'V rim YmaTj a m m a r 12 A GREAT FIELD FOR f HEW YORK DERBY Hcroer Company Rctnrni to Game Knckitell as Pilots. IIAHKNESS TO DRIVE DELAGE Gossip Along the Automobile Row Twenty-eight driver are rnterej In the! big SSO-mlle automobOe derby to be held on the now 8heethcal May spiedway In &eW Tork. October I.- Of thin number, ritne will pilot forelirn machlnea. '..The feature of the nnounwmit of entries I th word that Harry 8. Hark ness will pilot a Drlaae car. Ilarknea la the son of the late U V. Ilarkneaa, Standard Oil matcnate, and waa formerly ft noted amateur driver, tie hold the SPoston-to-New Tork and the Mount Washington Mil rllmb retorda yet Harkneaa wee recently "made prealdent f the speedway corpora I an. w Another announcement Is that the Mer r company will be back in tbe game. 11 ha been a year alnce the Mercer peo ple have been actively tngngtC In the facing- came ahd their return la hailed jslth (lee by speed enthielaats. tDddle Pullen, 114 road racing cham pion, will pilot one of tho mount a and firover Ruckatell the other. Tho Mercer fees alwaya been among the leading American concerns In the rarlnar game nd until this year seldom has a race eon held without a Mercer car landing in tha money. Another great driver who will return to the game In New York la Johnny A It ken. Johnny will pilot ' a Peugeot. There will be four other Peua-enta In the see. piloted by Dsrlo Tteata. Howard Wltnox, Ralph Mulford and Bob Burman. Resta, Pullen. Cooper, who wOl toot a Bums, and Eddie Rlrkenhacher are at present favorites In the race. The entry list la as follows: " Iarlo Resta, Petia;eot, French. T'Johnny Altken, Peugeot, FTench. i Howard Wilcox, Peugeot, French. Triob Burman, Peugeot, French. .--Ralph Mulford, Peureot, French, l Italph De Palma, Mercedea, German. -Harney Oldfleld, Ielae, French. -Marry Harkneas, Ielagr, French, " Hob Moore, rliinheam, Biinllah. "Kldle Pullen, Mercer, Amerlccn. ' lorer Ruckatell, Mercer, American. .'Kddle Rlckenbacher, Mux well, Ameri can. ; Karl Cooper, Ptuts, American. - tl Anderson, fituti, American. -Jean Porporato, Porter-Knight, Ameii- tnn. YMim OTonnll, Peusenbera;, American. Pete Henderson, Ieusenbertr, American. Ira Vail. Mulford Special, American. Tom Alley, Orren, American, n. Haihe, 8brine-, American. Ci rover Bergdoll, Krwln Special, Amer U an. . Ixtula Criearrolet, car not named. 1 'river not named, Htuis. " Jh-lver not named. Maxwell. ".lrlrer not named, Porter-Knight. v .-fJrlver aot named, Dmiscuberg. All Watching for t The 1916 Gant Car ,W. T. Wilson of the W. T. Wilson Au tomobile company, will .exhibit this week in models, the (Irani automobile.- Con irierable inteiat has been displayed In this new model and the factory has prom faed to turn out something novel, and well worth waiting for. Mr, Wilson says tha car meets all tha promise which the factory ha made. The Mitchell Motor company of Omaha la keeping pace with their factory, de livering the new Mitchell models as fast as the factory can ahlp them out. Three shifts of men are employed at Racine keeping the schedule of shipments sent In by the dealers August 1 filled. The new cars have made the aame big hit In Nebraska they did In New York, the only difference being that our Nebraska people are more modest In their lastes than gay New York, and are ordering the black wheels Instead of the bright red. In New York City purchasers of the Sixteen Six Mitchell are demanding red wheels. Deliveries of the new Mitchells recently are to the following: Klaua Kenkea, Earllng, la.; F. R. An derson, Mlnden, Neb.; Joseph Magulre, Benson, Neb.; Edward Thlmgan. Mur dock, Neb.; Jurgen Hailing. Ilenntnitton, Neb.; Rev. S. I,. Dowd, Omaha. Neb.; A. K. Reason, Audubon. la.; Herman Heine, Bancroft, Neb.; Elmer Patterson, Malvern, la.; E. K. Crow, David City, Neb.; J. 8. Davis, Sidney, Neb.; Father Rail, David City. Neb.; Florence Taxi company, Florence; Neb.; Oeorge Tolle ten. Falrbury, Neb.; Cass County Auto company, Atlantlo. la.; Alfred Retts, Coon Rapids, la.; 8am Miller, Coon Rap ids, la.; carload, F. It. Beebee, Beebee town, la,; two carloads, Council Bluffs Auto company. Council Bluff a, la.; E. H. Weeks, Cambridge, Neb.; 8am Porter, Neola, Neb.; O. M. Long, Beemer, Neb. Special arrangements to take care of deliveries occasioned by the large crowd that will visit Omaha during the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival have been mad") by the OldamobJIe Bales company, notice being received on Friday laat that several more carloada of Oldamoblles had left the fac tory with proinlaea of further ahlpinents to follow without delay. The factory has advised the distributers for this section that In order-to accommodate them with these extra cars. It has been necessary for them to deprive some of their other branches, but appreciating the Importance of this section as a consumer of automo biles, the manufacturers have deemed It wise to offer Omaha and vicinity the pref erence. Mr. Bromwell of the Oldsmoblle Bales company says that he will guar antee to have cars here for all comers during carnival. C. J. Corkblll of tha Nebraska Haynea Auto company aaya his show room greatly resembles a bowling alley In some respects. "As soon as I get a few cars get on my floor for display some fellow who la anxious to get his car comes In and in a day or two tha floor la as clear as a bowling alley after a strike has been made." N. O. Manley, branch manager of tha Meta company, has spent the past two weeks In tha territory under the Juris diction of the Omaha branch. Mr. Man ley la very much pleased with tha spirit of tha dealers and believe that the weat really represent a fertile market for automobiles. J. ,M. Opper of tha Jones, Opper com pany, who has recently Identified himself with the Reo Interests, says the Reo Is met with -more enthusiasm than any car ha has ever sold. k Twenty of the agents In Nebraska who sell Firestone tires for automobiles left for Akron, O., Saturday over the North western, where they will attend a family meeting. Tueaday evening Charles Auerswald and members of his organization drove out three model "N" Huprnobllea, which are to be on display at the Orexory county atate fair. The boys started out about S P. m., and Intended to drive straight through without stopping. W. I Huffman spent the week In Pious City,, where the Trl-fUato fair Is In pro gress. A carload of Hunmnhlle of spe cial models wss rushed through, Includ ing a seven-passenger and an All Yenr touring car. By far the most talked of automobiles at the Michigan atate fair, which was In progreaa for two weeks, was the Hup mohlle Medan. the latest addition to the Hupmoblle line. A. O. Olson, local manager of the Penn- j sylvanla Rubber ' company, recently an nounced hla marriage to Miss V, Irene Mead of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Olson j will start the last of the month upon a ! wedding trip through the west. Add Graphite to Oil For Motor Cylinder "Buying a cheap grade of oil because of the low price la not true economy, ut will eventually prove to be a very expensive practice," aaeerta C. J. Cork-) hill, manager of the NehrAekn-Haynes Auto Hales company, distributor for the Haynes Light Six. "The principal lubricating mediums commonly used are fluid oil and semi fluid oils and" greases derived from loth mineral and animal sources. Graphite, one of the moat Important lubricants known, Is a form of crystalline carbon. The' mediums best adapted differ with I ' the nature of the work the parts are to perform. An oil that la suitable for one portion of the automobile mechanlsTrt may prove actually Injurious to other parts. "By adding -about one teaapoonful of ground flake graphite to every gallon of cylinder oil, It la possible to carry to all surfaces a material that Is finer than the moat minute pores of the metal and which will gradually cover the metal with a film which heat cannot easily destroy. The benefits derived from the use of graphite in oil are accumulative, for with continued use all the bearings, oylln- j der walls and piston rlnae are protected by a lubricant, which impregnates the metal. All graphite Is not lubricating graphite, however, nor la all lubricating graphite suitable for use tn cylinder oil. Care must be exercised and only finely ground flake graphite of th best qual ity should be ueed. "Cylinder oil .should be derived from a crude petroleum base, because . oil of this nature are Inorganlo and are not Ha able to decompose by exposure to. the air or by heat as are the organic lubricants derived from animal fata or vegetable sources."-' j hearhola to Montreal. ' The Montreal clu-b has purchased Fred Sheurholi from the lUlc New-York State league cu. , , . i Reo Sales Officer Finds Big Demand for Motor Trucks "Whether the frantic demands of Euro pean nations for American motor trucks, when they were confronted with the ne cessity for rapid transportation of goods had anyhlng to do with arousing Ameri can business men to the advantages of the modern method of transportation I cannot say, but It la an Interesting fact that coincident with th European de mand the motor truck haa come Into Its own here at home," says R. C. Rueachaw, sales head of the dual monarchy, Reo Motor Car company and Reo Motor Truck company. Mr. Rueachaw haa Just returned from an extended trip which embraced the Pacific coast states, and he states that the thing that Impressed him most waa the tremendous demand that existed everywhere for motor trucks. "We have all looked forward to a time when big business and little business would awaken to the tremendous super iority of the motor delivery vehicle. We all realised that when It did come It would come with a ruen and one has only to travel across the country to realize thst that haa happened. "It is not exactly a happy coincident that th nation-wide demand occurred si multaneously with the needs of the bel ligerent European nations. It has caused an almost unparalleled condition of ex cessive demand a demand out of all pro portion to supply. "More noticeable than even th pobllc demand la the attitude of the autorno Mle dealer toward motor trucks now ariaya. Formerly they looked at them nskance and when a) dealer, did deign to take on a line he ordered a demon strator and set it back In a corner of the show room. There It was to be had by anyone who came In and forcibly took It away from him." New Series of Saxon Cars is Announced Many refinements that mean a rood many dollars In added value are found In the new series Saxon sis-eyllnder and four-cylinder models. Just announced by the Saxon Motor company of Detroit The prices of the care are not changed, remaining I7B5 for the "sis" touring- car and $W for the "four" roadster. In addi tion, a "sis" roadster la offered at 7, a "six" touring car with extra detach able llmeusln top at fMs and a "four" roadeter with extra detachabl ooup top at Among the new features of new erlea Saxon "six" are: Two-unit starting and lighting lystem; Ttmken axle and Tim ken bearings throughout th . chaasls; silent helical bevel gears; roomier rear seat; linoleum covered running boards and floor board; Improved eodjr finish; body raised by addition of molding around top of body. The tonneau seat hag been widened, and Is now forty-six Inches wide. Th front seat back haa been changed slightly to maka it more comfortable. Th seat has a more pronounced tilt than previously. Vpholstery la flush at th side and seat arms and Is not tufted.. However, it Is tufted at the seat back. laBlfsTi'BrUi'lWUtM h New enes aaxon Car Saxon "Six" $783 floor New Features of Saxon "Six" Two unit electric starting and lighting Timken axles Timken bearing through out the chassis Silent helical bevel gears ' Linoleum covered running boards and boards Roomier rear seat Improved body finish Garnish strip around top of body and 17 other detail improvements These are the added features that place the Nevr Berie3 Saxon "Six" even farther ahead as the big-, gest touring ear value ever produced. The New Series Saxon "Six" embodies tho four big new Idea of motor car design: high apoetl motor, of wonderful power and flexibility; light weight, due to modern design and finest materials; yacht line body, the latest automobile fashion; In creased comfort for all five passengers. The two unit electric starting and lighting system Is reliable, efficient and wonderfully quiet. The Tiiuken axles with full Tliukan bearing equipn.ent, front and rear, ace of the earn specifications as those used in' highest priced cars. No auto mobile at any price has better axles than th Nw Series Saxons. Helical bevel gears are noiseless and fricUonless. Th body Improvements all help to make the "Six" even more satisfying to the critical buyer. The garnish strip around tha top of the body and the linoleum covered running boards are dreasy snd trim. The Improved finish aasures long lasting lus tre. Tbe widened rear seat makes the "Six" roomier and mora comfortable than any car In Its price class. ' Other features of the New Series Haxon "Bis" Include: sls-cyllndor hlh svaed motor, J0 6 h. p.; eliding gear transmission; demount able rims: vanadium atsel ctvntllever springs; 1 1 l-Tii. wheelbaa! HxlH-ln. tiro, non-akid la rear; oue-maa top. Why not tak your clenionetration toUayT fer" Rom4U,r $3S D4iry Cmr With drtmcUkU Cmsi fs 48S "Sim" RLtmr New Features of Roadster Three speed transmission Timken axles New body handsomer, roomier Improved high speed motor Signal lamps at side Ventilating windshield Improved cantilever springs of vanadium BteeL Adjustable pedals and 15 further refinements. These and a number of other detail reflnments feature th New Series Saxon Roadster. They make It unquestionably tha most inviting two-passenger car on tbe market. Three speed transmission provides increased flexibility. Saxon Is the only car In the world, selling for under $400, which haa three speed transmission. The extra aet of aid lamp, th venti lating wlndabieid and the suljuatable pedala you will readily appre ciate. Th daxon high apoed motor has from the flrat been one of th marvel of automobile deslirn. Improved and refined It give th Koadster amusing power and speed Tbe New Series Saxon Ito'idster la the economy champion of motor dont. It make JO miles on a ga'lon of gasoline 109 to ISO mlloa on a plut of oil 1600 to (000 miles on a 17. t tire. It coat only half a cent a mile to run. Come In today and see 1C 393 ras Baton Roadster $395 "Sim" Turing Cat $T3S With af.facAeWe . tap 03 S Noyes-ICilley Motor Co., Distributors. 2066 Farnam Street phone Douglas 3646 The Mechanician Thia aoloma la to b a rcal-.r feat nr of ta a a to Page aad will be devoted to the oroper oare of aatamobllea. Coatrleationa will S welcomed. Before starting th motor In cold weather see that the mixture being drawn from the carburetor Is rich, as a cold motor and cold air combined make It Impossible to obtain an easily I ml table mixture by ordinary procedure. If these precautions are taken there will be no trouble In starting th motor In cold weather. Do not flood er prime th carburetor. Do not start with throttle wide open. See that all Ignition connections are tight. Pouring hot water over Intak pip often prove a simple and effective way to start a motor In cold weather. In cold weather moisture frequently condense on th Inside of th gasoline tank and will give trouble if allowed to frees In the gasoline pip or carburetor. To prevent this trouble drain gasoline system at Intervals during cold weather. At frequent interval drain th oU from th crank case In order to be sure no water la present. If this is not done the oil pump screen will become xrosen thus preventing oil circulation and caus ing serious damage to working parts of motor. Generally speaking. In winter, a lighter oil should be used in the motor and trans mission than In summer; however. It Is not a good plan to do too much experi menting after you have found a satis factory oil. Daring freeilng weather fill th water circulation with one of the following antl freezing solutions; Kor a temperature not lower than five degrees below sere: Alcohol, 15 per cent Glycerine, 15 per cent. Water, 70 per cent Knr temperature not lower than fifteen degrees below tero: Alcohol, 17 per cent Olycerlne. 17 per cent Water, 6 per cent. Alcohol should be added occasionally to make up for evaporation. The glyc erin does not evaporate with the water. Contributed by F. O. Phaar, District Su pervisor of Bervlce, fHudebaker Corpora tion, Omaha Branch, Local Force Goes To Tire Convention Branch Manager P. C. Rudlselt, ac companied by Salesmen P. B. Akers, A. A. Bylander, C. H. Harris, R. Homan, J..W. Martin, 8. M. Drake, Jr., and A. I Snider, win leave here Monday for the annual sales convention of the Fire stone Tire A Rubber company, to be held at Akron, O., September B, and ftk. Salesmen of the Firestone Tire and Rubber company hold a big convention once eaoh year at the horn office In Akron, O. A few years ago at the first annual meeting about thirty men were present At this year's meeting on Po tember 28, and 30, there will be more than ST representatives. Bee Want Ad Produce Results. AST ATTO OUT Or aVKTATJI Is money uaeleaaly tied up. A car to pay for Itself In plesvmire or business should be alwaya available. If your auto He Idle send It here and have ua rut It tn ordeir. We'll do the work horoog-hly, promt y and reasona bly. C & S. MACHINE & AUTO L0. cook a mu, rropa. Welding- Maohln Work and Anto XepaJLrtn a gtpeolalty. Phon sas. 4S-47 IT. ICaia St. OkronoU Bluffs, la. I K'jf Showing " . VjRl 1 I I HALF PJ I WW BOUS I'! on Old 'U Don't THROW AWAY Your 01J Tires Hare Thtm "HALF-SOLED" If yon bar any old worn-out Tires, a roaO worn or a rim-cut tire, we can make them Into one that will run as far as a new tire at fror. tl.Tt to $6.60. If you have only one (either rtaxrut or road -worn), send It; we have a large stock of tire and can, at a nominal coat, (furnish th on you lack. Send In your o'd tlrea and we will ''Double Tread-' them for you. Champion Doable Tread Tire Co. 1T1S.18 Oread Av. Kansas Olty, MCo. conirrxy aasim waittbo. SB OB Awards for Grmatett Hyatt Mileage Records To enter your car in this contest, it is necessary to use an official entry form which may be secured from the Hyatt Roller Bearing- Co. With this form we will send a folder giving- complete information about the contest. Jnn(AJ t v ' afJ 1 - 2 a FOR HYATT SEOTCB RECORDS HYATT Quiet Bearings were installed in the wafAnrwafwlIklTsggtH Ttlrw Ck aria W A TJ1 .? tat "j 'kgMf were in the first Olds, the first Ford, the first King, the first Haynes, and many others. ' The automobile that is being preserved in the Smithsonian Institution at Washington, as the official example of the very first successful motor car, is equipped with Hyatt Bearings. From the time of the first car until the present, Hyatt Bearings have been recognized as an essential part of all types of automo biles. Today they are working quietly and unobtrusively in the vast majority of all cars manufactured in America. Take your car, with its Hyatt Bearings for example. You prob ably have driven it many thousands of miles, day and night, under every imaginable condition of road and weather. ' Yet, for all you know, there are no bearings in it anywhere. You never have seen them or heard them and they never have given any trouble. In the laboratories of our great factory at Newark, New Jersey, the largest exclusive roller bearing plant in the world, we have run Hyatt Bearings thousands of miles under every conceivable test. Through these tests, they never have failed to give consistent, care free service. To supplement-this engineering data, we wish to know how many miles your automobile has traveled in actual service upon its Hyatt Bearings. ' We are ready to pay for this information. ,We have set aside one thousand dollars to be distributed in awards to owners of cart show ing the greatest mileage on Hyatt Bearings. First . . Second . Third Fourth , , Fifth . . . Sixth e Neat Tea ($10 each) Total $500.00 200.00 lorxoo 50.00 30.00 20.00 100 00 $1000.00 This contest will close November 1, 1915, and all entry blank must bear postmark not later than that data. Automobile men well known throughout the Industry, sad having no connection whatever with the Hyatt Roller Bearing-Co.. wil' act as judges of this contest. Their name will be announced Lit r. No one associated in any way with the Hyatt Roller Jt-iWng Co. is eligible in the competition. The car you are driving may have traveled more miles on its Hyatt Bearing than any other automobile. Its record st least may brine; you one of the liberal cash awards. Write today for the official form snd snter this contest. Address Hyatt Roller Bearing Company Peyt, 3E WtWwsraAn, Daeratt. Mick. irj a j m 1 : A