-1 4 B TTTR OMAHA SUNDAY P.KK: SKITHMP.KK AMI'JEMEMS. Phone Doug. 494. Th. Only Hlffh Cla. Tand.rUl. Circuit. ttl September 26 Initial Vaudeville Kintanement of the SITKEME EMOTIONAL ACTKES8 In T"" - aev r- .mi I ' i jrf- I r w: 'mw -aa 1 nW ) I n A' I I J H ' XaziG x $ ' '- fn i Xi- - 4 : Kx """""l r.A'A t:-A:f- -.-. 1 h a a a a -y V-4 ,A (" vAaa KAAi A i jl Yf ;A;;cr7n.B I? Vt:J Jack Garreit Kilty Doner (' si. Bl own wain thU mK, when I ,, . A , , V ' I - ' , V l 1 51 I th flr.t of th. Shubert .how. A K, 1 comedian, marvell.d at the .cnle hn , J VST I V V , s, l v:.! of W. J. BuriKu lll h. nr 1 U 'v , nm, njr ma wnerui muwoi nura- I k I x I II 1 . 11 " , . ; k I . i .wi. . . . .. f . : 1L, 111 ! , krT" m unniiia riTOiHiur ana monK nil., av 'V - I ' : -: ::i-ss::i -::. I III 1 with whJoh tha bl. rvua abound, from V . '" ' I , 111 - - -'- it -.. ill "War Brides" Ily Marlon Oalg Wentworth. XAZIKOVA Johnny-Dooley &Rugel--Yvett8 THREE STEINDEL BROTHERS Lata Btar. "Th Hon.. Winniri." In a Short Mn.loal Badtal. WM. DE HOLLIS & CO. JOTCOOK In a Corned, oadltT. Th. QnMan Vand.nu. how. 'ZTT.'ZTTZZ. CRPHEUM TRAVEL WEEKLY PRINCE LAI MON KIM 'ou? . wjTlJ th?r- ph.nm Circuit . Motion riotnr. Pho- Th. Kot.d Chin.. T.nor. totrraph.ra. Prlciii Ma. tine Oallary, loo; brt ..at. (.xo.pt Saturday and San. day), 860. JTigbt. lOo, afic, 60c and 75o. AUDITORIUM omaha Thursday, Oct. 7th YBflPHKIY mmOVA in 'IYar3res' At. cne utpneum OTD S theater will coma to It. own again tht. Mk, whan th. first of th. Shubert .how. under the local management of W. J. Burse., will be pre awnted her.. Thla combination of Boyd', and BurfMi la locally aaao r la ted with th. moat .uocwuful daya of Omaha', hl.tory In connection with th. theater, and It 1. peculiarly altmlflcant that It la th. Bhubert'. who ar. in lomo ""Mutt rMponalbl. for th. renewal of th. combination. Befor. th. Mrandel. theater wa. built, Mr. Butvm. had ra tlred from th. Woodward BurgM. AmiM.m.nt ootopasy, and O. D. Wood ward bad th aol. manatrement of Boyd'a, alooa with th. Willi. Wood thaattr at Kaneae Caty. A apllt had com. between the ShuberU and Klaw Erlanaer foroea, and a new Shubert theater wa. butlt at Kanaaa City. Then th. n.w firm earn. Into Omaha and outbid Mr. Woodward foe Boyd'a, and poured tnat how. on a The lata EmU Brand ela llatanad to Woodward, pica for i thaater, and after aocn. netoUatloa th. BurcM. eV Woodward Amuaamwit oom pany waa organUed, th. Braodela theater waa built and opened under 1U manage ment. Woodward .till hold th. Klaw nrlanger agreement for Oiwana, and for two eamna the Brand ela proaperod under th. new firm. Burgee, later -bought Woodward, intereat la th bualneaa, and In turn eold hU holding to O. W. Turner, who after two muodi of only partial .ucceaa, .old Merare. Crawford. Phtlley Zehrung, who now manage the Bran del theater. In th. meantime th Bhu bert. had tried out th experiment of ending th.lr .mailer etnpanlea Into Boyd'a, and It had not proved a paying plan. Th. houae waa cloaeu, and with th. exception of th time Mr. Turner had a atock company there. It waa dark until th Nash Intereat purohaaed it from the Boyd heir., and planned to domoJleh It. Late laat fall Mr. Burgas, wa. In duced to e.tabllah a stock oompany there for a few week, and ao successful did the undertaking prove it waa continued all season. In th spring an understand ing waa reached with th. Bhuberta, and this fall th house opens with Shubert attractions, to be under th management of W. J. Burgeaa again, and the clrol. Mem. complete. At Me no idle praise, for Jolaon has no equal as a singer of com to dlttlea, and a. an ad lib funny man there ha. never been any one quit Ilk him. For on. thing, he n.war .tick to hi. ' part, and for thla reason nobody know, how long th. en tertainment will laat, for Jolaon may Ing ten or twenty songs, and It la no unusual thing for htm to add an extra half botar confidential talk with th. audieno. And no on can tell how many people ar going to have hysterics in th. audieno. and atop th. .how with their laughter. "Dancing Around" has two acta and twelve aoenes. as well as many astonishing spectacular featurea. Bom of the more Important principals are: Prank Carter, Kitty Doner. Harry Clarke, Mary Robeon, Fred Loalle, Eileen Moly neux, Rae Bowritn, Harry Wardell. Ma Dealy. Harry Wlioox, Ted Doner, and a "dro. of dainty dimpled divinities." A.hton Stereos said In th Chicago Rx am Inert "Dancing Around" is the best laurh .how, th. beat girl ahow, th wis est and fleetest metropolitan entertain ment tt Man In Chloago." When a Winter Oard.n .how cornea along, th sorry sight enter. Into th. frisky friv olities of llf. with undreamed interest and farver. ... ounoey night, October L mark. th. coming of th. big spectacular Winter uaraen revue, "Maid In America." to """r ror a weex a engagement. rrrsn irom extended engagementa In New York and Chicago, the production nas met with a favor almost unDrece dented In th annal. of theatrical enter tainment. Jingo throng, have alter. nately laugtted at th antic of th funny For th benefit of a lot of folk.. It may be stated here that Mr. Burgeas haa cele brated th. occasion by buying a new desk. He did business for many years at Boyd'a on a roll-top contraption that might have served Admiral Noah In the Ark, but a. h. feel, he U entering on a new leas of llf in the .how business, b. thought he might as well .tart with A n.w desk, and b. haa a fin on. 0 On of th .Igna f th times Is noted In New York, where Orao Oeorie la de voting herself to th. promotion of th. business affair, of the Playhouse, th. beautiful theater built for her by her huaband, William A. Brady. Mis. George 1. ambitious to build up an organisation such aa th. well remembered Auguatln Daly directed, and to mak. her house th reoognlMd center of drama activity for America. But ah. baa other pis as, and on. of these baa to do with th. plac ing of th beat possible play, within reach of th multitude. To thla and ah. lias announced that th Monday, Tuesday and Wadnseday night and Wednesday matinee performance at th llay house will be at prtoes ranging from 1 for the beat seat la th. theater down to 16 cents, very seat reserved. On th. other nights and at other matinee th. (1 aoal. will prevail. The exception to thla rule will be premier parfonnanos. Bh due. not expect to reap a great financial reward from this policy, but ah doe. ex poet to see a lot of folk la her house who en- Joy good drama, and who would not oLherwtee get to see It. Her', a wish for bar suocese in tal plan. vencm Around ' with Al Jolaon, a "twelve bour show aqueeaed Into three' . from th. famous Winter Garden, Nee York, with 13i people, will be the at traction at tbe Boyd Friday aud hatur- ttay. October 1 and t, matinee Saturday The .car of this Winter Garden ortanl-anti-m, Al Jolnon. has no peer as an ail around entertainer. lie la generally re ferrtd to a. being "the greatest enter- taiiM-r In the world." This Is, of course, comedians, marvelled at the scenic sur prises, wondered at the dassllng costum ing, pleased ty the tuneful musical num bers, dancing specialties and song hits, with which the big revue abounds from first to final curtain. Florence "Moore, as gifted a comedienne as seen In musical plays in a decade, has made a hit of pronounced proportions In the leading comedy role, and Is particu larly amusing In th delightful travesties on popular plays of the season, which go to make up th. major portion of th. comedy. Mil. Dcuu. without question, the greatest dancer of modem times, 1. adding new laurel, to her reputation a terpslchorean artist, and shows her In imitable talent in the "Ballet Russe" and th. "Ballet of Color and Motion." which were specially d.vlaed for her by Theo dore Kosloff of th. Imperial Russian Ballet at Petrograd. Bwor and Mack, fa mous negro delineators, offer ss delight ful a bit of patter and foolery as haa, ever been written Into a musical .how. j 1 UI.W I ... I -' " inn, wnu nam v 1 1 d ICKUIIIB !- tng role, has been universally acclaimed the most gloriously voiced prima donna In the lighter form, of musical entertain ment. Others who have .cored are Minerva CoverdMe. Rita Gould. Margaret Calvert, William Ilalllgan, Bam Adams, John ftparks. Will Stanton, TTred Graham, Coogan and Cox, Harold Robe, Thomas McGulre, Mabel Hill. Olady. Benjamin Bly Brown and many others. Th choru. of sixty Winter Garden girl, displays soma am ax In g gown creation, on th. tag. and out on th runway over the orchestra seat. In th two act. there are twelve magnlfloent stage .ettlng.. During the course of the action thirty whlstly song hits and musical ensembles will be heard. Seata for all perform ancea will be placed on sale next Thurs day. ' AI&olsoii - Ah Boyd's Eva ITulLAHtie fa yey AMIIKMEMTS. (10O MEMBERS) Opening Concert of the Oharity Soncerl Oourse Vnder the Auspices of the Associated Retailers of Omaha, PRICES: First 30 rows Arena . ,,,.. V $2.50 pet SeaL First 5 rows Ralrony .'list to 13th rows Art1 mi I. no . Oth, 7th and 8th rows Bnlcony.. f " per nt" Oth and 10th rows Balcony $1.00 per Seat. Every Cent Above Actual Expenses Given to the Various Omaha Charities Tickets on Sale Now at Any of the Big; Stores. These tickets may be reserved on or after Monday, October 4th, at tbe Auditorium Box Office without extra charge. Mme. Na.lmova, the distinguished actress, comes to the Orpheum this week. (Continued on Page Flv., Column One.) 66IP3 Florence Moore Declares Laughter Is the First Aid to Loveliness Funny women are seldom beautiful. funny face, m.y be very lovable ones. but they are rarely fascinating. Floreno. Moore, th leading- funmaker with "Mali! in America," th. big Winter Oardtm speotaola, coming to Boyd'a theater next week, think, people . would rather look at the fao that la alway. laugliing. than at a sad -eyed and doleful beauty. Mis. Moore Is beautiful hereself. though ah. never think, much about It. and could have played a "beautiful heroine" to perfection, had aha clio.un th straight drama to comedy. But on of her theories is, that It Is a finer thing to make people laugh than to atlr up the sadness In their souls, though the tragic play may be elevating and Insuring. 'And there I. e much bigger field In this line of work." she says, "and It la so much more Interesting. Besides I think it is splendid to make people laugh If one can. Laughter Is healthy and there Isn't half enough of It In th world. and there are too few people who ar ready to be amused by the little events of the day. My theory of eternal youth and Incidentally a moamire of beauty Is tb cultivate a aense of humor, to train one', life to sea the sunny side, and to lauirh, laugh, laugh." Miss Moor works hard enoufrh In the new revue to turn her theories for other people Into practice. She performs so many strenuous feats to mak. others smile that ah la apt to com. off the stage with her costume In tatters, and exoept that aha has worked herself up to the spirit of fun In th. part sh. would com. off a. physically worn aa her clothea When ah. goes on feeling "down and out" and area sum. on In th. audience with a set. gloomy "you-cant'-make-me-!auTh" expression on. who has paid for one of th. best seat, to a funny show to prove how Invulner able he Is to mirth, and the idea appeals to her, sh. .miles, and . directs her best work his way. And a hen she ha. draan a sham.-fsced smile to his lip. ah. I. satisfied and happy, "And nobody knows what I'm laugh ing at." she says, "and I suppose they think It Is a part of the ahow.' If women would try to see th fun that lies behind everything that side of their oritur would expand and grow strong from practice. A .ens of humor can be cultivated th ram a. gentleness or unselfishness. AMl'SKMKMTt. WILLIE arx.EDr.Mi World'. Greatest Klmla Actor r.lONDE & SELLE exemplar, of Song- aad Daao. DOLLY & HACK Entertainer, oa Ttella aad Baajo. Chas.f.lcGocds&Tate: Xa "rastlms la a attlllard rerlor "TI.3 Gall cf tha Sea" A Feature Marina Irja And An Assortment of Co fined Photo Flays 10c S3X2 'Whcro tho Dime Coes Its Duty" 10c is one of the main reasons for the success of the STRAND, rmd it has gone over anybody will tell you that. "Old Doctor Pep" (with chie fii)0lgie3 to that wonderful or ganization, the Ak-SiuvBen) has been on the job from the first minute we arrived in Omaha, with the re.sult that we have gathered together as clever and energetic an organization of young, ambitious fellows as can be found anywhere. Our operator swears ho's getting the best picture in the state of Nebraska, that is as far aa projection is con cerned, and has dreams of eventually becoming chief operator of that wonderful, theatre in New York, the Strand. While our orchestra leader ptays awake half the night trying to figure out new novelties to introduce to make the pictures more realistic: in other words, his mo tive is to play with and not against the pictures, as id the case ninety-nine times out of a hundred. Then our house superintendent is ,jus.t beaming over with pride ut the neat and clean appearance of tho theatre not a speck of dirt to be found anywhere and every thing in tip-top shape, and so on throughout our entire organization. Honestly, it's really an inspiration to work with cir " bunch, " because they are just chuck full of confidence aa to the success of the STRAND, and if you want a fight oa yonr hands, just say something detrimental and .see ho outcome. We're mighty glad to see you, too, and want you to appreciate this fact, even the birds in the lobby " Bid You Welcome" and from the "Thank you" of the little lady who sells you tickets until we wish you "Good Night and Call Again." we dem it a pleasure to amuse and enter tain you. Our program Ak-Sar-Ben week is very, very strong. Sunday and Monday we offer Mary Rinehort's Mystery Story in Five Sensational Episodes entitled "The Circu lar Staircase," followed Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day with Hetty Naneen in "The Song of ITate," adapted from LaTosca, while Friday and Saturday Theda Rara is shown in "Lady Audley's Secret." M ay we not hope to see you T 7 ' ; t ' f I ' s. 1 if 1. ' 'I "Jill I gf I ( nrniiaiiii:iiiiiiaUiii.;iiiii:lii it t riii iii ilTn 15th DIG WEEK 1915-Btock ea.on.19ie TOniQIIT ffiMB "AtBafSL w Adventure stare letting thaa "Within the Law." Next Wk.-"Whil Happened to Mary." mr L' A-"i '' . . A,,, s"; . A -I -I ,1 ,1 II I I II , I -I , HIPP THEATER 1Mb. aad Harney The Horn of rununout TODAY OMXT TODAY, HM. , Wm. A. Brady, lac, presents Robert Warwick in TH BTOUBsT TOICH" By y.nl McAllister J BAYS-iVpl 27th JB88B It. XUIKT Presents Lou-Tellegen "The Explorer" The story of an adventur ous youth who led an ex ploration party Into Central Africa and who risked life and honor for the woman h loved. Wonderful scene. native life and customs. 3 DAYS JJSiTsEPT. 30 moxosoo paomuT CO. Presents Elsie Janls In "twig ITI1 riVS" A convincing story of pri meval to present day love. Written By Herself. ku4 Grand Opening Ball OF THE SEW nr i iTYr dancing Ui LUACi ACADEMY 111 So. 18th -St. A Decent. Place for Decent People Thursday Evening, Sept. SOtli. Rohan's 8-Piece Orchestra AtlmUgkui 25c. "OMAHA'S TV CZHTEH" DaUy ltata.,ia-a8-B00 Bvag.M 16-85.50-750 bows THE KISSING GIRLS A Gingery, Baauoy, Two-Act Moslcal Shower. Costumes Oorgeous, Btagint Sumptions. Great cast. Including Beau, tlfol riorence Mills aad Dainty Eva Stall. Bl Beauty Chorus. Ladles' Dime KatUse Week Say.. w A L T E R WHEATLEY TOICB AITS OTITHA IsTBTBUCTXOB. Apply Saturdays SOB ITStlO BVI1.DZHa Phone S. 8704. Be Want Ads v-roduc Results. 60RGLUM PIAXO SCHOOL B61 Sougla. Street. Be-opea Sept. Bth, August Ttorgluin, Madame Borglum iFuplls of Wager Xwayne) Solfege-Schvartz Method. Pari. Harmony Public Performance Mssasotl PsilfsiWA ,f 1,"V:ird by, " teaching. Is s illUSlCal CUltUre v.'i'' as-t in me Mte service ar.-l nspiness of any Individual possessing i?. The Omaha School of Orchestral Instruments Inspires the highest possible beauty of expression of esei student. Catalog aent on request. Address Patterson Block. 77