THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 191.". WANT ADS Wsnt ana received at any time, but to rneure prooer ciaaslficallon muat be pre-g-nted before II o clock noon for evening exllllon and 7:46 p. m. for morning end hinder edl'tona. V'ant ads received after uch hours will t under tha heading. "To Late to Classify." j CAFH BATES. , . even. Mnuli times, 1 cent a woro each It serllon. Two or mora consecutive tlmee, lVi cents word. On time, cents a word. CHAROS RATES. own eonaecutiv times, croti a una ao.-h Insertion. Three consecntlv times, 10 cents a, Tine each Insertion. One tune. 12 cents Una. . Count all (trni worda to a line. Minimum charge. 20 cents. An sdverttsement Inserted to he nm entll discontinued must ba stopped written order. . All claim for errors mnrt, he mans within fifteen daya after tha Uat Inser tion of tha advertisement. Tou ran place your want ad In Tha Baa by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER DB4TRI AND FUNERAL NOTICES. CACH8 Mra C Baeha. widow of Tart Sachs, aged T years, died mday morning. She ta survived by two aone and flva daughter Funeral, Monday, September 17, 10 a. in., from residence, BfflO Leavenworth. In-tat-ment Flovror Hill cemetery, near Hen nlrqrton. Neb. Friends Invited. TODAY'S I MOVIE I PROGRAM e n. Dawatawaw EMPRESS Sixteenth and Douglas VAUDEVILLE HEARST-SELIO NO, 75: CAP TAIN KIDD and DITTO LUB., COM. THE CALL, OF TUB SKA, 2 KEELS, ESS.. DRAMA. PRINCESS. 1.1M DOUGLAS. Tha Woman, tha Man and tha IJon, -r. drama. Tha Treasure Box. a Cub com. Tata, Cash and a Cook Book, comedy, Ner. curroN, hoi military ave. Diamond From the Sky. Also I extra reels, comedy and drama. GRAND, 1TH AND BINNEY. Phorty"! Ranch, -reel Broncho comedy. The Rajah'a Hacriflce, I-reel drama. LOTHROP .24th & Lothrop William Fox Preaenta tha King of the Hcreen, WILLIAM I'ANUM. IN THE PLUNDERER, A 6-Reel Maaterpleoe oath. APPOLO, 2824 LEAVENWORTH Cnder th. Fiddler' Elm, Luhln. Bunny Jim and the Amuaement Co., Lim ited, Vltagraph. Broncho Hilly Begin TJfa Anew. Eaa Wnl, MONROE. 2568 FARNAM Ueorge Klelne preaenta Delia CVnnor, In Who' Who In Society, a rollicking farce. ta BESSIE THEATER 24th &N ' Th Masked Dancer, I rwel Eldaey Drew com(lJ'. OKPHEUM. Mutual Weekly. Ilia Uuurdl&ii Angel. Hiiperatillnua Haminy. The Dark llorae. 24TH AND N. MOVIES FEATURES TODAY ORPHEUM. 24TH AND N. Diamond From the Sky. LOTHROP 24TH ANDLOTHROP" William Fox presents the king of tha screen, V llltam Karnum, In Tha Pdun darer, a a-reel Maaterplcture. MONROE. 1655 FARNAM. George Klelne present Delia Connor, tn Who Who In Society, a rollicking faros. ANNOUNCEMENTS BUS1NKSU COLLEQB STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. Fir aala. with good reaaons for selling. variety of oouraea In a reliable Hual. neaa School, one of the leading bualneaa college fcf Omaha. Will be eold vary caevnablavaway below recular prlre. If you are cotvelderlng taking a courae Investlsate thla at once, alnca Fall taruf nesim, aoop.. v all orrtte. Omaha Bee. Investigate Y. si. C.A. outs? park, summer. AUTOMOniLKS Whenever you are considering selling or buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you want, people wno are willing 10 pay ror what they are f siting you will have no regret If you uy or advertise through the used car eoiuma or in nee. fi,uue !r luoo. T1IH beat offer 1 get this week takes my l niir, Hunt touring car. It la lit Lrr t c ndkloo and a areat bar gain at If you want a good car heap thla ta tt. Id Urandela. Fbou ryicr jlm N iZ li riA t-KA Hulck Service Nation. 1Sl4 Farnam M phone Douxlaa Til O.NK iJil Cadlllaa roadster. fc-H. P.. In splendid condition, (an. Can be seen ai H arnam St. Indurtrlal Garage Co.. 80in A Harnry Bis. -CYI.INDLJK. t-pasa. auto. Ho0. Web. 7711 Oveiton e fur leaky raQiator. iuo, dealera Jil COLK CAR, s-cyltniler, iowl ion Oitlon, cheap. 1.1 j B. cih. Tel. I). 1 j liui. k autoa rur aale cheap. Inquire of HtsmUrd Oil Co, f' Hranii-ls Hlilg Ll.LCTHIc for amle thap; hstlerTrs and tlrea In gorxl cond I Man Tel. H. 1J BU'IRK rodler turtlft nil! 57ili"th 1'esfner, 't.k S. Hth St. l. g7iJ ai 1L1-.S of mileage in your old ii res (Kebuiill. tend tliem to DCO TIKE CO., sill III KJ fl. BLioirrLT iKra atto at a par. OAIN. W 1-71.1, WORTH COVSIDERX- HuidwiiM ! w VVoodt electrlo, rear and forward drive: com. apOulnliu ta. II. liil. aa-ri r -n i m nrsi.xEss chances If your Hustneaa Chance wfll stand riaciti i-iviuiK.o ana is Just what It la M-1-rHi.a, tr if ou ar iuuklna tu Start in bujunras lur youiseil you -Mill le i.r fo'-iw aai.-fled 1 ou ue tha hui;uu ii:K or e i irif a oueinee ,'f,une j r:.r : f -iner, i-Urap. good lw. Wt-b. U A iust.-clu tin toln.tiiL M, Waia lilk. lU'HINK.Sf CII.t"KS Foil A aood, clean stock of rinih- Ing. furnishing and shoes, doing; tha leading business In a good northeast Nf braeka town of 1.000: don't answer unVew you mean business, and talk faat, aa thla ad won't appear In thla paper lone Ad dress r 7S, Hee. OONFKCTIONF.RY store, near picture how; two living room: rent reason- able. 4WH Cuming ft. FOR SALE Smsll atudlo In county aeat town. Price right If taken aooti. Write I H. 117. Hum-ell, Net). RKHIAIHA.ST In vicinity of five round houses and two city depots; raah only, n A M.a 1. I .... . retiring, W 8. Main Ht., Co, xiuffa. FOR SALE CLEANING, PKESSINO ESTABLISHMENT doing good business for sale on account of other business. Call at 573S Main Street, Benson, Nebraska. JF YOU are looking for a rood money. milking buatneaa, then here la aome chance. A grocery and meat market, the heat one In Omaha; will atand clou n- veatigation; doing about per an num. Will take about I8.6O0 to handle. Would conalder half In exchange on land or my property. W'ANTEI A good grocery In exchange for note aecured Ty mortgage up to M", trm Hurt m., Omaha, ret. Investigate This Wanted, young man who la a live wire and not afraid to work. To euch a man I ran offer a one-half lntereat in mv bualneaa, a alary ot lino a morth and a per cent or the earnlnga. An inveatment of M la renulrel, whl h la aecured. Ad dree Box K M7, care Hee. CRUO atock aale. Reaaon for aelltng, want to quit bualneae, Will aell re. aonably. Addreaa John Welch, Cortland, Neb. eafkrienckI) bookkeeper dealres aet ' aanltary couchea and pad a, plllowa, bed. of book afternoon or evenings. Ad- ding, blanket, lace curtalna, llnena, re drea L 1&0, Bee. frlKrator. I trunk and contents. 1 Da van WANTED I have an excellent open Ing In my Council Blurfa store for y."""! man. I will pay a salary of $100 a month to the right man. He la required to Invest ttV, for which security Is given. 8 182, Bee. PARTNER with 16,000 wanted for derel oplng and manufacturing of a new In vention: automatic advertlalng machine, I'TJ," Perpetograph." Call Chas. Vltek, 1W 8. lth, Omaha, Outside Office 17th Street Exposure In tha Bee Building tti20 ft 118.00 Partitioned for prlrate office, and waiting room. . . Inquire of Superintendent, . Room 103. FOR 8AI.E Conservatory of Mualo, town i,6; eetabllahed five yea; fifty atudenta, paying t2.00u per year. Muat be qualified, aiao beat reference. Addreaa Y T7. Hee. FOR SALE The only general merchan diet store In small town In aoutheiatern South Dakota: atock Invoices lin.OOtl to 11.000: aalea Tfi.0O0 yearly. Heat of reaeona aor aemng. AOilceaa tha owner, Y 74, Be. Reataurant flxluree; reasonable prlc. 1208 4th Ave.. Co. Hluffa. .Tel. Hlack 1244. BUHINKHB placea, land, city property, handled all atatea. JIM WRAY, bloua Hty, la. WILL, sacrifice) grocery store. W. . -' TeL Bo. PAYINt Iowa hard war and furniture bualneaa, complete, 17,000. Jim Wray, din,,, fl.w OWN H RH-Ltat your property W. Williams, DO Nevl.l Hlk. with W. P. 447. 19 BELL or bur a bi'aineas, call on Buach A Borshnff. Frenaer Hlk. D. atia TO MKT In or out of bualneaa oall on QANOK8TAD, n Bee Hldg. Doug. S47T. RV1AL Estate Bualneaa placea aupplled or handled; all atalea. F. V. Kntrat. Omaha. THKATliKS Buy. lease or aell your the ater, machine and suppllea throuxh Theater h.Tirh. Co.. 14(4 Farnam. 1). 1H97. BEK Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar? galna In eatabltshed ihoni. D. WXI. TAI IAR and dooming ium for aale reasonable. A good chance to make money; muat be old. fin N. Kth St. Heaailg lloaaea far tale. IT 8. ItTII II rooms, full of roomers. ROOM 1 Nil jhouee for aale cheap. Small aum gown ano easy payments, it. BU4. ALL mod. rooming houae, furnished for llsht houankeeDlng: cloae In: mor health reaaon for selling. Deal with owner. ITta) Farnam. Tel. Harney Kit. EDrOATIONAIi Fall Term Boyles College 19 NOW OPEN In both the day and night sesalona Yet It la not too late lo enter. Hegtn now to get that mental dis cipline and bualneaa training that will double your earning capacity. Complete ooursea In all commercial bkanchea. Bookkeeping. Shorthand and Typewrit ing, htcnotypy. Salesmanship, Telegraphy and Civil Service. Positions found fur all graduates H Places fumiahed to work for board while attending. Ask fur free catalogue at once. BOYLES COLLEGE II. B. Boyles, President Where Young Men Aro Taught to lorge AheaJ Y. M. C. A. NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN - Claw Arch, or Mech. Drawing; Artui. and Rapid Cal.... SO Weeka. til ,.l'l Hookkeeiang Ill lenca i 1 M til HurJluess t'orreepond Iruatiieaa k.ngUan ... PeiiDiaiuthlp Shorthand and Typewriting lit .ia,lllng 1 1 The Tlirea R's ii Civil Service M weeks ...Ill Shoo Kketchlns. 14 weeks I I Multlsraph, full course lit Algel-ia. Ier month E'Kll.h. for cuimng Am , per mo 11. ji) l'ia dlacoiitil for combined courses. Other ciasera beann October 1U K ducat ion kI Iept . J. W, MMler. 8cy, liOOK KKKPl.N'O and Pcnmanshlpgven prtvaUly. Ueaaouable. l'iiun If, SM4. KM'CATIONAL Hoylee llldg. Tel. I). ISA'., Omaha, Neb. Foil aale, the following acholamhlp In a rirst claa (imati i;uinea oiieae: On unlimited combination bualneae anrl rhorthand courae One unllmlteo rtenorrapnie eotirae. One three-montha' bualneae or eteno- grhlc courae. Will be eold at a dlaeount at the office Of The Omaha Pee. Hie VAN SANT SCHOOL TENOORArH T BOOKKEEFINQ, Day Bchool for Toung Women. Evening Bchool for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning claaa In typewriting, lone C Duffy, Owner and Manager. KM Bo, lUth fit. Omaha. fcXPFRT l"-!r etenographer will take prplle; ahorthand. touch typewriting, apelllng and punctuation taughL Individ ual Inatructlon. 4Si-t LNMiglaa 8L Tai Walnut E27 FOR BALK FOR gAl.R-flere la a claaarnoatlon that la of tha utmoat Importance to every reader, aa thla column offera aome excep tional opportunities every day and a mail want ad will red your article at It full value. Phone Tyler 1000. Faraltar, Ifwaeehola Wood, Kte. Administraotr's Sale PUBLIC AUCTION. High Grade Furniture and ugs at Omaha Van and Storage, Tuesday, Sep- ternber 23, at 10 o'clock o. m., Sharp. We will aell at auction to the highest bidder 1 Oriental ruga, lo man graaa French Wilton ruga, x1l, -xlX Axmln ater ruga, aeveral amall rugs, beautiful parlor .et, library Beta and tahlea, beau tiful dining room table and chairs. Vernla Martin bed a. aprlnga and mat- treaaea, aolld mahogany dreaaera, chlf fonlera, kitchen cablneta, kitchen range and gaa range. One eevan-drawer Dinger aewlng machine, rocking chairs, t h gh - I . ... - , v. . . 1 1 . . I . V. 1 . Hkin. jMrt, large dreaalng mirror and hundreds of article too numerous to mention. This Is extra good furniture, coma out of one of Omaha's beat homea, Tuesday, BeptemDcr zs, at to o clock snarp. Peters Trust Co., Administrator. DOWD AUCTION CO.. AUCTTONT7ER3, For sales dates and terms call Red SM5. TIbbItb bought and sold. J. C. Reed, isecus 12lin j-arnsm St. Douglas 146. Second-hand Milton at Rorera fumaca. Flrat-claaa condition; auttabie for or 7-rom house. This furnace has been In a -room houae, but a little too small for same. Apply THE BYRON REHD COMPANY. Phone D. til a 17th St FOR SALSi One couch, chair, refrigera. tor. Jewel gaa atove. mattreaa. small bll Hard table and commode. Call Har. MS, UUHAKT table. HU mg. gaa renae. bench clothes ringer, large mirror, med icine raoinet, mualo cabinet ana chairs. A at. in, The l anrornia BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE! a N. I4TH. WEIB. 1HT, Hones aaa Vehlelea. ONE good work-horae, weight 1,460 lbs. Omaha concrete ritone Co., Pith Ave. and Mahler St Phone Webster &. TKAM1NQ gears, one or a carload. All alses, two to six-ton capacities. Ws sell the Studebeker, the) Bain, the Peter Bohuttler. Pekln and Buerkena. Must sell log thla month. Hlg reduction In nrloe. JOHNSON-DAN FORTH COMPANY. 9 fkiD Msilral nllrsairiitl. Slightly uaed high grand piano. D. 101 1. WANTED to store a piano for Its use; no small children; reliable party. Web. 737. i"IANO cheap, caeh or paymante. Red XW. Poaltry, EsJsTs aag lies. 0-f ILn- 100 lb- HT- Warner. Wl 6TKHEOTTPE matrtcas make tne beat and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 121 Inches, stronger and mora gurabl than tarred felt and practically fireproof. Ito a hundred at The Uee office. Typewriter, TYPEWRITERS), tip and up. K Bee Bldg. TYPEWRITERS eold, lented. repaired. Central Typewriter ttxe. ik r arnani. 8TENOTYPE for Webater l aale. Reasonable. Call rellaaeoaa. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bowlinar alleys and acceaaorlea; bar flxturea of all kind; easy payment The Hrunawlck-Palke-Collender Co.. 407-4e B. )0th Bt $3.20?: Onlden West Whisky, 4 full quarts not ilea in Dona, pre paid. C'ack ley Bros.. Omaha. Sod, one acre. D. "io7 tEvgs., Wal. XgTT COAb DIRECT FROM THE MINE. We cut out the big profit of the Jobber. It makea no Boot and la well prepared. We guarantee it. Priceg are the very best 11.00, 12.60 and $2.00 at the mine. I. M. COX, North Platte, Neb. FOR BALE CHEAP Bualneaa College Couree. Full and complete rcholarahtp In one of the best Omaha bualneaa schools. Uood reason fur selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be soil very reaaon.bly. If Interested Investigate t once, because fall term hesrtne soon. Tbere are a variety of coureeg for sale. For particular Inquire at the office of The Omaha Bee. CAKPfc.NTt.K tool, ahovela, eledgea, pirka, Jackacrewa, 10 penny match vend ing maohlnea, Wo each. Uorae, harneaa, waeTun, liow. One electrlo ptauo. J. C. ISIU lflCl B. f9'h St. Harney HI TWO eingle wagons, one double wagon and one set of single Har ness. See E. A. Weathers, Burgese- Nash Co. IT.EI.P WANTED FKMAL.K Factory as4 Tragea. OIRT, to learn halrdreealng. Oppenheti llsaark.f r ..I HomeSite. THE Servant Glr Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FHtrJ until you get the deetred reaulta Thla applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Hluffa. Bring ad to The Hee office or telephone Tyler luuo. WANTED An exierteneed nurse maid reference required. Mra. M. U. New man. 9b JU Howard. H. Uls. OOMPETENT wblte girl to aaalat houaework. Tel. Florence lit WANTEl A girl for general houaework. Mra A. P. Tukey, liA Chicago SL Har- neyjn. wantkivToum slrl for light houi ' work In family of two. . A&ll Webstar Pt H. ?4. loom and board; amall wagea Call Douglas t. W"ANTKI Middle aged woman for gen- eial housework, fxtw per a. ii r. Mth. Call Web. T7. OIRL for general houaework; lug or Ironing. 1'laaa Hotel. bo waah- PiuslTlON wanted by an elderly wldo in the care of Invalid lady or gentle man aa nurse or comiwnton; can furnish the baat of references; no objectioa to leaving city. Addieaa Mra fcrl. care UrneiHl Delivery. Conk and housemaid In faiu- lv of two. Mar 717 lw'i 8. s.'d Ave. t , r, li cir f.r ketieiai housework. IS) Bo. SSlh Bt., llaruey tkjg. IIKI.P WANTKD FKMAIJi teaiekrrpf ra anal Itaaaeatlca. OIRI. for genertil houaework. Apply Mr Medre. 12 K ',th Ht. Iltr. WANTF.I Eiawrlenced girl for reneral ' MAN and wife wanta work on farm, man houaework. A. I. petera, irtJl 8 lid 8t. to hu"k rorn- wlf" to hrln "',,n houae--rp-r- " I work fur board. Addreaa K. Mayera, 619 WANTKI At. once, girl for general noueework. rvnall family. liar. .51. Uu S. Kth ft. WANTET A capable Qpnk: no ofther fpleaberger. need apply JfilH Famam, Mr. N. II. WA NTK1 ' iK girl or woman to aaalat with general houaework. Call at 3M1 Franklin HI. i WANT a good girl for general houae work. tia Iouglae St. Phone Wal. 2441, WANTE1 .-ood girl for general houae work. 1 P. J7th Ht. Phone Har. 46U4. W ANTED Trustworthy working houae- ' keeper; anuat be gook cook; family of two: goo'J wage to competent peraon. ' Harney "MS, t West Farnam Apt., 1K17 ' i t- r. r y .Ave. WA NTFJD Trust worth v workinc hous keeper: muat be xood rook: famllv of two. Oood wage to efficient person. Apoly, S, Wast Farnam Apt., 8817 Dewey Ave. A GIRL for general housework, small family. 13: Georgia Aye. tvANTKl WTilte girl for general houae work: amall famllv. Hun na atzl PaclfVr St. WANTK.D Woman for general houae- r-. W In ,a r., 1 1 t 4 . ,.k.ll laundry work. Apply Mrs. 8. H. Stewart, 1 1 worm mm nr., opp. poatornce. 'ANTEI White girl for general houee work. 3t64 Howard. Har. Mot. WANTKD-A competent girl for general houaework and cooking; no washing; small family, good wagea. II. 2U1. 131 8. 3th Ht. iKlLSKKiwWluR wanted , competent Oerman woman: small family. Web. U96. WANTRD at once, a competent girl for general houaework: famllv of four idisls. 7 per wk. u N. lt St. WANTED Olrl for general housework. Two In family. Call Dougla V&. WANTriD A good neat girl for fore noon; wanes M per week; no washing. Mre. C. Miller, 115. St. Mary's Ave. WANTED A cometent cook. Mrs. K. C Barton. Harney St. WANTED White maid for general houaework; references required: good wagea. Mra, T. J. McShane, 141 No. 41t Bt. Harney H41. WTWffcftl.Vhlta,'ir.rl for" general houae work. H04 Hawthorne Ave. Walnut 1X WANTICDOlrl for general houaework. B8 a miy St, Harney ZK1, EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Mrs. W. O. Lyle. R.T4 Park Ave. waimtkd a,xpertenced cook; no other neea apply, aire. I nomas KllysUrlck Call Harney MS. WANTDD-A glri for houae work; very plain cooking. Harney 1640. li laUa a. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to viit tne Young Women's Christian association building at St Marys Ave. and J.ith St., where they will be directed to s'jltable boarding placea or otherwise assisted. Iiok for our travelers' guide at Union atntlon. WANJD Six girls for musical comedy; must sing: amatetira with good strong voices considered. Addreaa J. Warren Lor imer. Chihlcothe. Mo. WOMEN WANTED-Oovernment toba LAmi free. . Write Immediately. Frank- nn instume. iept- w, Kochester. N. Y. WANTED I good waltreaeea 'fordlnIng room and pantry work. Apply Brownell Hall, HELP W ANTKD MALE Clerical aag Office. Are You This Man? Wanted, a young man who ! not afraid to work and la a live wire. To auoh a man I will offer an Interest In my business and a salary of f lou a month, also a per cent of the net earnlnga. An Inveatment of fttOO is required: this Is ae cured. Addreaa L 82. care Bee. EK.P. CASHIER, COUNTRY BANK. 'nv. ; ia5 EXP GASHIBR, COUNTRY BANK. Inv sift) EXP ' OABHIKR. COUNTRY BANK. I NV. 7 EXP. ASST. CASHIUR, COUNTRY RANK. INV ?. .175 i.r. va i rv K aiSfl-JH, COUNTRY BANK. JNV m JJJAP. BOOKKEEPER. COUNTRY BANK. INV e DXP. LtlDOBR CLERK. OITY BANK S0 EXP. DICTAPHONE OPR. AND 8TBNO f ift to 170 I HXP. RALKSMEN, JEWELRY. H5 WK. KUUiUrta lUkD'KKKNCB, MU PAXTON bixk:k. H1GH-ORADH) commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE At BOND ASSN.. 71 Omaha Nat Pank Bldg. Areata Salesmen and Solicitors. "BILLY" SUNDAY'S message. Author. laed. Great opportunity for man or woman. We will pay you 1120 to distrib ute It and take orders. 0 daya' work, spare time may be uaed. Universal Bible House. 101 Winston Bldg., Philadelphia. LIVE AGENTS WANTED to aell photographic pillow tope of Billy ' Sunday and tabernacle of Omaha. In five color. Thousands sold while In Pat arson. Write for all particulars to R. Mele, Hawthorne, N. J SALESMAN Responsible, energetic man to represent .New vortc manufacturer; muat be huatler and able to organise and supervise men. Toy or notion ex perience preferred, . but not essential. Commiaslon baala. hiarheat reference. Call after 10 Sunday Room bU, Hotel FonteneJle, ask for Mr. Leltner. WE still have a few vacancies In the ranks of our Industrial produce re. If you are not aatlafied with your present Income you should come with ua and you am he. it will pay you to Inveatlaate and see what our men are doing. We have something new In industrial Insur ance. Agents not chargeable with lapses You should ses our weekly pay ment health and accident policy, insuring every member of the family. Apply 11. H. Forbes, Superintendent 613 Karbach Rlock, Omaha; or write to the Pioneer Insurance Company, Lincoln Nebraska. INSURANCE MEN-W want a atate ajrent for South Dakota. Kanaaa and Wyoming. Muat be experienced. Great contract. Call or write. Mutual Bene fit Health and Accident Association, 404 410 City National Bank Bldg.. Omaha. COAL agants wanted In every town; get l trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. Factory mm Tiaewa. WANTED Man to learn the barber trade. Ws have orlannated a clan to teach It qutokly and thoroughly. Wages paid wnue learning. Tools included. Write for Illustrated catalogue. MOLER BARBKH COLLFOE. 110 S. 14th St WANTED Flrat-claaa automobile me chanic, one who can take charge ot shop and turn out finished work on high class care Kilker Automobile Co., Dead wood. S. D. Drug Hon, Snaps. Jola. Knaiat Bee Bldg. positions Now Open. Free Catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. Ml Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. I.EAUN B Alt BE It TRADE Wages Paid. Tools given. Positions guaranteed. Call or write for Information. TrM lty College. 11(4 Dnuglaa. Omaha. WE need men; had to turn down two Jobs per woek lately. Get ' in. Learn by our method. Get one of these loha Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Aul(a mobile School, zee Iavenwortb St. M iMellaaHsa RAILWAY mall clerks wanted. 17V month. Omaha, examinations coming. Sample Question free. Write immediately. Frank lin Inatinuee ient. ni. r. 'fleeter. N. I. MUN, with common aenee education, who wtah government lobe, f4) month, ahanild apply Immediately for full Infor mation. Address Y -, Bee. WANTED I have an excellent c pen In r In my Council Bluffs atore for a young man. I will pay a salary . of liuo a month to the rlsht man. He la required to Invest J0, fur whkh security Is given. M Ml. bee. SITl'ATIONS WANTED W' ANTED Day work. TefVyler 2uC. 1NTI-1 I.IGKNT 'ight colored girl Uhn iHsttion In of fee or bachelor apart ment. P'loue Wauater (Oil WITUATIOXH WASTE II ljXI'KU, t-jNCKIi haml-ermnl-l wanta poaitlon In town; ruom-in. Call Doug. 71.. 412 N. 1Mb. foi-th KMh Ave. NF.HKAHKA medlial atudent. planlat. OTman and Frenc-h tutor, wanta work for board and room. Phone Red 4OT. HKFJNR1) woman wanta poaitlon aa bouaekeorer In town; reference. Doug. 72. 412 N. lXth. A REFINHI) and educated widow lady ileal re a poaitlon aa housekeeper. Mr. Ptylea. 47HO North 24th Ht. WOMAN with -month-old child want poaitlon a houeekeeper. Call Wal. 10M. fYlTlBEH MAN r lhnrnnhl evueri- enced In all llnea of houaework, cooking, laundering, wlahe position. Will leave town, flave best reference. Prefer club or bachelor quArtera. Phone Harney YOUNO man 11 years of axe would like to learn any trade or bualneaa: willing to start for board only. Can give good references. Tel. Doug. la'X. Ask for Joe. INTELLIGENT light colored rirl wlahe position In office or bachelor's apart ment. Wel. 7072. SITUATION wanted by all-roimd printer. J. W. Hart, 2221 Dodge St. POSITION aa bartender, checker, stock man or houseman, hotel, club or buffet; beat of references; honest, reliable; mix er; city or out Johnson, 2118 Chicago St. loug. 11723. MIDDLE aged widow employed aa sgent part of the day wishes position as com- ranlon to ladv or aa housekeeper for widower'a small family of reapectahle and refined people, or would take charge of respectable rooming houae. Am thor- nurhlv Qualified In either position. Mra. E. Ryerson, General Delivery, Omaha, Neb. POSITION as housekeeper, linen or chambermaid: hotel. apartment or rooming house. Long experience; neat reliable. Industrious; nest ot reierencea; city or out. Mlaa Johnson, 2118 Chicago. Phone Douglas 8722. WANTED By Al violinist and pianist, fmaji and wife), position In picture show, hotel or cafe, fine musical library; thoroughly experienced and reliable. Ad dreaa Box 7J1, Fort Dodge. -la. POSITION wanted as housekeeper In small family in town. Call Dougla 7239, EXPERIENCED girl wanta place aa chambermaid In hotel to room in. Tel. Douglas 7i!3S. '' COMPETENT German woman wanta position as housekeeper. Tel. Web. 4U, A KEI.l Altl.K, competent woman, mid dle -aared. desires a poaitlon as a house keeper In family of two; no laundry work. Phone web. SITUATION wanted by first-class cook hotel, or will work extra. Doug. 8464. FIRST-CLASS woman wsnts day work; quick, clean, lie at references. Har. H3. WANTED Position as P. B. X. oujjrator, oy young lauy or a years experience can furnish references. Telephone Doug las J377: ask for Edith. I'ERSONAJj THE Salvation Army Industrial home ao- liciis your jld clothing, furniture, mu sines. We collect. Ws d.strlbute. Phone Dotulaa 4136 and our waaron will calL Call and Inspect our new home, JUO-lili- 1U4 Doage Ht. GORDON, the Magazine Man. Tel. Doug, 71CS. TOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Chrlatiun uasociatton building at 17th St. and St Mary's Ave., whers they will be directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise assisted. Look fur our travelers' guide at the Union station. I WILL not be responsible for the debts contracted by my wife, Mr. Alice Haegen, who has deserted my home. H. J. Haegen. YOUR furnace cleaned, II; work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop. Doug. 4684. PET STOCK SCOTCH CO LI JR. 115. D. 74H9. PEKINB.SB pupa, pedigreed eligible for registry at any bench show. These popular dogs come from China, are Ideal pets. Phone Har. 2XO. 134 So. loth Bt. SWAPPERS COLUMN Wanted to Swap. TTTiy not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really need? it cojts you nothing to join tha I Swappers' club and you will find It lots of fun swapping things. Wrle Room 104, Bee Pstig.. or pnone Tyler 1000. A GOLD watch, Elgin movement, for kitchen range with reservoir. Address S. C. 25, Bee. A 20-GAUGE Winchester (new) and 4;0 shells, assorted; for what Address Y 75. Be. 400 acres Weld County, Colorado land, all leel, adjoining town for Omaha prop erty. Harrlgton Realty Co., Florence Neb. AUTOS Hup "20." eleclriu lighted stor sge battery, new top, seat covers, wind shield, new tires. all around, one extra tire and cover; Just the car for two peo ple; low upkeep, plenty fast and strong; mechanically perfect. Will exchange tor large car. Address S. C. 134. Bee. A.UTOMOB1LES For other automobile bargains see tha "Autooaoblla" clauslfl lailon. DULL dog. Enaliah brindle, 11 months old. Housebroke and fond of children. Will trade for a diamond or something I can use. Address S. C. 265, Bee. CAMERA Mandt'i s one-minute posicard camera, new and of beat make; cost 13k. W'lll trade for furniture or anything I can use. 8. C. 129, Bee. CAMERA 4x3 folding camera, with beat of lens and latest Improvements. Swap for larger camera. 8. C. 228, Hee. DIAMOND Diamond ring, T, karat worth about 116, to trade for piano; muat be In first-class shape and of good make. Address S. C. 260, bee. DIAMOND ring, Tiffany setting, pure, white stone, vulue L.O. Trade lor lui.. writer or stenotype. Address S. C lit, Bee. EXCELSIOR motorcycle, perfect Condi tun; 4-horsepower. For range or any thing 1 can use. Price 16a. Address S. C. Ml. Hee. FULL-SIZED bed and spiral spring: gas oline oven, almoet new; Hi m Ing ton typewriter, good order and almost new. What have youT Will trade for chickena or anything 1 can uae. Address 8. C. 24X, Hee. GAS RANGE, lour burners, coat 1.3; good as new; will trade for chickens. Ad dresa 8. C. U9. Hee. . HAV h brand new. high grade Lauter piano to awap for good building lot Will pay caah difference. 8. C. 257. care Omaha Bee. HAVE several carloads of dry wood" .Trad lorlot or anything I can uae! Address 8 O. If. HOKSK AND SADDLE I have horse, saddle and bridle. Horse will be 1 yra old this fall. Is aaddle broke and very y to handle. No acara or blemishes. Villi stand any inspection. ,Wil trade for aome calves or yearling or Ford run about. 8. C. 261. Hee. INDIAN motorcycle and aid car, li4 model with 116 Improvements. Two speed, new tlrea, full electric equipment etc. Engine just overhauled and lrt per fect ahape. One of the beat kept outfits In town. Cost new. Including side car Miio. Will trade for or towards Ford or Saxon roadster or similar Hutu, car in good condition. Might consider other swapa. Address 8. C. M7, Bee. ONE IIjO piano player witn I I worth of roll music; one aanltary couch, one gentleman's havy gold mounted garnet ling, motorcycle speed ometer, kit of Indian motorcycle tool. ?ne J. H. company gasoline enxine, 1 i. P. What have you lo offerr Autlrea 8. C. 14S. Hee ONE Blriulnghain steel range. Will swap for a good. large-Hlae rug. Ad dress 8.' C. 242. He PIANO PL Vi-M ' hiv a sue" In wv of piano player. 60 rolls of flrst-clsss n-usu; ' - i .ii piano. Swap for some good chickens er took stove. tr wbtii Imiv v,u. a. .. 23i) P,e.e. PHYSICIAN'S aet e.f lour DeVilbl ' atomiser and aland. Uk new. coal about : will trad, for anything uae ful An, tress 8 C. t. Hee. PllONCKiRAPH-Briijn slctrio power cabinet with concealed horn. loO records; will awap far anything can uae to value of fll-W. Address 8. C. 24. Bee CONTINUED ON COLUMnTsEVEN; THIS PAQiS. Ready Reference Directory The followincr firms offer Quality and expert service that will pleaso the most critical: ABSTRACTS OP TITLE, P.ET7D ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract oillce in Neliraaka. r Hrandeis 1 nea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. e 8. 17th St. Phone D. 47. ADVERTISING NUVKLT1E9. M. F. Shafef A CoTuth, Famam. D. T474, AMATKLR FINISHING. FILMS developed 'pee If purchased' from Photo Craft Shop.' 41 Bee Bldg. Dept D. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AUDITED Books opened nd closed. Cost system Installed. Let me call on you to explain the advantages of my audit service system. Address, 43J 437 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 7401. ARCHITECTS. Bveeett 8. Dodda. 1I Paxton Plk. P. WW. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson, Ell Paxton Blk. D. MM. WTI.I. V. JOHNSON. S. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. Douglas 4Pf4. ALC'TItlNK.KHS. Dowd Auction CoT 1115-M W.O.W. R. KtS. AUTO INSURANCE. AtTTCMOBnJB m"uTUAL INRURANCS CO., Douglas IM. , . AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. fOM Far. D. 1001. BAKERIES. Z. JT. REEDER. lf N. ISth. Web, MW. BATHS. WOMEN only; vapor and electric baths. 2121 Lake St. Phone Webster 1111. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 7th and Martha Bt. BUNDING COMPANIES. OMAHA Agency Co., Ill Bee Bldg. Phone DOUBIflS 3KK CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, 823 s. nd. Douglas M20. Lessard A Son. 19a Cap. Aye. T. I CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS Dr. I. C Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. ML Dr. Hayes, 851 Brand Thea. Bldg D. 5424. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford, (20 Pax. Blk. Red 4S87. COFFEE BY MAIL. -ff Save money. Use better LvOIIcG coffee. 15 lbs. high grade w by parcel post, prepaid. IS.80. W. A. Skalfe & Co., Omaha. Neb. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, olasslc. D. U7L FALL term open at Mackle's. Doug. 6446. GENEVIEVE HAUFLA1RE, Romo hotel. TURPIN ACADEMY 28th snd Farnam Classes now open. Beginners Mon. and Thurs. Advanced Tues. High School claaa Sat. Private lessons. Harney 6143. TURPIN B ACADEMY. 28th and Farnam Clasacs now open. Beginners Mondays and Thursdays; advanced Tuesdays; high school class Saturdays, Private lessons. Harney 6141. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dresamsk'g college. 30th A ParnaaM Cltire's DresernkK. School. 2529 California. DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. KeUtefg Dressmaking Col.. 1438 City Na, "DYERS AND CLEANEHli STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. P. I07X " DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Block. Evi dence aecured in all caeea. Tyler HM, DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W.O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle. 734 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas. P, BM. DRUGS. DRUGS at. eut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Sherman A Ms- Conneli Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. Il N. 16th. Term a ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO., Bee Bid. P.18711 ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. Red KW. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covereil nuitona, an sues ami styles; hemstitching, point edging, em broidery, beading. braiding. cording, eyelet cut work, buttonholea, pennant. Ideal fleeting . i iaium Douglas IM. FURNACES AND TISJ WORK. HABERSTROH. 402 Hamilton Wal. 2971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 1801 Famam St D. 3000. L. HENDERSON. 114 Douglas. D. 1158. Member Florist Telegraph Dal. Assn. HESS A SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam 8t A. PONAGHTTTt. Iffl Harney. Poug, 1001. rlHHIKHI. SAM KNEF.TFB. 1"20 Farnam. R t "4 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WE replate everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1220 Harney Bt Est INSTRUCTION. English. French, Instruction. 305 t.vrlc Bid JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNeTuI Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public, deposition sleno. C. W. BR ITT. SOI Baker Block. ' LANGUAGES. Languages taught; private or classes. Web. B..54. LADIES' TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Formerly with Miss Fox. Open for buat neaa; satisfaction guaranteed. 407 Pax.bk. LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. IjIillrCTN Thomas. Douglas 261S. LUUIVlil M1, Cumlll, 8L LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS, at CO.. Exchange Rld. MOTORCsCLMS. HARLET-DA VIDSON MOTORCTCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Roos. The Motorcycle Man." 1703 Leavenworth. MOVING PICTLHat MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex . 14th snd Doug. Mo tlon picture machine a,nd film bargaina NOTIONS. NOTIONS, rews clears. andy ir Park. OSTEOPATUY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 1 Bee Bldg. OCULISTS. ' EX-as examined, slassea fitted, pav as yoa can. Drs. McCartv 1111 W. O. W. bids: PATENTS. D. O. Barn all. Paxton Big. TeL Red Till. H. A. Bturges. BraadeU Theater I PAIXTIXa AND t APE HI" a. HUGH MM ANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. ItU PILLOWS AND BKUUINU. OMAHA PILIXW CO.-Mattresaes made to order or remiide im7 Cuming. D. Ir. PLUMES t LEANED. Dyed, made over. D. F.lsete. JIM City Nat. PRINTING. 4rT7 A tP TO CL3 A D vtl a nra FM aw tfesm awes sal ts itlne T.l T rsr t4l a 4 4 W fl4 I UlLlls. ACS. LUU, IIW, UeTW K. Jdlll CENTRAL PRINTING CO., DOUQ. 1754. DOUOLA9 Printing Co. Tel. Douglas Mi. STOVE AND FURNACE) REPAIRS. ALt. REPAIRS-Water fronts, furnace oona, ere. ijuick aervice. Omaha Wove rtepair v aa, law- Douglas St Tyler 20. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS C A T7L7C Opened, repaired, comb. OrVT HtfO chanad- P. E- Daven dyJ port. I Dodge. D. IS2U ' SCALE REPAIRING. Om, Standard Scale Cc, Ell 8, 11th. D.U SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. Ot a 14, Parley Shoe Rep'r. Co.. Farn'm. R.M4I SEWING MACHINES. T1T rent, repair, sell needle and VV G p,-rU for aewlng machines. "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ISth and Harney. Douglas" let STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 g. 10, . STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, ahelv lng. etc Ws buy, sell. Omaha Fixture V Supply Co., 414-10-18 8. 12th. Doug. 1724. TOWEL SUPPLIES. 4 OMAHA Towol Supply, 207 S. 11th. D. 52H TAILORS. CHAS. C. lAnDERYOU, 10S N. ISth Bt. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. rRELINQ ft 8TEINLE. 1806 Farnam BL TYPEWRITERS FOB RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter S mo. for M Oliver Typewriter Agency. 1906 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, HI S. 18th St All makes for sale or rent. RENT a "Remington," not lust a type writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 1284. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 2d .1. Paxton Bk., 1 yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Dosw. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LIHUUBS. ALEX JETE3, 201-1 S. llth St. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinners U to I, 10c HENTtY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. , LOST AJTD POUND Lost or Found ads in Omaha's Lost and Found mediums means the Immediate re turn of that article if advertised In The Bee, the Lost and Found paper. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of tha Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway V company to ascertain whether they left it in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious f restore them to the rightful owner. CsJiDoug. 48. LOST Leather brief bag; a tan-flnlabed. leather case containing scrap book or laundry advertisement, other advertising matter and printed forms of The Omah. Bee. Finder kindly return to Mr. Kerr m ine new ornce. pnone Tyler 1000. LOST A red automobile door. If found) wrue cna. r-armeie. piattsmouth. Neb. LOST Leather brief bag; a tan-finished leather case, containing scrap book of laundry advertisements, other advertising matter and printed forma of The Omaha Bee. Finder kindly return to Mr. Kerr at The Bee office. Phone Tyler 10J0. LOST Cameo pin, seed pearl border, ta reward. Grace Ford. 807 So. 18th St. LOBT-fcorortty pin; name on It, Kath- erine Davenport; reward. Web. 8044. MEDICAL PILES. FISTULA CURED.' ' Dr. I. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula ani other rectal disease without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no monev paid Until cured. Write for boole on rectal disease with testimonials. DR. -E. R. TARKY. 240 bee Bldg. RHKUMATISM treated aucoeaafully. re suits gusranted. Dr. Bowser, 114 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM treated euocesafully, re-, aultd guaranteed. Dr. Bowser, 314 Bee Bldg. SWAPPERS COLtTM?r PHYSICIAN; vTTll exchange medical books and surgical Instruments for any. thing useful. Address S. C. 3J, Bee. PIANOS I have 8 makes of high-grade pianos, all new, which 1 got in deaL Will swap for diamonds, real estate or new autoa. Address B. ('. 1 .'-!. Hee. RIFLE WINCHESTER .23 automatlo repeater, with new rlrle case. etc. Coat new over Izi.iO. Want Euatman auto-, graphic kodak, or will eonaider anything; of equal value that 1 can use, for this. Address S. C. 24, Bee. P.OADSTER l.iis ht roarUter, needs some repairs; want id hand typewriter and about lluO, owing to typewriter. Address, a. c a. Hee. RIFLE Wiiiclitttter, l.-W) repeater wlthj gold front alht, In good condition, coas. when new about I IV to, alght cost 11.60. Will consider anything of equal value that I can uae. Alio single-barrel shot- fiun: this Is a uheap gun. but a good onej 2 auKe. Will trade this tor anything I can use. Would like camera, postcard ele, Kaatman preferred. Addreae 8. C. til. care timaha Bee. RESTAURANT and rooming houae will a amall line of grocerlea, doing good businrs. What have you? Addreaa S. C. U'i. Hee. 5iJEKDSTER One ciaaay apeedster. thor oughly overhauled and painted; entirely new tlrea, will aland any insK-t on. Will trade for good Vlclrola. Addreas 8. C. J Hee. ll.OoO STOCK of groceriea and queens ware, new. In wholesale houae, all clear: for clear cotiaa-e. No fixtures. Address 8. C. Hee. 6wJ SECOND NOTEfor good up-to-date oa r. 8. C. M, Hee. i,0l 8HA'K Clothins. for dear cottage, - will trade ,7o to 1.0 0 lots for aut-j. A I'd reas 6. C. 2fr Hee ST ANDA Rll Sewing Machine, good order, for good ovrn oil heater, wringer, or what have vou? Ann 8. C. to. Bee, SING KR box top sew i ntr machine in". fant's iron bed. .( blue steel revolver, tennis racquet. Kxchangd for coal range or Cole's hot blat beater, or what have your S. C. ti. lu-e. TO PtLL or trade your ahotgun or rids, bee FHIF.PMAN. 1ZU Dousiaa (CONTINUED ON PAG B SEVEN, COLUMN ONE.