Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1915, Image 1

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The Doe Is The Paper
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Omaha .Daily Bee
VOL. XLV NO. 84.
Ob Tralae. a Motel
Tews ItuU, era, M
Squad of Detectives on Hand to
Prevent Any Attempt Upon Life
of Evangelist at Ap
pointed Hour.
Revivalist Delivers His Sermon on
the "Secret of Failure" to
Although death te dynamite at
the Thursday afternoon meeting had
been threatened In a "blackhand"
letter sent to 'Billy" Sunday, nothing
distrubed the revivalist's sermon ex
cept the Innocent crying of a baby,
whose mother bad smuggled it past
the line of ushers instead of putting
It in the "Tab", nursery.
Many curious men had been at
tracted to the "Tab" by the report;
of the theratened bomb throwing,
tut the women were in far fewer
numbers than usual, supposedly for j
the same reason, so the total attend
ance was considerably below normal.
A squad of police detectives, headed
by Sergeants Patsk Have? and Tom
Donahue, watched the crowd care
fully in anticipation o a possible at
tempt on Sunday's life.
Baby Only laterraptlon.
At S:l o'clock, the hour appointed for
khethreatened dynamiting, all was quiet
- and peaceful, except for the evangelist's
Jalklng, and the meeting- was conducted
(without interruption except by the crying
Preaching about "The Secret of Fall
tire," the revivalist made these state
Jnents la the course of his sermon:
"I don't give three whoops this -side
of hell whether the world likes my
j reaching or not. If you don't like It.
that's no compliment to you."
' "God's rlchea make Andrew Carnegie
look. Ilka a plug counterfeit cent along
side of a $1,000 government bond."
"Not society, low wages or other none
enslcsl excuses, but the blackhearted
kiesa of Individuals, is to blame for sin
and cussedneas.
Greatest Corse of Day.
, "Popular novels and other miserable
puke from the modern press Is one of
the curses of the day."
"Can you pray Ood to bless you, with
oose In your cellars and the beer wagon
at the doorT Ha will damn you Instead
and some of you old deacons had better
pcoot dowa out of sight"
I "Envy U one of the' greater robbers
itodxy. Don't envy the man with an auto
If you can't afford one. Tou can get a
street ear ride for a nlokel If you don't
flke tba smell of gasoline."
"The hardest Job nowadays is to be
gastor of the average church. Me can't
kin 'em like I do, so I'm on the Job
tor him." '
Iron Workers Wire
Greetings, to Ryan
BAN FRANCISCO. Sept 21 The Inter
national Association of Bridge and
Structural Iron Workers, In session hore
today, telegraphed greetings. to former
officers now serving prison terms. In
cluding Frank N. Ryan, former president,
in federal prison at Fort Leavenworth,
Kan., and J. J. McNamara, former sec
restary, and Eugene A. Clancy, former
member of the general executive board, in
Pan Quenttn, Cal., ' penitentiary.
Similar messages also were sent to M.
iH. Schmidt and David Caplan, facing
trial In Los Angeles, Cal.. on charge of
ynurder as the result of the dynamiting
of the Los Angeles Times building In 110.
British Steamship .
Groningen is Sunk
LONDON, Sept. 21 The British steam
ship Oronlngen, Set tons gross, has been
blown up. On member of the orew lost
bis Ufa and several others were wounded.
The survivors were landed today.
The Weather
Forecast till 7 P. m. Friday:
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
-raruy c-iouay; cooler.
Temperature at Qnmba Yesterday.
Hour. Deg.
a. m o
a. m. 0
7 a m 1
8 a m 61
a. m 63
10 a. in 64
11 a. ra OS
12 m 67
1 p. m 68
t p. m 68
8 l. in 69
4 p. m 70
6 p. m
p. m 6
7 p. m S
8 p. m 6s
Comparative Loral Record.
Official record of temperature and
precipitation compared with the corre-
sponaing period of the laet tnree years:
1915. 1914. 1S11 1W3.
Highest yesterday 70 7 W 7
IjowmI yesterday........ ft) &0 66 60
Mean temperature 65 63 70 64
Precipitation Ou ' .0 .05 .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal lempersture 63
Kxcesa for the day t
Total deficiency ntnco March 1
Normal precipitation Oe Inch
iJefictency for the dav 08 Inch
Total rainfall since Murch 1 23.46 Imhet
peficlency since Marc h 1 82 Inch
!ricieiicy for cor. i eriod. 1UI4. inches
Deficiency for cur. period. 1U13. 7.41 Inches
Reports from Ktatloua at T P. M.
Station and State Tomp. Hlah- Rain-
of Weather.
t. full.
7 .
'e .
H .00
: .oo
'i .00
Ml .00
70 .'O
74 .
7 .0)
74 .00
74 .00
Cheyenne, pt. cloudy
Davenport, cloudy...
leiver, clear
lict Moines, cl-ar...
North 1'lntle. clear..
Omaha, cloudy
Pueblo, clear
Rapid City, cioudy..
ha lit a Fe, clear
Sheridan, cloudy
Sioux tlty, cloudy..
Valentine, clear
Ine, ciet
A. W
LtilI, Local Forecaster.
When "Billy" Sunday smiles
he gets a warm response from
Large Number of Candidates at the
Methodist Conference for Quad
rennial General Meet.
activity at the bis conference of Ne
braska Methodist preachers now' in
session at First Methodist church,
and for whom the municipal welcome
arch la now decorated. '
The ministers are not making a
political campaign out of their meet
ings, but in the halls and anterooms
of the conference, and after each
session, a large part of the talk
deals with candidates and "the elec
tion." Campaign cards are even be
ing circulated by trlenda of some of
the candidates.
The wire pulling will be brought to a
head at the conference this morning
at 10:30 o'clock, when the election will be
held. Ten ministerial delegates are to be
elected to represent the conference of
Nebraska at the quadrennlel general con
ference of the Methodist Episcopal chuech
of the world, to be held throughout the
month of May next year . at ' Saratoga,
N. T,
All Strive for tke Ho or.
Because election as a delegate prob-'
ably constitutes the highest honor within
the power of the church to bestow, -there
are many candidates. The general world
wide conferenoe la held only once every
four years, lasts thirty days and all ex
penses of delegates are paid by the
An equal number of lay. delegates to
the same conference will bo chosen Fri
day by the Nebraska conference of Meth
odist laymen, which will meet at the First
Congregational church.
Prominent among Omaha' Methodist
preachers who are candidates are Rev.
Titus Lowe, pastor of the First church;
Rev. W. H. Underwood ' of MoCabe
church. Rev. C. W. McCasklll of- Hans-
com Park church and Rev. U. G. Browni
superintendent of the Omaha' district.
Omaha laymen mentioned as candidates
for lay delegate are M. D. Cameron, a
member of the First church;. John Dale of
Hanscom Park church, and John Lewis
of McCabe.
Two women are prominent among the
candidates for lay delegate, Mrs.. Emma J,
Cox of Wilcox, and Miss " Ella Watson
of Lincoln.
Other ministers being urged as candi
dates by their congregations Include:
Rev. J. R. Qerrys of University Place,
Rev..T. W. Jeffry, Rev. J. F. Boeye and
Rev. Charles M. Shepherd of Lincoln,
Rev. II. H. Millard of Norfolk, Rev. E.
(Continued on Page Two. Column Five.)
Physician Predicts
Early Elimination
of Tuberculosis
PHILADELPHIA, Bept. 23.-Pr. Jeffer
son D. Gibson of Denver, pre dent of
the American Association of Clinical Re
search, declared In an address at the
Hahnemann Medical college here today
that within ten years medical science will
probably have succeeded In all but eli
minating death from tuberculosis rrom
vital statistics.
Dr. Gibson, whose address opened the
seventh annual meeting of the' associa
tion, said that recent discoveries by
which the presence of tubercular tenden
cies can ba detected, even before the
gernis appear In the sputum, together
with a later and higher development of
the X-ray. will In a short time remove
tuberculosis from the list Of aaosasaflly
fatal disease.
i 1 ) l)
I f .,): Y
Mr, A, t - ' I
his whole face lv" -P, and
all who hear or see him then.
Seven Officers of New York Union
Arraigned on Charge of Hiring
Sluggers to Kill Man. .
SV 8evsn
. . , , ,
7. . . . . . .
we tjioaa ana biui Makers' , union
wore placed on tHal here today
charged with morder in the first de-
gree. They are accused of having
procured the death of Abraham Lieb
ovlts, a member of the union, during
the garment makers' strike In 1910.
They were Indicted as the result of
the alleged confession of a notorious
East Side gang leader, Benjamin
Fein, who told the authorities he
and his men were employed by the
defendants to "beat up scabs."
Liebovlts, it Is alleged. Incurred the
enmity of the union by procuring work
during the strike In a nonunion shop at
Hunter, N. T. He was lured baok to
New York, It la charged, and beaten to
death la the . headquarters of the union.
The seven men who will stand trial
the largest number at ens trial In the
history of the state. It la said are Max
Slgman, Morris Btupnlcker, Sol Mets,
Julius Woo If, Maa Blnger. Isidore Auspits
and Abraham Weldtnger.
A fund of 1X0,000 is said to have been
raised 'by the United Hebrew Trades
union-for the' defense of the men. It Is
Intimated that' the defease will be that
the charges were a "frameup" by a rival
LAS CRUCES, N. M., Sept . -Special
Telegram.) In the closing day of argu
ments In the Porter esse, personalities
and. the bitterest of feelings were In
dulged In by Attorneys Frank W. Clancy
and H. B. Holt, Clancy for the state and
Holt for the defense.
Following an attack upon Clancy by
Holt. In which Holt questioned the pro
priety of the attorney general's presence
in the case, Clancy took forty-five min-
uates In which to defend his position.
He declared that he was In the case to
get justice for the stats of New Mexico
and that he had quashed two Juries be
cause he did not believe Justice could be
obtained " in" Otsro county. Then he
brought the case to Dona Ana county In
order to get a fair trial. He attacked
Holt's private life, his career in the state
senate and said that Holt had worked
to get a law passed preventing the
change of venue in criminal cases to
prevent this case from being changed
from Otero county, where a fair trial
could not be obtained.
Holt also declared that an effort had
been made to exclude Spanish-American
from the jury. This was objected to by
Holt, who declared It to be an effort to
prejudice the present Jury, which Is com
posed of eleven Spanish-Americans and,
one American. This objection was sus
tained. The case was expected to go to the
Jury late tonight as Judge Clancy's argu
ment was the last and Judge Nebietl'e
Instructions followed It.
MONTREAL, Sept. .-Ths Princess
theater, located on St Catherine street
la the heart of the city, was partly de-1
stroyed by fire today. The loas Is estl
soated at more than $100. Out, the Interior
being so badly damaged that It will be
neoessary to reconstruct the house. The
fire started from eieotrto wiring.
Russian War Authorities Anert
Teutons Suffered Terribly
in Battles About the
Muscovite Ax myNow Believed Ex
tricated from Perilous Posi
tion it Was In.
PETROORAD. Sept. 23. (Via
London.) The Russian military
authorities regard the withdrawal
from the very difficult position near
Vllna, which for a time seriously
menaced a large army, as rirtally
completed. They assert the Ger
mans have lost 250,000 men in their
recent operations In this region.
According to latest Information reoeived
here the line now runs from Osmlana to
Smorgon, which is on the left bank of
the Vlllya, west of Vlletka. From Smor
gon the line extends to Lebedevo, protect
ing; the Molodechno railway Junction.
Thence It parallels the Vilna-Ltda rail
way, crossing the Lida-Moiodeehno rail
way, and extrnulng across the Oasda
river at a point eighteen miles east of
Lid a. The line then runs to Novlny,
itolchad, Mllovldy, to the east of Lake
Vygonovskl and eastward along the Of
tnskl canal to Lyscha and the Junction
of the Jaslolda river, with the Wlna east
of Plnak. The remainder of the line Is
Russian officers admit that the new
front in the Vllna region la Interrupted
In planes. The region to the east of Llda
and south of Molodechne la intersected
by a multitude of rivulets. These are
embarrassing the German advance, neces
sitating a detour northward, and conse
quently co-operation between the German
group In the vicinity of Vllna and that
near Llda will be difficult.
The Russians believe that the Qennaas
contemplate a rare for crossings of the
Bereslna river, particularly at Borlaaov,
thirty-eight miles northest of Minsk,
where Napoleon came to grief In 18U.
The Red Cross hospitals evacuated
Vllna In good order. Two local hospitals.
with SfiO wounded, remained la the city,
It being Impossible to move them.
Knropatkin Shares
Command of Armies
RERUN. Sept sV-fBr Wlramss to
hsayvfllaV - The report reached Berlin to.
jday from Fetrograd by way of Btoak holm
tn radloal changes In the leadership
or tne Kussian army, arreoung trae high-
est military officials, were sooa to be
This report was contained la a dispatch
from the Btookholm correspondent of the
Lokal AnseiKer, as given out here today
by the Overseas News agency. Quoting
from this dtsptech, the News agency says:
"The well Informed Russian press re
ports that Emperor Nicholas Is com
mander-in-chief of the Russian forces In
name only. The actual power la in the
hands of the exportenoed leaders. General
Poltvanoff, minister of war, and Oeneral
Kuropatkln. Plans soon will be con
summated for radloal reforms, including
reorganisation of the highest military
"The disorders which followed the
prorogation of the Duma were viol eat.
Work was stopped In a third af the
factories at the capital and there were
demonstration by crowds la the streets.
Oeneral Froloff, commander of the mili
tary dJstrlot of the capital. Issued a
proclamation te the workmen eaytag
that suspension f work wovld be re
garded by- Oeneral Ruosky as high trea
son and that although the nation - fett
heavily the events eoeurrtag m the war,
popular outbreaks were unjustifiable
'The dowager empress ha been desig
nated te assist th empress, whose oon
dltlcn of health Is such as to interfere
with the perform an oe of her duUea."
Boycott Aimed at
Germany Would
Hit Switzerland
BERLIN, Sept .-(By Wireless te
Tuckerton, N. J.) "Particulars of the
French-Italian economic conferenoe at
Cernobblo, Italy, are beginning to teak
out" says the Overseas News Agency
today. .
"The chief subject of discussion was a
boycott of German commerce after the
war, te be accomplished by providing di
rect lines of communication from Eng
land to Italy via Marseilles and Genoa,
thus doing away with the present sys
tem of International traffio and shutting
out the German railwaya
"A realisation of this plan means seri
ous damage to Swltserland, as that coun
try Is the connecting link In the north
and south route. Swiss publlo men are
carefully following the course of the ne
gotiations with a view to preventing the
proposed boyoott of Oermany from hav
ing injurious effect upon Swiss Inter
ests." Free Coupon
For the
Best Movies
By special arrangement with
eight at the leading moving
Picture theaters THE BEE Is
enabled to give its readers a
combination coupon good for
a free) admission to any one
of them oa days specified.
In Sunday's Dee
United States Wins Important
Diplomatic Victory in Fryc Case
WASHINGTON, Sept. -Germany's
Istest not on the sinking of the Amert
oan sailing ship William P. Prya, mad
publlo today, by the State department.
discloses an Important dlplomatlo victory
tor the United State
Germany's accepts the proposal to fU
damages by commission and to let The
Hague pasa upon disputed treaty rights
Involved. It also give assurances that
no .mora Amertoaa ships carrying condi
tional contraband will bo destroyed under
any circumstances.
American ships carrying enatrahand,
however, stMl may be destroyed. What
affect this can have In praetloal opera
tion la problematical beoauaa Germany
and Great Britain In their retaliations
have made absolute contraband praotkv
ally everything which was conditional
under the declaration of London.
One thing seemed certain to officials
He Says He Does Not Care Whether
His Employes Are Members
or Not
ROUSE, Colo., Bept. 23. John D,
Rockefeller, Jr. today stated flatly
that the Colorado Fuel and Iron com
pany does not care whether its miners
belong to a union or not. The state
ment was made In a conference be
tween Rockefeller, David Griffith,
grievance mediator of the eompany.
and C. A. Mitchell, grievance repre
sentative of the Rouse miners.
Mitchell Is a negro.
In the course of the conference, which
was la the open air under a slssllng sun,
somebody asknd Mitchell whether mem
bers of the United Vine Workers came
to him with their grievances against the
eompany. "I don't remember that any
union men have complained since I was
elected representative," said Mitchell.
. "I don't believe Mitchell knows whether
they are union men or not," broke in
Rockefeller "I am quite sure the offi
cers of the eompany don't, and, let me
tall you, the Colorado Fuel and Iron
eempany doesn't . care whether Its men
belong to the union or not.
"Look . here," be flashed, turning t
Griffiths, "do you make any distinction
between union and nonunion men la set
tling the grievances appeal to you by
the mlnerst"
"I certainly don't,' replied Griffiths.
"Are not all the men treated alike as
long ' as they are willing to work and
behave themselves T" persisted ' RockefeV-
Hl ,n .IT- ' r .- . -t. -1
"Yes," Griffiths answered.
The Rockefeller party mads the thirty
mils drive from Trinidad, arriving shortly
before 10 o'clock. Ekiroute tire trouble
on the Rockefeller machine caused .a
Slight delay near-Apgullar. the scene of
considerable fighting and disorder during
the 'Strike. After the conference the
party proceeded te Lester and expected
to reach WeUccburg for tooglht's stop.
Meets Roth Mediators.
Mr. Rockefeller today had his ' first
meeting with Griffith who was selected
ss the oompany mediator when the plan
of dealing with labor grievances through
representatives of the men was Inaugu
rated several months ago. Immediately
Rockefeller announced that he wanted
te confer with Griffiths la the presence
or toe labor representative. So the pit
boos was ordersd to find Mttohell, who
was working a mile fnside the mine.
Mitchell wee produced and the conferenoe
began.' .
Rockefeller, costless and with his hat
pushed back from bis persperlnff brow,
shot rapid fire questions at Ortftiths and i
Mitchell la turn. .
"How do yea happen to be the grlev. I
enee representative of the tnenr he
asked Mitchell.
"They eltotad me, sua," ' re piled the
aegro grinning with prida .
"Bow did they elect your
, "At a ansae meeUng."
"Ofeas meeting of whom?"
"Of all the men at the eamp, sun."
"Any company officers there T" Rocke
feller bored in.
Oh. no, sun."
-How do the men feel, free to come to
you with any complaint they have
against the eompany V
"Tea. dey does" Mitchell replied.
"De you sometimes find that the fore
man or the pit boss has been in the
wrong, and treated a man unjustly?" per
sisted Rockefeller.
"Oh yea, suh. and when dey has, I go
to Mlstau Griffiths and he fixes it up."
Qaeatfoaa for Griffiths.
Rockefeller whirled on Griffiths, "do
these grlevanoe repereentatives over have
to take anything over your head to the
president of the eompany T" he demanded.
"They never have yet." placidly replied
Griffiths. "Usually the grievance Is ad
justed with the superintendent without
even reaching ma"
"How do these complaints reach your'
"Well I go from camp to oamp myself
and talk to these grlevanoe representa
tives," said Griffiths.
"Don't you wait for them to send for
"Not on your life. I don't I hunt them
up and ssk them If anything is the mat
ter between them and the superintend
ents. That's what you hired me for, Isn't
By this time a crowd of miners were
standing around gaslng with noticeable
excitement at the man, who Is reputed
to control the big corporation for which
they work.
"Well, let's look at something else,"
remarked Rockefeller, and with Orlfflths
on ons side and Mitchell oa the other, he
strolled across the camp, carrying his
coat over his arm.
Having concluded his Inspection. Rocke
feller and party drove to Lister eamp for
I .
DtM'"l Order. x
WASHINGTON. Sept. 'Specie! Tel
egram.) Mrs. Mary Danielle was ap
pointed postmaster at I Ann junction.
Linn county. Iowa, vt.-e Frank iHtrnelle.
l'h,rUi TlllmaK of Oranse dir. la..
has been appnlntad ssslsisnt observer in
the field service of the weather bureau.
The postofflces at lialgler and Ktaule
ton, Neb., will become International
money order offices on October 1.
German naval commanders now are or
dered to exercise the rights of visit and
search with rcrpect to all American ships
to determine what cargo the vessels carry,
thus making It practically sure that none
will be attacked without warning or
ample time for passengers and crew to
be transferred Irrespectively of the cargo
Considered with reference to the entire
controversy between Germany and the
United States the Prye note Is regarded
as an indication that the Berlin foreign
office la afixioua to avert a .break with
the Washington government. This In
creased today the Interest In Germany's
attitude toward the negotiations over the
Teat of the Kote.
The note follows:
"With regard, first, to the ascertainment
of the damage by experts, the German
(Continued on Page Twelve. Col. Kour.)
Formal Agreement it Signed by Bee
retary of State Laniing- and the
Ciar'i Ambassador.
WASHINGTON, Bept 18. The
formal agreement lifting the Russian
embargo against exports to the
United ' States has been signed by
Secretary Lansing and George Bakh
meteff, the Russian ambassador.
Russian goods will be allowed to
come to the United States consigned
lo the secretary of commerce on con
dition that the Russian government
Is given guarantees that the mer
chandise will not reach Its enemies.
Most Give Bond.
American firms must give bond cover
ing the value of shipments, if any part
of such goods Is exportsd the bond will
be forfeited and the firm involved will
be prevented from obtaining any farther
Russian merchandise. The arrangement
la expected to release millions of doliare
worth of goods to American Importers
held up since the beginning of the war
and will cover practically all goods of
Russian production or manufacture.
"In order to carry out these arrange
ments," said an announcement today by
the Department of Commerce, "It will be
necessary for American firms to file an
application In triplicate with the com
mercial agents In oharge of - the New
York office of the bureau of foreign and
domestlo commerce, asking for approval
for the release of certain, shipments of
goods from Russia, 'i . - -' !-'."
It ."Amsrtoan firms must also Indicate
their willingness te furnish upon request
to the bureau a statement shewing the
sales of all or any part of the shipment
of goods covered by such agreement
Says Water Power -Be
Developed' for-
This Generation
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept M.-Future
generations must be cared for, but so
must we, Senator Clarence D. Clark of
Wyoming told the Western States Water
Power conferenoe here today while the
resolutions committee was busy over Its
majority and minority reports. '
"Within the last twenty years,' 'Mr.
Clark said, "there has arisen a sealous
and busy cult which has taken upon it
self the duty not only of protecting our
selves against ourselves, but of saying
la affect that this generation shall not
eat lest those whe come after may not
have a banquet spread that our homes
shall not be warmed tor tear that coming
generations may not be fully supplied. I
am net unmindful that we should not
waste or destroy the Bounties which He
all about as, but wo remind these ever
enthusiastic gentlemen that unless this
generation is sufficiently warmed and
clothed and sustained there, will be few
future generations te take advantage of
the rich supplies now so strenuously
sought to be hoarded with miserly eara,
"I believe in placing a careful guard
around our resources. I believe la hold
ing to strict accountability, etvtlly ' and
ertmlaally, any man or set of men who,
directly or Indirectly, seek to acquire by
ths least exercise of fraud or deceit any
tights or claims whatever in the publlo
resources of the nation; but for one I
protest most strenuously against any sys
tem of administration that casts sus
picion upon the Just as well as the un
just He would be an uninformed man
who would assort that such a system has
not prevailed to a very great extent"
Too Much Local
Color in Mining
Camp at Expo
BAN FRANCISCO, Sept St. Thirteen
roulette wheels, an assortment of crap
tables and a faro game in a mining
eamp concession at the Paaeme-Paolfto
exposition were suppressed today by sx
position authorities after the California
state commission had protested against
this amount of local color. No money
was paid out on tha games, but It was
charged that scrip Issued to winners was
redeemable In money or merchandise at
various plaoea
Send One Hundred
Thousand More to
Dardanelles Front
BERLIN, Bept tt-(By Wireless te
Rayvllls.) A new army of 114,000 man
has been sent te ths asslstaaoa of the
allied for cose at the Dardanelles, accord
ing to the Overseas news agency.
This ' tnfutnatlon was contained, the
news agency says. In e dispatoh trom
Athena The reinforcements for the
French and British forces are said to
have landed st Mudroa oa Lsmnoa island.
In the Aegsan sea.
Fortren on Dying Which Blocki the
Road to Petrograd it Now the
Objective of the Teutonic
Ccan' Forces Gain Minor Snooett at
Friedrichitadt, Farther Sown
the Rirer.
BERLIN, Sept S3. (Via London)
Th new German offensive move
ment, with its object the capture of
the important Russian fortified ctty
of Dvlnsk, has made definite pro
gress. The war office announced to
day that Russian advanced position!
west of the city had been pen tr a ted,
and that more than 2,000 prisoners
and ssveral machine guns had been
captured. '
. LONDON, Sept. 13. -The strongly
fortifed Russian ctty of Dvinsk, on
the Dvina, 110 miles southeast ot
Riga, hag become the new German
objective, now that the Russian arm
let apparently have escaped from the
Vllna net The German forces east
and southeast of Llda are now mak
ing rapid progress, but their in
creased speed at this time la ex
pected to gain them little In view of
the fact that the safe retreat of the
greater? part ot the Russian forces
now aeoma to be assured.
The chief success of the Grtnana In th.
last day or two has been along the Dvlna
cront, which bars the road to Petrograd.
Southwest of Dvlnsk, the Invaders cap
tured Russian trenches on a front of
nearly two ralles, taking 1.000 prisoners
and eight machine guns. Further down
the river, near niedrlchstadt the Rus
sians nave gamed minor sueoeaa
. Por the tint besnsr tha dmtiMtln ttn.
atlon In Russia la quieaoent The strike
in protest at tha prorogation of the Duma
Bag oeen suspended.'but may be revived
If the government Benrtsts in Its onon. 1
rltlon to the movement In favor of re
assembling Parliament and nertnltttne
ths formation of a new cabinet
Alone the western front tha VMnrii
report destruction of a namnii t.tmi i
Champagne. V Berlin states that the
patrol "wag withdrawn after , destroying
Preaeh werha v , ...
MobitisatiSO erf SulMriui tnrfm
tinues to sxelts keen Interest but the
belligerent aa well as. the neutral world
seems to be in tha dark as to the purpose
which dictates this movement
Preach, Official Report.
PARIS, Bept .-The violent artlllsr
fighting which has characterised the op
erations in Pranoe for more than three
weeks past was continued yesterday and
last night at a number of plaocs along
ths battle line., according to announce
ment, given out this afternoon by ths
French war office. . The engagements
were particularly severs near Rocllnoourt
and to the north and south of ths River
Avre. .'.'
The text of the communication follows.
"In the Artels district the enemy last
night bombarded violently the sector of
Roollncourt, ss well aa our trenches lo
cated to the south of the River Soarpe,
In the department of Pas de Calais, Our
artillery responded vigorously. There
have been some engagements In the re
gion of Neuville. Our artillery has di
rected an Intense and efficacious fire
against the Oarmaa trenches to the north
and south of the Rivet Avre, as well es
upon Beurelgnsa.
"In the Champagne district a German
nuns was exploded yosterday to the
north wast of Perthes, but without oa us
ing Important damages. The fire of our
batteries resulted m the blowing up of
several depots of Oermaa ammunition.
an sights
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