Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    tjik m:K: oM.uia. thihsiuy. skitiimhkw st. i!i;.
For Pile
Pyramid Pile Trcndm-nt I I m-1 At
Home and Ha Nnvnl n Vat
Number from the Horror
of Operation.
l"on't permit a dangerous Kperatio.i
! f of pi lea until you have seen wVit
Pyramid file Treatment can do for you
in the privacy of your own home
Sunday isms at the Tab as
Caught by Our Staff Artist
Bnitmbn Pyramid rorret Files.
No ru ran be rnJItl hnrtflA.a nn'.M
Pyramid I'll Tre atmont lias been trlrd
end has failed. Letters by the ecni-v
from people who believed their cases
hopclcaa are In our files. Thev fnlilv
Incut h Inn nf Ik. n i-ll.ra
'ei nrunw nn Treatment your
self. Either -et a box price liftc
from your druggist or mall t!e cou
rn below right away for a perieetiy
free trial.
pyramid nnru company.
r.28 Pyramid IU.Ik., Marshall. Mich.
Kindly eend me a 1-Yee "u-npe f
Pyramid Til Treatment, In plain
n rapper.
fftv . Stat
To clear up and whiten the skin and
xecure that charm of pink and white
youthful freshness so much desired by
Mil women you will find It far safer to
ely upon a (rood face lotion rather than
powder. To get rid of that shiny and
ji'Uddy appearance In your complexion,
t!ssolve four ounces of spurmax In one-
Jialf pint hot. water, and add two tea
epoonfuls glycerin. Apply thla to your
face, neck end arms, rubbing gently un
til; dry. Thla lotion doea not show or
nib off like powder and la much' better.
It 'la splendid for removlnK tan, freckles,
pimples, and aallowness.
You can make a delightful shampoo
for a very trifling cost If you get from
j our druggist a package of eanthrox and
dissolve a tcaspoonful In a cup of hot
water. Pour a little at a. time on the
scalp and rub briskly. Thla createa an
Abundance of thick, white lather that
thoroughly dissolves and removes all
dandruff, excess oil and dirt. After
rinsing, the hair dries quickly, with r
flufilneaa that makes it eeem heavit.
than it ia, and takes on a rich lustei
and a softness that makes arranging it
a pleasure. Advertisement.
Do not hesitate to promptly heed the
warning your kidneys give you when
they begin to lag In their work. When
you feel those little "squeaky" pains in
the "small of the back;" loss of appe
tite; highly colored urine; weariness you
cannot acoount for It menns that your
kidneys are not doing their work prop
erly. The result may be fatal If neg
lected. The remedy la a simple matter If you
act promptly. Go to your druggist and
Ket a box of genuine OOT.I. MKDAL,
Haarlem Oil Capsules. Haarlem Oil has
been a standard remedy for nil kidney
and bladder troubles elnce IBM. It is
imported direct from the ancient labora
tories at Haarlem, Ho'Jand. Be sure
you get the genuine GOLD MKDAL
Haarlem" Oil Capsules. No substitute
win www tne proper result. Prices, 25c,
wic ana
qis W
V A a good ; V
Black Hand letter Sayi Bomb Will
Be Thrown Into the Biff
A "black-hand" lottfr wit re
ceived by "nttly" Sunday through
th mall yesterday.
The letter otates that Sunday will
be killed at the tabernacle on Thurs
day, September 25, by a bomb, which
will explode at 2 o'c'.ock.
The letter la written on an or
dinary sheet of note paper, in a poor
handwriting, he lines running
"down hill" aoroRs the sheet. It Is
as follows:
"Omaha. Neb., Rept. 20-lfi: Mr. nillle!
Sunday If you don leave ton In to days
you wll be killed by a bomb In the tab-)
Icsnl on Hept. at 15 Capt dont tak thla !
for a Jok for we mean busslea from the!
At the lower, left-hand comer la a
rudely drawn black hand. At the lower
right-hand corner is a large, black circle
representing a bomb, with a fuse running
from it to a clock. The hands of the
clock mark the hour of I o'clock.
Secretary Mathews read the letter, tout
dlil not show It to "Billy." He turned It
over to Chief of Police Dunn after It
was found that none of the postofflce in
spectors Is in the city.
Chief Dunn detailed detectives to try
to trace the author of the communica
tion. If found, he will have to faoe a
federal court.
Restore Far Side
Stop Friday Morning
Bright and early Friday morning the
street railway 10 pie will abandon the
hear, and restore the far side stop plan
In both the down-town and resldenoo dis
tricts of the city. It U probable that
cards wilt be placed In all car notifying
passengers of the change. However, the
street railway officials feel that thla Is
hardly necessary as the matter has been
so thoroughly discussed that about all
the people In the city are believed to know
that the change is to be made.
Menorah Society
Holds First Session
The Menorah society held Its opening
meeting of the season Tuesday evening
In the new club rooms at the Lyrio build
ing. Mr. Morris Fromkln, president of
the. "B'nal Ami" club and Harry Alplrn
were the speakers. Violin selections were
given by Mr. Hsrtog of Chicago, ac
companied by fllgmund LanJsherg. An
open discussion on 'The Synagogue" con
cluded the program. Seventy members
William A. rinkerton, head of the I'ink
ertou IVtectlvo Agency, was a caller at
Clili-f Dunn's office Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. T'inkerton is enroute to California,
where he will stay until after the holi
days. He remarked with enthusiasm on
! the growth of Omaha since last be w as
In the city.
Miss Eunice Bnsor has Just been ap
pointed supervisor of social extension
work In the public schools at a salary
of ll,SM a year. If the woard of Educa
tion will grant the use of schools, as re
quested by the recreation board, it Is
proposed to place Miss Rnsor on the pay
roll of the latter board and assign her to
evening work In the school social cen
ters. This plsn would give Miss Ensor
two positions.
Prank Walger, aged $3 years, a colored
bootblack, was found dead Wednesday
morning behind some billboard at
Twelfth end California streets. He was
a known sufferer from tuberculosis, ami
this Is believed to have been the primary
cause of his death. Coroner Crosby has
taken charge of the body, hut will not
hold an Inquest
Numerous reports to the effect that the
frost of Monday nlsht had not damaged
the Nebraska and Iowa corn to any ex
tent had a tendency to send everything
except oats down another notch on the
Omaha Grain exchange again. Wheat
went off a cent; corn H cent, while oats,
on account of heavy demand, advanced
M m Ik eenta.
Wheat receipts wera thirty-one cars,
selling at V1l.revt. Corn sold at
atlT cents, with thirty carloads on Bale.
Oats sold at HUflfii, cents, with the re
ceipts twenty-nine car.
Ilia fteat Was tlrnaea.
O. D. Wright, Itosemont, Meb writes:
"For about six months I was bothered
with shooting and continual pains In the i
region of my kidneys. My rest was
broke nearly every night by frequetit '
actions of my kidneys. I was advised br'
my doctor to try Foley Kidney Pills and
one BO-cent bottle made a well man ot ,
me. I can always recommend Foley Kid
ney Pills for I know they are good."
This splendid remedy for backache, rheu
matism, sore muscles and swollen Joints
contains no habit forming drugt. Sold
everywhere. Advertisement.
Here Is a fine old-fashioned
ret-lpe for roughs, colds or catarrh
trouble that is absolutely un
equaled. Get from your druggist
1 os. of Tarmlnt (Double Rtrength)
and add to It H pint of hot water
and 4 os. of granulated sugar.
Take one tablespoonful 4 times a
No more racking your whole
body with a cough. Clogged nos
trils will open, air passages of
your head wilt clear and you can
breathe freely. It Is easy to pre
pare, costs little and Is pleasant
to take. Anyone whs has a stub
born cough, hard cold or catarrh
In any form should give this pre
scription a trial. Advertisement.
The odor of escaping gas at North
Nineteenth street at ;J0 a, m., led to the
disco very that J. W. Riggs had been
asphyxiated, presumably by accident
J. P. Wilson, a roomer, who opened the
door to Mr. Riggs room, found an open
gas Jet
The desd man was 40 years of age and
was employed as teamster by the Omaha
Van company. A daughter, son and other
relatives, reside at Princeton, Ind. Coro
ner Crosby took charge of the tody and
may hold an Inquest
Tho Original
Untomm you mmy 'HORLIOK'S
you may gmt m Smbmllittto,
"Unexpected Opening"
The time when a email
capital will be Terjr tiee
ful In starting you up the
ladder of aucceea may
come any day. With a
good Savings account you
will bo able to take hold
and climb easily.
i:M hi
The fleet Farm rsser ef the West.
gga Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturdays Till 9 P. M.
60c and COO. yoar money nos'tivelv re.
furded if you do not get prompt relief,
and soon feel the old-time "ginger" of
youth. Advertisement.
Wedding Sings Edholm, Jeweler.
Bare avoet Mat It Now beacon Preset
Ughtlng rixtmree Burgess-Qrandon.
Teaara Ooaaplsw asovta Jiugiass
classified section today, and appears la
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
lbs various moving picture theaters offer.
lor Safety First ia Ufe Xnsnraace)
see W. H. Indoe, general agent State
Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Worces
ter, Mass., ' one of tho oldest, 71 years,
and beat companies on earth. .
Partial to stalser Judge Foster is not
neutral, but la a partisan of the, Kaiser.
William Beasley, 1417 Cass street, and
J. H. " keteer. ' 361 Parkier street, -were
arraigned. In police court for fighting.
..... r. i .-. .,a ana Kaiser )26.
To Talk Over Boulevard Joe Hum
mel will meet Thursday evening with
the Newport Belvidere Improvement olub
of Thirty-sixth street and Kansas ave
nue in the Central Park school annex to
talk over the proposed boulevard route
from Miller park to Fontenelle park.
Discovery Enables Any
v One to Have CarlyHair
Quite accidentally some one made the
discovery thst the application of ordinary
IJ1 13 sllmerlne would actually turn
straight hair curly and wavy in a few
hours. She told her friends about It,
who In turn told others and now thou
sands of women have profited by the In
urmatlon. The simplicity and harmless-
uees or This method, and the way the
hnlr dries In such pretty our s and
crinkles, will appeal to any one who
tiles It.
The favorite way is to apply the sll
merlne with a clean tooth brush before
i e tiring. The effect upon arising is quite
surprising, the urllness having such a
natural appearance and the hair being so
bright and lustrous. Particularly will
this be appreciated by the habitual U'er
of the despoiling waving Iron which,
haprfly, can new be discarded. The
lliuld rllmer'ne. wMch can of course le
obtained fro"- any drugslst. Is neither
sticky nor greasy.. A few ounces will
keep the hair curly for many weeks.
Mirror of Fashion. Advertisement.
The Easiest Way
To End Dandruff
' There is one sure way that never falls
te remove dandruff completely and that
is to. dissolve lt This destroys it en
tirely. To do this, ust get about four
ounces of plain, ordinary liquid arvon:
apply it at night when retiring; use
enough to moisten the scalp' and rub It
in gently with the finger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or four
more applications will ' completely dis
solve and entirely destroy every single
sign and trace of It, no matter how rnuon
dandruff you may have.
You will find, too, that all itching and
digging of the ecalp will stop instantly,
and your hair will bo fluffy, lustrous,
glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel
a hundred times better.
Tou can get liquid arvon at any drug
Store. It Is inexpensive, and four
ounces la all you will need. This simple
leraedy has never been known to fall -Advertisement.
Bills to Pay Bills
Pour Into Bill's Box;
Please Many Bills
Yes, the inonev to pay bills in the
"Ellly" Sunday campaign is now pretty
nearly all raised and Treasurer 'Billy''
Ure lugged 17,060.111 to the bank to help
pay the bills. This was the harvest of
the Sunday collections.
Naturally the money that "Billy" Ure
took to the bank to pay the expenses of
the "Billy" Sunday campaign was very
gratifying to "Billy" Foshler, chairman
of tho finance committee.
"Billy" Graham, chairman of the aite
committee, and "Billy" Redgwlck, chair
man of the building committee, were
pleased to note that the money for site
rent and for the building is now assured.
The Woman's Federation or Missionary
societies of the Nebraska conference of
the Methodist Episcopal church, will
meet thla afternoon at 4 o'clock at
tho First Methodist church. Mrs. Frank
M. Erlstol. wife of Bishop Bristol, and
president of the Omaha district, will
The speakers will be Mi Ella Wat
son. corresponding secretary of the To
pe k a branch, and Mrs. Bertha Kneeland
Ttillon, a returned missionary from South
America. Miss Hasel Silver will sing.
St. Joseph Citizens
Want Sunday to Help
Them Whip the Devil
A delegation of HL Joseph clllsens will
come to Omaha soon to present to "Billy"
Sunday that city's claim to a campaign.
A meeting was held there Monday to
arrange for the delegation and so high
was the enthusiasm that before It ad
journed more than half the guaranty
sum had been pledged.
Fred C. McMillan of Des Moines a i
drcssed the meeting, at which 4O0 were
present, snd told of Sunday's work In
lies-Moines, crediting him with making
lJes Molrea "dry" and though it mak im
possible prohibition throughout the
Rev. D. M. Claggett stated that about
$20.0 would be required for the ex
penses in St. Joseph. If Mr. Sunday glvou
favorable consideration to St. Joseph's
Invitation, it will be nearly three years
before he can hold a campaign there.
Six Policemen from
Des Moines Who Hit
Trail Tab Visitors
Lieutenant "Jlmmle" Cavonder and five
pollcemcnt from Des Moines are at the
Loyal hotel, having come to Omaha to
hear "Billy Sunday. All of these men
were "trail hitters" during the Sunday
campaign In Des Moines.
gess-Nash Gompany.
'eve r yd odyIs store'
Wednesday, 8optcmbT 22, 1915.
rhono D. 187.
(onahed for Three Years.
A grateful suffurer wrltos: "Your medi
cine, Dr. King's New Discovery, cured
my cough of three years' standing." SOc.
All druggists. Advertisement.
The Northwestern has placed orders
for forty-five locomotives to be deliv
ered during the coming winter and next
spring. Ten of them will go onto the
Omaha road and the others onto the
Northwestern proper. The engines are)
an oi mi racuio mogui ana Mikado type.
8. A. Wood. Seventeenth and llsmev
streets, was arraigned In police court .for
recaiess anving near fmrnam school slid
driving aa auto without a license num
ber. Judge Foster fined him tl and costs.
Motorcycls Officer Anderson made the
arrest and Judge Coley defended him.
A Wonderful Sale of Untrimmed Hats
That Were $2.98, $3.98, $5.00, $7.50 to $10.00, for $2.00
and We Will Trim Them Free for You
Hero is one of the biggest and bebt untriinmed hnt
offerings it has been our good fortune to offer so
"early Hi the season. Benutiful new Bhapes in fine
quality Lyon's velvet, Hatter's plush and Salt's silk
'velvet in black, brown, purple, green, red and navy.
EXTRA SPECIAL A fifty-cent taffeta ?ilk lining free
with every at purchased here Thursday at $2.00.
Borgeea-Vesa, Co eoond moor.
fki Thero nte scores of smart now shapes including tri
UU corns, sailors, jiokes, turbans, high crown sailors, in
fact eviry favored and wanted shape of the season
is here for your selection. The remarkable range of
selection and oxtreme values naturnllv foreshadow
a generous response and we havu provided well for it.
Burgess-Nash Trimming Service KW.
Bargss-jrak Co. eoond floor.
Announcing For
A Sale of
Se Sunday papers and
windows for full partlcluars.
A Rug Sale of
"n tbs must er tri cn?
PR f g Am Bts Mt Trains and ftmr
Wi ars substituting- religiousness for
Christianity Is the only sympatfcetls
religion that er.r cam Into the world.
Whenever the church makes its oh.
serranoss and forms the sad tastead of
the means to the end, the world wiU
turn Its back oa the church.
There are thousands who forget re
ligion and allow ths forms of religion
to tak ethe plaee of religion I And the
forms most he asstroysd before religion
wUl perfame your life.
Fraying la aot aa aot of devotion.
Reading the Bible is not aa at of de.
Totiosi going to ehoroh and par ahtag
of the communion Is aot aa aot of As.
votioa. These are simply aids te Aero. I
The world la aoglaalag te realise that '
religion does sot consist la tolas; a lot
ef special thing. .Tea if brands as re.
ligloas. Bat religion consists la aotaa;
all thlairs la a special way, as Oo4 has
A Valuable
"First Aid"
in sickness of the
Stomach, in liver and
bowel disorders and
in general weakness
can be found in
Stomach Bitters
It helps Xtiture pro
vide the necessary
digestive properties
required for the per
fect itsimilation of
food, thus creating
and maintaining bet
ter health at all timet.
You should trv it.
Be Sure You Get H0STETTER'
Orsss Halts, TaasAos. Frlaos
Alberta, auk BLats. ramps
ltl; (ot sal. er rant.
. Mall Orders a husctalty.
raoae XX siaa. opea IrtaUra
nomaa Motel anas-.
08 M. J Tin Omaha, BTeb.
Vital Importance
to eTeryone with a borne to
brighten up Jor tho coming sea
son. The rugs are the product ot
the very best makers In a splen
did assortment of new patterns
and colorings. As an example:
Full room site, 9x11 feet rugs of
extra heary relvet. splendid as
sortment of new patterns and col
orings, the usual price would be
$1.60; sale price Thursday at,
only $12.00.
927.50 Axmlnstcr Kug. 917.05
Good quality of axmlnster In a
beautiful line In both Oriental and
floral patterns. Regular $17.50
values, at 917.05.
940 Wilton Rugs, $30.05
Royal Wilton Rugs,, full xl 3
foot slse. In a wide selection of
the newest designs. Regular $40
values, specially priced at 920.05.
9-1.50 Axininstor Rocs. 92.05
Axmlnster rugs, slse 18x63 inches,
all new patterns and colorings,
were $3.60: sale price $2-05.
Royal Wilton Rugs
Greatly Reduced
Made of the best quality worsted
yarn and the best dye, a splendid
selection of Oriental patterns
from which to choose colorings
suitable for any room.
Rugs. 18x36 Inches, $2. SO values,
at $1.75
Rugs, $7x54 Inches, $4.75 values,
at $1.23
Rugs $6x63 Inches, $4.75 values,
at $'-25
Rugs 2-3x9 feet, $12.00 values,
at $7.15
Hugs 3-3x13 feet, $14.00 values.
at $9.50
Rugs 2-3x14 feet, $15.50 values.
at $10.50
rg a Wash Ce ThlrA rioor.
An Unusual Sale of WOMEN'S
$5.00 and $6.00 SHOES at $3.35
Here is n splendid opportunity to buy your Fall and
Winter shoos from a selected stock of correct styles for
the coming season at greatly reduced prices. This lot
embraces satins in lace or button models;
patent leather in button fitylo with white
uubuck tops and various other $5.00 and
$6.00 lines iu ono big lot in tho basement
at $3.35.
Women's $3.50 to $4.50 Shoes at $2.35
One big lot inckdintr patent leather
with colored or black tope, lace or
bntton fetyle; dull calf boots with
plain too, lace or button, etc.;
shoes priced regularly at $3.50,
$4.00 and $4.50. special Thurs
day at $2.35.
Bargees. Wash Ce, Basement.
Mr$. Moulton Will Cut,
Fit and Pin Your New
Ak-Sar-Ben Gown
Free of Charge
MRS. Moulton and her staff
are here again this wee It
by popular request. They will cut.
fit and pin any material you may
buy at 08c the yard or over free.
Mrs. Moulton and her staff will
be of Inestimable value to you la
helping plan ajid make your Fall
and Winter wardrobe a success
with tittle expense. Come and
benefit by her suggestions and In
structions, Drugs and Toilets
Jap Rose soap,
per cake.. ..So
Powder Puffs,
individual en
velope ...,10c
tooth pasts.SOc
Mtne. Ise'bell's
Face Powder,
60c slse..,10e
Dr. Grave's
Tooth Powder,
1 6c value. .15e
Sharing Soap,
per cake. .SHe
Dandertne, (Oe
slse avo
8 a r 1 ft
Hereth Sodium
Phosphate, 50c
slse 29c
Bargess-lTash Co. sCaia 11 eoe,
Five Cents First Payment Delivers a Stand
ard Make Sewing Machine to Your Home
Howe, $10.75. Paragon, $29.75. AatomaUc, $38.00. fiimftr, $24.75. Xew Home, $19.73.
AltEMAltKATJLE opportunity to secure a Standard make souing machine on easy
terms. Come to our department, pick the machine you like best register and pay
five cents and the machine will be delivered Immediately to your home. Tou pay the balance) la small
weekly or monthly payments.
Every Machine is Guaranteed.
Ten years to a life-time guarantee with every machln e. Brand ne- machines at the 1 oar est prioea you aave
shared In for a long time. A few used salesman's samples Included In this lot at ridiculously low prioaa.
Free lessons In sewing every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 to 11 a. m. and 8 to 4 p. Be.
Burgees-Mass Co Talrfl Floor.