THE 11LE: OMAHA. MONDAY, bKPTBMItElt 27. 1915. 7 SWAPPKIW (DLVMX TFU'l'K ne-hslf ton tru-k, Interna tional: Hood running orW, for whut isv you Artdra t. C, 2M, I !. TnvTn-F. xT-eT i o r motorcycle. Will trade for horn. Phone gtfilt. Council Bluffs. TYPEWRlft:lVnderwod, visible; per fert (hap. Will trade tht machine for cabinet Vlclrol or email Oraflex camera. Address 8. , Bee. WHAT hnve you for the genuine punc ture urn I for auto tire, or for my easiness outrlKht. AdJreSC M6, Bea WIUtrmda new Jnrubator. attll In tha crate, for cook tovr or ranse of equal value. Address 8. C. It27. Bee. ron ket A part meat aa Flata. The For Rent advertisement apiear1nf In tha Vor Rent column of Tha Dee dally cannot he beat for variety that will pleas and fill tha needa of any one desiring to rent. Phone Tyler tOiO. BLEOANTL.Y furnished, quiet home. 23 Howsrd St 7-R. APT.. I hatha, sleeping porch, large roome, beautifully finished, strictly up-to-date: large porch In front; private; for tent l)ct. 1. ClarlndH Apia., H. 13!. MOPERX S and 3-rnom apartmenta; hot water; deeping purcliea; J5 and Uo. 1613 Vinton Ft. FOR RBNT-A nice 6-room modern flat, tiuated on car line. In good locality;! 1 II " , HP! III' IHIIl HUH r-rtw. w-v, X'.eaven worth. I'hone Harney 311W. o-H., I1 N. 21st., dose In, mod. ex. heat. good condition, izi.nv. HASTINGS HKVUKN. W Harney Ft. i3-ROOM modern Hat, J7W Dodge, 3;t7.50. Key at Bommer Bros.. Uh A Fa mum. S-ROOM8. VICTORIA. 17 B. TTth, new. built-in bod. close In, -mt-baeement; 11M year 'roun4. t-ROOtos. ROTAU I3 B. rth, clce In, nearly new, built-in lied; 377.30 year 'round. HASTINGS HETDENj161Jlarney St J-room apt. In St. Clare. Tel. Har. 647. FIVE-ROOM, steam-heated apartments. The Meson. 31st and Mason SL.i., 340.00. Conrad Young, 3a Brandeis Theater. OotiRlas 171. ANOm.l'rt AI'T.. lh ave. and lougla. One large 4-room apartment; 2 braes vanishing bela, soundproof, fireproof, sutomatlc elevators; strictly modern. Harney 2074. Farnlahed Apartsueate. . WILL share 3-r. furn. apt. with refined lady. Tel. Douglas 63. Beard ama Rosm. Furnlatiert Rooma that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding houses of tha high est class will be found In the Furnished Room column of Tha Bee. Phone Tyler 1000. r2 6T. MARY'S AVE., walking dis tance; 2 girls, $4.50 each. Hoard & Room, $5.51. 2M3 Capitol Ave. ROOM and board, steam heat; hot and cold water. $4.60 to $. 3 B. 2th Ht HOARD and rooms. IS wk. 1X14 Poiialas. Neatly furnished rms quiet home, break faat If preferred. Z408 St. Mary's Ave. THE Chatham hotel for gentlemen. Rates to permanent guests. 110 8. 13th. I. W2. Fsrnam St., 2107 Nicely furnished rooms. steam heated; close In. Douglas 8712. ePKOIAI. IXW RATK3 TO FEIIMANBNT GL'USTS. HOTKL SAN FORD, lPth and Fsrnam. HOTEL, HARLEY. 20th and Kamwn. til 8. 2TH Modern rooms by day or week; 50o and up; Just off Farnam car Una. Rates by the week. Rooms and excellent board. MS So. 19 St. Board and rms.. Mod. prl:c. 809 8. 20tb 8L Faralsfeec Rooms. THB JAMES. Under new management: large, neatly furnished, warm rooms. 101 N. Uth St. ST. MARV iJ AVE.. 2004 Pleaaant room for gentleman; modern. NICE, large furnished room for ono or two respectable s-'ntlemen: rrlvate f urn Hr; breakfast If desired. 830 Web. H. 843. koom:mate wanted Lady occupying an apartment consist ing of living room, kitchenette, bathroom and alcove; located In downtown district wants congenial lady to share rooms with her. For Information aa to expense, etc, telephone Douglaa 4744. References required GENTLEMAN desiring fine room In modern home, hot water heat; reason able walking distance, phone Harney Mita. WB8T FARNAM, front room, walking Furnlhhed or unfumlxhed. 424 8. 30th. 2 ROOMS, with alcove. 839 S. 24th St Faralshed Butai, PARK Ave., ilS. For rent, new and neatly furnished room; private home: close In. BACHELOR Apts.; I rms. 4 S. 26th St GRAT8TONE HOTEL. Elegantly furnished rooma, steam heat hot and cold water; rates reasonable. MZt Cass St Neatly furnished, reasonable, ft 4 S. 21st Bt LARGE, neatly furnlshedT 810 NoT Mth. t'sifaralatied Hooaaa. 4-R. mod., hot water heat to adults; ref. exchanged, lau 8. 26th Ave. T. 21&2. Hoasekerplasr Roums. 2 SOUTHEAST light housekeeping rooma, nicely famished 808 8. 21st St FariUhrd Hosiektfplsg Rooms. Xestly furnl. h. k. rooms. Tyler 8402 W. H or 4; furnished or not, mon Howard. Uafaralahvd lloaaekt-eplna; Roams. 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, with bath, newly renovated, use of telephone. Rent lit Inquire HW No. 27th St Houses and Cottages. North. BEMIS PARK. $ 6evorroom modern, double hooue. $2 Five-room modern, fuel furnlahed. Telephone Walnut 2.H2. tX)R RENT 3202 Seward St., five-room cottage: water, gas, toilet: corner lot. Inquire 615 N. $0th. Tel. Harney 2!1. MOD., g-r.. garage, $40. H. 241t 707 N. 33d. T-ROOM house, mod., close-in. Tel. Dj 4ji. tROOM cottage. Ul S. 28 Lh St, I1&. W'atar Paid. ONE t-room cottage, Ml No. ilnh Ave. Inquire next door north, city water, toilet Inside. SEVEN-ROOM house, modern except furnace, with barn. 30th and Indiana Ave.. Ilg. Benson 145-W. POPPLKTON AVE. HOUSE Near 23d, seven rooms, every convenience; fin condition; from Oct 1. $ii. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Rldg. oath. Mu HICKORT Cloae to car line, nearly new 6-r. mod. house, cement basement and laundry. $22-10. Tel. Doug. S817. H. C. Van Avery, 1710 So. 2th St. HOUSE of U large rooms. 1210 H. 11th Si; electi lo light and furnace; $30 per mo.; TeL Douglaa 672 or call at residence. S-ROOM house, all modern except heat B. 18th 8t. Phone Douglas Tina. S-R. eottue: mod 112: HIS S. 4th 57 4-r. cot; S. to colored: 2221 Pacific. Nice a-r.. oaseraent; M; 2322 Pierce. Tyler 2irj. DANDY first floor, big house, no rent to th right party. ia."i a. S.M St.. Kan. scorn park. 6-ROOM modern house; large yard with 'oU ' shade. $22 60. Sm 8. 19th. Phone Tyler ti J. 7-ROOM. mod., new, oak finish; blocks aowniown; sava car fare. 112 8. 26th Av.. $31 W. 616 S. 2Sth Art., 8 rooma, modarn. $30. Be quick. Harney 63au. 6-R. mod., lit. 2611 Pierce. tT- vV. WhI. J-ROOM cotUgs. Ill S. 28th 8t, tl. WaUr FOR RENT 7-room house, located at kU i.iiiMwnn. wni weuater IMO. 'LC6fc, IN. walking distance. 2M lKMge, 6-rootn modern house, good condition; cheap at 62b. Key at 2H0. W. W. Mit chell. Owner, U Spencer St. Web. 48,6. FOR KENT 7-room house, located at Uli ueaveowortn. Kent. ib. wehster 2 SO. 4JU1 LAFATJDTTH, rooma. nioderTteiT rept heat: I car llnrs. $3(. II. 6o. Mlierlluuruua. 4-ROOM, nice home piace. $9. Har. J'S7. 6-R. Cetta, l'Hl ftu. 23d. U.M Tyler 2171 von ItF.NT lloaara and tot tee's. MUrrllaieaM, Maggard's SsiyS ln. packing, shipping. 1711 Webster fit IVhiems M 7-room modem house, 517 Seward. Tel H . 743. FIDELITY FSEE Phons Pmcls m for complete Hat of vacant houses and apartments; also for toraae. niovlnn. Kth ani Jackson St Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, pack, ships; 8-hore van anj t men, II tt per hr.; stores 32 per mo. Satisfaction mar. I). 33 at Ty. 330. TTnnana Crelgh Bona Co., BM ldg. II OUSeS , u pBrt. Cf the city. SKK the Central Furniture Store HENTAb LIST fr-n.. 6:14 8. 34th Ave., clone In, mod. ex. heat, A t condition. $22. SO. -r., 8. 24th Ave., mod. ex. heat walklnic diet., large yard, J2f. IIASTINU HKTPEN, U14 Harney PL Jf T" J Ep. Co., moving, KGPfl ruck "if storage. VU.VAA xw rarnam. D. 144. Gordon Van Co. SB Storage. 119 N. 11th St. Tel. D $M or Har. 17. GOOD auto sales room on Fsrnam Bt very reasonable rc. Tel. noug. wk DANDY, 5-room roltsg, modern, ex. best. 4002 N. 2th St., $16. Can giro carpenter work right nlong and apply on rent, tmi epster I3. MOD. houfie, K r., bath, gas, electric lWht. oak rinisn. itu on N. 20th. Tel. II. 127. tore aad Office. T.AnOE music studio, part time. P. $704. STtiRK room for rent In Murray Hotel Bldr. Inquire Mr. Kitchen, Paxton hotel. LARC.E ROOM, under skylight, reason able. Inquire 320 So. l&th, upstairs. Dniilf. Mi7. IKSllt.BLE storeroom, W North Ifith St. Conrad Young, 3T2 Brandeis Thea ter. PourIhh r7 1 . WANTED TO HUT OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J i, a . iw. . , . .r . ia-,"ii, i.i r nrottill. I 'inir. niw. GAS ramie and refrigerator for apart ment. Tel. Red 6154. Tale buys every trinit 2nd hand. Web. MKH. HIGHEST prices for old clothing, t 14. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent hotel, 16 to 26 rooms, furnished: write terms and condition. Box 98 Grand Island. Neb. BOARD and care of child and room for mother. Address, P 164, Bee. "WANTED For six months, furnished or unfurnished apartment of not less than 6 rooms, In desirable neighborhood. REAL KSTATK FARM. A RtrH LAND FOR ItlK A .La FtR SAI,R K-acre fruit and poultry f.mi In ,Vta 1-b.I-. 7,M n 1 ISl .... I. trcca, 99 chickens; good Improvements; crops mciuiiea. jonn itictui, ouoam d'i iiiptn, hi noinitn Callforala. Llv Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Smith Co.. S! 14 City Nat. Hk. D. Ui Colorado. IOWA BARGAIN Want to meSa to Omaba. Have nous. In East Des Moines, new In 1909, good barn, two good sheds, brick chicken bouse (will leav the chicken In lt. all thre lota facing east good location, two blocca trom car, not too clone to tow a, sum improvements, will sell cheap for ea h, will make arrangement 'or pay ments. Address u 946. uo. I MlasMuts. 240 ACRES, 45 mile from Minneapolis, one mile from town: iw) acre under cultivation: balance used for pasture; can practically all be cultivated; heavy oil; good set buildings, consisting of 6 room house, large barn, granary, corn cribs, wind mills, etc.; tha land will pro duce 60 bushels of corn per acre; tele phone In house; country thickly settled: complete set of machinery; 27 head of stock, consisting: of 11 cowa. balanoo 1 and 2-year-olds; six good horses, 26 bog, chickens: one-half of this year ci-od and everything on the farm goes at $M) per acre, nair casn. BcnwaD wros., iiua Plymouth Rldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Mlssoorl. GOOD HOMES In South Missouri, cheap and on easy terms, writs m for & rices. J. C. Wrnkoof. Mountain View, lo. I IMPROVED south Missouri 40-acre farm $1,200. Good soil, rouda and schools close to railroad town. Improved 80 acres, $1,900. We have some choice unimproved land at $16 per acre on easy payment In tract of 10 acre up. People are getting rich there. Literature free. C. Merriaj. Ellla ricnton. Kansas City, Kan. JnloataMa MONTANA Irrigated lands best In th world for wheat oaW, alfalfa and stock; close to town, railroad, school and churches; $41.60 to $60 per acre on fifteen year' time; annual payment less thaa rentals on middle west farms: writ to. day for particular: illustrated pamphlet and map free. Valler Farm Sale com pany. Box 1002. Valler. Mont FOR BALE Best large body high-grade medium priced land In Nebraska; very little money required C. Bradiey, W el bach. Neb. W. O. TEMPLETON City property, lands everywhere, farm, ranches, loan and Insurance. Ask about aoy orchard proposition. X Bee Bldg. Wltnssls. UPPER WISCONSIN Beat dairy and general crop state In the union; settler wanted; lands for sale at low price on eaay arms. Ask for booklet $4 on VYUoon tn Central Land Grant Excellent land for slock raising. It Interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchard. Address Land and Industrial Depart, So Line Railway. Minneapolis Mnn si ImlUatvai. HAVB TOU A FARM FOR 8 ALE Writ a good description of your bind and send It to th Sioux City, la., Journal, "Iowa Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-fiv word ovary Friday evening. Saturday irornlng and every Saturday evening and Huaday morning for on month, giving sixteen ad on twelve different days tor $2; or 6$ words, $4, or 76 words, $6. largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, 2JO,bu0 reader dally in our great tales. REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY to loan on eastern Nebraska Im proved farms for 6, 7 or 10 year at t per cent on aipount of lsss than $2,600; 6H Per cent on 12. OU) to $26,uuO and per cent on amounts of $16,000 and over; pay able semi-annually, with liberal prepay ment privilege; loans to bo dosed by Jan uary 1, 116. No fees or commission charged. E. R. Stephenson, Special Loan Agrnt, CIS First National Bask Bldg., Lincoln. Nb. Ilw TO l.uuu made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead B'.dg., IMh A Farnam Bta CITY and farm loans, 6, 6, 4 per cent J. H. Dumont A Co.. 414 htate Bank. A "For fcale'' ad will turn second-hand" furniture into cash. WANTETj Good farm and city loans at lowest rati PKTER4 TPUISl CO, 1! Famara. FARMS and city loans at lowest rates. TO LAND s TRUMUl LL. M Be Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska f O KEKFK REAL ESTATE CO. 101$ Omaha National. Phone Douglas 3713. MONEY on hand for city aad farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National bank Bldg CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W H. Thomss Ta Htae Bank Bldg. ftc i CITT I.OAN8, C G. Carl berg. 3ift u' II Brandeis Theater Bldg. 6EK us flritt tor farm loans In eastern Neb. United Htatea Trust Co.. Omaha, RKAL ESTATE ACREAGE FOUR ACKH FOR BALK. Orchard and alfalfa; high, sightly fixa tion: no finer In the city: three to flv blocks from two srk and two street inr linrs; contains 24 platted lots: & Hluoine's addition. A'llr.i, Ulti No. 4nh 8t.. or tall Walnut U4. j 1 RFAI, ESTATE FOH E.TCHANOB HIGHLY IMPROVED. Frontier county, Nebraska, quarter to xchanga for tmtaha property or acreage near Omaha, suttabl for country home. Get busy quick and get owner share of Uils year's "bumper crop," C. R. COMBS. $31 Brandeis Theater Iougla tail FOR SALE or trade, 6-room house; mod ern except heat Wl N 1th. GENERAL merchandise, grocery or mov ing picture show or cheap laud wanted for my acres. Irrigated, bast of soil, alt level and fenced all around; about 6 mllea northeast of KVrt Morgan, Olo. : Incum bered for $1,7M; equity $4,100. $40 Burt St., Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE NORTH RIDE CHOK E bulldlttf lots, 64 N. 27th St. mane porn rue mim I'uose, r uoue Harney 70H9, NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Equity of ll.ono to trade for good lot or $00 cash. Phone Webster 4134. NEW 7-room, strictly modern, built by owner for home. Miller pk. dst Open for Inspection today. 2437 Crown Point Ave. FOR RENT or sale, 4-roora bouse, all modern, boat of condition; lots of shade, nice yard; can bo bought on reasonable terms or rent for $26. Inquire 6126 N. 23d St. Phone Webster 2A . OWNER sell 6-room. modern house, east front full lot KU N. 23d. $00 cash, balance monthly. Web. 437$. FOR HALE at a sacrifice T-room Kountas filace horns. No better built house In y. Owner leaving city. Call Ws hater 7216. BEST BUY ON AMES AVENUE. Nice T-room house, all modern con veniences, corner lot. on car line: 1 block from 34th car. Tel Webster 643. FOR PALH or rent. 6r. house, blk. fron. Miller park and school. 6721 N. 28th Ave. Phone owner, Web. 3207. SMALL brick house and t Iota, I blocks from car line and school; rented; should have $300, but must have money. Price, $7"0; $1M cash, balance $10 par month. 3224 Ms pie St Phone Webster Stiufc. t , , r I REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE MY 3-r houe sit mod , hot ester heat (2d, near Hanscom Park, $5,600; a bar van. Owner, aolo . 3Jd Ave. tl. 7616. REAL ESTATE WEST RtDH FINE CORNER Northwest corner 30th and Cass, abotrt 43 feet east front on 80th and 33 feet south front on Cass, also next lot north, 40 ft. east front on 30th. All Improvements la street Any reasonable offer on either or both of these lots will be considered. They hav to be sold In th next few day. C. M. RYLANDER, 8M Omaha National Bank. REAL ESTATE: SUBURBAN. "loreaee. See Nethaway for that farm. Floreno 223. REAL ESTATE: MISCELLANEOUS 1,200 IiAskets of Grapes Off 700 Vines Apple, plums, peaches cherries, cur rants, raspberries, gooseberries. Brand new, 'strictly mod. 6-room house just be ing finished; cemented cave connected with full basement; 3 acres land, $400. win take small cottage for part Owner, Pllaa Wright 62d and Bprajruo Bta. Ben son w. FIVE-ROOM house: full lot: rood condl- tlon; good wsll and cistern; electric light; paved sidewalk; close to school and oar; $1,100; IM cash and $13 a month. Phone South B03. 1630 Washington. FOR SALE 6-room house, modera, ac cept heating, In good condition, shad tree and nice yard; reasonable price. $647 Charles St Phona rvsnlags WaL 3M7. Sam Howe's Show, "The Kissing Girls," Off Wdlat Gayety Bam Howe's "Kissing Girls' " show at the Gayety Is already popular, with only one performance here so far. At least his girl were immensely popular last night and they are the biggest part of the show. Ths performance Is sparkling and xcstful, full of sprightly maids, clever dancing, beautiful wardrobe and laugh able fun and really appeals to the aud ience. Headed by three stars, Sam Howe, Florence Mills and Eva Mull, the com pany looks like a regular firmament so pleasing are practically all the players. Including the large chorus. In one of the numbers last night th crowd was not appeased until every member of ths company had sung the chorus alone. Sev eral of the girls attracted unusual atten tion. Including Blanche Roberts, Jan Van Horn and others. Florence Mills, a tunning' beauty, has a good voice. Is graceful and display gorgeous gowns. Miss Mull, a dainty soubrette, also has a winning way, while Stephanie Anderson displays marked skill as a danoer. Vera Desmond, Mas Lenoir, Butler Manderville, Hal Plerson, Anthony Cortelll. Harry Prescott and Charles Mo ran also contribute enjoyment to the mu sical proa-ram, all being good singer and dancers. Bam Howe creates constant hilarity with his oorolcaJ character work. Ths settings and wardrobe deserve spe cial attention and tha musical hits are numerous. INDIANS SAY SIGNS SHOW A LONG AND COLD WINTER Old-time Indians says every sign Indi cates the approach of a long, cold winter. They say squirrel already have begun storing up nuts, the bark on tree Is thicker thaa ordinary, th summer has been abnormally cool and wet, the migra tion of birds has already started, and that a doaen other signs, which, accord ing to the aborigines never fall, all ge to .forecast a severe winter. It Is noticeable that the Indiana are making unusual preparaUona for winter. For the first time in year they have stored up a surplus of fuel aad food, and they are advising their white brethren to do likewise. PARK AVENUE DRUG STORE IS HELD UP BY BANDIT Four customers, besides tha night man ager, In th Park Avenue Phramaoy, Pa cific and Park avenue, failed to deter a negro bandit who entered th place, and at ths point of a revolver obtained $50 from th cash register. He made his escape after warning those In the tor not to follow. SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS STOLEN FROM UNDER PILLOW Walls hav eye Is th belief of James Pasuros, Concordia, Kan., employ ef th Burlington, who Is lodging at tD. Har ney. He told th polio that a pot a pockst book containing $700 In hundred -dollar bill under his pillow. N on was looking, hs said to th polio last night. When he awoke the pocketbook had vwniatved. Help Weak Ktdaere mm Lssiaase. Get a 36c bottle of Sloaa's Liniment, apply on back and take sis drops four times a day All druggists. Advertisement. BRIEF CITY NEWS Wsdaias; Stlatrs Kit holm, Jswslee. star sVeot Frlnt f New Tftaaeon Mil L4ghklasT 3ntar Oarresa-Orasde. Oossalsaa 2swr Frrras alssstfted sMUns today, aad aopaar) fea Tha Boa JtCLUIVELT. rind out what lb various snoring picture theater rfwr. Ask for Slroro Mr. Ell V, Orl. wold has brought suit mr alvorca against Frank M. Orlswold, alleging desertion, Ksap Tonr Mosey and valuables lit the American Bafe IVposit Vault, fls fViuth Seventeenth street bo Building. Boxes rent $1 for three months. Open from a. m. to 6 p. m. Tot Safsty rtrtrt In Uf Insuranc see W. II. lndoe, general agent Rtate Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Worces ter, Mas., one of the oldest. 71 years, and best companies on earth. Breaks 3Uba la Fall Joseph Prod'.n, carpenter, 1260 Park Wilde avenue, fell from the second floor to the basement of an unfinished building Friday evening and suffered a scalp wound and two broken ribs. Christian Bad savor U Install Tin Christian Endeavor union of Omaha will have Its annual Installation of officer at th Third Preabyurtan church. Twen tieth and Leavenworth, Monday evening, September IT. round la OwaJPlllad Boom Mrs. Hat tl Johnson, aged 24 years, wife of a teamster, Mvtng at 1T North Twenty first street was found unconscious In a gas-filled room thl morning. 8he was revtred.. Pollcs believe It a oase of at tempted suicide. No motive for tha woman's supposed act Is known. sTpdr rtned Th following men were arraigned til police court, charged with exoeedlng the speed limit' John Flke, Twenty-second and Lothrop streets, was fined 32S and costs, suspended sen tence; C. IX Marshall. 3210 Sherman avenua. n and costs, and A. Well, 1704 Lake street. $20 and costs, suspended ten tanca. Balay Bout Bids IHvtmrComrnU stonor Jaxdlne of tha public Improvement department has been assured by a repre sentative of the Kettle River Stone com pany that 4.360 yard of paving along th Hootor boulevard In the South Side will be re laid this year. The work was done under a guarantee of five year, whloh la nearly up. Sew Snstnessj atasagss far Oonuxeree Arthur- Anderson, who was elected bus iness manager of the High School of Commerce paper last Wednesday, has re slrned. and Arthur Lupinskl has been chosen as his successor. Mr. Wood and Miss Hlatt teacher at the commercial school, have bean appointed as th ad visers of the Commerce paper staff. Opeaias; Ball The event of the weak will be the opening ball given at th sew Da Lax Panctng academy, located at 10T-M1 South Eighteenth street oppo site the Fontenelte. This Is the largest and1 most up-to-date dancing academy In tha state. Tou are Invited to attend th grand opening, Thursday evening, Sep tember 30, Rohan's eight-piece orchestra. Admission 36 cents. Staff of Gateway Is Made Publio Mies Pearl Oaines, editor of the Gate way, th student monthly publication at the University oC Omaha, baa selected heads of the class departments. They are: Ruth Peter, class of 1911; Ruth Sand land, 1317; EMher Knapp, 1313; Lillian Andersen. Hit; Luclle hXy, preparatory department; Rita Carpenter, Oateway club; Gladys Tallmadgn, locals; Roy O reeling, Toung Men's Christian associa tion! LI Ulan And arson, Toung Woman's Christian association; Bffl CXslland. Dra- matlo dub; Floyd Wooslsy, athletics; v .... uorotny McMurray, aomesuo science; Irene Wilson and Fwrn Gilbert, squibs; Robert Clark, staff artist and Amy Zschau, exchanges. The staff that will have the publica tion In hand: Pearl Gaines, editor; Mr. Thomas Waters, assistant editor; Samuel Slotky, business manager, and Floyd Woosley, assistant manager. No Excuses Go with Cruel-Hearted Cops "Nearly- being converted and "almost" hitting the sawdust trail failed to move th polio last night when two women were arrested by Detectives Williams, Holden. Cunningham and Berts, for al leged unladylike action on th streets. When th women got to headquarters they wept. "W were over to bear Mr. Sunday and we bad resolved to travel freight hereafter," they declared. "We wer net doing anything wrong." Captain Dempsey told thsra that If they had hit tha trail and than "back slid" he would hav been willing to give them another chance, but, drcumstanoes being as they were, he felt compelled to keep them In Jail untft Judge Foster heard their stories. UFETIMF OF TRAVELING STARES HAIGHT IN FACE Andrew Height of Brooklyn arrived In Omaha yesterday en his way around the world by th novel method of earning his own living. Height is 63 year old, but he nay that hs has walked only a fraction over five miles and ha Journeyed 36,300 miles through most of th eastern states. He is to visit th capital of every state In th union. H carries letter from th governors of every state he has visited o far. After h finishes th rounds of this country he plans to visit every for eign country In similar fashion, hs says. COMMERCIAL HIGH TO HAVE OWN ORCHESTRA Th Commercial High school has Just started an orchestra. It has now ten pieosa, hut It Is believed that It will be raised to about twenty when th tryoute are ompleted. Mr. Adams, principal of th school, has promised the commercial department of the Stat Teachers' association th us ef this orchestra at their annual con vention, which will be held In Omaha this fall Mis Bkialo Sneer Is directing th orchestra- PICNIC IN SCHOOL ROOM INSTEAD OF IN THE PARK On aooount of rain th Christ Child eeiety picni was held to th school room ef at PhUomeaa's church Satur day. Instead of at Rlvervlsw park, as had been planned. Th plonle was the annaal affair gtvea for th children of th sewing classes. Th eetlng was la charge of th afflosrs: Mrs. at R. Murphy, president; Mr. John A. Mo Cham., vie president; Miss Julia Mul len, second vlos president; Miss Blanch Klnsler, secretary, and Miss Nettle Bush inea, treasurer. COMRADESHIP THE KEY TOJAPPINESS Rer. T. J. Mackty Tells Trtreliiif Men Secret of How (o Really Enjoy Life While Here. ST. XTTER'S "SAWDUST TRAIL" "Comradeship la one of th most important esocntlala to a happy and u-cessful life and an essential you men have an opportunity to promote and enjoy to the utmont," said ller. T. J. Markay before local Post A of the Travelers' Protective association, congregated at the Paxton hotel Saturday evening for the flrtt of a ae rie of monthly entertainments to he given throughout the winter. Hew to He Happy, "Keep off tha aide ltnea of pleas ure and stick to the main bualnets of comradeship If yon want to hare real happiness. Mak a business of get ting together as brothers." went on Rot. Mr, Mackay. "Ths reason th church has lost Its grip on ths world Is because It has gon Into aids lines, and tilt it gets back to ths original path of promoting the brotherhood of man, revivals and conversions will be of little good, especially when based on emotional hysteria. Com radeship Is the keynote. "Why are most of th churches of Omaha dosed and their congregation flocking to Sunday's tabernacle T Com radeship is the answer. 'Hilly Runday is a justness man, as you no doubt are weU aware. II sees this point, and aided by the best organisation since the estab lishment of Barnum A Bailey. I giving the people something that they evidently can't find In their own church. Clergy men hav lost this business principle, evi dently. For after all. when you get down to brass tacks, preaching la a business. Conditions In this city at present are something appalling. With th sep tion of the Catholic, Episcopal and Im thsran churches, practically all the rest have closed their doors and their con gregations have walked out, as much as to say, "Good-bye, Ood; we can't find you here, so we're going down to 'the taber nacle.' That la a fin condition or affaire, and la traoeable to a lack of comrade ship, "It 1 not gymnastics that the people want, but Just that feeling of comrade ship. As an example, Bt, Peter preached to th Jews on th Day of Pentecost, lie didn't do any aerobatics, nor did he preach a long sermon. He talked quietly and as man to man. And ha had 3,000 conversions. Bom sawdust trail, ah? "There are times when I feel like step Ping forward In th pulpit and saying, 'Tou can all go to somewhere, I'm through.' But this would right No, matter how discouraged ere all get, we should fight to help our brother. Strive for comradeship, you men. That's th way to help each other aad yourself, and mak of your organisation a brotherhood to th letter." At the conclusion of hi talk Rev. Mr. Mackay received great applause. For th 'i of th audleno It even outrivaled th "Billy" Sunday enthusiasm. Otto Wo hi ford, president of local Post A. Introduced Rev. Mr. Mackay to the traveling men, and following hi dianours I. P. Baas of Thomas Kllpatrick st Co. gavs an Interesting talk on "Bcientlfto Salesmanship." The Woodmen of the World quartet entertained with several selections, while a number cf songs, In cluding "America," were Joined In by the entire crowd. A baa solo by TU Rogers and a tenor number by John MoCrary were greatly enjoyed. Following the pro gram a spread Interested the majority of the crowd. The affair was arranged by Harry Patrick, who addressed a few re marks to the crowd; I L Carr and Charles Allen. Pioneer Hardware Merchant Is Dead A. J. Herns, pioneer hard war mer chant who conducted a store at Twenty fourth and Lake, died yesterday 'at his residence, 3814 North Twsaty-third street He was 66 year old and Is survived by his widow. The funeral will be held Tuesday morn ing at th residence, under th ausploes of the Masons. NEW ICE CREAM COMPANY IS ORGANIZED IN OMAHA Thomas Wampob of Cdar Rapt da, la., and secretary of th Iowa lo Cream Manufacturer' association, H. B, Gra ham and La Roy Corliss of Omaha hav announced they will Incorporate th Gra ham I o Cream company and begin the manufacture of Ice cream In Omaha. The company will operate temporarily In the present plant of Mr. Obrllae, but Intends to construct a nw plant in th near future, Mr. Wampob has moved to Omaha and will make this city hi horn. MISS LUCILE HINZIE FNTERTAINS HER FRIENDS On th occasion of her tenth birthday yesterday, Luclle H In ale entertained a number of her friends at her home. Hit Farnam street. Ak-Sar-Ben color were ueed In ths daooratlon schetn. Th fol lowing were present: Mabel Hlnils Josephine Drapler Oladys Fumes Ihmelda Bruechert Orao Kurnea Sue Harris Irene Lee Gladys Reese Violet lanil Iretta Ms hooey Ethel Stanley Reglna Oil 11 an iKtrothy Jrlttton Margaret Barr Katharine fcntrtkea Wlllard Harmon Merla Theinanaon Charles Hlnsl Madeline Miller Warren Hlnsl DEATH REC0R"d Mr. J eases rMnsn, Mrs. Jams rasmore, aged 33 f died Saturday morning at her home, 3S3I North Twenty-third street after an lit neas ef eight weeks. She Is survived by her husband, three daughters, Mr. C. J. Lyon, Miss Bmmt Pas mo re and Mr. J. W. Moore of Omaha, and a son living ln Kansas City. Funsral service will be held thl morn ing at W solock at the . resldenos, with Interment In Forest Lawn oemetary, Mr. and Mrs. Pas mo re celebrated their golden wedding anniversary flv year ago. ads raaasawrlala Coach esaedy. "Lest winter I used a bottle ef Chara bertala's Cough Remedy for a bad bron chial cough. 1 felt Its benertotal effect Immediately aad before I had finished th bottle I was cured. I never tire of recommending this remedy to my friend a" writes Mrs. William Bright. Port Wayns. Ind. Obtainable every where. All drug gist. -Advertisement. Joy Riders Smash Up Stolen Motor After wrecking the automobile of R. IA Rhaltncfc, SMI North Flfty-edath street, and narrowly escaping death, three young men who stole the car from la front of The Be building and who collided nith W. L Cramer, Flo-lies s part merits, made their getaway. The stolen car was speeding along rap- Idly when It struck the Cramer machine. Mr. Cramer managed to get away m good shape, but th stolen car was battered to fragments. The occupants lost no time In leaving the scene. Mr. Cramer said he did not think they were hurt. WOULD UNDO THE CITY COiffliSSlON Soath Side aad Dundee Betidenti 8eek Legal Advice on Manner to Perform Deed. FUTD WAT, BUT MUST WAIT TEAR Are th people of Omaha satisfied with tha commission plan of city government or do they want a changer The commission plsn was adopted for Omaha about four years ago and has been operative since May 1912, so the question raised is whether now, after consolidation Into Greater Omaha the majority sre of the same opinion as when they toted "yee" on the proposition. - It has corns to1 light that Inter ested parties, more particularly In Booth Omaha and Dundee, who have no representation on the present commission because chosen before the achievement of annexation, hav been seeking legal advice as to un doing the commission plan and going back to the old system 0f ward coun cllmoa which would insure a member from tho annexed territory. Find .One Provision. Looking up the commission plan law they have found a provision for a city to get cut of the commission plan clans In the same manner that It got Into It. The section relating to the abandonment of the commission plan applies to any city whloh may have operated for more than four years under the aet and prescribes the exact method of procedure. A petition must be presented signed by qualified elector of the city equal to 26 per cent of th highest vote Cast for any of ths oounctlmen at the last election, which In th eass of Omaha, would take about 1,000 name. The petition must be checked up and verified by the city clerk and the proposition submitted at a special election In th form of this question: flhall the" city or Omaha abandon Its organisation under th commission plan law and become a city under the general law of the state governing cities of the metropolitan class T" A majority Is sufficient to carry the proposition and If carried then at the next succeeding general city election the voters would choose again twelve councllmen from aa many different wards Instead of seven commissioners selected at large. Maat Walt I'atll Mar. The back of th schem admit that they hav met with thl obstacle, that the abandonment provided for under the com mission form law cannot be Invoked be fore May of next year when the four! years under the law will have been com pleted and. furthermore that If they should gain their point at a special elec-l tlon held at that time they could not reap the benefit of It In the form of a councilman to represent either South Omaha or Dundee before two years more should elapse because th present in cumbents would continue t serve out their terms Undisturbed. I "It would be ho trouble at all to get the required petition of 1000 names," de clared a lawyer who has been advised at th mora. "More than that number could be secured In South Omaha alon. A doubt has been raised, however, whether It U worth while aad whether more ef. fectlv action cannot be had la some other way.- BOB DUNCAN IS BACK IN OMAHA ON A FURLOUGH After be lnr atvsn us hv tu ri. - year ago a a goner. Robert D. Duams long connected with th water works. Is back again in Omaha on a furlough from the soldiers horn at Leavenworth. Mr. Duncan was first sent to th Battle Mountain aanitarlum. but the altitude failed to asTrce with him. enhila after ki transfer to Leavenworth, h mad steady progress to recovery. He said: "What'll we do tonight?" And she said: "Ob, I dunno whnt's doing f", Then he said: "Let 's ko to th' Movies!" And she replied: 'All right which one?" 0h, I don't care; where d'ya wunt t'got" "Well, III look in THK BEK an So: If TOU want to know which Movl to go to. Just tarn to th Classified pages of TUB BEE wprs you will find a column headed. "Today's Mori Pro grama" a feature which ap pears exxlaslraly la THB BEE every day. FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FORE. H.GROH Body of Omaha Man Who Wai Mis sionary to Honduras and Guate mala It Laid at Rest. CHOSE HIS WORK WHES A LAD Funeral service, were held for K. v N. a rob. Saturday at St. Mark's Lu-. theran chnrch. Key. C. N. Swlhart officiated, assisted by Rey. Dr. O. D. Daltsly, Rev. Dr. D. E. Jenkins, Rev. Luther Knhns and other. They spoks of the self -sacrifice of the missionary. Mr. Qroh was born a missionary, having chosen this work when but a lad. While a youth at Roanoke col lege, Roanoke, Va., ha did his first missionary work among tho colored people In the jail. Latter he went to college in San Diego, Cat, and Jn Canada, always being actlvs in his chosen work. Accepts Mtsatesi (all. . . While attending the Lutheran Theo logical seminary In Philadelphia an op portunity came It him to go to the Mis sionary school of New Tork. This was presided over by Mrs. Whlttemor. for merly a society woman of the metropolis, a woman of such strong faith that she had built vp th entire Institution with out taking 1 cent of contributions. All had come in response to her firm faith. Mr. Oroh was for a Urn tutor to hev children. Then he snd another man traveled through Pennsylvania, holding tent meetings, and twenty years ago h decided to go as missionary to tha inosi neglected fields directly south of this muntrv. Though h was erholastloally distin guished and could hav had high posi tions In this country, with ease and com fort of civilisation, he unhesitatingly gave himself to this work. Lives Primitive Life. Though be could have gon to the for eign field with an assured salsry from some missionary board, ha Insisted on go ing literally "without purs and without scrip." And so he continued throughout the score of years. Ills work was largely among the In diana In the remote mountain Tillages of Honduras and Guatemala, th primitive people, who had been almost entirely neglected In missionary endeavor. He re turned to the I'nlted States only ta lcs In the twenty years of his foreign work. He went through several sieges of trop ical fever and malaria before his strong constitution finally succumbed. ' Among those present at the funeral from out of the city were John Shank ef Chicago, a cousin; Abraham Eberly of Ootavla, Neb., a couvrin, and Mr. and- Mr. Charles A. Mory of Philadelphia, lifelong friends of Mr Oroh. and always deeply Interested In bis work. OLD AGE A CRIME! Bom peonl era young at 60 rl checked, ruddy and vigorous. Others are it Jp'n beginning to stiffen up 1L"U, nnln JT an loss Its springiness; occasional touches of pain In th back: feel tired wlthut caun.. and possibly a twiners of rheumatic pain 'n " cases, the ar the dancer I'""1" to "", that th kMneye fh7nr?-,m.Etl,r J"01" Ulr work tr foTl f.iJ ""t"Lth,Lt " always ID i!?? T' To nSlcl thee natural wsrnlngs is a crime against . ,VWU " th yni7tomn. &fKftl2tSmV Sen K Mfr' 'r, kidney Tfl bla OOLD MKDAI, Haarlem Oil Capsule are Imported direct from the lboraor I0o,-',.,TH,Jl!!in Pr",e are? lie, fteemenL rttb"utAdvr. i s imftsaimi n i I How Will Yoa lire Wlta Tsar Income Stop? Don't spend every dol lar you earn. Open a Savings Account' today. Save your money and let It work for you. Begin with 11.00. WB PAV INTEREST -4 on Savings Deposits. 4 on Time Deposits. , You can open an ac count and do all your banking by mall.