'J I? niK OMAHA St'NDAs- UKK: SKITKMHEK Jy, 1913. SOCIETY TO HAVE BUSY WEEK! i Closing of the Outdoor Clubs Does Not Leiien the Social ActiTitiei. FREPARJNC FOR AK-SAR-BEN Mortal Calendar. WNPAT Mr. Allrn Tukev and Mr. I.o I'allahfin. m'ptwr at fountry club for Sihhernarn-Sniyth welding party. I Mi N DA V Mini Beatrice t'nari. theater parir for Hone Smyth; Mr. and Mr. A. A Mri'nnnell. dlnnT and wr'lillna i-hoarial for Vad-Mci onm ll wediilns.; I'hrlet fhlltl an-lrt , tea at Knlsht or I i oliimhus rlnh rooma for Mra. I larilrl ' S'iM'l"t"M and Mm. F. .1. McShn. i TI'KSIAV 1'oad MrContiell wedding; ' HrrKr-Cmlr weililtnc; Mr. O. M. llib-Ik-!. lunr-henn at t'ountry rl'jb; harveat ' linnf dinner at S'vmour I.ke r.luh. ! Ki .KslA V Ak - Mir Hen carnival ..jx-na: Mr. and Mm ". J. Smyth. bridal : I'nnrr for Hlbbcrtiaen-fmyl h parly at "ineha rlnh; l.e Mar chili lnn'e Bl , lirp'n'. nrndrmv. THOISMAY Sihhernaen-Htnyth wedding; . Oirnlrri hih dance at Krug tark SUTHhAV-l-iiilirr lrake. dinner at i ountrr rlnh; Mla Mcllura Psvla, din- ii'T at Country hih. I The clnatng of th Field ntid Happy Hol low club last evening ami the approach of the clnalng rilnner-dnnces of th Country club on Saturday evening and the Seymour I.ake Country club on c i. ikt 13 rants no damper on the social i n lends r. Vying In Interest for thin wek are the v cdrilng of four of the moat prominent of the younger set. With their stven-ln-l onor affnlrs and the bin tournament for the Woman' City Golf champlonahip, which open Monday morning at the Country rnb. The wedding of Mliia Irene McConnell, daughter of Mr. and Mm. A. B. Mof'on-; lid!, and Mr. Richard Coad will be a large , i hurch wedding Tuesday. Rt. John's Col i legiate church having been rhoaen for the ceremony. Mlas Rcae Bmylh and Mr. la rem Hlhhernaen wlll.be married on Thuraday at the home, of the bride's par enta, Mr. and Mm. C. J. Smyth. flight around the corner, ai It were, la Ak-Par-Ttrn week, with all Ita attendant festivities and ita hont of visiting belles for the coronation ball. And after a ahort breathing apell the aubacrlptlon dance will open Ita sesaon of weekly dinner ilnncea. This week alio brlnga tha an nouncement of opening dstes for moat of I lie winter dancing cluba, among- them the Clnosam, the Vesta chapter of the Kaatnrn Star, the Elka' Dancing rlub and nthera of the younger set. Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors. Ak-Ksr-Hen season will trlng forth a bevy of vlaltora whoae presence will brighten the aoclal calendar with glven- In-honor affairs. Mia Louise Iewls of 1N Kalb, III., will arrive to be the gueat of Mlaa Helen Clarke, one of the speclm malda to the queen. Mr. and Mr a. Harry Well will arrive October 1 to be the gueata of Mr. Weil l parents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Tatea, and many affalra are planned for them. Mlaa Olady Tree of London. England, arrives the early part of the week to he the guest of It. and Mrs. R.. L. Mridgea. Mlaa Gertrude McCarthy of Chicago ame yesterday for the Coad-McConnall wedding and will remain as Mlaa Mary Burkley'g gueat (or the ball. Mlaa Burkley also expects Mlaa Elisabeth Memlng of Burlington, a., to arrive October 1 to vlalt her until after Ak-Bar-Ben week, - Mr. an Mra. Richard Hosford ef Mollne are coming, to be with Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Hosford for the Ak-Sar-Ben bail. Mr. and Mr. J. DeForest Richards expect Mis Howard of Lebanon, Ky., whl Waited them last winter, to be her on her way to California shortly. Cart Holmes and T. V. SUtwell of New York, who are at preeent on the Met ranch, gueat of Philip Mels, will be here for Ak-flar-Ben week. With the School Set. ' James Love, sun of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. lxve, left Sunday for school In 8L Louis. Mr. Malcolm Baldrlge baa made the foot ball team at Yale, and Mr. Francis Ualuea recently won the tennis match there for that universlty. Mrs. Ernest Hart and her daughter, tiara, have left for the east, where Mlaa Clara Joins a house party at the Buck ner home on the Hudson, before return ing to Dana Hall to school. Mlaa Marjorle Smith returns to Bryn Mawr today. Miss Ruth Kiivsler. who has been at tending sohool1 at Notre Dam. Ind., for everal years, goes this year te Mrs, Homers In Washington and will tear for there about October L Mrs. George H. Palmer returns) today from a summer la the east at Dennis, Mi, She left her son. Mors, at Bl 1'aul's school for tils second year. John Hanlghen left Thursday to resume Ids studies at Cornell. - i Miss Harriet Sherman and Miss Eleanor MoGilton left Monday to return to Smith college and were joined In Chloago by Miss Winifred and Miss Mary Rouse, w ho also go to Smith, Miss Elisabeth Hart I ear Tuesday to enter the Vnlvereity o Chloago. Miss Hart won a scholarship from the Omaha High school. Dances of Winter Setaon. Veata chapter, Order ef the Kastera star, announces th following danoes t be given this winter at Chambers' a cad emy: November It, December It, January 11 and February 10. I.e Mars rlub will also give a series ef dancing parties at Turpra's academy. Th firxt will be held Wednesday evening. Adrian Lund. Vincent Bchmlttroth, Jay olllna Jack McCarthy and Robert Heath me the committee in charge. The Cinosam Dancing club win give a tries of ten dance at th Scottish Rlt cathedral, the first dano to b held November 11 and every two weeks thare after. The club membership Is composed j excluaively of . Scottish Kite Masons. I t year the membership was limited to lov members and every dance night '.teat night. This year th membership ia limited to S members and on guest nlKht only, that being November M. Tlie Elks Social club announces aa in formal dancing party, which will be niven at the Elka' ball room directly 'ullowlng the Ak-Sar-Ben electrical mrade, Wednesday eveninsT, October . The dance will begin at o'clock. Tha first formal dancing party of the . lut will be given Tuesday evening, Octo ber 12. After that the dancing parties Mill be given every fortnight, but on Thuraday evenings. T. U Cbmba. Dr. A. W. Pitsslmmon, Freeman Bradford. II. L. Brandt. G. J. Kyte, Otto Ntelaon. II. S. L. Ackerroan are the eoromlitee. Mia John A. McShane, Mrs. Arthur rtemlngton. Mrs. Howard Baldrlge and Mra W. A. C. Jutmaon, who got up the ttry sutxful Subscription dance last inter, have issued cards this week an touncirg that the dance will beertit again Phurvlay evening, Ortutier 9, and will .-ntitimte each Thursday evening there after until March X st Turf In s ha! I. Dan Veglas st t 30 and members are Members of Coad-McConnell Wedding Party yfy . ;.. 'f ' : y - (u fet y A V Y -"vi Haiy Louise Zatensec I i yy' , J TS M ! 'i honor gueat was her cousin, Miss Maude S f ' '. Mclntyre of Larygue, Kan. Those pres- 1 J -.,.. ent were: s. t 11 y'' Meaars. ami Meadiiiiice , - . f V.. K. Sterricker. V. V. Porter. . L. . v .' - ' S -V. , - ' V. O. Hhrler. T. Mauoti. ELEANOR MACKAY. . 4 . - 1 '; privileged to brine ovt-of-town gueaU ' : - " " 'V "t , I 1 ' f only. Althouh no called dinner-dances ' ' ' that is what the Subscription dances ' ' , ' it' 1 , proved to be last season, as every dance v J was preceded by numbers of dinner par- ,V . 7, v -n Wedding Announcement. Alice Coad Wedding Announcement. Th marriage of Ml Anna Tomblad and Mr. Axel Smith was celebrated Sat urday evening at 7 o'clock at the home of th brlde'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Tornblad. Rev. Mr. Ammentort of th Danish Lutheran church performed the ceremony. After a short wedding trip th young people will be at horn at 1 Military avenue, about November 1. Th marriage of Mr. Charles W. Mead of Masksll. Neb., and Mlas Ada E. Hardy was celebrated Wedneeday at th horn of th bride's mother, Mra Kate Hardy. Rev. George L. Peters of th North Bid Christian church officiated. Miss Beth Louise Motter of Abllena, Kan., and Mr. F. D. Hardy of Chicago were th attendants. Th young people left for California on their wedding tour, after which they will b at home at Maskell. Mr. Hugh Glasgow and Mrs. Ida Cooper war married at the horn of Rev, George L. Peters ef the North Bid Christian church Thursday. Miss Mary Welch and Mr. Charles Black witnessed the cere mony. Mr. and Mrs. Glasgow will b at home at MIX North Twenty-fourth street Mis Maruel F. McCutcheon and Mr. IFrd P. Schllebner wer married at th horn of th bride Friday, at 4 o'clock. Tb Rev. C. a Meek, pastor of th Cas tsllar rPesbyUrian church, officiated. V ' To Honor Bride-Elect. A prettily appointed luncheon was givsn Saturday at Hotsl Fontenelle by Miss Allc Coad In honor of Mlaa Irene Mo ConneU, who wedding to Mr. Richard Coad will tak place next week. Those present were: Misses Mtaaes Irene McConnell, Frances Hoohstetler, If.leanor siackay, .Marian luwie. Alio Coad, Mabel Wright , Mary Louie Latenaer. Engtgement Announcement. Mr. and Mra. George A. Dunn announce th engagement of their daughter. Agnes Bteete. to Archie B. Cavett. son of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Cavett of Denlson. Is. Th wedding will tak place the latter part ef October. Stork Special. A son was bom last Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Halleck liar. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ritchie. Showfr for Bride-Elect. 1 A sliower was given at the home of j Miss Nellie McDermott Thursdsy in " j honor of Miss Mildred Sutton, whose wed ding takes place Wednesday week. Those present were: of next Mlasea l !. lxiretttt Kle. Kuiherlne uMia)i. Nxlile Miller. HVrn W alla-, Mary Carlk-.ka Kaiherttie t'axrtvka. Vlldrel Sutton. Marie Jlenewu. Ounle Koen, Allre Jetur. Marie Martin Rernaudette Martin ail.. HMtinett- KlellH Kelly. Katherm Jionanne. i-aunne niena, Mrs. J. n Murpny. j A.k.S-r.Pen Vloer Prde. ! One of the features of Ak-Sar-IWn week IU be the flower parade Wednesday afternoon. October (. Iuls N'ash is in charge of this event. There will be sixty ears In the parade and an Interesting feature of It will be the ex-queena and kings who will tske part tn it, each king entering a ear decorated to suit his taste, in which hs will ride with his former con sort. Of (he twenty ex-queens there are only thirteen mho still live In Omaha, but. Mrs. W. II. t'ranmer of Denver, formerly, Margaret Wood, who occupied the throne of Quiver with Gould Oleti, will prob. ably come on for the Ak-far-Ben f.a- I h it tea. and Mra Henry T. t'larke of Un ooln, ore Grace Allen. Is expected to rid 1 with Major R. g. Wllcoa. .Vise rthel i Morse will not return from the east In ttntm . ml -.!. v,..l,l- TuH W T ' - . MoHugh will be filled by a substltuts chosen by him. Of the other queen ab- sent Mrs. Edward Lee. the second in line, lives In New York; Miss Mildred Lomax now lives In San Francisco and Mrs. Clarence Day, th. seventh queen. 1. ,ta- .. j L . . . ' , , Uoned with her husband Honolulu. Mrs. Frank Wllhelm nee Jean Cudahy. '"v" """" , nee Brownie Bess Baum, In Baltimore. At Happy Hollow Club. Mrs. IL C. Van Olesen entertained the members of th Happy Hollow Bowling olub at luncheon at the club yesterday. Th members are: Mesdames PJ. A. Henaon, W. Ij. Solby, John A. Moore, Charles TrUnble Mesdames O. W. Wlckershsm J. U Be.ker. Joseph Polcar. V. U. VN llltama. John Hack D. K. MoCulley, Arthur VV. Bowman, E. K. Thomas, J. jr. rerguson, jr. J. Morton, A. O. Stokes. C. II. Walrath. F. H. SUlght. O. W. Vpdlke. J. N. Aiken. John T. Yates. , John O Yetaer, M. IX Cameron, a F. Weller. 11. C. Van Oleaen. II. N. Wood. II P. Lemere. Members of the Thursday Bridge club spent the morning at cards at the club and then bad luncheon together. Covers were laid for sixteen. Mra. Mary I. Cretg-ht entertained six teen guests at luncheon at the olub today. The closing diuner-danoe at Happy Hol low club last evening brought out one of the largest crowds of the whole sea son. On of the large parties was enter- talned by Mrs. F. B. Height, who GTJTST OF DR. AND MRS. E. L. BRIDGES. y r . i I 'V . , 4' t- 1 W. U Nichols. V. II Mrs. Cnrl Woodwnrth. Me , Mlaaea-t Maude Mclntyre. Ine Uloom. Meaara. Meaara. Alhert Bloom. E. E. Vebler. Leall Sodt burg. Mra. Draper Smith entertained at din ner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Mc Shane and daughter, Mlaa Msrle Mc Shane, who leave soon to make their, home In New York. Covers were pi cod for: Meaara. and Mosdame F. J. McHhane, J. II. Dumont. Mine Marie McShane, Mrs. Draper Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ross had as their dinner guests: Meaar. and Mesdames E. Y. Heyun, H. II. Abbott. W. R. I'reeland, W. C. Ross. Mrs. H. C Van Otesen entertained at a dinner party. Her guests were: leaara. and Meadsjnes -""ries v, nmii rucn.itt. r. iemere. Meartames Meadames Barrett H. c. Van Oleaon. of Houston. Tex.; Mr- Mrs. H. I. Adams entertained oneof the largest dinner parties at Happy ""?.W J'" en'n- T'?J h?or 7" ,Mr- n1 ' of Los Angeles, who are the guests of thelp amught(ir Mri. Darwln Vhesney Mr Cnc.Be, Cov. were place4 tar twentv-two arueata. Dining together at the olub last eve ning was a party Including: Misses Miasesv Ann Glfford. Frances HochatetUr Luctle Bacon, Messrs. Meaars. George Kngler, Newton Benson. Harry Koch, Other entertaining at the closing; dinner-dance were Gale Holland, who had six guests; G. A. Roberts, three; R. S. Trimble, sixteen; Dr. Rudolph Rlx, four; Paul Wadaworth. four; Kenneth Norton, two; Dr. A. O. Peterson, six; John Par rish. five; Charles Harding, ten; R. M. ! Booth, two; Victor W ite, four; John M. Gilchrist, four; M. F. Engleman. two; C. Bk Paulson, five; H. Liggett, six; A. B. Perry, two; F. 6. Martin, six; George L. HoweU.two; L A.v Medlar, fifteen; H. W. Ellla. two; W. F. MUroy, two; G. L. Bradley, three; Harold Burke, two, and Karl Ltnlnger, three. At the Field Club. Despite the rain, the Field club enter tained a brilliant gathering for Ita clos ing dinner-dance last evening. Member of the Harmony club made up one of the largest dinner parties. The members In clude: Messrs. and Mesdames H. N. Woods. C. H. Rates, L. V. 6holes. F. A. Kwlng, R. J. llnnlng. ' R r. pollard. L. F. I Movuy. George Krllev, A. W. Schribner, N orris Brown. John Robblna, H. A. Henaon. W. U Mby. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Welter gave one of the largest parties. Their guests were: Messrs and Meadames K. H. Bruanlng, W. H. Rhodes. Albert Krug, Lee Huff, Howard ttouidlng, ). C. Henry, Koy fexau. U w. blessing, H. W. Chriatle. V. N. Oliler. Hert ( Fowler. Bdward Pegau, . W. A. Plel. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Russell gave a din ner at the club last evening, a quantity of dahllea were used in the decorations for the dinner table. Covers were plared for: Meaara. and Mesdamea- C. W. Bruce. K. A. Waldnimn. John W. liattin. M leave llnllie Freltag of Kvanaton, yo. Meaara H. J. Uunn. V. W. Pirong of New Tork, John Bailey of J. A. Huaeell. Mlaaea P. Waldman. Menars. Net York. Herman Halhey of New Tork. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Oahorns entertained at dinner, complimentary to their guests, Pr. and Mra Sumner Bush of letrolt, Mich. Covers wer placed for: Messrs. and Mesdamea Puuiner Buah. l..u'd Oaborne. tfart tiaburne. J. H. Oaborne. ' A "dutch treat" party at the Meld cluo dinner-dance Included: Meaars. and Mesdsmes J It MoDonald. A. H. k'etters. Charles McDonald, C. K. Burnwlslar. K. Jumper. K. C. Twamley. N. V. llarrlman, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fallon gave a dinner I'arty in honor of Mr. and Mra. Anan Raymond. Covers were placed for: Meters end Meadames Allan liai mund, J P. Fsllon, It t. W illiams. I'--. MNria Wells. .Mr. Smiley. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Mholweii had four l-u-st for the closing dinner-dance. H. I,. Arnold had ten guests: P. R. Kvenlld. right; W. A. IVBord. six: W. C. Dean. 'two; O. tV. Dunn, two: J. R. Cotter, three: Herbert Kohn, four; J. W. ' Hughes, four; G. W. Phlelde. thirty; J. ir. Huairle. six; C. W. Calkins, four; T. H. Keller, ten: H. A. Cameron, eight, theater Drtahaus, four; O. M. Goodrich, ' six: C. B. IJver. six; L. J. Millard, four; If S. Daniel, six: E. H. Tllton. four: Mr. i Mack, six; G. H. Williams, four; H. 11. , Davis, four; Albert Cahn. four; James Trimble, four: H. O. Hteele, six; Dr. M. f. Dunham, six: T. B. Coleman, eeven: H. J. McCarthy, four; E. M. Slater, four; , James L. Tray, two. At the Conntrv Club. Mlaa Helen Murphy and Mr. Edward Murphv entertained the members of the' Hbbernaen-Pmyth wedding party st din ner st the Country club laat evening. Covers were placed for: Meaara. and Mrdamc 2 .. S'-iS C. J. Smyth. I. Slnrernsen M laes R.,ae 8myth. Bentrii e Coad, Mefara. I-on I etlahnii Allan Tukoy. Mlsaee Marv Lee. Chicago. . Helen Murphy. Mranre. Clarence Hlbhernaen. I rexe! Kli.bernaen. Bernrd .Smyth. J;lwrd Murphy, Mr. and Mra. O. C. Kedlck entertained st dinner at the Country club last even ing. Their guests were: i Meaars. and Mesdsmes John A. McShane, Kdwln Kwobe. A. U Reed, Frank Hamilton. Daniel 6tipleton. C. C. Allison. Mr. A. IJ. Warren nad as his dinner ; gueats st the Country club: ! Meaara. and Mesdamea i Charlee Stewart. Harold Prttchett. Council liluffs: John T. Stewart, 2d. ! Mleeea Mlasea I Meliora Da via. l.i...i-,h Davis. .Mr. Gerald Wharton Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bucholx enter-1 talned one of th largest dinner parties at the club. Covers were placed for twenty-two gueats. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Kloke had ten dinner guests; Mr. and Mra. H. G. Moorhead, ten; Mr. J. O. Mc Cord. ten; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McCord. eluht; C. W. Hull, five. At Seymour Lake Country Club. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tenner entertained at dinner Friday evening, followed by dancing. They had fourteenn guests. Amog those entertaining small dinner parties were John Urlon, who had three guests; H. J. Bell, three; Henry Nygaard, three; C'harle I. Vollmer, two; M. I King, three; James K. Bednar, two. The Sunday evening musical will be in charge of Mr. Charles Mangurn. The program will follow the dinner hour. The annual Harvest Horn dinner will be given Tuesday evening, and will be one of th largest events of th season. Th club house will be attractively dec orated, autumn and harvest sucsestlons being used. Lanyon's orchestra will olav for both the dinner and the dance, which will follow. Indications are that the capacity of the club houae will be' taxed to Its limit as the reservations now in exceed those of former year. The board of directors have announced that the closing dinner and dance will be held October 15. Mr. and Mrs. T. I Combs will enter tain at dinner Sunday at their Seymour cottage, when their guests will be the employes of the T. T. rmh. a, r t elry store. Recent Affair. Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Tully were sur prised Friday evening at their horn by about seventy-five of their friends, th occasion being their sliver anniversary. They were the recipients of many beau tiful gifts. A surprise party was given Friday even ing in honor of Miss Msy Kelly. Those present ware: MIssea Mtaaes Selma Busion, Veata Noyea. Ruby Rhumor, Viola Grobee, Zeta Andre. Mesars. Gale Senn. Sheldon Cosgrove, Raymond Brlaon. Eva Gilliam. Marie Wagner, r.esale McMullen, F.llen Morrla. Grace Zlgler, Messrs. Fred Ttiorlege, Samuel Gordon. Anthony PtocopIo, Edward Lynch. Master Walter Preston, jr., entertained his friends at dinner Friday evening in honor of his thirteenth birthday. Those present were: Masters- Masters Frank Campbell, Ralph Campbell, Robert Bowens. Gordon Mao Cauley. Richard Wagner. Robert Reynoida. Jasper Hall, Ixiula Met 1, Amon the Viiitort. Mra James Makota of Tankton la visiting- her sister, Mrs. J. P. Passick. Miss Katti Freltag of Evanaton. Wyo., la vijltiruf her sister, Mra Jay Russell. Mrs. B. M. AchUnbera; of Kansas City, is vlalting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. Robinson. Miss Florence Montgomery of Elmhurst, 111., arrived Friday to be the guest for (Continued on Pace Three Column Four.) Ak-Sar-Ben Ball Gowns Hundreds of fancy gowns and dresses are be ing made new again in our plant. Many of them will be feen at the Ak-Sar-ltn ball. AVe clean more fine drespes than all the other cleaners in Omaha com bined. "Why? Simply be cause we do it BETTER. Why not have the Best? Fanev Gown9, from $1.7.1 to ifciV0. The Pantorium "Good lleeuiers mid Dyers" 1518-15-17 Jones Street, intone Douglaa 003. llrajira Office aoitt Farnam, KontU Side, 528 No. 24th St. N. B. W par charge one way on all out-of-town order. Write for price list. r.largarctfc Lemcn TEACHER OF PIANO M aneor rnrsoa buu, ITtfc aad lwam. Dooglaa TtSt. 0a Be. MISS NELLIE GREEN DANCING CLASSeS A 4 aits, Tnawday BTealag. (Be limited to elnk aismbert.) At tks BralrU Bark Olak , etk aa Asms At. aas Baiaejr i. Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors IT Victrola XI, $100 Kasy Terms. Schrciolicr & Mueller Piano Co. 131113 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. T (cmm 'mm 804 Perle, larre billt, or Art. to Paris, lanja skrint. Boudoir ops, baby bnnteea, Art. Sio Satin Uloia, wlute, colon, ipoola. Inlinrt' (ackeH. Art. 7i Crochet I'loche, white, ball. For Eaabroldaring Croat Hitch, inltiala, KpostilK Shopping List For Crocheting Handkerchief edg. lns. insertioof and tat tinf. um Art. 8oj Cor donnat Special, balls. Towel ethtinri, and sll heavy crott, Art. "" it ' New PATTERN HATS i We have just received a new line of Pattern Hats," from $5jO0, $7.00, $9.50 up to $25.00. You must see them to appreciate them. This week wo will put on sale one hundred hats for $3.50 to $5; worth double the money. They must be sold. Give us a call before you buy. F. SCtlADELL & CO., 1522Dongla EXCLUSIVE SHOPS AND SPECIALTIES FOR WOMEN Embroidery, Beading, Braiding, Cording, Scalloping, Eyelet and Out Work, Button Holes, Pleating, Buttons. Ideal Button and 107-0-11 So. 10t U St. rhone L0RETTA DE LONE Ooaosrt Harpist and Tsacker. Studio 106 Lyric Building. Tel. Douglas 704. hi?i runtimn tob rXAOTlCB. PALAIS (ronnerly wltk Hartell) Announces the opening of his New Shop for exclusive Ladles' Tailoring. Ottawa Block. S 4th and rarnam. rhon S-onjr. 4941. SOlVlIVIEIFel IMPOBTBD ABB Phoa Xarasj 188. New Models in LADY CLARE and ARTISTS' MODEL Corsets We aasur you th correct style and perfect fit. Appointment br phone, Iouglss 37SS. DWTBB k CO. 08 Baird Bis. 17ta. ana Boug-U. CaBlonrlag 35a. Ball BressUaar, bapoolag, 60c fa al aad Bcal Sfasssg. Brillhart Culture Shop 3 Baxtoa Block. B. (Ml. Bwltches Mads (fl.00 p.) We invite von to vllt the mnt complete Talking Machine Ie- lutrti nient In the west. we sen VICTOR VICTROLAS AND COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS The only store allowing tha world's lHt oirle by side for your selection. latest Victor and CVilnmbia records. Free Concerts Dally. Many different Myle to select from. $15 to $300 (too m Ideal results are certain for all forms of crochet, tatting, and up-to-date novelties such as now adorn the finest homes and wardrobes if you use Article 805 Kloster lllc Cordonnet Special, the perfect, permanently lustrous thread which saves your time by wasting; none of it To crochet the fashionable bedspreads and Insertions, use sizes 3 or 5, with Mos, 4 to 6 hooks; lor edgings for hsndkerchlefa and undergarmsnts, sizes SO to ISO, with Noa. 0 to 13 hooks. Article 805 Klostersilk Cordonnet Special Mda In Whita Slac; I M""T'otor .giatl " ! To 40- ! 53 Ko TT"" 1 2 15 BO LithtBlu R.J 3 20 60 D.UtBht Yellow 8 30 70 ' Pink Black BO lOO 150 ear Creaaa rcru.sisea. 3. 5. 10. 18. 20. 30. 40. 80. CO. 70 "White that etare white color that last Uae the Klostersilk Shopping Llat In connection with the illustrated deaign books st your dealers, lUeatentik for sale everywhere. Th Thread Mills Company Thread Sales Dept. 819 W. Adama St.. Ctileaaw Art 7TT Moallae,oilars, white, akeins. French knot, hearf Inlriala, Art. SoA Perls, colors, whin, akeina. y 1 PTirh embroidery, inltiala, Art.;a Floche, white, akaiaa. Eyelets and Mono grains, Art. 8oj Broder Special, white, skeins. Padding and solid embroidery, Art, yet Jeanneue, white, balls. Shadow work. Art. Ma F loche, white, bails. Towels, pillow cases. Art. tat, I Tory White, skelnsor Art. 84a, white, holders. Colored embroidery. Art. 841, India or Art. 841, Rope, holder. Pleating Company Dong. 1036. Omaha, Nebraska. Phone Doug. Hi Fontenelle Hotel. GOODWIN CORSETS Ida C. Stockwell Corset Specialist New Location 65 Brandels Thear. r Building. Phone D. Hi tor Appointment. BROTHERS DOMTnO OBOCBBCBI. 38th and rarnam. HOLLAND High Clau Ladies' Tailoring SOWn ABO BTBBIBO WBBO. Bhoa DoneT i S04t. KA BBAC BZ.OCK. OsCAXA. BEB. WKDDIXti INVITATIONS, MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENTS, V DElllT C..RIS. The N. C. Leary Company 710 So. 15th St. I'hone I). IHuO. is- . at- ,'-krm m 1114 Douglas St. 1 I 1