Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 15

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Women Are
Doing in the World
Editors of the U. of 0. " Gateway"
Hub ( mlfAM,
MONDAY Drniilf' Circle, Child Oonser
vation league, Mrs. N. K. Sype hostess.
Ororgs Custer Wnmnn'i Relief Corp.
Mm. Arthur Gwynne hostess. Volun
teer workers at Social Settlement, 3
p. m.
TI'F.srAY State convention Nebraska
Federation of Women Clubs at Nor
folk, Pollution day, Old People's Jlonie.
WF.n.VKSDAY-Reunlon of Social Set
llcmrnt summer cmr vacationers, 7:.
p. m. Mu Slsma club. Mr. N. P. Fell
hostess l4kton Auxiliary kenstngtou,
Mrs. Miller hostess.
TH l'R9lA Y Bnuiia Hoagland Flower
KftlDAY Omaha North Side circle, Child
Conservation league, Monmouth I'ark
SATl'Rl AY Major Isaac Padler chapter
liaughters of the American Revolution,
Misa Mildred Funkhouxer, hostess.
(Notices for this column should be
mailed or telephoned to the clnb reporter
lolore Friday noon.)
HE Omaha delegation to the
state, convention of lha Ne
braska Federation of Women's
clubs, which opens Tuesday
nt Norfolk, will leave here
Tuesday morning at 8:3). The
Omaha Woman's club delegation will be
headed by the president, Mrs. N. II. Nel
son, and include Mesdamrs E. M. Py
fort, t.. M. Lord, J. H. Dumont, Harriet
MaoMurphy, W. 8. Knight, Jean John
ston and F.dward Thelan. They will meet
the lilnroln delegation at Fremont.
-Mrs. F. H. Cole, General Federation
chairman of civil service reform! Mrs.
M. D. Cameron, state chairman of the
same department; Mrs. K. R. J. Edholm,
state health chairman and Mrs. C. W.
If ayes, of the state legislative depart
ment, w,!ll also attend the meeting.
Mrs. R. S. I-afferty and Mrs. N. M.
Graham of the South Side Woman's
club, Mrs. Brooks pf the Benson Wom
an's club and Mrs. W. P. East of the
Woman's club of the 'Railway Mall Ser
vice will represent their organizations.
The delegates will return Friday.
The opening meeting of the Omaha
Woman's club will be held Monday, Oc
tober 4, at the Young Women's C'hris-
tlr.n association auditorium,
.Members of George A. Custer Woman's
Koiief corps will celebrate the birthday
of Mrs. Arthur Qwynne at her home In
Florence, Monday afternoon.
The first fall meeting of the Dundee
circle of the Child Conservation league
will he held Monday at the home of the
president, Mrs. N. J. Sype, 610) Burt
street. This will be the donation party
which was postponed from last spring.
Kuch member will bring a contribution
of food (package goods, tinned or fresh)
or clothing, or any personal belonging
suitable for a needy mother. House fur
nishings are acceptable.
Each member will also be prepared to
tell a three-minute story suitable for
A short musical program will be pre
sented by Mrs. Alle Parsons Tedrow,
including Gounod's "Sing, Smile, Slum
ber," and "April Blossoms,' by dough
Lighter. The convention of thNatloni Amer
ican Woman Suffrage association will be
held In the New Wlllard hotel, Wash
ington, D. C. December It to 19.
Dr. Luclle Eaves has resigned her chair
as professor of practical sociology In the
University of Nebraska to beoom the
director of research work la the Women's
Educational and Industrial union of Bos
ton. Dr. Eaves was active in Nebraska
suffrage circles.
The North Side Clrole of the Child
Conservation League of America wlU
meet Friday at S o'clock In the Monmouth
Park school. The following program will
bo given on playgrounds movement:
Roll call, answered by "What I Think
of Playgrounds;" paper, "The Great
Value of Supervised Play for Children
and Playgrounds as Social Centers," by
Mrs. F. A. Miller; paper, "The Play
grounds Movement in the United States
and What This Community Might Do
Toward Bettering Child Play Conditions,"
by Mrs. C. H. Savidge; reading. "Robin
Hood," by Mrs. W. C. Price; music, se
lections from De Koven by Miss Helen
Reynolds; report on work accomplished
by women's clubs in this state for pub
lic playgrounds, by Mrs. Karl R. Ogden.
The opening meeting of Mu Sigma olub
will be held Wednesday at the home of
Mrs. N. P. Fell. The program on Robert
Browning's "Paracelsus" will be under
the direction of Mrs. G. W. BlcknelU Mrs.
1. W. Carpenter heads Mu Sigma this
year, with Mrs. George Damon as vice
president; Mrs. M. D. Huasle, secretary,
and Mrs. E. M. Ax tell, treasurer. The
club will continue its study of English
Mrs. 8. C Jennings was re-elected to
head the North Side Women's Christian
Temperance union at the meeting held
Thursday at the home of Mrs. A. II.
Ilathbun. Mrs. W. K. Berkman is the
vice president at large and other vice
presidents from the different churches
include Mrs. R. J. Beard from the Cen
tral Park Congregational; Mrs. F. G.
Othmer, Olivet Baptist; Mrs. C. P. Lunn,
Hirst Memorial Methodist Episcopal; Mrs.
Ous Miller Is the recording secretary)
Mrs. N. C. Latham, treasurer; Mrs. A.
II. Rathbun, press secretary. Mrs. Rath
bun was elected to represent this society
at the Nebraska dry convention at Lin
coln this week.
The Mothers' club, of which Mrs. CI. E.
JMickel Is president, has issued its pros
pectus for the coming year. Art In all of
its phases will he included in the course
of study. Medina ere held once each
There will be a meeting of volunteer
workers at the Social Settlement Monday
afternoon at S o'clock.
Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock those
who spent part of the summer at the
Social Settlement camp at Waterloo will
hold big reunion.
i - - s - v iV v
Closin" of the Outdoor Clubs Don
Not Lessen the Social
(Coniimied from J'nue Two)
2rs. Thomas Mess Thar Gaines
and Customs" and "Life In Japan" were
read by Miss Cora Totman and Mrs. C. C.
Sawtelle. "Madame Butterfly" was read
by Mrs. A. C. Nerness. The president.
Mrs. O. S. Brooks, and delegate, Mrs. J.
W. Welch, with other rcprcsei-.tatives of
the club, will Join the Omaha delegates
to go to Norfolk Tuesday for the state
General Henry W. Lawton auxiliary's
kcnslngton will bo held at the home of
iMrs. Miller, 2242 l.arlmore avenue, on
Wednesday afternoon. Mis. Eraser and
Mrs. Whlpperman will be hostesses.
V. M. C. A. ol'S.
The attention of the women employing
maids la called to the fnrt that there are
two clauses In Ejiulfsli offered at the
Yoiintf Women's Christian association.
Uiw is lor airis who Know praciicauy
nothlntf of the language. The work In
this class corresponds to that done in the
lower grades of the public schools. The
other class Is for those who have a slight
reading and speaking knowledge or l-.n-IIhIi.
mid the work corresponds lo that
done In the upper grades. MIs Ceclle
Lyon has chnrne of the begitinlnir class
ana Miss Esther Johnson of the advanced,
l'.olh cl;snts meet on Monday night at
1:'M. or as soon as the girls can get to
the building.
A grammar class Is offered for those
who have hud advanced work In English.
This course is especially suited to busi
ness girls in offices where a great deal
of writing Is required. IysBons In spell
ing will be Included If there Is a demand.
There are two classes in literature. The
one in advanced literature, a study of
modern drama by Miaa Kate Melliigh,
and the other a course in classic myths
combined with the telling of the stories,
led by Miss Louise Curtis. Both of these
classes come on Tuesday night, the first
at 7:30 and the latter at 7.
Registrations can be taken any time at
the general office. The week of October
11 will see all departments open. for the
fall work.
several weeks at tho home of Mr
Mrs. C R. Sherman.
Mrs. John H. Hayes ami small s.m. R.1
ble, of New Vork, are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. K. C. Hayes. They are rn route to
California to spend tli winter.
The. Rev. and Mrs. M. It. Williams are
guests of Vr and Mt. W. II. Mick. Mr.
Williams, who was formerly pastor f I
the First Methudtst ihnnh, Is here to
attend tho Methodist conference.
Mr. Henry K. IVnnocli of Seattle,
formerly of Omhshn, Is the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. I. S. lx-avltt. Mrs. rennocK
was prominent In the art department of
the Woman's clul when they lived In
For Christ Child Workers.
Th hoard of directors of the Christ
ChlUl society will give a tea Monday nfl
einooii from t to 6 In the clubrooms rf
tho Knights of Columbus, as a e.
to Mrs. Dui.lel Stapleton and a faiewell
to Mrs. F. J. McShane, who leaves soon
to make, her home In New York. Mrs.
Stapleton and Mrs. McShane have ben
two of the most active members of
this association.
, i "V- - v-s-'-'f!
from Monlemima. Ind., where they spent
two weeks Usltlns the boyhood home of
.Mr. Johnson.
Mrs. V.. . Xsiih relumed Monday from
the ea-t. Ms l'runces Nash Is now
wilu lrs. Cml'i. t at Northeast H.irh-vr,
ami w rl r tin n h.trr.
Mr. Bernard Smjtli arrived homo 'Sat
nvilny from Colorado for the wedding of
his sister and Mr. Mhhernson Thursday.
Kdnaril Smyth rsme homo earlier In the
w eeU-
l I" I ll-:!r,a' tfivf home KrldSV
from Manor, whei-e h has Wn "y "ly remove hair from the surfac
It has been proven by the world'!
greatest authorities that hnlr Is bonne
lo fc-row out conifer and stlffer a'tet
encii removal imless It Is devltt.lacd. 1'
'is lniK,Hshlc lo oeillnllise hair with
pastes snd run-on preps rni Ions, necaus
istlng his daughler, Mis. Wilson
Austin, nml Mr. Austin. Mrs. MeOrew
remained In the east.
Mrs c. II. 'Jeff airbed home Vclne-
'day, from two months' Islt w ith her
Pfi'enls. Mr. and Mrs. S. W, Thome, at
Medfunl, tie. . her return trip she
vlsiicd the exposnlons and Iais Angeles.
IieMlrmie. the original llnuld depila
tory devltallxea hair I y attacking It un
der the skin as well a on the skin
Imitations of De.Mlracle are as worthlesi
as partes and rub-on preparations, be
cause, they luck certain Ingredients that
lMlracla alone contains, which give I
the power to roh hair of Its vitality Its
life sustaining force.
Huy a bottle of the genuine TeMlral
todav and vou will get the original liquid
hair' rnio er. Others are worthless 1ml
tatloi s tefuse them. Remember, you
are not as'ied o buy IeMlracle on a
mere promise of your money being re
funded lieMli-acle Is the only deplla
toiv Ih.-i; bus a binding guarantee In
each pm'Hikc wllch entitles you to the
iefun.1 of vouv money If It falls.
lieMli-.e e is Khl In 1. and $10f
bottles. The laraer slse Is the most
i:d II. Stein. Palm hotel, was arrested
St Nimu and Cni.tol avenue Friday eve
ning hv p.ct"! nifl er Marlln PhleKIs,
w bn toole a lerae loaded revolver from : r,.onoiiibnl for dermatologists and large
Rnmmy Club Entertainment.
The members of the Rummy elub were
entertained Friday afternoon and evening
at a box party at the Orpheum, followed
by dinner at the Rome hotel. The eve
ning wns spent In playing cards in the
parlors of the hotel. Those present were:
Messrs. and Mesdnmes
H. L. I'nderwood, Frfink O. Brown,
II. 1". Newton,
W. A. Smith,
W. F. Loi-ro,
J. W. Hood.
11. Keating.
Joseph Rogers.
Miss Alice Jetes.
l'eter Mehren,
M. M. Kline.
I . K. liovejoy,
.1. V. Plmmlck,
A. 1. Olmateed,
IX A. Lulkhnrt.
l;,.n asked whv hs ear- libera t.i luiv. If vour dealer will not
i 1 guni'iv vou, oriier nirrci irom
Stein's peckr
rl-d ih. v.n.wmi ,-iein re, ''""' j bo,,, the ti-estment of superfluous
V.nii where tt isme from or how It got!j,lr nm-ie.l in I in sealed envelope on
In uiv . Intl e.-i." It is lielleved by the po- , rouest. I'eMirscle Chemical Co.,
sl..l,, I, ,,-c4rlimllnr ' I til K Ae t l-.'i 11 CI
A vr.
! vertlsrment.
New Vork. Ad-
GKRTrtrnn mtartiit
Of Chicago.
About Music
and Musicians
Miss Alice McKsnste has returned from
New Tork, where she spent the vacation
months coaching and doing pedagogic
work for Mr, Yeatman Griffith, late of
London. Bhe has taken a residence studio
at 2611 Harney and la ready for the sea
son's work. Miss McKenxte has engage
ments for Chicago, Pittsburgh, Streator,
111.; Davenport, la., and other cities.
Bhe plans giving a recital in Omaha dur
ing November.
Mrs. E. R. Zabrlskle, who hus been in
New Tork for several weeks, coaching
with Mr. Slegmund Groaskopf, violinist.
expects to return to Omaha about Oc
tober 1.
Beulah Pale Turner, soprano, will give
a public recital at the Toung Women's
Christian association auditorium Tuesday
evening, October 24.
Martin W, Bush will give a piano re
cital on Tuesday evening, December 18,
In tha First Bsptlst church.
Joseph F. Woolery has severed his con
nection with the muslo department at
Ilayden Bros., where he has been In
charge of the musical Instrument depart
ment for the last two years. He will open
a studio for blolln instruction at his
residence, 2621 Spalding street. Mr. Wool
ery Is a graduate of the Omaha High
school and continued his study of the
violin at Drake university. He has been
giving Instruction since graduation, con
tinuing his studies here under Henry Cox.
He received his early Instruction under
Mrs. M. L. Parrotte.
Changes ot Residence
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weller will move
from their apartment at the Clarlnda into
tho apartment In the sanio building va
cated by Mr. and Mrs. Howard aldrtgs.
Mr. and Mrs. Baldrlge are moving Into
their former home on Thirty-ninth street,
which was nearly destroyed by the tor
nado, but has since been remodeled and
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Clarke.
Sorority Luncheon.
The members of tho PI Beta Phi so
rority were entertained at a luncheon
Saturday given by Mlssos Uarda S-oott,
Clara Scrlher, Florence Rush and Mrs.
Russell Hurris at tho home of Miss Uarda
Scott. About thirty-five guests were
Violin Recital.
Pupila of Luella Allen's violin school
gave the first of a serlos of recital".
Saturday afternoon. The following took I
Mrs. Vincent O'Bhca.
Mlases Misses-
Ruth Daniels,
Lillian .Siaifuid.
Milton Rarmettler.
Richard llarmettlcr.
returned from W esthimioton. L. I , where
they spent the summer.
Mis Ruth Thompson, who was the
guest of Mlsa Florence Neville for sev
eral days, has gone on to California.
Mile. Marie L. Andre, who lias spent
the mimmer In Japan, arrived in Omaha
Thursday and U at the Colonial again.
Mrs. L. 1 I'rofoot and Miss Frances
Nash are expected liome Tuesday from
the east, where they spent the summer.
Mr. Glen Wharton Is expected home
within a day or two from the east and
Mrs. Wharton will be back In time for
the hall.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Johnson are home
FVsnces Orflson,
Be h n eck ei i bei ge r
George Berger,
Joe Harding,
Fraternitv Entertained.
The Phi Beta PI frr.ternlty of the
Crelghton Medical college was given a
smoker at the home of Ttay Ryrne, Sat
urday evening.
Personal Mention.
U. B. Balcomhe returned this week from
i a two weeks' visit to Excelsior Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bertwell have re
turned from tho expositions via tho
noithern route.
Miss Helen florenson Is spending tho
week-end In Lincoln as the guest of Mrs.
Richards at the Lincoln lintel.
Dr. Frank M. Conlln will return Bun-.
The season of the De Luxe Dancing
academy will open this week at 107-0-11
Bouth Klghteenth street w hen the open-i day from Boston, where hns been rngaued
ing dance will be given Thursday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. William Keep will
be the instructors of the academy and
will be on hand nt all times to give In
struction and to seo that everything? it
conducted In a hiuh class fashion. Tills
new dancing ac;nl my Is located back of
the Strand theater, over the new Fonte
nello garage, which Is strictly fireproof.
The school will he held on Monday eve
nlngs and assemblys each Wednesday,
beginning Monday, October 4. PuMlo
dances will be given every Tuesday,
Thursday, Haturday and Sunday eve
nings. These dances are under the man
agement of the Elite Amusement Co.
Bee Want Ads Produce Result.
Tribute to Dr. Carl Muck's Skill;
Program for Symphony Concert
Major Isaao Sadler chapter. Daughters
of the American Revolution will be enter
tained for Its first meeting this year at
the home of Miss Mildred Funkhouser
Saturday. "The Colonisation of Massa
chusetts and Virginia" will be the topic
ot siuay. airs, xvaipn newell will read a
paper and Miss Funkhouser will read a
paper written by the president, Mrs. Wil
Helen Dare, writing for the Ban Fran-'
olsco Chronicle of Saturday, May SO, 1S1S,
concerning the series of concerts which
had shortly before Ik en g.ven by the
Boston Symphony orchestra at the
Panama-Pacific International exposition,
paid extraordinary tribute to Dr. Karl
Muck, the conductor of the orchestra,
which Is well worth quotation. In part
she aaldt i
"The Boston Symphony season was not
merely a season of pleasure, an oppor
tunity for Indulgence, however, refined.
It was an education even to the cog
nescentl; an artistic and Intellectual reve
lation even to the musically export. It
has left us with a standard. We know
how beautiful, how perfect muslo can be
and we know (even the lay admirers of
Dr.- Muck), how difficult must be the
attainment to such beauty, such perfec
tion, such faultless lucidity, as was dis
covered to us by the Boston Symphony
"It seems to me we shall, hereafter, al
ways be more appreciative of all sin
cerely striving artists, even In their im
perfections, because of the possibilities
that Dr. Muck has shown us. When
they nearly (approach his heights, or.
having the vision, strive toward it, we
shall be kinder, more tolerant, mora ap
preciative us we lwe the sun's rays for
having known the full effulgence of the
"The remarkable thing Is thst Dr.
Muck nsa not caught us and dasrled
us bv any glamour; by no special trlas
f bis art or personality. In fact, ha
liam Archibald Smith. Miss Maud Rovs s len "-onomlo of h, " """J"
. - . 1.1. u In enndllCt-
Ity ss no
i..i.d nothlna could be more illus-
wlll give readings
musical numbers.
and there will be
The B. L. P. club of Benson will give
a card party at St. Bernard's hall Thurs
day afternoon.
(ft V The Benson Woman's club met at the
! f home of Mrs. J. W. Welch, "Cherrycroft,"
! M Thursday afternoon, when the second
program was given on T'oreljn Peas
r? antry." Mrs. G. W., Tuttle was leader
and papers on "Chinese Characteristics
tratlve of economy than ma way ne
handles that knitting-needle of a baton,
never by any accident moving it. or those
electric fingers, or M swift, fine hands,
or the brief sweep of arm or crisp nod
of head a hundredth part of an Inch
more than the exigency requires. He prac
tices the same economy with the light
nlng flashes of his eyes aiming accu
rately at bis object and shooting Just
to hit, never to pierce; wasteful of noth
ing not even the signal for the Instant
clash of cymbals. '
"With this rigorous suppression of his
personality which by no means con
cealed It from us he Introduced us to
mualo, to composers, In a way that made
us wonder If we had ever met them be
fore, so that now we know their smiles
and tears, their Joys and heartaches,
their voices and hopes, how the wild
steppes of Russia, the twinkling feet of
Spain, the coming of spring In Vaterland,
the dimming of the Teuton gods moved
"With a rare and beautiful loyalty to
the composers, the masters who wove
their visions Into song, he put them for
wardstepping to one side as he drew
the curtain.
It was never Dr. Muck presenting Dr.
In clinical work for the phkI month. ;
Miss Fthel Solomon and Miss Jennie
Solomon left lsst evening to fill a musi
cal engagement In southern Nebraska, j
Mr. mid Mrs. John W. llcdhli, Mrs. W.
A. Redlck and Mis. Will Burn motored
to Chicago last week and will bu home
some time next week.
Mrs. K. K. Morrell Is at homo after en
extended trip to Tacoma and the exposi
tions. She will spend the winter with
her daughter, Mrs. E. Srannell.
Dr. B. W. Christie Is expected home
Sunday, October 3, from the east. Dp.
Christie spent a month doing graduate
work at the Harvard Medical college.
Mrs. Fred Hamilton left Friday evening
to Join Mrs. Barber In Chicago, and from
there they go to New Tork, where they
wUl be at the ltlti until the middle ot
Miss Marie Vernon Is at home after
spending the summer with relatives in
Chicago, where she completed the term
at the art school and received honorable
Prof. Albert Brogan returned Sunday
to his duties at the University of Texas
In Austin, after spending the vacation
here with Ms parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
A. Brojran.
Mr. Jack Barber arrived Friday from
Chicago and today leaves with Fred
Hamilton, J. T. Stewart, 2nd, Will Burns
and King Den man for Wyoming to spend
three weeks hunting big game.
Dr. and Mr. W. IL Taylor have just
returned from New Tork, where their
daughter has been taking; a post gradu
ate course in tho New Tork Lying-in
hospital, for the last eight months.
Mr. John Msdden has returned from
the east, but Mrs. Madden is In Wash
ington with Mrs. Joseph Byrna and Miss
Ophelia Ilayden. They will return the
latter part of the month.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm left Thurs
day afternoon for a week's visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wllhelm In Chicago,
We WantYcuto Come
Carnival and Our
Jf you piitronizo'Oma
'Jm's spU-inlul merchants
we want your Jewelry
business. Choose, your
Christmas jewelry frif ts
from our stock now and
we Avill ive you 5
Special Ak-Sar-Bem Dis
count on Diamonds and
1 0';)' on nil other poods,
nnd hold them till you
want them. Bring your
hroken watches and
jewelry with you, wo
are "champions" at fix
ity? things.. A trip to our
counter will make) you hap
py, nrlne; this card with you.
rTaij va vii
II) Mvnnn of Her Own Swrot Formu
las, Vnleska Surntt Hit Made Her
self li Vainou Slf-Mnile
Itcautjr-Actw f America.
BUACKTIRAHS can be removed In -surprisingly
quick way, Without
pinching, face steaming, deling, ot
an" other tedious method. It is hv the
use of a formula which 1 have perfected
invself. and so simple, that It astonishes
li' never falls when properly done, and
the blnckiieads will t removed in a few
momenta or In as short a time as It ro-
ulres lo tnorousniv wen inn in.
ftlnekhenda in a local affliction, and no
amount of drugging. Mood treatment or
dieting will remove them. The worst
thing you can do In trying to get rid or
blackheads Is to try to pinch them out.
There are many macmieaaa wnicn re
quire severe pqueeilng to make thetl
como out. Thla nearly always leaves a
ot slightly redder man tne resi oi ine
neck and chest. It Is the beautltei- wi'h
not a neer and is very economical. MIX
H?i Il UeU.r V'.V.,: ErV V,: two , tanlespoonful. of glycerine in . , pin
viii, v- - or tint waier ana sua on uuui;ct m "
er. Then run wen tor a tew nun- i, 111M, nt ,vAr,
the part, of the skin which are .'' ad
1 with blackheads. lou should c,ve persplrat
to secure the neroxln of any )y worKed out tl
time. ! using my formula, no squees
Inr Is nei-esBary. ...
First wash the face with hot water and
soap. Then sprinkle some powdered
n oln upo-1 n sponge made wet with
hot water. Then rub well for a lew mm
utea on
n I lecled
be able
MISS RAOtJY I knew you would get
rid of your poor complexion with the
formula I gave you. and now I want
yon to use inv wrinkle formula, and you
will soon see a difference of years In
vour appearance. Kor crow's fret, small
or deep wrinkles. Barging cheeks, the fol
lowing formula Is absolutely unequalled:
Dissolve two tahleapoonfuls of glycerine
and two ounces of eptoi In half a nln
of hot water. Stir until It la dissolved
and starts to cream. Fitol may be ob
tained at any good drug store.
MRS. O. Tl, W. In a half pint of cold
water dissolve two ounces ruetone and
half a cup of sugar, all well mixed to-
f ether. Of this, take two teaspoonfuls
lire or four times a day In a wlna-glass
of water, after your meals. The ruetone
can be secured at the drug store. If any
thing ran do It. this should develop the
bust luxuriantly, although no one can rest vou try my own, made after my own
assure you thai the uust ran t aeveiopea formula, "Valeska .Sural t Fane rowder."
I hi all cases. jt will give a lint and softness you never
before experienced. It is sold In manj
KFF1 K It Persistent use of the tooth drug and department storm. If you have
brush Is not sufficient to keep away those any difficulty in getting it, simply write
obnoxious yellowish tints. After brush- to my secretary as suggested to Mrs.
Ing. the teeth should he bathed In some- (leuevleve T., enclose, tllty cents, and
thing potent enough to dissolve the ten- ask for white or flesh,
anious stains, yet which will not Injure ,
me enamel. There s nothing neiier ror VERT PHOTtT Use ray hatrnrrowlng
the purpose than plain fluid ergan. Just formula faithfully for a time, then
tone, which can be secured at any orug
MISS M. A. n.-I always keep mr arm-
mi. In AfV nnluml condition l)V
the use of hydVolhted talc. I have tried
aveniseo rmTma i
lion of armpits, nut nnai
his one of my own which
acts like magic.
MRS. GF.NRVIKVB T. In cas; It liar-
Sena "sin that vou cannot get from the
rug store the eptol for maKtng mv splen
did wrinkle remover, write to Secretary
to Valeska Kuratt, Thompson Wdg., hi
cago, 111., and my secretary will eee that
you are Immediately supplied. When
writing enclose the price, which Is fifty
MTSS WriKN? For removing super
fluous balr you can use nothing as good
a simple sulfo solution. It dissolves
awsv any hair as If by magic, and never
leaves a red spot, or Irritation, flmple
sulfo solution can be secured at the drug
store. This Is one of my most effective
PfSPWNSE If ou want a really ex
quisite face powder, without the cnalkl-
ness ot nearly an race powoem, i sim-
aariflo your mouth with It. a minute at
time and your teeth will soon become
white and beautiful. Ttetter to fiay the
druggist ror a lew ounces or this uarm-
l. an ii'iu.u than pay lug iicniisl bill
later on.
ANXIETY FM.7R My complexion form
ula will make your skin take on a purity
rivaling that of the rose. Ited spots,
muddlness, sallowness. freckles, will
surely leave, and soon the spotless, pinky
whiteness suffuse your face, arms, hands.
measure vour hair, and you will find that
it has grown wonderfully In a short
time. It will be no longer thin and
soraggly, but radiant with the glorious
sheen ami luster Unit perfect, healthy
hair possesses. Your hair receiver well,
there 11 be no more use for It. Mix it
yourself, as follows: Add half a pint Of
alcohol to half a pint of water for use a
lull pint of Imported bay rum. If you pre
fer!, and to tnls add one ounce of beta
Qutnol. which any drug store oan supply
you. This will never fall. Advertisement.
Muck against a background of Brahms
or Bach or Beethoven, Wagner and thaf,r '"'''lrh Mrs. Wllhelm and Mrs. Off
rest. It was always Dr. Muck presenting u,t or ,hl" cl,v- 1,0 u' g"" ot
Mrs. ;iement Chase.
Mas Eleanor Kountse, the Ittle daugh
trr of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kountxe,
who has been with her parents at Wnst
hiiiiiptnn, returned home thla week, ao
coinpanled by her maid, while Mr. and
Mrs. Kountze are on a motor trip south.
iJranms or Bach or Beethoven, Wagner
and the rest, each, In his own person,
speaking with his own voice.
"He gave us Bach, and Brahms snd
Beethoven, Wagner and floldmark.
iCherublnj. Rlmsky-Korsakoff the whole
host-aa they are. as they would be given,
and not aa Dr. Muck plus Bach. Brahms,
Beethoven et aL II let them speak for
themselves direct and no doubt makes
his own chole among them.
Program for th Boston Symphony Or
chestra concert at th Auditorium on
October T under the auspice of the As
sociated Retailers of Omahai
Symphony In A Major, No. 7, Op. K
('i..p,uo tfoetenuto: Vivace (hi
AUegretto c, Pre.ti;
meno asset, (di Allegro oon brio
oveVturheHV-vv ::.'.; -?t.hvn
lo variation, (ol
I'audets llay, "I,'Arleslniie"
n Adagictio. (dl farlllon Tllxet
Adagi.-tlo. Id) t'arlllou
Symphonic Poeui-Lcs 1'rcluda Uxt
In and Out of tfce Bee Hive.
Mr. E. W. Iixoii has gon to New Tork
te visit his slater.
Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Congdon hare gone
ast for two weeks.
Dr. Myrtle Well ha returned from
her summer home at Moose Dodge, Minn.
Mr. snd Mrs. Charles Stewart have re
turned from a two months' stay In the
Mr. C. H. Dewsy ha returned from a
visit In Ohio and Miss Belle Dewey from
th east
The Ml Elisabeth and Msllora Davis
bave returned from the east, where they
spent the summer.
Mr. Jerome Mage left Tuesday for
New York to vUit Mr. and Mrs. Dlmon
Hlrd for two week.
Mrs. J. T. Ftewart Id and children have
This Week
Eye-Comfort for All
This week, Gas Light
ing AVeek, will contain
constant rpminders of
tho comfort, eye-resting
and artistic capabilities
of modern gas light
the light which is good
for every member of
the family.
Yon will not want to
miss a visit to ourstoro
because we "will show
the biggest lino of light
ing appliances we have
over shown every
thing greatly reduced
in price.
20 off the price of
semi-indirects, domes,
table lamps and fix
tures during; the entire
Four 15-cent mantles,
50 cents.
See demonstrations
or send for a representative.
IS (A m