Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Han IaroWei Continuout TJie ef
Artillery on Vast Scale Along
the Entire Line.
PARTS, Sept 33. General Joffra,
tha French comtnamler-ln-rrilef, and
the allied commanders on this front
- Field Marshal Sir John Trench
and King Albert of Belgium are
developing a new plan of campaign
that Involves the almost continuous
Lie of artillery on a vast scale along
the whole line.
Masses of artillery hava brr employed
by both sides since the beginning of op
erations la preparing (or Infantry attacks,
paundlns their adversaries' works tor an
hour or two. then suddenly suspending
fire and assaulting with Infantry. The
allies are now methodically maintaining any mora than you ran drive the po'
thlr shell fire for days at a time with- onous secretion from a rattlesnake by
out Infantry attacks, dropping projectiles
upon the charred front Into every fifty
yard square and repeating the process
a deadly, automatic unmeaning pounding.
The heavy caliber guns sent their stuck
on the first company of reserves behind
the lines and upon bridges snd prevision
trains. j
Official reports obtained by the French '
army officers from their own observers,
from prisoners and from photograps made
by avlatora show that parts of the op
posing lines which have been subjected
to this unceasing bomhadment have been
putting a clothespin on Ha talL
t don't say there may not be genuine
rasea of death-bed repentance, but they
are few. There la only one mentioned In
the Bible, only one to my knowledge
the thief on the cross. That Is the first
opportunity the thief ever had of giving
himself to Jeatis.
If you sinners had grabbed the first
! ding at a very fashionable church. The
( bride, a beautiful girl of about twenty
: one, came down the alnle smiling. She
was marrying a banker who was very
As they reached the front a woman
heavily y:elled lifted her veil and the
bridegroom cried out:
My Ood, la thst you?"
The woman said: "Yea, here Is your
The bridegroom was gasping for breath
j and the bride-to-be fainted and was car
ried out. The audience fled In terror
and soon there was nobody left In the
church but the groom and his 4-year-old
one single sinner In this tabernacle to-1
nlcht. Not one. air. I
Nine times out of ten the man who Is
afraid to die until after the preacher has
come and prayed with him will go right
bsck Into the old life If he get well.
rendered entirely untensble, and that the
bet the Germans can do U to reoccupy " " " " boy crying for his mother.
their abandoned worka after the bombard- ( Kola Love Things God Hates. J That was not repentance because the
ments havs let up and then leave quickly jMIM didn't say a word to the Hamad- , banker was sorry for what he had done,
when the showers of projectiles begin to tn Womsn about being damned. He ' Ilepentance Isn't promising or renolv
f oil sgaln. didn't say anything about fire and brim- l'g to do better. Why, the devil will let
' ntone to Zaccheus and Matthew, and yet you do that every day In the week, If you
Me.. Tnener th epdlet. tmhhdy will dare to say that they did are willing to let It go at that.
FREMONT, Neb., 8ept 8. (Mrs. Etta not Ugion right: I 1 '",'t v M"" ever been a
8. Turner wss given a verdict of II.WO In He didn't say anything to the woman wicked man In Omaha who was not Con
ner suit sgslnst the Canadian Paclfla caught In ths very act of adultery other tlnually promising himself that be was
Railway company for the loss of Jewels than. "O and aln no more," going to turn over a new leaf. Why. bless
while traveling on the company s lines a
year ago. Mrs. Turner sued for 2,400.
Bee Want Ads rroduc Results.
God Commands Every Man to
Repent His Sins, Says Sunday
"Billy" fiundsy's sermon Inst night was
est "Repentance." lie raid
Text: "Ood comma nd m n 'everywhere
to repent." Acts xvll. 90.
The first thing John tho Bsptlst
prescbed was repentance and the first
thing Jeaus and His dlsolples preached was
repentance, but we very seldom hear a
sermon on repentance today, rienty of
pieachers In a long ministry never
preached one single sermon on repent
They have preached on everything else,
i.ut have given repentance a wide beiil
prohablr '"r the ram reason that the
.clored rrca'-lt"'! never llhedi to preacn
telnet Htealins chickens, "because It
nlwi-.x utpearcj to throw such a cold
nil's ovr tho meeting and made so many
1 1 iivrihnis freese up towards him
like "
No instler who preaches en repentance,
he I hound to stir up the serpents of
opposition. t don't take a preacher long
to f nd out that It Is much easier to set
along pleasantly In his ministry and
have the salary raised now and then by
making people feel satisfied with them,
Of all tMnrs that ws bat more than
anything else Is to see ourselves as we
really are. We hate that which shows
up our Mutts snd blemlahes. That la one
reason why so many people don't like my
p ain preaching.
No photographer could make a living
taking ri' lures If he made a correct Use
less of everybody who come along. If ha
illi n t rrtou h the negative and take out
the utly rpots, (he woman with a squint
nd tho man with a wart on lila noss
ould (.o m mewhere clae for pictures.
It l.i said that sn elephant will not
'.link out of clear water, for when he
h-cs his "s'v face reflected In It he Is
f-firvcl t,j fury and lashes the water
Into loam.
There must bo a good deal' of human
nature about an elephant.
It la for this very reason thst sn
mnny people do not like the Bible. It
make them see their own wicked hearts,
nd they, can't bear that '. f,
IVninlo don't Ilka preaching: that gees
.it. them rough-shod and find sore
l imes oi them. They , want sermons ci
ihr You-t ckle-mo-and-ni-tlckle-you
kind "-preaching that pata them en the
!'ur and makes them feel like a noy
-unit his mouth full of butterscotch.
meeting he probably said. "lord, help
me hit that old sinner between the eyes
snd hit him hard," and then to make
auro that there should be no mlaunder-
Tf tm.r waa necessary I would never you, I knew when I had done wrong as
have been saved. I had no fear of Ood; well as any Christian In this house.
I had no fear of what might come. My No man can take advantage of another
own conscience told me I wss wrong In a trade and feel like a saint about It
and I wanted.' to be right because I afterwarda even If he never saw a Bible
wanted to know Ood and ttecause I saw or heard a sermon preached.
very clearly that It waa the right thing N"- man ran ruin a trusting woman
io a,,, j without despising himself for It. The
Tou' are the biggest fools this side of women who has deceived her husband
hell when you want to do the things knows that she has sinned whether she
which Ood does not .want you to do, and ever goes to church or not t
you love the things that Ood hatee. I There Is something that kee'ps you from
When the prodigal In the mldt of the the arms of Jesus. I don't know what
squealing, hungry swine came to him- it Is. It Is none of my business, but you
elf and said, "I will arise and go to win have to give it up or you will lose
my father, he didn't start for home your soul.
standing he pointed to the sinful woman he waa afraid his father would For the prodigal son's repentance
who was lolling on the purple cushion
beside Herod and In a voice that drew
blood like a Damascus blsde, he said,
"It Is not lawful for thee to have thy
brother's wife, rut her away."
And next we see Herod Is galloping
away In high dudgeon and soon a bsnd
of aoldlers come to lead Ood's lion
hearted prophet away to prison.
The old king no doubt felt better when
he knew that Ood's man was behind the
bars, but ha little knew thst he could no
mora get away from the truth that had
been hurled at him than he could lock
up Ood's wind and wavea
It waa a more wicked thing for Herod
I to put John In prison than It was to live
i been preschlng here nearly
three weeks and I know there are some
Paul said to him and yet he kept right
on living an adulterous lire as doio.
it very likely to be brought about by fear
alone, you can depend upon hum.
If you do what your conscience tells
you there won t be a single man or
woman to go out of this Tabernacle to
night without giving their heart, to Oo
Repentance Is not conviction. u
a great many think It Is, and I have
heard preaching that said It was. Men are
... 4.iv convicted of sin. but they
with his brother's wife, for by so doing go on in the same slniui way aa '"'",jr
he was hurling his open defiance against
Almighty Ood.
The awful thing about sin of any kind
is that it will grow so fast "
John the Baptist preached repentance
with cotirage and with power, and he
preached It so that the people could un
derstand It and they were convinced ef It
as they always are when It is preached
All kinds of sinners went, to him and
said. "What shall we doT" And he to'd
them and many of them walked In the
light and became disciples like Andrew.
Ood will give plenty of light to the man
who Is lost lu the dark and wants to get
out of It In God's way.
Tt may help us to a better knowledge
of Just what repentance Is to first glance
at something that repentance Is not
What Repeatsaee la.
First repentance Is not fear, and yet
a great many people have such an al
together mistaken Idea ef repentance that
they think no one can repent In a way
that will please Ood unless he la first
scared almost to death.
They seem to think that the man who
Is to be a Christian must first be hauled
up to the very brink of hell, where he
can see the fire and the brimstone and
look down with staring eyes Into Its
awful depth
They think he must have an awful fear
of death and turn pale and shiver with
. . . am ..I . . ' ft 1 ....
find him and horsewnip mm u na - meant leaving the hog pen and going
Ha saw very cleariy that It was the thing baok to his father's house and saylngt
for him to do. ; "Father, I have sinned." For Simon
Repentance Is something that goes rter It meant leaving the sea to follow
down Into a man a good deal deeper jeo,U( and for you It will mean to do
than being afraid of the consequences of whatever Is needed to make you right
his sins. Repentance is not ismr, with ood.
tau a man feel certain that the Lord fr Mke one afflicted with the ague
every time he sees a hearse.
When a man discovers that he Is on
the wrong train and Is heeding In the
wrong direction from that which he
should go he doesn't have to be afraid
of an awful wreck to make him leave the
wrong train and get on the right one as
soon as he can.
Man doesn't need to be afraid of hell
because be thinks he Is going to die.
Jesus said there was an endless hell
for the loet sinner, snd He pulled aside
txJmlrea him snd you will be a great
u eaehrtr to him.
Hut John the lisptlst was not that klr.d
of ii it .teller and neither was Jesus
cl ih l nr any of His dlsclplee with the
xi option of Judite,
TliHt in why John was thrown Into
prlann snd had his head taken off. He
opened Ms Hlhie right square in the
middle end cried, -"Repent ye. repent ye,
ror tlm Kingdom of Ood is at hand."
"ottie I'rrirkrra Doa't Ksiew There
la Devil.
M' prr-Hclicd plain and took a dead
aim at the Dinners on the front scats.
.Vu woii'Vi it stirred up a hornet's neat
f t t
If you hear the preacher say that he
Jun't believe In a devil, you can Just bet
our' hiU then that be does and knows
there Is ' a devil. Ain't that right
The men who do any preaching on re
pentanco know there is a devil as well as
they know what kind of a dinner they
like, for .they have heard him roar.
There waa no chance for any sinner
to feel comfortable under John the Bap
tlst's preaching, for he held up the clear
glass of Ood a word and made people)
look and sue themselves In It
John had a backbone that was bigger
than many a man's whole body and with
mote flinch than you could find In a
Quaker meeting. n 0i,i mng
Herod? 'H la not lawful for you to have
yoir brottiui Philip's wife; put her away.
Yon Inour the wrath of Otd every minute
you live with that woman."
That's why the wicked old king laid
, violent hands on Ood's chosvn messen
ger and landed him In prlaon. It was the
keen edge of John's preaching that took
his own head off.
I know preachers, and so do you. whs
eoutd have been so non-committal In
their preaching that the lecherous king
wmJd have been shouting happy every
time he heard thorn preachers who would
have catered t hie vanity hi thrlr vary
preyers by thanking Ood ttu-.t lie placed
over them each a wine and vlrf.ioua king,
one who knew what religion was snj
had a double portion of It
Ota step has been taken towards Im
proving publto morale and that ia to sign
tn by its right name.
Most people take poison through a
mlunrirstandtng. . If you would label
:he bottle with great big black words
yuii would not take It because you would
l afraid you would die. The devil can
apjear as an a use! and In that disguise
Ue dtes his moat effective work.
avith CswaiaaSatsal Kees
- If a plain devtl rose up In our midst
he would not seooropium anything. You
would be too airs.. It Is not a whole
condition to have too many syn
onyms for lylug. stealing and adultery.
I tell you that the roan who takee that
wl.lch does not belong to him Is a thief,
f don't care what you would call him.
Ths man who dooelvea his neighbor Is a
Adultery adultery. Tou can call
il affinity If you want to. Affinity Is
ti'ilv ndultrry.
The (seventh Commandment should be
levuMtd to read. "Theu Shalt not commit
'i Jli.ry.' then an appendage reading.
'I'hoj atilt not commit affinity." Ths
.Tiii; Commandment Is sacred and
v iiuf vr breaks it Is abhorred by Ood,
J.n U.a Ilsptlat saw Herod's
sail-ping up the stieat to ths
When John the Baptist said to King
llerod, "Repent for the kingdom of
heaven Is at hand." he meant get rlRht
with God at once, for now Is your chance.
IT Favoritism with God.
Borne of you here may never hear an
other sermon. Herod was a king and had
a high position above his people. And
In this It may be that you are like him.
You wtay be high tip In life, high up In
society, high up In the rating of Dun and
Rrsdatreet'tti it Is hard for vou to Bret
. MMulotMl and i , . ..n .
men here wno snw ...-. a own on your Knees ana say, uoa, do
troubled on account of their sins that j meui to me, a sinner." But that
they can hardly eat and sleep. If I told don.t jn any difference with Ood.
ou some of them were In busineas, you you Jve m Farnam or , ,he
would be astounded. They are convicted, Nd Hght dl,trlct- Tou mtij ive jn n
but they keep on In the same way. j ptlaca cf twenty.flve rooms or a hovel
Felix was so deeply convicteu oy I of , You w,u , and go to
hell If you don't repent. The
is no
makes ho comparison.
favoritism with Ood.
There are no favorites with Ood. Ood
commands the millionaire to repent and
If he don't he will go to hell the same
ill? ,et J" i? lnto th w! will very likely change our residence
- V took Body
men Into being good, for He knew very ,
won mat tne repentance that comes only
through fear lasts only as long as the
fesr does.
along and I talked to them for a little
They all looked like they were sorry
for what they had done and when I
was going some one said, "Let'a sing
a hymn," and the whole bunch lined
up and sang. "Ood Be With You Till
damned Is no mora good in his heart than I w Mot Again."
a lamb In a lion case Is a lion. I It struck me as being rather lnoon-
The moment you take away the fear of aruous. but it got tangled up la my
punisnment he will be as bad as ever. heartstrings In some way.
Tou can't soars, "peopls into repentance There was to b a fashionable wed-
i i.... rwwnnie who come and go In
there meetings that are convicted and
know of their sins Just as well as they
know their own names. They know their
.1 ... wail aa they know what
direction to take to go home tonight as the bootblack who Is shining his
from this Tabernacle. I shoes In the barber shop. The society
All repentance Is not feeling sorry be- woman win lose her soul Just as quick
csuse you have done wrong. There never as the maid who welts on her. If she
wss a wrong-doer who did not feel sorry don't repent The things that Ood Is
for his wrong-dxln when it waa found against are the things . you have to
out or got him Into trouble. give up.
When I wag a Uttle boy I waa always Repentance means doing what Ood
sorry the moment I saw my mother commands you. There can be no com
gettlng a switch. promise with God.
The man who does mean things lwy '. Soon after Gypsy Smith was converted
has to feel mean about It when he gets wsll-meanlng old brother said to hire:
alone with himself and God has ordained i suppose you have a time every night
that no one shall do wrong and find when you fix up with Ood for whatever
happlneas In It you hava dona wrong during the day."
Many a man who Is earnestly sorry Gypsy was horror-struck and replied:
that he has done wrong goes right on "N0, I would never do that Ood shows
doing It I don't believe a man wants me that I have done wrong the very
to get drunk. I believe most of thera minute that I do It and I fix it up with
don't want to get drunk. The same Him then." '
with the man who quarrels with his The trouble with most of you folks Is
wife; he knows he did wrong, but he that you try to do busineas on the pass
will quarrel with her again. ooh Pln with God and you don't fix
I don't think I ever spoke 1n UD HI"1 nT oftener than you do
prison without seeing strong evidences w,th th mn who sells your groceries,
before me that the men were very sorry n1 'ou an't weigh any more
for their wrong-doing. I for " m.",.aB. d0-
i imi jruu a oeneva wa snouia Dnng
Stories of Jail. ' our repentance down to a spot cash basts
J was Invited up to a Jail once and If we want to have power In prayer and
I told them I would go, but they said, testimony. You must make It a rule te
"You had better come before Friday, get light with Ood the very minute He
BUI. The court Is In session and we tens you that you are wrong.
Lt the wicked forsake his way. no
matter how profitable It may be. If you
As soon as the fear Is gone the religion
is gone, -ma man who tries to be good
only because ha was afraid of being
are In a business that Ood Is not 1n,
then for God's sake get out of the business.
When John Vassar was In the brewery
business he knew he could not brew beer
and go te heaven, and was up against the
question of whether he would keep the
brewery and go to hell, or whether he
would give it up and go to heaven.
He gave tt op and became one of the
greatest soul-winners of the nineteenth
Now men and women of Omaha, you
The Best Mil
Cannot grind gootl flour from poor wheat, nor can the hiunan body get good
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Right food the kind the system re
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It pays to keep oneself in tho highest
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The human stomach stands much abusa
but It won't return good health If you giro
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If you feed rtirht you will feel rUht. for
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"A year ago I became much alarmed
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"I lost appeUte and tha very thought at
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"Thera waa no one to shoulder my
household burdens, and coma what might
I must bear them, and this thought nearly
drove me frantic when I realised that my
health was breaking down.
"I read an article In the paper about
some one with trouble Just like mine benlt
benefited by Crape-Nuts food and acting
on thts suggestion I gave Grape-Nuts a
trial. The first dish of this delicious food
proved that I had struck the right thing.
"My uncomfortable feelings In stomach
and brain began to disappear and In a
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I have gained It pounds in weight through
a summer of hard work and realise I am
a very different womsn, all due to tha
splendid food, O rape-Nuts.'
"There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
know what It Is In your life thst is keep
ing yo sway from Goo. You know to
night why you are not Christiana, why
you are not rejoicing In the light
It didn't require the preaching of John
the Baptlat to tell llerod It was wrong
to live with his brother's wife. He knew
It waa wrong aa well as the grocer knows
tt Is wrong to put sand In the sugar, or
the merchant knows It la wrong to sell
goods by a thlrty-flve-tnch yardstick.
It la not for me to te.l you what It la
In your life that Is wrong. God has al
ready done that but It Is my place as a
preacher to cry out to you. Repent! Re
pentto back you up against the wall
and hold you there until you repent God
commands that men everywhere shail
I don't know what it Is thst keeps you
awsy from Ood. It may be Illicit love,
it may be anything. But give it up. It
must be done to save your soul.
Hlddea Sla.
Borne of you may have a hidden sin
thst your very best friend msy not even
suspect a sin that drlvea you to do the
things you abhor and hate.
There was a young business man In
Chicago, who came home and found his
wife Insane. He did everything to induce
her mind to return, and after tnking her
down to , the mountains In Tennessee,
where she romped ss a little girl. In the
hope that her mind might return, but
without success, we returned home.
He carried her to her room and she
slept for fifteen minutes, she slept for
three hours, for four hours, she slept all
night and until noon next day, and when
she opened her eyes said:
"Oeorge, where am IT"
"You are home, wife." waa the reply. '
She said: "Where have you been?"
"I have been right here every hour,
wife; I have never been away from your
side." . -
Ood Is waiting for some young man or
woman to look up and open their eyes
and say:
"Lord, where have you been' '
He would say: "I have been watching
and waiting beside you for fifty years,
for seventy years, waiting for you."
Ood Is waiting for you to repent and
ask for forgiveness. You can have It
(Copyright. William A. Sunday.)
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TODAY Cooattauoaa, Trass 1 fx ss.
- aa T 9. as. e 11 . aa.
as4 Vaibary Csast sag Faaasaa Ss
posltloa. Lswsara ky Cap, at. t.
Lswla. rieavsav Cnlmateva Sraiaa.
Arsermeeaa. iai realags. lOsvaoa.