TJIH HKK OMAHA. tSATUKDAY, SKITKMUEII 1. 11)15. FIELDER JONESES OYERCOUE BLUES Davenport Allow Buffalo Only Tires Hit and St. Louis Wins Easily. SIX TO ONE IS THE SCORE ST. LOUIS, Mo., Bept. 21 Davenport Allowed but three hit In today's same etweeft St. LiouM end Buffalo and the locals wen, 8 to L BL Lout made elirht hit Off fchmks end Marshall, and these, with errors by the visitors, won the gam for the locals, "core: R.H.B, BuffSl r..r...t M M M W ! ! St. Louis 2 903010 10 Hattrrlrs: Marshall and Blair. Daven port and Hartley. Whales Blank Tops. rmcAtio, n-rt. 24. nm Boiiey. oi- raaro'a new southpaw pitcher, shut out Urooklyn hers today, I to t). Hailejr strurk out twelve and allowed but three eat 'tetvd hit lor tha visitors, Kslhenbers: puszlcd th H(?ht-hsnlod baltera, but Ithrrc of PhloeKo's left-hnnded batsmen loled the fira hlla from whioU tha three runs were scored a home run. a triple, 1 d- vb)o and a (Ingle, maklnK the total. Score: B.H.K. Hi ,kIvii 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 8 3 OhloaRO 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 3 R 0 rtatterloa: Falkenberff and Land; Bailey and Fischer. Rrna Bent Xewarka. PITTSUliRQH, Sept. 24. nttburgh de fented Newark, 2 to 1. today. In a srame "whlt-h went ten Innings. With the score 1 to 0 In favor of the visitors in the ninth, I porta a error pavad tha way tc a rally and tha tot als tied the Ownit. Laporta secirnd error resulted in Plttaburrha vic tory in the tenth. Score: 1VII.K: Newark ....0 00100000 01 T .Pittsburgh. .0 00000001 12 0 , ftutterlns: Moran, Kalserlln? and Rarl dtn; ltoc,-e, Ulokson and O'Omnor. Tfrpa Lose to K. C. KANSAS CITY. Bent 4.-The locals twice overcome bia- Baltimore leads to I day and won to 7. In the third Innlnff two errors helped the visitors erst Jour runa. After Kaneaa City, by rood bat tlntr, had overcome that handicap, a series of errors and hlla ray Baltimore three in the eighth. The four eltislee and a base on balls cava the locals the runs needed to vain the victory. Both Black and Lclalr were hit hard. Two home runs, a triple and four doubles comprised the extra base hlUlttf record of the locals. Uoore: R.H.B. Baltimore ...0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 07 Ml 0 i Kansas City 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 4 1 Baroness Mao Nabs The Two-Thirty Trot ; KEARNET. Neb., Sept. 4.-Speolel frelegram.) Considering tha hujh wind which prevailed, (rood time was made In fhe pacing and trotting events at tha (local track this afternoon. The only ex 5 ieltement of the day was a runaway. - I.Swede, owned and driven by lienllne, took the track and eventually spilled the 1 (driver. About 4.009 turned out for the jrlays sport. Summaries: - .Trotting, 2.30 clae. purse, $350: ' Tlkronftss Mao 1 111 ' pMlie Axewood 1 t J I iVIva Cnlrlen ...........8 8 3 3 . Un Medium 4 4 4 4 r Timo l-W.: Jtfti' IHU: 1:ZZA. . h uk tieasiuv j, i ,TIIHin L ...,t,,,)M,..,...... m Flirt ill ...... -- r.,, A M ' Klnn will ....J t ' Time. i.m,. :16H. U.. o.iarv . .- - Miau MaM irartr tiny ..... 1 x i ' ttJifct f'luinre ......2 1 4 . -1-vt H Mir Hiin u ...o UO. M. H. V M...4 4 3 'r i . n . . -i o.anw I IIMf, A.AIl. Karmfra race, purse UOOi j i Tonv- O., owned and driven by T J. jiklrshsm. Kearney, first money; Babe, isiwrvd and driven by C. W. Flnoh, Kear ' kioy, second; Jim. owned and driven by b.'lyde (."tuIs. hlearney, third. The fastest , Utile was 2:37. ' . Three-quarter-mile dash, purse 3100: , leoma (Hudklna), first! Pickens (Kelly), , second: Vol tome fMcQeolIn), third. Mare- Viem also ran. Time, i:i7fe. J Tom Oonners Is Set Down for 'Snatching' tfrOTJX CTTY, la,, Bept 34. Torn Cos tiers, perhaps ths oldest negro Jockey In the racing gams today, was sat down for the remainder of tha looal onset f-r the alleged "snatohlng" of St Avono, tha favorite In the slx-furlong raoa here to day. Personality, a rank outsider, with , a local Jockey up, finished first, but the 1 judges declared It no race. Tho harness events were fust. Colonel Vldmer, by Major Vldmer, with Walker up, won the 2:3V trot in straight heats. Brown Betty, by John Marshall, the fatvorlte, won the 2:20 paco In straight heats. Summary: Trotting, 2:30 class, purse 3000: Colonel Vldmer, won; Kuth A.lerton, saoond; Ollnda. third; Joaephlne Jenkins, Uis ' tanced. Best time, 2 21. Pacing, 2:20 clans, purse 36(10: Brown Betty, won; Harry II,, second; Olnger, third: Maris, fourth. Beat time, l:17'4. Runntrur, four and one-half furlongs, purse $ltf: Jim Hay. first: Blllle T., sec ond; Nobis Urand, third; Barney McCoy, fourth; Charles McNab, fifth. Time. . 0:5!. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE TO ORGANIZE FOOT BALL TEAM The Omaha High School of Commerce will put a foot ball team on tha gridiron ' this year. The Students' Athletio association has been orgsnlssd and temporary officers ' chosen. About fifty husky lads an nounced an Intention to become oandl ' dates for tha team. The squad will be coached by Jim Drummond and Burford, both teachers at , the High School of Comma roe. Drum- mond wsa a star on ths Dartmouth eleven several years ago. Burford has starred 'as csnter on the Crelghton university team for ths Isst two years. Practice will be started Friday on .grounds near Nineteenth and Leaven worth. For the present the squad will have use of the Young Men's Christian 'association shower baths. On aooouat of ilack of space ths Board of Education has not been able .to install shower bata ulpment In the High School of Com . mere building. Ths captain of tha team will be chosen In about two weeks. A schedule haa not yet been made. BC.3 KING OF DES MOINES MAKES BRIEF VISIT HERE Bob King of Des Moines, ona of ths best known sportsmen In ths country, waa In Omaha yesterday visiting with friends and watching tha races at Ben son. Mr. King gave ths pony now known as Babe King, ths smallest race horss in the world, to Miss Frances Deonlson of Omaha and ho was on band to sea ths midget In her exhibition yesterday at Benson. Ths pony waa shipped to Omaha In a dog erata wbea shs was a tiny colt. Fa-t Ball Teaaa Urexulaea. Tho BumiKo Juniors have organised a foot ball team and are looking for Hun Iday samea. Telephone Walter MoUiU at TyUr iOui after o'clock. Wist a S.adar Gaaae. ' Tha Mure and Btrlies would Itks to hear from some fast team willing to bat Jle this iiunday at Rlv.-rvtew park. Call oy fttacey at Sooth im Flea Want Ads Produce Results. RASTUS WINS OFF JOHN D. Mirthful (aid 6t Friioo Make Pro rr&m with Biz-Eett Trot tin; Battle. CARD IS NOT COMPLETED e COI.VMIUH, O., sept. K-Te each of the three class races rarded for the fifth day tf the Columbus Grand Circuit rac ing; there was something out of the or dinary. The program Itself was not completed, Mirthful and C frlsco miking It long with a six-haat trotting battle. Tomorrow the 1:11 pace will be finished and there will be consolation races for 3:11 pacers and 3:15 trotters. Rastus, favorite, won tha 101 pace, after tha first heat bad gone to John P. St. Frisco was the first choice for the 2:09 trot. Vaster, making his second start of the week, won the first heat and then the race became a duel between Mirth ful and Bt msco. The Murphy mar made a costly break In the third heat and was out-trotted In the next one. She had the tnost endurance, winning the fifth without trouble and virtually settling the race by going, the first half of the sixth In 1:03. Her Jogging finish prevented both t. Frisco and Vaater from being shut out. i Virginia Crooks was the original favor, lte In the 2:11 pace, the flrat heat of which went to Sudd Klllott In slow time. During this heat Miss Rejected fell, and Driver Tates was thrown to the track. He was stunned by the fall and slightly Injured. All horses were placed. In tha next two heats Thistle Patoh and Red Mike took turns In winning. Brothel of Snowy Baker Drops Off in Omaha for a Visit II. 10. P.aker of Sydney, Australia, Who says he Is a brother of Snowy Baker, the famous Australian boxing promoter. dropped Into Omaha yesterday from New Tork. Baker declares he is tha profes sional swimming champion of Australia at 100 yards. Ha came over to this country to enter ths swimming game hers and conduct a little of his brother's business. He has found that professional awimmlng Isn't much of a sport In America. Young Baker announced yesterday that ho Was negotiating with Oeorge Bach rack, famous Illinois Athletio club swlm mtr, for a match race of 100 or 600 yards for a large purse. He declared that an agreement was about to be consummated for the event at Chicago. Baker was one of the witnesses Of the McFarland-Gibbons fight. "That bout would have started a riot In Australia," said Baker, "They wouldn't stand for that kind of work there. You have got to deliver ths goods." Baker declares that Les Darcy, the Australian pugilist who Is coming to America In January, will find Gibbons sasy pickings. While in Omaha Baker Is working out at Tommy Dixon's athletio club so ss to keep In shape for his approaching swim ming match. Chicago Wins from Japanese TOKIO, Sept. 34. Twenty thousand Japanese bass ball enthusiasts saw - tha University of Chicago team win ths first gams of Its serlss with Was? (la university here this afternoon by a score of 5 to 3. Ths Americana' victory was due to their ability to make hits when bits meant runs. Tha natives fielded cleverly and ran bases well, scoring all their runs with only ona hit. Ths soors: , . R H E Was da Chicago 4 The American ambassador, Oeorge W. Guthrie, and the president of Waseda uni versity, Dr. Sanaa Takata, attended the game. Alexander Paid Bonus of Thousand CHICAGO, III., Sept. 24. drover Alex ander, the big right-handed pitcher of tha Philadelphia Nationals, was $1,000 wealthier today as a result of his vlotory over Chicago In tha first game of ths double-header yesterday. Alexander was given 11,000 by ths management of ths club for scoring his thirtieth victory of the season. He previously had been given 30O alter winning twenty garnet. FRANK G0TCH SELLS THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND MASON CITY, la,, Bept. S4.- Special.) Frank A. Ootoh, world's champion wrestler. Is ons man In tha game who has mads good use of his earnings and Is now ons of tha wealthy men of Iowa. He owned 1.060 acres of choice farm land tn Hamilton county, which ha has Just sold to H. O. Hoyer and 1L A. Bohults of Fort Dodge. Tha land Is all In ons tract Just whst was paid for this land Is not announced, but It was nothing less than 3100,000. In part payment for the tract of land Mr. Ootoh took Fort Dodge properties. This Is only a small part of tha wealth controlled by th world's greatest wrestler. Mum at Waekolls Fair. NETjBQN. Neb., Bept 34. (apoclal Tel egram.) The Nuckolls county fair closed yesterday. Good weather brought out a record attendance. Ths fair bas been a suoosss la every way. Summaries of yesterday's raoas: Trot, 3:1, purse 3400: Btarieen. flrat; Chief, second; Teddy K., third, best time. t:lT. Pace. t:lt, puree 8400! Formosa, flret; Luxor, Jr., second; Tanner Miller, third; xclustv Bells, fourth. Best time, 3:41. Trot, 3:85, purs 400: Barbara MUljrers, first; Tod Woolse-y, second; HUlnay Free man, thlrdi MUnpklna, fourth. Best time, 1:81. In ths running -novwlty roe. Otlla won all four moneys, being la the lead at each quarter. JlnfinsAtt rtr Fair Resnlts. TXCUMSEH, Neb.. Bept 34. (BdocIaI Telegram.) Results of th second day of jtho Kansas-Nebraska racing circuit at Tecumseh: Trot, 3:87; pure 33rt: Tina, first, Casey Jones, seoond; Fre Gratis, third. Time, aot given. , Pace, 8 87; purs MolMe Brlnger, flrt; Palmers Aid. second: Aggls Elmore, third. Time, 3:4U. 3:34, t lb. Three-fourtra mile dovh. puree 31): O-ieen. first; tarlinglsoond: Dick, third; Victoria also ran. Time. 1:4m. Tha mule race waa won by Vsnlaa Ing ham of Maybarry, half rulle in 10. Vark Banael Tee Fast. YORK Neb., Bept U-8peciaJ Tele gram.) York High school and York col. lece played the Initial foot ball game this afternoon. The York squad was too fast for the college bunch. In the flrt half the score was to i and tha last, t to . Omaha and Lincoln In Crioket Game at Miller Park Today The Omaha Cricket club team and the eiitket sharks from ll.ncoln will battle today st Miller park at At the cricket tournament held here Labor day Lincoln was defeated by Sioux City and Omaha defeated Sioux City, thus winning the tourney. But the Links wanted a chance to battle tha Omaha lads, so ths game was arranged for today. A good fast match la expected and it Is antloi pated that big crowd will bo out at ths Miller park creass to watch ths doings. awwio Oatelaaeed. CAMBRJIKIK, Neb.. Sept. 4.-(Rpeclal Telegram.) Cambrtrtus High school opened the foot ball season toi'.ay by com- letely outclassing Arapahoe, 74 to S. lien Rodwell. Kinder and Stansbio starred. Atlantic High In Wlnarr. ATLANTIC. Ja. Sept ."4. neclnl Telerrant. Tho Atlantic High school de feated Adair High school he:e today. 71 to 0. In the flret font ball game of the eeiison. Coach Marshall haa developed a fast team for this season. Inathers Association. Vsmphta. 3: Atlanta. Chattanooga, 1; Hlrmlnghsm, 4. Nashville, 4; New Orleana, 6. IJlLlO Hock. I: Mobile. 1. I Itrldarennri Has Cnaimerrlal CI oh. BRIDGEPORT. Neb., Sept. 24. (fcspc elaD The business men of Bridgeport met here last night st a big smoker and rally and. In View of tha sugar factory Which has been proposed to be erected hers, organised a Commercial club. This movement was Instigated by the Omaha boosters during their recent visit to this Omaha l.eaane. HUNTINGTON. 1. 2. 3. Tot. Fletoher ... 1 t'H "' A Bowers . lf l J' lUCR ORADB. Berger 1H 813 174 6A Chandler ..IW V3 JM m Hmllh 144 171 If 470 Henerels ...173 1X1 1.13 4il Beseiin ....U4 173 1h6 Bio Total ,., 870 IS su5 lEWlB HUFFlr. Bhaw , 1M ll' l'.'l M4 Kadford ...171 167 10 6U Wiley lf.3 ll'l 11 54! Rosenberg .318 171 904 HI MoCoy ....1I 177 147 tit Total MO V T3 8768 MUR1H1Y D1U ITS. t. 2. 3. Tot. McCahe ....Its) l) !'l i0 Bland 144 170 177 4!U Uluaon Ifcl 171 liB 4M i)ciber V!l J i(K) 14 r 'IU 221 214 1.4 610 Total &1 941 SH3 Omaha Lp(f, LITXU8. Goff 170 178 IW 414 Doherty ...Iff? 1K4 144 4U7 Mo:arthy .) 16 V'.4 he Wartohow ,1M IS") 3 8.11 Learn 140 IM i;4 4C liunttnaton 1W l'!4- 1'S J. Jarosh.. H4 2 IM Neale ... M 3US 1T M" Total l4 893 2786 JETTBRS. 1. 3. 8. Tot. Balsar .... IM 157 M Ool dens' ear lH 1W ;'l y.immnrman IfiS Mi 141 4t Zarp tH Ijo 211 W0 Total VIM 7&2 903 ZMl WROTH CAFB. 1. 1 f. Tot Thomas JM J W) Kehn 1 m m M Umlsay .. 1 l-'7 1 Teal 17 1S9 2,19 MH Fanton .... lhi 166 117 Toul "sM H Wl V 1. 2. 1 Tot. Cain 1M m m Ml Terrell .... 1 I" 17 4 Martin .... l'l 1 l' '", Taman .... 1M W 1 M Oochran ..138 SZI h jU Total 8 "j 7W 3499 t". 1. Krelahr l.ragne. AUDITORS. . 1 f a Tot. Total y0 2Wo7 BltANDElB B TORES. 1. 8. 8. Tot Hall IW 18 1W 6.0 Grll.ble m M 1W m Ixioney 2I IM 0t Ifler 17 H 11 M Kennedy ,.lt4 ltal Ul tit Total 857 W2 806 8 Moose I,ne. ORDER. 1. t. 1 Tot. Hall 157 140 170 437 Cedeholm .. M 123 122 810 Clsvenger ,H 14 74 4 ...131 W 144 bV Darnsted ..135 173 139 447 Total MS 65 &1 l&fl MOOSK. 1. 1 1 Tot Fdmonson .14fl lid 147 4 3 Walker ....Lh 11 ir8 4"I A. Prchal.. M 113 114 318 Zennaneck 1M Ul 8 J. Whalen . l' "3 J1 J7n Nelaon IM 178 107 491 Crelghton . l 1J to Buckman .. IS.) 121 F. May Ion . 169 160 llfl 4d4 Total l 700 6a M) FREIGHT. a a Tot. Olun .. Bwanson 101 111 12fi f 1 113 13 SS7 los M 113 " Hangatrom 136 1 4.1 147 4:J Kelno H 140 ii Total ....Ti7 Tiri 434 1813 FREtQHT. 1. 1. 3. Tot. Iatey 1S3 1?5 TO Johnson .. 118 134 1U VKi Krycek .... 113 KiO 13S m F.. Whalen H 7 113 340 Dearth .... 143 117 131 893 Total M 113 618 1848 ACCOUNTS. 1. 1 1 Tot. Bartjos .... 87 113 Jt Fchlasfer.. 130 139 1 SrtO Webb 78 K0 81 M Rnylo 12 119 1 S5 Kottch .... 101 . tsi arl Total .....l34"M5"M3 1051 (lata City Leaaae. 1 RAO AN S FAL8TAFF. 1. 2. 8 Tot. tperry IXt lisv 110 4M Total u3 m 460 Ul4 OMAHA. 1. a. 3. Tot Tllsner ....113 1 143 441 Lank lu3 118 M 8S Jepxcn M 4 IW W BlomanlSt tat 1!M 117 3K3 Kopfle 144 125 IM 47 . Total 873 M 873 1KU LOYAL. 1. T . Tot Wlttlg Ii4 VH 1.19 371 F, Prchal.,113 m 74 319 Morgan .... 86 113 103 3(4 Burkhardt .126 101 lir7 3:3 Btorrs M) 109 144 8f3 Total 647 863 867 1877 Mercantile Leagne. THOS. KILPATRICKS. 1. 2. 3. Tot. Kahn 114 173 Ul 400 liane .. Khlson Btlne .. Heyer . Hofman Total , ..17S lit 1H8 ...210 w i; ....1M 1K1 lb7 ....144 203 ..-166 178 156 Iw) .842 810 V03 20 holds so fast VI'-Z. v-ifjC' , 1 as f-mT'tf-- :i :-ss.vr rJJ II z&srzm .401 WHT XW Self- MM 0 gives them strength to withstand the strain of such a heavy cartridge. Ask your gun dealer to show you a Winchester Model 1910. It Hits Like Tho Hammer Of Tkor. city The following officers were elected and Installed: rrealdeat. William Ritchie; vice prealdent, K. V. Drapert secretary. Mas Wllcoxi treasurer, T. M. Fstlll. Bridgeport Is ths gatsway to ths North Platte valley, and there haa been a great amount of talk by ths Burlington officials ef building a new road from Kearney to Brldgepott. F0UR-YEAR TERM GIVEN FOR CRIMINAL ASSAULT rtKATRICK. Nn., Bept. H.-("peclal Telegram,) Oeorga Bennett pleaded guilty In ths district court today to ths chants of criminally assaulting Margaret Ousnther, 14 yesrs old. lis wss sentenced to four years In ths stats penitentiary by Juris Pemberton. Kdward Wilson of Wymore pleaded guilty to assaulting his niece, Kdlth Wil son. 15 years old, and was given thirty days In Jail. Jerry Hajcck, arrested at I)wlnht, Neb., on the charge of passing a bogus rheck On the Hinds Btate bank at Odell a yea ago, got off with a fine of $10. He paid tha costs In ths case, which amounted t nearly $100. riatlstnonlti Man Serln-My Hurt. PUVTTSMOUTII. Neb.. Sept. 34.-Spe-clnl.) Theodora M. Bcarbroush, while working at ths Burlington plaining mill In this city, wss severely Injured whlln operating a circular saw last evening". He was placing a piece of timber In front of the saw to cut It. whsn ths teeth of the saw caught the word, hurling It with the force of a siege gun, striking Mr. Scarborough In the shin, felling hint to the floor. Ha was taken to tha of fice of the company surgeon, who dressed Ms Injuries, and he Is confined to his bed. No bones were brvksn as pronounced by ths doctors, but Internal injuries sua. flni McManus ...148 141 13 4:8 lareon IM h PI W Thaurup ...,1U 1LT m 4 Merryman ..177 1 40 166 4,2 Totals 718 tSt 743 3142 KOHD MOTOR CO. Bmltll 177 173 133 41 Kinney 174 145 18.1 444 Wilson 1:W IM 1U 4D1 Gaunt 116 H.l m m Copnharve..l7j 174 144 4 Totals T78 K13 713 3304 B YKN K-HAMM KR C4V 1. 2. 3. Tot. Bucko 131 140 143 414 Tuilnsky ...Ul 144 I'M 4lH Bknnkev .,..148 UH 1.13 403 McShane ...lot 129 19 r biuipny 1K7 1H0 211 btA Totals itr 701 g'W 233 M. K. KMITH tO. 1. 2. 8. Tot. Welch 1M 14 IM 4 0 MasllkS ....17.! 174 140 4 Meek 124 i:9 J.M 4.4 Bu hnell ... :w 1 lft 4't Wests, gard .147 171 164 43 Totals 740 7 778 Uta) Nt)U. CLOTHING CO. 1. 8. 3. Tot. Huntley ....170 108 147 449 Ifairlson ....15 m 1S 4 1 Vlttea 18 UH UD 47 Bteaner 14n 177 140 4K2 Boueiholm ..I I 148 14i 46i Totals.... 752 851 678 WORLD-HERALD. 1. 2. 8, Tot I.omb ... Korsytha lieii.tae A sol .... Tym ..W ) H 416 20 149 4!-6 ..!. IU 174 437 ..1:U 154 1J0 416 ..161) 131 111 411 Total 764 787 Gl 2245 ' ORCHARD WJ LHEIM. ' 1. 1 8. Tot. Walklln ....144 135 121 40 Malm 144 145 106 ;tv'.t Smith 142 174 121 4.17 Helnbaok ...123 167 141 4J1 Klsfar 140 133 131 4ot Totsis m 744 en 2061 DRKXKL HHOK CO. 1. 3. 8. Tot. Btorey 171 144 ir,i 466 Armstrong .137 IW lfiO 477 Iahy 118 82 1"S 3 4 Thomas 127 141 118 8 IUtci.le 140.150 113 411 Totals...'. .! 697 47tU43 BROWNING-KINO, 1. 2. I. Tot. Bryson 109 ill ... sao Miller 1( 154 154 fo Hoover 1"3 H5 lol S14 Sianfleld ...163 1.10 143 454 Dovle 136 126 144 A K reiser 163 Totals M 8.16 723 1W7 ADVOB. 1. 3. 8, Tot Kolls lDI 161 lf. 446 Zelsv Vii li4 146 424 H 11 sgon ..140 M ))7 1,1 Drummond .118 107 131 'M0 Bisdy 117 12S 166 603 Totals ftt 844 713 UU Caliber Loading Rifle tha recoil is utilised to re ad this rifle, it Is only necessary to pull the trlffg-er for each shot. This makes it possible to shoot this rifle with great rapidity. The five shots which the magazine can be poured into an animal that the cumulative shocking effect is so tremendous that it will stop almost any species of big game. Magazines can be exchanged in an instant, which makes It easy to shoot a series of shots from this rifle very rapidly. The working parts and tho receiver, guard and barrel are made of Nickel steel which talnea. It is thought that ths young maa will rsoover. BEATRICE REAL ESTATE MAN AND WIFE INJURED sKTricniOn. Neb., gspt. tl.(tplal Telegram.) In an auto accident about flvs miles southwest of town this arter rtoon. Joseph Benjamin and wife, were severely Injured and U 17. Real, of this city, and William McCall, a farmer liv ing east of town, barely escaped. Mr. Real's son started In bis car to ths scans of the accident and ss he wss leaving town, struoK a bsd piece of road I and turned his car completely over, he esesplhf by Jumping Just as It turned. Keds Msks Offers. Vbt.,l fx I . . 1 . I I Brooklyn Fia,' bsa been scouting around the New York Btate anil reporta are ha im. nwii. nnrri ID rwvn uinn, HWII Malsel and other to Jump. t'mitln- la Too Hsaah. Oeorse llowlett, who was an umpire In the Northwestern leasue for two weeks, found tho going too rough and quit. This Is Our men's clothes aro absolutely pnr one hundred per cent right in ma terials, tailoring, style and quality. e guarantee this. The man of whom It is naid, "He always looks neat and well dressed,' very likely huys his clothes at lirandeis fctores. The clothes we Fell look right and keep right. " ' Our Stock of Suits and Top Coats offers a tremendous variety of choice. It is not a scanty collection favoring the average build of men, but every man, irrespective of length, width or weight, can be "suited" at one of our threo popular prices Early lookers "will see in these, immense stocks what will be seen later on best dressed men will sco on our price tags that which will prove to them that clothes of highest quality do not necessarily mean clothes of high price. At the price we know no equal to the Suits and Overcoats at $10.00 and $12.B0. They stand unequaled in service-giving, in Btylo and in genuine worth they aro highly specialized garments, tailored to a standard of excellence not ex pected and not often found In suits at this figure. Prices, $20.00 to $40.00 Wo also invite your attention to our exclusive showing of America's finest ready-to-wear Suits and Top Coats Hirah Wickwire, Society Brand and Schloss Bros. "We are exclusivo for Styleplus , Clothes, v Special Showing Just Secslvsd Our Nsv Steek ef Munslna Union Suits for Fall Wssr Munslnn Union Bulls aro tho standard of all union suits, as tho American .dollar Is tho standard of all monsr, Tho qual ity, fit and workmanship aro up to tho Munalnf standard. Wo show complete lines In all the light, medium and beavr weight cotton, wool, silk-and-wool aud pure fiber silk. All weights, In all sites. Prices ranging s g en from, suit. 11.00 to....d3U Get Your New Hat Brandels Stores have the swellest line of new fall hats right now. Every smart, exclusive shape, shade and finish. Sample Hata, $1.45 Sample lines of Men's Soft and Hats, new fall atylos. 1.00 and $2.60 values, at , $1.45 Hats and Caps for School Wear Boys' and Children's Fall and Win ter Hats and Capo for achool wear; every new style, at 2 So, SOo, d r A Sc. $1.00, $US and ? leOU Traveling Bags and Stat Cases Over 100 Traveling Bags and Suit Cases, entire sample lino of a New Tork manufacturer; 14.00, $4.50 and $5.00 values, on sale ej no Saturday, st eaCesO Now York Yanks Draft Morso Brown TOPHX A. Kan,, Bept. 34-Meoae Brown, outfielder for the local West -em league club, has been drafted by the New fork Americana, It was announced today. Heveral day ago Itrown was add subset to draft to ths Bt. I1O11I Nationals and played with St. louls one dsy, but was returned. Broa-n will re port to the New York tesnt nast spring. RICKENBACKER MAKES NEW TWO-MILE MARK NKW YORK. Bept. . Official timers st the new Sheepshead Bay automobile speedway asserted today that tvddle Rlekenbacker had set a new world's rec ord for one Up of the two-ml!e couroe by covering the distance In l:06vt. or at th' rate of 108. 7 miles an hour. Rlcken hacker made his fast turn around ths track yesterday while prsctlnlng for the the Store lor Men and Young Men Omaha Dress and $25.00 and Omaha agents at $17.00 of New Fall Furnishings for Men Men's Fall Manhattan Shirts, embracing: all the latest pat terns and materials. Wonderful values, aa rr at $1.80, $2.00, up to p4.UU Mn's New Fall Shirts, made of fine quality madras, satin triped Oxfords and fancy soisettes; soft French or laundereii cuffs. Also neat patterns In collar neat patterns to select from. to, at . . . 45 Dosens Man's Sample Hand-Mads Swsatsr Costs Mads of pure wool and aephrr worated yarns. All tha bow shadei and weaves; "V" neck, ruff neck and oollara; largo rope stitch and fancy weaves. Values to $10.00; special, at p7 r a I4..S, f&.8 and p.3U 75 Doiens Men's Sample Flannel Shirts Made of fine quality wool and cotton mixture California flan nel, light weight army flannel. In several wslghta and colors. Regu lar lay-down collar and military col lar. Every shirt Is perfect in fit and workmanship; none better. Regular values up to $3, l fiO at 5sc, 11.49 and pI.UO "Mayo Hats" sold here exclusively; e very hat guaranteed to five perfect CO Of) satifartinn tn tVi ua rerhct eft 4E WW Stiff hat made. for... Stetson Hats We the famous John B. Soft and Stiff flats, at A n n.4 are btetson 13.50. f KtlU . "Brandeia Special" Soft and Stiff Hat, hats that show their style and quality and prove their wear (000 in lonr service. No more satisfactory hat can V u" be bought at any price, our Astor cup race, to be held on tks spaed- ' war wB"r Threo Policemen Aro Hurt in Strike Riot NKW TmiTAtN, Cown., Bept. 34. T a dash with strike rioters at th Cortrtn Bcrew factory of the American Hardware corporation here this afternoon, three were Injured by flying brh-ks ami stone burled by ihe rioters. On officer, tlrtorga Klllnner. had his Jmw broken, ft was st first reported that one of the officers had been shot, but thK Was dentarl later at pnllce heaifcruarter. Troubs started when the pollra at tempted to disperse a group of Striker near ths plant. After quiet had been restored police men with draws) revolvers remained on guard about the plant. Tlerf October Fifteen. The Tense league club owners will meet on October 14 to wind up the season's islne-s, elect new officers and prepare plana for next year. headquarters for ' Full Tuxedo Suits, at $15.00, $35.00 attached styles. Hundreds of Worth 95c About (S Dossna Men's Sample and Regular Stock Drssa and Street Gloves In all the new shades of tans, browns, blacks and grays. Regular values to fl.fiO. All sixes.' 7 to 10. Special, per q- r Pair pl.ID SI Doiens Msn's Fall Weight Union Suits In ecru color, closed crotch, ribbed cufr and ankles. OUs and Bprlngtex makes. Regular $1.50 values, specially )r priced, at 98c and ylssCD (5 Oeiena Beautiful New Fall Neckwear Made up of pure Bilk, In the regular large 11.00 shnpe. These aro exceptional val ues, at.. 65c x Saturday you ever saw, ready for you J headquarters for $tfoo ' 9 m ... J price a-i- Si .. iTpiS Bea Want Ads Produce Results. S,