NIK HKK: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. SKnTiMPKH i, 1 i) 1 5. URAL F.STATF smmnAX RKAL KSTATK HlBlTlIlA!f Wrtt M's-et tteaasta. Announcement! On awount of the rain last Saturday and Sunday, tlu rRIZE CONTEST has bwn iost fumed to next Sunday, October 3, between 2 and 5 p. m. on the ground at the New Townsite WEST BENSON The sale of BUSINESS, KESI PENCE and ACRE LOTS in the new townaito has been remarkable, considering the rainy days. The Sale Will Continue until all lots are sold. Call us up by phone, or call at our office and we will take you out any time and show you tho best values' in BUSINESS, RESI DENCE and ACRE LOTS near Omaha. HASTINGS & HAYDEN, 1614 HARNEY ST. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Suffers Decline of from One to Tour Cent! Over Rifht .on the Local Market. KOR KENT Stores aad Offices. LAROI5 music studio, part time. D. 8704. STORK room for rent In Murray Hotel Rldg. Inquire Mr. Kitchen. Paxton hotel. MOILRN store, near postoffloe, low rent. O. P. Htebblns, 1610 Chicago BL WANTED TO BUY OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Red. 1207 Famani. Dour. 8144. Tale buys everytr'na; 2nd hand. Web. WW. HlUHtfbT prices for old clothing. V IsT r , REAL ESTATE ST ABM a BAHI H UKDI FOR g ALB California Llv oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Smith Co.. 818-14 City Nat. U. D. SI Colorado. IOWA BAKGA1N Want to mot to Unuoa. Hav house In lull 1st Aloinea, hum In 1MJW, good barn, two good nd. brick cnliaen kvu twiu liwva Uie cmokaua In to, ait tut.. tula tauu- ut, aood location, tw loc ft from cur, not too cio to town, auuM uuyiukbiituttut. will aeu cneap lor eawu, eiu iiukt rrau.iiitBk lot pay tnout. Address U iHe. Iwt Colorado" Wa will fuiuisn twemy, eighty or one huuureil . auu sixty actw . line alfaUa, aiuaii, graiu .ur Duel luiiu. You bunu Uie bui.u.uas at.d py tor uie Ituid on crop share man. Yvme at one. Ttiui U C. Uii.ViiaA-.uENT CO., CfcUur liawu. la. o Dundee's Newest Residence District IS LOCATED south of Dodg Kt., went of 4th Rt. and east of 62d 8t. and north of Howard. AND IS NOW READY And Offered for Sale with water, sewer, Kan, sidewalks, curb ing, pavlnif. boulevard, lighting aystera and all graded ready for building. Building Restrictions assure the future of the neighborhood. Look at tho Location Near a rood achool, close to car line, only 18 minutes' rlda to business center. Yon Can't Make a Mistake If you buy tn this addition because It is In the beat part of Omaha, where values are sura to advance. Doii't Miss This Opportunity to get some of these choice lots at the present LOW PRICES and EASY TURMS of only 1-10 cash, balance monthly pay ment. How to Get There Take any West Farnam, Dundee car, and get off at 4th and Dodge Sts. Select your lots now. Do not delay. See us. George & Company Phone- D. KA. " 908" City" Nat. Bank Bid. Aaiatualai. 140 ACRES, iu tuitos front Minneapolis, on liiuu ituin town; lux acres under cututauou; l-aianc usea tut' pasture; dm vuv-ijii Mti Do cultivated, iieavy Suit; uou i lutiuuias, tiuus.svuig ot -rouiu house, tuisv. Lmiiu, fciautao, com ci i on, wiuu. tuuiti, etc. ; tin tauiu Milt pro duce IMisbeta ui corn pur acre; lute pnoui in Iwuwi country uucaiy selued; totupiete set oi uutcuu.ery ; m head ut Sloes,, uonaistiiMf oi 11 cuws, baiauo 1 and 2ywuiu, mx guod tiora, Aoga, ciiickt us; vuu-tiati ut mis er s crop and evuiylnuiK tue lriu ut at Ml per sici'tt, hau CcutQ. bc'.val irua., Imi Viyiituum C1U4,, jUnnenolis, sAjuu. ML luul 7 1. " GOOD HOWK8 u bouta Missouri, cheap Ml li A.n kttAkr tUI'lii. ikrilu in. , . . . rrikaa. i. C. vvynkixil. Moiutiaia View. IMPHUVED aoutll Missouri )-aore farm Good soli, roaua and schoois ctoaa fo railroad town. Improved 0 acres, ll.ouo. VV tutva soiuu choice utumprovud lands at ll& per auie on easy payments tu tracts of lu acras up. People are Belting rich there. Uivrauire tree, c Merrtas. Ktiis s ttentou. himai City. Kan. rTiORENCB BOULEVARD HOME. Klegant 7-room house, all modern. Lo- , cated on "The Prettleat Mile," J6,8uo: I mortgaRe $2,CO0. Owner will take piece of I land priced right for his equity. PAYNK INVESTMENT COMPANY, I 5th Floor Ornaha National Bank Hldg. I Bee Nethaway for that farm. Florence REAL ESTATE IOANs ' HssUfes. MONTANA Irrigated lands best In tha world for wheat, oats, altalfa and stock; close to town, ratiroad. scnouis and Churebea;- to oo par acr on fifteen yvats lime; annual paynieuia leas tuaa rentals on' middle weal lariua: write to. lay lor parucuiara; uiustrated pamphlet and mup ire. Valier Farm bates com pauy, box ltwj, Vauvr. Munt ti, W. O. TEMPlKTON-City property, Unda everywhere, larins, ranches, loans and insurance. Asa about luy vrcuard Hui-uhiud, tlul toee toldg. FARM r'OK eAL.U-Uood quarter, three nates south of West Point, Neb. All unuer cultivation and level. No crop fall urea, best land in Nebraska. Price i..u0 per acre. Writ owner, H. iL Uuicnutaon. Nelson, Sb. WlWHWlt. 8QUARU section, b4w acres hardwood Umber laud; lays Ideal; fine river touches ail quarters, therefor would make an ideal stock tarm; 4u act es cleared and in clover pasture and field; Uai.OuO feet of commercial saw timber; SO acres meadow land; tin s-room house; large barn and granary; on man road, R. F. I. and phone route; 6 arid i miles to good market towns. Further Information and pictures upon reyuewt. Price 7.6o per acre, with 1-3 caoh; balance per cent. Art belzer. Fin layson. Minn. FARMS and citv loans at ln,it r.t.. TOLAND & TRUMiii:UU i Be Bldg. gfCCITY LOAN a, C. O. Carlberg, v II Brandals Theater Bldg. J10. CORN ALSO IS SOME LOWER OMAHA. September M. 1P1&. Wheat suffers another big drop today, declining li-c. Tho receipts nf wheat were very light, only thirty-three cars being reported In. l orn was also lower. The msrkel was very weak and cash corn sold "11V5 down. Oats were quoted ,we lower. The yellow corn attll demands a pre mium over the while corn, and the mhlte over the mlied srnd-s. Hye and barley' were practically un changed. Liverpool close: Wheat Id lower to Id hluher; corn, unchanged to Id higher. Primary wheat receipts were ,IM,UU0 bushels and shipment t.A2,mO btialieis, against rece.pts of bushels and shipments of 1.312,wO bushels last year. Primary corn receipts wer l.uw,uoo bushels and shipments 4XVH bushels, SKslnst receipts of 4!Ki.fli) bushels and shipments of .HKt.OHO bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 1,111,014 bushels antl shipments 4X.(J buahels, against receipts of t...-.0o bushela and ah.pments of 1.177 miO bushels lst year. CARLOT RtX'KlPTH. beat. t orn. Oats. Innl, September, tl ; r4H-ember. 91r, CORN No. 2. nominal; No. 2 wh.te, nominal; Heplemlwr, Vc; ki)c i'.-Nn, !. nominal; No. RTB-Mc Decemocr, 1 white. t'hlrago Minneapolis . uluth Omaha Kansas City . Kt. IjOiiIs Winnipeg These sales Wheat No. 4vi 'M Rxi SI 1M 1! 1.706 were reported s hard winter: (tin 11 (' today 2 cars, 9 41i ;d ai IHo; No. 4 1 car, 97c; -5 car, ;; 1 car, nard winter: 1 car, Ifec; 1 car, 3c; cars, lct 1 car, WV. 4 cars, jc; 1 car, S9-; cara, Mr. Sample: 1 car, o; 1 enr, T7e; 1-6 car, 70c. No. 3 spring: 1 car. Kk:; 1 car, Ittc. No. S mixed: 1 car, . No. 1 durum: 1 car, lic. No. 1 (velvet chatf: 1 car, II. 0u; 3 cars, IM No. S (velvet chaffl: 1 car. S6c; 4 cars. 92c No. 4 tvel vet chart): l car. r; 1 car. Corn: No. 2 white: 1 car. ti-V. No. t white: 1 car, hjo. No. z yellow: 7 cam. oc. No. KV VOHK liKMKRtl, MtHKHT Qaotatlona of the' Day nm Vsrlnti ttmrnndttlea. NKW TOHK, Pept. fgPIjOflV-8tea.1v ; spring patents $k.2ii!.70: winter Patents, ti :4it.ti; winter patents, r:Mrr.40; wlnti-r strslshts, W!M"ti. WlinAT-Mpol. firm; No. S red and No. I har.1, .t c. I. f New York; No. 1 nor.hern. luluth, fl.K; No. 1 northern. Manitoba, c. I. f. Burfalo; futures well firm: fSeptemlier, II. 14. 4XRN Spot, easier; No. 2 yellow, 7o, prompt shipment. OAT8 SHit. steady. HAY-Kirin: No. I, U.S.'.; No. I, UR; No. I .(; shipping. o. HOPi Steady; state, common tn chqliHS ISIS. ??pl'Kc; 1914. HS'l:'c; Pacific im, 14Uhic; 1I4. lUil.lo. HIDK.s tileady; Bogota. Wfllr; Cen tral America. I E A T M 1". K Fl rm ; hemlock, firsts, S2i Sac; seconds. SIN:2c. PROVISIONS Pork, I'teadv mesa, $15.0iwYt5..V; family, 1 noffi.: short lenrs. $1K.(X lH.Ait. Itee. steady; mess. Ili.OOJjlMM: family, 1 1 if' .. Ijird, firm; ni (Idle west, tAiig.A0. TAt.lA)W Hteadv: city. f-V; colintrv, CK'l r- siwrl- I. gVc. HITTTKH Firm- receipts. 21 213 tubs; creamery extras, 27HuaiVc; flrsla. IWTiTc, weonds. 2714. HKIS-Urm; recflrts, li Ml cases; fresh tatheied extras. 2-'4i;i3.; extra fancy fl'sta 2;;le; flrcts, Sutfcuuic; so, ones. -Mwiii.v;. I' IKK R steady; teteipts. f.iMl boxes. State.- whole milk freh tuts, sei'lals, it Viiu lfic; slate, whole milk fresh, flats, average fancy, 14Vc. HubLUll-Ircsse1, stron-r; ' Western froxen roasting chickens, IWIlej fresh fpwta. Itd. 13V1hc; iroaen turkeys, lim M" L.TRT Al ve, firm; western chick ens, Ihc; fowla iSWSM'; turkeys, 18c. flUCABO tilt AIM AIN1 PKOVIIOg OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Slow, Steady to Little Lower Than Monday Sheep Steady to Strong. HOGS TEN TO TWENTY HIGHER OMAHA, Receipts were: Otf.i lal Monday .... rtlmatn Tuesday ,, September t'nttlo. Hi. ... K.0.4 2. 1 12 ...U.tmo 4, t!15. Hhceii ,M ". 41 lW Jj, snd all kinds shared the advance. Mnx-e-nient was on tne whole very active, and a aood clearance had been niad long le foiw it) o t Ioi h. MoM of ilio packlna hogs liinded around $7 lfuJ.4. wltn a hoio h or lu as low as and bulk of all th sines was quotable at li.l.(r.i. tops reaching U lii. Supp lea, while very moderate, were the larsisi for sny one dsy tor almost two eek. About tatty-seven loads, or 4.m head, were rcpor,cd In. This brings tnn tntai for the two daya up to 7.012 head, a gain ol l.oK) head over Inst week, but more than 2,0"0 smaller thsn two weeks ' and a hortsse of l.tVO bead as rom Isred with the same days last year. Two days' totals jo. 04 "."12 77.M: Pnma days last week. .77 4:4 W T'Vi 8m 1 weeks ago 1 f.7 . l! .K-f Hsme 1 weeks ago 20.171 11 1:T 74. 1 7S (ame 4 weeks ago I,".!. S.M1 tw.lftj oanio dnys last year...2t R"S H.bSl H The following tsble shows trt receipts of est tie, hogs and t'.eep at the f)maha .1. nw iiiaisec ior ine year ta gsiv as compared with last er: .J,,'' l!H5. 1114 Inc. M voiue , ,vi.(v( TWi.tvft H 'U I14I.I73 l,7sa.R.'4 .1h.Mt heep 2.874.M1 S,llS,9a li., The following tnt le shows the aveinse prices for hnas at Ihe Omaha live Block mxrket for the last few dais with com- a... la... 4... it... 13... 04 41... ... ' .. At. ...J7 ...4i ...St ,..Wt .. ri ...m ...Hi ...II ...Kl ...117 ...nj ...t Pf. t CO 7 04 T w 7 1 7 i;4 7 M 7 t i . 7 M 1 ll 7 u. 7 U 1 i 7 to teits by almost Sh. M I20 M fa ia 1M 1. Ml No. 4.. M.. ss. . 7.. kl.. .. M. . U . 44.. Si.. At. ! .....rj 21 A 174 1st M ii4 ll lt 1T Ui I'r. 1 40 T 1 7 m 7 J ' K, 1 W 7 l 7 H fl.) I 10 t 14 pariaona Del I 1915. 1914. l' l"l '. 1111 !) !" Peatares ef (he Trading; aad ( loslas; Prlers nn Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Bept. 2S.-Wct weather that a vellow 2 ni-i m.i. Vrt m v,iIhw 11 f . -."i imiwuihh in uie nortnwesi J.?.S4i NoS-mled: lc (K'JrT.W .SlnVfiHl- v i tit hnnK uTl low. c; 4 cars, V. No. S mixed: I ?,.y"np ?,Biv " th" hest market here, car (mar yellow), Ktlc: 1 car, 2-4c. Oaia: IT, ojri strong;. Wic to 2o net Standard: 1 car. 3.GT I carT 34c ca t K,,er-, w',tl,,Prr,'np'' x -'MiMo and 84o. No. 2 white. 2 .ars. .Wo; 2 cars, lo; .."T 9hl w1c' ..Th 0,'t,0," n rn I cart, S2c. No. 4 white: 2 cara, JlVio. Jled from c decline to tj(SiSc gain and Omaha rh Prlnu-Wk-.i. V 1..-- OStS from C tiff to Uo tin. key, fl.0iai.O3; No. f turkey, Mir, No. 2 hard, 9Kcfifl.OO; No. f hard, M4im. io. t nam, abaxc: p,o. x spring. 9a(j"3 No. 2 spring, B2iftiuo; No. 2 durum. 94V kc; o. ovmim, wivtamc; no grade. 7i. km corn: No. 2 white, Wrilr: No. white, tiZMta,!'; No. 4 white, lr(.'Me; No. K white. fl4(i2c; No. white, tilVf 2c; No. 2 yellow, WM.Ooc: No. S yellfiw. WrWbc; No. 4 yellow, (Utit'c; Ns.. S yellow, 6StrX44p; No. yellow. iB.Wft 64',o; No. 2 mixed, (224c; No. t rr.fxed, MVatttlic: No. 4 mixed. 61' & Ki. S mixed, l4iglc: No. mixed, 0134c. Oats: No. 2 while, KiVic; atanuara. 34 Vi) 3454c; No. 3 white, 32'atte: No. 4 wlflte, 3lV4(3lHc. Barley: sT.' No. I feed, 4r44o. Kye: No. 2, S7jtic; No. 3, IW't'HSTc. Chicago closing prices, fumistted The Bee by Loinn A Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 315 So. Hlxteenth street. Omaha. Ar lcle Open.! Hl.h.l Low. Clee. pat y. Wheat! nept.i to-. o;i Dec... lay.f97J6T,l Corn: I I Sept.) 6R(ffV4 Dec. Rtv.ifH,: Mav.74iOii.fE7W4i1. Oaia: I I 1 06 9u-V 68H 1 02 I1 IK l' WI70,SiM 96Hl9814l! CTB 68V M R6VkMT,'b6S Dll&7H'itlatiHU&7 1 03 4 I 3SH 8optl 2SH13Sf 3tll 2SHBI'.t i 3BH May. 37,88VkijVi Sl . 3SyB Pork: I I I I I Oet.f 13 15 I 13 22H) 13 12 13 22HI 13 Jsn..l& 0-85 16 0ev! 15 85 15 U 16-82-5 Lard: I I I J Oct..) 8 SS-S2I 8 S7HI 8 SZVsl 8 321 8 77-30 Jan..1 its i 86-87 8 80 1 8 80 8 80 RH a: I I I I Oct.. SCUI 8 M l 8 60 I 8 75 8 R7U Jan.. I 8 87-2! 8 2H 8 2H) 8 90 8 80 A Asked. B Bid. SEK Ua first tor farm loans In Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. Kenans City Orator and Provlstoaa. KANSAS CITY, Bopt. 28. WTTBAT No. 2 hard, 81.03(1.011; No. 2 red. l.l"4i 117; September. fl.04i; December, 2iii 3c; May, WtHc. CORN No. 2 mixed. 64H; No. 2 white. Sdi6i4.c; September, 63c; December, blt& 61Vc: May, Wc OAT8 No, 2 white, 86g7o: No, 2 mixed, 84ifitl4Hc. U UTTER Creamery, 27o: firsts. 2Sc: seconus. ro; iinviiari, ivrsc. KOOb Flrsis 2c; seconds, 19c. POULTRY Hens. 12c: roosters. ,. broilers, 15c. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. SoDL 28. WHEAT Boot No. 1 Manitoba, IDs lid; No. 2, 11s 8d' No. 8. 11a 7Sd; No. 1 northern Duluth. lis 4Kd: No. 2 red winter, 10s 3Hd; No. , .ard winter, lis lUStd. astern I CORN Spot, American mixed, new. 8s d. Provisions finished tha samn 1-- night tn 23c higher. Assertions that threshing had como to a virtual standstill In the Dakotas and Minnesota gave the wheat bulls an ad vantage almost from the start. The out look was that because of delays by rain, the receipts, especially at Minne apolis for the next few daya would be much leas plentiful than had been ex pected. As the movement of th winter crop continued to be disappointing and as cable advices proved adverse to tha bears, quotations soon began to climb, and at no time thereafter encountered any decided check. Shorts were the chief buyers, but commission house purchas ing was noticeably on a broader scale. Liverpool dispatches telling of an ur gent milling demand helped to bring to light the fact that aa much aa 6oi,0f hu. pf domestic wheat ha1 been sold In tho United Slates yesterday without tho transaction receiving any publicity. In this connection It was pointed out that expert clearances today were larger than on the corresponding day last vear and that the Increase In the world's avail able supply was only about a quarter as large as a year ago. Rome frost damage and the fears of more tonight had a bullish Influence on corn. The September option, however, was comparatively weak as a result of month-end liquidation. Oats were gov. emed mainly by the action of corn. The weather was Ill-adapted for threshing. Provisions advanced with hogs. The vol ume of business expanded, particularly as to commission house buying of Janu ary deliveries. Pept. Sept. Sept. Pept. Pept. Pent. Sept. fc-ent, Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sent. Sept. ISci't. Sept. Sept. Setn. Sept. 6 81 71 8M 8 M 8 a t tit I 871 t ( 8 f? 7 7HI 8 !w T Oil 8 41 t I": t 35 8 91 141 K 8 301 h I r I 7 87 1 I Ml 8 III 8 39i ; 02' 8 131 8 3v It ! 9 I' 11 6 9 171 6 77S 8 U 6 eru 9I III 9?-U 41 7 1.1't 2f. 7 13' 2ii 7 fn. 3W 7 8S I 8 431 8 76 T M I Hi I SI 8 88 T 98 8 l 8 3 8 01 t 10 8 81 7 9 8 17 6 71 8 91 8 0f fffl t4 8 73 8 OS M 8 H 8 1 8 4 b N 8 4. 8 OH) 8 41 8 44 8 3H 8 4! 8 3. . 6 4.1 8 41 8 8 sV 8 .0 8 !! 4 ! f. !! 8 I0j 8 I5 8 M, 6 nil 8 4T.i i if, 8 h.i, 6 i 8 4. 8 13 8 lu ) 8 8.M rt Kl 8 32 i 8 C were larger than on 8,.-mlav bv almost 6.i"0 head, the tiny s cNiimate calling lor 1M cars, or 4M) head. This brings the Iwo day's totnl up to T7.o. hend, which la a falling off of P.OO as compared With a week so. Is nonriy P'.ww smaller than two weeks ago, snd 14,l," short of tho same day last ear. Suppoes this week wer txpeote'l show a failing off as comiiareit wlin recent weeks, but so tar the deficiency has not born so very noticeable. The local run was far larger than at any of Ihe other Western markets agnln today. Trade In fat lambs didn't open any. too NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Specialties, Mainly Thoge Deriving Profits from War Con tracts, Go Up. TRADING ON A LARGER SCALE NKW YOK1C. Sept, 8.-I11 lis teriilntlVo Aspects, nn,st otiit r ronttderai.ona If inn laih.iiK, toody's luarKet Coveted wuni haa ri.nic to be regarded as familiar ground. . Speclnltiea, nminiy tnon omi Iv iiik proiits from war roiuracts, ascended to hiKher leveis. a lew scoring extraordl nnrc gams, only to lose thatn in targe pnil wnlt siariung rapioltv. Trading was on a Inrser and broader si-ale tlian yesteidny's nu-ui'.ritl'le session, snd with tnc dlfierence that certain old or domiitut sl.Mks vied al times w.tU thnso of recent protnlncnco for su premacy. Advli ea front 1 tucago pointing to an early announcement of tho terms of the Anglo-Krench credit gave Bi.dcl strength to tho In Ihe linal lugs, liwever, the we.Kht of Increased ofieiinga overcame the hiarket'a digestive powers and many larse gulirs were re ducel. wl.llo others wens changed V tnotlcrato loanos. Uallri.Hds were nun In under Intermit tent restrain!, iinm'iliatelv lending issues being lower bv one to two iolr.ts. Improvement In this part of the list Wmm ip.its ttinortl later, but I ere. aliui. pmlit taknlg proved effective io Uie ex tent of wiping out most gains. Price movements l eCHme confusing to the point. briskly, but got under wsy in very falri"' tc-verlaiuies toward the end, the clos- s.asoii on a good steady basis, and a,"'s. m aiatinctiy irregular. pri'tty decent clearance was altcctcd Pe lf ore noon. Hi lli ol Ihe offrrlpga started niovlng nroiind fvUXik and a five-car llllA SmIi'M S Iii,1II,.ImH I ..i.i ILIt -1.--.. tbe largest volume of business.' arcordlna to a va. la hie data, since the days Immedl- strnit of choice Wyoming nindy f".7, the laieiv pree,i,ng the war. when tha greater high rlc-e of tho dav, und the best fig-taoiivity was at the expens of quoted Sunday. CAT! L1C Receipts were fair this morn ing. 411 cars being reported In, which mnkes a total for Ihe two days this week of i,tt4 head. Tula is smaller than for tho aamo time last week by 7.00U head and suiH.ler than a year ago by almost MM! hriul. Stl.l, advbea trom other selling points were none too lavoralne, with iho result that buyers ilnril nut hlildlnir lower and playing for time. No oo seemed ready to fill orders lire thnt has tvet-n pant pinoe Ilia first two days of the monlh. Feed -rs made up about the same propor tion of the supply as on Monday, but in spite of fairly liberal offerings, Values continued to show strength. Weightier kinds were fully stead v, and light stuff ( which was In osiwrliilly good demand, was quoted as llina simng to a IIUh higher. One e'lln nidi' fl 4 with n , good share of tha deslrabl stuff moving t r iimd i..uii8 3 , ami a sCMtleilu.4 of s.ilv from those flgums on din. Feeding and breed in'' ewes continue to sell on a good firm basis rnl suiplls aren't any test broad. Outside the ewe nnd lamb rlii sues luirdly any feeders art) showing u. .... l-ot ewes were in rainor s'im suipiy values. Ind trading was sgsln verv large wl.1i general strength. Final disposal bv the syndicate of Hh.uoO.aK) Now York Cltv bonds, purchased early In the year, offers proof of Ihe better Investment demand. Total sales of bonds, par value, aggre gated t.'i,i;3,on. i nlted Slates Imnds were Unchanged. Number of ale and kndlnt uuotatlons on stocks a ere as follows: Btlei. lU.h. Ism. until the alt uatlon at other market points was better I understood. As a result the morning was .today, snd moved readily at steady fU- Aluntis rtoM AIII-tlislmKrs Amerlrtn llt Busr.. Amerli'sn Csn Amsrtcan IjnrnmntlTS . AlusrltKia H. ft Antsrlrin 8. It. pfd. Am. gutsr 'Itrrinins... Asietlraa Tl. Tel.. Amerli-sn Tobacco .... Antenna t'oiiusr Ati'nlknn II. 1 il w In Locomnttvs W'ell advanced beforo very much business urea. Hest here sasln brought to. 75. wus trunx.ictol. I guotatlons ou sheen nnt lambs: Lambs, t here were more good to cholc year-lgood to cbo'te i 70, lambs, fair to lllllf Htnelr eattla. In i - ...I ,1,..,. 1 1. am 1 I ,u a.a. u rs. I ..... 1 . . -...1 t? " baye been for a long time back. Portu- 8.g: yesrllmts, fair to eh ilce. f j'.7riii(i.7K; 4 '' l,m."p ,,bls.. w-,r nira SH llblr. ml ,,lhiifl . " 1 fslr to choice. $ri.0iV..00; rwes. good to choice, tS.r0'(jrt.7fi; ewes. fnr o good, fl.7" 'i.W. ewes, feeders. 4.My M.i(. nately, there was a good demand and the tot stockers and feeders sold at steady, O'- pretty close to steady, prices. SHU, owing to the number of cattle on aaie yi-Hu niHv and loony the tendency waa a liltie eHMler and medium kinds were safclv loo or more lower thin yesterday. Beef steers opened slow, but there wan a very lnlr demand and In the end the better grndea brought prices that were. I'retty clone to steady with other kinds weak to a little tovt r. Ihe same was true of cows and heifers, the more at tractive kinds, eaiwialiy those thnt would do lor shippers, li. hiking aiHiut sleauy prices with others a lllt.o lower In sputa. .U ..1 . .... w...:. . I,uug J , i.U.L'O fed yeHrl.iiKS, M.0,,i n'i ; fair to good led yearlings. Is fitXu ii.oo; romiuun to fair fed yearl.ngs, tti,iH"ii8,&0; Hood to choice heavy beeves, l9.mKiiU.isj; fair to gotxt cornfed beeves, S8.2tsii9.iW; cummon to fair corn fed beevea, frt.7i.ij! 8.3(1: r-Sme grass beeves. .uiK(t8.40; good to choice grass beeves, t7 40i8.0u: fair to good grass beeves, W.7fi JI7.40: common to fair grass beeves, tTi.KMf 6.75: aood to choice graaa heifers, M.2M Bffi; good to choice prs cows, lu.7Sn pp f Ir to good cows, tb.WaZ.lh; common to fair cMs, f4.0Mi.oi; prime feeding . . 87.7.W8.40; good to choice feeders, f7.2u4i7.7u; fair to good feeders, f6.5ui&7.2o; ci'i Lion to rnlr fee. ers. Vi.aujni.6ti; guod to chrlc stockers. 775U8 35: fair to good Blockers, f ;.7f.ti7.7r,j common to fair stqekera. fS.iitVKti.76; stock helfera. S5.7. 7 4 al- sat vnl s..u. x nr . . . lii ""ML-"0.0" calves.; pulls. SS MNftS.hO: veil calves, staiis. etc.. lS iofMiM ltepreseetntlve sslea: 8TBERa AND HEIFERS. No. w... K steer.. 21 cows..., 7 sierra.., 41 s leers.. 17 sttors.., Av. Pr. No. x. Pr. o to NKHRASKA. 7 10 s ers.. ..1138 26 steers. 14 steers. .V IS sierra... 3i steers..., DAKOTA. 6 7S Wi 7 U 14 I'M IM) 8 .V 7 26 8 Ho REAL ESTATB ACREAGE FOUR ACKK.S FOR HALK. Orchard and alfalfa;, aightly loca tion: no finer In the city; three to five blocks from two parks and two street car lines; contains 24 platted lots; Blshouaer A Bloome's addition. Address 111 No. 40th KC. or call Walnut 1348. REAL ESTATEFOR EXCHANGE HIGHLY IMPROVED. Frontier county, Nebraska, quarter to xchang for Omaha property or acreage near Omaha, suitable for country home. Get busy quick and gat owner's snar of this year's "bumper crop." ' C. K. COMU3, 818 Brandels Theater. Douglas 2911 vviLiL trade Oregon land for Nebraska ut ur uisvusH auto, ji ua, tkta. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE DANDY NEW BUNGAIX)W I ROOMS, all modern, full basement, shade, fruit, fenced; equity fl.ouu; twiu cash, or trade for good lot, OWN&K, 4o3 J. 36th Ave. Weba 4134. FOR RENT or sale, 6-room house, all ST. LOUIS. Mo.. HcDt 28 WHE1AT No. i red, fLlV.1.18; No. 2 hard, nom- REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS MlnneanoMa Orala Market. MTNNEAPOL1 8, Bept. 28. WHEAT September, S74e; December, 927e: No. 1 bard, fl.OuTfc; No. 1 northern, W;'uW!o. rUJtik- Unehnnaed. BARLEY 47(0Dc. RYE KVa9ic. CORN No. 8 yellow. CCVxfic. BRAN f 19.00. f)ATH No. 2 white, 32fi 3314c. Bh.ED Max, fl.Mi&4.87V4j. ' f'nrs Sinai rt -rlon Rnlletln. Th weather Is cool throughout th corn and wheat belt. LlKht frosts rirni ih , nulhftrn M rhiirsn anil nnplhnm riht.. .. J frrealng temperatures In North Dakota. Phowers were general In the Minneapolis uiairici. sou rains or one incn or more occurred at nations In Missouri, lllluos. Indiana snd Kentucky. r'- A- WKIiH. Local Forecaster. Weather liureaa Coffee Market. NEW TORK, Sept. 28.-COKFEE The m."re5..,"r..Iulure" wa very quiet today, , that were all of IMiuio hluher. and lookud AfiSr 0 .? "Rt 1!;r,',8,il"ri 5ven ,,lor" ,nn tnt In some instances. After opening at an advance of 1 to I : Bu.k of th shipper purchases wss made tgotaTd's'i'w.'0 I P0"."; ii'.8V8.U. wlt.t an extreme top "f 8 U to .60c for March and 6.30c for May, but the highest price that haa been paid there was no Important demand and here since last November" 2!2?,'JfAIl-Zr """"y under a lltte Packer buyers might have tried to hold . . ..j . u.iii.inu, huh nri II 11 1 lini I K ril iir.itiffd nnwn nn hMBVIuw m.h V. . i No. A v. 923 Wyoming lambs '' 4L'1 Idsho Ismba . 71 4i'0 Idaho lambs 7 lf9 Idaho lambs v Kit idnho lambs 7 ItTil WyomP'g lambs l 117 Wyoming feeder lambs m ldsio feeder lamlie 71 I"0 Idaho feeder lambs 00 PW Wyoming feeder Inmbs M i 9,(1 Iduhn feeder lambs 4"H Wyoming ewes 17 lui Idaho ewes Hi llrnlyn Hapld Trsnnlt. ('iilKnnua Prirnliusi ... ('ns'lliin Pui'ltlu J inlrsl Ijesihar IT: ''eeHPk A Ohio...., 8 ivV fnlesss l. W 8 4U rdletso, M. Ml. P.... 8 l!i 4-tilrai'l N. W.. w miwi, h. 1. r N il Chino ropier W 1' IVIorsiiii Kik.1 a Iron... 8 ill ' '"r iclhls fttssl k Ml I lanrrr H. O. BM.. Serurltlss 5 8T ,? I lntlllrrV Kris Ilinl Kte.rie t NtirthAra ptA Nn. tire ctf 8 IKI JK! 0 1.1 CHICAGO 1.1 V H 8TOIK MARKET Cattle tniss"Uii.m Kxplurstlnn. 1,11 nits csiitrsl liiuterlmrr.uali nn. Curp Inaplrsilon t'oensr Intrrnsiloniit llarvralsr. Firm Unas V nsettled J ' ' r Poiahrra... kheep Firm. IiUitI1Is a Naihvilia.l! CUTCAOO. Pept. W. CATTLE Tie-' M rss I'Hroisiim Celpla, 6.o"0 head; market firm; natlvo beef cattle, fl. 104(10 4u: western s'eers, fii.70fi8.7ii, rows and heifers, f2.Ofi8.Vi; cnlvrs t7.fVf11.rj. 1 f ( )H Receipts. IS 0ft heart: market un settled: llrht grades weak, others strong; bulk. I7.8l'ii8!.i: light, f ..imiS.w: mix d Mtfttnl t'onn..r Nllmtoilrl, K. A T. pfd.... M Isanui I I'Ai'l IS National lllmult Natlnnal lsd Ntvb'I Oipiiar ,. S'rw Vurk canlnil N. V . V H S. II . . . . f.!Ki(8.4o; hesvy t'i.f.lUi.a); rough, fO.defir 1 No-ntk A rl..,. 8.90: plus, t6.(Vu7.90. ' Nnnharn I'selllo tjllEEP ANl LAMBS Recelntg IB.Irn! p.nlfln Mal head: market firm: wethers So.rfl4lti.6ii; 1 raetlts Tel. at Tsl. wes, f3.6tijti.OO; lambs, f7.004j9.25. ini . jnn .. t.ino , ai.'Hi , 4t,.l .tw ', " inrt . i'.'Vrt a,m , 10,40ft 1.IKI 4.n . , s. !h) , 4,7 ! ' l.iiml 1.7'Kt , 4.! "11 i;n N.Hi , Il.ilU t tl . t.hrl in, iii , ,4 0 ! ' Via , M. r.i , i l.iiO . io"tis 7,4u0 8. ten 1 4n ,IH l 2 MM .TOO sun 984 I 70 IIaI 7 x"i JI21 7 2R 117i 7 0.i HOUTII .114 7 4b MONTANA. 71 steers.. ..1122 7 lb COLORADO, 13 steers.. ..1092 7 30 HOGS The Increase In shipping de mand that waa expected by tnu Missouri river markets as a result of the barring Llilcago live stock from New Yors of lanuva in rijuin Omaha with a vengeance this morning. Khlppers bought fuliy a third of the supply, taking any thing that had a shipping end at prices A Sure Shot Investment .Harney street, near 24' h. tO-root front age by 134 feet deep. Old Improvement In fair condition, which would rent for about f66 a month. This property Is a south front and you can bur It for f9,000. Only $150 a front foot for the ground without counting tha value of the Im provement. W don't know of any piece of property on th north side of Harney street, between 20th and 26th, that you can bay for this money, whether It be va cant or Improved. We believe that'ithts to 8 points hluher. Kales. 4 mm halm Hen. tember, October, November 8.00c; I Mem ber. .03c; January, 6.7c; February, 811c; March, .15c; April. 20e; May. 6 2Hc; June, 8.32c; July, 8.8Kc; August, .43c. Bpot, quiet; Rio No. 7, 6c; Uanlos No. 4, so. Cost and freight offers were about tin changed, but were reported slightly more numerous, with quotations ranging from about 8.36c to 8 Wo for Bantoa 4s. Rio ex change on London wus -32d higher with milreia prices unchanaed. Th rains re ported In Hao Paulo were considered fa vors tale from a coming crop stardpolnt. Santos reported clearances of 22,000 bags for New York. the . mu'.iii in nit snipper marsai on aucn moa ierate rece pts forced their hand, and they I started out early filling their orders at .figures that were easily iirulic, and In I I pots aa much as 2oc, higher, A few bunches of extremely heavy hogs didn't move anv too rendlL", but packers had urgent need of ever) Ulng that was here, Muwx Cltv Live Moek Market. HIOITX CITY. la.. Hept. 28. CATTLE Receipts, 1,S00 head: martlet steady: na tive steers, ffi.2R"!l; cows and Imlfers, 84.7rtiti.10: cgnners,; stockers and feeders, S.taM7.?!': calves. t6.WHi7.fl0; bulls stnss, etc., fl..Vi4ifi.ri.V HOGS Receipts. 2.ii0 ('head; market steady to &KI00 higher; heavy. t7.40tiii.iiO; led flMul.W; light, fi.0ti'u7.1."i; buik, t7.10fi7.40. rlllKKP AND LAMBH-Recelpta.1 7.000 head: market steady; ewes, 14.76; lamb, fs. 1048.40. Rt. Loo Is I.Ua Stock Market. 8T. LOIT18, Sept. S8.-CATTI.E Re ceipts, 4.7110 head: market higher; native beef ateera, f7.T('iiifl.l!.'i; yearling steers and hellers, f!i.fiw 10.00; cows, fiLO'ifl i.Oo; stockers and feeders, fSOm-SSo; soutnern steerr, S3.tVitS.86; co'vs and helfera, f4.0txd 8 Ml: native calves, fHOUDi 11.00. higher; native beef steers 17.601) 10. -1; higher; pigs and lights, 8.2.''U'3.U6; mixed rnd butchers, 88.108.66; good heavy, 17.90 fe x sn SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 803 hesd; market hlaher; lambs, fynn'iiX h6; a beep and ewes, fi.uoB 7.76. Pullman I'alsos t'sr "no Pennsylvania 2.3X1 Vny on. Coppar 8 mio Kesa'ns .. l.kOJ I epuhltn lren $l Klaal... 4i.n) Snuthain J'a Iflo JS.'iW Knnlhnrn rlsllaur .'. V.MA Stuilrlwkar fninpanr .... Il.t O Tamneair-s Osasr 84 on Ttaa t'omtTny 8. nn 1'nlon IWIfln 11,704 t'nl-in P.tKio pfd.. ...... Vim t uIlM Hlslaa glstl 1MI " V. . Hlal pfd.l nn I 'tab foptwr !1 ' Wtrn t'nlun 7,nHl Wratieshouas Rlsrtrle ...Ifc, 09 Mutilans IV war tni U nTSl Mo'ors 1,"ll Total aalas fnr tha Saf, 31 ". . . " 87 10li ite, Kt. M II an IS'H 4t UK, lms '.iiii .in 17114 n H . 1 U'4 2iV "4t4 U-3 i7'4 lt't b;, a lit; ni'4 w i'iii U''4 at li.4 hi, w, Hj'i U 1-S ! al 44 ' 'a 77S 1 4 "Vt u 444 a m inks lHi I'M 'a Ji 7H :i Ml, it 181 rati 6l" 1-" lu.S ' -'" 1 I 121 4S ' ''ra jt'it H 34iti 'ii'i t ..... i;iH S It', s HI, 1111 aiavfc 4 1'4 111 t:4 rs's t H 9H 1H 14"4 .1 ?,' i 7i4 lii'a ui 11 ft S8 Clew. 11 It, 4'. .1 .' ana, 1'W 1 ""a IS'i : IntSa 1J,, Ht 8 A ., Ill", mi, 1:1 7'. 4, lMVa IP, 81 K 17ft 121 4. 8H ini am, i'a '.'. 27' 14ft m as V 104 4 1-lVi .'a US - 1UV ll)Va , I 83 1 11 J V3Va MS M'a . l:" t 141 14 HT llW 13!a Kl'a lK'i 77 l.nm.niw iharoa. St. Joseph Mr Block Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Bept. 28.-CATTLE Reiclpls, 2.,x head; market dull and weak; steers, t7.0ii4t9.rfi; cows and heif ers. $4 nwiS.UO: calvoa, tti.OWif.W). llO'lH-ltecelpta, 3J"0 bend; market Steady; bulk of sale, f7.nO!ft.l6; top, fK.IR. HHKEP AND LAM BH Rcoeipls, ,OU0 head; market at rung; lamba, f8.0ii8.75. Don't Gut Out A SHOE BOIL, CAPPED hock an BURSITIS will remov them and lcav no' blemishe. Reduces any puff or swelling. Does not blister or remov the hair, and hone tin be worked. 2 s bottle delivered. Book 6 K free. ADSORBINE. JR.. tha sscaratk Oalaant lorsxa Una. for Bulla, Braltra, OM tonra, twellinra, VarlcoM Vaina Varkoairlfa. AUaya Pais, rrks SI ss4 S3 a ksols at snwiau at tfallTarvt, WtU tsU stars U aast anas, W.r.) 0UNQ. P.O. F..1M Twit) SU Srinaflid,aUat. sauna, i-. ajfeiBi mi w Oil antl Rsla, ' NrTW TORK, Bept. . MERCANTILE p tt-si..314 eer cent. PTERLINO EXCHANOB3 Hlxty-dsy bl'ls. f4 .6700; demand. M.7076: cables, f4 7126. KILVKR Har, 49i4c; Mexican dollars. JSHo. KOND8 Qovernment, steady; railroad, trong. MONET Time loans, steady. 80-divs property will double In tralu In th next I per eent; 90 daya, 21,43 per cent; 1 six monins, s per cent. tau money, steaay; ruvner; x per cent; low. l" per cert; ruling rate, 1 per cent; last loan, S per eent; closlnar bid, 14 ier cent; of fered at 2 per cent. five to ten years, and meanwhile will pay a fair Interest on th Investment. This I one thing that Is sure aa death and taxes. modern, beat or condition i. t- ..t -it-.. rike yard, can be i.ought on reasotianib bt. 'Phone Websur 2Uau. aAnristrorigAValsh Ca Tyler 1538. sut Bank Bldg. .ItUAIi KSTATK MISCKLLANKOU8 Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Bept. 28 COTTON Spot steady; middling uplands, 12.4ot'. Hales. 1 .u 1 CfummjjA SOUND FIRST MORTGAGE investment W offer for immedigte sale (500,000) the first portion of (totsJ Issue) 6 $1,500,000 6 ar First tlortgago C Sloal Estato Gold Bonds LPPfc-H V16CONSlN-Best dairy and sueral crop slat In tn unlou; settlers wanted; Isnus for sale al low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wiscon sin Central Land Urant. Excellent land (or aiock raising. If Interested In fruit lauds ask for booklet on apple ere hard a Address Land and Industrial Depart., tfud Line Railway. Minneapolis Minn s4 laaalla laaiasi HAVB YOU A r'ARM FOR BALET Write a good dcM.ripuon of your Und ar.d send It to the bloux City, la.. Journal, l'.lowa." Jl Powerful Want Ad S. dlum. Twcnty.ftv, words vry SVidsy evening, baiuiday n uriilng and every Saturday evening and bunday mornlnsj lor on tdonih, giving iUIkd ada oa twelve dllicrent osy lor Ui or 60 words, ft, or 76 worda, to. largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, m.(m t(.r dsily In four great atatca KEAI, fcSTATK LOANS ' fluu iU 41.IMU luado proiupi.w, i Wead, Wead B!dg , lMh 44 Karnain Bta C,.T.,SJ ,arm '"". 8V4. 4 per cunt J. H. Uuniont St In, 414 State Hank A "tor bale" ad will turn sviuiul-imud furniture Into rash- CITY pritKirty. Large loans a specialty. W. II. Thomas a Mta'e Bank bids. W ANTIil Good fana and city loans al iv-vii laira PKTKK TR17S1 CO . 1821 Psrnam. CHOICK building iota. b&4 N. 27th K Make offer. Wrlta SAM iwu- uk Harney low. ' ' """" NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Equity of fi,tsw to trad for good lot or tw cash. Phone Webster 4184? NKW 7-rojm, alrlctly modern, built bv owner for honw. kit ilea r.k Hi.t t . ..' Inspection today. Ul'l Crown Point Av. KOR RENT or sale. 4-rnnin hnUU TTi IVlArlsien kai Aa9 . JI41 . 1 . $j00 CA8U, $35.00 A MONTH bungalow I VSitllraia fit jwttTon AmnAit Smhi rlilnk.. 1 i iiF-: i nTFrnwr, January, 12.10c: March. 12.96c; May, 13.06c The. cotion me rift c'osed steady at a net gain of from 10 to 18 points. Futures closed steady; October, 12.10c; rw.mii.. i iy. t -., , , -.... i 'j Hi... a. .. one a sun room. , :...."."' ,,,... "' " ' """. T.IVERt'OOi, Bent. W COTTON P not. will buy this new 6 oak finish In 8 rooms, iwi. rr clllnirs HAnk..aii ailnilriia .... ."T" ai suciieil. mrtdllna- 7Jthd- mld.llln. 1 ua. wun convenient pantry ana toeoox room. , VV-'b..-. , 7:.""'" lib high i' , .-,w . in ana enamel oaturootn with big grad fixtures; reflex li Kb ling fixtures, wnicn aro artistic ana vp-io-ame; rur nouern oest or condition; lot of shaue. i nao heat, laundry connections, fine large term.,o;drn?.OUf",,P" iTS?2? . l"t-..Wv 8- Kt. Ph .n; 1A.I.I ta aooui una oarsjo. . . mvc. I KasD tsros. KEAl, ESTATE BOUTH SIDK 2316 SO. 35TII AVE. wm'Ll"..ih2.f?ur".of cnP't'on; house will b all modern; furnace, gas, electrlo uht. oak finbfh; front yard WIU be sodded Price, Close to Hanscom park, close to car line and clot t" achool. C. G. CAKLBEitQ, 812 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE tVEBT 8 IDE New Bungalow Cathedral District Will b finished In October. Buy now and choose the fixtures and th decora tions. Addresa 4111 Chicago Bt. It will be completely modern, have living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, 2 bedroom, plenty of well lighted closets, furnace cement, basement and all that la ttumlrd lot McCague .ug ,uuglas 1662. EA8Y TERMS. Small payment down, balance on terms to auit. Mill buy a aplenutu hora. on block trom Uunueo car line; houaa la biles, 8 roonia, screened-. n poirh, gas, eiertric llghta, bath, furnace, full teinemed basement, oak finl.n djwo alaira, while enamel secoud fioor, fud iUed lot, barn on rear. All atieet liiiprovements tn de. Pi Iced right, kiisi.t taa amalWr house or acreage as part payment, Evaiy thing In psr tct older W. T. 8MITII CO., City Natiooai rJauk Budding. Kaaiai Cltv Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Sept, 28.-CATTLK Receipts. 19 law head; market strong: P'lm fed steers, 89 6Of10.tli; dressed beef steers. 87 Wi.: western stairs M 6 9 0: stockers snd feeders, 86.508.00; bulls. 16'Ofi.t io: cslves. S" i" HHKEP AND LA M BS Receipts, 18.0TO head: market hi.her; lamba, 8.0oi 76; yearllnvs 8ft0,g.75; wethers, t6.60tf.&0; ewes. f6.264380. i i Llva Stack la gtgkt. Tleeelnts of live stock; at th fly prin cipal western markets: Cattle. Ilors. Bheen. OMAHA home. Knat Nebraska farms. u'KEKfK REAL ESTATt CO :u1t Omaha National. Phono Mcgla 2718. UOX fc'Y ou hand toi city and farm loans. It -,v. Kinncr. ttt- Vat'onal Bans: Bldi VfllN'kY nil hand for ,-tlw .i4 .nn iL VS . Jbinder. City National lxulk bldg. to make a place that you will be proud to own. This Use c an be bought on pay menta. fall at our office and ace tha plans. It will pay you to do Oil If you ar looking for a real bargain. is. a. a . ling finish) d; crn -Creigh, Sons & C6. ) B) Bldg. THE ART Off 8 SELLING FOR CASH. This 111 lie brochure explain fully boat we can soil your real estate or business for cash, ua ti-altir where located. Vv a mean IU Write today descriiung what you have to sell, buy or exchange, and receive this booklet free. it. p. lAfjd CO.. 4ii3 W. Wainut fit.. irm Mojnea. U o 1,200 Baskets of Grapes Off 700 Vines Apples, plums, peaches, cherries, cur rants, raspberries, gooseberries. Brand new, strictly uvd. 6-looru house just be ing llnishid; cemented cave connected basement; S acrea land. S4.u0u. ottage for pai-t. Owner, and rinra ru. Mt.. lt..,u on 9. Pouth Omaha.. Ploux City Ht. lxiuls Kenans City.,., Chicago ...11 v ... l. ... 4 ...19 0 0 ... 600 4 " 2 W") 11 0 0 2 000 a $500 $1000 5500 $1000 OF snd elevated. 100 cars can capacity ex it o 7 ooo f'K) ' liool 14.0M), Total receipts 41.600 S8,4U) 77.8u0 Metal Market. NKW TORK. Bept. 28-MKTALS-Iad, 84. W. fpelter not quoted. Cooper, firm; electrolytic. $1.21. Iron, steady and un changed. Tin, firm; five-ton lota, SU.Omif ISM. At Indon: 8pot enpper, 71; futures, T:; electroly'l-. 4:87 l"a. Spot tin, 161 6s; futures (164. Antimony, 126. Load, a 23 16a. fpelter. 68. Oil aad float a. SAVANNAH, tla , Hept. 28. TCRPKN TINE Firm; S"V,Mlc; aa ea, I! hole., receipts,, shipments, lvi bbis.; stocks. 18.&.8 bbis. ROHIN Finn; salea, 748 bl'ls.; receipts. on u s; smpmants, l.v cuis. ; ttot as ai.ins Lii's. uuotc: A a-i ,' i .1 ii w The Albert Dickinson Company Sal Marckaata, Tho Largest Conacra of It Kind la th United States. Establish! IKS. Datssl October 1st, llli. Iatrt payabU April I aad Oct. 1. Maturing 1 to S years. Denominations, $500-11,000. SECURITY I Location Corner 35th Street snd California Avenue on Drainage Canal, in the new South, west manufacturing district, Chicago, which is ateadily increasing in value. t Owarahi of Land Over 70 'acres, of which over 00 acres are owned by the company. Ownership of Building New reinforced concrete with brick, outside sprinkled- The build ings are in seven units, making a square of 420 feet, with connecting subways beneath and passageways overhead, mere are lour miles of railroad tracks on the surface The buildings are provided with covered unloading platforms and upward of be spotted without a second movement. The Dickinson railroad yard has a ceeding 350 cars. 4 Ownership f Laa4 aa Buildings, being their old property at corner Clark and 16th Streets on the U S. & M. S. Railroad, a smaller complete working unit. (Valuation Value of land and buildings and equipment conservatively estimated at $3,288,000. Earnings Earnings of the company for the past five years aversge considerably over three times the annual interest charge. The bonds are the direct obligation of an old established successful company, financially strong. V lasuraaca against Fire and Mortgage Guarantee Policy by Chicago Title and Trust Company, held by this bank, as trustee, for protection er bondholders. These Bonds are approved and recommended for investment by Greenebaum Sons Bank and Trust Company, capital and surplus $1,850,000, founded 1855. Securities sold by this old established State Bank have successfully stood every test for three generations. Legal in vestment for Banks and Insurance Companies. Purchased by the most couaervativa i UTidual Investors. PRICE TO YIELD Q TO INVESTORS Illustrated descriptive- circular No. (j7t7 sent on request. stioa Can flow B Mad for Fatnro Dsliv ry if Oird. AH Branches of BaUlking. Buy From Bank. Casvfat und $mr tlA0.000 AND TRUST COrVPANV S. E. Gar. La Salle stud rVla&aoa Sts. CHICAGO .4V VI 4V4 8S. Vl'fl SJ, SsjaaAlBMTs . n HHmmiUMinmummni j n i m .rrrrTnamQ ... T . v., .. S4 6: N. H.tO. VV'U. Si