Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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mm; omaiia. ti eshav. sKiTrMitKii ls m
Monday, September 27, 1915.
Y, mj, what a lot of military ancestors wre wished upon you!
Small wonder if you grew up to be aa warllka as the cele
brated kaiser and being born in this warring day, too!" I could
not help but exclaim when I learned of the birth of James
Nixon Peale, Jr. x
James Junior was born to Lieutenant and Mrs. James Nixon Teale
Wednesday at the residence of Colonel and Mrs. It. N. Getty at Fort Logan,
Colo, Lieutenant Peale Is of the Eleventh United States Infantry.
Mrs. Peale Is the daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Getty, United States
army, and granddaughter of General George Washington Getty, United
States army.
Lieutenant Peaie is the son of former Colonel James T. 1'eale, Fourth
Pennsylvania cavalry, and Mrs. E. II. DJureen of this city.
Estate of.H. 0. Kiliioa it Suing
Water District and E. B. How
ell for Damages.
Jack Schall is Out
of Hospital Again
John A. 8-haT1, TIB South Thirtieth
strret. who usalnt a compound frac
ture of the right foot February 12, when
he flipped on 4he ry pnrrmnt. hull lfft
8t. Jowph'a hospital. An amputation of
the member wu nermnary, and this was
followed by a aorond operation August 2.
Itesplta hi Ion of troulle. Hchiill
assort he la frellna fine and ia in the
beat of epirita.
Prank Fisher, who waa struck br a
. 4
tmln several e-ka ao near La. Flatte. 'statsa and up Into Maine, their old homo.
...ft St. Catherine ho.plta. this .nomlng. 1' New YnriT rhUadlfc
Mr. and Mr. 1. W. Merrow are bark
from a 6.Nrf-nille automobile trip that
took them through the New Kngland
Dhla and many of the coast cities.
Alfred Munger la spendHur a rew flay
with his parents. Judge and Mrs. T. C.
Munger of Lincoln. ' ,
Assistant Tostmaster Woodaid hn- re
turned from a buslnesa trip to Detroit
Ha brought back with him a bad cold.
This makes three generations of Went Point graduates among the in
fants ancestors: His father, his grandfather and hla areat-grandfather. Nor !,n" nom" 01 BTl"'.r' fr. . : I
- atii..u in ar r r
IIMTIL 4041 f l 111 IIIIIVJTiiia av. . ,
Alleging that the Metropolitan
Water district and K. Beecher How
ell. Its general manager, Is respon
sible for the untimely death of Henry
O. Nllaaon, 82 years of age, by pro
viding Impure and germ-laden wa
ter which he drank, the administra
tor of his estate has brought suit
against the water district for $26,000
Mr. Nllsaon waa a member of a well
known Omaha faintly. Ha waa living at
Dr. John R
are these all the ancestors the jrouthful scion may boast, for two famous ( whtM th, rkne.a whl. n
painters, Charles Vllon Peale and Kfinbranut Peale, and the first Presby
terian minister of early Washington. th late Hev. Jamea Lawrle, are among
kla forebears.
What will James junior choose to be? Soldier, painter or clergyman?
It wonld be interesting to know.
At the Orpheum Theater.
Society night at tha Orpheum theater
will be especially populnr this evening
beeauae of Mine. Alia Nnalmova'a ap
pearance in "War Brides." Mr. and Mrs.
Henry F. Wyinan will entertnln a box
party, their guests being:
Messrs. and Mesdames
renel Ftnpletou. lr. W. O. Iirlrlitev
John t- Kennedy. 'V. T. Hamilton.
Jlr. and Mrs. tleorge Uranrti is will give
a box party complimentary to Mrs. I run
outs' three slater, who arrived today
from Chlcepo. In the party will lie:
Messrs. end MfsUames
Karl N. I.ouls, Uetirge I rni1 l.
Mosrtaives .Mcm.ain- a
X. J. Carney, Ml. Ulllatt Hlli y.
Hurry iioeworth.
Miss Ueatrice Coed has reserved two
boxes for the members of tha Hlbbernscn
Hmyth wedding party, and after the thea
ter there will ba a aupper at the Coad
home. Twelve guests will be entertained.
V. J. Fltxgermld will entertain guest
at a box party.
Mr. and Mra. B. P. Angoll a ill have aa
tneir guests:
Messrs. and Mesdames
A. T. fclmer. W. J. Vonsen.
Judge Henjsmln S. Baker will have four
guests; O. C. nedlck, four; A. V. Klnsler,
four;' I M. Cohu, four; J. A. t'avera,
four; Carl Ktirth, four: Dr. J. P. Anson,
five; K, B. Kclley, five; P. U. Kama
worth, four, and E. L. Huntley, four.
Itcservations for two hhva been mud
by Lester Heyn, Dr. Mack, Ivouls HHIer,
Dr. Iiarnea, Mra. Kmma Manchester, Miss
Clara Buck, Dr. Deck, 8. 8. Carlyale,
Italph Kitchen, D. C. AbboU. Colonel
Jewell, Judge Sullivan, Colonel tfwobe,
F. A. Shot ell, Vr. Tarry and Frank
At the Country Club.
Mr. Allen Tukey and Mr. 1-eon Cullu
han, of the blbberiiacn-Bmyth. wnldlng
party, entertained the bridal party at
aupper at th Country club last evening.
Covers were placed for:
Misses MlMes
llM Hmyth, klary Lee
Helen Murphy, of Chicaget "
Irene Coad, LukvlOw 1'tulaiaou.
Ue.ttrlce Cuad,
Menars. Messrs.
Clan-m-e Bllibernsen.Dri'Xel Hilil ei linen.
Kuwsrd Mtiri'liy, MdwanJ Hinyih,
Allen Tukey, lepn l allalnu..
.Mrs. J. T. Stewart gave a luncheon
fur aoven" guests at th Country club
ji catcrday.
The largest luncheon today was that
of tha women golfers, who are holding
their tournament for the city golf cham
pionship at tha Country club.
For th closing dinner dance Satur
day evening, C. K. Meta will entertain
a party of fourteen, and F. W, CWrlia
w 111 have tan guests.
At Prairie Park Club.
Th train Iark club will formally
open tbeir social aeaaon, Saturday eve
ning. . wllU an elaborately planned dan
cing party. Th last of the club' In
formal pre-anaaon dance waa given last
Saturday evening with th following
present: ,
Messrs. and Meadamea
J.-hn K. BiUlnstr, N. W. NiohoU.
William Kok, K. A, I.ucke, .
A. U. Klder, K. . Clny,
11. J. Kicklcr, H. O. KIiik.
Charles A. Hohtnson, W. U Hlackett.
J. M. Morrta, J. W. bkogliuid.
A. A. Wedemoyer, William II. i'latner,
s- -' ' .
i ;.K
::J : ' ' . v I
i ;'e--.( r 1
w : y-C-.i ; .
-Of- v : sf:
caused hla death, April M, of thla year. I
Dr. Nllsson waa abaent from the rtty dur
Ing hla brother's Ulna a.
Th petition alleges that R. Beecher :
Howell received nuroeroa complaint of
tha condition of the water,, but failed to
remedy It It aaeerta that th water dls
trlut failed t provide pur and whole
some water In accordance with tta duty
aM failed to flush or clean the water
1 ,.
i ha mater prnvlded was "filthy and
germ-laden." the petition allegea, and a
th result of drinking the fluid which
came from the faucet, Henry O. Nllsson I
wa stricken with fever and sickness, I
whh h caused hla death. '
Mr. Nllsson waa Ignorant of the "Im- '
pure, foul, aerm-lii'len condition of th
wster" when he drank It, according o '
the petition.
Magical Effect of
New Face Peeler
To maintain
clear, white, youthful
Complexion there's notliina s. simple to
use and yet ao effective aa ordinary met -
1 1 ollxed wax, which you can gel at any
drug-atore. Just apply the wax at nl dit
as you would cold cream. In tlie inoiiiln(
wash It off with warm water. If you've
I never tried It you can t Imagine the magi
cal effe-t of thla harmless home treat
ment. It causes the old worn-out skin
; to come off in minute particles, a little
at a tlrne, and soon you have entirely
I ahed the offensive cuticle. The fresh
I ium und rsklii now in avlileuce Is so
I healthy and girlish looking, so free from
I any appearance of Hrtiliclallty. you won
1 dcr why you had not heard of this marvel
j oua complexion-renewing secret long sko.
Kqually magical in its action In a slui
pl wrlnklo-removlng lotion made by dis
solving an ounce of powdered saxollte In
a' half pint of witch haaoi. Kat,htng the
I face in this for two or three minutes m
; mediately affects every lino and furrow
and linnrovaa racial contour wonderfully.
Mra. Thomas (3. Winter of Minneapolis,
president of the Woman' club and also
chairman of the literature department of
the General Federation of Women' cluh.
I spoke on "Literature and Life" before
i lore I school teachers at tho high school
auditorium Monday. Mrs. Winter
save this samo lecture before the Omaha
Woman's club Inst spring,
j Sirs. Winter la the guest of Mrs. F. II.
Cole, general federation rhairmmi of
!rlll M'tvlco reform committee, and will
1 leave with the Omaha delegation Tuea
jdey morning for the state convention of
the Nelu.iska Federation of Women'a
I clut-a at Norfolk.
I .Mrs. Winter waa entertained at lunch-
con at the university club by Superin
tendent t. U, Uraff.
Charles Neff.
C. C. Haynes,
Meadamea .
C H. Hoaa,
Nelll Green,
Sadie Latta,
A. M. Rtlllman,
Fred Wedemoyer,
Uerald Bruce,
B. J. Pcannell,
Louis Ntlaon,
Ueorg W. Uardner.
Meadamea -U.
K. Hmlth.
Mayma Latta,
Gertrude Armstrong.
a P.
April, June and November"
Do you remember the rhyme of the months. We have a conviction that they miss something in the schools,
where they omit these aids to memory. But this is not what we desired to impress upon your minds today. We
want you to jot down in memory's note book, that the month is nearly over and that only 3 DAYS MORE REMAIN
of the Blanket and Bedding Sale at
IOJll For if ran,
Ixmls Armstrong,
R. 8. Morlsun.
Frank Co&d
Irene McConnell
A Hi a Cwad
Marlon Tuwle
Honor Christ Child Worker.. J U:.";T 'y
Th largest affair of today waa tha i Mr 80111;?, "JK:r
tea thla afternoon, given In the eluD i ateaara.
rooms of th Knlghta of Columbus by th
board of director of th Christ Child
society aa a welcome to Mr. Daniel
Btapletoa and a farewell to Mra. F. J.
Mctthan. who will leave thla week to
mak her bom In New Tork.
Mrs. Btapleton. who waa formerly Mlaa
Stella Hamilton, waa the organiser of
rlv Friday to be on of th maid of
honor at the Ak-8ar-Ben ball. Mlas Cur
tice has been selected to repreaut Laa
caster county.
Bridal Dinner and Rehearsal.
Mr. and Mra. A. B. McConnell will en
tertain the membere of the Coad-McCon-nel
wedding parly at dinner at their
homo this evening, followed by a wed
ding rehearsal. The marriage of their
daughter, . Irene, and Mr. Hie hard Coad
will take place Tuesday 'afternoon at tit
John'a Collegiate church. Th dinner will
b an elaborately planned on and 00 v.
e- will be placed for:
Messrs. and Mesdames
A. B. McConnell
Mark Coad
i)4. sees
Helen Hedersen
Ueitrurie McCarthy
of I iiiiaao
Mabel Wright
of Chicago
Frnn-es iiuchstetlor
Rlchaid Col
Hen Uallaglier
Dr. T. K. Dally
Charles Mil'aithy
I Mluncapull
t harle Mclaughlin
llaiold McConnell
Arthur l uad
Hay Low
For Bridal Party,
A dlnncr-dance was given Monday even
ing at in lancoln hole!. LJnculn b vi
th Ctirlst Child aoclety In Omaha and j Nathan Hold and Mlsa Henrietta Gold In
..ui.ur u ansa v-or Mayer and Mr. Her
bert Arnateln of Omaha. The decorations
were ping roeca and Khaata dalslea. Coy,
is wer laid for thirty-two.
with Mra. Mc8han baa been Ita moat
earnest worker.
Th affair will be in charge of Mr. II.
V. Burkley and tha boura were from 4
to a In the receiving 11 n were Mrs.
Panlel Ptapleton. Mrs. F. J. Mcr-han.
Mra. M. K. Murphy, president of the as
sociation, and Mra. C. W. Hamilton.
Mrs. John A. Mcr-han la vie president.
Mtsg Julia Mullen, second vc president;
Miss Blanch Klnsler, secretary, and
Miaa Nettle Buahnian, treasurer. Tit
board of director and women who as
alsted Included:
Thomas J. Flynn,
E. VV. Kasn,
L. F. Oof 00 1,
W. F. Hums.
A. V Klnsler.
F. B. Aldous.
Fells tpe:riei'.
Ban Gallagher,
Aithur Kccltne,
T. y. rteSmoiiil.
Ijanle! totapialon.
Mary Cotter,
I- an die,
Mary Burkley,
Mary M'fliane,
llelcn Murpny,
Marie Mmhaue,
Um Welch.
Adl Mount.
C. J. rmtih.
H. M. Iwart!ander,
K. J. McVann,
T. J. liwyti.
K. V. in ion.
F.dward lyeary,
Kdward Creighton,
N. C Ieary.
Alfred CreUh,
MacMIUan Harding.
Urv luffy.
Clare Helen Wood
ard. 'Mniia Woodard,
Nan Murphy,
lut Crelshton,
Mai y Ixjuim l-atn-aar.
Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors.
Mra N. J. Carney, Mra. Harry Bo.
worth and Mia Ulllaa Roaera. a Is tor
af Mr. George Erandols and tin. Karl
N. Loula. arrived from Chicago thla noon
to U preaant fur tit Ak-tJar-Ben tes
tlvitlca. Mr Waltar Wei U-n Talley and small
son. Wa .i-r Welden, Jr., of Terr-Hute,
Ind , are Die guetia of Mra. Talley par
ent!. Mr and Mra. . P. Saeeley. tor
a rr.'H'h.
i:Ua CurUc of Llncbla wtil a
Weddinj Announcement
Mr. Job llolllnger of Kansas City and
Mlsa Elisabeth I .oft us were married by
Father Harrington at ft. Cecilia's church
o ciocg mass this morning. Th bride
is th daughter of Mr. M. Loftu. super
intendent of terminals. Missouri Pacific
railway, Omaha. The young people left
today for th aouta and will takeu aa
rtended trip to th I'aclflo coast and
I'anama, to b gone about all inontha.
after which they will reside n Kanaaa
City. Mo.
Wedding Plana.
invitations have bean received by
friends in Omaha, to th mania of
itaymond L. Wlllia, formerly of this ctty.
and Mia L,ulln Fortuae of Texarkana,
Tel., on th availing of Meptember 30.
iney win arrive in Omaha October L
and be Ui guests of Mr. and Mr. Aiuoa
With the School Set
Miaa Edna Itlley, daughter f Mr. and
Mra. E. F. KUey. leave tonight for
WaahWton. D. C to enter th Chevey
Cbaa acbooL Sh will be accompanied
from Chicago by Mia Nan Bpauldlng.
Mr. Clark JUlay entered Cuivar last
week to begin a four years' eoara.
Personal Mention.
Mia Mary Tags art, a returaw-4 mis
sionary from China, who la sow on a
rra furlough. U at th booi of Mra.
J. A, rJaTla, '
!,.-. ... , ,.., .,. ,,JL , n
trV As U I
X1 aT 1 F
Thomas tCSIpa1l:ir3eli
Dlanltots, Comfortors, Sheets, Pillow Cases,
Pillows, Towols, Bod Spreads, Mattress Pads, Etc.
One, Two, Three Days .lore and Prices on Furs Go Up Also
Fur Coats, Scarfs, Muffs and so forth and so on. Not in years have wo been able to make such wonderful con
tracts on fnrs. NOBODY HAS. Do you realize that your Uncle Samuel is the only one of the big fellers who has
any money? Let it seep into your minds this is today the world market and for some time there won't be any other.
Foreign furs had piled up, no demand at home had to be sold. America had the money America got the furs.
Now we are not the only smart people in the country. Others bought of these furs also, at low prices. Perhaps not
every one made so fortunate a selection THAT'S WHERE EXPERIENCE COUNTS. Equally important NO
ONE MAKES LOWER PRICES. Nobody can you pay for no frills in this store. We own the shop; no one can
sell goods on a smaller margin.
KNOW, THEREFORE In many cases Furs have advanced one hundred per cent, from the prices we paid. Our
New York office reported another advance last week on Beavers and Skunks of approximately 50 PER CENT.
. October first our prices will advance if you want furs, prepare to buy them now.
As a
"r-it. -i
a aia, a uuui siiii
fluffy, tempting- and
wholesom Jelly Rolls,
Cakes, Biscuits and other
good thins I My! but
certainly beats the band
for sura results for
purity, economy and
wholesome bakings.
Tell your mother to try
Calumet Baking Pow
der on the monc-back
Rrr4 HifHaat Awards
a Cms M W
$- Hit H M Caa,
uMadc BY TttTSUS
r Pi W 3553
"That Economy
What is "Good Value" Anyway?
"VALUE" implies the proper relation between PRICE and QUALITY.
"Value" is distinctive of Omaha-Made goods.
Their makers are most willing to back them with
their reputatations. (And it takes a reputation to
for "delivering the goods" when you deal with the
exacting Omaha buyer.
When such merchandise is offered in conjuntion
with unusually low prices, "value" is most assuredly
present. High quality at a low price is an argument
no one can afford to overlook.
It is an argument that is presented to you from
the shelves of your merchant every time you go in to
make a purchase. It's there waiting to show you
that it is just as good or better and can be bought at
as low or lower price than the out-of-town article
'you are about to ask for.
And while, the Omaha-Made article sells on its
own merits, there is another side to this question:
Every dollar you spend 'on Omaha-Made goods
Next time you open up your pockctbook, make each
more than its duty by spending it for Omaha-Made
coin -fo