20 THE BKE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1915. SYfEDEN STANDS FOR RIGHT Country Doei Hot Propose to Put Itself in a Position to Be Drawn Into the European War. BIAXD TAKEN FULLY STATED rrrpon4vnw of th Associated IT STOCKHOLM, 8wden. Bept. lfc-If jwcda and Bnrland come to a aifao lory undarstandln regarding Swedish tm porta and U traneit of supplies to Garmaar. this undemtandlnc will not t reached through an? Swedish concession or alteration of Its demands to be treated a a neutral nation enjoyln the freedom of the eeaa, acoordlna; to the statement made today to the Associated ITpss by Drlo da Troll, president of the Royal Trade comrolaslon. former minister of forelcn affaire, and at present member at the English-Swedish commission en fared In attemptbif to eettle the trade tl sputa, Sweden cannot and will not surrender to English demand restricting Ita oom anareo," aald Da TroUa, "In order to help England la Its Industrial war against Germany. If It did this, not only would Bwaden suffer Industrially Itself, but It would become virtually an ally of Eng land. The last consideration la Che most Important, since Sweden would no longer Wa sMctuly neutral nation. Meaaa War Avatast Uermaay. "XT tt permits the transit of supplies txtneen England and Russia and loins Bn any attempt to prevent the transit of snnnltM to Oarmanv. It la becoming an Important baa of supplies for the allies I and la at the same time really entering Into the war against Germany. Sweden's mod net desire Is to be allowed to carry eo its normal Industry and to observe a trtot neutrality which means helping neither side In a military or Industrial way, to the exclusion of the other. In 1 this point of view It differs with the TTnlted States which la supplying Eng land alone. Sweden does not consider this a real neutrality. Its position, from Vhich It will not recede Is an absolutely neutral attitude toward all combatant. "It la logical therefor that w should bold up supplies dentlned for Russia wr.1V England' toppg of our import f raw material Interfere with our in dustry and trad with Germany. W are sorry that Russia la foeed to wait for it supplies which hare accumulated here, tot while our chip are being held la' 9BngUn prise court, w think the no tion Justifiable. A Coaasaerrtal Qarstloa. "If it wer only ' a commercial ques tion, Sweden might find it possible to yield to England' demands, but slnoe It Is primarily a political question of not allying ourselves with either side, we cannot yield. We are, however, not ; b.opeles regarding the solution of our die put with England. Sweden Is not unconscious of the English viewpoint or Che necessity which compel it to adopt it present attitude regarding the ship ping of material to Germany. It wishes t restrict our Import a muoh a possi ble. Both our member and the English ' member of , the oommlsslon have re caslly made ' proposals which may lead to a satisfactory adjustment of the ques tion be restricting our Import. "There la no quarrel about the export is Germany of our own horn manufac ture or of the articles which ar not placed on the Swedish prohibitory list although England may think that the export ta exceaatv. - But I may say without violating th secrecy of the ne gotiation which ar atlll under way that th chief obstacle la th Question of th exceptions which w ar bound to mak to our prohibitory export list In th way cf special license a granted to Germany. In order to get supplies which ar abeo luteljr nosry to us, we must glv in soaang to Germany aotn of th art! 1m on our forbidden list. It trouble the English because w cannot produce sjtatiaUca showing th exaot amount and character of food shipped to Germany under these ooodltion. Th publication of such figure) would leadjko obvious difficult!. VnaTsU t Owt Oral. "Moreover, w cannot guarantee, a .England would Ilk to have ua do, that supplies will not under any condition ' be sent Into Germany. Mot only would w suffer from not being abl to get what w need from Oermany, but we would then be partisan to England. . "A to th assertion that our Import hare Increased beyond our own capacity , for consumption sine th beginning of th war, thl Is not generally tru. Our poorest harreet and our inability to get grain from Russia and other sup plies from Germany has, of odur, In creased our export from other ooun trie. But even if our exports have in creased we do not recognise England' right to Interfere with out commerce. . "Most of Sweden' export to Germany are not article directly connected with military affairs. Eftigland cannot ask us t cut down our meat export to Ger many, for thl I one of our chief la- - dualrlea, Th kind copper and th 1 thin hide which Sweden send to Ger many ar not available for military pur poses. Nor can there be any criticism of our timber and wood pulp exports ' to Germany. All these are the products of bom Industry, and most of the things which we send to Germany are for the 'ctvfilan rather than th soldier." When the attention of Mr. Trolle was aaQed to th fact that no supplies . destined for Germany were arriving in Swedea and that, tbsrefore, the question of allowing equal privilege of transit for aupplie for Russia and thoee for Germany could hardly arise, he replied that that did not alter the case, sine if It ware not for Kugland's interference with It comma roe supplies would find ' a natural transit through Sweden Into Oermanv. New Books Fletloa. MT5. U.K. "Th Ontury Company. Thl is a story that has Just been con cluded a a serial In the Century Maga alne, and la accompanied by th ex planation that it is written anonymously by on of our living women novelists, who found herself making a personal retrospect when ah was laid up for a sle;e of Illness In a hospital, with th resultant production in tho nature of an autobiography. The story Is full of ac tion, sustaining Interest In every chapter to th very end, and narrates th ex perience of a girl thrown on her own re source and compelled to make her liv ing In th face of th variegated temp tations of city life. Th main background Is In Chicairo, with vivid descriptions of everai well known Chicago Institutions, Including the stockyards district and the Toung Woman' Christian association. There are several villains, and no heroin but "Me." the main character, who elude all pitfall successfully. Its chief defect seem to b lack of a landing place. TUB RAINBOW TRAII By Zan Gray. Jl.JS. Harper a Brothe. The wild, grim land, awesome and beau tiful, stretohlng back from th upper part of th Grand Canyon of th Colo rado, Mr. Grey knows thoroughly, and In It he ha staged the action of several of his stories. But In this tale It I more than background. It Is as mtvh a part of the action, of the evolving story, a ar the character themselves. Th hero Is a man from th central west, a former minister whose falling theology had cast him from the church. He had heard the story of the loet valley and had set him self th task of finding It and rescuing It prisoners, and, being young, he thought much, of the little girl who was with them and of the young, strong and Innocent womanhood Into which sh had surely grown. The story carries him through many adventures, stranKe friend ships and unexpected occupations. He finds the girl In a Village of women, hidden in a secret, lovely valley, the sealed wive of Mormon who some time come riding down th mountain trail by night In a long line. Traxedy come to the beautiful vale, an outlaw dog th hero' steps, a somber, high ouled Navajo la faithful as his shadow, there ar weird happenings, wild ven ture over mountain trails, and, finally, reckless rush In a flat-bottomed boat down the red, rapids-tossed water of the Colorado through th Grand Canyon. K. Bv Mary Roberta Rlnehart. HJa. Houghton Mifflin Company. Th story Is concerned with a gifted urgeon who, having attained fame while still in his twenties, cast his profession aald because he had blundered and hi blunder had cost a life, and went to ttr In a shabby street In a mld-westem city and earned his living as a bookkeeper In a ga office. A charming and eager girl, studying to be n nurse and a young sur geon on the way to be famous, also Uv In th street These three provide th chief part of the action, although there are many other characters, some of them more convincingly drawn than either of these. In this book Mrs. Rlnehart em phasises her keen and sympathetic sppre rlation of the Joys and troubles of young l')ve. The plot la but little complicated, but the author graphically portrays the Inner self of her characters, and makes evident and plausible their motives. THK IiOVABI,R MRDDLKR, Fly lyona 1'alrymple. I Li... liellly & Brltton Company. A Scotch doctor, the 'lovable meddler" gets the center of the stage most of the time and he does a great deal of talking. The location of the story Is apparently a goodly slsed town wlhln the suburban radius of New Tork City. Therein live Ir. Olenmulr and a circle of friends. In cluding the family of a man who believes himself to be an artist. To enable him to live up to that conviction his wife runs a broker's business In New Tork, and his eldest daughter, whom the doctor call "lieddy Rose," runs the home and for years had mothered a large family of younger slatera The doctor wants to bring about a marriage between "Leddy Rose" and hi favorite nephew, but they find It impossible to weaken her rsoJt- tlon to devota herself to her family. So the doctor plana a "sohemle" which In volve getting th si or all married off to a group of his young friend a so a to leave "leddy Rose" wrrnout a family to mother. He ha also an alternative plan of breaking down the artist's selfishness and making him support his family him self. He maneuvers the two plan along toxether through a plot that Is very rllirht and not always plausible, but In which the author has shown skill In mak ing the most of It situations. TTTR I.AN'DI-nPKR. Pv Holman Pay. SM Pp. $1.35. Harper Brothera The hero, for quixotic reasons not ex plained until the end of th story, la wandering from place to place under an assumed name. He become, almost against his will, a modern knight-errant, redressing wrongs. His friendship with an humble old Canadian bring him Into touch with the poor of a city which I In th power of a certain grasping water corporation. For love of a little child he begins to fight the corporation and th political force behind It. Love comes to him at the same time with success, and he believe he ha no right to accept either, until he In turn I helped a he ha helped other. THK 8CART,E1 PLAOITS. By Jack London, l&l Pp. Th Macmlllan com pany. Th relapse of civfllaaaon into bar barism' 1 th them of Mr. London' story, and with war raging in Europe and Involving new countries, one la moved to wonder whether th oft pre dicted fall of civilisation 1 not Indeed at band. A MAN'S CODE, rty B. M. Ferguson. Pp. 112. G. W. Lnillngham com pany. Wrongfully accused of accepting a $10,000 brlb for "throwing" a big league ball game, the hero Is summarily forced out of hi team. Accident enable htm to save the life and win the love of pretty Peggy Overton. The coming of another man; hi baee connection with the bribery charge; the hero's knowledge of a questionable secret In the other past; his self-imposed sllenc and the compli cations that ensue, complete the story. THE WATCH POO. By Arthur Horn blow. 31 Pp. $1.25. G. W. Lllllngham company. Old Hardcraft, whose heart Is kinder than his tongue, is casnier in a metro politan bank. He ha affection for only one being on earth th bank president's young daughter. How he circumvents the efforts of a coundrel to marry her and Incidentally saves the bank from disaster completes a dramatic story of finance and love. SUNDOWN SLIM. By H. H. Knlbbs. S77 Pp. $1.35. Houghton Mlffling com pany. Sundown Slim is a hobo, th butt of th Concho cattle ranch, and his one pal la Chance, a dog you won't forget There is a feud between cow puncher and sheep herders, a feud tl at bring gun play and thrilling adventure. Thar la Eleanor Lorlng, too, a girl with the nerve of a doien men, and Anita, under the spell cf whose great dark ere, Sun down at last shows the stuff that' In blm. THE HIGH OIIU'ER. By William M. Ralne. 321 lp. $I.2S. G. V. Dillingham company. Richard Gordon of Cripple Creek, holds th legal title to the Moreno land grant In New Mexico. Valencia Valdes, th direct descendant of an old Castitllan family. Is the tenant of the estate. Gor don' coming to the Rio Chamo valley to spy out the situation; his admiration for the Intrepid heiress; the enmity of Manuel Peaquioro and of the peon to ward him; the tibductlon of the hero; his dramatic rescue and subsequent mar riage to Valencia Valdes complet a vivacious and stirring tale. HEINIE ZIMMERMAN IS BACK IN THE GAME CHICAGO, III., Scrt. 24. After a sus pension of ten days, Heinle Zimmer man, third baseman of the Chicago Na tionals, was eligible to resume play today. HI reinstatement was ordered by Presl-, dent John K. Tener of the league after Zimmerman had telegraphed a 300-word apology for using profane language to Umpire Eason. Night (is Relieved. Dr. BeU'a Pln-Tar-Honey eases your cough, soothe th lung and invite sleep. Only Kb. All druggists. Advertisement Jab VnutHs AM. ' ' t Jtrt AiiMrMLA A'mw fit 1 i ,, -mr 7t tut Are attt feewl l Ocaton & Laicr Co. 415-417 South Sixteenth Street Ottilia, flebrsski OPEN SATURDAY EVENING UNTIL 9:00 P. M. In Ordor to Givo Ono and All an Opportunity to Tako Advantaoo of This "QUICK ACTION" Salo lOond to ie the Ireate: Beaton & Laier Co. 415-417 South Sixteenth Street Oraaha, Nebraska re iaS Many of You Who Could Not Got Down Early in tho Wool. Will Ruoh Down Saturday or Saturday Night IL JJ of Eeaton Laier n MILLION DOLLAR of Splendid High Grade See the Large Pink Sale Tags on Every Article More Furniture, Floor U Affords You a Oondcrful Opportunity To Furnish Your Homeo Before "Ak-Sar-Ben" Don't Delay Another Minuto! Oomo Down Saturday and Soloct tho Furnishings for that Extra Room il ss-S- l M I 3 0jT"BMrW. ST 1 r 1 T I I 1 1 1 1 I.I g r II IV ww sakBvaBP WW" a I IP TtrU Ul ' L' l , . - - ... 1 1 ., ij OttaaUa Oat.) Msvat plat mirror, KE.. .58.95 mm xtavEMaa (inula On I iilar prio Svl prto $9.75 f38 AST DUH S India Cut.) small aa iar-i trawsra, kaaaj bav. 1 plat mirror. prlc. lS I 8l35 nrTT IT n(1 IT3 h si iav m im mn mf YOU fep 1 .1 Mi' Don't Need to Hm"'M V fflringsp'ASackoIW,: V S I -0f h In Order to Tako Advantage off This h pk Dig sale From Now on JPM Mf ' r It Credit at the Same Low d '" i- It -j H ivzvuon tori tat mauoqamt II II fipntilp Ctfrk. II II 1 II O o Tapawtry trhoUtr4 WrltinP1 U8"UlnB dllC KWSsA " II T' (BlaUlar Ou. WW! 1 1.1 Ufa lfiV CIlalT M HP" 9 I If I " Jf ' maaminosaa. eotafortaM aad pop- DCSK ' T 111 3 1 U ' U MXatOOAsTT ' tlr pise of faraitar. swtilar prlo (BlmUar Out.) I it I H I isrpXr..TT. 5B0.00 n ori s,::?- & - L , . , , , . . , , IJ oomar rts It loo cushion bask, IJ ....549.351111 xoaairT suiui (lmUar to out.t $23.85 KaJtOaABTT 'oxnrrosTixm raiuuiw to cnt Xa-ular frle4S St 521.50 UO 1UO KnOUOm Xarta14 Hit-aad-mUs rusrs, walla tar last. 7Pn s wg ObIt ona aad th first oomar rots it al $49.85 (Similar Out.) Oaauia brown Bpaalaa 1 a t bar, loo cushion bask, ai til en 9 I ItJV "DO IT NOW" You Can Savo Almost Ono-Half By Buying Your Outfit of Fornitare. Floor Coverings and Draperies at This Big Sslo LARGE HEAVY AXMINSTEH RUGS t A Cf 8-8x1 0-; Quick Action Bale price . . J 1 4OU " i I t All High Grads Period Ferniturtt it Big Reduc tion in Price. oua MaBoraay 4-P05TER BED (Similar to Out) rail ls oat of ta rrMltti bar. asm Tr offsroa la tola oltr . Quick Aotloa Bal mow $23.40 . n:srx4 11 15 i JTTYX 1 1 ii 3 xi3 1 ttLas- ENTIRE STOCK OP ELEGANT ORIENTAL RUGS Goes On Sale Commencing Saturday Morning at 8:30 and While They Last. BXIjOOCaTXOTaW BVM Ararar sis 6x3 X $!4,$.7,S20,$23 XTmsnrrAJTs aa xoraux4i bum atst- ia SSJZinr. $20. $25. $30 mOTAXi BaMOU aad KIXKlVtUZI Ararat .SL'r... 530, 540, S50, $60 Groat Tartoty of larr room sis Orlaatal ra of aiftsroat smtn aa4 Aifforoat sUsa i at graatlr rdae4 QUICK ACTIO AXJI rsUCXS. i!fiiif Feather Pillows , Owu tic ! -ord. Tbay mo oa al oom BBolnr at :30 a. m. aatarAay. aal whUo tnoy last 45o EACH Tho Hows of Thooo Wondorful Furnituro Darcaino is Sproadlnc All Ovor tho Stato Opeclal Caturday Large 0x12 Poet BRUSSELS RUGS "Quick Action" Qf 7c Salt Price.... .... OmlD V3 Delng Gold at the Old Stand 41S-S:17 tSoutti IGtlr Street ffaWjssABABsJs nomnants of Linoleum Commtoe'sc it 8:39 k. M. end While They Last 25c Each We Will Store Furniture Dosght Daring This Silo In Our Varchcuio "Free of Charte9 If Yon Wish, and Deliver Later ilk: