.' The 81m pics Common Sense Way. Tou poor corn-llmipers, with corn wrinkles and heart paine! Sit down to night and put a few drops of "Oeta-It," tha simplest corn remedy In the world, on your corn. You can apply It In Juat big to make a sacrifice, and go to hell. you can go. I believe there are church members In Omaha who are unwilling to throw out the cards and tha boose even though they know they will make their ewns gamblers and drunkards. If I had my way, I'd have every pack of cards on earth and every drop of beer in hell before midnight Oh, I don't care for your applause unless you are willing to crystallise It into rctlon. If Jesus comes In, pride, appearing what you are not, sinful pleasures, greed, lust, go out When Jesus comes in, if you are holding an office you haven't been elected te, you'll resign. I read a story and it seemed lncredibut to roe until I learned the source. The mother hsd Juat died and the father waa sitting before the fir that night with his head In his hands when his son cam downstair. "Where are you going?" hla father asked. "Oh, down the street; I won't be gone long. "Dpn't go," his father pleaded. "This Is the first night In forty years your mother baan't been here at night and I think the quietness will kill me." "I made this date some time ago," was the reply, "and I've got to keep it I won't be gone long. , I'm going." The old man ran to the door and lay down la front of It and said: "Now, please don't go, If you do you will hava to step over my body," and, in credible as It aeema, the boy stepped over can't" I loked back and aald: "You won't" Hbe Jumped te her feet and brushed the tears away and elenehad her flat and her bosom swelled and aha said "Then I won't" I looked Into her faoa and I aaw a vision ot a soul In belL If ehe bad let Jaaueu In ahe would hava been willing to forgive. If you let Ood into your heart all hate will go out ot it Forgive and forget It If you wish to pay tha price of a Oodles Ufe, go on. I will admit you will lose aome things by In coming a vnruunaa ana perhaps tou III SUCH PAIN WOMAN CRIED eSBaeaBBBaBMaaaBaawsaaaaaaaeaaBwaB) Suffered EverythingUnlil Re stored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkh&m'i VetreU. ble Compound. FloTWee, Bo. Dakota. "I nsed to be) vary sick srery month with bearing; down pains ana backache, and had headache a cod deal of the time and very little appetite. The pains were so bad that I used to elt right down on the floor and cry, be cause it hart me and I could not do any work at those times. An old woe man advised me to try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and I rot a bottle. I felt better the next month so I took three more bottles of it and got well so I could work all the time. I hope every woman who suffers like I did will try Lydia E. Plnkham'e Vegetable Compound. "Mrs. P. W. LaNSENO, Box 8, Allyn, Wash. ' Why will women continue to suffer day In and day out or drag out a sickly, half hearted existence, missing three-fourths pf the Joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound? For thirty years It has been the stand ard remedy for female ills, and haa re stored the health of thousands of women who hare been troubled with such ail ment aa displacements, inflammation, ulceration, tumors, Irregularities,, etc.' If yea want special advice write to Lydia , Plnkhasi Xedielae Co. (eenn ientlal) Lynn, Maes. Tear letter win he epeaed, read aad answered hy A woman aal held la strict confldeaoa. C2 v How to Heal Skin-Diseatct A Baltimore doctor auggeata this aim pie, but reliable and Inexpensive, home treatment for people Buffering with a c a a m a, ringworm, rashes and similar Itching, burning akin troubles. At any reliable druggist's get a Jar' of rcslnol ointment and a cake of reslnol soap. These are not at all expensive. With the reslnol soap and warm water bathe the affected parte thoroughly, until they are free front crusts and the skin la aoftened. . Dry very gently, spread on a thin layer of tha reslnol ointment, and cover with a light band as It necessary to protect the clothing. This should be done twice a day. Usually the distressing Itching and burning stop with the first treatment, and the skin soon becomes clear and healthy again. Sample free, Dept S-K, Reslnol, Balti more, Ud. c"-asr- wae If Bade Own Paiao. tra ware and Bala, tool" a few seconds, without fuss or trouble. What'a the uaa applying aalvee that make toea raw and sore, that make corna swell, bandages that make It mis ery to walk, tape that sticks, greasy ointment and other contraptions. Oet rtd ot corns the easy way, quick, sim ple, :ure, , new way. That's common sense. Try "Qets-It" also for warts and bunions. "Oets-It" can't hurt the corn loosens, and cornea light off clean off. Hfeta-It ' is aold at all druggists, jn a bottle, or sent direct by K. Lawrence ft Co., Chicago. Bold In Omaha and rec ommended aa tha world's best oorn re to ed? by Bherman dt MoConnell Drug Co.' store. How To Make the Qulckett.Slmplest Cough Kemeay Mark Better tbaa Mass Hlad aa 1 rally I. Mara the Be- Thie Louie-made cough syrup is now ased in more homes than any other eouga remedy. Its promptness, ease aad car. taiaty in conquering distressing coughs, chest sod threat colds, is really remark able. ou can actually feel it take hold. A day's us will usually overcome the ordinary cough relieves even whooping cough quickly, bplendid, too, for brun ch itis, spasmodic croup, bronchial asthma and winter cough. Get from any druggist S ouaees of Pines (ult cent worth ), pour it ia a pist bottle aad nil the bottle with plain gT au la ted sugar evrup. This gives you at a coat of euly 64 cents a lull pint of hatter Pi) Buy That Diamond NOW That You Hare Always Wanted And Pocket Your Saving If you fully realise how little you would mlsa the money that you pay In email amounts one a month, you would not deny yourself the distinc tion of wearing and owning a hand some genuine Diamond. It ia not like ly that prices will ever ba aa low again aa they are now. When we trust you, aeUng you a beautiful Diamond on charge account, at present low pricea, It'a up to you to buy it and pqpke year savin. Xoet "Popular JeYaaragemeBt king. ase Diamond King, 14k aolld a-uld I. o f t I S T,P e rf action, ' as a Xoata. T3 .Round Belcher Cluster Ring. 14k olid gotd, 7 fine diamonds set In plat inum, look like a alnala 1- eefi carat stons. . HWW IMI a Week Only S1S-TI l.eo a Xoata. ,17-Jewel $1075 Elgin I.8 Vs. IS Oenuln El gin. Waltham or Hampden Watch, in 25 year g u a r anteeA double strati gold filled case. adjusted o ochron lii and positions. movement guar anteed ii years. Cpea CilljtllUp.n., Sifiiptlll 8:30 Call er vrtte fer Chlslec Na let. rasa Doul IM as ear s"Us all! sell. rl IntKAIIUXAL if 1 VO Credit Jtwsien cough syrup than you could buy for 92.60. lakes but a few miuutes to prepare, lull direction with l'laex. laetes good aad never spoils. Vou will be pleasantly surprised how quickly it loosens dry, "hoarse or tight eougbi, and heals the iadained nrm braue in a painful rough. It also atop the formation oi phlegm ia the threat and bronchial tubee, thus end Lug the per sistent loose cough. 1'ineg 1 most valuable concentrated compound of genuine .Norway pine ex tract, rick ia guaiacol, wkkh ia so heal ing 10 tna mem' nea. To avoid disappoint merit- ha aura mil .M - - . . ... ... , .... ... I B-K vmir driliftfiMt for "yu nmm v u, jms ui in quws. tuncn, counter mignt gain soma tninga or not Deoomln ,. - . and get a Inker or a pieo. of pi. and !a Chrhuiaa. But the maa that JZiZJ'lSMrtUm a cup of coffe. Bo I had to resign and ! equare with Ood Almighty wlU gat aioa er saouav DroruDllv refunded, aoea with am Ia l.L. n.nM. I. ll'l . i I - . I . l . . . 1,1,1. - . : l l . . " - -' iMIHINi f, Mv.n r wmn au vw VISSI m VM II " prvusr aVAujs. xom sisbra VSk. go Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessful. i wai lataa. Lad.