HIE ttEE: OMAHA. Tl'KsDAY, SF.lTKMM-.il :N. ui;,. 11 rTR RF.XT I'ntareUhett Hmirkrrplii pt . 4 TTNFTRNISHFn ROOM, with bath. hewly renovated, im. of telephone. Kent tlL Inquire SKCj No. TTth St. Haaaee aa .atiar. Sartk. TOR RENT 33HC Reward St., five-room cottage; water. g, toilet; corner lot. Inquire 616 N. tloth. Tel. Harney 2MI. MOD., -r., garage. HO. H. 1414. 7Q7 N. Sid t-ROOM h otise. mod." cl os e -1 n. Tl. 1 . 46. -ROOM eottafi. ia 8. 3th" 8t. Hi. Water paid ONE 3-room cottns:e, 941 No. Jith Av Inquire next dour north, cltjr water, toilet Inside. SEVEN-ROOM house, modern except furnace, with barn. .Hh and Indiana Ave., U. y.fiwii 14-W. POl'FLKIM.N AVE. HOl'SF, Near 82d, aeven room, every convenience; fine condition; from Oct. 1. fa. W. T. GRAHAM, nee Hldg. 6-R. mod.. II. 2611 Pierce. T. 34tC W. HOUSE of II large rooms, 1210 8. llth St.; electric light and furnace; $0 per mo.; Tel. Douglas S72 or call at residence. -ROOM house, all modern except heat, 421 & lth St rhone liougla 783. 3-R. cottage; mod.: $12; M5 8. 2Sth Ft. 4-r. oot: ft, to colored; 1231 Fact Mo. Nice S-r. baaement; f; Pli-rce. Tyler 2162. TMNDY flrat floor, big houee. no rent to the right party. llii 8. ;a si., naii- scom perk. -ROOM modern house; large yard with lotg of shade. 122.60. . 8322 8. 19th. Phone Tyler 2.163 J. , YSlOOM, mod., new. oak finish: t blocki downtown; eave car fare. 112 8. 2th Ave.. I32.MV B16 8. 2.ith Ave., 8 moral, modern. 13V Be quick. Harney 63."0, W eat. 3-ROOM cottage. Ill S. 2Sth St. 115. Water paid. FOR RENT 7-room house, located at 3614 Leavenworth. Rent 135. Webster 2S90. CLOSk, IN. walking distance. 263e Ifc.dga. a-room modern house, t-Jod condition; cheap at Ui. Key at 1640. W V . Mit- chell. Owner. 1S20 Spencer Pt. Veb. 41, j. 4301 LAFAYETTE, Moms, modern ex cept heat; S far Hnea. 120. H. 63. Mtsceltaneooa. S-R. CotUge. 1041 So. Md. HS.50. Tj'ler JITS. 4-ROOM, nice home place. I. Har. n37. Maggard's an and Storage Co. Call u for es timate lor mo. Ing, packing. hipping. 1111 Webster St. Touglsa 149. 7-room modern house, 1317 Seward. Tel H. 4741. . FIDELITY FREE Phone Dougla tfi for complete list of vacant house and apartment; aio for storage, moving, rn antj j a, r Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, pack, ships; S-hore van and t men, 11.26 per nr.; storage 12 per mo. Satisfaction guar. P. 4838 a Ty. HO. TTnnana Crelgh Sons ft Co.. Bee lldg. t10U9C8In u prt. of the city. . SEE the Central Furniture 8ure FHUii RENTAL LIST. JeGReed Kxp, Co.. moving, packing aV storage. 1207 Famam. D. 14. Gordon Van CosSS Storage. S9 N. llth St. Tel. D 394 or Har. 1ST. GOOD auto sale room on Famam St. Very reasonable reu. TelDoug, liAN uY, 6-room cottage, modern, ex. beat. 4003 N. Kth rJt 116. Can gtva Ck.penter work right nlong and apply on rent. Call Webster 123. MOD. house, e-r., bath, gas, electric light, v oak finish. 340. 623 N. 20th. Tel. H. 122. Stores aad Offices. LA ROE music studio, part time. P. S704. STORE, room for rent In Murray Hotel Bldg. Inquire Mr. Kitchen, Paxton hotel. .... LARUE ROOM, under skylight, reaaon .able. Inquire 320 So. 16th, upstair. , .'Doug. 6407. . r.'cr:;8lRABLe storeroom. &07 'North liith BU ' Conrad YoungT. 322 Brandela Thea ter. Douglas 1671. WANTED TO BUY OFFICE turnilur bought and sold. C. Ileed. 12C7 Famam. Dour. 8146. J. Y'le buys everytrtng 2nd hand. Web. tsot. UIOHEoT prices for old clothing, p 14. WANTED TO RENT .WANTED For six months, furnished or unfurnished apartment of not less than S rooms. In desirable neighborhood. Wal nut 1662. WANTED To rent hotel, 16 to 26 rooms, furnished; write term and condition.1 Box W Grand Island. Neb. REAL E8TATK riRM RANCH LANDS FOR ALB CsUKoraUt. Live Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Smith Co.. H3-14 City Net Bg. D. 381s. Colorwdw. IOWA , BARGAIN Want to mute to Omana. Have bouse la Kaat Dm Molasa, new In Uug, guad bora, two , good sheds, brick chWaea bouse (will leave the chloken in t. a'l Shreo lota facing east, good looaUoa. tw kaocaa from ear, not too doae to town, uuio utiiMroveiuenui, will U cheap lor ash. will mail axrangcnMSita tut pajr Beats. Address O Ma. Uee. Mlaaeaotm. 340 ACRES, 46 miles from Minneapolis, one niile f rum town; lw acres under euluvaiiou; batance used fur pasture; can practically all be cultivated, heavy soli; good set buildings, consisting of S room house, large rn, tiranary, com crlba, wind mil is, etc.; the land will pro duoaj SO busbeu of corn per acre; tele phone la house; country tliickly settled; complete set of machinery; 37 head of stock, consisting of 11 cows, balance 1 and 3-year-olds; six good horses, hoga, cnivkens; one-half of tnu year s crop and everything on the farm goes at Ml Ptr acre, half cash. Schrvab Bros., hut iymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. M t OOOp HOMES In bouthMlssouri, cheap ana a easy teruis. write me tut prwea, . V. wynkool. Mountain View. IMPROVED south Missouri 40-acre farm I1.3UX, Good soli, roads and schools close to railroad town, improved SO acres. H MO. We have some choice unimproved lands at SIS per acre on eaay payments in tracts of 10 acres up. People are gutting rich there. Literature free. C. Merri&s. Kill 4k Benton, Kanaas City, Kan. Nistsk. MONTANA Irrigated Unds best In ths rid for wheat, oats, al.alfa and stock; Cloee to town, reliroad. acbooi and churohea; f41.6o to too per acre on fifteen years' Uma; annual payment less tnaa rental on middle west terras; writ to. Cay for pt-rtlculara: Illustrated pamphlet and nu.p free. Valler Farm Sales com. pany. box lOul. Vsllcr. Mont Nebraska. FOR SALE Best large body hlgh-grad ...T, lutn Prtc-d land In Nebraaka; very Uttl money required U. Bradley, Wal bacn. Neb. ilP- TEMPLETON City property, everywhere, farm, ranches, loans and Insurance. Ask about uiy orchard proposition. a Bo, bid Wleeaavale. UPPER WiacONolN beat dairy and general crop state in the union; settlers wanted; lands for sals at low pricea on easy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wiscon sin Central Land Grant Excellent lands tor Slock raising. If interested In fruit lands aak for booklet on apple onharda Address Land and Industrial l'prt. boo Line Railway. Ulnnaauolta Vina HAVE YOU A FA KM FOR SALE, writ a good tWscrlpuua of your land and sand It to the Sloux City, la.. Journal. "Iewa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five words every Friday evetiing. Saturday- morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morn Lug for one month, giving alaleoa ads oa twatv d liferent flays ior 4i, or W words, ft, or 76 words, fa. v Largest ciroulattoa of any Iowa nw papar. ami.8u readexg dally ia XuuT graat REAL ESTATE FAttM a RANCH LANDS FOR IALB Arkaaaae. FOR SALF 38-acr fnilt and poultry farm In the Oxarkt; Vn apple, 60 peach trees, 9v chlckena; rood Improvement; crops Included. John MoGlU, Klloera Springs, Ark ansae. RE At, ESTATE IXIANft- MONEY to loan on eastern Nebraska lm- proved farms for L I or 10 years at l Per cent on amounts of less than ItOO; i SH per cent on 12.nno to IXsoin and 6V per , cent on amounts of 12.(4) and over; pay-' able semi-annually, with liberal prepay- I ment privilege; loan to be closed by lan-1 uary 1, 1914. No feea or commission ' charged. E, B. Stephenson, B;eelal loan Agent. (IS Flrat National Hank Dldg.. Lincoln. Neb. . r. . , . - I J1? ,mad ..proTpi.'J'- ' - ' Weed. VWad Rldg , IRth Farnam 81. , CITY and farm loans, t, tvk per cent i n. uumoni m .o.. rm nana, i A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash- CITY property. Large loan a specialty. W H. Thomas t State Bank Bldg. nnin-uM ini ana ciiy low ai lowest rate. PKTKna TRtm CO. nil rarnam. FARMS and rltr loan, at lowest rate.. TOLAND TRUMUl'LU 44S Be. Bid.. OMAHA home. East Nebraska farm, O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE PO im Omaha National, phone Dougla mi. MONEY on hand for city and farm loan, H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg fiC' CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlberg. 110 " II Brndel Theater Bldg SEbi us first tor farm loan In eastern Neb. United State TrusX Co., Omaha. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE FOUR ACRKS FOR WALK Orchard and alfalfa; high. ightly loca- HIGHLY IMPROVED, Frontier county. Nebraska, quarter to i uu fvj: g vuuiii w , aw cut o-a r s,, mri t .V exchange for Omaha property or acreage near omana. suitauie tor oountry norae. et busy quick and get owner's share of thla year' "bumper crop." C. K. COMBS, US Brandela Theater. Dougla 131 S. F .threirtrhOUMi ern except heat. ifJl N. lHth. , OtNERAL merchandise, grocery or mov- Ins- picture show or cheap land wanted ror my acres, imitira, uwii t aoii, au level and fenced all around; about S mile northeast of Kort Morgan, Oolo.; Incum bered for 11.700; equity K300. S40S Burt fit, Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE NORTH BIDE CHOICE building lots. 63o4 N. 27th St Make orrer. write wit Dotage, rnone Harney 703. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Fxiultv of SLUM to trade for good lot or 3800 cash. Phone Webster 4134. NEW 7-room, strictly modern, built by owner for home. Miller pk. dist Open lor Inspection today. 3427 Crown Point Ave. FOR RENT or sale, e-roem house, all modern. best of condition: lots of shade. nice yard; can be bought on reaaonaulo terms or rent for 125. Inquire 614 N.. Sud St. Phone Webster 2680. . - 4: r rr. 77 t i FOR SALE at a eacrlfloe 7-room Kounts Plsehrne, No better built house In city. Owner leaving city. Call Webster SMALL brick house and S lots, 3 'blocks from car line and school; rented; should have SAN), but must have money. Prloe, 17.0; liaO cash, balance 110 per month. 3J24 Maple st Phone Webster SfiSu. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. flare Be. See Nethaway for that farm. Florence 223, REAL ESTATE: MISCELLANEOUS 1,200 Baskets of Grapes Off 700 Vines innl.. nABnkma Ak..W.. ... - nffiw. . . . . . -v . , viiviimi cui- rants, raspberries, gooseberries. Brand new, strictly mod. 6-rooin house just be ing finished; cemented cava connected with full basement; 3 acres land, 3400. Will take small cottage for part. Owner, Silas Wright. 62d and Sprafua fits. Ben son t8i. FOR SALE s-room house, modere, ac cept heating, in good condition, shade trees and nice yard; reasonable price, 3647 Charles St. Phono evenings WaU 3347. RAILWAY TIME CARD BURLINGTON STATION Tenth aad Maaoa. Barllnejtoa LINKS WEST Dssart Arrive. Davsr Limits .a 7:10 am a7()sai Nskraska luteal a I N aa a 4:4 am Nsbraska Brsss a )l am a 4 1 am Liaoola Utcal k 1 : M pot k I I am LMisnils-Sckurler b I pa MO: sat Nofthvest. Black Hills, Ma. taaa aa Wasblngtoa a 4:15 m a 1:14 la Bsatrio. Hsstlogs an4 OraB Was4 a 4:14 pia all:ll am Dsaear-Calltnrala .t 1:11 ra I H m Hastlais-Oma Islaad a 4:i4 jtm al2:U m Uaasla Leoal .a T.M m a T .M Ma Calsra4 - OlIirorBla. Meftb- wasl-Orsat Nerthar al3:l am a 1:14 aa LINES EAaVT. Chicago anf Ullaels a 7:U am a t as) aa lovs .a H am pistusaautk-Pwclns ianotloa.a I M sm :M sa Plattmneslk-Paclfl JuonUcs al) 10 sm a 1:4 sm Crastua laJ bl:Msm Mi d am Caloai mvrmmm t.m m pm au oniouo ai Mpm a Jo am Kan ms Cltr-St. Joaspb a :il am ilwia WL-.. M 4Ma LiiilZ Citr-St. Inasph. au.m pm a : am a tally, k ssscst guadar. DWIO! STATION Teatk Maaoa. Ckleagco a Worth western NORTH. Depart ArriT. Twin Cl't Bipeaa... 1 44 am alt so pm DaksU PaaMnfor k 1:44 am s 9:2 am Oloux Cttr Local a I X4 pm a 4 44 pm MtaiMspolls K.peam a 4 46 pm all U am Tela City Umitsa a I 0a pm a t:al am KA8T. Daavor Bpalal SIX am Carroll Local at Mam a 4 04 pm Hawksrs Sipram a I 4 am all 6 pa Ctilcaio Local all 10 pm I 46 pm Carre II Ical a I 61 pm al am Chleass gpacul s 4 0 pm 1 t am Baa Fraaciae Llmltat all IS am al 14 am tnariaad Umltat a I W pm a 7 Mam Oracoa-W.ainstoa Limited.. a I It pm a 16:11 am Loa Aaseia Limits a 64 pm aU:4 am WMT. Chadro Loral a I It am Llacola-tmllaa all am s I pm IJncola-tou Pia a I tl pm all II pm Hastins-pnor b I 14 pm k I M pm jaadoaod-Hot Sprlnn a I 64 pm a I 84 pm Caapw-Laadar a 1:66 pa all Mam a baa b fjaisks at Loala Bipeaa... 4 t pm I If am aWu aad sUpsam. a T.M am ail.M pa lu.oa Paclflo pnrlaad Limits :K aa a I 41 pm C-alltorsla Mall -ti Npa all .46 am Cmataa kVipram alMpm Atlaala Bipram t M am Loa sjumIm LJmlwd. ...... all U am a 9.4 am Colorado tipems a I M pm a 4 M pm Oulv.ilo Bpclai all M am a 7.4a) am gaa rraooiaoo ismwo si n am raalCla I Jmiud all 4 im at s! pm Orosaa-Waaaiasto Llmltad. . .aM M am a I 14 pm Munk Platte Leasi a I U am s I II pa wu4 lalaad Uxai. a I M pm all M am guoaaawr lmcat bll 41 pa all M pm inlaole Oalral Ckicaco Umltat IMpa a l-ts aa Cfcioaa pema a s , am a I w pm Albiaa-Oaadai k I.M pm b I al pa Paeuw Umltat a Ik pm all 14 aa ( bU4 Svaatal a 1:1 pa a f M am . . a . 1 ..M kaallla Loaal .- 1 M a alt M aa 1 kieaao, Hock lalaad at Pavalf la BAST. Rsoky Mssatola limited.... 1-st aa att-M pa caieae Local Paimasar....s4t.0 aa alt at pa Chioas DaUr stapram. ......a IS am a 4 4 pm Ckiivsa Mi(M azperes a 4 1 pa a I M pm rw maoa Lom4 Pimssar..s I N pm all M sa Caiaairo-Sisiiiis Unl...i IM pm ilk aa Cbt-Soa. LamMml 4a Uaoaia. I ll aa a I T pa , mm v.p....a pm a ,:wam Oklahoma A Taaaa smpraa. I aa all M U aa iaa Hon- no finer In the city; three to five winjupeg; M41 yrk". 'r?.m t0 .Pr" nrt. !" t.rtet 'llu tale. Uere Kauorted.- etaolnnl n,",n . These ... I oa were renorted today nisnouser luoomo auuuion. aatrcH UrV.: . x, w.m a. .V i iiik Mo loth at ...ii u-.i.., ir.tg Wheat. No. I hard winter, 1 car. SI. , "- ," , No. 3 hard winter: 1 car. SLOIl 12 I ItKAL ESTATE FOB EXCHANGE GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Take, a Biff Drop, Some of It Going at Three Cent Lower. CORN IS ALSO SOKE LOWER . . .... OMAHA. September St, yns. All cereal sold lower today. -Wheat tK,K the biggest drop, aome of three hard v-heat selling unchanged and part of what going at I centa lower, The receipts of wheat were food, rdnoty-three care being reported In and there was a fairly active demand. . 'orn waa Jo lower, drcliulng 4 to c lower. Oats eold 14 to ic lower. The surplus oat held In the country i- i.r .nH when It starts to move to lolnta of distribution, It ia Ittely to cauae .t-.,-.,.... ... , 11 ie .niu I.I ,1,1 n in puiira ..ivr ' Inclined to hold their oats for higher prices because of excellent cash demand. Farmer atlll have enormous quantities of wheat, especially In the winter wheat Kelt wii.r ..in. k.v. heen aaalnat farm , work or all klnnai. Clearance were, wheat and flour equal 'to 1.1M7.VU0 buahel. ZaM, BchMl,: 11 tflZ. 4,W.M bu and hlpmnt. l.tas.uOO bu.; againat receipt of !.&, bu., aud shipment of 2.443,d bu. laat year. Primary ctMn.rec.lpt were l.wi.wo pu and shipment, a.ow bu.; .JjKT'KJ" y uu,, a.n vui.mvmm v. ( last v.ap Prlmai y oat receipt were I.IJR.OfO bu.. anu shipments Viv.uuw du.; against "i; hlpment or ( celpts or 1.W4.UW ou., ana l.ViO.tJUO bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. ' vviou com. Oat. Chicago b7 24 A Minneapolis 1.23 ... ... Luluth S.0U . ... Omaha Tt w Kansas City 440 t7 JO t " Eoulg .. III 1W M. cars. Mo; ! car. SL02; 1 ear, 11.00; 1 car, Wo. no. nara winter: i care, ate; l car, w; 1 car, Mc; ! car. lc: 1 cars, SOo. SampHi hard winter: I care, Mc; 1 oar, tiVtc; 1 car, vac; 1 cara, ftac; l car, guo. no. a spring: a -, i j gi inn i1 cfv?s" M a '.T 1 .t 08' i'r, aw.-. 4V. lUIWli A vv, e.v, A w, 9"c. No. I durum: 1 car. Ho. No. I velvet chaff: S oar. S1.0K; 1 car, SI. OX; 1 car, 1100, l car. Wo; 1 car. c. No. S velvet chaff: 1 cars, 95c, No. 4 mixed durum: 1 car. Mc Rye: No. 1 S car. Sampled rcr.K: cTr;No. Twh 4 Qr No. S whIU: 1 car, Mo. No. S white: 1 car, 3Ho. No. t yellow: car, tiftvte. Nn. t vallnw! 1 ran WMie; car, tto. No. S yellow, 1 car, Con. No. i mixed: 1 car (near yellow!, 4'c; 7 oars, 4c. No. I mixed: 1 car, 3Hc No, 4 mixed: 1 ear, C3Ue Sample: 1 car. 634o. Oats: No. I white, I cars. SfiStc Standard. I oars, 36o. No. 3 white: 6 cara, 33c; 1 car, rc: IS cars. No. 4 white: 1 car, tVHc; S car. 32c. Sample: 3 oars, Slo; I cars, 30c Omaha Cash Prices) Wheat: No. 3 tur key, 31.O4tl.04- No. 3 turkey, 11.0371 .06; No. I hard. s7ojaL03- No. 3 bard, 6c 31.03: No. 4 hard, SMTWc; No. 3 spring, 7c4jtl.03: No. S spring, cUW; No. I durum. 4yac; No. I durum. JHc; no grade. 7Wrto Com: No. i white, 4 T64Vc; No. 3 whhe, 49C4Uc: No. 4 white. SHSm4c'. No. 6 white, 4SUC3V, No. 4 whii. nauujt, a w 1 1 aiuakdiLiZn. No. 3 yellow, 6W4c: No. 4 yellow, 4 , tWac: No. I yellow. t4Hrfc: No. yel- Lw. H4el No). 3 mixed. o; No. m,3t- PTVLliS-.. lnlxe-d' ?iSi. ,No- !nlx- Sff8$Ho; No. mixed. twtac. w: o. x wniw, 241fc; standard. 3trffic: No. S white. 32VkM3c: k0 a white. VctiilSt. Barley: Malting. 4s m,i0. No. 1 feed. 4tP44o. Bye: No. 3, 7 87 Wo: No. 3 ttoLAKln. Chicago dosing prices, mmlshed The Bee by Lo-an a Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 316 So. Sixteenth street, Omaha. AT lols Open. Hlgh. Low. Close Safy. Wheat I I f Sept 109 1 OMt 1 OS l3B104a Dec.. S6H-4 S6M.04 &-tCi MB May. 370 u SVA 37 Bep't nmr n- swt sk 70 Dec.. SMl4t Ka 64 M 6M4 May 67S4Hk BiZ M 6067 67HW Oats: Sept. 39 X 8H 3HB S Dec.. SU J4Ai 3K' t 36T4H MHtfJ May. 3 mi SiilFA 7Tw 8Z Pork: . Oct. II SS ISS II SS 13 OS 11 75 Jan.. 16 46 15 86 16 45 16 82-86 16 40 Lard: Oct.. S I 3H S 20 S THSO ! 30 Jan.. 8 70-3U t SO 8 47H70 3 80A S r, Bibs: Oct.. 8 4S 8 67 8 87 S 67H 8 40 Jan. S 40 S 80-lW 8 67H 8 80 I 80 A Asked. B Bid. CHICAGO GRAIlf AMD PBOVI8ION! Feataros af th Tradlagr aad Cloetas; Price on Board at Trade. CHICAGO, Sept 37. Wheat prices de clined today, rendered heavy by tha largest reoelpta o far this season In the American and Canadian northwest. Al though unsettled at the close, quotations were ttCM4o lower net with December at 94c and May at SMkC Corn finished fe&4to down and oat oft Mo to fcSHo, but pro vision up tVtjoc. Total fresh arrivals of wheat today at tha various markets In North America were estimated as amounting to the huge aggregate of 3,000.000 bushel. In thl con nection, it was said that rural elevators In the northwestern states now hold 20, SuO.OuO bushels, 'a suffclemt supply to fur nltth for some time liberal receipts at the leading spring crop terminals. Neverthe less, except In the September option here, the depression of values was less pro nouaoed that might have been looked for, th fact being that notwithstanding the heavy movement the accumulation ' of stocks at big centers was not yet up to what a majority of traders appeared to expect. As a result, the May and July deliveries, although finally giving way, held for a considerable Interval at a mod erate advance over Saturday night's level. Wet weather and a forecast of more tended somewhat to maka th wheat bulls stubborn. Besides a fair ex- countries In particular I aa having purchased r"1" ' 1 . "Pr"1, flour with a freedom that was quit un usual. .... Corn, Ilk wheat, was beartsniy arreeteti by enlarged receipts. Cool temperatures appeared to be mora or less offset by re ports of Argentina shipments reaching New York fn excellent condition, in oats the small ness of offers seemed to make prices relatively steady as compared with the quotations of other grain. East ern demand wes fair. ers snd their followers more than coun teracted In the provision market thu ef fect of tha New York embargo against shipments of live stock from Chicago. For the time being most of the provi sion traders avoided th selling slds. OMAHA OBRBstAL MARKET. BTTTTBR No. L 1-M. cartons, 3So; No, t 80-lb. tubs, 29c, CHEESE Imported Swiss. 3o; Amer ican Swiss. 36c; block Swiss. 22c; twin, 16o; dalslea, 14c; triplets. 1; Young America. 18Vc; blue label brick, HHc; Umburger. 1-lb., 20c; New York white, UHc: tdiported French Roquefort, 40c. FISH Trout, 14o : white fish, 14c; hali but, 13c; channel catfish. 19c; codfish, 14 1,12c; mackerel, 16c; salmon, 14c, POULTRY Hons, 12c; ducks. 13c; geese, 10c; turkeys, 16c: roosters. So. BEEF CUTS Ribs, No. L, lW: N. 1 17c: No. 3. 13Ve. Lolna No. L llHc: No. 1. 18c; No. 8. 14V4C Chuoks, No. lljic; No. 1. 10V4c; No. 8, 9',c. Rounds. No. L 14c; No. 3. 14c; No. 3, 13c. Plates, No. f. W-.o; No. 2. St: No. 8. Sc. Following products furalalspd by OUla- sky Fruit company vritits Oranse: Callrornla Valnela 7te. lona. III. 260. 84.00 box; ltes, 16u. teas, 3M, 16.76 bog. Lsinn; Rstra RAILWAY TIME CARD 1 1 kieaao trat Weatera . r-,- tJmltsd a I'M sm sin.. Ta-is Cltr B a I aa a t M Ckas fcprms Mtsaoart Paallti a I M pa I.M pa kaseam .. a I M am a t at BamsT . . Ll U tm al as!? 6!!7.....V. im t 4 a WW I ,. M ", n. 0. a "t u K (L 4 St 1 C - . WESSTKal STalKBT STATION teeatk aasT Wekalos. Cklamaav, St. Paal, MlaaaaaalU as Arr1a Ywis City .ktaaa b I a am gksaa cur .M.M...k I m pa all al am Blow tltr Pat iZlraa, , Laml Slavs Cltr Pa ............ s a am k m pm b 9.1 aa au. k fancy rnden Pol. s. ' bex ; M.Mt box; extra fancv Sunklst. ;. ;iOs. tiM box; Ited hall. If 0 box. Reaches. Colorado Klbertaa, extra fancy, tse crate; fancy, to crate; I tah Klbertaa, c box; California Salway. W bo. I'rtine: Italian, crate: quantltlee, crate. Pear: Flemish Heautles, Shel don's Clargue, 13 (V) to 2 lb crate; Kelfera, bushels. Il.lt crate; hampera, crale. Oraoes: Tokays, II & crate; Concords, homegrown. ?.V basket. Itananae: Med ium Irult. 2 00 to 12.25 bunch: Jumbo fruit. Chsngulnnla and Port lJmon, 4.1 lb. Cantaloupes: California Mission Brand, standards, j.7t crate: ponies, U.ti crate; flats, 11.00 crate: Colorado Uur wella, pink mealed. I1.0U crate. Water melons. IV lb. Apples: Wealthle. 12.60 bbl. j Jonathans, U.f hbl. V ROUT A 1.1LK.8 Cabbage, IHc lb.: head lettuce, 11.00 dosen; leaf lettuce. f"V donen; onions. Washington, IV lb.; onions, c-pan-Ish, ll.M crale: wax and green beans, foe basket: rutabagas. l'o lb.; tomato.vs, market price: pepper. MV basket par ley, Sac dosen; celery, Stc doen; celery. Jumbo. 7to dosen. I'otatoes: Ohio. i.Oo, bushel. Sweet potatoes: llsmiers. $1.00 ! V. ... . . J i : , I . . .w ll, ,i.,iit,., , . irainmn. oarrrm, e'.w . nun riijit,. r.vjv o v. i. .ri jm r, .kiv case: half case. II.7& case. IVanutc Raw, No. 1, c lb.; roasted. No. I, He lb. Corn Pops. IX.2& case; half case, 1.M case; Jumbo, raw 7c lb.; Jumbo, roasted, Co lb. Nuta: No. 1. walnut, lac lb; Draxll. l&o lb ; almonds, v- rb.; filberts, l&u lb.; pecan. 2Sc lb. Honey. 14.00 case. NKW YORK ti IS X ERA I. MARKET Oaetatlona f the Day an Varioa CeaamodHles. NEW YORK, Sept. S7.-FI.OUn quiet; "prlnr patent. .i.70; xrtnter patents sii.aijo.fu; a'ltuer patent. li. SikifV.. : i winter straights, 14. WHKAT Spot. Irregular: No. I red and No. t hard. 1.21. c. I. f.. Nw York;! N, , northerni TuUthi ."1. and No. 1 northern. Manitoba. 9c, c. I. I.. Buffalo. ' Futures were Irregular. September, ft. 12. CORN Hpot, weak; No. I yellow, 8tc, prompt shipment. I OATS Spot, quiet: No. 8 white. 40r4to. HAY Firm; No. L 11.25; No. 2. 31.16; No. 8 II 0; shipping, 90c. HOPS Steady ; state, common to choice. IMS, 2Ke; 114, S4-l?c; Pacific coaat. WIS. 14(tliic: 1914, lift 1.1c. HIDF.8 Steady; BogoU. K!Taic; Cen tral America. 2Vc. LEATHER Firm; hemlock, firsts. 321 33c; seconds, 314; 33c. PROVISIONS Pork, Kteady; mess, 115.01 Mj15. 5"; family, flS.OOfl 22.00: short clears, 118.00619.60. Beef, steady; mess, S17.U0tJU.tiO; family, IIS 60". 9.00. Lard, firm; middle west 84.M"tMt.60. TAIJ-)W-Flrm. olty, 6tc; country, 5H 3Vo; special. SSo. BlITTKR rlrm: receipt ,6 tuba; creamery extras, 270'Jlc; firsts, StmXVec; seconds, 2Jii(h24c. FXK1S Firm: receipts, 7,71s) rases: freatt gathered. Silicic; extra first. 3Vk8';o; firsts, IsiCi'y-.; seconds. KIHtg'Xc. CHEESESteady; receipts, 424 case; state, whole milk, fresh flats, specials, 14N4lRc; average fanoy, 14Ho. POULTRY Dressed, firm: western froson roasting chlckena, imtTCIo; fresh fowls. Iced, Hi 18c; frosen turkey, 174210. Kaasas City Oral a aad Provtaloaa. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Sept 27.-WirHlAT No. i hard. 31.031 OS; No. 8 red, fl lTO 1.30; September. 11.01; Deoember, SIHO1 91 Wc; fancv, WiiaJIWIUo. OORN No. 3 mixed, 44Vo; No. I while. V; September, 4Mo; December, 6ISOUH0; May, 6So. OATS No. 3 white, 0937o; No, t mixed, 34JfV4 o. UTTER Creamery, 17o; firsts, 26c; seconds, 231c: packers, 19Un. FXK1H FlrsU. 33c; soconds. 19n. POULTRY Hens, 13o. roosters, 9c; broilers, 14a 1 Mlaeapells Orwla Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. t!. WHEAT September, 9Ho; December, 91Sc; No. 1 hard, vDHo; No. 1 northern. 8SH. FLOUR Unchanged, BARLKY 47tc RYE te7o, BRAN 119.00. CORN No. 8 yellow, fl7(3o. OATS No. 8 while. HVottSttc. rLAX-1.84L87. I.tverwoo' flralw Market. LIVERPOOL, Sept. r.WHEAT-Spot . iNo. I hard wlnUr, UalOVM. uokxh upot, Aruericaa 3d. St. Loals Grata Market. I ST. LOUIS, Mo. Sept 17. WHEAT '??.:. Z: ti'i.riJlo-r.hKa- L -,?!-.,""'""?'"-i. -t'."T"m"ri.r WKN no g, ae; NO. 1 wnite. Mr0c; il.M.mh.f AXU. riM. wvt h. w A A. n .... .... ... " , " . ..... . . . oats no. , soo; no. 3 white, nominal. Local Storks aad Bonds. Quotation furnished by Burns, Blinker Co.. 440 Omaha National Bank building. Omaha, Neb. Stocks BIS. AakeC Amaricas SaoarKlav (., A x-1l.. 4 M Bmtrics CvMmsry. P'4 M 17 Cltt Nstlenal Hank of Omaha It twrs t'a . pfd 9744 U Fsirmoot Craamsry. P'., x-4lv 140 M yalnnont craanwrr. earn 114 Wl ' HaraU Butlalns. 4 per east ptd w 10 1 Llaoela Tsiapaon Co., eoa t 17 I Uaooln Oa Uo.. com UL' La-Wllaa first id.. II N j Omaha C. B. St. Ry.. pfa.. sx-4l.. m Tl I rAA a o. n. n. a a ... a au, wS4 linloa stock Yards Stack Bul.bursar a goo tl n swift a Co ui 1UI4 n ,,s . Ewamar. Nsb., tf. CUicio Muslelpals. 4s. V... 99 104 i ' Douilas Wromlns Munloli al. fas 1( lansols Tl. a Tl. sa. ZJ pft 1H Nona Plaits Lt. Power a, 1M4.... 9 14 la A'aala Rallaay 4a. 149 at 17 Oauha Au4ltoiium 4H. JIB 99 !W Omaoa Water 44. JM1 Mn let Osiaba A 0. B. St. Ry. 6, ISM M N Omaha Ua 4. uu H KM Wichita Vnloa Stock Tares 4a, 1914.... s lug Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Sept 7.-COFFBE Th ma.k.t nntfu 1 1. H Mnn . ..I.. at an advance of 1 to 4 point on a ilttl ' covering after th decline of lata laat I weeK. out there waa very little support In evidence and prices later eased off under scattering liquidation or a little selling southern trade interests. Th close was 1 point higher on September, but generally 3 to 4 points net lowsr. A good part of the business represented ex changegof Deoember to later months. Bales, 27.260 bags. September, 4c.; Oc tober, S.97c; November, 4.98c: December, 4c; January, 4.04c; Februarv lose; March. 4.12c; April, 118c; May, 4 Mo; Juno, 4.3o; July. 6.36c; August 4.40a Spot quiet; Rio 7s, Vc; eiantos 4s. to. Cost and freight offers were easier, with Santos 4s offered at I H6j 4.60c, English credits, and Rio 7s, at about 8.60c Amer'can credits. Th official cables reported a decline of Kd in the rata of Rio exchange on London. Mllrels prices were tunchaiiged. Oataka Hay Market.' OMAHA, Sept. 17. PRAIRIPJ HAT Choice upland, none here, 312.00; No. L none her. liO.6Or4jul.6O; No. 3, f9 OOf'10.60; No. 1, 7.00ti.tXi: choice midland, none here, lll.y: No 1, none here. I10.0drffll.0o; No. 3, 38.00Q10.00; No. 8. fA(MM.O0; choice lowland, none here, tll.oo; No. none here. f9.60OI0 6O: No. t r. 004)00: No. 3. f.00(i7 00; alfalfa. choice, fU0TM16O; No. 1. SlLOOVltfO; No. 1, ISOoylOOO. Straw: None on market Choloe wheat M.tXKdd.60; choice oat or ry, fS.6OO7.0O. Kvapverated Apples and Dried Frails NEW YORK. Sent CT.E VAPOR AT1TO APPLtW Lull; fancy, B14c; cholc. 34J ai .... tc; prime, 1I7V.. .tX..... LRIED FRUITS-Pnine. dull; Call-1 47 fornlaa, 4410Vc; Oregona. 7wj4i)c. Aprl-'H ton, firm, choice. 7NQhc; extra choice, jH IVic; fancy, 9Hc. Peat-he, steady; choloe, I J 4rj6c; extra choloe, WAt4c: fancy, ii fjc. Raisins, firm; loose muscatel. SUrs'Ti 7Hc; cnoice to tancy, ceeded. 7V3Bc; seedless, 0S4JC9C; London layers, l.3urty Metal Market. N WW YORK, Sept. 37. M ETA LH Ied, 84 .60. Spelter, not quoted. Copper, firm; electrolytic 818 .WKtU 36. Iran, steady; No. 1 northern, 1 14. 3614.76: No. 1 1W.W ?14 60' No. 1 southern, fl6.40r14.60; No. I14.7M.14 J. Tin. quiet, at i2.47t41.irT. At London: Spot copper, 70 17s d; future. 71 17 id; electrolytic. 87 pie. Spot tin, 162 10s; futures, 163. Anti mony, 126. Lead, 23 15. Spelter, 63. Sagar Market. NEW YORK. Sept V -SUGAR Raw, steady; centrlfusal, 3 1M 8o; molasses. 9Mr.13o. Refined, easy; unchanged to P nt lower; cut loaf. S.SOc: arusbed, f ; mould A. S.46c; eubes. 6 0c; .111 pow- dared. S 10c; powdered, 6 06c; fine gran li ars , csoo; no. 1. aiuo. sutures opnn4 eteady today ana at noon price were about unchanged from Saturday's closing. Loa do Stock Market. L3NTON, Sept 77. The American was tha most aoUve aectlon of th stock mar ket today. Low priced as well as high pr'oed is ues wera fimely marked and th closing waa firm and near the beat Amer- icaa oicnaiaga waa tpuat, arouaa f4.1v?. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Recent Liht and Prices Ten to Fifteen Higher Sheep Fif teen to Twenty Up. HOGS FULLY STEADY TO 8TR0NO OMAHA, weptember 57, WIS. Recc-lnf wam. r'.f.ln lln.a Rheen. E.vstlmat Monday a.ToO J.jm .of mim day last weeg... 17,1X3 2,H fame day S week ago II. 4M S.m Same day week ago 11M i.Zl Same day 4 week ago 10.111 l,M Same day last ver..U . a.Hi4 IU.K74 .M s;.i 44.4i The following table snows tie receipt pf cattle, hoga and iep at the )maha live stoek market for th yaa-r to date a compared with laat year: ion in Tna. rMl 7M.4.tl 43.41 1S?.ni Hobs .. 2a-! ivi tii ' VVV i-i1 IT' .1-1 1 "i.1 J ? I.l' M Llau. .Mieen The followlna table atiawa price fur hoss at th Omaha live stouk msi-ket for the laat few gays with com parisons ; Date. int. Ii;n,m '1911 UU 'Hlft 1a). Sept 1 Sent 8. 8 441 !" I M IU ! 17 8 0 8 1 r, 8 91 T M I S! 4 tfl a 4 01 12; Sept 10 FPt 11 Sept 1J Kent. 11 J 22! 8 ia1 8 Tl 8 91 8 41 SS1 f w 9 16 T 98 T 94 8 04 I 14 3 14 Supt 1414 8 801 8 41 S 96! 74 9 9 Sept. 1 91 Sept. 17 4 T7W I T94 8 4ftl 4 81 a 3 41 8 31 8 91 s I Sept II f 64V Sept 1 8 01 1 10 8 17 8 81 8 43 T mi 9 06 4 71 4 44 8 9! 7l Sept. S87U Sept. 32 4 9lS Sept 33 4 7SI Sept. 2 7 IIS. 8 S3 a . 8 40 8 0a 4 6s 8 4i 8 14 8 II 8 10 as 8 301 8 tn 8 4 4 691 .4.1 SkH 8 0 8 41 8 44 Sept. t& 7 11 . I J) 07 9 4H 4 4l S IS nepi. ski beVt. 81 T !, I 101 I 15 8 'l I nj - I S ill I at! f Ml 1 I 4.1! 4 Ml 16 'Sunday, Rocelnts and disposition of live stock at the Ynlon Stock yarda, Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending 3 p. m., yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle.llogs 8heep.H r a C, M. St. P 3 I 1 1 Wabash 3 Union Paclflo 70 24 O. Z N. W., eaxt .. 10 1 C. aV N. W., west..lt! 17 84 ii , St P.. U. ft O.. 8 1 H. a Q., west.... 91 7 -.. It L a P.. east 1 3 83 Illinois Central .... 2 1 Chicago Gt West.. t 3 Total receipts ..3MS 13t DISPOSITION -HEA I. Cattle, Hogs. Sheep. Morris A Co 6 4M 2.H Swift and Company .. :74 tTudahy Packing Co.. 77 Armour & Co Lo!4 J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.... 31 South Omaha Pack. Co. 3 Oohr I 1 3,600 6.M7 6.646 90 Cudahy, for country. W. B. Vansant t Renton. Vanmuil L Stephen Bros 764 Hill a Bon 040 Itff 42 : 74 K2 423 K3 7 3! 2n F. B. Lewis Huston a Co J. It. Hoot a Co J. H. Itulla L. K. Hues Rosen toe k Bros Kellogg Werthelmor a Degen., H. K. Hamilton Sullivan Bros. Rothschild 83 Mo. 4a Kan. Calf Co.. 120 Christie 32 Higgins Huffman 3 Both 14 Meyers K linker, Jones a Smith 78 Tanner broa 1 John Harvey 80S Cline ! D. F. 68 Other buyers 717 Totals' 0.41S 4.881 CATTLB Receipts of cattle were dla- fel,inlnlli,.l- I k-l U am,ll..l run ior a Monday In over four weeks. . w... Km a lMu .o'reVMrTVndfe:! era 1 and buyers were out In ths yard early In the morning. The trade develop o mm a gooa, active marsei, ine Dig I bulk of the offerings changing hands la I good season in the morning. Prices could . I .. , . . . . . r , 1 n . were no ocrnfed beeves on sale al" though there waa considerable Inquiry lor such oaltl on ths cart of nackera Uuuiaiioua on wiUa" um 10 ci.o.c fed yearling. tonsi"J.N6: fair to good fed yearling. ISftOJrit.Ui; common to fair fed yearling. .6o8.60; good to choloe heavy beeves, j9rii9.M; fair to goo4t oornfed Deevea, fs.lom.oo: common to fair oorn fed beeves, 14.76418.80: "rime grass beeves, H.OOju.40; good to choice grass beeves, TR,r 10 a00! row. f.noifti.7b; ooaimon to fair cow, f4.00O4.00; prim feeding sleers, 17.76478.40; good to choice feeder. 17.2607.76; fair to good feeder, fS.40O7.16; common to fair feeder. fe.btkB4j.60; good to choice stockers, 17.76t(4).i6; fair to good gtocker. f.7637.T5; common to flr nk.r. aiomin. ..u aa 1 SVi -z:7:,.L"T" w-r I - - w, I ww- V( r.'n SI vliul sag saw. I i.'WM tfafi bIamV antsis ftR LiaM 'X. . t v. ..iT - . an nm.ni: ,H r.ivu u iimiii m. i 1 1. r;- -. V, stags, etc. I6.00O4.O. Bepresentatlva aalea: COWS. Ma. r. V. . Av. Ft. t4 I M .l'l I 44 .KHl I SO .121 I 40 111 1:4 4 an 1 1 ) 4) m I IM 4 71 I... I... 8. Irt t it lt44ttlMHI 1641 tO - HEIFERS. It......-.. Ill t II 1 BULLS. L...M.M..llt f 96 1 CALVES. .... 814 T 6 47 7 64 ,'""STich,Eatfl AN'DiBKlS'l??lJ' 4 11 I Tl 7 M 1 1 m ii rt 1 1 17 ... 7M 4 6 ... tat f M ... 140 14 r... 1... t M T S...M.I 44 1 40 NEBRASKA. 48 Stockers, 876 4 40 34 steers... .116 4 44 8 heifer... 711 8 60 I atocker. 740 8 70 4 helfera.. 647 4 00 13 feeder.. 1120 I 40 13 feeder.. 94 4 46 4 feeder . 1078 TOO 24 feeder.. Ml 4 66 4 Steer. ...M26 4 46 I feeder.. .1173 7 00 nuui ins weea opened out wun an - other extremely moderate run, about) 7 ' " " " . . P,a"' forty-four cars, or I. It) head, makina ualhlght and after working the combination th day's total. Thla Is about 6v0 heavlei than a week ago, but 1 7W smaller than two weeks ago and something llks 160 heed short of the corresponding day last year- Shipping demand was not aaywhsr near so heavy aa at the start of last week, but what hogs outside buyera took early were fully steady to as much as MjlOo higher. There was no advance In tops, best price being 87.96. but there was a fair showing above 7.6o. Later oa shipper bought a few mixed and heavy loads at prices that were If anything a little stronger. As a general thing snip ping hogs oould be quoted as steady la a nickel higher. At th very least th general market was fully steady, and In spots looked a little higher, bulk of the packing hog moved at f1.0OtF7.34, with a few weighty bunches "under tha hill" and a fair aprinkllng of good light and butchers uu up to the top. Ne. Av. 11 wi No. Av. gk. Pr. 71 ....... Ml 14 IU 121 10 1M t M .. 4 to M t M 10 IA la I M 17 IM I 40 .an m ic X M T 1 .X44 Mil .n ... f 14 .17 W 1 11 .4X1 ... T M .144 M 1 M .11 Ml T M .94 Mill aa. It. Tl. II. M. T7. -4 ... 1 ni ... 7 1 ut ... t II 17 ... t 14 17 ... 1 M tat WIN ill ... 7 94 X4 ... TM IM ... T M UI m 1 .UI ... T M. 71 . PIGd. I l It SHEEP There was nothing startling la tha slss of reoelpta thla morning. The run of 134 car, or M,0u0 head, was ths smallest for any Monday during Septem ber, but was far larger than at any other market point As compared with last week supplies show a failing off of nearly 1,014) head, while they are almost 1.000 short of two weeks ago and I.ObO lighter than for the same Monday of last year. Fat lamb trade was a llttls slow about getting under way, but a good, healthy advance waa certain from tha outsat. Among- ths early sales were two loads of lambs which sold on shipping aooount at fa 14. This promised to be tas top for the day. By th time packers got down to bust nee trad had settled down en a lOy higher beats, snd It didn't take very long to clean up the bulk of the fat offering. Most of the real good lambs brought fd.su4x8.C6. with others not quit so de sirable around fH.60. Feeder buyers war plentiful, but they were a little sluw about paying the sharply higher prices sellers were ask ing. Prtcee looked to be fully Ibo higher, quite a number of the more desirable kinds bavtug beau caahod at 3d. Xtu4.fi, SVSlSiNEW YORK STOCK MARKET cues ror strictly feeolng purpose reached IS.W. Killing eaes shared the fat lamb ad vance and were cleaned up In gfod sea eon on a ..' higher basts; V.ttifVf bought decent grades, with a good class reaching B IS, a quarter above the top at laat week's close. A few fat yearlings old as high aa l.0, with othera at 14.26. vjuotalloti on sheep and lambs: lAmlui, good to choice, 5.KtrX .; lambs, fair to food. Iv.sorH.M; lamba. feeder. I7.7rt g.su; yearling, ralr to choice, fa.7MPS.7r, yearlings, feeders, Irt tm, "; wetnera, fair to choice. S5.Onvng.0O; ewe, good to ii .-..U."J. .k LVaxi"" "iMooka appeared to be la ara.arwt vTvava ""v t fi.vo-yw.wwi CH1CAOO LIVK STOCK M.tRKRT Cattle Firm -Hogs Weak bee Straw;. CHICAGO. fcept. V. CATTLE Re oclpts, li.ftiO head; market, firm; native 'cf rattlo, .10(rflu.4i): western teera, eS-etif.;-; cows and heifer. 2.Wi.40; calve. 7.2f.lM1.00 I IfHleV-Heeelpts. a.OOO head; market. aak, average a shade higher; hulk, 17.26 UH.; lights, 17.005iJt.4f.; mixed, R .; . "onoen ana unexpected subsidence of In heavy, Klit.2r; rough, 8.Vr4.!; Plg, ,r,t ,n Investment shares. I6.7Mi00 I A factor contributing In no small do-e-llKKI' AND I.AMRS Recelnta 14.000' gree to th uprush In the wsr stocks ws head; market, strong; wothers, 1VSJ 466; ewes, Sl.6m.90; lambs, $,7Mt.. SSoaa City !. Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, la. Sept 17. CATTLE Recelpta 7.600 head- market, steady; na tive s leers. ! Oo.ir7.26; cows and heifers, I4.76li6.76: cannera. 33.WMJ4.3fi; atnekera anil feeders. 36.0tKir7.l6: calves. 3.00id3.;'0: bull. I . aa .r , II 1 .mil., s. iiiw.1.'. inn neceiins, i,odd neaa; marxei, teady to 6c lower; hevy, 17.4017. ; mixed, 87.1MI7.40; light. S7.0i4f7.10; bulk of ale. 87.06S?.0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6.000 head; market, steady; fed mutton. tK.Jb 4T6.90; ewe. 4.00fl.2f.; lambs, fl.&4t.X St. .Inaenh Live Itnrk Market. 8. JOSETni. Sept 17. CATTLE Re celpts .ph'd: market. teady to weak VnSl-.flVyjJfZ? nd h",r HOOti Tifv7ilH;. Ki. m.rl,. . 11 ..fcIH lto higher; top, 38.16; bulk of sales. f7.15 SHEEP AND IA MRS Receipt I, BOO head; market, 1016o higher 1 lamb. 18. out 300. I Callow Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 17 COTTON -Sppt, stesdy; middling uplands, $12.00; sales, 800 bales. The cotton market closed strong; with in I or 8 points of ths best at a net ad vance of 4? to 44 point. LIVERPOOL, Sept 17 COTTON Spot, firm; good middling, 1.20d; middling, 4 tod; low middling, f.40d; sales, 12, 000 bales. New York Moaey Market. NEW YORK, Sept 37. MERCANTILE PAI'KR 8U134 per rent. STERLlNil KXCHA NOB Sixty-day bills, 14 4 60; demand. 84.70A6; cables. 14 7116. SILVER liar, 444o; Mexloan dollars, 1T0NDS Oovernment. steady; railroad, strong. TIME LOANS-Staady: sixty days, m per cent; ninety days, IX per cent; six months, 8 per cent CAU. MONKT-Steady: high, I per cent; low, 1. per cent; ruling rate, I per cent; last loan, 3 per cent; closing- bid, 1 per rent; offered at 8 per oenl. Many Thefts Are -Keported to the ' Police of City Thieves observe neither holidays mot th Sabbath, according to the police statement. The thefts reported to th police werei Nels Peterson, 028 Maple street. 111 from cash register; C. A. Moor. 834 South Stxteenth street, pockstbook containing ; James Pasuros. 3210 Harney street. rro Mu kill. hU room, and H. F. Knlha. drug- flat. Park avenue and Paclflo street, wag held up by a negro and robbed of 836, Ths "pants" burglar and maklntoah "thief ar again rampant Tha former relieved It F. Farmar' trousers of flo. Farmar was stopping at tha Stat hotel, having corns to Omaha from Ashland. Frits Chtlstopherson la minus fi.76 la cash and a check for 110. Ths mackintosh "thief took a raincoat belonging to T. O. L. Nogg, 2604 Hamilton street. In ths pockets of which was a puna containing $1.15. L. Lonrnecksr of ths Young- Man's Christian association lost a similar artf- ola In tha Institution' cafe, and Dr. Burke of tha Bushman block had one stolen from his office. Tha Baker loe Machine company, Nine teenth and Nicholas streets, was broken Into a week ago last Sunday by parties who stols a large quantity of auto acces sories, and yesterday they again gained entrance to ths establishment and took an armful of auto tires and a coat. Ida L. Brands, 407 North Nineteenth street, waihsrwoman at the Young Men's Christian association, assert that a man at Eighteenth and Chicago streets, snatched a pursa from her containing papers representing 233, her entire sav ing. 123 In cash and several small arti cles of value. Safeblowers Carry Off S300 in Loot of Safe on South Side Cracksmen entered th store of tha Horn ' Furniture company, 624 North law. . . . 1 on tb outer doors, pried tha inner doors loos and escaped with 3300 Tha nlaca , a "cp 7' ln, 'i ne f1'0 WM ,oun(1 W 10 o'clock by a block watchman. J. W. Stewart Is president of the com pany and George F. Olbbs, secretary and manager. Far-Side Stop Slides Back Quite Handily An Omaha man upon going to bed Sat urday night tied a piece of string; around one of his little fingers. lis did this as a rrnlndr that be should not for get that oa Sunday morning- tb street ears would return to ths old far-slds top system, after a short period of Mar-side stops. Whan he arose Sunday morning to go to church lis straight way proceeded to ths near-side of Jils Intersection and whn th oar cama along tha rootormaa motioned with bis hand and then th man who forgtit suddenly remembered. As a rule, however, most people went to ths far-eld as of yore, beoauas they aad ebeerved notices la the newspapers and placards la tb ears. During; a fsw of tha early morning- trips Yesterday some of tha motormen forgot about tha change back to the far-sids and they stopped on ths near-side. Ths situation of returning- to the far side was not a Interesting: as ths recent cbang tha other way. CHICAGO MAN DECLARES HE PASSED BAD CHECK Declaring that he had passed a forged check for 7I on J. Kemp, Chicago black smith, William Petchaft, Chicago sales man, walked Into police headquarters last night and gave himself up. Ths Chicago authorities hav been noti fied and asked It Petchaft la wanted thcra. New Records Established at Session of the Exchange. RAIL SHARES RISE AND FALL NEW YORK. Sept. V. On a ale or activity unenuatled alnca the Inception m , the movement wsr shares today lifted to higher urlcea and esu - l ' The eatabital'41 many omand ror these Inraelv of sneeii- latlve ortain. but If rumor la In be rreri. Ited, them was considerable buying from more substantial Interests In the belle! that several Important Industrial combi nation are In process 'of consummation. Railroad atuck and other standard j shares took part In the open ng rise, hul fall back later when the speoiHltlea be i com more bunyanl. Advances In some 1 of the war Issues were so violent as at time to suggest m corner-- or at least I oien Imylog for control. Conservative nan at reet vlea-ed the movement with undisguised misgivings and deplored the , Prt successful by the successful attark. of the allies In the western districts. Con ditions that the Anwln-French credit or loan 1 moving toward a satlsfactori conclusion on terms attractive to Ameri can Investors si no served to whet the apiH-tlto or the profcHnlonal element. The more noteworthy high record of me oay were miie hv Baldwin Loco motive, wh,lch showed an extreme rise of !!. at 114; General Motors, IS1 at W3. . in. 'ii. nepunitc iron and teel, at h; t ru clWe Steel. 7a at lul; Studebaker, rS al 146V- American Can. 4 at 4fiT: TMm Company, 96 8 at 17SH. and Bothlehem SI eel, 10 at 94. Shares of companies participating le directly In the demand for war supplier rose to record quotations, while other or the same description approximated then previou maximum figures. United Htate Steel waa slow to more, but finally responded to a general Inquiry hy advancing; l. to 79.. Jiist a point under price. rtn,-.is.,2. Metal share, Im- Proved under the Impulse of an advance In refined copper and rumor of an earU Increase In the Anaconda dividend. Real ising made no marked Impression In tht. latter dealings. Total sale of 1.6f.0no hares were the largest since the resump tion of trading last I December. Bond were strong but larked any espe cial feature. Total sales par valus ag gregated I.S.870 0U0 United States bonds were uncluingert on call. Number of sales and leading; Quotation on stocks were as follows: Halea. High. Low. Clow, .. n.is 4 4.i .. I,4i M . 4W .. l.tl W !H .. 44. em 71 t tits . U.XM MS II ST'i MO iivri urn .. n liwt imt, 1.TU0 111 IM lit,, ' 2;-n .. n.ioa 74 H TS't : 7s .. 11.300 IS!, IHS 104'. .. M. 1 14 x li.T, .. l.4n . M', in Alaska Oola Allls-Chalmars Amsrtnsa HMt Butar.. Amertoa tn AmerlAaa lAeomotiT . Anwrleaa H. H Aswrtran g. a R. pro. Am Husar fttflnlns... Amsrlraa Tel. Tel.. Amarlraa Tntmeos .... Asaoaa Copper Atchtava Ilaldvln Ioomntm . Baltimora a Ohio nainisnsa Hteal Hrueklva RmI4 Transit, lallfoml. Pwtmleum ... tn.itiaa raeifla ....... (antral leather rhmaiMaks a Ohio Thlnsca a. W (Iilcstn, M. Ht I'... fhlosso N. W tlilcego, R. I. P. Ry. Chins cSiapar rviorase Fnel A Iron... Orarlkls Rtasl Dai a H. O. s4..., ntellllar' BaxarttM .... aons BHS I 4 MS taw m h4 f. 21 toi, JO". i.7 im m r.i, 14. ft M 60 'a Mi Raw H't US', t.t l:l 11 1.400 It II Ml", 11 l.tm u,vt tn Wv, !. i m 4t 4f. 12.604 klU. 6!, 1, 461, 66', M4j 1011, .... IP, 17. Km tin so. so ss. SH Iiu 3!V II Oaaeral Elect rlo Ceat Nsrtkara fd... 4lrsat Na Or, etfs. .. n.we n't, 1741, 177 I, If") in? luiu. 1211. lj,0l 44j M,4 46L, aasrmksim KxylersU.. I.mw Wt. I . Ml. InMrboeMih Con. Corp. Inert rloa Canssr WW 1" p7 JOS I. OKI 21 20 JMS li.me sh , , 1.6C) Ii (M'4 in l.M lH 37H rn 8.600 14TV 144S 1J1L, Id KH mt 0, ,( tt V tl KM IU, It 104 T.T00 4t 4V, 4S. 14.1V 7i R ', 1S 14V 14H 14'. Inlaraatlnnal Mai imnar. Kanaas Tit, xmth,rD.... Lski i(B vallay I I jw. I 1 1 1 a a. M.k4ll- ; Msiioaa rVraissa Miami Oasvsr T.... MtaMHirl raolflo National Iad Savada flopps N.w fork tvatrsl N. Y.. N. M. a H Norfolk 4k Wostsra. Northara Paelti Psrlfio sftll Parlfta Tel. Tel ... ', 7 7, ... 6.fW mi'4 ci ... 1,101 JUS 11444 1141, ... . in IIO'I inn. o tm i2t 11 ... KM ll4 It T! ... I.9 l'4t ll.1 ':, ... im iti lit im-. ... i. iri hl Pennarlveava ........ Fu'lmsn Palace Car. Bar I -fen. Copsor... ttaadlna ... 14.9 1M14 l'IS4 1US Hepablla Iro A Stool. tmitlMni Paclflo Koultwra Kslla-sy gtiidobakar OraipaBy ,, TonBoasa Coppor si.ito N' 41 M, M.to t m i4 11.K0 mn mi i 11.20 HftU. m 14P, M.oim ca 1 h ui. TWtas enmaaay 6,70 171. IM i;j valoa racifia .Hew 1.141, 1534 wn,t,n r.Tii, pni.i. M S14C 11". tlaltog Mtau Hto,l....K4.1o 7Il. 7,i4 V. v. r,i-,i pio. ....... t'tak Copoor Wostoea Us lea Wullnihousa Blsotrle Montana Power I. to 11441 1144 114. AA H- , W 1 4T.14 A,viw TI1 T7 II. 20 114 131 T71, lZ-'t, r, .in.-. General Motors I.fM IMS 161) Total mise (or the day. 1.460 OftO haras. Walters Still Is Hopeful for Big Bumper Corn Crop Oeneral Manager Frank Walters lusi back from a trip covering tha tarttor) traversed by his road In Nebraska and South Dakota, insists wa ar Jut at th critical turn of tha weather for the ma turing: of tha com crop. "Corn Is not hurt yet except slightly ln a fw low places, where laat week' frost caused a slight damage," says Mr. Walters. 'If frost will hold off long enough to glv ua a week of warm, dry ther. Nebraska will still have the biggest corn crop aver produoed, the 800,000,000 bushels I hav heretofore pre dicted. Without th necessary warm spel before frost, half of th crop will be soft and unmarkstabl and have to be used for feeding har. "Tha wet weather baa also kept the range green, which is checking: tha run of cattl to tha market, and notwith standing that th cattle shipments are well abova th averag." James Keir Hardie Dead of Pneumonia LONDON. Sept. HWuiki Keir Har dls, died of pneumonia at Glasgow this morning. Ho waa a labor msmbar in Parliament aad tha leader of th peace lament ln tha British socialist party. James Keir Hard I waa bora la Soot land, August 16, 1864, and worked under ground as a pit boy and pit man from ths age of 7 years until he was 34 years. Ha early became well known as a speaker In th temperance movement, but eventually became prominent In labor and. other advanced democratic and socialistic circles. FUNERAL OF A. J. HAYNE IS TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY Funeral services mts9uctad by Capitol lodg of the Masonic order will be held Tuesday morning- fqr A. J. Hayne, aged G6. who died Friday at his home, SKI North Twentyhlrd street, following a hemorrhage. The services will take ptau, at th residence at 10 o'clock, with inter ment In Forest Lawn cemetery. Haya was a member of the Woodmen of the World aad bad been a resident of Omaha for thirty-two years. He waa engaged In the hardware buainea at Twsnir fourth and. lake streets. Ills wife sur vives him. s . THB ODD LOT REVIEW publllhel br I Mulr Co. tolls oark ck of N,' T t I Btoek k.lok,ssa lavmloicat u4,KU-t,nUW, a. ,11- f imi to am,. I as acll a, :,.f.. .0.. 11 e . a aar. Bend lor Mm: : O: '- HI Biu,- ' aa,. N. York I'lly L