Tl IK HKE: OMAHA, NATIKDAY, SK1TKMMKK '2 ,1 r If CONFER OH SOUTH SIDE 'PHONE TOLL Company Officials Declare Readjust ment of Bates Xecest&ry if Toll it Abolished. WOULD - EJTTAIL GREAT COST It the Omaha-South Omaha tele phone tolls should be abolished and the service thrown open to unre stricted conversation It would be necessary to invest 1150,000 in addi tional equipment and to readjust rates.. That was the cist of a con ference held In the city council cham ber between Commissioners Butler, Kugel, Withnell and Jardlne, Corpor ation Counsel Lambert, and E. M. Morsman, Guy H. Pratt and L. B. Vllson, general counsel, general commercial superintendent and dis trict superintendent, respectively, of the Nebraska Telephone company, j The meeting- reaolved Itself Into a con fab for the exchange of Ideas. Another conference will be held within a week or so. Want Tails Abolished. The genesis of the situation arose at a meeting- of the council when a committee was appointed to meet the telephone peo ple and determine whether the existing telephone tolls between Omaha and South Omaha should be abolished in .view of consolidation. Tha telephone people explained that the rates In Omaha and South Omaha are based upon the popsiblllties of service. For instance, tha Omaha business man pays 17 a month for service over an area which includes Florence, Dundee. Ben son, South Omaha, Bellevua and Fort Crook. If the South Omaha business man wants his phono for his immediate district tie pays $4 a month, but he wants service over the territory mentioned ha Pays ST. Should 'Par fop Service. Under present rata conditions l,Sn pat rons In Omaha proper have general tone telephones, which . means they pay 60 cents more a month for residence, or II more a month for business places, for unlimited South Omaha service. Aside from that, there are 6-cent calls which the telephone people state average one call per month per patron. Their argu ment Is that patrons who want this serv ice should pay for It rather than distrib uting the cost over tha entire lone. ; "If wa should remove this' extra toll restriction I figure that our Omaha-South Omaha calls would Increase 200 to 300 par cent at onoe, because people would visit back and forth over their tele phones," declared Mr. Pratt. "The present arrangement Is a restric tion against unwarranted use of the serv ice," was another statement by the phone officials. A Biff Special Purchase of Ladies' Gloves On Sale Saturday in Two Remarkable Lots Ladies' Die. Skin Olovea, 16-lmtton lenirth, made to cll nt $.'0u, KuarantetMl washable, on sale, at, per Pair 98 IdW Kid (Hove One and two button lengths, in all col ors, values to $1.25 a pair: on sale here Saturday at, rr Pair UJC SPLENDID SAVINGS AND SATISFACTION IN SATURDAY'S SALES New Corsets Men's Hats $2.00 1' at " 11 ! urr r iiLiir.u i Big Power Boat and Ten Barges Wanted for River Service A much larger, power boat than the "JulUa" and a string of several - large barges seem now to' be in Immediate prospect for transportation service on tha Missouri river between Decatur and Omaha. Captain Ayrea, now at Cham berlain. S. D., has a power boat of 100 horsepownr, which Is more than four times as powerful a the "Julia," now operating on this line. Decatur buslnesa interests have made arrangements whereby the captain will ateam down the river Immediately to take up this work, provided Decatur can furnish him some big barges at once to work with. Decatur got in touch with the Omaha Commercial club and tha club la now ne gotiating with the federal government for ten large barges at present -lying in dry dock at Sioux City. Since these gov ernment barges are not In use at pres. ent. every confidence Is felt that the club will reach a satisfactory agreement with the government wltn regard to get ting the use of them, at least this fall until tha river freeses. Italian Officer V Makes Way Around World on Bicycle Alfred Plcclnlnl, lieutenant of tha Italian army, on a seven-year leave of absence, has reached this ctty on his around- the-world bicycle ride. He Is being entertained by Joseph Calabria of the court house. The lieutenant left Rome on July 1, 1911, and Is due to return to the Eternal City on July 1. 1917. He carries scrap books of unusual Interest, Indicating he has visited many points of Interest along the way. He goes from here to Han Wan cisco. He saya he was arreatea as a spy for the revolutionists In Ecuador and was released through tha efforts of George J). Hedian, American consular agent, July 30. 14. This hardy globe traveler claims to have killed three bandits along a road In Chill. He also tells a story of having been caught by aavages In Chili and held as prisoner for several months Two companions who started with him ars said to have died along the way. It Will HrllOTf Blrhtrlir. Apply Sloan's Liniment to your back, pain gone almost instantly. Don't rub, it penetrates. Z5c. All druggists. Ad ver-tUement. GETS "TR0MPED ON" FOR REFUSAL TO SPEND WAGES Pearl Smith. Fifteenth , and Pierce streets, aided and abetted by a mascu line friend, attacked Squire Smith, 1006 South Fifteenth street, "an tromped on me," so Smith retatea It seems that the latter got paid Thursday and refused to celebrate this momentous occasion ac cording to the dictates of Pearl. As a result Peart waa fined (2E and costs when arraigned In polloe court. Her friend ticsped. i Ills Meat Waui Brakes. O. D. Wright, Rosemotit. Neb., writes: "For about six months I waa bother.! wtth shooting and continual pains in the region of my kidneys. My rest was broils nearly every night by frequent actions of my kidneys. I was advised by my doctor to try Foley Kidney Pills an! one to-cent bottle made a well man at me. I can always recommend Foisy Kid. ney Pills for I know they are good." This splendid remedy for backache, rheu matism, sore muscles and swollen joints contain no habit forming drum. Soil t.r where Advertisement. I $3.00 Quality . . , S3.C0 Style Examination will prove to your satisfaction that there's no bluff about this statement either. We want you to compare them carefully with hats shown elsewhere at the higher price. You'll vote HAVPK.V8 SPECIAL W1XXF.K. Save One-Third On That Trunk or Suit Case You ran do so by taking ad vantage of onr sale prices Sat- rday. Trunks $3.50 up to $13 n.n- l HO rm tft $11 Suit Oases $1.00 up to $15 Don't Miss The Bargains. Saturday y Monday Two iiy T Dayt umnitmmwAimm Day, A fortunate pmvluiso of si onrlnatl of J'Ylt .Mat trossos from a prominent maker enables us to offer you while the lot lasts FELA MATTRESSES at Cost to Manufacture Genuine Iaycr Kelt Mattrrss. rtmlar f fi.PO atid$7.l0 vah es, full weight (45 lb.), of aanttary Virginia cotton, with fa.icy art tick, any sire, and guaranteed for ten years; on 69 l'clt Combination M.ittre, usually sold tit H.nt) and IS. 00, full weight, fancy art tick, roll cdses and tufted. Q QQ slses ps,JU Just Two Days Saturdiy and Monday. all J) Complete showings of th new models in all htandanl makes. A rorset to fit every fiinire. lo thir K.crt fit them to your figure perfett fit and comfort will be assured. Sl'KOAI.S Mlt MATMtllAY. In Corset Aisle, Main Floor. ;l.50 Comets at 91.08 Broken lines of standard makes, broad heavy stays and reinforcements over abdomen; six heavy supporters. AOc Manltary Apron 3! Angora Kcarft, all colors l)8 Children s ami Misses' Sweaters, all colors. special. 4I. SI. 15 nnd $1.08 liadieV Silk Sweaters, special values Saturday 34.08 LadieV Wool Sweater, all colors and styles, choice values at each irice. 82.45, 82.08. 83.50. 84.03 83.08 Several Splondid Specials in the Hosiery Dept. Women's Silk Hosiery To $1.50 values, in black and col ors, broken lots from QQ eRular stock, at, pair, OaC Women's Fibre and Thread Silk Hose that sell regularly at 76c a pair; on sale CQ Saturday, pair iJaC rvOc Silk Hoot Hose, pair, 30s Infnnts' 25c Cashmere Hoae Black and colors, pair. . . 10? Complete new stocks of Wayne Knit Hose for women. Chil dren's Poney and Fay Hose. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC300000000 gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooj o Our buyer now in New York is piling in on us o g A q . - . . snipment alter snipment 01 ocauuiui 5 new garments, buch assortments and values were never before shown in the Suit Department. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o New Suits, New Coats New Dresses, New Waists Ixx almost endless variety for Saturday. Tailored Suits of distinction, headed by the beautiful and popular Crown Jewel Suits at $25, including '25 exquisite designs in nil most popular colorings and materials, and suit values of equal ex ccllence at $35, S39.75, $45, $50 to $100. 2C0 BEAUTIFUL NEW SUITS In -.'broadcloths, poplins, whipcord?, serges am novelties; many with beaver and opossum collar and cuffs, all newcct colorings, all sizes, special No charge for alterations. $19.50 100 More Vhit Coats, distinc tive in style, excellent in material and tailoring, at $10. 812.75. 815.00 nd 810.50 Beantlfnl Gowns and Dresses for Ak-Sar Ben nail. Dancing Drosses $25, 20.75 and " $35.00. ' . Evening Gowns, $8l.75, 945 to 9125. Other Handsome New Coats, In all fabrics and colors, shown specially Saturday, $12.75. 815.00 and 819.50 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Millinery Showing of Entrancing Beauty It is a rich md rare display of authentic millinery modes and splendid values that meets the visitor'? eye here these opening days. Not only will yon find broad assortments of exquis ite Pattern Hats on display, but hundreds upon hundreds of chic nnd clever copies of originals reflecting the maximum of style at the minimum of cost. ' Authentic duplicates of the choicest Pa risian and American creations, faithfully copied by the deft fingers of our choico of expert mil linery artists, priced at $7.50 - $10.00 - $12.50 $15.00 and up $5.00 A Wondi-rfully Vnried and Beautiful Collection of New Huts. Special values, Saturday Artistic newness In every graceful line, they look like $10.00, and are worth much more than naked. 7 t i :iai -TT-r- '((.fly ' ifiwb o o Heaiitifnl Lyons Velvet Shanes, made to sell at $2.98 to $1.08; Saturday at, tf 1 QQ choice P 1 aaO O The most wanted styles, Including Turbans, q Trlcorners. Pokes, Floppy Prims, High Crown Tjf Sailors, etc., in black and colors. See them. O Children's Fall Dresses SlldSi'? whuer ?iS7 S oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocoooooo 81.05. 83.05 to 813 Q BEAUTIFUL SAMPLE WAISTS Made lo sell up to $111.00, in Georgette Crepes, fine Crepe de Chines, laces and nov elty Silks, the choicest lot of values shown in Omaha in years, at our sale 4 QJJ Beautiful New Ii-eNt-s, In the popular Silk and Cloth combinations, all the season's nobbiest de signs. Specials at 910, 912.75, 913, $10.50, 925 o o o o o Ladies' Muslin and Knit Underwear Specially Priced mot only bars you broadest assortments hare for sslection but the specials will usaa true economies wall worth while. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo KndleV Union Halts, made to sell to $3. GO. all wool and silk and wool, specials at Sl.OH and 81.50 l,adles' Union KulU, part wool or heavy fleeced, all sizes, at 08e Medium Weight Union Suits, long or short sleevet,, special at 35 and 4J)c Italian Silk Vests and Bloomers 81.50 IjariicM' Muslin (towns, Drawers and Combination Suits, values to $1.50, In two lots, at 30 and 89 Children's Outing (iowus, Hleepera and Night Shlru, extra quality 40 Children's Undervesta or l'ants, all wool, all sizes, at SO and 490 Medium Fleece, all sites 25? Children's Union Huits, medium and heavy fleeced, on sale , 40c Smart Styles in Men's Furnishings Complete thowings of the new styles everjr article of qual ity that makes its possession a pleasure. Specials Saturday Men's Silk Ties, made to sell to 7 Be, new colors, and patterns, O tT at OOC Over 300 dozen or selection. Men's High tirade Shirts, makers' samples and sur plus, values to $2.00, In maaras, soisettes. per- calea, etc., tasty. new patterns, at 25e Paris Garters Interwoven Silk Hose Men's 10c Hand, kerchiefs '. In Domestic Boom Men's l'nd'ithlrts and Drawers, to 760 values, ribbed or fleece jq lined HVC Men's and Boys' Shirts, to $1.50 values,, in all sizes and ' colors, broken lot slightly soiled or mussed, at OP- choice... OOC Men's lie He Q MEN'S AND LADIES' UMBRELLAS A fine lot of high grade anl well made tim brel las. that would sell in a regular . way to $2.00; have etlic and llnsn covsrs, sterling- mount ed handles and silk caaa. Your choice of the lot Saturday 98c An extra Um brella comas handy always. Another Big Sale of Jewelry At One-Third to One-Half Usual Retail Prices Ikeirular 75c values in Bar pins, beauty, pins, brooches, enr-rings, tie clnsp, 0f scarf pins, etc tOQ Eeirulnr $1.00 values in Bar pins, beauty pins, brooches, enr-rins;s, tie clasps, l 'scarf pins, etc DUC Sterling silver hat pins, several stylos, at 250 Silver Picture Frames, uarnnteetl not to tarnish... 50 Rosary Beads, values to $2.1M;, choico .50 Children's Mesh Purses, regular 1.00 values, at 50 Ivory powder boxes, mirrorp, hair receivers, manicuro sets, clocks, hair pin boxes, etc., to $3.00 values $1.50 Fancy rinestonr combs, pins nnd bnrrcttes $1.50 $1.00 Pearl Necklaces at 50r I All Mesh Bays at . Price BOYS' CLOTHING AT HAYDEN'S 69c 19c 35c 5c Hose fc3 Boys' Two-PanU Suits, 92.05 Here are the best school suits that can bs found, and at a very cheap price. We have sizes 6 to It years, in Norfolk styles; all brand new colors for this fall wear. On sale in our Domestic Room. Boys' Knickerbocker Suits, 91.05 If you are looking for Just an in expensive suit for hard play, we advise seeing these suits, sices 6 to 18 years; Norfolk cut; and a good selection of patterns. Fresh Dressed m$ flflft. Fed Spring Chickens Saturday at Our Utual Low Pricm Fork Roast, Saturday, lb s l-4 No. 1 hindquarters renulna Bpnn Umti, lb 13,0 No I forequartar genuine Fprin lmb, lb o No. t Staar Round Btak. lb lst No. 1 ttr Bhouldr titaak. lb..iaaa No 1 Home Mud ausa-e, lb..tU9o BtOXSS KB AT SVXCXJXS TO BarUKSAT. Mamood C llama, special Baturdav. lb . ...lVe No. 1 Plcnio llaJiis, arclai HaturdHV, lo lOHa No. 1 L.aan Bacon, lb ,... 3-4 No. 1 Back Bacon, lb. IS 3-o No. 1 Pork, lb S l-3 II lbs. Mast Leaf Lard SSS No. I Palla Pure lard r?o Don't fJl to aa our full Una of Frank's famous Milwaukee Hauaas and timnkad Maata. Special Values, Twn-I'ants Suit, 95.05 Clothes that are known to be absolutely right in style and highest quality workmanship and fabrics. Try Hayden's First for Boys' Clothing Boys' 3-Pants Suits 84.1)5 Boys' 2-Pants Suits S3. 1)5 Boys' Mackinaw S2.95. 83.05 "d $4.95 H)V Odd Knickers, 45c They are 76c pants; sizes 7 to 16 years; blues, grays and browns; many combinations in fancy mixtures. Good school pants, that were 75c, on sale at 45 Men's Princess Trousers, 91.&0 Worsteds, casslmeres and tweeds, fancy mixtures or plain colors. They are all Princess trousers and men know what to expect whon we offer them for sale. 8lies 28 ' to 4 8 waists, all lengths. On sale In the Domestic Room. Splendid Pick ings Saturday from these $1.25 Auto Caps at 49c A good assortment of Auto Caps, Hats and Bonnets:, made to sell regularly at $t and $1. '?"; at, choice, 49 Ladies' Neckwear To 50c values; Saturday at.. .15J Included are collars, jabots, lace collars, collar and cuff sets, tc; manufacturers' samples. The Very Latest Novelties in Fichus and Fancy Stocks Shown specially nl..50S 98 and $1.50 Ladies' Hand Bags $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 vnlues, in three lots, 49,75, 98 5Cc Veilings at 25c Yard A big special lot including all the latest novelties in fanev mesh veilings. Trimness "Renown" Cast Iron Ranges They have that Black Jtlck.l rinlsh that rsqulres no stove Macklnr and does not show the dirt. Ws als have thm la White MloksL The eaiy uadar. fssd rs-ss niads and the only psriect imiM aad raa coasiunor. ltM K iir W 1 1 V in i, niiinii i""" " ( iit lion l'.Hng'. up from 95.00 rliiln flnlnh "Kcnown- Cast Irm K.uiKeo. l from 181.50 t'onK HKivi , mi from $1)3.50 Mp"1 ItiiPiKt", nlrrly nic kel triinmrd, ip fiom sab.oo wakk sat ivnitzi aiovcii) roa a atu boay'b arxctAi, . AX J l.LT. l oKllnr Irunlng Boards S81 " - - - v-ri hi "' 't. Hhjhoii Hklrt Hoard.. 69 - - '"r. in..' ..f S Mrkl I'lHteil I'otis Hil- i " jw ; I'fl lr,H hxtKlle and stand .9e . . - . I i"; iisriiiia, ror komi sac irnns 4 I fl fiilrtinir i lutln rai-ks .... 2 . .. , '1 Oalvaalzad Tabs, ..mull slue, . . V3s!W'f - ;'''',' ' IJ M"'lluin sin Klvaiil.i tubs .. Mi rtliko Warranted WrUtrsrs 1.7' Waxli lirnclixx Bollsra nuln I. Ink "Wo Bust" lopper boltiau liollrrs, auill slss tl.4 Milium clio "Miik" l.ol'ers Si r0 l.urss slsa "I. UK" hollers il.St & iff I ATT S .af- .98 3 .40 . .60 SI. us ai.3s We Can and Do Save You 25 to 50 on Drugs 2 tnz. 5-ci-. Axplrin Tablets a&o II. 00 Hal llopalltu 90 boitlo Hoi In k s Malted Ml k fur la.73 6U- Jar Mi ntlioUt um 8o i 10c roll crepe Toilet 1'aper. . . .8Jo l'lr Jap Kohr or I'almollve Hap. . .Go It bura asMnrled Jeisen'a Hox boup S6a 1 1. (in Imille r ilt h's Mali' Tunic . . . . 8Wo S'li- Jar LiHSHftt A ltaiiisilell's C'rn n for .!.... 33 (.no tube Hebeco Tooth I'aala 3.0 Uo oi White Hop or 1acusI IjIo - Muni I'erf iln 2'oa SOc bottle ('ullfurnls Sirup I'Ikh. .S9o $1.00 Willi. Ivorv Hand Mliror..9o 10c YVIUImiiim' Hliavlnv Koap at...4e or 3 lor loo i)c Jur tinUt KlcaVa 350 60c Jur Aubry Himcrs' t'rriun, colj or lrfaleMi fo K0c bottle fhenolux Wafers SV b hurt lvor Kuan ISo ll.tfl Hot Water yalUfi. ?o 75c bottle l'lnaild'a Toilet Wter..69o tl.'iO I nttle Oriental Cream Sao II 50 Box Asurea or Trefls Pow der for S6o K:4 r m Hayden's Make the Grocery Prices tor the People It Means a Saving of 25 to 50 on the Cost of Living It lbs. T-ora OraaolaVed oa. .1j00 41-lb. safks beat blrh srade Diamond H Tlour. nothing finer for bread, pie or cakes, mads from tha bl No. 1 Sprlns wheat, per sack ,, ti.3S 10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond (' or laundry Queen alilt Laundrv 8oap 10 lbs. best Whits or yellow Cora meal 3 T lbs. buat bulk LaurwVrjr r!tarch..5a K. C. Corn Klakea, pkf 5 (3 1 ape Nuts, pki loa 6 cans Oil Hardlnes 85e Adro Jail for dessert. It's Qualttr roods. pk TH4 Larsa bottle Worcester Baace. pur Tomato Catsi-. Pickles, aeanrtl kinds of prepared Mustard. bot.S l-3a MaoLaren's Peanut Butter, lb..lSV4 11-os. Jara pure f'rult Prsserree. 2-lb. cans fancy Sweet Buffer Corn, fancy Wax. Btrlnr, Oreen or l.lma Means, can TWe llersher's Urea fast Cocoa, lb. . Sue Skinner's Mauaroni, Vermicelli or Xpahettl, pkf TVe Till cans Alaska Sainton 104 TH1 BUTTBB, BOO ABO CIEZII HASKllt rOB THE rlOftt The lest creamery hutter, carton or bulk, lb 87e Ktwicy No, 1 country ireamery but- tor, lb 8SJ Fancy dairy table butter lb S4s Full creani. New fork White or 4VI- ore.1 cheese, lb Sue Full cream Youns: Ainerlrji cho---, in so The best fresh escs. ncr loz. ...l4o Imported Hwlas or l'.oiiucfoi cheese, lb 40a The Iti-Mt T Hlftlnirs. lb 13'jJ (lold.-n Santos Coffee, lo 80o TBB Z.ABT Of PBAOBBI FOB CAVBIBO. This wenk will practically cloe the peai'h season. Saturday we will r!ns out our last csr of Utah i'll Inula KreeHtona peaches, crate ,.S5o XTAXIAW BX.VB FLVKB. Friday, per 4-baaket crate II.I.IBTOIS niTTBB PBAB4S POB CAJfsTiaa, ivun oc BASKET Tvam S to S F. at. BatarSay, Q. rreah Boaatad reaaata, . wv 95c TBB TBOZTABX.B HilltIT Of omaba roa tbb raiortz. It lbt. best Ked River Ohio potatoes at las 12 lbs fancy Urecnlng" applea tjr cooklns ISo S bunrues fresh radlxhea 50 4 lieanis fresh lef letiuca 6c 1 heads fresii cabbuje lOo 1 larire soup bum lieu loo Fancy Jersey sweet potatoes, lb. 60 4 bunches fresh beats, carrot r turnips So I heads cook In a cabbase 5a Freah Kalamasoo celery loo IVmy sweet corn, per dofen . ...lOo I bunches freah parsley So of Line Is a very essential feature la women's high shoes this sesson, for the new short skirts make un graceful lines very ap parent. Graceful I J nee, Satisfying Serrlct', Absolute Comfort, are personified In the Vneen Quality Shoes Queen Quality shoes, in broozs, gray and blue, ryrsy button. . .5.50 Women's bronse and black button shoes, French leather heels, t v 83.50 W omen's kid, patent and aim metal. In button or lace, splendid values, t 83.0O Women's patent, gun metal and kid button or lsce, ? lots, 2 prices t 83.50 nd $52.00 Men's Shoes Special prices in all theneuent haps. 83.50. S3. 82.50 nd 81.04 Crossett Shoes, new ftyles $5 and 84 HtetKon Khnee, the latest shapes. gQ and 85.50 Misses' and Child's school shoes, up from 81.50 Roys' and Youths' school shoes, up from 81.50 Infants' and children's turn sole lace or but ton, I lots, 2 prices t 75 and 50 'Try Hayden's Firi It Pays. lit Pays Try HAYDEN'S First-JtPay; ;It Payi-Try HAYDEN'S First-ItPays;