Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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Wsdaiaa- aUnga Mholm, Jeweler.
Utv Hoot mnt It Nod He-aeon rresa
Li(bUa- natures Burgeee-Orandon,
loses Kis Watok A. R. Stone.
outh Twenty-second, reports the theft
t a valuable watch to the police.
lOfhtfeos Asks Dlvoros Krl w.
Llghtfoot ha brought au.t for divorce
OJra nst Dl!a C. Ughtfoot. charging
cruel ur.
"Isaays Oomplata arorts rror"
elaaaHlou secUm: luoav, ami kpvra to
The Bee BXCIA'HIVKLY. Find out what
the various moving picture theaters oifer.
Miu Anita King Mwts Many Thrill
in? Experiences While Cross
ing Continent.
"Would I do It over again? Indeed
not. Now I know what hardships I
old Court at worfoik Thomas j uld 'mve to endure. You can Just
bet when I net to New York. I'm go
in to travel hack to 'Frisco like a
laiy, on the best overland road."
Thus spoke Anita King, the pretty
Paramount movie star, who Is making
the trip from Frisco to New York by
automobile, traveling all alone.
Miss King started from Han Franclaco
Sriitemtx-r 1 amt experts u reach her
destination October l. She has many
hnrrnwlnic ns well a humorous experi
ences of htr cross-country tilp to relate.
Three nights Miss Kinit spent on the
divert, atmoft overcome with fear. In
tho snowshcils in the Slorra mountain.
encountered a tramp who In.l.t.H
O. Munger, Marshal Thomas riynn, At
torney Thomas 8. Allen and Clerk K. C.
Hoyt. all of the federal service, are holt
tng court at Norfolk.
Too Cold la This Schools Park. Lttke
and South Lincoln schools were closed on
account of lack of heat. Exrlitlon at
school headquarters was that the healing
plants were not ready.
Tot tafety flrat la Life Xattrece
see W. H. Indue, general -incut State
Mutual t.lfe Assurance Co. of Worces
ter. Alass., one of the oldest, 71 years,
and best companies on earth.
Bound OTir oa Car Theft Chart's El
Phabian, ciiaraeu nh tn tue-u 'i a ear
from V. I). Woodwurth ft Co., was
arraigned in court nnd bound over
to the district court, with bonds fixed
ttt ITCO
rinds Aatoo aUUos William Ash of
.mi nno ,fi nim travel in her car with
Pretty Hotel
Cashier Who
$300,000 Heart Balm
.,- y . .? J
fy Y
llouaht ller Klnwer.
"I wouldn't permit myself to show how
frlRhtened 1 was. hut I handed him m
hsd in the car and
Commissioner Kugel Writes Street
Car Officials Suggesting System
Be Restored Forthwith.
we will Ret liral travel hnck to the old
plirt Irf-forc the ru.h starts, liut'ff'Vf
sh mid have to wait until the rnrnlvnl
ernwds eoturm m in pour In. a chanan
th.-ii would cause first confunlon."
Charity Concert
Course Tickets for
Symphony Number
Miss Lyvah J. Palyers, who Is suing
Olen I. Boiler of Griswold, la., for
J.tne.nno damages for alleged breach of
promise to marry her, had a husband fliuft it in Oinana. ha.lnrf just
returnea rrum wmwi'M i f1ftBk of wnl,kjr ,
raoo. nmra w.e.c .... '"" " ' . i asked him to come to the theater In ' durlnff a period of two months, two years
uus ut iuc ..-i" Heno where I niw..H .v,.
I urt enough ho came and brought nt a
wiuea bouquet of flowers."
I Miss King also received a proposal on
i her trip. In Wyomlns she gave a lift to
, a sheep herder who was carrying a
I wounded liiinb to town. He said ho ad
mired her courage In maklnx tho trip
alone and after detailing all his earthly
possessions asked. "Wouldn't you like to
nuike this trip our honeymoon trlpT"
Metw.en Grand Island and Kearney,
.Miss King s car was stuck In the mud.
A farmer came along with a load of
hay and hoisting the pretty movie actress
atop tho loal of hay with him, he cf.
Urcd to send another team to pull her
out or the mud. They drove alona
he has with him In Omaha.
Dja Works TaLe Listing liabilities of
Ji.0fir..73 and assets of S.4.88. George W.
Goldsmith and Ordncr J. Heath, doing
business as the Tnln City Dye Works,
have filed their voluntary petition in
hankruptcy In the federal court.
Draws Twenty Days Wllli.mi Harris
colored, of Pt. Joserh, Mo., came to
Omaha Monday tu see the while lights.
He fell In company with a Caucasian
ri:ral!te, who latr missed lp and hud
Harris arrested. Harris was seutenced to
twenty das In the county Jail on a
rhsrge of vagrancy.
Bound Over for Toting- Onn Phillip
MarscUo, Seventh nwd t iiciilc streets,
was urrested In the railroad yards near
tho I'nitn depot Monday night charged
with csrrylng concealed weapons. He
was bound over to the dlstr.ct court
Tuesday morning, with bonds fixed at
STjO. officers of the I'nlon Pa
ilflc tnndf the. arrest.
She eloped with George F. Oahlo. a
salesman of Council Bluffs, now of Den
ver, came to Omaha and was married to
him In August, 101S. In October they
patted and tho following March they
were divorced.
Mr. Oshlo Is visiting his parents in
Council Bluffs and friends In Omaha.
"Glen I. Boiler la the man she Is
suing, eh." said Oshlo. "I don't know
him. A friend of mine ho knows him
says Roller Is wealthy.'
Miss Halyers Is of very prepossessing
appearance and Is a gisccful dancer and
popular In her circle of fi lends and ac
She was horn at Malvern, la
went to school there
Commissioner KtiKel has written
to officials of the Omaha & Council
Itluffs Btrc-et Hallway company, aug
Rostina; thnt the far-aide Mop ayrtem
ho restored forthwith, notwithstand
ing thnt nn ordinance repealing the
nir-sHle stop plan will not he In
lestnl force for three week.
The traction company people are plnn-
niii;; to go hack to the old system witmn
tin t-.ext few days.
In this connection Coutn U Bluffs citi
zens sent the city council a petition, ask
In that the near-side stop l suspended
at Fourteenth and Douglas strait on ac
count of a saloon location.
tar t'nmsssr Head?.
The street railway company people are
ready to change from the near to tho fggggs;
fsr side atop plan as soon as they get
I the word frjin tha City council. At the
oM.-e of the general manager it Is as
s.ried thnt nothing will be done until
this word Is received. nelatlve to the
change, Ueneral Manager Smith, said:
We have nothing to do but wait until
the council Issues Its order to make the
and irhnnee from the near to the far side stt.
wc think that we ousht to
Tickets for the pcrmrmanee hy the
Boston Symphony orcliesira In the chnr
I'v concert cour-e will he flared on sale
this morning at the several downtown
stores where the course tickets erp sold.
The holders of coupon hooks may secure
these tickets at these stores and ex
el'Htise them for reserved scuts at the
Auditorium hnx office. Plngle admission
tickets may he purchased also by those
who do not hold coupon books. The con
cert by the Boston Fymphnny orchestra
will Is given on the evening of Thmr iay.
October 7.
heek -or TeH I nngk,
Dr. Bell a l'lne-Tar- Honey will stop
our cough snd strengthen your lunes.
Get a hottls now. Only ?."x All drug,
gists. Ad vert Iscmrnt.
I - i ii.
Delegates to tho-
M. E. Conference
Arc Gathering
More thsn hs'f of the ministerial and
lay delegates to the Nebraska, Methndiet
conference have already reached the city.
Business sehs.ons for the ministers will
begin at the First rhurch this
morning nt S :'o o'clock. The session
for Isy delegates will begin Krldsy si
'he First CoiiKregstlonnl church. Just a
block from the conference headquarters.
No sessions will be held during the
afternoon and meetings at the "Dllly"
Sunilav Tabernacle, where all tho dele
gates are expected to assemble to gain
exper'enre and wisdom from the evan
gelist's conduct of the trall-hlttlng.
Bishop Frank M. Bristol will preside
nI the conference sessions. Bishop W.
F. oh'ham w'!l be one of the distin
guished speakers on the program Fundsy
snd "Ma' Sunday will speak Friday.
Tuesday's work consisted entirely of
examinations or about thirty-five under
graduale Methodist theology students by
a board of ministers headed by the Rev.
It. N. Onl'l of Fnlrbury and tha Rev. J.
Henry St tt of Pawnee City.
Then she moved However,
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George j,,) tia'k to the old plan before the Ak-
Salyers. to a farm near Loveland, la.
One Friday night she went to a dance
In Council Bluffa and met Oshlo. Then
she attended several dances with hlin.
and liter she moved to Council Bluffs.
An elopement afterward resulted.
Some tlnio after the divorce Mas
Salyers secured employment In Omaha,
where she met Mr. Boiler. She alleges
he promised to marry her, but he took
back the promise.
Har-Ben crowds come. If we start soon
The King of Steel Ranges
Placad in Your Home on 33 Cays' Free Trial
a little way when the hay cart struck a I agents
int. upsetting the hay, movie actress and
( farmer all In a heap.
Although Jauntily attired In a ros
j colored suit and large black list while
In the city. Miss King wears none sucn
fripperies en route. Him wears a costume
ueaignea especially for her of heavy.
long- Term for Insulting- Womsa Ol 1 in , rainproof material. She wears the
Woods, colored, nrrcs.etl for me iirann
or fifth time f-r innuitlng women on the
streets, according to Judge Foster, was
sentenced to sixty days in the county
Jail by the niHstistrnte. Woods waa ar
rested hy Officer Caldwell at Fourteenth
and Hodite streets, on complaint of Victor
Nielsen, who ast-eited that the colored
man was making a practice of Insulting
each ic.Hiiim female pedestrian.
irousers. over which she s Ids a aklrf of
the same material when she approachca
the city, and high boots and a tight
fitting cap.
M ss King has averaged about 100 milts
a day each day of her trip In her Klssel
Kar. Mr. Kllly of the Noyes-Kllty company.
for the KlsselKar In this sec
tion, accomranted by Mayor Pahlman
and. a number of friends met Miss KlnK
at Fremont and accompanied her to
Omaha. Mr. Kllly surprised her by ap
pearing In the latest tyre of the new
KlsselKar four-paasigcr roadster. Miss
King la using the original set of Fire
stone tires with which aha started tho
Apartments, Tata, houses and cottages
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Kent."
The Merchants hotel, which for many
years has be-en conducted on the Ameri
can plan, has been changed by Pan
Gaines, proprietor, to a Kuropean plan
hotel with tho price of the rooms re
maining the same, but giving the guests
the privilege of securing their meals In
the hotel or outside. Mr. Gaines has se
cured tho services of K. yueyrcl, a well
known caterer, to take charge of the
dlnlntT room and restaurant. Ho has In
stalled a system of club break fasts, lunch
eons and dinners at popular prices.
When You Wah Your
Hair Don't Use Soap
Most soaps and prepared shampoos con- j
tain too much alkali, which is very in
jurious, as It dries the eealp and makes
the hslr brittle.
The best thing to use Is Just plsln mul
slflod cocoanut oil. for thla Is pwo and
entirely greaseless. Ifa very cheap, and
beat soap or anything ele all to pieces
You can get thla at any drug store, and
a few ounces will last the whole family
for montna.
Simply moisten the hair with water and
rub It in. about a teaspoonful Is all that
is required. It makes an abundance of
rich, ereamy lather, cleanaea thoroughly,
and rinses out esally. Tha hair dries
quickly and evenly, and la soft, fresh
looking, brlrht. fluffy, wavy and easv
to handle. BeMdea. It loosens and takes
out every partlcl f du,t mrt ni d,n"
druff. Advert Inement.
an . J :: .- - . . ' - s - ' s w
8 t '-'.? JtoHaWall1'-: ' '
Jj lMlaaWlVlJigaiia ja gsaa..W4MrUeto J
fl ft
Plack to Run for
Go ernor to Save
I;emocratic Party
lix-Kiato Senator K. K. Plscek Of
AVaho.i Is.n possibility In the democratic
jace for tho governorship of Nebraska j
next fall.
This is what hi friends In Omaha say. I
He was' 111' .Omaha omy a few days ago
and diditoino enthusiastic talking to his .
friends on the subject. It could hardly I
bei said that he is In the hands of hla ,
friends In tho matter, for he Is quoted aa !
having said his candidacy would be tha (
salvatlm of the democratic party in ina
"Yts, sir," he is tjuoted as saying, "I
have traveled all over the state in tha
last few weeks, mid have been feeling
the pulse. I have about decided that the
only salvation of the democratic party
In the atnte Is for mt to be a candidate
for governor. I have talked to Phil
Cole, who has len mentioned as a candi
date, and I nm aatlsrivd that he would
be WlllInK to dtep down In favor of me."
Kugel May Ask the !
Auto Club to Help j
Stop the Speeders
.Superintendent Kugel of tha police de
partment may call upon membera of the '
Omaha Automobile club to serve aa vol-
unteer trafMc cops to apprehend automo- (
hiUsts who speed by school buildings. 1
A letter from tho club to Mr. Kugel
expresses solicitude for the walking pub
lic and offers co-operntion In matter of
stepping speeding near the achoola.
The situation at tho Farnam school has ;
ben particularly, aggravating.
Ta tha rablle.
. ' I feel thutl owe the manufacturers of
Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy a word of gratitude,"
writes Mrs. T. N. Wltherall, Gowanda.
N. Y. "When f began takln this medi
cine I was in great Pain and feeling ter
ilbly sick, due to an attack of summer
omplalnt. After taking a dose of it I
had not long to wait for relief as it
lnefited me almost Immediately." Ob
tainable every hene. All druggists. Advertisement.
New Jitney Law is
Passed by Council
" Another Jitney ordinance haa been
passed by tha city council.
The Jitney people made a hard fight
and were conceded much they were con
tending for.
I'nder the amended ordinance property I
liability haa been eliminated and devla- j
... .... ... W - II . . J
lion rrom regular rouiea win u "".
The bond has been fixed at,!!, for
Tart having capacity of four panesngers
besides tha driver, with t-W for each ad
ditional passenger. Tha maximum lia
bility for ena passenger Is I2.&C0 and for
on accident 110,000.
hsh Store Hours 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. M-
urge-ss-Nash Company.
'everybody's store"
Beautiful Exclusive Creations in Millinery
Offered Wednesday at Exactly Half Price
THEY were the show pieces for our Autumn Exposition und nt
Irncted the attention and admiration of hundreds who Baw them
- they have now served their purpose and we willingly clip the price
in half for a quick and immediate disposal.
1 The luats are the originations of such master milliners as JOSEPH,
present stvfles that are individual and distinctive only one of a kind
Exquisite creations that will appoul to you at fir?t glance.
This idea further:
Trimmed hats marked 25.00, Wednesday $12.50
Trimmed hats marked $30.O), Wednesday $15.00
Trimmed hats marked $n5.00, Wednesday $17.50
Trimmed hats(inarked $37.50, Wednesday $18.75
Trimmed hats marked $40.00. Wednesday $23.00
Trimmed hat- marked $45.00, Wednesday. $22.50
Trimmed hats marked $50.00, Wednesday $25.C0
Trimmed hats marked $.")7.W, Wednesday $28.50
Trimmed hat-" roarked $05.00. Wednesday $32.50
and so on throughout tho selection.
Bargssa-Kash Co. leeond floor.
Kn route to tho two Expoaltloni.
more enjoyable trip for the PALL or
WINTER can be Imagined. The Au
tumn months in Colorado are the
niOKt pleasant of - he entire year.
AGEMENT. Denver, Colo., for a act
of their five teautiful booklets,
FREE, entitled: "Summer Proltca la
the Hocktee," "One Day Scenic Trtpa
Into the Denver Mountain Parka and
Keeorta," "Denver and Colorado's
Mountain Parks and Reeorti." "Brt
Trips Into' the Rockies from Den ."
and "The Vacation Number of Den
ver Commerce." Postage Prepaid.
a remarkable
Sale of
Is scheduled for
Next Monday
See Sunday papers and win
dows for full particulars.
Again This Week Mrs.
Moulton and Her Staff
WiU Cut, Fit and Pin Free
any material you may buy
at 08c the yard or over.
The popularity of Mrs.
Moulton and her staff was so
great the past week that by
special request we have se
cured her for another wet'k.
Mrs. Moulton and staff aro
from tho famous Keistcr
frediool and are authorities
on garment construction.
ny consulting them you may
have an eitenslve Fall and Winter
wardrobe at very little expense.
If jou are planning any
These Full Room-Sized Royal Wilton Rugs
at $29.95 Are the Usual $40.00 Kind
THE product of a well known maker. Full room 8ze axi2 feet Royal Wilton rugs In a pleasing array
of new Oriental designs. Regular $4 0.00 valuta uneclallv nrioed Wednesday at $2tf.0B.
910.50 Velvet Kiitf. $12.00
Full room size, 0x12 feet mie, made of extra
heavy velvet In a splendid assortment of new pat
terns and colorings. The usual price would be
tl9.ft0, Wednesday at 12.00.
H27.50 Axmliister Rugs. 917.05
Extra heavy quality of Axnilnster In a beautiful
line of both Oriental and floral designs. Usually
127.50 special for Wednesday at 1 7.0ft.
$2.00 Axnilnster ltuH, $1.45
Axmlnster rugs, slse 27xC4 Jncbea, a splendid
line of colors to choose from. Regular $2.00 val
ues, specially priced Wednesday at 91.45.
$ I.BO Axmliuiter Rugs, 92.0.5
Size 36xf.8-lncU Axmlnster rugs In a wide selec
tion of the newest pattern and colorings. The usual
price would be $3.50, Wednesday, very special at
91.35 Haft R"K Wednesday at 90c
A large assortment of black and white Dixey rag
rugs, full sUe 27x54 Inches, made of good quality
clean black and white rags with white border and
fringed. The usual price would be $1.35, Wednes
day at 0
Royal Wilton Rugs Gretly Vnderpriced
Royal Wilton rugs, made of the best quality of
worsted yarns and the beat dye, a splendid selection
of Oriental patterns from which to choose, dull
able colorings for every room. This Idea:
Wilton Rues, 27x64 inches $4.76 values 91.25
Wilton Rue, oCxC3 inches, $4.75 values . .. . f l.-.l
Wilton Ruks, 2-3x0 feet, $12.00 values ....97.15
Wilton Rues, 2-3x12 feet. $14.00 values . . . .9-50
Wlltnn Rugs, 2-3x14 feet. $15.60 values .$10.60
Barrsss-Srasa Oo. Third It 001.
..II - f ; Jf
.'3 ,;i . ' .. ' . '
vV ...I.... . v .... . ,
f ... I
Material and Construction.
CeiTiimrrre ranges hare a polish
ed lilun aieel top which require
no blacklnv: they have the h ab
lest nf gray Iron castings flit d
with . ilii'ple'x -rates and a perfocl
flue construitlon; the ali
Ihroiighout are nianre of heavy
biue shert stpel of douhle thli-k-ni-as,
with heavy sshistos boa 1
Intt'iilnliis; they have the patented
Itravlty hlnre iloor supporteii ny
heavy nlcite'l hiaikPts and larr
oven wltlt thernometsr on the
iloor an.1 trimmed with the flnnst
nln nlrki'l, which niakea lt easy
Tsak 0 t'1'11'1 anu seep riean.
8ce onr complete Une nf
steel and ovst Iron rangva,
coxk stoves, gas ranged,
licat era and base burners.
On Legs or Flat Base
Priced from $29.00 to $60.00
See our beautiful three-room
home outfits, every- Cftl
thing complete, for V I
See our beautiful four-room
home outfits, every
thing complete, for. .
A i.t.. .......... l
llneil steel range with an extra
large fire bo. neavy linings
and fitted with dunlea grates
an1 a large oven, th- wsJIs nf
which are made of the heav
iest reinforced eteeli (A
our r-rlre
Turquoise Bluo Triplo Coated
White rmcd. seamless nnd in till the standard sizes.
sasgitSsiaJ2wD mjrf
No. t e
with enamel cover, our nrlce
Two-quart coffee pot with
enamel rover. oir price....
No. seamless Dnrlln kettle
with' enamel cover, our ones
Fourteen-nuart scaml'-ss dish
pan with han1le. one n'cs.
I'our-i.o.i , uojhle cooker Qlf
with enamel cover, our price W5
8camleis white lined self- T (n
basting rosatar. our price... I
Ons-ouart white lined dipper, C
our nrtoe wU
Twelve-quart white lined
water pall, our price
Plifti a n
' ' ' -
'Hi .ii in., i mi iiiw sjsiiiaiiinwiwn iff
'"a 'i i'STTT-a-'- ' " ' mrm"mmm"m "" ' "' '' ' sin mm mi
clothes whatever do not
consult Mrs. Moulton.
fail to
A LARGE assortment of high grade alumlnumware, Includ ng 8, 10
and 12-quart preservlni; keltles, 6 and s-qu
nana with rovera S i.tA S-tiuare krtllea with covers. A1
worth regularly 11.3 and 1 . very special for Wednssvl
Two Big Lots of Aluminumware Including
Values to $1.69, Wednesday 85c and $1
8, Includ ng 8, 10 ff m (fsf
art Berlin sauce UUp J P I
I flist qu! ty and ii-ll UIIU I
ilay at, WW JL
Housefurnishing "Specials"
Mason fruit jars, quarts,
dozen .38?
Mflson fruit jar rubbers,
l(e values, dozen 7?
Mason fruit jar nijm por
celain lined, values
dczen 15c
argesa-Vash Co. aasemeat.
ssBurgess-Naih Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Haxneyii
Tin fruit cans, lijrht seal
ini? rovers, .35e values, at,
dozen HOC
Sealing wax, 50 bars, for . .-J
Wooden mixing spoons, three
lota, 10?, ISt and ...20
Jelly Strainers, fine mesh re
tinned wire, special at . .
Crystal Jelly
Crystal Jelly
strainers are
made of heavy
re-tinned wire, fit
ted with detachable
washable c I o t n,
very sanitary;
small slse, reg i
larly She. at B6c
larira slse, ru
larly Sc, at toe.
U.S.ptcnt orsict
Have It On Your Table
Wi.h Every Meal
and enjoy the bread
with a wholesome,
crisnv Goodness.
M. ay S
UEJBm There s an appetizing
Lforihuub.i freshness in
Tip-Top Bread
that makes every
tasty morsel better
than theonebefore.
5o and lOo at Your Grocers
X?'''' " ' J