THE BKE: OV.AHA, FMDAV, SKFTEMUKlt 24, 1915. Nebraska CARRIERS GET AXE TO SAYEEXPEHSE Pour Lincoln Men Reliered of Work and Thrown Oat of Jobs They Expected to Keep. ARE TOLD THEY MUST RESIGN (Trom a Staff Corrvepondent.) LINOOLN, Sept. IJ.(8peclal.-Efforts f tha democratic administration at Washington to stave off the inevitable deficiency are acaln being shown In the postofflce department here la Unooln, and efficiency la said to be suffering be cause ( cutting off oarrlera In order to save the money. During the present month four carriers have been dismissed from the poetofflce force who were under civil service rules. All were substitute carriers and two ot them have been In the service four years. I F. G randy, whose story Is similar to the rest, but more noticeable because he quit a good Job at aohool teaching nine months In the year to take on the carrier job, where he could work the year around, was dismissed without a hearing as the civil service rules require. When called on the carpet be says that he and the rest were given the choice of having their heads lopped off by a request to resign or signing a prepared resignation which would allow them to work a month longer. The took the lat ter way because each of them needed the work. Orandy, who has a wife and two ohll dren, la now at work on a farm outside of town. All of them worked long enough so that they were in line of promotion to a regular carrier Job. The only reason given for the action of the department was that they were too old. The rules of the department are that a man must be under 46 when he enters the service. Orandy waa 40 when he went to work four years ago. It is charged that If the department had no Idea of allowing these men to come In because of the age limit. It had no right to take them on as aubcarriert knowing that they expected promotion. Nebraska Hebron Will Have Festival Tuesday- Program is Free HEBRON. Neb.. Sept (Ppeclal.) Hebron's fall festival will be held next Tuesday under the auspices of the He bron Commercial club, and a program has been arranged to please all classes of people. Joe Stecher. champion wres tler of the world, will give an exhibition wrestle with his brother Anton. The foot ball season will be Inaugurated with a game between the Falrbury and Hebron Htrh school teams, and. the local base ball season will be closed with a game between Pruning and Hebron. There will be a tractor demonstration for the benefit of the farmers of this section, a balloon ascension and other street attractions. The feature of the festival will be the arrangement whereby no charge will be made for . the. various attractions. The committee in charge Is of the opinion that Joe Stecher alone will bring to Hebron the largest crowd in its history. - . Loalav-tllv Man Badly Injared. LOUISVILLE, Neb.. Sept. (Special.) Alex If ft. a laborer in the Woodworth stone quarry,, was seriously Injured late yesterday afternoon when a stone weigh ing about fifty pounds fell off a car thirty-five feet afcove him. striking him squarely on his head and shoulders. He was rendered unconscious and still re mains In that condition. His Injuries are considered serious. Nebraska Constipation Caa Re Cared. Start a two weeks' treatment of Dr. King's New IJfe Pills today. Good for stomach and liver. 26c. All druggists. Advertisement. . FINE CROP IN UNCOLN COUNTY Senator W. V. Hoagland Will Not Run for Lieutenant Governor ThU Tear, He Sayi. " TOO MUCH DOING IN THE1 LAW (From a Staff Correspondent.) ' LINCOLN. Sept. .-8p6cIal.)-Accord-Ing to 'Senator Walter V. HoagUnd 'of North Flatte the corn In Lincoln county and the country around that section, will turn out a wonderful yield, the largest In the history ot the state. Senator Hoagland win not be a can didate for the republican nomination for lieutenant governor next year. He say he has all the business he ran attend to and does not care to pass It up. to play, second fiddle In thoNebraska state politi cal orchestra. However, he believes chances for re publican success In this state will , be exceedingly good. According to his way of looking at It the democrats ' are so split up that they wilt not be able to get together on anything except . Wilson, and th republicans, presenting a united force will t be able to clean the political platter and put the state once more In the hands, of an administration which will mean much to the state In a busi ness war. ' I The senator was here attend'ng a ses-rt-n of the supreme court and while awaiting his tern, called at the office of Governor Morehead and paid his. rewuects to Private Secretary Mam ford, .in the absence of the governor. ', - Johnson Wilt Par v, Johnson county officials have, notified State Auditor Smith that they are ready to make a payment of $2,900 on the In sane feeao.-ount owing the state. '( The Nebraska Johnson county account was formerly the lamest owing the state, $13,WX Pays Prison OalKrrsk (oat. State Auditor Smith todny drew a war rant for fJ.011.t4, being the amount ap propriated by tho legislature for the rclmbureemenet of Sarpy county for costs Incident to the suits in connect Ion with the prison outbreak in 1912. Notes from Beatrice And Gage County BEATRICE, Neb., Sept M. (Special.) Jerry Ilajek, wanted here on a charge ot passing a worthless check for 15 on the Hinds State bank of (Melt on October IS. 1114. was arrested at Dnight Wednesday by Sheriff Acton, brought here and lodged In the county Jail. The eheck was drawn on the First National bank of Seward. Protests to the decision of the County Board of Equalisation were filed in the district court Wednesday by six banks of this county. The banks are attempt ing to set aside a decision of the county board relative to the taxation of certain mortgages In their posaesslon. The management of the Uage county fair, which la to be held In this city next week. Is endeavoring to arrange wlti Adjutant General Hall for aeroplanes from the army service to give flights for three days. The management has also arranged fdr a match race between Hal McKlnney and Columbia Fire, a Lincoln ,horse. ' At a meeting of the city commissioners Wednesday the protest of property own ers on South Sixth street against repay ing that street was taken tip and dis cussed. The commissioners decided to prop the matter and will do no more paving this winter. , W. C. Oden, who owns a farm near Nebraska this city, brought to town Wednesday samples of corn taken from his field )trh Is so far matured that It Is beyond damage by frost. The corn was plsnted early in May. BIG CROWD AT NELSON ' ' FAIR ON SUPERIOR DAY ' . . NELSON. Neb., Sept. J.-(Speclal.) Yesterday was Superior day at the Nuck olls county fair. Special trains brought big crowds from tho metropolis. The at tendiince was the largest ever. had here. A good race program was given, Itner-' spersed with several high-class no'veliles aiiu strong vaudeville acts. Owing to a heavy wind the time was slow. Pacing, 1 14 clnsa, purse IU0: Mtidwelaer, flrat; Alta Young, second: Meggy Pen fedt, third. Host time. t:K. Special: Anita V., first: Kd T.; second; Kxt iuMo Hollo, third. Hot time, ;V. Mx-lurlonw dnh, purse Concha, first; Don Hurnett, second; Dick Decker, third. ... fiolden We.Mlnir at llordvllte. HORDVILLB, Neb., 8pt. .-(Spec1al.) Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hill celebrated thrtf golden wedding anniversary' with an all day family party at their home. here lat Friday. In the evening they were' given a surprise party by their friends and neighbors at Ancient Order ' of I'nlted Workmen hall. They were presented with a purse of gold, Mr. Hill was givi-n a gold-headed cane and Mrs. ltlll a gold headed umbrella. There waa a short pro gram of speeches of congratulation, and a good supper. Mr. Hill la 71 years-old and Mrs. Hill Is 89. Their five chlldreq Mrs. R. D. Hurst, Talmer, Nnh.;'Mrs. TV W. Christy, Clarke, Neb.; Mrs. Kdg'ar Draper. Polk, Neb.; Mrs. F. L. Mitchell, Hordvllle, and Earl Hill. Gandy, Neb. were present. It's more than an extra good soap that softens water and makes heavy suds. Fels-Naptha soap contains as much naptha and. other harmless cleansers as will best do the work. A "For Pule" ad win turn second-hand furniture Into cash. . t , , Your part of the weekly wash is the easy part. The 30 minutes soaking dissolves the grease and loosens the dirt so that out it comes with a few rubs you save yourbackand half thetime- Use Fels-Naptha for all soap-and-water work. Let The Bee get you a job. "Situations Wanted" ads are free J p. PROHIBITION WORKERS ARE HAVING MERRY WAR fFrom a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Sept. 23. (Special.) What the governor of Nortei' Carolina said to ' the governor of South Carolina, accord ing to rumor, several years ago when the two met on a warm day in the gentle ' summer time, may have been Interesting to them from a prohibition standpoint, bifcUX O. Wolfenbarger, chief attorney for the prohibition forces In Nebraska, is saying about Frank Harrison, also a prolnent worker along making Ne braska dry lines, is Important at this time in that It shows that the dry forces are aot going to be found working In harmony In the coming campaign. Mr. Harrison Is not backward In ac cusing the forces under General Wolfen barger. who have for many years fought for prohibition as a party Issue, of col lecting funds under a false representa tion. Wolfenbarger comes back at Ilar . rison and knocks the chip off of the i of the prohibition party and the two ara having a busy time accusing each other , of wanting to make Nebraska dry tn his ' ew particular way. OCONTO MAN HELD ON CHARGE OF EMBEZZLEMENT BROKEN BOW. Neb., Sept. (Spe cial.) Sheriff Wilson hag returned from Kearney with John A. Schelllng of Oconto, this county, who is charged with embexElIng from the BtkJcel Lumber company of that place the sum . of It, 250 37. The complaint was filed by County Attorney Kelly at the Instance of v.'. L. Stlckel, a member of the firm. Bcheiltng was manager of the Oconto branch of the Btlckel Lumber company from 1911 to sometime in 1916, but was working at the Btlckel yard at Kearney when the warrant was served upon him. He has always been popular as a busi ness man and has many friends In the neighborhood of Oconto. The shortage ' la alleged to have been discovered when Schel ling's accounts were audited. Shelling Is now In the custody of the sheriff pending the return of County Judge Ford from Omaha, when prelimi nary hearing will be had. HYMENEAL If elah man-Khrick. Miss Ellene Enrich, daughter of Chris Enrich of Brooklyn, la., and Mr. Forrest Helshman of Malcom, la., were married by Rev. Charles W. Bavtdge at his resi dence Wednesday evening at t o'clock. They were accompanied by Miss Ohloe Elood and Mr. Raymond Helshman, both of Grlnnell. la. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent" A MAN WHOTS SrUNOTWICE IN thc same riA.ce SHOULD RCMCMBCR. THATTMCRe AKC TWO 0es IN BOOB w9 )A1 a If a man fools you ones that's his fault, but If he fools you twice). It's your fault ' It is simply a matter of good busi ness for us to sell fashionably tail ored, . serviceable clothes at such reasonable prices. We hare suited a lot of menfolk In this town. Com la and suit yourself with one of our Butts or Overcoats Suits and Overcoats $16.50 and $25.00 "Make Our Store Your Store." Vilcox & Allen Exclusive Clothes for Men and Young Men. 203 8. 15th St, near -DougUs. i. Beaton &Laior Qo., 415-417 South 16th St, Omaha, Hobraska You Can Select Draperies and Curtains Hero Daring This' Dig "QUICK ACTION" SALE at a Very Small Cist, Which Will Help to Make Your Homo Attractive Doaton & Laior Co., 415-417 South IGth St., Omaha, Nobraska -t S UCI ajjTi jQ e? j zirjmLY itrsmrrvyj r?y?c --jcnwrs rtXv jtv o i?irriYij?rx-r (r?jf Mahogany Piano Lamp Standards 2-iight with cord attachment. While f ACA they last," at-.. T" Heavy Oak & Burlap Screen Double lined, 3-fold, brass hinges, full height. (aAC gulch. Action Bale VsW Price'. ; w 3-PanbJ.0ak Screen Burlap filled; full height. etAftR Quick Action Bale Vlrjw Price Heavy, Cedar Chest 21x42 Inches; braos trimmed; regular $80 value only one Q f. so the first customer V I fl gets It. .. Table Covers Lib erty prints, 54x3 i Inches;-.J absolutely washable. Quick 4 Action Sale V I Table Full of Remnants Odds and ends curtains, drap ; eries. etc. When the doors open .Friday at 8:80 a. m... Join the crowds and take your fM pick. AUblefullat JtC- III' r each price : -B" Pillow Tops 24x24 inches; Material damask, armour .Velour' and fine cretonnes. Two piles. Nothins; reserved. .. f ' :U1i:.v.rrf.....iOc-Z5c - . . ' Table Runners 24x54; ins., ; ends finished with fringe. Ma ; terlals: Tapestry, . velour aodj .damask. Beautiful ' f ASA' , goods. Quick AcUon vwll 0 Sale . Price Price. French Velour Por tiers' poublo facod, . deoorateii horderB-.. JQA per pair. . ,.TOU French Velour Por tiers Same ;.a3; above, plain both jkt pair. . , . Iw "liaven- ' w - z. SIB r Day. 1UI l " 1 "Davonette" (Similar to cut) Short Duofold Does not take up much room by day, but makes a full size bed at ' night. Solid oak frame. Black or Brown Boston Leather up- " prr-a holstered. Regular $35 value l;K Salo Prico ill ' f3 wDavesMate7if ' ; Open at Klgtit. iy". . - , SHADES ' 20-inch Shade in rose of gold, silk, nicely trim- (tf med, sale vio prioe. ................. 22-inch Shade in roso of blue - silk, white silk lined AM a-M -si. 15750 ; .price Gold Base Table 11 Lamp Sale ..yLi ' Mahogany Table Lamp Hand carved, good Cff"1 and heavy. Bale vfl - price Old Ivory Piano Lamp Base Full height. 8-light, 4 f cord attached. VI fl Sale price - Mahogany Electric Table Lamrj Sale -price O Japanese Table . Lamp Decorated base In yellow shade and base complete. Sale price $5 Extra Special "While thoy last, beautiful shades for candlesticks, . Vaj choice ring This Advertisement With You and Ask to Soo Everything Just as Advertised Soo tho Largo Pink Salo Tqqo on Evory Articlo Contalnod on Those Six T.lammoth Floors Splendid 600D CLOTH WINDOW . SHADES . With. Spring Rollers, . All' Complete 1 aaotAer lot we foaa la ens warsaonsa, kimtuitxt Ui ma- J C aar, sad r- here eajrly 130 Friday, -eeok f f aiviHU 415-417 South Sixteenth Street, Omaha, Nebraska ANOTHER LOT Of Those BRASS EXTENSION CURTAIN RODS roas-ht forward from ar warehoass, and so oa sala, eomiusaolas ft rrldar saoraiaa" at S-SO, R at, each w All This Fine Period , Furniture Fren. the World's Dest Makers All Qoes in This Quick Attion Sale at a Big Reduction in Price J 'ii sal si 1 -j, --- o iw ---irinsiisiifimrmi J itiwt tsisi ir ru -rrrnpswr tthitti rsl smii.iij isaisisss i si isssMMJsiistimismsaiJLissiisw mil sii sjsjsslj-1 isisisiisi. jiwi m i mis ssn jiiBTsns nr- i i i ! "mmim '' mi" "