Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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    ''tJII'',l'w)1 iisj saw iiin im
2 A
Chooie One More Delegate to Gen
eral Conference and Continue
Their Balloting.
Sit. X. B. fscnrsckengast, DUTinlt;
T. S. Tfl. Hosman, ITorf oik.
t. W. Embrtf, UnlTersltf Viae.. V. O. BiOwn, superintend sat of
the Omaha district.
Although the state conference o(
Methodist laymen elected their dele
gates to the quadrennial general con
ference of the Methodist church on
the first ballot Friday, the ctnfer-
enre of minister baa failed on four
ballots to give more than four
candidates the necessary majority
for rWtlon as ministerial delegates.
Kev. Mr. 8chreckenRast and Rev.
Mr. Hosratn received the necessary
majority on the first ballot. The
second ballot failed to elect any oth
ers, and on the third ballot only one
minister. Rev, Mr. Embree, secured
& majority.
When tha fourth ballot wu counted.
Rev. Mr. Brown was shown to have re
lieved a, majority, and hla nam wm
ndried to thM of the elected delegate..
Hvt mom are yet to be chosen, and a
fifth ballot was taken lata Saturday aft
ernoon, but Ita reault will not be an
nounced until Monday morning.
The flva undented candidates who
stood the highest on tha laat ballots
were Rev. Titus Ixme of tha Klrst
Mnthorllst church, Omaha; Itev. J. K.
Oettya of University Placa, Tin v. M. B.
Williams of IJncoln, Rev. a. W. lsham
of Keamey and Hev. J. F. Boeya of Lin
coln. ,
Detached Bands
Of General Villa
Yield to Carranza
LA RK DO, Tex., Bapt 5. Many de
tached bands of Villa soldiers ara sur
rendering to tha Carranaa forces march
ing against Torreon. It was reported to
day by General Alvero Obregon to Car
ranaa military authorltlea In Neuvo
Other military advlcaa Indicated that
tha Carranaa forces, advancing from
thre. sides against Torreon would an
oounter raslatanoa thera, lnetead of find
tag tha oily avacuatad by tha VUla troope
as previously reported.
"WASHINGTON. BepL J5. Thirty Par
sons ara reported to hare been kltlal
when thousands of ahota wars nraa in
tha streets of Cananea, Me., Thursday j
afternoon. No forelgnora appaar to have I
hfn among tha killed. Thirty American
rwttorted fleeing In auto
mobiles from Cananea to tha border.
The Carranaa forcea, which arrived at
Cananea at noon on tha 23d," aald a State
ri.naritiwnt announcement today, "baaed
on official i dispatches, "evacuated tha
town at T o'clock) In tha evening of the
same day. It Is also reported that during :
the afternoon thousands of ahota ware .
fired In the street a and that thirty per
sona were killed. Thirty American women
have left Cananea la automobiles for tba
"The department has been Informed
that Oeneral Maytorena of the Villa
forces intends to send a garrison to
A telegram to tha department from El
Taao says tralnloada of Americana,
dt'talned at Chihuahua because of con
gestion .due to military trains, wore ea-
pealed to leave there last night, A die- i
patch from Vera Crua told or the arrest
and release on bond of W. B. Wofford,
an American. No reason waa assigned.
Practical Jokes
Annoy Germans
u orreanondence of Tha Associated Frees.)
BULHSELS,. ?pt. XK Practical Jokes
continue to annoy tha German, authori
ties, who have considerable difficulty In
putting down this form of Insult to tha
invaders by tba Belgian, populate.
Machine guna were recently Installed
by the Germans on tha roof of tha Palais
de Justice In order to command the
Mlnlmee and MaroUee districts, where
the rougher elements live. Immediately,
as If by one thought, the people of tha
neighborhood mounted Imitation -' guni
nmrte of stovepipe on their house tops,
so that the whole district seemed to
bristle with artillery.
Governor Oeneral von Hissing made the
Jokers pay for their fun. however, at the
rate of IS marks for each offense. The
official announcement of the fine accused
the Joker of f"Vltlnq v"a method of
raillery which could only be disastrous
so j tha excellent relatione exisltlng be
laetn the civil population and the au
thorities.'' Champion British
Shot Killed in France
LONDON, Septa.-Lieutenant A. N. V.
II. Ommundaen of Edinburgh. Scotland,
cliamplon shut of the British empire. Is
reported to have been killed while fight
ing In Fiend era.
Lieutenant Oramundsnn waa winner of
the chief prises at the shooting tourneys
fceld st Blsley. Kngland. Including the
king', priae, which b. touk at the meet
ing of Uie National Rifle association In
If'l. II. had been a member of the In
ternational HI fie teams.
' BISON. . D.. Sept. .(Special.)
Mrs. gophla Mllla of Iuck Creek la this
Perkins) county, and probably the old
est peraon In the county, la dead at the
lioine of her daughter, Mrs. Del Smith, of
Duck Creek, at the age of s year, and
7 mof.tiit. Bhe was born early In lilt
Hf.r huat.and was killed while fighting
for the union in the civil war. Prior to
t,n,uig to South !akota,'Mra. Villa had 1-r twenty-five years at Hartley.
Is., and the body was Ukca to that
ilce for Interment. Beside. Mr. Knilth,
t o sons, rrank Mill, of Luck Creek and
j Aii;; of all Kin, ja., survive her,
Uil Ihrn lt l:HUtla,
WA.SHlVtiToN. t it. 26. iclal Tel
M'lnl .rvW eianilriatlu will
V t,rid on -tf.Ur j for rul It tier car.
rx'ia At Uuooln. NJ.
leader of the Haitian in
surrectionists, who, it is
believed, will soon come to
a peaceful agreement with
the American authorities
now holding Port au
7Naa-ri fl
' ,31
fl i - ' ' ? i
3 m- '
it' -
i t 1 ' il ' " i
- .,.a. 1 r '
(Continued from Page One.)
and majestlo store on earth, where every
thing from a spring mattress to a darning
needle can be bought for a dime. Lucky
people may draw a house and lot, that Is,
If tha charming women who will have
charge of the store allow thera to. It Is
built for fun. purposes only,, 'and filthy
lucre will have a small part . In tha pro
ceedings." - . M,. Kennelln RMoa. ,
N teas than soventr-seven application
have been received by Charlea Black for "discharged on eome flimsy, trumped up
passage apaoe In tha Zeppelin. Tha Fair Prateat" and that the elements that led
Amusement company of New York City t0 " aouthern Colo-
haa engaged the tonneau, or whatever It r,d0 U" cbu,n-
la called. In the balloon for the purpose Rockefeller Refnaee Coaaeneat.
of distributing French soldier dolls. 100 ROCKVAUB, Colo.. Sept X5.-When
of which will be thrown out on each Jonn D- Rockefeller. Jr..'g attention was
ascension. These dolla ara the product cal,,1 t0 leaver Dispatch stating that
of the United States and are consequently c0"""8; representing tha Interna
nnhr.akahl. i tlon' 3te'Uve committee of the United
PdeYll be a featura of tha Ak- J'r. ' "?,Ud
, . . him to a conference with a view to en-
Bar-Ben. They will be more pretentious ,nt(J a cont un.
than aver before. The automobile and ij. "
motorcycle avenU will surpass anything "i hava received no invitation yet. and
ever aeon In tha city and the oaah prises cannot very well accept or decline until
offered by the committee will have many it Is received. However. I have not yet
contenders. Any bicycle. If decorated, will refused to meet anyone, and do not la
be welcomed In the line-up and this gives tend to refuse to meet anyone In tha fu
every budding, genlua In the deooratlva ture. You may consider that aa my re
way a chance to display hla or her skill, ply."
Kach ttoycla must be decorated, and when Mr. Rockefeller refused to comment on
Dad Weaver aays "decorated" It meana the charges of discrimination contained
Just what ha says. . I in the committee's statement.
Arcn New Idea.
i-i, in m wiurs ana gilding will
be an Imposing spectacle. It la In tha form
of a alooriah palaca. with gargoyle, sup-
porting varl-colored lights, a eupola of
topoam. n.ltud. and .even galea,
whuTrlc'h ' by
. . vW' m"' WOman
ehild baa enter tha enclosure.' To use an
AngllcUm, tha Ak-8r-Be. 1. doln, Itseie
' ' 1
m . r,r,rw"t0rU th,t the
meat of af U. Marl. U absolutely certain.
Sne Is now at the Illinois atate fair and
will be here Monday morning to erect her
perpendloular track, around which aha
will speed at a rate aald to exceed ninety
"r, w h0U
ATlle Marie waa decorated by President
Polncare at the Ixuvre palace, two year.
ago for saving tha color. 0f the Chaa-
ur. u Atrique at Faahoda. but she will
b. seen in a more sensational act than
even war can produce, when she rides the
appendicular wall of the Wortham
human silo.
. Weal. t Arrive.
Some of Wortham's animals are now In
the city. pack of African lions. fv. in
number, came In last night and were sent
-v. ..v.r m uui. is ash s Nash largely to aevotlonsi
wood farm. Iad being conslderaU of tha erYloe conducted by Rev. R. T. Wag
nerves of his friends. i nr- Reports of committees on policy
"Kareless" Kennetly, wliard of the air'nl dl",r,bu,lon the reports wsre also
In hla death dufyiiui, hair raising act ' mV'' Bu,ho K'Phart delivered an ad
the acme of human n.rv. and endurance! n th "Mln,,,r' ot Church."
wica eacn day make his slide for Ufa' m w 7 "unaair- when
from the top f th. city N.tlonalanki Rlaho9 K,hrt W,U confer
to the roof of the Bavohot - 'ol.ow.n.
to known a. the mo.t recklea. of au perl
J2.T w,r,uu,e wonder oMh m--
NEW TORIT, &n,t X.-Th. CKm
Saving, bank of thl. city, holding tMTi4..
belonging te !M.5u6 depoaltors an
nounced toda" that it had sent a
to all banks and trust companies In which
.1 im iuno. ir a statement aa to their
attitude toward the proposed Anglo.
French loan. The statement reads:
"The flnaoo. committee of the Gorman
Ravings bank of tha city of New v.w
authorise, you to say that they ara com
municating with alt th. bank, and trus.
compaule. who have any or their money
on deposit, aaklng them for their postUv.
answer aa to their position In reference
to the proposed loan t. the aline and fur-
n.-rmr oeg to state that ia caae of aa
unasttafartory answer, the Will
be Immediately withdrawn."
Apartments, flats, and cottages
aa be rented quickly and cheaply by a
ifc-e "Ftor Rent"
Invite Rockefeller to Siicuii Prin
ciple of Contract Rela
DENVER, Colo., Sept. 25. An In
vitation to John D. Rockefeller, Jr.,
to meet representatives of tbe
United Mine Workers of America
and establish rontract relations in
Colorado, "If he has the welfare of
his employes at heart," la contained
In a formal statement given out to
day by Robert H. Harlln, Percy Tet-
low and James K. Moran, committee-
men representing the International !
executive board of the miners' or
ganliation In Colorado.
The committeemen recently came to
Colorado vested with power to decide
policies for the miners' union In Colo
rado and take necessary steps to defend
members In sny legal proceedings. Their
statement expresses t?ie opinion that
newspaper accounts of Rockefeller s tour
Of mines In Routhern Colorado "will
create an erroneous Impression In the
minds of those unacquainted with exist
ing labor conditions'' In those fields. It
recites; that In calling the strike two
years ago the Colorado miners sought to
establish the "principle of contract rela
tions between employer and employe by
collective bargaining; that to establish
this principle recognition must bo eon
reded to a bona fide union of mine
The statement then points out that the
United Mine Workers of America la the
only such bona fide organisation of coal
miners In the country and recognized by
the American Federation of lAbor.
The committee takes Issue with a pub
lished statement by Rockefeller that the
Colorado F"uel and Iron company "does
not care whether its employes are union
men or not." and says:
Charge' of Discrimination.
"HI nee the strike t called off laat
December, thla company CColorado Fuel
and Iron company) baa steadfastly re
fused to re-employ men who are at'.ll
af, lllated with the union and we defy
Mr. Rockefeller to produce from hla en
tire working force In aouthern Colorado,
a dnxen men who are members of tha
The etatemen says tha "miners' " re
presentatives with whom Rockefeller lias
conversed In the coal camps do not re
present the union (United Mine Workers
of America), but an organisation "created
by the head officials of the company and
afterwards foisted upon tbe miners.
"To demonstrate the lmpotency of
such an organisation to eatabllso
'equitable conditions," ". continued the
statement, "we wish to point out that
soma few months ago tha company en
forced a reduction .upon . the miners of
Fremont county . of 10 cents per ton,
notwithstanding the fact that the man
had been asking for an Increase of
prloea." '
The statement says that .despite Rocke
feller's recent announcement "eight or
nine hundred members of our organiza
tion" have been refused employment by
the company,
while . othera have ' been
Talks vUh lilss lHI.ere.
x fAnf.r..n. . . ....
u J llZ n SJ
SEatlJKS V. aVolrf
hlmslf former ,trk,l .nd Tetlll 1 mlm-
ber of the VmJi 1
' to""- of RockeJaHer-sU
thl" cam- Rookv.1, U aald by offl-
clala of the Colorado Fuel and Iron oom-
pany to lb. a atrong. union camp and a
ent9T of ocam among employes.
A ' " Mr. rch.d
Rockvale he hunted up tha two miners'
representatives. Louis Caruttl waa the
ftp" located. Some one asked Caruttl If
w" a member of tha United VI In.
Workers of America.
"TU bet 1 "" cruttl wpltod. add-
,nat "a went out on strike in Sep-
Umbcr' but went to farming and
celva no benefits from the union.
Bishop Kephart
Talks to Pastors
YORK, Neb.. Sept. SWSpeclal Tele
gram.) The fifth day's aeasinn f tk.
cot,fepeno the United Brethren church
which wlU be the ordination service, and
me assignment, of minister, for th
coming year.
A aeotlon of tha tabernacle will he re
served thla evening for the aooonunoda
tlon of tbe traveling men. who may wlah
to attend tha 'Billy" Sunday meeting.
The seat, will be reserved until Ml
o'clock and If not claimed by that time
will be used for th. general public'
Special Invitations hare been sent to
the United Commercial Traveler, and the
Traveler.' arotctlv. association, th. two
Council Blurt, organisations of com
mercial salesmen, and a large number of
ticket, have bean Issued good for the
admission of tha traveling men and their
wives and daughters, assuring them the
beat seata In the tabernacle If oi aimed
witkia the time limit. These tickets have
all been turned over to Secretary Mitchell
of tba Oommereial - club and may be
had upon application at the club rooms.
They will be ready for disposal all day
today. It Is expected that there will be
a large number of applicants.
X-Ray Will Save
Mankind from the
Great White Plajmo
PHIIaADEXJMUA. Pa., Sept. 2i. Phy
sicians who have spent years In the
study of tubnrrulosla declared todny at
the closing session of the seventh annual
meeting of the American Association of
1lnlral Rrmareh at the Hahnemann
Merllml college, that the cure evolved
by It. Jefferson K. Gibson of iJcnver,
Colo., retiring president of the asonrla
tion. Is one that In ten years ought to
plare tuberculosis among the relatively
non-fatfll diseases.
Ir. Olbsn mentioned the cure In his
sddresa opening the meeting and Thurs
day and described It In detail In a paper
at today's session. It provides a cure by
sddlng X-rays, ozone and static elec
tricity to the climatic and dietetic treat
ment now common In tuberculosis hos-
By thla method, he claims, the
presence of the disease can be detected
In healthy, robust persons even before
the well known symptoms begin to form
and cures can be effected In advanced
cases In remarkably short time.
In hla paper today Dr. Gibson said:
"It might seem that I have allowed my
enthusiasm to run away with me In
studying thla cure, but I think a feeling
of gratification, at least Is Justified when
I say that out 'of 7C7 cases thus treated
there have been only sixty-one deaths.
I wish to state now with em ph ax to that
the X-ray will finally bring about the
emancipation of the human race from
thla dreadful scourge. In a few years,
whan the method Is better developed, It
will be a disgrace for a physician to
allow a case of tuberculosis of any kind
to progresa to an advanced atagc, be
cause the X-rays even now find the In
cipient tendencies, even before the symp
toms form."
The following officers were elected.
President Dr. Coleman, New York;
first vice president Dr. William B.
Bnow, New York; second vice president,
Dr. Ieon T. Ashcraft Philadelphia.
JDr. Kraues of Boston Is tha permanent
Alaska Racing Dogs
Sold to France for
Sfervice in the Alps
NOME. Alaska, Sept i6. Sportsmen
here were lamenting today the sale yes
terday of 100 of the best racing dogs in
Alaska to the French government for
army service In the Alps. A. A. (Scotty)
Altan, the noted racing dog driver, will
accompany the dogs to Prance.
The team owned by Allan and Mrs.
Charles E. Darling of Berkeley, CaL,
was Included In the sale. It consists of
six teen malamutes and Is one of the
most valuabk teams in the north, being
twice winner of the famous 412-mile all
Alaska aweepstakes race. They are part
setter, with a strong wolf strain.
Allan has been recogntsed aa an author
ity In the selection of dogs. When Vllh
Jalmur Stefansaon, the Canadian Arctic
explorer, waa outfitting in Nome two
years ago, he commissioned Allan to se
lect tha dogs for tha expedition.
Eight Men Shot in
Fight at Akron, 0.
AKRON. O., Sept 25. As the result of
an argument eight men were shot In a
street fight here early today. Paul Har
king, Is, a rubber worker, la under ar
rest, charged with shooting to kill, and
Harry Douglass Is being held for carry
ing concealed weapons.
The police claim Harking, Iouglaas and
another man engaged In a loud argument
which developed into a free-for-all fight, 1
attracting a crowd. Harklns, the officers
say, fired twice Into the crowd. Severs!
men fell and Harklns fled, but wa. cap
tured soon afterward by a souad of
police who fought their way Into the
basement of a house where Harklns had
barricaded himself.
John Justice, 46. waa the most seriously
wounded. Ha lost an aye and haa a bul
let in hla head.
It Is tonio, appetizer and t!o
ach remidy ol well knowi merit
Sale Diabetes Remedy
In diabetes tha nutrition la Impairs!
thla result, in an excess of sugar
In tha blood, and the failure of the
food to nourUh. bene, a gradual
wasting away while eating well.
Symptoms of 111) a disease axe in
creased) thirst, excea. of urine, ema
ciation and dry skin often with .weei
ish odor,
"I had diabetes and wa. glr.n up
by ail dociun. of my town. 1 too
Warner'. Safe I'laUele. Hemedy and
am now rft-cty wlL'' K. Aivia
ii. Morton. Sajid ilnt, Idaho.
Sold by all druitgista. or s.ot post
paid on recalot of price. II. ii. Writ,
lor sample and Infitrmation.
Warner. Safe Jtemedio. Co
tit. tit. Uochester. N. y.
mm. mm
It is Generally Expected that a State
of Siege Will Be Declared
in Macedonia.
ROME, 8ept. 25. A Havaa dis
patch from Athens says: '
"Parliament will be called upon at
ltg session next Wednesday not only
to proclaim martial law, but to vote
upon declaring a state of elege In
Macedonia and other measures the
situation may demand.
"The National bank will advance
funds to meet the present needs.
"It la reported from Sofia that Bul-
j garlan mobilization la being carried
out normally, but without enthus
iasm." Kipeft Wr wiibi Bnlgarla.
ATHENS (Via Paris), Kept J6.-Great
i relief has been raused throughout Greece
by the order calling lor the mobilization
of the army. The people apparently are
glad to exchange the uncertainties of pol
itics for the possibility of war. It la gen
BfiH mui Kuril II una Mm I tsss
ii ii ii ii ii
1 1
62 a
A Silk Special
A large selection of
striped messnlincf in Lair
line', and the more, pro
nounced stripes, all tho
new fall : colors. Regular
$1.00 qualities; Monday
59c a yard
New Kimono
Silks and Satins
If you haven't ?een these
new arrivals you should
do so Monday. ,The section
is now complete and offers
a fine selection of distinc
tive patterns.
The Store for
Noted for the newness of
its blouse styles which are
constantly changing
$4.50 to $16.50 :
: C3
i o
i a
I ca
" CD
Redfern Corsets
In the Newest
Models for Fall
I ftp
T Street iar IPatroii:
Commencing Sunday Sep
tember 26th, the near side
stop will be discontinued, and
cars will again stop at the far
side of street intersections to
take on and discharge passen
gers. ' Respectfully, . '
erally believed In official circles that a
struggle eventually hrtween Greece and
Bulgaria cannot be avoided.
Mobilization Is under way today, pro
eo1n: onletly. The people sre bewild
ered, not knowing whither It may lead.
King Lon.-ta tuitie, i.o iCL'eiu.y fanned
through a severe Illness, la indisposed and
his conferences with Premier Venlzelos
have been portponed for a day.
Unitarian Army Mobilised.
WASHINGTON. ept 25. -American
Minister Voplca at Bucharest, also ac
credited to Bulgaria, telegraphed the
State department today that Bulgaria's
mobilization had been officially announced.
BTROM8BURG, Neb., fept. fi (Spe
cial.) Stromsburg cltlxens were excited
this week by the report that a strike of
oil had been made alons Prairie creek.
They began to buy up options oh land In
the vicinity, when It was discovered that
some boys had salted the ground by
pouring liberal quantities cf gasoline over
the mud, which made fine spurts of flame
when Ignited.
Pnrenta Take Body.
CFDAR FALLS. Ia., Sept. 23. (Special
Telegram.) C. W. Canfleid of Atlantic,
la., arrived today, accompanied by two
of his brothers, to take the body of his
son, Roy Canfleid, to Atlantic, Sunday
morning, where burial will be made.
II tunn
0 rj 0 U 0 0
The Fashion Center
of the
Middle West
"With the arrival of
the equinox we step
into Autumn. The
bright, cool, pleasant
days of a Nebraska
I all are bef ore us. 1 1
is a time of clothes
Our Fashion Ser
vice has been busy for
months searching the
style centers in order
to present the most
choice Fashionable
Apparel to : the wo
men of this comiuun
ity. We Present
our Offering
Confident of your Approval
Suits $25, $35, $45
Dresses $19.50, $25, $35
Coats $14.50, $19.50, $25
Skirts $6.75, $8.75, $10.50
I Canfleld was killed In the automobile
4 races here Friday afternoon when In the
twenty-first lap his car lost a tire and
ent over the emlaukment.
Eighteen Attorneys
Are Charged with
Misuse of Mails
SAN FRANCISCO. Cat.. Sept. .
Three Pan Francisco attorneys were
arrested today under a blankot federal
Indictment charging eighteen California
and Oregon attorneys and land agents
with using the malls to forward a fraud
ulent scheme. They are charged with
fraudulently inducing persons to file on
alternate sections of land along the
Southern Pacific railroad from the
southern state line of Oregon to Eugene.
Tha attorneys. . Franklin P. Bull. Nor
man B. Cook and W. A. S. Nleholason.
were released on $2,000 bonds. The land
Involved was the government grants
which had stipulated it should be sold
to settlers at 12.50 an acre. It was
withdrawn from settlement. The supreme
court of the United States recently" held
.. . i . , . v. i
mat me raiiroaas inieren-u in mi latm
was limited in t2.R0 an acre and that th
Increased value belongea to ine govern
ment. The attorneys are Charged with
representing that purchasers were as
sured clear title to the land regardless
of the court's decision.
nnnaan..; mtiia
bui lien msi I om w m;
doc loaorsa
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