TUB BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1915. ARCHIBALD AIR CRAFT GUN JJritiih Hare Most Expert Men in Charge of Weapon to Be troy Aeroplanes. rrrrrcnLT taeget is taube gQfnniBanw of th Aocttd Free.) EMTISH IIE1AXQUA-R.TERH, Franc. Aug. IX Jl crack and a whlah through tb alrl No sound U mora familiar at the Croat where tba artillery u never silent tha sound of a ahell breaking from a gun munlt and Ita shrill flight toward tha inamr'i Una to pay tha Oermana back for aocna shell they hav sent. Only thla whlah did not paaa out cvar tha landsoap in a lone parabola or toward tha Uerman line. It want right Into tha heavens at about tha sngl of a skyrocket for It waa Archibald who waa on th job. Six or aeven thooaaad - feat over tha British trenches thara waa something aa big aa your hand against tha light bloa of tha summer akr. Thla waa tha target German aaroplan. Br tha cut of Ita wing you knaw It waa a taut), Juat aa you know a meadow lark from a wallow, Krt fa bo kr. Bo Jilgh waa tt that It seemed almost tationary.- But tt waa going somewhera between fifty and ninety miles an hour. Tt seemed to have all tha heavens to Itself, and to tba British tt waa a sinister, prying eye. It wantad to ae If they wra building any new trenchea. If they wera moving bod Ira of troop or of trtuisnert In mm naw direction au-l where thvt battaiiea ware In. hiding. That aviator thraa mDaa above tha earth had tianv waiting guns at hla command. A few algaala from hla wireless , ant they would let looeo oa tba target lie Inillrated. Otbar feature of Ufa a: the front may grow commonplace, but never the work of tha plana thaaa wing of tha army'a Intelligence. In tba hlda-a 1 - digging abd dodging and eounteilng of l war fare tba sight of a plana under ahell fire aaver loaea ita thrill. De4 Line la Air. If tKa plan might fly at low aa they pleased tbay might know all that waa going on over tba llnea. Tcay reuat keeu wp ao high that througn tha aviator's Tl a man oa tha road la tha also of ptnhead. To deooead low la aa rerta'n death aa to put your liavl over a parapet ef e. trenoh whan tha nemy's trench la only a hundred yerda nwav. There nre deadline la tha air no leaa thaa on tha earth. Archibald, tha anti-aircraft gun, sets the dead line. lie watcbea oyer It aa a rat watchea a mouae. The trick of aneaklng up under the coyer of a noon day cloud and all the other man-bird trick he know. A counle of second after that crank a tiny puff of smoke hreaka about a huiiUiiil yirt'a behind tha Taube. A oft , tl)l"ti Mowing against tha blue It eeerrn al ('ml attitude; but It wouldn't If If e e iput your eara. Then It would sound IIK-p a bit of dynamite oa an anvil struck ly a hammer and yon would luar tho whix of acoraa of bul let and fragment about your eara. ' Tht smoking brass ahell caaa la out of Archibald's steel throat and another hl ihm with It charge allpped In Ita place and started on Ita way before tha firt puff breaks. Tho aviator knowa what I coining. lie knowa that one tneana many, once ha la In range. Hash, tha Flala. AnliltiaM' ruhea tlie fighting; it la the bimlneis of the Taube to aldaatep. The aviator cannot hit back, except through ita allien, the Oermaa batterlee. on tha earth. They would take rare of Archibald If they knew where he waa. But all that tha aviator oan aea la mot tled landaoape. From bla aide Arch hald fllea no goal flag. Ita la of ten thouaand tiny objects under tha avlator'a eye. Archibald's propenialtlea are entirely peripatetic Ita la the vagabond of tha army llnea. Ijncate him and he la gone. HI home la where night flnda him and tha dy'a dutlea Uka Mm. He la the only gun which keepa regular hour like a Cbrlatlaa gentleman. All tha other great and small, raucous voiced and ahrlll voiced fire at any hour night or day. Aeroplane do not go up at night: and when no aeroplane are up Archi bald baa no Intereat In tha war. But be la on tha alert at tha first flush of dawn on tha lookout for game with the avidity of a pointer dog; for the aviator are Jo up early. nuriealt Taak After All. Why ha waa named Archibald, no body known, but tf there wera ten thouaand aircraft guna In tha British army every one would be known aa an Archibald. When tha - Brttlah expedi tionary force went to France it had none. All the British could do waa to bang away at Taubea with thousands of round of rifle bullet, which mlgnt fall In their own llnea and with tha field guna. It waa pie in thoas day for tha Taubca. It waa eaay to keep out of range of both rifle and guna and obeerve well. It the Oermana did not know the prog reaa of the Brltiah retreat from on high It waa their own fault Now tha buelne of firing at Taubea I left entirely to Archibald. "When you aea how hard It la for Archibald after all hla practice to get a Taube you understand how foollih It was for tha field guns to try to get one. Omr dwell Wer. Archibald, who la quit the aweHeat thing In the army, haa hla own private rar built especially for him. While tha cavalry horse back of tha lines, grow sleek from Inaction, tha aeroplanes have taken their place. All tha romance and risk of scouting la theirs. They get moat of tha fun there la In thla kind of war far. If a British aviator geta a daya leave, he doe not take a train or ateamer. II rlaeaj from tha aviation ground about 4:S0 and la at horn In England for din ner and return after lunch tha next day. AU the action tha cavalry a 1 when they go Into the trenchea aa in fantry Such of tha cavalry former part aa tha plane do not play, Archibald playa lie keep off Ufa en my' scouts. Do you seek teamwork, apirit of cwrp and amartnesa In this theater of France Where all the old glamour of war la lack ing? Yon will find It In tha attendant of Archibald. They have pride, elan, alertneaa, pepper and ail the other appe tiser and condiment. They are aa neat a a private yacht's crew and aa lively aa an Infield of a major leagu team. The Arnhlhaldiana are naturally bound to think rather well of themselves, line Lively Target. Watch them there, every man knowing t-l. m th.tf ,m4 thnl. hlla AftA the Taube! There lan't enough waste mo- ' tion among th lot to tip over th range finder or tha telescope or tha score board or any of the other paraphernalia Resist ing the man who ia looking through the Bight In knowing where to aim next a a arrew answer softly to his touch. Ia the sport of war dead? Not for Ar chibald. Here you aea your target which la so rare these daye when Brltiah Infan trymen have stormed and taken tranche without even seeing a German end the target Is a bird, a man-bird. Puffs of nruiki ntih hurstlna hnaxta of death are clustered around the Taube. They hang i where they broke in the at 111 air. one followa another In quick eiicoeelon-or more than one Archibald la firing before your entranced eye. You are staring like th crowd of a country fatr at a parachute act. For the next puff may get him. Who knowa thla better than the aviator? He la likely an old hand at the game; or, If he lan't, he haa all the experience of other "veteran to go by. His senae la the same aa that of tb escaped prisoner who run from the fire of a guard in a stg-sa couree and more than that. If a puff come near on th right he turn to th left; If one come near on the left he turns to th right; If one come under he rtsea; over, be dip. Thla mean that th next ahell fired at tha earn point will be wide oa the target. Seems aa Easy Hit. looking through the eight it em aaay to hit a plana. But here the difficulty. It takee two second. Bay. for the haU to travel to the range of the plane. The gunner mast wait for It burst befor h can spot hla ahot. Ninety mile aa hour is a mil and a naif a minute. Divide that by forty and you have about 100 yarda the plane haa traveled from th time the shell left the gun musal till It burst. It becomes a matter of discount ing the avlator'a speed and gueaslng from experience whclh way be will turn next. FREE Demonstration FREE aerveT- JKSTwmrS 'SSi SLlTii W hV'rariorgalioni- iikcy. YaV.V Queen' Olive,' on aaU katur- day. per quart "ti no 1 aonde rare Caee Caraaniaaad f or y V V W' 'dr ' ' Wa aava We roaat our own coffee. ma in and eee ua roaat it every day. we aava you lie to 10c per pound. Why not try "T . t1. CP-U . .,, Fancy peaches, California or Colorado, ftatunday while they laat, crai " " Fancy large Kelffer 1'ea.ra, in market beaKeia, boo. rer ou"n.i f u.- nDn(.Uim., madlum alsa. I for lOo. Ljarge Bis flweot Corn, per doaen X0 I Cranberries, per quart Fancy Green Beana, per market basket Pirtoin or Porterhouse Steak, per lb. No. 1 California Suer Cured H .1.18 ,..TV4 Home grown Kadlahea, bunoha .Bo I for - ....aw Klil WrTBClAia r lb. YitSl lam, per lb .....- rxi?; No. t Hugar Cured Skinned Hams, per lb IT Pork Clhora, -r lb .....ITH I.lver. per in. ; Pork Boaat. per lb. ""I'l" Beer, Per IK Palt Pork, per lb, ...4 i I Pot Roaat or Beef. lb. loo and 1JHO Genuine iU Hindquartar tltiImN 4 to Iba. average, per lb. . .19 Uentiln 11 Forequartera Hprlng Imh. t to B Iba. average, per lb. We don't charge you extra, for delivering. W deliver free everywhere in tha city, alao Florence, nensnn and Bith Omaha, . donate? Order IWed at Above Prices. 4th aad Coming ajtraat. TalapfcoB Bongla 1B30. 1 Unquestionably We Offer You Real Economy in Ready Clothes Hart, Scha ffner & Marks Pat It In Theirs, and we feature theiu because we know of none better at any price. See Our $25.00 Window That's a good price to pay and you'll find tho styles, the fabrics, the tailoring all that one could expect in a custom made suit at double the price. We've other good suits that will iuteroet you at leaa and more. Economy is only one ' reason why" for these clothes. Every one knows that nothing is sacri ficed in order to give you tho low price: the stylo is there, the uneqiiiled dopign and tailoring, tho perfect workmanship. And Satisfactiox , Guarantee of the Makers and Ourselves. At even' price we offer you the best; and in every suit and overcoat there ia al ways the extra inducement of money saving through superior service. See Oar Splendid Hand-Tailored Suits at $15 They 're made specially for Ilayden Bros., bear our label and are fully guaranteed by ua. The splendid assortments and high quality will surprise and please you. Let Us Show You the New Styles in Men's and Young Men's Clothing Saturday -HA YDEN BROS. KSSS3BBB7 That ough to have got him the burst waa light under him. Not Ha rlae. Surely that one got him, anyway. Tha puff la right in front of th Taube, partly hid ing It from view. Tou sea th plan tremble aa if struck ty a violent gust of wind. "Cloae!" Within thirty or forty yarda tha telescope eays. Rut at that range the naked ey 1 easily deceived aoout dis tance. Probably aoma of tha bullet have cut hi plane, but you must bit the man or machine in a vital spot In order to bring down your bird, A Brttlah aviator the otbar day bad a piece of shrapnel jacket hit hit eoaL Ita force aoent. and rolled Into hi lap. Th explosions must b very cloae to count It la amaamg how much ahell fire an aeroplane can aland. Aviator are acoustomed to the whlza of shell fragments and bullets and to have tholr planes punctured and ripped. Though their engine are put out of com mission, and frequently, though wounded, they ar able to volplane back to the cover of their own llnea. Thla Oa Kara pee. To make a proper story, we ought to have brought down thla particular bird. But it had the luck which most planes, British or German, have In escaping anti aircraft gunfire. It had begun edging away after the first shot and soon was out of range. Arubabald had served th purpose of hla existence. Ha had aant th prying aerial eye bom. A fight between planaa In the air very rarely happens, except In the Imagination, Plane do not go up to fight other plane, Mit for observation. Their business is to see and learn and bring horn their new. The other day In th communicating trench betwen th frontal and support trenchea, British ahell were creaming ovearbead Into th German tranche, and German ahella were screaming overhead Into the Brltiah trenches. It was a pretty lively half aa hour. Pour or five thoua and feet up were two British plane with a awarm of puffa from German ahella around them. Two or i,O0Q feet higher was a German plane. They maintained their relative aJUtude and kept on with their work, each spotting ta bunts of hell fired by it aid and eorreoung the gunners aim by wireless. MORE SALOONS THAN ANY OTHER LINE IN WYOMING BamnBBaa CH BIENNIS, Wyix. Sept. K peolal.) There are more saloon In Wyoming thaa any other variety of merchandising establishment except general merchan dise stores, and some of the latter sell liquor. This la attested by tha state cen sus of IMS, which gives the number of. saloons in the Btate as TZa and tha numJ . , ber of general merchandise establish-, menu a m. On the basis of th stats' a population as shown by the census there Is one saloon for each 646 Inhabitant. After ealoons. In number come grooer stores, of which there ar aigniyune. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. iiiiiiijnniinuuiiiniM Wants Jlaa Thorpe. Aeordlng to Log Angeles report. Presi dent Maler of the Vernon Ttsera has made the New Tork Olanta an offer for Jim Thorpe to fliUah the season on the coast. A. i t3 f EE3 TRADR HASH RC. U.S. PATtMT OfSICg Umk hf tbis UkL If It's TIP-TOP READ E THEN YOU'RE SURE ITS INCOMPARABLE in it. perfect baking. UNSURPASSED in delicacy of flavor. UNEXCELLED in the quality of ingredients. SUPERIOR in purity and cleanliness. Phone Your Grocer NOW For TIPTOP BREAD U. Pe Steam Baking Co. EMPRESS MARKET REOPENS The Emprea Market, which haa been closed for repair for a few day, ha bean taken over by one of the largest retail and wholesale meat and grocery concorns in the city. The market re-opena tomorrow at 7 o'clock with a new, fresh stock of meats. The grocerlea are slightly damaged by moke and water, but are all bargalna. Watch the papers next week for an announcement of extreme Importance to the public of Omaha. Com toraor ytw eee the newly decorated and remodeled tore, and let u take care of your order. ma romxcjuAKTvn mmn iambs M tu injur, tub armixo) CHicxx-aa 7. lse mr uon- iyear Lard, II lbs. for a 1 Pig Pork Roaat 104 8 tear Pot Roaat .' rig Pork Butt 1340 Toung Veal Roast 11H Toung Veal Chop .ilaVto Mutton Chop 13Vo GROCERIES Tew thousand dollar atock of grooeriea, only damaged by amok and water will be placed on sale beginning tomorrow, until sold out, at sacrificing price. W hav a complete Una of pTutta and Vegetable. THE EMPRESS MARKET Opp. Woolworth 8c and 10c Store. 113 nVrnth lfith fit. Tel. D. 8807. PallTarl Twioe a Pay to All lart of th Oltr. 10 A. M. and If. K. Porterhoua Steak .......... ..1TH Bait fork as 8wlft'a Premium and Diamond C Hams 1BU fiklnned Ham IBS fhigar Cured Htama Ho Rxtra Lan Breakfaat Bacon ..1H Sugar Cured Bacon lMo 1915 Milk Fed Spring Chickens, 5l4c PUKE CONE LEAP LARD, 11 Lbs, for a $1.00 Pig Pork Roaat 1040 Pteer Pot Roaat ,lie Pig Pork Butta 13He Toung Veal Roaat ...HHa Toung Veal Chop 14 - lamb Leva ...13440 Mutton Chopa 13 u a Porterhouse Uteak ,.1TH alt Pork Skinned Ham lata Swiff Premium and Diamond C Hme 18U Sugar Cured Hams t4Z Rxtra Lean Breakfast Bacon ,.1 Sugar Cured Bacon la Ha noxA&a. From I to t P. If. Lamb Chop From I to It P. M. I -lb. Pall Com pound Lara, each so Plini I ft n A mrrrv 1610 Harney ot efca)s w inillaaa phaaa Dautl.. tTS - f -.r 1 r Ready in 1 2 Minutes rF.TtTVrf ixr SlflfWER A different Macaroni or week for a Spaghetti Wf $99 afCp Wa whole year ur 1 rvf; i in 1- ... i,5.w v. rj v 1 Sldnner VJg. Co. Lmrgmmi mmwmrmnt ia Aa lack A OMka. Ma. Tel. Trias 1B2S ZZZ V -it l - M ECIALSSATDRDAY I Values Thai Help Yon and Your Friends to a 1 gAnd tho Larger tho Bill tho Greater If. ho Savings. Every Article Offered gYou is Strictly New, Well Made and sof High Quality. Lot tho i0. lODIODODTFiTTIQ 3 Start you on the road to happiness Get a "UNION" 30ME OUTFIT on YOUR OWN TERMS and enjoy real living. A "UNION" Outfit costs you less. Uust Compare These Values lite ( Soe the nig I F&&- - nras Bed -lTN TTuTS I Specials. ffv I A 1 'jtiL 3 Kittchcn H Safes 3 Like illustration, 5 with double CS g 1 a a a door. price llij.aij S only. . rjtoir bztd mscJiAii Similar to Illustration, mala In a neat, plain design, heavi ly finished In a durable ena mel. Conies In full size onl. Price quoted Is positively tha lowest ever quoted in Omaha for a substantial and well made bed. Pneclal mice An. for Saturday aeUln. MHC only CHIFFONIERS : Built of solid oak, ! golden Unish, five i drawers. Sale only. . . . $4.50 1 Everything offered la thla sals la fully guaranteed and your moneybaek If not aaUaflad. E3 BXTZVaTIOH TaVBIiBS Juat as illustrated, built of solid oak, finished golden. circular top ntted with 6- rt. circular allOea.1 A Wonder, at only $6.50 ' aTT4TD and OX AT Si flniahad In OaJc. very convenient. :tniy in. Fumt-d SI.S5 floods ioM ont of town oa Zaay Faymante. rrelght paid too ml aa. W freight a spotal. Bomra moox CXAXKJI Bunt of solid oak, 1 ruiuob iinistt ana up tiolatered in genuine earner. Bale Prlca..., genuinv - 3 SI.351. Ob Pa uad aTN . 3 Jeroolator. tS DI1ESSER3 Built of solid oak, S roomy drawers and French bevel plate mirror. Sat- eC CA 3 urday only. .yaiaWU t You Old Store Taken r5 In Exchange On a New Steel Range or Eri Ilaaeburner. 1 Miff ' 1 & KXTIIA bfUclAL 7 -cup Aluminum Peroo lator and 1 lb. can of Paxton & Gallagher's 8O0 Coffee. This T-up percolator Is The I-cup percolator is made of a special graula aluminum ware and the cof fee is from the well-known firm, Paxton at Gal lasher, and is their regular SOo grade. For Saturday only, this 7 -cup aluminum A ft percolator and 1 lb. MH(J of coffee, only aw J BE YOUR : OWN DRESS. MAKER. ': Get a"Model- Drees Form, fully adjust able. Special price "raiovs" SPECIAL BTIT1. TI t Kf.V t i The beet moderate priced steel range In the city. Has alx 8. F ? In. Uda. UDDer warm- lng closet and nickel 1 Sffi?. .524.50 AOe Weekly. BIGGER RUG VALUES Wool fiber ruga, else ! ft. Hpecial, $6.95 eamlaaa Brussels rugs, vzlt ft., apectal $8.50 eamleas lvt rugs, tail ft. Special, $11.95 Etxtr haavy Ooajnlea Bruaaela rugs, aiaa xll ft. 8neolal. 912.50 N $9.50 g5e Weekly. L: Ajx 1 v r svsus Uf a.DaXT aiATCH S Z Twice the beat with ii one-n air the rual. Mode.-- r ate pricea, aay term. S: Union tfittinsG?' OMAHA V ;SLCOIU6afrJACKS0H STS. OppoBtt Hotel Boas. r-3 4 Sllllll!.