4 THE BKK: OMAHA, Till1 KM) AY. SKITKMHEIl ;$0, 1D13, '7s it Well with Thee?" Asks Sunday of His Many Hearers TSntr fcuaday preached last lht on tha toptol "la It Well WRh Tbr 11 aid: Text: Klnxi II. It Ji "Ij It well with thee? la It well with thy husband f la It well with thy child r Kiftjr-threa mllea aoi-th of Jerusalem, eight mile from Tabor and four mllea from Jfirwl, thera one stood the famoua and unfortunata city of Shunam, situated in on of tha moat beautiful apota oa the irtobe aurrounded by oJlva orrharda and fields ef waving train, with babbling arrtnn aod ahaded a-rovea, an Meal plaoa for an Weal noma, and In that city thera waa auch a' noma, presided over by one of the famoua women of antiquity. Ettaha, tha prophet, tmed to m this borne on bla way to Mount Carmet and hack attain to tha aehoola of tha prophets at Jerlcbo, of which be waa the head, and there waa aomethliui In Ms action that led thla woman to conclude that he waa a man of God, for aba aakt one dy to her hm bend: "I perceive that a man of Ood la passlng by us continually." Women, are of keener pemeptlnn when It onmea to thing spiritually and mor ally than are men. , I rxTcelve that probably her husband waa too busy running the bank, or the farm, or "balled up" In politic. I per celva he had no time to think of brln Inr any Influence beneath hie roof that might ta a moral or rptrllunl uplift to himself or bla wife or hie children. lld Dead Hoy 1 pun Klliks's Heal. There was tn thnt family an only cihlld, and I ran Mm uiit In the field where his father -m with the rtapsrs, and tha hot n;n of tin- Oriental country beat down on nix hind and the boy 'hrew hla hand t hln heed and cried: "My head: My lind My head!" And the father aall t the serrant: "Carry the led to hi mother." And they bore him ti the hcune. And then. to my mind, occurs one of the saddeat statements found upon tha pages of tha Old Testament. lis aat upon --hla ntother'a knee until noon, and then he died. Broken-hearted aha rarrlrd him up. stairs and laid him upon the bed of tha man of Ood; then turning to the young men,- her servant.. he said to thorn: . "Saddle ma 4 beast and drive on." t)own yonder at Mount: Carmet waa the nan of Ood who, aha believed, had power o brtnr to life tha deed child. Put there on the highway was the mother with her heart breaking; down there In tha home at fihunam waa the boy lying on tha bed of tho mnn of Ood. dead and you have tho picture. And they went on and Rllaha looked down tha road and saw them coming, and ho aald to Oehaal. who was sort of a private secretary: "Yonder cornea tha Rhuitamlta. I wish you would see what aha wanta and what brings her hither," And Qohaxl ran down tha rond and met her and saluted her In the words of my text: ' ' la It well with thee? la It well with thy husband T la It well with thy chlldT" Kho answered after tha manner of the KaMern salutation: "it Is well' She drew near to the man of God, dis mounted from tha beast, fell upon her knees, threw her arms about him and went. ciuoaat, possibly thinking her Insane, tunic, seised her by tha ahouldera and by hear force) waa about to drag her away. when tha prophet of Ood put out hla ! hand and stopped him, and aald. ' "Do not so rudely use her. Tha poor woman's eoul la rexed and troubled within her and Ood has not revealed to roe jlha causa of her sorrow," "kyPllot When Hearts Break. Then ha turned to tha woman and akd her why aha had oome and why she wept She told him her boy had died and believed by what aha bad seen and learned of him aa ha had been a guest In her home, that ha walked cloas with Ood, and If there waa anybody In all the nation that aha believed had power with Ood., It was that aama man, and aha made that trip to have blra help her. Yes. air. when your heart la breaking1! the first man you want to get under your roof la tha preacher, tha man that J marks close to Ood. j You don't want the dancing master then, nor the saloon keeper, nor tha card prtxe winner. ' When your hearts are breaking you want somebody that keeps In touch with Ood. Then you will aend for tha aky ilot. b'he said: "My boy la dead and t want you to go back and help me and bring him to Ufa agnfci." And Ellsha aald to Gchasl: "Gehast, hero, you take my staff and go lay that on tha dead child that ha may live." t. don't know, but I have always thought that God told him to do that. What e want Is a personal touch: there Is too much of this other business. I think one -of tha curses of the church today seems to be a perpetual sign hang ing from tha paw: ''WantedA recipe whereby our work raa be accomplished by proxy." And they think If they drop a check In tha plate they are realesed from any responsibility and absolved from any nooosslty for doing anything for God. She said: "I want you to go with me." And Kllaha said to Gehasl: "Go lay tho staff oa tha dead child that be may live." But aha clung to hint weeping and Mid: "Aa tha Lord God llveth and' as my ojI llveth I will not let thee go." And she compelled tha man of Ood to aocompany her home. fie put everybody out of tha room, out of tha house. Ha walked Into tha chamber where tha dead boy waa lying on tha bed, and wa are told ha spread him self upon tha dead child, put hla face to tha boy's face, his hands on tha boy's hands, hla heart to tha boy's heart, and be prayed and God heard hla prayer, and tha heart to that child started like a hum pump and drove tha blood through tha valna and tha arteries; bis eyes moved, bla lips trembled, ha sat up and asked for Ms mother, Iaaaertaaltr ta Prayer. ElUha called to Oehast and aald: "Carry the lad to hla mother." And the house of sorrow waa turned tnta a home of mirth.: that of grW Into happiness; thst of misery Into Joy, be oauee tha woman's confidence waa not niiitplacad and Gud bad heard tha prayer ef the man and re etc-red the boy to life. Kow why do you auppoaa God givaa oa tbat beautiful and matchless story T 1 11 tell you. That's simply an Old Testament Inci dent; that Is simply a fmstoral incident uf centuries and canturWa ago, but there a a lereou In It that I think and feel la . uiiarly applicable to this meeting to uiiit, and for that reason I bring you the messago. and that ta. Gud wants to teach us Importunity tn ' prayer, deter mination to accomplish tha thing upon which our heart la art no matter what dlfrteuitlaa may te In tha way. Yaara ago :n Cincinnati a minister had premthed aa best human wisdom coul.l derlct the life of God to a ain-cureed world, and aa be was drawing to the close of bis sermon tha Ixrd aeemed to eayt "Make the application of yoar message personal. Ask If there Is not one here that would like to ha a Christian T" And he did what he hadn't done tn that rich nnd fashlnnsble church for years. He said to the people: "Let ns bow our heads In prayer. If there Is some one here that Is sirk ami tired of sin and wants us to pray for you. lift your hsnd." And as all were still. Just then the door opened and a young man walked In, dropped In the rear seat, leaped to his feet, raised his hsnd snd then cried out: "Pray for me, sir; I am sick and tired of sin." And the minister prayed. Then .ha hur ried down tha aisle and took tha young man by the hand. He learned from him a sad story of prodigality and wandering. He learned that for eight yeara ha had been a wanderer on earth; had heard nothing from home; knew not whether his parents were living or dead. Dying Father Wouldn't Let lod fin. The minister advised him to write home and tell his parents what he had done. Ho didn't expect a reply from Brooklyn fur four day a Tha fourth day no answer came; tha fifth day no answer, and he waa worried. The sixth dy no answer and he as troubled. The seventh day and no answer and ha waa In distress. The eighth dsy and no answer and ha waa In agony. Tha ninth day and the letter came, but the envelope was bordered with black. "With tear-dlmmed eyas and trembling hand ha broke tha aeal and read some thing Ilka thla: ' "My Dear Hon: The Joy which your letter brought to our home and hearts waa only exceeded by the sadness which waa there at the same time, for nearly as we can conclude, tha same day and the aamo hour that you found Jesus Christ as your Bavlnur, your poor old father waa going Into the skies. "All day long he rolled and tossed upon his bed; his mind wandered up and down tha earth, he knew not where, and ever and anon he would cry out In misery; " 'Oh, Ood, aava my poor waadorlng drunken boy today.' "We would turn hla mind from you and divert hla attention from your prodi gality and your sin, but aver and anon Ma mind would roam from plane to place and ha would cry out In sorrow: " "Oh. Ood, aava my poor wayward, wandering, drunken boy today.' "And Just aa he pasaed Into the sklea he cried: " -Oh, Ood. save' "And he finished tha prayer In tha presence of Jesus." Io you. know the result Down at the bottom of the letter the mother added thla footnote. She said: "You are a ChrlMlau tonight because your old father would not let Ood go," Oh, for men and women that could pray Ilka that, or mothers that would forget, or husbands that would forget Oh, for business man that would forget their mad. wild rush after money and go bark and pay tnelr clerks. Oh, for school teachers that would atop tholr miserable, good-for-nothing whining, snapping and fault-finding with my vocabulary and get an your knee and prey. If you could do better than I, coma up and do It X am getting tired of some of you rattle brained school teachers growling about my preaching. Tou quit card playing, dancing, wine and beer drinking and you won't have time to find fault with me. I would Ilka to make tha application of my tneaaage tonight so personal that not a man, woman or child can go out of hero and say: "Ha didn't mean me, It didn't touch ma. It didn't apply to ma." Now "la It wall with theer Women Heller Than Men. I will gnawer that much of It for every unsaved man. woman and child In this building tonight I know, man, there are trials. I know DAINTY SLIPPERS For King Ak-Sar-Ben's Ball For the twenty-first time we announce our readiness to supply the ladies who will attend the King's Annual Ball with dainty and stylish Slippers. Each year oar assortment grows larger and the styles more attractive. Thla year eclipses all others. Never have we shown such attrac tive Evening Slippers. Wa have them in bronse, pat ent, dull kid, beaded and plain, and satins In all col ors to match your gown. Prices from $3 to $7 Parcel Post Paid. Drexe. 1419 Fanu-m Street. there are temptations. I have been privi leged of Ood to lead more men than wo men to Christ, not that I preach cm-e-clally for them well i do, too. I believe that If tlie womanhood of Amerlea was no letter then the mannood God would have dumped the whole thing Into hell long ago and rhut up simp. There Is many a young man going to hell tonight, because ho was Influenced by the gang he trains with, and he goes with the wrong mob, and they will put any fellow Into the penitentiary and hell If he stays by them long enough. There la many a man Influenced by the gang hn goes with to do tlilnKs which, after he has done them nnd when he Is alone, he hates and espices iilmarlf for. He condemns himself to think he didn't have manhood and decency enough to say: "No." And he could not look his mother, nor his sister, or his wife. In the face without blushing to the roots of his hair, and hen alone In the unlet of hla room and he enn review what hn did, he despiwa himself to think he didn't have grit and manhood enough to refuse the min. There are men In heaven ton.ght be cause they had manhood enough to choose the right company, and there are men in hell because they were drsgged there by the gang tbey went with. Is It well with the man that will sit at tha gaming table and run the risk of being a black-legged gambler? Is It well with the man who will take even an occasional drink and run tha risk of becoming a sputtering, vomiting, reeling. Jabbering drunkard, staggering to the pit of hell? Is It well with the man that Is taking God's name In vain on his lips and pour ing out his polluted oaths and blasphemy T Is It well with the man that will hang on the walls of his memory vile, lewd pictures and approach In his thoughts tha secrets of others? Is It well with the man or woman that is careless of his or her associates, of the Sabbath day and tha lawa of God? No! Not Ten thousand times no. Ood pity you If you go out Into eternity with tha aln on your Ufa that la there tonight as you alt and listen to met Mawie Devil Hero. The same devil that damns In old sln cursed, whinky-aoaked, gambling, bloated, harlot-ridden, Sabbath-breaking Chicago la the same devil and tha aama sin that will damn you In Omaha, that will damn you In your home, and you cannot win without Jeeua Christ. You aay: "Mr. Sunday, I had a bad atart In life. I have coma from bad atock I have bad blood In my veins. 1 was born with tho devil In ma and with evil Inclinations." You can ba born again wtth tha devil out of you If you want to be. It you will give yourself to Jesus Christ and turn from your sins. Certainly! Don't blame your parents. They brought you Into tha world, that'a true, but you yielded to Its aln whan you cama In. Don't blama them. If you lived In a palaoe with a bad heart In you you would turn tha palace Into a slum. You can't get smallpox or acarlet fever or diphtheria by crawling In between clean sheets. If you turn a polecat loose In a parlor you know which will change trrst, tha polecat or tha parlor. Sin doesn't atart In a atale beer Joint or a brothel. Sin aurted In the Garden of Edn. ao I aay don't blama society: you arc a part of It Society la what It la and you havo helped to make It what It la, and If you wanted to be different why didn't yon follow Christ and set tha example? 8o don't blama tha church. That'a tha place for you to go to learn to do what you ought to do. Don't aay, "Wa are only human." Don't blama tha devil; all ba can do la to tempt you. and there are not devtla enough In hell to make you a drunkard If you don't want to be one. and thora are not angela enough In heaven to make you walk home sober If you don't want to. u Tho word ia backed by cheerful, wel coming appenranccs if your home is lighted with modern gas light. This is the week to put in the health ful and artistio fixtures and lights be cause it in ' Gas Lighting Week With Big Reductions "Yo aro conducting special displays and demonstrations at our store to show the true superiority of modern gas lighting. All Semi-Indirects, Table Lamps, Domes and Fixture. Reduced 20 . Four 15-Cent Mantles 50 Cents. Another bUy feature will be the open ing of a special sale of "C. E-Z" Lights, Manday, October 11th prices, 80 cents and up, according to equipment. The sjiecial 20 reductions close Sat urday, so don't foil to see the display or havo a representative call. Omaha Gas Company 1509 Howard St. Donglas 605. Po bo fair and square. Iook yourself siate In the lace and say: I'm the duck." Put It up square to yourself. Pon't put It up to so'icty, or your arenti. or the church, or to Adam and Kve. Put It to yourself snd say: "I'm the lobster; this is the fellow." He decent. "Is it well with thee?" "Is It well with thy husband?" . Ciet Rellgloa from Strana-rrs. There are boys and girls, young people. If they ever walk the streets of heaven instead of groaning In hell It will be be cause of the Influence of some stranaer. It will be becauxe of what somebody, not related to them by ties of flieh and blood, has done for your children. God pity a boy or girl who has to call a man like that father, and a woman like that mother. Ood pity a boy or girl, when all the Christianity they hear Is from the lips of strangers, not from their own parents. "Is It well with the child?" What should you do. I would speak to them. 1 tell you you I spend too much time In society, too much time In club life, too much time In your lodge, too much time In your auxiliaries. You have too little time with jour chil dren. You spend too llttlo time on your knees ' prsylng to God to keep the home right for Jesus Cl rlst. , 8peak to them. Live right before them. Ret them an example that will Inspire them. Ia It well with thy husband? A friend of mine waa preaching In an eastern city. Ha had gone out to work ; I among the audience to Induce them to I give their hearts to Christ, nnd a woman In the front row In the gallery cried out: "Pray for my husband. He Is sitting by my side, i believe he Is listening to hla last sermon. God is giving him his last chance." And she aat down weeping. God Glvea Yon Chance Now. Soma women aald to my friend: "Go up on the platform and rebuke her for what wa consider was a foolish thing to do." Ha aald: "If you want to take the platform and take tha responsibility, do It How do I know but that God told her to do It?" The next afternoon. Just before tho be ginning of tha evening service, these tamt women cama to my friend weeping and aald: "Forgive ua for cur lack of Interest and sympathy, and won't you pray God to forgive us, aa we have prayed? We beard that at 5 o'clock this afternoon that man sent a bullet crashing through hla brain." t believe God told that wife to' say that that husband waa listening to his funeral sermon. That waa heaven or hell for him. And I believe thla serlea of meetlnga la tha bell of Gnd tolling out tho destiny of human souls. I believe aa I breathe, that If men and women are not saved In these days eter nal damnation will ba their portion. I believe God has let a lot of you men and women in this town live just to give you thla laat grand chance to ace If you measure up to your pool room, mounte bank, pliable, plastlo, sort of celluloid, pantesota, Jau-a-lao reputation, or whether you had manhood or womanhood enough to step out for Jesus Christ and do Ilia commandments, "la It well with thy husband?" "It U well with thy chUdr' I have often tr.ed to Imagine Noah and hla wife seated in tha ark, contented, and tha storm of God's brewing to burst on tha world, and one would turn to tha other and aay: "Wnera are tha boys?" "Oh, they are out; they will ba In lata tonight Iaava the night lock ao they can get In.; they didn't take their key with them." I can't Imagine a father and mother tucking themnetvea tn bed and letting their children gad tha streets, "la It well with tha child?" Hear roe a minute. You are Interested In their education." " You" hire "teschers, you tax the oommunlty, you build public schools and get the best money can buy. You arc concerned with their health. You will send for the doctor when they are ill. You work to give them three meals a day. You will buy them warm clothes for winter and ouvl clothes for summer. Yoj are concerned for their health; but, great Ood, what about their souls? 1 tell you,' there are men In this town, there are fathers who arc leading their hoys as straight to hell aa that two and two make four. ' "Is It well with the child?" If lwss n 't a Christian do you know what I would do? I would walk down the bIhIo tonight, give my heart to Ood, and if I had a child I would go home, and It It was asleep I would get It out of bed, wash its face to waken It, and 1 would say to It: "You never heard your father pray. I want you to hear him pray." 1 would get him on his kneea and t would let that child that bears my name hear my volet In prayer. They have heard you cuss, damn, blas pheme, mock and rail at the preacher and rdleule what I have been trying to do to j Keep vou out or hell; l would lot them hear me pray. And I tell you. a mother's arms and a mother's heart are a aafe anchorage, and there are not devils enough in hell to drag the children out of Uiat harbor If they will only get In there. "Is It well with the child?" Listen! In your home thora are boys nnd girls destined to rule In church and state. Publla school teacher, don't simply think of the title paltry salary you draw from the school board at the end of tha month. Tou have the grandest most noble, far reaching work ever given to human be ings, the shaping and molding of char acter. In your classes next week will ba some boy or girl destined to rule la church or In state. t'pon which slda of their Ufa the In fluences are thrown vil determine what they w.ll be. Yoa Wait Too leoagr. It la Too Lata. Hear me! Some Oliver Cromwell that will dissolve parliament; some- Davla Bralnerd that will change tha Indian war-whoop Into a Sabbath school; aume Bethoven who will touch tha world a heart atringa and make them alng; some M as Dtx who will soothe tha brain of tha erased; soma Clara Barton that will bind up the battle wounda; soma Francea E. Wlllard who will arouse the people to the ravages of the liquor trafflo. Yea, aome one, I aay, destined to rule in church and In aUta. Soma John Knox, who will make queena turn pale on tholr throne; aome Martin Luther who w.ll atart a reformation. Yea, hut you wait too long. You wait until ha curaea you to your face before you, teach htm: "Thou ahalt not take tha nam of tha Lord thy God In vain." You wait until ha staggers Into your presence before you teach htm: "Look not on tho wlna when It la red.' You wait until ha steals and la off to the penitentiary before you toach him: "Thou ahalt not steal." You wait until ha haa robbed aome girl of her virtue before you teach b'.m: "Tbou ahalt not commit adultery." You wait too long. Lived. Memory of Boyhood. I want to aay to you that ona of tha brightest pictures that hanga upon tha walls of my memory la tha recollection of tha daya when aa a little boy out in tha log cabin on tha frontier of Iowa X, knelt by mother'a aide. j I went back to the bid farm aome years 1 ago to bury my brother. Tha first bury-, Ing ground In that section of tha state was on tha old farm. I Tha acanea had changed about tha ' place. Facea I had known and loved had long since turned to dust j Fingers that used to turn tha pagoa of ' tha Bible were obliterated and tha old trees beneath which wa boys used to play and awing had been felled by tha woods-, man's axe. I I stood and thought Tha man became mppier . because rt BRIGHTER. w w m a enftff grain and tha fang.- weary- nlghtafcf th -rlwhtee ptnturaa-that hangs, ou. of sin and of hardship became as though they never had been. Once more with my gun on my shoulder and my favorite dog trailing at my heels, I walked through the pathless wood and sat on the old faml.lar loga and atump. and aa I sat and listened to the wild, weird harmonies of nature, a vision of the past opened. The squirrel from the limb of the tree barked defiantly and I threw myself Into an Interrogation point and when the gun cracked the squirrel fell at my feet. I grabbed him and ran home to throw him down and receive compliments for my skill as a marksman. And I saw the tapestry of the evening fall. I heard the lowing herds and saw them wind slowly o'er the lea and I lis tened to the tinkling bells that lulled the distant fold. Once more I heard the shouts of child ish glee. Once more I climbed the hay stack for the hen's eggs. Once more we crossed the threshold and sat at our frugal meal. Once more mother drew the trundle bed from under tha large one, and we boys, kneeling down, shut ou eyes and clasping our little hands we sold: "Now I lay m down to sleep, I pray thee, Lord, my sou! to keep; if I should die before I wake, I pray thee. Lord, my soul to take. And thla I ask for Jesus' sake. Amen." I ray I will never forget That Is ona To Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors A "Liberty Bell" SOUVENIR Will Be Presented To Tou At Oar Office During Carnival Week. This reproduction of the famous painting of "The Bell's First Note," by J. U O. Ferris, is a priie worth having for every home in America. Extra copies, after eery HOME BUILDERS' share holder gets one, have been ordered to make presents to hundreds of Carnival risitors with whom HOME BUILDERS ought to get acquainted. Ask for a "Liberty Bell" SOUVENIR and for HOME BUILDERS' booklet, "The New Way," Copies reserved by request or mailed to those who cannot come to Omaha. HOME BUILDERS Is not a Savings Bank, but as convenient and pays 7 on your money in any sum, large or small. Preferred Shares, having only mortgage security, participate in the builders' profit on every house we build. HOME BUILDERS can help you to save money and to make money. ' Call And Let Us Get Acquainted. AMERICAN' SECURITY COMPANY, Fiscal Agents HOME BUILDERS Drandels Theater BWlg., Ground Floor, 17Lh and Douglas Httt., Omaha. Wherever you go there is one name that is magic among connoiseurs password to purity, richness, smoothness and fine old age "Cedar Brook To Be Sure" The largest selling brand of high-grade Kentucky whiskey in the world; the same today as in 1847. Say "Cedar Brook" and be certain of rare old fashioned goodness. At leading Qubs, Bars, Restaurants, Hotels, and also at all leading Dealers. W.rLMcl HAYEK'S Cedar Brook TLa Ilelgkt of Hlga Ball Quality Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessfuh memory'! wall. I tell It to you with shsme: I stretched the elastic bonds of my mother's lov until I tho;ight they would break. 1 went so far into the d.irk nnd the wrong until I ceased to hear her praying or her plead ings. ' I forgot her face, and I went ao far that It seemed to me that one more step and the plastic bands of her leve would break and I would be lost. But thank Ood, friends. 1 never took that step. Little by little I yielded to the tender memories and recollections of my mother; little by little I waa drawn away from the yawning abyss, and twenty-nine years ago. one dark nnd stormy night, I groped my way out of darkness Into the arms of Jesus Christ, and I fell on my knees and said: "God be merciful to me a sinner." Thus I am here preaching to you to help you to Jesus Christ. Is It well? la It well? (Copyright, William A. Sunday.) Liver Complaint ' Makes Yon I'a happy. No Joy In living If your stomach and liver don't work. Stir your liver with Dr. King's New Life Pills. All drjiggtets. Advertisement. . v Apartments, flats, houses and cottageV can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent" ZIsu the - WfUJsT NN