in TITE BEE: OMAHA, SEPTEMBER 1915. WANT ADS f:t?i and n?iKRL notices. ACHS Mn C Sachs, widow of Curt Bachs. aged 74 years, died FT '.day morning. Mh la survived by two eons and five riauirhters. Funeral, Monday, Peptember . 10 -tiv. from residence, VS20 Lwvwiworth. In terment Floerer Hill cemetery, near Bcn- tlngton. Neb. Friends Invited. BIRTHS A1ND DEATHS. Birth a Adam and Anna Bigs, toil J., Wv: Anion and Antonle Part a. 1116 On tor. girl; W altar and NettU, Bell, 3410 Burt, slrl: Arthur and Nell Down. 2':4 sayne, Doy; Alex ana micaia fen, VM Seward, girl. Marry and Kalle iMtilnnir. Fortv-second and I boy: fiMonard and Chrktlna buna, 8 South Twenty-third, boy; W. M. and Sarah Mit chell. 441 North ThirTy-tirs avenue, Doy; ITdward and Lu lie Werka, Ifi0$ Grant. boy and (til; Paid and Rnee pcniieix, konDltal. Klrl: Carl and Km Sievers, tKl North Twenty-thtrd. boy; Osloaera and Catertna Tripolltn, liV North Six teenth, girl; W. M. and Hanna Webb, kospltai, coy. Fleventh; Nels Nystrom. fe, 114 South A imil7w vrtim i I i i" -i ii, i, . . Fowth Eighth; Dorothy Mario Ribey, I flsys, 1411 North Forty-tirst : w uiiarn A. Ftmmona, 43, 670$ Marry: Minnie Ha IK3B liMTrnwoitn: Amelia Pearson. renfr-fourth and Pratt: Harsh A. Mac- ......Tl AS A-rm VivH. Vnd.lh- tnhn E tarn, 7k, 8211 IJneoln boulevard;, Etilsltno Oroh. 44. v North Twentieth, fhomaa L Brlgwa. W. gift Ftntifh feventh Pranlr Walker. M, 12 California; Frits .vintera. H. hnanltai: iTharie et'ekiey. an. Twenty-seventh and L: Pteter Vtlste. $4, Ktnth end Foreat arenua: Abhte Brourh Araaa. M. V. North Twenty-fourth; Frank urananctt I, m u. MAitRlAOR LICtOltKRS. Tka foHowin( marrtaga lloaniee war fcad! yrkee I Bander, Omaha B rthel M. Wlleon. Omaha. 1 J!arbrt H, Hutchlnaon, Omaha. tl Ulan Ooodard, Omaha, U Tmniajntn P. Thomaa, Woodward. la.. (1 Cora Monia, Perry. la 42 fred W. Jaroba, Chadrom V aaa Boawlck. Cbadroa 21 f etar Thomaen, South Omaha. U iarr B. Economy, Omaha. M a Karl Wolf. Omaha 14 Jierfha Pat a. Omaha U BVILDIMQ PERMITS. 'lllp(r. iXtOO; William Glhba tiki Haa- fi, franio dwaillna. H.4oO; Qeor(a A, Wlloox, u North Twantleth, repair and alteration, m.wa iters'. I UUAI S MOVIE PROGRAM Dawatawa. ' EMPRESS .SiAteenth and Douglas - VAUDEVILLE HEAROT-6KL10 NO. 78; CAP TAIN KIDD (nd DITTO LUB COM THE CALL OF THE SEA. 3 KEELS, ESS., DRAMA. FdJnCEBS'. 1317-19 DOUGLAS. Merely Plarara, I-reel drama. Terror of the Mountalna, a-real drama. Ouetay Qabhard a Putter Band, oomody, North. CLIFTON. 1 101 MILITARY AVE, Helen Holmaa In Haaard'a of Helen. Krom the Drefa, two reela. Ham and bud, comedy. GRAND. 16T.H AND B1NNEY. The Powl roarer, a X-rrel Tbanhaueer dra. It Waa Like Thla. 1-reel American. Jinx on Jlnka, l-rcl Komla oomely, fcOTHROP. S4TH ANdTotH ROP7 HOBART BOSWORTII IN JACK LONDON'S WONDERFtTL. STORT TIIE : SEA WOLF A Sevan-Reel MeaUirpteoe, (oatk. APPOLO. I SI 4 LEAVENWORTH The Tall-Tale Hand, Their Night Out, Vltarraph. Woe MONROE. 1565 FARNAM William Tor preaenta Thad Bare, WiUlam Fhy, Btuart Holme In TH HI CUi-MEfAiltAU CA&H1 ' Duma'a Maaterwork. r latk lda. Besse 24th & N Francis X. Bushman and Ruth Btone . house In Tn 811m PrlnooM. Orpheum 24th & N VICE A WONDERFUL 6-REEL MAS TERPIECE THAT SHOULD NOT BE MISSED. FIRST TIME IN OMAHA. e-A,r -A MOVIES FEATURES TODAY BESSE, S4TH AND N. FrancU X Buahman and Ruth Etone- hottae in The Slim Prlnoaet. ORPHEUM. S4TH AND N. Vloa, a wonderful a-reel maaterpleoe. LOTHROP. 4Tm iwn I -i-r iTiTTTFT liocart Boa worth tn jack London's woo- . rful atory, The Baa Wolf, tn T raela. MO.NHOt. J6i& KAKNAM. WUllam i Fo praaenta Theda Bare, Wlll Um Bha', Btewart liulinaa la The CMawnoaau, Inuna'a aoaatorwork. ANNOUNCEMENTS iiUSlNKSb COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON rnnngrs r"r h (ood raaaona for IIUt. ira bchool. one of the leading bualuoaa coilocea a Omaha. W1U be aold vary raanabl-way balow rvular prtca Jf you are conldrin Ukln( a coitrae InveUate thla at once. Inca Fall tar" be at hi. oonJ ru ,.ffj,,, rimaha Haw tXERCISB at T. M. C. ABualnoaa'nn: AUTOMOBILES Vi iMvtr you are eunaderiii( aeiluia or buvi,., a uad car and you want riill 'e for your nwuay or you want mouIi ho aie wiliina to pay tor what thiyare ' S"tli yo4 ln have no rert If you luy or ad t. tn rough th uaed car - iw, R 8ALl4-ltruah ear, A. Tai VV al . . " 1 " rw. rmm ler i jUO. I htWAhU lor any uiaMneio wo can't e.'ij.T k T , " . . . 1,1 ' v "r i n itiia waok take U tit j-ii i i ond hi cm and a aivat bar yon at ji. If yyu i.t a uod car cap tU U It. kJJ liraudeU. fboue TyiT 11m K k hliAt K A lioick srvi. a btaiiou, iSiJ k-Aitmtn hi. K'hoiut Imihia 7il CNt. Is. Caduiac ro..'..trr. 40-11. P., b i i. 11.1.1 cuiidukio, I AAx Can be seen at 14 dl Al'TOMOMLES Industrial On rune Co.. flth Harney Bis. -r t li mKn, s-f.Bii TntoTii T wehTrni Overton a for lenity rsniator Cis. dealere? 1911 COLKh, 4llnder7(ood con dition, rhenp. 1115 p l(iih. Tel. It. 1!72. ELECTRIC for Mia cheap; batteries ant tires In good condition. Tel. II. loa. MILKS of mllesga In your old tlreg Rebuilt, Send them to DUO TIKE CO.. 11I Chicago Pt. SI.KJITTLT USED Al'TO AT A PAR- oain. wrr.1. woimt ctn8idera- TloN. 11 FAIINAAJ STREKT. BUSINESS) CHANCES If your Burlnea Chance will stand Mfld InveatUatlon ana I )ut what It la advertised, or If you are looklna to start In buatea for youmelf you will b per fectly atlNeI f you una the Tluslneaa Chance column of The Bee. When buy- in( or acinr.( a bimlneo t'liona Tyler IMP. Confectionery, cheap, (ood loc. Web. 16". A hlgh-rlne Inventment. 40J Ware Rlk". Ft til 4AIK A (ood, clean 16ck of cloth ln(, fumiahlnics and shore, doln( the lead in hiiirtnens In a ood northeast Ne braska town of 1.016; don't answer unless you mean business, and talk fast, as this ad won't appear In this paper Ion. Ad dress T 78, Hee. FOR up-to-date bottling- works with soo.l business; Invoice. 2J0; tn a town of l.JUO population In northeastern Nebraeka. Address Y . Omaha a. o CONKKCTIONK.RT stora. nasr picture show: two living rooms; rent reason- aoie. itain turning m FOR SAI.K BmaTl studio In county seat town. I'rlca right If taken soon. Write U P. 117, Hurwell, Neb. RESTAURANT In vicinity of five round houses and two city depots; cash oniy, and mean business; long lease; owner retiring, llV H. Main Ht., Co. Hluffa. WANTK1) A good grocery In eichange for notes secured by mortgage up to tl.7'0. 2 Burt 8t., Omaha. Neb, EXPKRIENCKD bookkeeper desires set of books afternoons or evenings. Ad dress Li ISO. Uee. TRUSTRK H SALH. The undersigned trustee for the estate of Foes. Kvenson Co. of Soldier, Iowa will offer for sale at public auction to tne highest bidder for cash, the stook of gen eral merchandise, furniture and fixtures, which Invoices $11, 4.0. M, the sale to take place in the double store building In wh eh said stock Is contained on Friday, Octo ber 1. W16 at 1 o'clock In the afternoon. Mr. N. U C. Brlgg of Slou city, Ia who superintended the Invoice, will be at Soldirr with the Involoa In his pouaession. fctock and Invoice can be examined by prospective purchasers from Monday "?rnln faptamber n, until the date, of ale The stock consists of groceries, rubbers, dry goods, shoes, china and crockery and in In eicellent condition. Here Is the right opening for some one Ceslrlng to go Into business, as Soldier is ,oc,trJ In splendid farming community and has only one other stook of general merchandise. RR.vui.MhER PATH OF SALW OCTO- A!iNOONAT 1 'ClXC IN T"E For further Information address either c' Brle"s or Wtlber M. Derthlck, r TU",'T. car Tolcrton Warilcld lo., Mout City la. Wllber M. Derthlck, Jr.. Trustee. UVSPitroo.m h0iri tor ' Reasonable. ....tuiii, tei, Douglas 4. r2i!i C 'ookln tor a good money em;inA,u',,n'' then '" s some chance. A grooery and meat market, the'!?oin ,m"hi w" ""! close In vestigator!; doing about 170 ono per an WouM M"'.Jk, about IS 600 to handle. -- ."i sat., in r-eit.urf.nBV on i&riu er city property 14K Burt St WANTED-I have an excellent open ing In my Council Bluffs store for . yJ "" 1 w"l Pay a salary ft- fl0lL ,nnth to the right man. Ha Is required to Invest !, for whUh security Is given. 8 18. Bea. PARTNER with 1R.0OO wsnted for devel oplng and manufacturing of a new In Xlr'i ' ii automatic advertising machine, matToht C" cU' Vltek- FfR H ALIO Conservatory of Music. town tfcK); estshllshed five yeas; fifty T Ir'i Pay,n Pr year. Must be Y 77 B " references. Address FOR BALE The only general merchan- sllar tfnra la amall - l . HOdt . Dfll Wi-il M BinnL Ins. A. A a II2.0UO: sales $.16 000 yearly. Best of reasons for selling. Address the owner, Y 74, lies. ... . iurs; reasonable price. " s'n ave., t;o. unirts. Tel. Black U4. Bl'HINKHS places, land ..!.. ...... . .. handled all states. JIM WRAY. Bioux City. la. W h1" aaorlfloa grocery store, Tel. So. PAYING Iowa hardware and furniture business, complete. $?,W0. Jim Wray, pious k ity. wNLRn.Lit JL?UJ, Pperty with W. W.WIUIama. P0 Neville BlV. I m. 2..P.?2" si "T. a b''"ess. call on . w,njn. r rstiser nig. 1 1. xiia TAi,hA?.l.,;r put of business call on wur,piu, vit nee Wldg Doug. S477, h L Estate Business places supplied or v., - .,.. r. y, n.niest. umaha. TllKA TKHS Buy, lease or sell your the- r. "'1 "'-" ana supplies rnroush Theater Kxch. CoJM4flSjarnam. 1). 1K97. SEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar- ,,i rni.niiBiim SnOWS. I. Hoomlaar tloasra for Sale. $1T 8. 1ITH 11 rooms, full of roomers. ALL mod. rooming house, furnished for light housekeeping, close In: poor hsallh reaaon for selling. Deal with owner. t,M Farnam. TeL Harney (66L EDUCATIONAL Fall Term Boylcs Colleco IS NOW OPEN tn both tha day and night sessions. Yet It Is not too late to enter. t r t now ... . I. - w. . - 1 ji. - - o . ,i . 1 uin. clpiluo ami bu.niena trailing that will uouuie your earning capacity. Complete "-m ii on uumiiivrviai oranoiiea. Bookkeeping. Shorthand and Typewrit ing, ttenotypy, Baleaitianxhlp. Telegraphy and Civil 8ervr. Positions found for all graduates FBKB. Places furnished to wora ror board while attending. Ask for trea catalogue at onoa. BOYLES COLLEGE, II. B. Boyles, President BOOKKEEPING and Penmanship given privately. Raaaonabla. JPbone II. s&i. foyles Bldg. Tel. D 1M4. OlnahaTNeb: . ,1 "7 1 Vi . i" "-no'arsnipa in On, 1. 1 ,i 1 - . . vuw.mwvh vusiiteaa and shorthand Course. One unllmltes stenographle course. One three-month' bmlnu. m grsrhlo course. Will li- mt.iiA - - SIumiihI -. il. . . Of Th. 6m.h. Bi. " Tlie VAN SANT SCHOOL 6TENOQRAPH Y-BOOKKEEPINa Day Bchool for Tauav Wmm. Kvenln tkhool for Young Men and TT OIIKll. Saturday moraine el ass in typewrltlag. Ions C Duffy, Owner and Managar, $C4 So. Uth SL Omaha. EXPKHT lady alenographer will take Ptniis; shorthand, touch typewriting, spelling and puaotuatlon taught, loxlinj Pal Instruction. Douaiaa St. TmL Walnut XSSI- "fc . FOR BALK fOR SALSr Here la a claasmcatlon that IS Af fll III nu-l 1 1 1 . 1 u ... 1 . . reaJcr, as this column offwe soma eicvp- S"ll waut ad will sell your article at IU . . 1 "o. .-nuns lyisr I'juu, Ksrslisn, Haaavkaia UooeVs, Bta. Desks V'y. J,, so'- Read. 1"7 Farnam St. Dousias .140 WILL beeaorlfloed: Dining "room, bedl room knd b i-l. fiimi,, . i . . . . . rarpats of well furnished hotna; must be CKJllil-h lid XttUi.n A Ki,. ... . ' Flrst-.lajia Condi lion; suliaUa for ( or 7-rom bouse. Una furnace baa been In a S-rooiu house, but a liut tuo small for same. Apply THE BYRON REED COM PA NT Phone D. 2v7. ju g. I7th'st. BAK'AINri IN FLh.MTCHE" "AND 11ARDWARU 1U K. MTIi. Wk-B. yon hale holal Imi, Kte. A-lmini$traotr's Sale PUBLIC AUCTION. High Grade Furnihire and Bugs nt Omaha Van and Storn?;o, Tuesday, Sep tember 2., at 10 o'clock n. m., Sharp. We will sell at suction to the highest bidder t Oriental rugs. 10 hlh srde French Wilton rugs, xli, t-ftxli, Axmln ster rugs, several small rugs, beautiful pnrlor set, library sets and tables, beau tiful dining room table and chairs. Vernls Martin beds, springs and mat tresses, solid malioaany dressers, chif foniers, kitchen cab.nets, kitchen ranire and gas ransre. One seven-drawer Singer ewlng machine, rocking chairs, t h gh grade buffets, 1 beautiful china cabinet, sanitary couches and pads, pillows, bed ding, blankets, lsce curtains, linens, re frigerator, I trunks and contents, 1 Daven port, large dressing mirror and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. This Is extra good furniture, nome out of one of Omaha's best homes, Tuesday, September 28. at 10 o'clock sharp. a Tetcrs Trust Co., Administrators. DOWD AUCTION CO., AUCTTONKURS. For sales dates and terms oall Red H2XS. Horses and Vehicles. BOLD ONE good work-horse, weight 1.4h0 lbs. Omaha Concrete Hlnn, ( 9fi,K A u- and Hahler St. Phone WelMter V. alaea t r o Tn .1. In. r. .. I I v . sears. the Studebsker. the Bain, tha Peter Schuttier. Pakin and Bueikena. Must sell luO this month. Big reduction In price. JOHNBoN-DAN FORTH COMPANY. Bllghtly used- high grand piano. D. 1017.. JHIANO chesp, cash or psyments. Red anM. ltii.. MXDgraln, lUQ lbs. I1.7S. WagnerSOI N.18. KTt.l. IT I IT V 11 1.. . . 7 . ' HMiricTi niBMe ins oesi ana cheapest lining for poultry houses. I They are KxJJ Inches, stronger and mora I durable then tarred felt and practically .v. .j m uuimmq at toe HQS QtflCa Typewriters, TYPEWRITERS. 110 and up. t28 Bee Bids. l'JPEWKltKRS sold, rented, repairer Central Typewriter Exp. laoS Farnam. 'I'cellaneoaa. r9IfiAt'PTIl'w. ,na second-hand carom anil in.k v. 1 1 1 1 ,.ki , alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all f. .. yTnv fsyments The Brunswick-Bslke-Collender Co.. 407-4f g. 10th St. (TQ Q A Golden West "-'-' w paid. Cackley .Whisky, 4 full I in bond. nra. uacaiey uros.. umaha New mcond-hand nitetora, dynamos, msunetos, etcu mechanical Sod, one arreD, 2107 (Evgs.. Wal. 5H7,) COAL DIRECT FROM THE MINE. We cut out the bis profit of the Jobber. It makes no soot and Is well prepared. We guarantee It. Prices are the very best $2.00, 12.60 and $3.00 at the mine. I. M. COX, North Platte, Neb. FOR SALE CHEAP Business College Course. Full and cnntlete scholarship In one Of (Km a, k. -.-w I Good reason for selling; perfectly relia- mrin mil linpa, out - Will OS SOU I irnwinuiy, ,1 inieresiea investigate St once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. i0' P""'0"!'"'" inquire at the of floe of 4 ni vjinana nee. CAR PEN TEH tools, shovels. aledtea. picks, Jackscrews, 10 penny match vend ing machines, 60o each. Horse, harness. sg(. $100. On electric piano. J. C. iSH. KCl 8. 2Bth St ' Harney $41. TWO single wagons, one doilble wagon and one set of single har newi. See E. A. Weathers, Burgess Nash Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Of floe. EXPERIENCED cashier. $7 week. Exp. stenographer and bookkeeper, too to l.'O. . HOUKHH RKF. tt.. frtO Pax ton Block. Factory aid Tr-ae.. OITIL to learn halrdrwsatng. Oppenhelm, ItNaavkeepers and Dasaeailoa, THB Servant Girt Problem Solved. The j'Y" i" wnini uin wanted Ad FltLE until you get the desired results. Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler liXO. COMPETENT irl for general "houseVoTk. Referrnce require j. li.' a. kuth Ave. H a rne y 14.1. WANTED An experienced nurse maid ; reference required. Mrs. M. B. New man, JU Howard. K. $01$. COMPETENT white girl to assist lii iMMirY..r. iei. mrence . VV AM fc.l-A girl for general housework. Mrs A. P. Tukey. SIM Chicaao 1st Har- nev I17S WAN TEL Young girl for light house work In family of two. 42l Webster Cv. ft. D WANTED Middle aged woman for r a-en- m N. eiai nousewors. tu v0 per wk. $4th. Call Web. 7067. POSITION wanted by an elderly widow in the care of invalid lady or gentle man as nurse or companion; can furnish ths best of references; no objection to leaving city. Address Mrs. EarL care Genersl IMIvery. ' WANTED Cook and housemaid In fera lly of two. Har. 717. luoj B. MA Ave. WANTED A capable oook; no other need apply. Mrs. N. H. Spiesberger, sslii rarnam. WANTEIa-A girl or woman to assist with general housework. Call at X60J Franklin St. WANT a good girl for'aenersV h ouse- wors. .j t'ougias Pt. Phone Wi al. $441. WANTE1 Good glit for general house wrk. n.l7tht.Jhonsilsr- 4oOJ. WANTED Trustworthy working-houss keeper; must be gook cook; family of two; good wages to competent person. Harney 7i34, Wast Farnam AptT Lewey Ave. WANTED Trustworthy working house keeper; must be good cook.; family of A WU. UUWU wo. Good waaea to efficient person. Ply. $, West sarnara Apia.. 8M7 Dewey A Ave. W ANTtD Woman for general housa work In fauuly of five; no cliildren or laundry work. Apply Mrs. S. B. Stewart. . ..Mi.ii mm ci.. vyy. nu.lomcs. HOl,Sl.K.Elvi'ER waiited; oompvtaut German woman; small family. Wsb. 14KR. W'ANTKJj at onoa, a competent slrl for general housework; family of four aoiaia. i par a a. sue M alst trt. WANTED Girl for general housework. iT ln 'r- an iHjugias WANTED White tnald for ganarsl housework; references rauulred; good Z-J,r'-Jii J' WcShkna, No. 4lat Pt. lisrney $241. WaRTID Whlla glri for ganeral work. Xut Hawthorns Ave. Walnut 71, WaNtEP-Girl fJr general houaewort 63 8. -Vth Bt. Harney tL ,LXRRIKNCKJ girl for aneraJ WouaaZ work, sirs. W. XX Lyla. W Park Ave. WANTED Kaj.. 1 truer. 1 cook; no other ned apply. Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlca. Cell Harnry klS WANTED A girl for housework; very plal-t co'tiiiiK Hs-ney 1.4a WANTEii A stil f,r houaeork ijul 'Park Ave, liar S35. GlItL (or genersl- houaaaork. M i s. C W. Axull. Hi N. ksd at. TeUphoue IlajUay M.l, HELP WANTED FEMALE tonsrbeere ant Ianaeatlre. WANTEO A girl to assist with house work. 110 p. fh pt. WANTfcr White girl for general house work; small family. Harney 633. C2 raclflo pt. M IwrUanitit, TOUNtJ women roming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit me Yntina Women's Christian assoclstlon building st St Msrys Ave. and lTth St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aaslsted. Ixiok for our travelers' guide at t'nlon station. WOMEN WANTKD Oovemment Joba Uet free Write immediately. Frank lin InsUtuta. Dept. Rochester. N. T. HELP WANTED MALE rierlewl aad Offle. TTX-P. CASHIER. COUNTRT BANK. Inv EXP CASHIER, COUNTRY BANK! Inv i(v) EXPvCASHIER, COUNTRY BANK EXP. ASOT!'cASiIETi''cOUNTR'T', HANK. INV 7...W. . . . ITS EXP. BOOKKEEPER, COUNTRY BANK. INV MO EXP. BOOKKEEPER. COUNTRY' BANK. INV. .150 KXP. U01XJER CLyERK, OITT HANK ...r EXP. DICTAPHONE OPR. AND FTBNt) fffl to HO I BXP. SALESMEN, JEWELRY .$.15 WK. ROGERS KKKKHKNCE, 6W PAXTON BI.CK'K STENOGRAPHER and dictaphone op erator, 70; city salesman, A-No. 1. $75; office clerk, neat penman. 170; bookkeeper, A-No. 1. ifa s BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN., TTuvqinea ql vvoria. CLESRK, grood penman, 70. BUalNBSS MEN S REFERENCE ASSN., mw wooamen oi world. WATT'S REFBR UNC B CO., Ses-aMi Brendels Theater Ulilg. HlfiH-OHA 1 K 'omnirrrial populous. WEST. REFERENCE A B')'D A8SNM 762 Omaha Nat. ink Bldg. Avents Snleamen and Solicitors. "BILLY" SUN'DAT-!4 message. Author ised. Great opportunity for man or woman. We will pay you $120 to distrib ute It and take orders. u days' work, snare time may be used. Universal Bible House. 101 Winston Bldg., Ph lladelphla. LIVE AGENTS WANTED ...5)' Photographic pillow tops of ' Billy ' Sunday and tabernacle of Omaha, In five colors. Thousands sold while In Peterson. Write for all particulars to R- sioie. nawinome, im. J SALKBMAN Responsible, energetlo man to represent New York manufacturer; must be hustler and able to organise and supervise men. Toy or notion ex perience preferred, but not essential. Commission basis, highest references. Call after 10 Sunday Room 612, Hotel Kontenelle, ask for Mr. Leltner. INSURANCE)' MEN We want a state ajtent for South Dakota. Kimni -i Wyoming, Must be experienced. Great contract. Call or write. Mutual Bene. fit Health and Accident Association, 404- city national uann Bldg.. Omaha. COAL agents wanted In every town; get a trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Plntte. Neb. Factory mm ,Tm(m. WANTED Men to learn tha barber trade. Wo have originated a plan to teach It quickly and thoroughly. Wages paid while learning. Tools Included. Write for Illustrated catalogue. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th St. Drug Ptore Snaps, Jobs. Kneist. Bee Bldg. Positions Now Open. Free Catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO 4 COLLEGES. . fOSJ Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. LEARN BARBER TRADE WlfM rjald ' Trwl, -tv-n P.tlnna aruarantead. Call or writ- tn, Inform.tinn Trl-City College, 11M Douglas. Omaha. WE need mon; had to turn down two lobs nor woek latelv. Get In Inrn by our method. ' Get one of these toh Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Aa(o- mobile School. 240g Leavenworth SH. MIscYltaaewas. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted, $75 month, Omsha, examinations oomtng. - Bampia question free. Write immediately. Frank lln Institutes. Dept. 221G P'e.-ater N. Y MEN, with common sense education, who wish government lobs. 170 month should apply Immediately for full Infor mation. Address Y . Bee. WANTED I have an excellent open ing In my Council Bluffs store for a. y.ou.n mmn- 1 wl" Pay a salary of $100 a month to the right man. Ha la required to Invest $000, for which security la given. M 163, Be. , SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Day work. Tel. Tyler 200$. INTELLIGENT iltiht colored girl wishes position -In office or bachelor apart ment. Phone Webster 707. MAN end wife wants work on farm, man - to husk corn, wife to help with house work for board. Address E. Mayers. 619 South 2tth Ave. NEBRABKA medical student. Dlanlst. Germsn and French tutnr w.n. u,...i. for board and room. Phone Red 4237. WOMAN with -month-old child, wants poaltlori as housekeeper. Call Wal. 14. INTELLIGENT light colored girl wishes vuiiuun in oiucs or oacneior s apart ment. Web. 7073. SITUATION wanted by all-round printer. n. inn, iii I'onge nt. POSITION as bartender, checker, atock man or houseman, hotel, club or buffet; best of references; honest, reliable; mix er; city or out. Johnson, ZU8 Chicago fct Doug, ria. MIDDLE aged widow employed aa aaeut part of the day wishes uosltlon aa com. Pen Ion to lady or aa hooaekeeDer for widower's small family of resuectahla and refined people, or would take charge of respectable rooming house. Am thor oughly qualified In either position. Mrs. K. Rysrson, General Delivery. Omaha, Neb.- POSITION aa housekeeper, linen or chambermaid; hotel, apartment or rooming houee. - Long experience; neat, reliable. Industrious; best of references; city or out. Miss Johnson. 211$ Chicago. Phone Douglas k72I. WANTED By Al violinist and pianist. (man and wife). poaltion in Picture show, hotel or cafe, fine musical library; thoroughly experienced and reliable. Ad dress liox 761, Fort I lodge. Ia. A REFINED and educated widow lady desires position as housekeeper. Mrs. Ptvles. 47W North $4thSt. I UUTNO MAN, H. wants position as clerk! ' Has had experience In men s clothing , euu inKvry svvres. auuiwi jdas Aec l ur. W 1 M IN wants work aa chambermaid or Janitress. 2426 Patrick Ave. Web. 7-0. POSITION wanted' as housekeeoer in small family tn town. Call Iouglaa 72a,, , EXPERIENCED girl wants place aa cluunbermald In hotel to, room ln. Tel. Douiilae 7ik. COMPETENT German woman wanta position as housekeeper, ei. Web. 4la6. A RELIABLE, coiupetent woman, mld die -aged, deal res a position as a house keeper In family of lw, no laundry work I'hone Wei. aw. SITUATION wanted by ilrst-claaa cook, hotel, or will work extra. Doug. Mbi. FIKSI-CLASS wutnan wants day work; .in a. cioan, pew rvrerencea. l-tar. S1S4J, WANTED-I'o-Mun as P. B. X. operator, by young lady at 1 years' experience: can fur null referencea. Telephone Douat laa art; aak lor Edith. , LOT AND FOUND Lost or Found ads In Omaha's Loot and Found mediums means tha Immediate re turn of that article It advertised la Tho Bee, the Lost and Found paper. O MALI A at 0)UNC1L BLUFFS STREET . ' RAILWAY COMPANY Persona having oat some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha It Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether tbey left It lu the stieel cars. Many articles eeeh day are turned In and ths cmpavny la anxious 10 r.ntore them t the -Itthtful owner. Ca'l Doug. 4S I r Ieutlier brief ba; a tajKfinlalted' leather case cvnta:mug scrap book of laundry ad erttnetnetita, other advertlalng niatl.-r snd printed forms of The Oman B-e. Finder kindly return to Mr. Kerr st The Be Phone Tyler lonn. LOSTA- red automobile door. If found wrlia Lhas. l'ariuele. I'lalUauouib. Neb, LOST AND FOUND LffT Leather brief bag; a tsi-flnished lesther esse, containing scrap book of laundry advertisements, other advertising matter and printed forms of The Omaha ' nee. hinder kindly return to Mr. Kerr I at The lice office. Phone Tyler 10. I LOST Airedale dog, about 14 monthsoid, answering to the name of Murks, , Mock saddle with tan Name on collar. iMegeath. 2137 South Thlrtv-thlrd street. Lrinaee win do wen rewarded. PERSONAL liclts your ild clothing, furniture, maga ; lines. We collect. We d.strlbute Phone I'ou-ias ., and our wagon will-call. Call and Inspect our new home, lilO-HLi-1114 Dodge St. GO It DON, the Maxailne Man. Tel. Doug. 71S3. YOL:NG women tomlnK to Omaha as sirartgers are Invited to visit the Young Wornen's Christian ussoclatlon building st 17th Pt and St. Mary's Ave. where they will be directed to sultabls boarding places or otherwise assisted. T,ook for our travelers' guide at the UnH.i station. 4 WILL not be resnonalhTe for the debts contracted hv mv wir. Vf ah.. Haegen. who has deserted my home. ; H. J. Hsegen. YOl'R furnace cleaned, fl; work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop. Doug. tiM. PET STOCK BCOTH'H COLIJE. tli D. 7. PEKINESE pups, pedigreed, eligible for registry at any bench show. These populsr dogs come from China, are Ideal peta. Phone Har. 2993. 134 So. 36th St SWAPPERS COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Trhy not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and got something ou really necdT It coils vou nothing to Join tho Swappera' club and you will find It lots of fun swapping things. Write Room 104, Bee Pes., or phone Tyler 1O00. A 20-OAi:GE Winchester (new) and 450 shells, assorted: for whalT Address Y 7R. Be 0 acres Weld County, Colorado Innd, all erty. Harris-ton Realty Co., Florence Neb. ALTO Have Bruh enr which 1 wi"nh to swap for something worth $76. Ad dreaa S. O. 2-fe. Bee. AUTOS Hup "20," electric lighted stor age battery, new top. seat covers, wind . . W .Inn. -tl .1 vt.v- an arwuiiu, one extra tire and coyer; Just the car for two peo ple; low upkeep, plenty fast and strong; mechanically perfect. Will exchange for !rge car. Address B. C. 234. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile laMonat' " tt "Autoa,ODil" .dsASlfl- BIJii't' i?w' Kna-'lsh brlndle. 11 months tiriiV . . - uru-o ana rona or children, win trade for n dlnmond or something ."' " "uuigi, o. j. aoo, Dea. CAMERA Mandcl s one-minute postcard camera, new and of best make; cost $38. Will trade for furniture or anything 1 Oft n 11 dsn a " tin a n " CAMERA txa folding camera, with best of llns and latest Improvements. Swap forjaiger camera. 8. C. 228, Bee. DIAMOND Diamond ring, karat .rt about $L!5. to trade for piano; must be In flrst-claas shape and of good DIAMOND ring. Tiffany oettlng. pure white stone, v. In t..n t. j - - r - . . . . 1 una mr lyufj. writer or stenotype. Address 8. O 138, Bee. GAS BANGE, four burners, cost $23; good I HAVE three-year-old saddle pony, with gopd I saddle and bridle; will traae for &?,r, "vs-Passena-er Ford. Address S. C. HAVE brand new. high grade Lauter ,.R!ano to waP for good buildlrur lot. OrnahaaBeCel"h d,,fernC6' & C- $ HAV5 everal carloads of dry wood. HORSE AND SADDLE I have horse saddle and bridle. Horse will be $ yrs. old this fall, la saddle broke and very ?"",? to hana's- No scare ar blemishes. Will stand any Inspection. Will trade for some calves or yearlings or Ford run shout. 8. C. 22. Bee. INDIAN motorcycle and side ear, 114 MioAVB win, inu unirovenienia. Two speed, new tires,, full electrlo equipment. AlK Rnirln. in., ..... . " - i'"i'i wm tn per overhauled and In pcr- fect shape. One of the best kept outfits .0 iww.i. v v i. new. uiuiuuins siae car, $a5.0D. Will trade for or towards Ford or Saxon roadster, or similar light car In good condition. Might consider other swaps. Addresa 8. C. 247. Bee. ONE llaht flve-uassenser l.nHn, ..' thoroiiKhly overhauled and In first-class condition; will trade for live stock. Ad UTTB8 n. v . . 410, X3ee, I'lANn I'LAVf K-.l Imve a snsn In wav of piano player, 60 rolls of first-class ir us-c 1 c .,,1 , , piano, Swap for soma good chickens or cook elute, m wuat li-vo uuf a. c. t.HS Boe. PHYSICIAN'S set of four "DeVUbls" atomisers and stand, like new, cost about 10; will trade for anything use fiil. Address B. C HW. Bee PHYSICIAN will exchange medical books and surgical Instruments for any- .iiiiik mwiih. aijuitw o. j. aw, tee. PIANOS I have 8 makes of high-grade pianos, all new, which I got In deal, will swap for diamonds, real estate or new autoa. ' Addresa 8. O. 13. Bee. "RI FLE WI NtH ESTER Ta automaUe repeater, with new rifle case, etc Cost new over $26.uO. Want Eastman auto graphic kodak, or will consider anything 1 1 1 Mlll.1 U . 111. ,K. I ... . . . . I . . " . " A V AA IA Q, IUr Ull . Address 8. C. 244. Bee. ROADSTER Specially built for speed ster; In first-class condition; will trade r aiiiib iwiiwi or iuiki mils cows. Address S. C. 266. Bee. 1 KoADSTEH Light roadster, needs some repairs; want 2d hand typewriter and about $100, owing to typewriter. Addresj, S. C 26, Bee. It I 1CI .K Winch-. A, ! ! ... I . V. sold front sight. In good condition, coxt when new about $15.00. sight coat $2.50. Wilt consider anything of equal value Ku, I .... Al 1 I - I , . . a v . . u... aimi aiiiaiv-oitrrei snot gun; this Is a cheap gun, but a good one; 14 nanus. Will trade this for anything I can use. Would like camera, postcard sise, Eastman preferred. Address S. U. m. csre omsha Bee. RESTAURANT and rooming house with a anisll line Of S-rnc rlea Anintr .... i.l buslnes. What have you? Address S. C. 1 j ii er. SPEEDSTER One classy speedster, thor oughly overhauled and painted; entirely new Urea, will stand any Inspection. Will trade for good Vlctxola. Address a C. 2M Bea. $1.0u0 STOCK of groceries and queens ware, new. In wholesale house, all clear; for clesr cottase. No fixtures. Address a r . . ii u $iJ SECOND NOTE for good up-to-date car. 8, C. Wl. Bee. $2,lM) STOCK ClotiiliiK. for clear cottage, e will trade $6oo to $1.0u0 lota for auto. Addes 8. C. 2tio. Bee. STANDARD Sewing Machine, good order! awa kuvia mm uu neaier, wringer, or what have you? Address 8. C. 2iS. Bee. SINGER box lop sewing machine, in- lam a 1 run dw, .00 uiue steel revolver tennis racquet. Exchange for coal range or Cole's hot blast heater, or what have youT 8. p. 4. bee. TO SELL or trade your ahotgjn er rifle. See FK1EDMAN. IM Douglaa. TRUCK One-half ton truck. Interna tional; good running order, for what have youf Address S. C. 361, Bee. TWIN Excelsior motorcycle. Will trade for horse. Phone 2141$, Counoil Bluffs TYPEWRITER Underwood, visible; per fect shape. Will trade thla machine for cabinet Victrola or small Graf lex earners, Addreaa 8t.i, Bee. WILL trade new Incubator, still In ths craie, for cook stove or range of equal value. Addixaa S. C. IH'i. -tee. FOrl RENT Agrtsaeata mmm Flats, Tha For Rent advertisement appearing In the Fer ltent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will plsase and till tha need of any oue dealrmg to rent Phone Tler 10 A ELEGANTLY furnished quiet home. t)ua Itoaaid M a-ruoni apt. In St. -Clare. Tel. Har. 447. CONTINUED ON ClflMNBEVEN THIS PAGE. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: ABSTRACTS or TITLB. RETPJD ABSTRACT CO., etdewt ah" tract oiflce in Nebraska. 2 Ursndels Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstrsct Co., a modern abstract office. S. 17th St. Phone D. HK7. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. M. F. Shafer Co.. Uth. rarnsm. D. T471 AMATEUR FINISHING. FILMS develored .'ree If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 41 Bee Bldg. Dept D. ACCOUNTANTS. E.A.DW0RAK ACCOUNTS AUDITED Books opened and closed. Cost svstem Installed. Let me csll on vou to exnlaln the advantages i "J. my audit service system. Address. s.ii i.smge Bldg. Phone Doug. 7ia. ARCH1TECTS. Everett S. Dodds. 1$ Pskton Blk. D. $1. ATTORNKTI. C. T. Dickinson. tU Pax ton Blk. D. 1804. WTLL N. JOHNSON. S. W. Cor. 14th and L'ougias. Douglas 4. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 111S-W W.O.W. R. $3R. AUTO INSURANCE. ATTTOMOBrt.E MUTUAL INSURANCE fu., Dougins ana AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. IMS Far. D. $001. BAKERIES.. Z. H. REEDER. 1MW N. lth. Web. $S7. BATHS. WOMEN onlv; vapor and electric baths. 2121 Ike Pt. Phone Webster 1111. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Psxton-Mltchell Co.. f7th and Martha Sts. BOKDIKtt COMPANIES. OMAHA Agency Co.. S12 Bea Bldg. Phone CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. 82$ 8. 23d. Douglas 8820. Lasaard Son, lftte Cap. Ave. T, lta CHIUOPRACTIC SPINAL AIMU'MTI ' Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 44t Pr. Hayes. 35$ Brand. Thea. Bldg. D. R426. CHIROPODIST. Carrie 3. Buford. 20 Past. Blk; Red 4M7. t'Ot'FER BV MAIL. Coffee Save money. Use better coffee, 15 lbs. high grade bv Dsrcet nost. nrenairi $3.80. W. A. 6kalfe & Co., Omaha. Neb. - DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, classic. D. 1971. FALL term open at Mackle's. Doug. 6444. GENEVIEVE HAUFLA1RE. Romo hotel. TURPIN ACADEMY 2Sth and Farnam x Classes now open. Beginners Mon. and Thurs. Advanced Tuea High School class Sat. Private lessons. Harney 6143. TURPIN' 8 ACADEMY, $8th and Farnam Classes now open. Beginners Mondays and Thursdays; advanced Tuesdays; high school class Saturdays. Private lessons. Harney 6143. DRUBSMAKINQ. Terry Dressmak'g college, 10th Farnasst Clure'n Dressmkg, School. K21 California. DRESSMAKING . COLLEGE. Kelstefg Dressmaking Cot.. 143 City TTa. DYBRS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Cng. Co.. 129 N. Uth. D. 6071 DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. $11 Neville Block. Evr dence secured in ah cases. Tyler 1184, VBNTiSTS. '. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 181 W.O. W. Bids. I JTWraes. wr. riesi, ,Lii7 nsi. oua j -..- retital Rooms 151T Doualaa. D M4 ' Tfn vmtlLl hloor"- 101 7 DouS'aa. u. nm. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices: trelKht paid on til orders; catalogues free. Sherman A Me Conneli Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. Ill N. 16th. Terma ELECTRIC MOTOR , REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO. Raa Bid. D. 287$. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. Q4 Bea Bldg. Red $056. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, 'aids, knlf. sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all slses and styles; hemstitching, point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work, butlonholea, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas . Block. Douglas U?34. - FURNACES AND TIWWORK. HABERSTROH. 4MI Hamilton. Wal. m. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 1804 Farnam St D. 809a I. HENDERSON. 1814 Douglaa. D. 1158. Member Florist Telegraph Dei. Assn. HESS A 8WOBODA. Kit Farnam St A. TJONAOHTTE. ISM Harney. Doug. 10W, Fl KHIERS. BAM KNEETEH. 1"20 Farnam. Red 4834. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WD replate everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1220 Harney St Est, l&st INSTRUCTION. English. French. Instruction. 806 Lyric Bid JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE, 611 Pax ton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public, deposition steno. C. W. BRITT. 801 Baker Block. LANGUAGES. Languages taught; . grtVats or classes, Web. 6"64. LADIES TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Formerly with .Miss Fox. Open for busi ness; satisfaction guaranteed. 407 Paabk. LIUIITI.NU FIXTURES, WIRING. DURKIN Thomas. Douglas 2511, aj vj uiwit j, Cuming Bt LIVE STOCK iUMnlHION. MARTIN BROS. It CO..Vchsnr'e Bldg. MOTORCYCLES. HA RUST-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Roos. The Motorcycle Man." iruj Leavenwonn. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. lis. tion ploture machine and film bargains. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, news ctrsrs. sandy 1PJ Para. OSTEOPATHY PUYSUIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. (18 Bea Bldg OCULISTS. glyas rxanUned, gls can, pta McCarty a fitted ia, .. UU W.O. W. Bids?. PATENTS. D. O, BaroalL Paxton Blk. Tat Red till. H. A, Bturges. 43t Brandels Tbeaier Bldg. rAI.TISQ AND PAPERING. HUGH M'MANUa 417 N. 40th. H. Sm PILLOWS AND RKDDINU. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses wtsds to order or remsde. 1107 Cumitig. D. tK. PLUMBS CLEANED. Dyed, msda ovee' D. Elsele. 11 City Net PRINTING. WATER SUB ARNH ART Pt. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 1190. 624 & ISth St. CENTRAL PRjNTlNO CO.. DOUa t7S4. DOUOLAS lrlntlng Co Tel. Douglas 444. STOVE AND 1'UIINACB REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS-Water fronts, furnace n00,1'"' til Q'i!K. VTVe- Omaha Stove Repair Wks, latvg Douglas St. Tyler 30 SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS Q A TTITC upcn'di rPJrl. comb. Oil1 120 chns"Jv. E- Daven- SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Btsndard Scale Co.. 81$ 8. 12th. D.l SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., s'hoe repair, m S. n Parley Shoe Rep'r. Co.. $004 Farn'm. R.$44 SEWINU MACHINES. We rent. repair, sell needles and parts for nil sewing maolUivaa, MIUKEL'S," NEBRAS1CA CYCLE CO.. 16th and Harney. Douglas ltMl STEEL CEILING! CARTElf Sheet Metal Company. Ill) g. 10, STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. 1m m """ showcases, shelv- A Kuni ' r.We .bujr' Be"- Oh'al'a Fixture bPPly Co., 414-18-18 8. 12th. Doug. $724. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. Uth. T, $28. TAILORS. CHART, LANDe"rTOU. 108 N. Mth Bu TRUNKS AND AUITCASKS." FRELINO A STEINLK. M0 Farnam 8t TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RoiNv-r?i,ver. tyirtter S mo. for $4. Oliver Typewriter Agency. 1906 Farnam! BTTATy.PSwr,.tor Exchange, 31$ S, llta St. All makes for sale or rent. R2NwL l'Remlnrton." no Jst a type wrlter. Low rent. Call Douglaa 12i7 WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 2d A. Paxton Bk., 1 yr. eip. WEDDING 8TA.IONERY. Wedding announcements. Dtxg, Ptg. Co. WINES AND Lit IVORS. ALEX' JETES. 201 S. 11th St. Wines liquors, cigars. Plate dinners U to 1. lOo. -wimi avi, a en-cent lunch. MEDICAL 1- tp"El2' FITULA CURED! Dr. EL R. Tarrv nnr nil ....,,1. other rectal dlseaaea without surgical operation Cure guaranteed and no Bionev paid Until cured. Wriu, sJTT JST f a ,L'l testimonial, DR. - -, i, e oiag. RHEUMATISM tre-t.' ..,oo.....N- ' JT sulfa (uaranted. Dr. Bowser, $14 Bee Bids. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, suits guaranteed. Dr. Bowser. 814 Bee I Bldg. RLPTURk, cured In few daya without Call or write Dr. Wray, ft Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established liii a FOR RENT Apartments sit Flats. 18-ROOM modern Hat, $707 Dodge, $17 60. Key at Sommer Bros., 28th A Farnam. FIVE-ROOM, steam-heated apartments. The Mason, 81st and Mason Sts., $40 00. Conrad Young, 322 Brandels Theater. Douglas 1571. . . ANGELUS APT.. 26th av. and Douglas. One large 4-room apartment; I brass vanishing beds, soundproof, fireproof, automatic elevators; strictly modern. Hsmey 2074. il 1' st- 6r- ,nod- fat. lower. $27 .60. 614 So. 27th Pt.. 6-r. mod. flat upper. $25. These are good flats and close In. . C. O. CARLBERO, $1$ Brandels Theater Bldg. Famished Apartsuestts. ILIj h.a.r6 ,urn- apt. with refined lsdy. Tel. louglas 5W. Board aae Rooaaa. Furnished Rooma that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding houses of ths high est class will be found In the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler io&2 BT. MARY'S AVE., walkta dis tance; 1 gins. $4 60 each. Board A Room, $5 60. 2M3 Capitol Ave. ROOM and board, steam heat; hot and cold water. $4 60to $8. M sV ath St Neatly furnished rms, quiet borne, break, fast If preferred- ttOS St., Mary's Ave. BOA RD and rt ims $3 wk. If 14 1xuk'h. THE Chatham'hotel for gentlemen. Rates to permanent guesta. 110 8. 13th. D. sua. Farnuin St., 2107 Nicely furnished rooinaT steam heated; close In. Douglas $71$. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL SANFOHD. lkth anj Farnam. rtuiv.u in rttiLT. awn and Farnam, Board and rms.. Mod. price. 80$ 8. loth St llriinkrc ttuuaua. THE JAM Under new management: Urge, neatly furnished, warm rooms, lot n. mtn Bt. ST. KIAKV ii AVE., .iot-l'leasunt room for gentleman: modern. NICE, large furnished room for ono or two resne 'table a. nrl-men- rrlv t- m - fljr: breakfast If desired. $308 Web. II. 4MI. GENTLEMAN desiring fine room in modern home, hot water heat; reason sble walking distance, phone Harney Slas, WEST FARNAM, front room, walklni distance. Harney l:JM. Furtilahed or uiilniiilnned. 424 8. 20th. I ROOMS, with alcove. tu 8. ;'4th St. PARK Ave., K16. For rent, new and neatly furnished room; private him': close In. BACHELOR Apia.; I rms. $v$ S. 26th St GRATSTONE HOTElI Elegantly furnished rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water: rat i - ita Casa Bt. Neatly furnished, reasonable. 4 S. Ust St LARGE, neatly furnished. 810 No. 14tnT , , Uiralaed Hoasss. ' . mo' ht water heat, to adults; ref. exchanged. 1311 S. Ave. T. 2U3. Faralaked lloaas. ' SEVEN nnnua fiiDvtuiren An an tn. m ... i . ... . : . .. -.v I..' I.I . , -- ,,vu.v tn weal rinum il'J, rUKint L'S,0" P' Webstar - 'VUB US SS IrV., aeeytaar HtMiaas. t SOUTHEAST light housekeeping rooms. nicely furnished. 808 8. 2it bt """ Ksrslikrd Heasekeepla, Hooaaa. Neatly furnl h. k. rooma Tiler Mo) W. or-4: furnished or not 8jo$ Howard. (CONTINUED ON PAGE ELEVEN) COLUMN ONE. s