Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE HEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. SElTEMltER 24, 1015.
How Mr. Hurley Wat Re
stored to Health by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Eldon,Mo. "I wm troubled with
displacement. Inflammation and femala
weakness. For two
years I could not
stand on my feet
long at a time and I
could not walk two
blocks without en
during cutting and
drawing pains down
my right side which
increased every
month. I have been
at that time purple
' in the face and would
walk the floor. I could not lie down or
alt still sometimes for a day and a night
t a time. I was nervous, and had very
little appetite, no ambition, melancholy,
and often felt as though I had not a
friend In the world. After I had bled
most every female remedy without suc
cess, my mother-in-law advised me to
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. I did so and gained In
strength every day. I have now no trou
ble in any way and highly praise your
medicine It advertises Itself." Mrs.
S. T. Hurley, Eldon, Missouri
Remember, the remedy which did
this was Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. For sale everywhere.
It has helped thousands of women
who have been troubled with displace
ments, inflammation, ulceration, tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains, backache,
that bearing down feeling, Indigestion,
and nervous prostration, after all other
means have failed. Why don't you try
it? Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co,
Lynn, Mass.
Soap Is Bad
For the Hair
Soap should bo used very sparingly, it
at all, if you want to keep your hair look
ing Its best. MoHt soaps and prepared
Shampoos contain too much alkali. This
dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle,
and ruins it.
The best thing or steady use is Just
ordinary mulslfied cocoanut oil (whloh
In pure and greaseles), and Is better than
Soap or anything else you can use.
One or two teaspoonfuls will cleansa
the balr and scalp thoroughly. Pimply
moisten the hair with water and rub it
In. It makes an abundance of rich,
creamy lather, which -rinses out easily,
removes every particle of dust, dirt,
dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries
itilckly an(J evenly, and it leaves the
scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky,
bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to
hiauaae. '
You can get mulslfied cocoanut oil at
Vy pharmacy, It's very cheap, and a few
minces will supply every member of the
family for months. Advertisement.
Easy Way to Get
Rid of Itching
luii.'t worry any more about that
Jti-MriK skin-trouble. Just set a Jar of
ivMiiol flntment and a cake of resinol
wap at any drug
More. M'ith the resl
lml noap and warm
vut,r tatlie the af
fected parts thorough
ly, until they are frei
from crusts and the
kln is softened. lrv
Very gently, spread on
a thin ' laytr of the
tresliiol ointment, alii cover with a light
bulitlaue if neciHsary to protect the
clothing. Tliis should be done twice n
Way. I'sually the distressing itching
und burning stop with the first treat
tneiit, and the skin soon becomes clear
stud healthy again. For a trlaJ free, write
to Dept. 6-R, Resinol, Baltimore, Md.
A Never Failing Way
to Banish Ugly Hairs
(Aids to Beauty.)
, No woman Is immune to superfluous
jrrowtha, and because these are likely to
svppear at any time, it is advisable to
axlways have some delatone powder handy
to use when the occasion arises. A paste
4 made with some of the powder and
crater and spread upon the hairy surface;
fa about 2 minutes this Is carefully re
moved end the skin washed. Tou will
then find that your skin la entirely free
from hair or fun. Be sure, however, to
get real delatpne. Advertisement.
Positive Relief
from the suffering caused by dis
ordered conditions of. the organs
of digestion and elimination
from indigestion and biliousness
always secured by the safe
certain and gentle action of
SaUmVm. ta Usee, tOe SSs.
..s.PH.aj' I
Wedding Blnrs Edholm, Jeweler,
are Boot Mat It Now Keaeon Preea
Ughtlnf riatnree Burr.ea-Orar.don.
"'are Complete awovie Ttoctw
classified section today, and atwrs la
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY, rind out what
tbe various moving picture theaters offer.
Tot Safety rirat la Life Insurance
see W. II. Indoe. general gent Btate
Mutual Life Assurance Co, of Worces
ter, Mass., one of the oldest, 71 years,
and best companies on cartb.
To Jail for kneeling- Rat J. Miller.
1311 Douglas street, who stole a hat from
the Brandels Stores., was arrested by
Special Officer Finn and sentenced to
twenty-five days In the county JalU
i Enlist la Army Edward A. Garnott,
' who gave his home aa Omaha, has en
listed In the army and was sent by the
local recruiting officers to Fort Logan,
Colo., to be assigned to a cavalry regi
' rnent
To Jail for Stealing Bilk Cecil iove.
131 Paclflo Street, and William Bryant,
818 Idge street, both colored, wero ar
rested ay Special Officer O. A. Tagal for
the theft of two bolts of silk from the
Burgsa-Nash stores, and sentenced to
twenty-five days in the county Jail.
Blectfcm at rteld Club Charles "Ware,
Nola B. TTpdlke and H. O. Edwards wet a
made 'directors of the Omaha Field club
at the annual election. Phillip Fotter
was elected treasurer and W. R. Wood
secretary. The board of directors will
elect a new president and vice president
onlal Center Heets The Beals Social
Center club will hold Its regular meeting
at Beals school. Forty-eighth and Center
streets, Friday evening. Semi-annual
election of officers will take place at this
meeting, and plana for the winter months
! will be made. R. J. Sutton is president
and E. O. G rover Is secretary of the club.
Tire Ken to the Coast Next Monday
night the Northwestern-Union Pacific
will handle one to three carloads of east
ern representatives of the Firestone Tire
company, enroute to a family meeting to
be held in 6an Francisco. Several of tha
company agents in western Iowa and
Nebraska are expected to Join the party
here and make the trip.
ayes Is Slacharffed Saun.Wa itha-m.
(1601 Burt street, arrested on a charge
of shooting with Intent to kill, was dis-
cnargea wnen arraigned In police court.
Hayes fired on James Wilson, 105 North
Ninth street, according to the latter's
testimony, but the former after evi.lul,,.
lng the situation satisfactorily was dis
charged with a reprimand. The affair
was the result of a domestie difficulty.
"F" Type Submarines
Are All Wrecked in
Harbor of Honolulu
A letter describing the raising of the
hull of United States submarine F-4,
which was lost near Honolulu last spring
with Its crew of twenty men, has been
received at the local navy recruiting sta
tion by First Class Boatswain's Mate
Richard A. Dixon. It was written by one
of Dixon's former shipmates, who helped
raise the wreck with pontoons and chains.
He wrote in part aa follows:
"We at last have the F-4 In dry dock,
and a most sorry sight It is. - There Is
a hole in its bow, topside, abaft of the
torpedo hatch large enough to admit a
Ford. The plates are driven back about
fifteen feet. Everybody Is of the opinion
the crew died quick..
"Everything was smashed, especially
the battery. The plates were smashed
Into small parts and cut everything in
its path. Most of the bodies were found
In the engine room compartment.
"To top off everything, the Supply came
in last week, on Its way to the United
States, It got near the dock and Its
engine went on the blink and Its bow hit
the F-2. cutting through the hull right
forward of the propellers. The force of
the blow drove the F-2's nose under the
F-, the F-3 under the F-l and the F-l
under a lighter, which they were moored
to. It sure is some outfit. There Is not
one that la fit to divo with safety."
Mrs. Aaher of the "Dilly'' Sunday party
will attend the regular meeting of the
Women's Missionary society of the First
Presbyterian church, to be held this
morning at 10 o'clock at the home of Miss
Hawley, S29 North ot"rtleth street. Mrs.
Asher will oonduct the devotional exer
cises and make a talk. All women of
the church are Invited to attend.
"The Aboriginal Ked Man" will be the
subject of study. Mrs. Walter N. liaise y
will speak of mission work among- the
Indians, which she did for some time.
Mrs. W. S. Knight will have charge of
the program.
Howard O. Loomts of Omaha, who was
re-elected eecrtary of the National Asso
ciation of Building Owners and Managers
at the convention at Atlanta, Oa., has
returned from the convention. Hugh
Wallace Is also back. The rest are tak
ing some aide trips. Dr. and Mrs. Mll
lener made a trip to Savannah and
through the south. K. 8. Jewell la taking
a -trip through the aouth before return
ing. Ernest tiweet stopped at Excelsior
Springs for a time, and will go to Et.
Iuia also.
laseet Bltee mmd lafertloa Oaager
u. Apply Sloan's Liniment to sny bite.
sting or bruise. It kills the poison and
heals the wound. Only 36a All drug
gists. Advertisement '
Just to ascertain the condition of the
corn crop along the Nebraska lines of the
system, President Mohler . Wednesday
made a trip out Into tbe state. He re
turns more optimistic than at any time In
the past and asserts that a large portion
of the corn through tbe flatte valley la
made. Said Mr. Mohler:
"It look as If Nebraska Is going to
have an enormous orop of corn. The light
frosts have not Injured any large portion
of the corn. On the contrary, these
frosts, followed by warm weather, are
hastening the ripening."
Worth Their Weight 1st Uold.
"I have need Chamberlain's Tablets
and found them to be Just as represented,
a oulok relief for headaches, dlxxy spells
and other symptoms denoting a torpid
liver and a disordered condition of the
digestive organs. They are worth their
weight in gold," writes Miss Clara A.
Drlggs, Elba, N. Y. Obtainable every-where-
Sundayisms at the
Caught by
(Jlory! Glory! Glory!
Glory !
from life
Nevertheless Omaha Police Will Be
Constantly On Guard at the
While little stock Is taken in the
threat to blow up the Tabernacle
with dynamite, made In the letter
sent to Billy Sunday, Wednesday, the
police are on the alert and are tak
ing every precaution to prevent any
thing of the kind in the event that
it should be attempted.
Chief Dunn of the police force has as
signed a squad of officers to the Taber
nacle, and hereafter they will be con
stantly on duty there. The matter of fer
retting out the author of the letter has
been turned over to Detectives Havey
and Donahoe, who are working on a
number of clues. The Tabernacle was
searched from ground to roof for evi
dences of bombs, but nothing was dis
covered. The platform and underneath
were gone over thoroughly.
Mr. Sunday la not alarmed over the
threat contained In the letter and will
I keep right on preaching and striking right
and left, regardless of where the blows
Sermon to Mothers.
At the Tabernacle Friday afternoon,
while Mr. Sunday will preach a sermon
to mothers. It will also be for all others
as well. Those who have heard the ser
mon assert that it is one of the strongest
that Mr. Sunday delivers.
Immediately after the sermon Friday
afternoon Miss Saxe will start her Blhlo
class. It la expected that several hun
dred will be enrolled. In the member
ship will be both men and women.
Krertlnwa from W. '. T. I.'.
The Nebraska Woman's Christian Tem
perance union Is holding Its annual state
convention In Grand Island, and this
morning "Hilly" Sunday received the fol
lowing telegram from iela O. Dyar, tho
corresponding secretary:
"Grand Island, Neb., Sept. 23. William
A. Sunday, Omaha, Neb.: The Women's
Christian Temperance union of Nebraske,
in convention assembled. Bonds greetings
and recognizes In you a strong ally in lta
Utsht for prohibition In Nehraxka."
Our Special
r r v
For $104.50
Complete with twelve selec
tions (six ten-inch double rec
ords), for only
You choose your own Music
from our large and complete-stock.
A new and larger model, with all the latest improve
ments, including the new Automatic Stop, Record Filing
System and larger Tone Chamber.
Other styles from 15
1311-1313 Farnam .Street
Oar Staff Artist
WITH the: devil
liL .
Superintendent Graff of the public
schools will co-operate with the police
department by directing Janitors and
teachers to secure numbers of automo
biles whose drivers lunoro the alow-down
signs at school buildings.
Superintendent Kugel sent the school
superintendent a letter on the subjert.
The principal of Farnam school saya sho
took the numbers of twenty violators In
fifteen minutes.
Corn Limpers! Use
"Gets-It" and Smile!
Corns Come lllght Off, (lean and
Oiiickl You Needn't Ldnip, or
Kiiss With Your Corns
Any More,
What's the van of spoiling a good time
for yourself by llmiitnn around with flerr
rorns? It's one of the easiest thlnss In
the world, now, to get rid of them. "Oetn
11" does It Uie new way. That's why
Tbsse Coras Coma Rtftit Off, Claw As a.
Whistle, by (June 'G.U-1U"'
"Oets-It" has become the corn remedy
of America, the blgirest selling corn rem
edy in the world, preferred by million,.
Do you remember that toa-eating- salve
you tried, that stkky tape, that toe
bundling bandage, the gouKlntf you've
done with knives, rasors and sclsnorsT
Weil now forget them all. No more
fussing, no more pain. Whenever you
use simple, easy "Uets-It," the corn is
doomed, sure. So Is every callous, wrt
or bunion. Never cu: corns or caJJousoa,
It makus them grow that much mamr
and Increases the danger of blood poison.
No cutting Is necenssry by using "(leis
II." Use H tonight and end your corny
"deta-lt" Is sold by sll druggists, 28o a
bolt e, or sent direct by K. Lawrence &
Co., Chicago. Sold In Omaha and recom
mended aa the world's best oorn remely
liy Sherman St MoCunnell Drug Co.'s
Uictrola Outfit
to 300.
to l
- -it f
Store Hours
urgess-Wasm Gompmhc
Till KSHAV, SKIT. 2.1. 1IM5.
Remarkable Silk Values Friday at 98c-Mrs,
Moulton Will Cut, Fit and Pin Free of Charge
TK you are contcmplatinK a silk dress, waist or skirt for yourself or any member of your family tlila
is your opportunity. Fttday we offer a remarkable selection of new
silk poplins, crepe do chines, princess messallnes, new fall plaids, peau
taffetas and satin Duchess, colors or black, In widths 27 to 41 Inches, at
and Mrs. Moulton will cut, fit and pin free of charge it you wlfh
36-Inch Silk Poplin Friday at
flllk poplins In pretty shades of blues, greens, reds, pinks, old rose,
Excellent wtlght for dresses and suits; Friday at, yard, 7c.
A Remarkable
Sale of
Next Monday
See Sunday papers and win
dows for particulars.
Child's Union Suits, 23c
A splendid assortment of chil
dren's union suits, cream color,
fleece lined, made drop seat style,
Friday very special OTJ
Buraeas-Vash Co. Basement.
Women's $1 Union Suits, 69c
Women's union suits, made high
neck, long sleeves or low neck and
sleeveless, ankle length, white
fleece lined cotton, were JQ
$1.00. at OSJC
Burfeea-sTaah Co. Basement.
Women's 25c Hosiery, 15c
Women's plain or ribbed top fleece
lined hose, seamless, regular 26c
quality, specially priced 1 ff.
for Friday at, pair IOC
Bortress-Naah Co. Basement.
Women's 50c Gloves, 29c
Wamen's rhamoleette washsble
glorea, two-clasp style, In black,
white, brown and dark gray, reg
ular 50c values, specially
priced Friday at
Bnrgeea-lTash Co. B asemeat.
Boys' Suits at $1.95
BoyB' knlckerbocker suits, some
with two pair of pants, medium
weights, broken size assortment
and lines, all new and J1 QC
worth up to $4.60, at. P 1 eaO
Bnrrsss-Kash Co. Basement.
Women's SHOES Friday at $1.89
That Were Priced $3.00 to $3.S0
cloth or leather uppers. Lace or
button style. The lasts and pat
terns are new and attractive, wide
selection of
usual price
75c Work Shirts, 48c
Men's work shirts In plain blue,
dark blue with white stripe, gray
with while stripe, black sateen,
etc., all sizes to 16 V ;
regular 76c values, at. ,
Burgess-Wash Oo, Basement.
Edges and Insertions, Yd., 5c
A large collection of embroidery
headings, edges and insertions,
Swiss and nainsook. Very desir
able for dainty undermus- f"
llns, at, yard OC
Burgess-Bash Oo. B asement.
Unbleached Muslin, 7y2c
Heavy unbleached muslin, fine
weave, 39 Inches wide, two widths
will make full size sheets, easily
bleached, on sale Friday svl
at, yard I 2C
Bnres-Tsh Co. B asement.
10c Outing Flannels, 6V2O
27-inch wide fancy gray and white
outlug flannels, the regular 10c
kind, specially priced Fri- 1
day at, yard OzC
Barpss-nTash Oo. Basement.
Turkish Towels, at 5c
Individual Turkish towels, first
quality, red or blue borders, spe
cial Friday at sale price, ' f"
each OC
Bnrfsas-STash Oo. Basement.
Roller Towels, at 19c
24 -Yard roller towels, made of
fancy weave cotton towel- 1 A
lng with red border, each. X SvC
Bnrpss-STash Co. Basement.
Scissors ut to
Inches, pair, lOo
100-yard ipool
cotton to
6U0-yard ba Una
cot ton, spool, no
IVelr barretto.
ach So
Tat tin,- shuttle i.
null So
Iressinc combs,
each Se
Thimbles, ea.. Is
Needles, p a 0 k
ae is
supporters, per
pair be
Halting. Mai-a
and white, yd.. So
Mwhln. oil, larxe
needles In boo'ts
(larru slie) . .100
Cotton tape. Ma K
arul whit., all
widths, bolt, 10
Pearl buttons,
vara ...le
Wvimn coat
banKt-Ts, t for So
Co Basement.
8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday
'evkrydcdy's ctore"
Borrss-sTash Co. -stain noor.
New Velvet Untrimmed Hats in the
Basement, $1.25,
YOU'LL find a splendid selection from which to choose, the new
est sbspes In black and colors, made of fine quality velvet. We
consider them extreme values, at-
H2J, li9 and H9i
New Chiffon Butterflies, 39c
Fine quality and quite the fashion for
trimming black, white, and a few colors, a
regular 79o quality.
Children's Hats, at 08o to $1.98
Pretty selection of children's hats, smart
little creations for the little tots at WW,
91.49 and fl.OA.
Borfsss-aTash Co. Basemsnt.
$1.50 Corsets, at 89c
Very special, corsets made ot
striped coutll, embroidery finish,
medium bust, also camfortable
hip and length, worth
$1.60, special at
Barress-Baah Co. Bae.m.nt.
10c Comfort Covering, 3c
A splendid assortment of fancy
figured pongee comfort covering,
tan ground, regular 100 quality,
from the bolt Friday at, Q3
Bnrffess-aTash Co. Basemsnt.
Boys' $4.00 Overcoats, $1.45
A limited number of boys over
coats for agea 6, 6 and 7 years.
values up to $4, ape- ti AC
dally priced Friday at. O J- elO
Barfess-aTaah Oos B asemeat.
WOMEN'S shoes with style and quality, In ail
the best leathers, including gunmetal calf,
vicl kid, tan Russia calf and patent Carona colt with
models In all sites. The
$3 to $3.60, Friday, pair
Boys' Shoes That Wear Longer
Shoes built expressly to withstand the
nara Knocks ana wear given them by a
real live and active boy.
Sixes 13 to 2, Friday... f 3.25
SUcs 2 to 6 Vs. Friday, $2.49
Boxresa-jraea Oo. B asemeat,
Laces, Yard, 2y2o
A splendid assortment of laces,
including German and French val,
torchon and cotton cluny, specially
priced for Friday's selling r
at, yard aCsC
Bnrcess-B'ash Oo. Basement.
Blanket Sheets, 48o
Large slse single blanket sheets,
gray and tan, would sell at $1.98
if by the pair, very specially priced
Friday In the Basement A Q
at, each HOC
Barrsss-Bash Oo. Basement.
Sateens, Yard, 12o
A wide selection of good quality
sateens, short lengths, fine finish,
mercerised black and colored
Friday very special at, f OA
yard la&lSfC
Burgess-Bash Oo. Basement.
35c Suitings, 15c
A good selection ot .half silk plaid
suitings, will wash and wear
splendidly, good quality, worth
3 Co yard, Friday special 1 C
at, yard IOC
Bnrrsas-STash Oo. Baeemeat.
29c to 39o Towels, 25o
A special purchase of Turkish
towels in assorted colors, nr
with colored borders, ea. mOC
Bars ess-Bask Co, .Basemsnt.
Here's a Lot of ALUMINUMWARE
Including Values to $2.50 at 85c
IT'S celdom, indeed,
aluminum ware at i
inum, strictly perleot.
The selection Includes!
Six, 8 and 10-quart alum- i
inum preserving kettles.
Four and 8-quart aluminum ,
Berlin sauce pans with cover.
One and one-half and i-quart
aluminum rice boilers.
Four and 6 -quart aluminum Berlin ket
tles with cover.
The values range up to $2. SO, very spe
cial for Friday, choice for 83o.
Bnrrees-vaah Ooi-1 asement.
Co. Everybody's Store 16th
till 9 P. M.i
rilONK I). 1ST.
silks. Including,
de sole, stripe
9 80 the yard,
grsy, wistaria white and black.
$1.49 and $1.98
50c Brassieres, 39c ,
Made of good quality aria cloth
or plain muslin, very daintily
finished in embroidery, either
front or back closing, on
Friday 60o values at. . OetC
Barreea-Bash Oo.- Basement.
Men's $2.0 Hats, $1.45
Men's soft and stiff hats In all
the new season's shapes and
colors, all slses. Regularly
worth $2.00, spe- d i at
clal at P 1 e4D
Barvess-Vash OovB asemeat.
Boys' 50c Blouse, 21o
Made tor boys, acea 6 to 18
years, good quality khaki and
light colored washable
materials, were 50c, for'
Bnrres s-Vaab
Men' l2 Hose, 8y.c
An exceptional value In men's
half hose, white feet, all black,
high spliced heel and toe,
double sole, fast color, run of
mill of 1 Be quaUty at, 0 1
pair &3C Co Basement.
Men's 2-Pc. Underw'r, 48c
Men's I-pieee underwear, me
dium or light winter weight,
ecru color, all sites to 44, lone
combed Egyptian cotton, well
made, Friday special A Q
at, per garment iOC
. BarffMsJTasa On Bassmsni.
Men's Underw'r, 48c, 69c
Two numbers In men's union
suits, long sleeves, ankle
lengths, extra quality yarn and
well made, white and
ecru, special at 69o and HOC
B turrets-Bash Oo JSasemenS.
Remnants Laces, lOo
Remnants of laces, nets and
chiffons, In lengths from 4 to
lft yards, very special In the
basement Friday at, in
each 1UC
B urges s-Wash On. IB asement.
C9o Single Blankets, 30o
The well-known "Beacon" blan
kets, slse 38x48,' single. In
white, very desirable for right
now. The regular 69o
quality, at, each. .
15o Outing; Flannels, Oo
Yard-wide fancy striped outing
flannel, also white, SS-inoh.
Shaker flannels, the regular
ISo grade, In remnant
lengths, at, yard
Borgnes-Basfe Oo asement.
Dress Goods Remnants
Lengths l'i to 4 yards serge
suitings, Panamas, plaids, mix
tures, checks, crepes, batistes,
etc., were to $ 1 yd., j CQ
each piece 05e and P A .Oil
laipii Bash On. Basement.
that you are offered an opportunity to buy
price like this. Made of heavy sheet alum
B T .7 S IS
Baw aBBS I M
and Harney,