S-A TUT: OMAHA SUNDAY IU;K: SKITEMBEll Iti, 1915. SO II DAI TALKS TO H. E. HIHISTERS Telia Them There it Something Wrong with the Preacher When Congregrtion Falli Asleep. IXARS TOO MUCH FORMALITY "If a congTPRfttlon falters and dwindles and folks fall asleep while it pastor preaches God and Christ Jesus, there Is something wrong with the preacher." Billy" Sunday told the 450 ministerial delegates and a large adleunce of other people at the Nebraska conference of the Meth odist church Saturday morning. He wsa Introduced m "Prother Sun day," and the visiting pastors received Mr. and Mrs. Sunday enthusiastically, rave them the chautauqua aalute of nr ln handkerchiefs, and also a rising- vote of appreciation and thanks. "Ma" Sunday said a few word before er husband spoke. She "kidded" him bout taking longer to dress for the Heeling; than she required. Better Qalt Preach I -. "The pastor whoa listeners fall asleep has lost his vlelon and had better quit preachlnsV Mr. Sunday continued. "Nations fall unless they have great Melons. They won't ever have great visions without the preacher, and the preachers won't have the visions wlth sut the word of Ood and Christ Jesus. "You'll never save souls without a tidal wave of the old-time rellslon. I don't know anything about modern evangel ism. Mine Is as old as the cross of Christ. The church Is In darurar of being choked to death by dlffnlty and formal ism. I am scared to death of becoming formal and dignified." trlllrliri CrlHes. The enansell.it criticised critics of the Hlble. unless they helped to make the wrlptures plainer. Jle laughed at 'scholiu-ly rellslon" and told the min isters to preach the plain word of Ood and solvation through Christ. laugher and shouts of glee by the audience accompanied Sunday's address, because his vigor, acrobatics, plcturesquo language and illustrations made such a hit with the listening pastors. Earlier In the, morning Homer Rode heaver, the Tabernacle chorister, made an address to the conference and sang some of his most popular hymns. lie gave a hymn book free to each minister and told them that all profits from sales of his hymn book to Nebraska Methodist churches would be denoted to the Crowell home for Methodist old peo ple at Blair. RODY PROYES TO BE A REAL HOST I All BY HIMSELF J (Continued from Psg One.) handkerchiefs, made a manikin figure appear and disappear at will; plaoed links of a chain In a can and drew forth a chain, and faahlotyd pieces of news papers Into fiKures with his fingers. To remove suspicion of some boys In' the front row he rolled up his sleeves. lis mystified the kiddies, and while he was arousing their Interest he Impressed enabling thoughts. Holding op a tiny . figure of a boy carved out of wood, he said his name was "Willie Jones," who always did what was told. "Is there any girl here who always minds her parents?" No hand went up. (pons. Is there any girl here who always minds her parents?" No hand went up. "Now." he said. "I am going to send Willie Jones on an errand. Keep one eye on this hand, another eye on this hand, another eye on my pockets and another eys on Willie," said Magician ilodelieaver. Willis Jones disappeared from sight "".sr. yotr got ft m rour pocket!" ex. :ialmed a boy tn the first row. Lesson f ram Tricks. Placing ordinary chain links one by one Into a can ha said the links repre sented such habits as disobedience, ly. In, swearing, stealing and cigarette smoking. He shook the links In the can snd drew forth a chain, and turned ths can upside down to show it was empty. "If a , boy or girl keeps one habit It la easy to get another habit and thus the chsln of habits la formed." he ex plained. After which he had his wrists bound and locked with the chain, to illustrate how the victim of habits Is bound. He released himself from the bondage of chain to show how a girl or boy may be released if she or he will eeoept salvation. He talked about cigarettes. "Take a tip from me and say. Til never smoks a cigarette.' Places of business are be ing closed against the cigarette smoker," he warned. "There are five kinds of poison In a cigarette. You have heard cigarette smokers cough like this snd this (giving the stages of the cough of cigarette victims). You may now and then see a strong man smoking a cig arette, but you have never seen a strong man smoke a cigarette, who has smoaed slnoe he was a boy. The poison of ths cigarette eats out your lung a Any young woman who will walk with a man smok ing a cigarette or who will sit tn her parlor with a cigarette smoker ' Is as bad or worse than be. You girls who are growtug Into womanhood should de mand of ths young man who will seek your ewmpaay that they shall be as clean as they demand you shall be.' Predaea All Colors. "Body." rubbed his bands while Mr. Brewster played. -The Star Spangled 1! an ner," and he b rough t from no where red. white and blue handkerchief s. , Then he conjures with the tri -colored pieces of cloth and changed Uiem Into a flag. "Do something else.' Importuned a boy near the olatform. "Can you pick money out of the air?" asked another boy. "Now, boys. If you will keep your mouths closed and your eyes and ears open you will learn more." Hody gently r hided those who wanted hlra to extend the repertoire of Illusions. The antics of a miniature monkey-fig- ore with which "Rody eon versed brought Tnany laugtia. Sift Rodcheaeer was quiet la his methods. Hs threw himself Into the spirit of the oocasloa snd won the hearts of the boys and girls. Hs was conserve ttvs In his appeal for trall-hlttera IXjii't urge the boys and girls. Just ak them If they want to ludlcata a 3-tlre to lead Christian lives and ac cept Jesua," were his words, lis did But have to scold ths ushers Or secre taries, nor did he shake hands with the trs.U-httt.ers except as they sought his baud after the meeting. "Seek Ye the Lord While He May Be Found," Says the Prophet Rev. "Billy" Sunday at the ta-hemacle In your brain. Men will sleep out of last night, preaching on the teat of 'Vseek doors in sero weather, give up their ye the laird," said: homes and loved ones and live on moun- Text: "Seek ye the lord while he tain. In the hop that It will restore may be fotind. call ye upon him while them to health, when dying from con he Is near. Lt the wicked forsake his sumption. 1 was preaching up In Mlnne way, and the unrighteous man his got, some years ago, and was going out thoughts, ar. 1 let him return unto the to fill an engagement one morning. The lrd, and he will have msrey upon him; thermometer registered 22 below sero and and to our Ood. for ha will abundantly pardon." Isaiah M:-T. To seek Ood Is man's lilshest duty and his grestest privilege. That Is an address to the moralist as well as to the drunkard. It is an address to the society woman as well as ths woman sell.ng her virtue in the red-light dis trict The first thing to remember about be ing saved Is that salvation is a personal matter. "Seek ye the lrd" that means every one must seek for himself. It won't do for the parent to seek for the children; It won't do for the children to k. ik. wv-An T 9 vmi mrer alrk all .... -... i .k. wouldn't do . . . I. . Halvatlon Is a personal jruu our iuuh matter that no one else can do for you; you must attend to It yourself. It won t do you any good if your wife Is a Christian. You have got to b some thing more than a hrolher-ln-law to the church. You may say, "I can't under stand all the Bible teaches." Neither can I, but I can understand some of It; and usually the man who says he can't un derstand the Bible Isn't living "P to what he can understand. Ood won't hold von resDonsihle for doing what you haven t got space enough to do. If I J ran understand more than you. Ood holds nie responsible to do more than you. If you understand more than I, then Ood holds you responsible to do mors than I. If you, seek first the king dom of Ood your understanding will grow. You say: "Welt, I can't understand hw j Jesus' dying on the cross and shedding his blood csn save me." You don t need to understand It-obey It. I don't know , how it 1 that putting a seed In the. grub down and forget It. Ood Is a Revelation. Ood Is a revelation not an explanation. You can't arxplaln how a seed will grow; but put It In the ground and it will re veal to you that It does, although you can't explain why. But never mind what we don t know. You can go and pick up the dewdmps from the doorsteps, and may find In them a rainbow on which an angel will stand and ween over a dying worldl You o understand how the food w. eat build. ! '' " occur on ths muscle, brain and tissues-Just shovel the j er how hasardou. and - . .... .'.. t. ' . K"'i.jr,. say, mere ra nypwnin u uw uu. , I know It; and there are many In the church that srs not. too. Heaven doesn't I look right when you look at it through , a beveled glass, or when you tary to look at It with the devil's goggles on. Just ! give your heart to Ood and you will see thousands of hypocrites outs.de . the ' ohurch where you see one In thera now. h nH mnA .h., fik. will look a good dei better to you when you look st I ... u ..i.,.. i urn nnA them through aaivatmn. iou wu. una your neignotir s nouse win iook a goou doal better lf you only wash your own ! windows, old man. The fellow who looks through cobwebs sees spiders all the time. To say. "I never did any harm." ; t-v.-. ... .v.i..- a .ui. h. i n. iim iiiniiiin v ...... - i , conduct Is not an Issue. There are plenty of snakes In the grass that have never bitten anybody yet But you wouldn't let your children play with a snake be- n . 1 1 ft lA mvip Atnm in. barm. No- bedy would vote to turn a mad dog loose ) on the street because It has pot bitten ! snybody yet There twen being wrong 1. no difference be- ,' and doing wrong; do wrong is because ana me reason you oo wrong is oecause you are wrong; and tho reason you are wronir Is because vmi won't vleld to I ..... - - - , Ood. A man gets Into tho lodge on tho ' password not because he Is president of j a bank, xou win get into neaven oa- cause you are a Christian not because vou are richer than your neighbor and can wear better clothes. You can't get Into heaven unless you are born again. You can't walk Into heaven and say: "Iord, I was director of the bsnk In Omaha," or I was the president of the United States," or "I was ths king of England." It Is faith In Jesus that opens the door and lets you In, or shuts It In your face. Faith In Christ is the countersign that passes all through ths door of heaven. Need, the f'anrch. Tew say. " mi'.' I can do right and not belong to church." You say. "I can do right and be a Christian and not be a member of any church." Maybe you can; I can t. I have never In my life - v.i.,,.1 i. .v,.. -...a i . v...v. - want all the help you can get. When any man Is truly converted the first thing he will do will be to look for some church. So, you any, "Wall, I don't have to be a member of the church to be a Chrlatlan," I have known men that could live witn a woman tney were not marnea ana sew. lie said: "There la a bet to. but that la not my way. Church mem-; ter way than that" Ha went to his berahlp is not mentioned. "Let the I home and thought and thought, and wicsea rnrsaKS nis way.- ir you roraaae your way, you will hunt up a church Just as quickly as you can find one. I Kllas Howe waa his name, and he In Church membership will take care of It- vented the sewing machine. I know f self, "fcieek ye the Lord" don't think about it. Do It now. Hon t conclude that you wm mms aooui loinorruw. un n than that" After a while he saw a with all your might until you find It It horse coming faster, hot he said. There will be easier for the heavens to dissolve j t. better way than that" He sat down and the planets to stop than that ths and commenced to think, ne said. I Lord's word should fall. I bellevs the j h, ,ot lt." He laborered and tolled, blackest lie the dearll ever persuaded man ,n1 Bta children erled for bread. "Chll to believe I. that Ood Is hard to find. ; ant- , tftl(t nf j on,y t Ood Is nearer to you tonight than th. ,, ,hap p(ip u Hehr j won., friend by your side: snd he Is eeallv teU hi9 but h, invtntti on, found when you seek Him with a willing J of o,, htmt autonlU), u,., gntu down heart. And Hod can only be found lm- tn rtreet today cMl4rtn aont cry mediately when you seek Him with the , for brwia now AmblUon rewarox! hu same earnestness that men looking f or , toU wlth on, of th, ,uto, thfc wealth seek gold; and whenever a man ,hooU dowi .treats. I am something has failed to find Ood tt wss tecauee hs . of Ju1, o( 4UtoroobllM. j hT, ,tudled was not willing to forsake all sin. There 1 them all. Is such a thing as seeking anything too late. Many a man has died on the oper ating table from appendicitis because he waited too long before he went to the surgeon. Msny a person has died from You to tne aoctoPi oniy to har, consumption that mlKht still be on earth hlm ,hak, hu whUa M(my If he had not been negligent a p,,, h&J on,r to u du.p. Most teek tiod. pointed. Many a person has sought Ufs Seeking Ood should be the first part witT a luwon.. kntf. only te find the of a man's Ufs. and yet It Is the last , undertaker Instead. Many a person has thing that some men do before aa un,-aewtea his life to seeking told, and oertaker calls for them. WUilam Jan. r,v.r found It Ambitions may fsJJ, but nlnga Bryan said. "Tou can always af-'tbey that seek the Lord are aever dls ford to be In the minority, but never tn ' appointed. There has got to he a change the wrong." Tou are la the wrong when of heart But you ean't live with the yon refuse to give your heart to Ood. It Is better that all your days be filled with pain ana all your nights with die- tress than to mlsa heaven at last. Vie lay aside everything and aeek health when we find it falling. Men will give up home and business, and turn their back upon wife, friends and children. No sacrifice Is too great If tt only premises to put the bloom of health oo your cheeks and elasticity U your step and endurance the snow was about a foot deep. There, on the open veranda of a splendid man sion sat a fellow searing a fur roat. felt hoots, a beaver cap and a pair of fur mittens. I turned to my compmlon and said, "Is Ihnt fellow crasyT What Is he doing there?" "Oh," he replied, "that la a consumptive trying to beat the game." There he sat, reading a newspaper. In weather 22 below sero. Why? Because It promised him health. He was willing to forsake the comforts of bis fireside and live out of doors In the hope that It would prolong his life. Hospital In Hesert. Out In a Osllfomla desert they have bullt four-story building. Not a tree Is In sight. Tou can see the mirage danoe here and there. They found a spring of wonderful medicinal properties. The at mosphere Is as pure as anywhere else In the United Mates. They soon had pa tients from all parts of the world who were trying to beat death. Men will part with their money or anything they possess If It only offers! them hope. Lt a medics! spring be' discovered at any point In the world, j and they will Journey to It. Oh. If men would only seek Ood the wsy they. seek health there wouldn't be a sin-' ner on earth today. Llks the woman that wa healed by touching Christ's garments: For twelve years she had suf-j fered and had given up everything she' had, but she grew worse. When shs heard Jesua was rnmlnr aha iiin't give up. Slio didn't wait to wash her facB She didn't wait to change her flp(, Kh, J( , but ,ouglt JeBU- M he wrjj . ,n ordpr I evythln.: ' " " n - . .... wuoivuo, as before. Let an explosion take place In a powder mill and kill three or four fellows, some fel low will walk right up and take his Place. I know of a doctor who lost both; yes the other day. experimenting In! cnenucan. , combined two chemicals, and there was a permature explosion in which he lost both eyes. '"'thin r.. l I"Kk t girl In the redllght district. I'on t she :ve un her virii,. I ...no ami parents and everything that In dear for a few dollars? Won't the saloonkeeper sell his soul to hell for the few rotten, whlsky-aoaked dollars the saloon brings him? Won't ths robbae poke a gun under your nose and eh. you lf you y u1P -A? Why? Just because hs can n, watch and your money In hi. nvl.5! lie- . . moneJr " his pocket Jo no JgiMoo Teat'L " l 1nf' . . 100 eTeat, no labor too hard, no uk too wpuW ' , - oM 0h . . , '""'' ' ?e f drilled through the , ro-rt "n1 tney nT Dr- i. ,n0 tn "ntalns In Colorado; ' "ln " In search of gold. wuia seek Ood h.i .. ... -.-i- w - , - e waey , r" wou'dn't be a man In helL n- . .. way mere now. Another thing men seek after Is nlaaa ure. They will neglect their fam ly. bu "' reap the whirlwind. Why peo " wl" their souls Into sis "d sin. They will gv. up th8 le,ur, tnat they should devote to self- "nf'''oven1ent. they will break the laws avery win break ths laws " "eaiin, tney will become Invalids and "V ineir nomas. 1nf tn v....- . , j , ...v. .I atiine """forsaken reprobate pat them on ths "ck and say: "You're a dead sport old man! Keek ys the Lord-not health. Seek ye ... ...ru-noi gold. Seek ye the Lord-J Another thing; men seek Is ambition, i-ot a man become ambitious and hs Is spoiled for everything but one thing. There I. many a man that will sen hi. soul to the dev ,0 elected o aoma whiskey-soaked off lea thst won't pay a thousand a ye.r. They will pour out money like weter, and turn night Into day. In order to be elected. Ctolumbus 5? aL Wl" WMt an,, et I dls. Ths people said. "You are eraxy " Columbus knew better. He went am..s ! lry to " pwpl him for I"? vya"- A '"t Ferdinand and Isa- ' tneir jewels to raise ths m"""y f"' " voyage. He sailed west: Instead of dlscoverlns- India. nn h. October morning, Columbus Un. I th ,h6re" of World, Found Better War. . There was a fellow who sat one day ' and watched a woman take a piece of ! thread and drive It through the era of a needle and tie a knot In It and sit thought, forgetting his wife and ohlldren. i After a while, he said. "I have mt it - , . man who aaw an .uiri m .v. etreet He said. "There Is a bettor way them all. Seek ye the Lord. Look at Napoleon. I la said. '1 can lick the world." and hs almost did tt But what about God's word? My text says. "Seek ye ths Lord Lord on Sunday and start to live with ; the devil on Monday morning: and thea corns back next Sunday and say. "How do you do, Lord; haven't seen you all week." Ts Lord says, "You haven't got anything, on me; t haven't seen you either." j The belt words tn ths English laaeTuaga are the" little ones Mother. home, heaven, hope, wife, children, Ood and Jesus Christ Lt the wicked forsake .. ' nn II." 1 1 r . r his way. What Is it that msfteg the man corns back to the days of his boyhood. Oh, eall back to the days when you had hope and peace! Where Is there a woman, beaten down In sin, that would not like to return to the days when, purs as the morning dew, shs knelt by her mother's side. That staggering, reeling. Jabbering drunkard, helpless and on the way to hell and so close to the pit that he can ses the sulphur and hear the shrieks of the demons. He would like to return and get back to the day when he could look . every honest man square In the face, i Oh. the thief would like to get bac k to ' the day when he had never reached out his handg to steal the otner man's earn-1 lngs and savings. I'on't your rea.tnn and conscience say, when you do wrong, "Oo j bnckl Io rUhl?" Kin cuts like a two edged sword. It not only cuts the man, tuit It cuts his wife and children. Ood knows, it la bad enough If only the sinner suffers; but that Isn't all. You have to suffer, but other people suffer more than you. It hurt that girl to go down and sell her virtue; but It hurts her mother worse. It hurt that man to sidestep his marriage vows and live with soma one on the side; but it also hurts hia wife and children. 64n ruts both ways. It hurt ! that young man to go Into a booxe Joint, and then go staggering snd reeling home, and breathe his whlsky-aoaked breath Into the face of his mother; but, great Ood! It hurt his mother too. Nothing Is mors true than this: "One sinner destroys much good. The lack of proix-r Insulation of elec tric wires In the Iroquois theater In Chi cago oaused the deaths of ft0 people; and If the man whose negligence caused that frightful calamity had stood there and mowed the people down with a sword, he couldn t have brought more woeful de struction than he did by his negllence. All sin has the same root. The man who spat in the face of Jesus Christ cried that "crucify him," aa plainly as the mob. All sin starts with the rejection of Jesue Christ ' lour rejection of Jesus Christ may not cause you to crucify him, but you are re jecting him; so there Is no place for you over there; so the whole thing Is summed up by your attitude toward Christ. One man rejects Christ, and la-comes a drunk ard, another becomes a thief, another be comes a libertine. Kvery sin springs from rejection of Christ. Thoy will all go to the same place; you go to hell be cause you reject Christ. Jut a word and I am through. Where Is there Joy com pared to the Joy of being a Christian? Say, if any of you can tell me of a life I can live that Is better than the life I do live; If you can tell me of a life by the living of whtoh I can glorify God more and do more for humanity than by living a Christian life, I will live lt I am looking for the beat I can find. When I have grit Jesus I have g't the best there Is. Some people think that being a Christian you must alwsys be solemn. Ths Word of Ood says, Ye shall go out with Joy, and be led with shout ing. The mountains and hills ahall break forth before you In sliiRlng. and the trees of the field shall clap their hands with JP. Appreciation. Down In Georgia a preacher iwed to go to the postofftce fifty or seventy-five days In the year, and he always looked through the window into ths postmaster's of floe, and smiled his greeting. One day he called for his mall as usual and sa luted the postmsMer with the hour of the day. The postmaster called him Into his office and said: "Since you havo been coming to the poetofflce 1 have got so now that I look for you; and after you have gone I feel cheered and inspired. I am glad when you come, and am dis appointed If you don't I have had a pair of boots made for your use. I havo left orders for them to make you tl3 best pair of boots they can make of the finest and most expensive material money can buy. That Is Just a little apprecia tion of what your smile and cheer has done for me." He said! "Just give Ood the credit, noj me, because lt Is thj Lord." Joy I A man says: " 'BUI,' I would, but I am troubled with doubts." I.iHten: A famous lawyer lived in New York. He was a skeptlo. He waa the personal friend of one of the preachers, who, out of courtesy, promised to preach. The preacher prepared three sermons espe cially designed to enlighten this lawyer. The lawyer was wealthy, and hs knew If be could convert him what lt would mean to that community. He preached the first sermon oo resulta He preached the second sermon, and ths man came down the aisle and took his stand for Christ "I wish you would tell ma what It was In the sermon thst led you to Jesus Christ" He said: "Nothing, lf you want to know why I am here to ac cept Jesus Christ I will tell you." He said: "You know Tom Hudson, don't you? Well. I met Tom carrying a saw horse 00 one shoulder and a saw on the other. Tom had no overcoat and, no mittens on. He was eomlng down the street singing 'Jesus Paid It AH, All to Him I Owe.' 1 said, Tom, why the devil are you singing a song like that this cold rooming when you have to saw wood to keep your horns' and children and wife warm, and have no mittens to wear? What do you think Tom said? I will tell you. H said. "If you want to know what makes me stag, 1t Is the Joy of knowing Christ Well, I have been telling you that reli gion was an Intellectual process. When 1 beard Tom sing, I knew lf religion was an Intellectual process Tom would never havo understood it because he don't have a bright mind. But Tom had experience, which I had not, and I was trying to get In head first and hs had got In heart first So, I have come to say that I am willing to accept Jesus Christ without experiment." Let ths wicked forsaks his way. That la your part eLt the unright eous forsaks his thoughts. That is your part And let him return to the Ixrd. That Is your part And he will have mercy upon him. That la God's part. For he will abundantly pardon. That Is Ood s part. (Copyright William A. Sunday.) Suit to Recover For Grain Spilled The, Omaha EHevator company has brought suit against the Union Paclflo Railroad company for 10 on account of grain alleged to have been lost In tranxlt by reason of leaky cars furnished by ths dsfendant. According to the Omuha Elevator com pany during 1914 and 115 from Tauby, Bt LJbory and numerous other towns In Nebraska along the line of the Union Paclflo It shipped numerous carloads of grain. Of these cars tt to alleged that' twenty-five were leaky and that large quantities of grain was lost between point of origin and Council Bluffs, the destina tion. The value of this grain Is fixed at the sum sued for. . i Tke t'aase of Mheesuattsaa. Fee Sloan's Liniment and you won't oars what causes It The first applica tion helps. Good for sciatica, neuralgia. Co. All druggtata Advertisement Bee Want AOs Produce Results. TOPICS FOR A DAY OF REST Annual Mission Festival Sunday Will Be Held at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. KouirrzE choir cms musical The annual mission rce-tvai Sunday will be held at the St. Taul's Lutheran church tomorrow. Three servb-es will be held. Kev. A. W. Biebert will preach at 10 o'clock In the morning In German. At I o'clock Prof. W. F. Jesse of the Seward seminary will preach In both English and German and the Rev. O. Walter of Arlington will preach at 7:30 In English. The monthly musical by the choir of the Kountxe Memorial Lutheran church will be given Sunday night at the church starting at S o'clock. Following Is the program: "Ths King of Love My Shepherd Is".. Shelley Incidental Solus. Miss Moore, Mrs. lHel-lor. Mr. Swanson. Duet In ths Cross of Christ I Olory. Howe Miss Moore and Mr. Swanson. Trio I'ntlse Ye Vertll Mien Moure, Messrs Backett and Swanson. "1 Waited for the Lord'' Mendelssohn Incidental Solos. Miss Moore and Mlsa Paulsen. "Hark, Hark. Mr Soul Shelley Incidental Solos. Miss Moore and Mrs. Melcher. Organist Mrs. F. E Henjamln. Choirmaster Mr '-hn 8. Helgren. A three days' ntlon festival this year is being planned by the Immanuel and Zlon Lutheran churches, beginning Reformation day, October 1 and con tinuing through to November I- The choirs of the two churches together make a chorus of some 110 voices. This will be the second annual Joint celebra tion by Iinin&nuel and Zlon. Baptist. Calvary, Twenty-fifth and Hamilton, .T. A. Maxwell, 1'astoi Bible school at ; O. "W. Noble, superintendent. Conference and praer meeting of converts and mem bers Mondsy evening at 8. I hrlstlan Science. First, Bt. Mary's Avenue and Twenty fourth Btreet-Srvlces at 11 and S. Sub ject "Reality." Hundav school (two ses sions) at :4S and 11. Wednesday evening meeting at . Second, Dundee Hnll. Underwood Ave nue and Fiftieth Street Services at 1U Subject. "Reality." Sunday school at I.4A. Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Kplacopal. All Saints', Twenty-sixth Street and Dewey Avenue, T. J. Mackay, Rector Holy communion at 7:39. Sunday school st 10. Service snd sermon at 11. Trinity Cathedral, Eighteenth Street and Capitol Avenue, Rev. J. A. Tancock, Dean Holy communion at I. Morning prayer and sermon at 1U Kvenlng prayer and special music at 7. SO. St. Liarn.'ibas', Fortieth and Davenport, Rev. Lloyd B Holsapple, Reotor Holy communion at 7:. Matins at . Church school at 9 SO. Choral eucharist (orches tra) at 10:;H. Choral evensong at 6. St. Andrew's, Forty-first and Charleei, John Flockhart Vicar Services for sev enteenth Sunday after Trinity: Holy eucharist at (. Sunday school st 9:46. Morning service at 11. Subject, "Loyalty." Kvenlng service at 7:30.' Subject "The Ox Knows th His Owner." Special music. Lutheran. Augustana, Benson, Fifty-eighth and Reeil, Rev. C. U. Hloomqulst, Pastor Sunday school at :45. Services at lt Ebeneser, 2K18 Ames Avenue, Rev. C. O. Hloumuulst Pastor Seventeenth Sun day In Trinity. Sunday school at 10. Serv ices at K iunglish catechism class Satur day at 2. St. Matthews' English, Nineteenth and Caatellar, Rev. O. W. Snyder, Pastor Communion at 11, Subject, "Christ and Hun Crucified Our Only Hope." Sunday school at 10. Oethaemane, North Twenty-third and iK. Rev. F. A. Llnder, Pastor Sunday school at 45. Evening service at 8. The morning service will be at the Salem church, South Twenty-third, near Vinton. Orace English, 1S2 South Twenty-sixth, Rev. C. N. Swihart. Minister The holy communion at 11. Public worship and 1 .other league at 7:30. Sunday school at 10, J. F. Hmlth, superintendent. After noon Sunday school. Forty-eighth and Leavenworth at 1. Lutheran Southwest Mission Chapel, Iavenworth and Forty-ninth, Rev. O. O. Uerg, Pastor Seventeenth Trinity Sunday. Sunday school at 10. Morning services at 11. Kvenlng at 8. This mis sion is conducted by the Lutheran Augustana synod. bt. Murk's. Twentieth and Burdette, v ' Orch. Pastor Preaching by Rev. Dr. Hlgby, pastor of North Presbyterian i U. ne pastor will preach at the German Presbyterian church at 11 and ai iiiuiianuel hospital at 1:30. Sunday school at 9:46. Salem, 8S19 South Twenty-third, near Vinton. Rev. F. A. Llnder, Pastor Sun day school st 9:46. Morning service at 11. Omaha district of Nebraska confer ence will have Its mission meeting at c-alem church Tuesday evening and Wed nesday at 1.30 and t. All understanding the Swedish language are Invited to all these meetlnss. Catechetical Instruction Saturday at 9. Immanuel, Nineteenth and Cass, Rev. Adolf liult. Pastor Morning service at ID. "A New Heart Nothing Else Suf ficient." Sunday school at 11:46. Evensong service at 8, "The Daily Converaion of the Baptised Christian." The three days' celebration of the Reformation begins Sanday, October si, and wm continue to November L Immanuel Deacons, Thirty-fourth Street and Meredith Avenue, Rev. P. M. Llnd bera. Pastor Sunday school at 9:15. Ma ter Anna Flint, superintendent. Morning service at 10:30. Service In Immanuel hos pital at 2:&. Luther league Bible class at 3:30. Week services In Nasareth Home. Wednesday afternoon at 1; In chaiwl, Thursday evening at 8. Prayer syvloe, Saturday evening at 8. Kouutse Memorial, Farnam Street and Twenty-sixth Avenue, Rev. Oliver D. Baitily, Ph. D., D. D.. Pastor; Rev. C. Franklin Koch, Associate Pastor Morn ing worship at 11, 'Hnir Savior's Second Great Sacrament." Evening worship at 8. first the regular monthly musicals better than svtr: sermon, "Turning Back In the Day of Battle." Sunday school at 9. 44. rally duy. Oscar P. Goodman, su perintendent. Luther league at 7. St. Paul'a, Twenty-fifth and Evans. Rev. E. T. Otto, Pastor Annual mission festtvnl Sunday. Three services. Rev A. V. titebert preaches at 10, In German. Prof. W. F. C. Jesse of Seward seminary, speaks at t. In English and German. The Kev. O. Walter of Arlington preaches at 7 .30, tn English. Special music Lunch In assembly room at noon and evening. Friends and visitors Invited. Sunday school at 9:16. ... . P reeky tertaat. Westminster. Comer of Mason and Twenty-ninth, J. Frank Toung. D. D., Pastor Sunday. September 38: Bible school at it. t' ,rv"c invited. Monday. September 27. Christian Endeavor at 7:15. A service for every one at 7:46 fur Just one hour. Mlseellaaeoas. National Fontenello Spiritualist, 9414 Cuming, Mra. Ella Gardiner, Message Bearer Meeting Thursday and Sunday svenlngs at 8:1a. Ths Associated B'ble Students meet In Lyric building, Nineteenth and Farnam streets, at 8. R. L. Hontan will lecture. Topic. "Walking by Faith and Walking by Sight." Second Progressive Spiritualist. 2709 lavmwurl li. Mrs. M. I West, Pastor Sunday morning at 11. Subject. "t-Vuitual Gifts." Sunday evening at 8, Subject, "Statement of Being." Tuesday evening at 8, Message service. Thursday even ing at 8, lecture aad massage. Union Oospel Mlasion l' -1-- "rag xsnzm COFFEE FOR 2 LB. CANS That Economy COFFtf XSS. w T A. M. Perry, Superintendent All meet ings discontinued during the Sunday re vival campaign and the use of the hall given to the campaign committees for their nursery. Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of IHlter Day Saints, Twenty-fourth and Ohio Sumlnv school normal rlsss Bt S. Sunday school at :f. Preaching at 11 bv Elder Paul N. Craig. Rol sin rvre at :4f. Preaching at 8 by Kller M. A Peterson. At Moose hall. Twenty-fifth ami M streets. South Omaha. Mindav school at 11. Preaching at 8 by Carl T Self. Company B Captain Entertains Cadets Edward Zlpfel, captain of Company B of the Omaha High School cadets, enter tained the members of his company and their friends with a lawn party at his home. J2;'4 Larlmote avenue, Friday even ing. The lawn was lighted by a large num ber of electric lights. A large letter "B" outlined with electric lights was placed on top of the house The evening was spent in dancing, tsr get practice and a "wienie" roast. Those present were: Major Klsaser, commandant of cadets; O. L. Keating. N. N. O. : K. E. McMillan of the Central High school faculty, I'ap Isln Edward Zlpfel, First Lieutenant 'hest-r Trimble, Urst Lieutenant Br'ice Eldridge, First Sergeant Leonard W'ln terton, Srgenl Frank Campbell, Ser- G 1 1 1 nerve uoogers. lorporais Reuel Hniechert Sam Gillette Privates Elmer A niiersoii i luvrnce Munun Basil Hunts Webb Ctnrk Hen Fognl .hillHn Harris Carl Hess I 'sulci Hlrsch Ralph Kerr James Vnsco Wllltnm Votnwn Oeorgc West Peul White M lsse Oarnette Nelson Jean A. Wallace Isabella Eddy Isabella Pearsall Helen I.. Clark Helen Gwin Messrs. Rotiori McShane Burton Howard Gwen McCoy Corporals- Peter Klewlt llsymond Burgess Privates Albert Krause Kenneth Kratx Walter Lake Alfred .Miller William Newt nn Herhert Scheie Donald lie Id ri l'il T.-.ylor rn a nee H ford Whitney Pntil Kysar Itiissell Smith MlsPeS- Fern ( Julia w a v Krnnids Jones Ruth Steine Mar iorie Fortran Ruih I'elerxon Roberta Coulter Messrs John .Morris Bernle Holmquist This U.S. Navy Boat Can't Fire a Salute PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. . When Gov ernor Moses Alexander of Idaho and his staff left here today on the steamer Rone City for San Francisco an officer and gun crew of the Oregon Naval academy cruiser Boston attempted to honor the governor with a seven toe n-gun salute. After four shots, however, the guns be came silent. The captain of the Rose City, apprised In advance of the Intended honor, stopped his boat awaiting conclusion of the sa lute. No more shots were forthcoming, however, and after a time the steamer proceeded. i ;M tM :"v&w PnUtUgrtpk SUriuN. 1 "You say there's one of our checks there at the bank for several hundred dollars? 44 1 tell you we've drawn no such check. If it's our signature the amount must have been raised. "Haven't you any description of the man who got the money? This little business tragedy is taking place, somewhere, every day. Bills to pay, maybe a note I pay roll staring him in the face overdrawn all because he signed a check tor a tew dollars with out protecting it like this FIFTY ONE DOLLARS SIX CENTS with the Protcctograph Check Writer (Todd Patents), the beautiful In strument that writes the full amount in two colors and protects it -all at one speedy operation. Protection means "shredding" each character into the paper, forcing two colors of insoluble ink (Todd Patents) through and through each shred the original basic principle of real check protection. The two colors (amounts red, denominations black) give the check ' a handsome business-like appearance. Vividly separating the dollars and . cents by colors prevents misreading the amount. The Todd "word-to-a-stroke" system is much faster than writing amounts by hand. The , Protectorapli tacts iaTwe Colors Price S3 5 tically noiseless; tandem feed rolls (perfect alignment); perfected inking mechanism. Built with the precision of a watch to last a business lifetime. Beautifully finished in black enamel with heavily nickeled brass trimmings. One raised check may wipe out the largest bank' account. Why take a chance? Will you have a demonstration of the Protectograph Check Writer in your own office? G. W. YORK, Gen. Sales Agent, Urst National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Phone Douglas 7231. 803 fkmth ISth fit, D si. B gna F Bails Sanatorium This Institution is the only one in the central west with separata bulldln.i situated in their otf. ample grounds, yet entlrelj dig tlnct, and rendering lt possible to classify cases. The one buldlng being fitted for and devoted to the treatment of non-contagloue and non-mental diseases, no otherg be ing admitted; the other Rest Cot tage being designed for and de voted to the exclusive treatment of select mental cases requiring for a time watchful care and spe cial nursing. "Billy Bnnday, a raise Prophet P" An indictment of the Industrial and rolittCHl system, which Mr. Sunday docs I not, DARES NOT, attack: His slncer- Ity Is not questioned, but Ms messages I and methods mistaken! Pamphlet by I Wm. A. Prosser. Price 7 cents, post Ipnld. Bessie M. Womeley, 706 Peun ; Building, Pittsburg, Pa. TODAY'S BEAUTY SUGGESTIONS Face powder simply covers up an un- -attractive complexion and leaves no lsst- ; InK benefits. Those who have tried aT' simple spin max face lotion find lt tnuc'i' better, as lt removes skin decolorations." such as freckles and tan, and makes the ( skin smooth, white snd velvety. This lotion is made by dissolving four ounces ; of spurmax in one-half pint hot water, ., then adding two teaspoonfuls glycerin, j This complexion lieautlfler does not rub off or show like powder, and gives a ' more refined appearance. It removes both shlnlnesa and sallowness, rapldtr giving the skin a permanent health), youthful appearance. 1 An especially fine shampoo for this weather can be had at trifling expense by dissolving a teaspoonful of oanthrov In a cup of hot water. Pour slowly on. scalp and massage briskly. This creates a soothing, cooling lather that dissolves ' and removes all dandruff, excess oil and dirt. Rinsing leaves the scalp spotlessly clean, soft and pliant, while the hair takes on a glossy richness of natural color, also a flufflneas which makes It seem very much heavier than lt la. After -a canthroz shampoo arranging ths ha'r ' is a pleasure. Advertisement "Overdrawn? Impossible! "You Must Have Cashed a Raised Check" to meet at the bank to-morrow,". and his bank balance suddenly 7r Check Writer (Toda p.tnt.) insures thorough protection, and bears the. famous Todd guarantee of lasting satisfac tion to the owner. The beautiful 191 6 model has ever lasting bronze type) folding check shelf (compact, with extension slide for large vouchers); removable handle (locks ma chine); "silencer," making operation prac